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Chemistry Principles and Reactions SEVENTH EDITION William L Masterton Cecile N. Hurley Edward J. Neth Prepared by Maria Cecilia D.de Mesa Thomas D. McGrath - BROOKS/COLE ‘a> CENGAGE Learning? ‘Austria Bans opan= Hares Mesco» Singapore Spin «United Kingdom + Und States BROOKS/COLE CENGAGE Learning (© 2012 BrooksiCole, Congage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part ofthis work covered by he ‘copyright herein may be reproduced, trnsmiled, sored, oF ttsed in any form of by any moans graphic, electronic, or ‘mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, daizing, taping, Web distrouton, Information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, excopt as permitted under Section 107 of 108 ofthe 41076 United States Copyright Act, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher For product information and technology assistance, contac us at ‘Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 For permission to use materia om tis text or produc, submit ‘aequests online at www.cengage.comvpermissions Furth permissions questions ean be ematod fo Permissionrequast@congage.com Printed in the United States of America 1234567151413 1211 ISBN-13:978-1-111-57060-6 ISBN-10; 1-111-57060-4 BrooksiCole 20 Davis Brive Belmont, CA 94002-3098 usa Cengage Learning is ateading provider of customized learning solutions with office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Bran, and Japan. Locate your local office at weewcongage.comiglobal ‘Cengage Learning products are represented in (Canada by Nelson Education, Lid ‘Toleam mare about Brooks/Col warw.congage.com/brookscole vst Purchase any of our products at your local college store or at our proterredoniine store \www:cengagebrain.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 ‘Matter and Measurements... Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions .... Chapter 3 Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry. Chapter 4 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Chapter 5 Gases. Chapter 6 Electronic Structure and the Periodic Table... Chapter 7 Covalent Bonding Chapter 8 Thermochemistry 1... Chapter 9 Liquids and Solids so Chapter 10 Solutions. Chapter 11 Rate of Reaction... . 287 331 Chapter 12 Gaseous Chemical Equilibrium. Chapter 13 Acids and Bases... Chapter 14 Equilibria in Acid-Base Solutions... Chapter 15 Complex lon and Precipitation Equilibria. Chapter 16 Spontaneity of Reaction 369 397 1 ABB 475 Chapter 17 Electrochemistry... 545 (©2012 Cengage Ling. Al Rights Reseed. May ot be cane, coped or pit or poto publ aecsbe web a whole orn pn —7 Chapter 18 Nuclear Reactions Chapter 19 Complex fons... Chapter 20 Chemistry of the Metals. Chapter 21 Chemistry of Nonmetals.. Chapter 22 Organic Chemistry. 619 Chapter 23 Organic Polymers, Natural and Synthetic... ©2012 Ceaage Leaning AD Rips Resered May ot estan copied or dpe or otto publi arcesbe west a whole orn par. MATTER AND MEASUREMENTS kod 2. Use the flow chart in Figure 1.1 as guide. {a) Gold is an element (©) Sugar is a compound (b) Milk is a mixture (d) Vinaigrette dressing with herbs is a mixture 4. Use the flow chart in Figure 1.1 as guide. {@) Iron ore is a heterogeneous mixture. (b) Chicken noodle soup is a heterogeneous mixture. (c) Tears are a homogeneous mixture or solution. 6. (a) Amixture.of the volatile gases propane, butane and isopropane can be separated by chromatography. (b) Rubbing alcohol is a homogeneous mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water. These two ‘components can be separated either by distillation or by chromatography. 8. (a) copper - Cu (c) bromine - Br (b) carbon -¢ (d) aluminum — At 10. (a) Cr chromium (c) Fe -iron (b) Ca — calcium (4) Zn — zine eM 12. (a) Use a thermometer to determine the temperature. Knowing the temperature helps you decide whether you need to turn on the air conditioner or not. (b) Use a yard stick or tape measure to measure the width of the dresser. (c) Use a weighing scale or balance to know if you gained weight at the last picnic. 14. Use Example 1.1 as guide. Strategy: *F > °C > K Convert 350°F to “C: = 1.Bte +32" 1.8 tec + 32° 350°F - 32° 38°F +1.8 177°C (©2012 Cengage Lessing Al Rpts Reserve. May note sand copies or ott pid cst west whe orn pr Chapter 1 ‘The number 1.8 is exact, hence does not limit the number of significant figures. The final operation is division and the least number of significant figures among the quantities is 3 thus the final answer should have three (3) significant figures. Convert from *C to K: Ta te + 273.15 T= 177°C + 273.15 = 450 K = 4.50 x 107K The operation is addition so the answer should have the same number of decimal places (or decimal digits) as the measurement with the least number of decimal places. The measurement, 177°C has no decimal digit while 273.15 have 2; the answer should have no decimal digit. 350°F = 177" 50 x 10? K 16. Use Example 1:1 as guide. Strategy: KC 'F Convert 308 K to °C. Convert 35°C to “F. te + 273.15 te = 1.8t¢ +32" te + 273.15 te = 1,8(35°C) + 32°= 95°F 308 K ~ 273.15 = 35°C 308K = 35°C = 95°F 1.2 MEASUREMENTS: | Significant Figures 18. (a) 0.136m Three (3) significant figures. Zeros before a decimal point are not significant. (b) 0.0001050g Four (4) significant figures. Zeros after the decimal point but before a non-zero digit are not significant because they just indicate the position of the decimal point. (c) 2.700 x 10° nm_ Four (4) significant figures. Zeros after the decimal point and after a ign non-zero digit are significant. (d) 6x 104L One (1) significant figure. Non-zero digits are significant. (e) 56003 cm? Five (5) significant figures. Zeros between two non-zero digits are significant. (©2012 Cengge Lering, Al Rights Reser May note sxe copier duped or ose a publicly ces ween whole on par Matter and Measurements 20. (a) 17.25 em (c) 5.00 x 10? °C (b) 169 tb (d) 198 oz 22. Scientific Notation (a) 4020.6 mL = 4.0206 x 10° mL (b) 1.006 g This is already in proper scientific notation. (c) 100.1°C 1,001 x 107°C 24, (a) Temperature is a measured quantity and carries with it a degree of uncertainty. The temperature reading, 72°F is therefore not exact. (b) Values or numbers obtained by counting are exact numbers. Since the numbers in 6 99s, 2 cookies and 5 tomatoes are obtained by counting, these numbers are exact. (c)_In the statement “There are 1 x 10° nanometers in 1 meter.” the values are not. measured quantities but are from definition. Numbers obtained from definition are exact, therefore these numbers are exact. 26. The quantity, 5 bedrooms is a result of counting and is therefore exact. The area of 4000 ft? is ambiguous. ‘The quantity, 17 ft has 2 significant figures and the length 18.5 has 3 significant figures because they are both measured quantities and carry a degree of uncertainty. 2.63 28. (a) x 4115.7 = 116.2 4.982 The answer should have one decimal place only. (b) x= 13.2 + 1468 + 0.04 = 1481 The least number of decimal place is zero (1468 has no decimal digit) thus, the answer should have no decimal digit. 240.127 +459 _ 461 oo os ‘The last operatioi is division. The least number of significant figures is 2; therefore the answer should have 2 significant figures. 12.00-/4.32+4(0.29) 9.66 QQ. 1005.7 © 1005.7 = 9.60 x 107 The last operation is division, The least number of significant figures is 3; therefore the answer should have 3 significant figures. (©2012 Congnge Lean. Al igs Rese May ot cane ope or piso pda pull ase wesie, ia mine in pat Chapter 1 (6.022 x 10) (129.58 x10") _ 7.803 x10" 45x10" “4.5 x10 (e) x= 1.7x10° 30. volume of cylinder = ar?h (3.1416) (2.500 cm)? (1.20 cm) = 23.6 cm? (8.1416) (2.497 cm)? (1.22 cm) = 23.9 cm* Student 1: volume of cylinder Student 2: volume of cylinder difference in the calculated volumes = 23.9 cm? — 23.6 cm? = 0:3 cm? POE econ 32. To compare the given quantities, they have to be in the same unit of measurement. Convert one of the numbers to the unit of the other. Once the numbers are expressed in common units, they can be compared directly. 1kg (a) 37-42. oH = 0.03712 kgs thus, 37.42. 9< 0.3712 kg 9 (b) 28m? x( eu ) =28x105 cm?; thus, 28 407 m 2 (©) 525mm x OM 1AM 595108 nm; Imm ~ 10%m thus, 525 mm_= 525 x 10° nm 34, (a) Strategy: in > cm—> m—> nm 254m 107m. _tnm 1682 in x x an tin icm 10° m .272 x 10"? nm (b) Strategy: in > cm—> m—> km—> mi 254cm 10% m . tkm mi Gees tem 10? m”1.609km (©2012 Cengage Lessing. Al Rpts Reser May ot be ane copa dpi er potelto a publ accesle west ja wine tia pa Matter and Measurements (©) 1682 in x a SM _ 4272em ie oe 36. (a) Strategy: nautical mi > ft > mi 6076.12 ft Imi 1 nautical mix 0076-42 ft nautical m7 nautical mi “ 5280 ft 1.15078 mi The answer should have 6 significant figures. The distance is given as an exact number and 5280 is an exact number. The number of significant figures is constrained by the first conversion factor, 6076.12 ft (6 significant figures). (b) Strategy: nautical mi + ft > mio km > m i 2 4 nautical mix 6076-12 ft__tmi_, 1.609km, 10m Tnauticalmi 5280ft/ imi tkm ‘The answer should have 4 significant figures. The distance is given as an exact ‘number and 5280 is an exact number. The number of significant figures is constrained by the first conversion factor, 6076.12 ft (6 significant figures) and by” the third conversion factor, 1.609 (4 significant figures), the least of which is 4 significant figures. Thus the answer should have 4 significant figures. (c) Strategy: knots > nautical mi/h > mi/h Anautical mish 1.15078 mi Wknots x HSUeIcs min, teem Tknot T nautical mi 5 mi/h= 25 mph ‘The answer should have 2 significant figures. The given, 22 knots has 2 significant figures. The first conversion factor is an exact number, while the second (from part 36(a) above) has 6 significant figures. Since the operation involved is multiplication and division, the answer should have the least number of significant figures among the quantities which is 2. 38. (a) cost of unleaded gasoline in USD per gallon: Strategy: gal gasoline > qt gasoline > L gasoline > pesos > USD t gatx4at,,_1L 38.46 pesos, _1 USD Tgal1.057qt” 1L 47.15 pesos 3.09 USD Therefore, 1 gallon of gasoline costs $3.09. (02012 Cengage Leaming Al igh Reserved May not ame, cope or pid or psd io place website, a wine in prt. Chapter 1 (b) cost of unleaded gasoline in USD for a 14 US gallon tank: Strategy: 14 gal gasoline -> qt gasoline -» L gasoline -» pesos -» USD 14 galx At, 1, 38-46pesos,, _1USD_ 43 usp gal ae 47.15 pesos {c) miles driven by 1255 pesos worth of unleaded gasoline if the car runs 24 miles per gallon: Strategy: pesos -> L gasoline -> qt gasoline -> gal gasoline => mi 1L 1.057 at, 1gal 24 mi —— —— = 2.110% mi 38.46pesos. IL 4 qt” tgal aaa 1255 pesos x 40. g cholesterol/mL blood: a 3 185mg cholesterol 10° 8 10 dL 10° L 4 95 10> g/mt. 1dL blood mg tL tmb 42. cost of silver in the Liberty dollar in August 2009: Strategy: mass of coin — mass of silver -> cost of silver in coin 40 gsilver 0.03527 oz Wogcoin 18 oz -36USD Ls 4ysy 26.7 gcoinx. Since the amount of silver in the Liberty dollar is worth $5.40, the Liberty dollar has more value as a source of silver than as medium of currency. 44, Strategy: tablet > grains > lb > g—> mg neredi 5.000 grains 1b 453.68, 1 me dient = 1 tablet x ————=—— x ——_~____-x. x: mg active ingredient = Wtabletx Tablet “5,760«10°grains 11D “107g = 393.8 mg active ingredient (©2012 Cengge Lesmiog Al Rights Resend. May ot be ane copia dpi esto publi ecesle west a whole oa par. Matter and Measurements Pak MLN ea rie ea Renee ace 46. (a) To find the density of the ice, calculate first the volume of the ice cube then substitute this calculated volume and the given mass into the density formula. volumesce cine = (2.00 in)? = 8.00 in? mass _ 1.20 x10°g volume 8.00 in’ 1 in? density of the ice = (b) volume of water when ice cube melts: mass _1.20x10°g volume =—T255_ density 1.00 g/mL 1.20 x 10% mL 48. The volume of irregularly shaped water-insoluble objects is determined by water displacement. The volume of water displaced corresponds to the volume of the object. As illustrated below, addition of the 11.33 g solid to the graduated cylinder containing water changed the volume from 35.0 mL to 42.3 corresponding to a change of 7.3 mL. This means that the volume of the object is 7.3 mL. CO volume of object = 42.3 mL - 35.0 mL = 7.3 mL. som. fF [7?™ 11.33 5.0 , : 33g if the object = 1.6 g/mL density ofthe object = 1-238 = 1.6 g/m —_ 50. The first step in solving this problem is to find the volume of the aluminum wire in m: The volume can be determined by converting the given mass of the wire to volume usit density as conversion factor. The calculated volume of the wire will be used to determine the length of the 10-lb spool aluminum wire. volume of the aluminum wire in m’ Strategy: b> g + cm? > m? mass 453.6. 1cm? =101b density “Tb “2.708 “70° em volume 1.710? m* radius of the wire in m: Strategy: in cm > m (©2012 Ceage Lessing. Al Rights Reseed. May sot be sand copied edule, or ted suit accexbe web n whole orn pat. Chapter 1 diameter 2 Note: radius = =1.03 x10° m length of the wire: volumecjinder = a17¢ where ¢ is the length and r is the radius of the wire volume ___1.7x10? m? ar? 3.1416 (1.03 x10? m)* length = 5.10 x 10° m 52. The mass of the gasoline in a tank can be calculated from the volume of the gasoline and its density. grams of gasoline in a 14.0 gal full tank: Strategy: gal + qt > L + m'> kg > g 4qt. 1b im 732.22 kg 10° 14.0 galx4%,_1h _, tm’ , 732.22 kg, 10°8 _ 5 96 x 108 Bal real TOSTaq IDL” tm tkg SeSx TOS pounds of gasoline in a 14.0 gal full tank: Strategy: gal > qt > L > m’> kg > lb gt 1b tm 732.22kg tb 14.0 gal x —— x ———— x ——__ x "SS x —_____.. = 85.5 Ib Sal seal 1.057 qt 10°L im?” 0.4536kg 54, The amount of potassium sulfate dissolved in a saturated solution is equal to its solubility. If the amount is less than its solubility, it is an unsaturated solution and if the amount is greater than its solubility, it is a supersaturated solution. Using the solubility of potassium sulfate as conversion factor, the mass of potassium sulfate that would dissolve in 225 g water at 40°C can be obtained. 15 gpotassium sulfate 225g waterx hee 100 g water =34 gpotassium sulfate (©2012 Ceogge Leming, Al Res Reserved. May nol be an epi dpe or ted toa pai accenibe webs, a whole ria part + Matter and Measurements Since 225 g water will ONLY dissolve 34 g potassium sulfate, yet the solution contains 39.0 potassium sulfate, the solution is a supersaturated solution because it contains an ‘amount greater than the solubility. The difference between the amount of potassium sulfate dissolved in the supersaturated solution and the maximum amount that dissolves (solubility) is expected to crystallize out of solution. 39g-34g=5g Therefore, 5 g is expected to crystallize out of the solution: 56. (a) The mixture is homogeneous if the amount of magnesium chloride dissolved is less than or equal to the solubility. If the amount is greater than its solubility then it is a heterogeneous mixture, Determine the maximum amount of magnesium chloride that will dissolve in 38.2 g water using solubility as conversion factor. Solubility of magnesium chloride at 20°C = 54.6 g/100 g water 54.6 g magnesium chloride 38.2 g water: : * 100 g water 10.9 g magnesium chloride Since the maximum amount of magnesium chloride that the 38.2 g water can dissolve is 20.9 g and only 16.2 g was placed in it, all 16.2 g is completely dissolved. It is a homogeneous mixture. To make a saturated solution at 20°C, 4.7 g more of magnesium chloride should be added. 20.9 g - 16.2. ¢= 4.7 more (b) Find the maximum amount of magnesium chloride that will dissolve in 38.2 g water at 80°C using solubility as conversion factor. Solubility of magnesium chloride at 80°C = 66.1 g/100 g water 66.1g magnesium chloride 38.2 g wat ee 100 g water =25.3 gmagnesiumchloride To make a saturated solution at 80°C, the mixture should have 25.3 g magnesium chloride. Thus, 9.1 g more of magnesium chloride should be added. 25.3 g- 16.2 g = 9.1 more (©2012.CengageLexing A Rips Reseed. May et be sean copidordplnt or oid pid accesible wes n whole Sapa Chapter 1 Cees 58. (a) physical property (b) chemical property (c) physical property (d) physical property 60. To find the amount a student spends on a year’s supply of gourmet coffee, follow the following: Strategy: year» days—> cups of coffee > gcoffee — tb coffee > $ spent ty 305d, 3cupscoffee, 9.0gcoffeebeans, 1Ib_, $10.65 yey 1d Tcupcoffee 453.68" 1b $2.3 x 10? 62. To calculate the thickness (or height) of the foil in inches: i) find volume of the aluminum foil using the density as conversion factor; ii) determine the area of the foil and iii) use the calculated volume and area to find the thickness of the aluminum foil. Volume of the aluminum foil: Strategy: kg > g > cm? — in? 40° g tem? (1 in)? = 19 in? Tkg “2.70 (2.54 cmp VOluMesumaum fot = 0.83 kx: Area of the aluminum foil: dimension of the foil: width of the foil = 12 inches length of the foil = 6634 or 66.67 yd 3ft 12in Area = 12 inx66. 2.9% rea = 12 in 66.67 Yb Gx Thickness or height of the aluminum foil derived from the formula: "volume = area x height volume ___19in? thickness or height = Soran : area 2.9x10* in? x10~in 10 (©2012 Cengage Leming Al Ris Reserved May nt sand copie dope cr pote oa pally aces web a whole op. Matter and Measurements 64, The following steps are used to calculate the density of the alloy: i) Find volume of pycnometer = volume of water that fills the pycnometer mass of water = (mass pycnometer + water) — (mass of pycnometer) = 31.486g - 20.455 g = 11.031 g water Amt 1.00g volume of pycnometer = 11.031 g x = 11.0 mL ii) Find volume of alloy = volume of water displaced by the alloy mass of water = (mass pycnometer + water + alloy) ~ (mass of pycnometer + alloy) = 38.689 g - 28.695 g = 9.994 g water in pycnometer not displaced by the alloy 4mL volume of water not displaced = 9.994 g x = 9.99 mL volume of alloy = volume water displaced = 11.0 mL - 9.99 mL =.1.0 mL. iii) Calculate the mass of the alloy. mass of allo} (mass pycnometer + alloy) ~ (mass of pycnometer) = 28.695g - 20.455 g = 8.240 g alloy iv) Find density of alloy using the calculated volume and the calculated mass of the alloy. mass _ 8.240 volume 1.0mL density of the alloy = = 8.2 g/mL nu ©2012 Cengage Leung Aliph Reseed. May nt ese copied or pits or past io publil accesible wes, n whole rin pat Chapter 1 ea ee en 66. (a) density is mass per unit volume; solubi grams of solvent. can be expressed as mass per one hundred (b) a compound contains two or more elements chemically combined in fixed proportion by mass. (©) a solution is a homogeneous mixture of uniform composition. 68. When sugar is dissolved in water, it increases the mass of the solution without changing the volume appreciably resulting in a higher solution density. 70. Three (3) significant figures. The length of the line is: 26.15 ~ 24.25 = 1.90 72. (a) A (b) at about 23°C (c) No, an increase in temperature does not always increase the solubility of a compound. As shown in the graph for A, the solubility of is higher at lower temperature. Nae 73. The general relation between *F and"C is expressed by the following equation: t= 1.8(¢-<) +32 (equation 1) the point in which temperature in °F is exactly twice the °C reading is expressed by equation 2: tr= td (equation 2) substitute equation 2 into equation 1: 2toc) = 1.B(tec) + 32 (tec) ~ 1.8(tec) = 32 0.2(tec) = 32 (toc) = 32/0.2 tec = 160°C When toc = 160°C, top = 1.8(160") + 32 = 320°F 160°C = 320°F 2 (©2012 Ceaige Leaning Al Rights Revered. May ot eae copa or depict or osteo a pull accesible webs, a whole rin pat. Matter and Measurements 74, The first step in solving this problem requires conversion of the volume (gal) to km?, Use this volume to find the area covered knowing that the thickness or depth of the film formed by oil is 100 nm. Volume: convert gal to km’. Strategy: gal > qt > in? > m} > km* Aqt 57.75in? (1m) (1km)* 31.5 gal x 9g PEE OT 5 MEY 21.19 x 10 ke? BUNT gal qt *(9.37 in)? «(10 my? Thickness or depth: convert nm to km. Strategy: nm + m + km 1m 100 nmx. 75. To determine the length of the wire needed in the experiment, follow the following steps: i) calculate the volume of Al wire needed using the density of the wire as the conversion factor; ii) find the radius of the wire and ii) using the calculated volume and radius substituted in the formula for the volume of a cylinder, determine the length of the wire. i) volume of Al wire 1cm?* 2.708 12.0 gx ii) radius of the Al wire in cm 0.200 in 54 cm = x = 0.254 2 Tin 7 iii) length (2 of the Al wire in cm Venre . 4.44 cm aan (3.1416) (0.254 cm)? B {©2012 Cengage Leng. AIL Rights Reseed. May tbe sand copious or ted os publi accesible west ia whole np Chapter 1 76. The mass of lead absorbed in 1 year can be determined using the following steps (i) calculate the volume of air that an average adult breathes in 1 year; (ii) find the mass of lead in air if accumulated in 1 year; and (iii) determine the mass of léad absorbed in the lungs assuming that only 50% of the 75% of the lead in the air is absorbed. i) volume of air an average adult breathes in 1 year 3 8.50 x10" L365 daYS «3 49 10° L air/year day tyear ii) mass of lead in air in 1 year 3.10 x 10° Lair. 1m? 7.0 x10 gPb tyear 10°L 1m air = 2.17 x 10” g Pb/year iti) mass of lead in the lungs assuming that only 50% of the 75% of lead in the air is absorbed 2.47 X10" 8 9.7530.5 = 8.1 x 107 g Pb/year 1 year i (©2012 Cenege Leaning. All Rigs Reserved. May not beac, copil edged or posto publi acces web, a whole rin pat lalla ATOMS, MOLECULES, AND IONS SEP Ree mss Cee ear eed 2. The law of constant composition states that the ratio of the masses of elements in a compound is constant. For example, different samples of water will have the same mass ratio of hydrogen to oxygen. 4. (a) Law of Conservation of Mass (b) Neither of the two laws is illustrated by this statement. (©) Law of Constant Composition Ome 6. Rutherford discovered the nucleus. His experiment involved alpha (a) particles which are massive and positively charged. He fired a-particles at a thin sheet of gold foil. He expected all the a-particles to pass through the foil unhindered. Indeed, most of the particles pass through the foil without any change in direction, but a few of them were deflected at acute angles and a very small percentage bounced back. From this observation he concluded that most of the atom is empty space because most of the alpha particles pass through undeflected. He also concluded that the atom has a tiny nucleus which is highly massive and positively charged which caused a few of the a-particles to be deflected and to bounce back. 2,3 QUANTITATIVE PROPERTIES OF THE ATOM: Nuclear Symbols and Isotopes 8. These problems are similar to example 2.1 Mass number (A) Y-9 = number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons ; Atomic number (Z) = 39; Mass.Number (A) = 90 (a) atomic number = number of protons = 39 (b) number of netitrons = A-Z number of neutrons = 90-39 = 54, (c) nuclear symbol: BY . 6 (©2012 Cengage Lening A Rpts Reseed. May at be xan copied or dpsed or otto pully seestbe west a whole or np Chapter 2 10, These problems are similar to example 2.1 ‘Mass number (A) = number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons Fe; Atomic number (Z) = 26 = 26 protons (a) nuclear symbol for Fe-54: SFe nuclear symbol for Fe-56: 3{Fe (b) The two isotopes differ in the number of neutrons. Fe-54 has 28 neutrons whereas Fe- 56 has 30 neutrons. Fe-54: number of neutrons = A -Z = 54-26 = 28 neutrons Fe-56: number of neutrons = A ~Z = 56 - 26 = 30 neutrons 12. Mass number (A) = number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons Am: Atomic number (Z) = 95=95 protons” (a) Since the Am atom given in this problem is neutral (no charge), then the number of + particles (protons) is equal to the number of - particles (electrons). atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons = 95. (b) Mass number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons = 95 + 146 = 241 (c) nuclear symbol: “4m 14, Elements are identified by their atomic number, Z. Element identity of | Number.of | Number of | Number of Representation | the Element | protons neutrons | electrons @ A-Z a Ba | arsenic, As 3 75-33 = 42 3 U BL | vanadium, V 23 51-23 = 28 23 Z iz | Xenon, Xe 54° (1391-54577 54 6 (©2012 Cenage Leming. Al Rigs Reserv May not be xae copied depts ot poste pac ees west a whole oa par. Atoms, Molecules, and lons 16. Isobars are nuclei which have the same mass number but different atomic numbers. The nuclear symbol of boron-12 is "2B. (a) The isobar of boron-12 with Z=6 is C. Its nuclear symbol is "2C. (b) A nucteus with 4 protons is Be. Mass number (A) = Z + number of neutrons = 4 + 8 = 12. A nucleus with 4 protons and 8 neutrons is an isobar of boron-12 because they have the same mass number. The nuclear symbol of this isobar of boron-12 is "Be. (c) Anucleus with 5 protons is B. ‘Mass number (A) = Z + number of neutrons = 5+ 6 = 11. A nucleus with 5 protons and 6 neutrons {s an isotope of boron-12 because they have the same atomic number. The nuclear symbol of this isotope of boron-12 is "$B. Naa pk ear CGE eu eee eared 18. Determine the masses of each of the following and then arrange in order of increasing ‘mass. The average atomic mass can be obtained from the periodic table. (a) sodium ion: 22.99 amu (b) selenium atom: 78.96 amu (c) sulfur (Ss) molecule: 8 x 32.07 = 256.56 amu (d) scandium atom: 44.96 amu In terms of increasing mass: sodium ion < scandium atom < sélenium atom < sulfur (Sz) molecule ave mass (amu) 22.99. 44.96 78.96 256.56 20. To answer this problem, compare the masses of the three isotopes of O with the atomic mass of oxygen listed in the periodic table (inside front cover of the textbook). Among the three isotopes: 0-16 (15.9949 amu), 0-17 (16.9993 amu), and 0-18 (17.9992 amu), the closest to the atomic mass of oxygen, 16.00 amu, is that of 0-16, This information suggests that among the three isotopes, the most abundant is 0-16. 7 192012 CongageLening. AI Righs Reserved, May ot be eae, cope ot pict o posted a pblily ase nebi, awn in put Chapter 2 2. 24, 26. ‘The percent abundance of *’Rb can be estimated to be (b) 25%. To approximate the % abundance: Compare the difference between the atomic mass of each isotope with the average atomic mass of rubidium, 85.47amu (see periodic table in the inside front cover of the textbook). “Rb (84.9118 amu) is only 0.56 amu away from the average atomic mass of Rb (85.47). On the other hand, ®’Rb (86.9092 amu) is 1.44 amu away from the average atomic mass of Rb. A comparison of the difference suggests that "Rb is about 75% closer to the average atomic mass while "Rb is about 25% closer. The average atomic mass of Si can be calculated using the formula presented the textbook, equation 2.1. 92.34 4.70 2.96 f Si = 27.5 3. 422) +29.974 amu| <> ave atomic mass of Si 27.917 amu fan ) «28.977 amu( 439) amu (232) 25.83 amu + 1.36 amu + 0.887 amu 28.08 amu This problem is similar to example 2.2. The atomic mass of the second isotope can be calculated using the formula presented the textbook, equation 2.1. The atomic mass of Cu (63.55 amu) can be obtained from the periodic table (see inside front cover of the textbook). Since there are only 2 Cu isotopes and one of them, “Cu has a percent abundance of 69.17%, then the other has a percent abundance of: 100 ~ 69.17 = 30.83% Let x = atomic mass of second isotope 69.17 30.83 cx9is ams (237). (2282) essa 43.5284 amu + 0.3083x = 63.55 amu 0.3083x = 63.55 ~ 43.5284 0.3083x = 20.02 x = 20.02/0.3083 = 64.94 amu atomic mass of second isotope = 64.94 amu The nuclear symbol of the second isotope is $§Cu 8 (©2012 Cengage Lenming, Al Rights Reserved May tbe sen, oped or piso sted publ acesle west, in wine in pu. 28. 30. Atoms, Molecules, and fons The percent abundances of the other two isotopes of magnesium can be calculated using the formula presented the textbook, equation 2.1. The atomic mass of Mg (24.30 amu) can be obtained from the periodic table (see inside front cover of the textbook). Since there are 3 isotopes and one of them (24.9858 amu) has a percent abundance of 10.00%, then the sum of the abundances the other two is equal to 90.00% 100 - 10.00 = 90.00% Let x = percerit abundance of lightest isotope 90.00 - x = percent abundance of heaviest isotope 23.9850 amu{ 424.9858 amu (10-00 100. 100 } 25.9826 amu (2% =*) 24.30 amu 100 0,239850x + 2.499 + 23.38 — 0.2598x = 24.30 0.239850x — 0,2598x = 24,30 ~ 2.499 - 23.38 = 0.01995x =~ 1.58 x =-1.58/-0.019976 x = 79.0% percent abundance of lightest isotope = % Percent abundance of heaviest isotope = 90.00 - x = 90.00 - 79.0 = 1% Assuming there is only one H isotope, and that there are two Cl isotopes: Cl-35 and Cl-37, {a) there are 2 types of HCl molecule: HCI-35 and HCI-37 (b) sum of the mass numbers of the two atoms in each molecule: HCL-35: 1 +35 HCL-37: (c)_ mass spectrum for HCL a Mass (am) 9 (©2012 Cogn Lening Al Righs Reserved, May ot be sane, cope or dpi opted blastn, a wine in pat Chapter 2 EMU aap smear ‘Masses of Individual Atoms; Avogadro’s Number 32. This problem is similar to example 2.3 in the textbook. As described in the textbook, if a sample has a mass in grams numerically equal to the atomic mass of the element, it would have Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 10”) of atoms. ‘Ag has an atomic mass of 107,87 amu. Thus, 107.87 g Ag contain Avogadro's number of Ag atoms (6,022 x 10”). allowed exposure to Ag in air in a 40-hr week! 1 x 10% g Ag/L. allowed exposure to Ag in air in a 40-hr week in terms of atoms Ag/L: = 2 1x10%g Ag_, 6.022 x10" atoms AB _ 6 x 109 atoms Ag/L aL 107.87 g Ag. 34, This problem is similar to example 2.3 in the textbook. Platinum: atomic number = 78 = number of protons 1 Pt atom has 78 protons. 7ap* . toPtatoms x 8?" 780 p (2) 10 PLatoms * Tee atom (b) As described in the textbook, if a sample has a mais in grams numerically equal to the atomic mass of the element, it would have Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 10") of atoms. 6.022 x10” Ptatoms | _ 78 p* 10g x 8p" e 195.078 gPt 7Ptatom = 2.408 x 10% p* 36. Yttrium, Y-90: Atomic Number = 39 mass number (A) = number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons 1 atom of Y-90: number of neutrons = A-Z= 90-39 = 51 Note that atomic, mass, proton, neutron and electron numbers are exact numbers. (a) 25 atoms *y x21, neUtrons . 4275 neutrons 1 ®Y atom 6.02210 atoms *Y | 51 neutrons b) 107 g PY x x a 88.913 °Y 1 Y atom 5 x 10“ neutrons 20 (©2012 Cengige Laing, Al Rights Rete, May note scanned, oped or pica post toa places webu, in whole or inp. Atoms, Molecules, and fons 38. Follow the following steps to solve this problem: (i) convert all dimension to a common unit, cm; (ii) find the volume of the cylinder using the formula V=ar7h; (iii) convert the calculated volume to mass (g) using density as conversion factor then convert the calculated mass to number of atoms using Avogadro’s number as conversion factor. (i) convert all dimension to a common unit, cm: diameter = 15cm diameter _1.15cm radius = —"S 7 height = 4.00 inx—=="™ = 10.2cm (ii) find the volume of the cylinder using the formula V=27h Veat7h = 3.1416 x (0.575 cm)? x 10.2 cm = 10.6 cm? (iii) calculate the number of atoms: Strategy: volume -> g -> number of atoms 8.928, 6.022 x10” Cuatoms 1 cm 63.55g 10.6 cm’ x = 8.96 x 10” Cu atoms EEE aaa Rey 40. You can find the symbol and the name of the elements in the table presented in the inside back cover of the textbook. symbol name of element f@ s sulfur (b) Sc scandium () Se selenium (d) Si silicon (b) Sr strontium {©2012 Cengage Laming All Righs Reserved. syste saned cpio dole ooo a pubic accesible west whoo par. a Chapter 2 42. For the classification of the elements, see section 2.4 and Figure 2.8, symbol classification (@) s . nonmetal (b) sc transition metal (c) Se nonmetal (@ si metalloid (b) sr main group metal 44, See the periodic table in Figuré 2.8. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods. The periods are numbered from top to bottom. The first period consists of hydrogen and helium. . {a) The second period is the-horizontal row beginning with Li and ending with Ne. Bisa metalloid. The two elements to the left of B are metals; the five to the right of B (C, N, O, F, and Ne) are nonmetals. Therefore, there are 5 nonmetals in period 2. (b) The fourth period is the horizontal row beginning with K and ending with Kr. Ge and As are metalloids. The 13 elements to the left of the metalloids are metals while the three to the right (Se, Br, and Kr) are nonmetals. Therefore, there are 3 nonmetals in period (c) The sixth period is the horizontal row beginning with Cs and ending with Rn. The 30 elements to the left of the thick black line (Cs to Po) are metals, the two to the right (At and Rn) are the nonmetals. Therefore, there are 2 nonmetals in period 6. 46. See the periodic table in the inside front cover of the textbook. A period is a horizontal row, numbered from top to bottom. (@) Period 4 (first period) has no metals; it consists of hydrogen and helium. (b) Period 7, which begins with Fr, has no nonmetals (so long as you don’t count element 118). (©) Period 4 has one post-transition metal, Ga, and two metalloids, Ge and As. DEEP Or none 48. For this problem you may also see example 2.4 for molecular formula, ‘As discussed in the textbook, a condensed structural formula suggests both the bonding pattern and the reactive group of atoms (also known as functional group) present in a molecule. 2 ©2012 Cengage Levin, Al Rigs Reserved May it be cae, cope or dpa o pte opel acesible wes, in wie rin ps. Atoms, Molecules, and fons To write the condensed structural formula, write the formula of the highlighted portion (reactive groups) separate from the formula of the rest of the molecule. To write the molecular formula, calculate the total number of atoms of each element and use the sum as the subscript for the symbol of each corresponding element. (a) condensed structural formula: CH;COOH molecular formula: CH,O2 (b) condensed structural formula is also the molecular formula: CHsCl 50. Number of protons = sum of the atomic numbers Number of electrons = number of protons - charge =16 Total number of protons = 8 x 16 = 128 p* This molecule has no charge thus, : Atomic number: (a) Ssmolecul number of electrons = number of protons - charge = 128 — 128 (b) SO?" fon: Atomic numbers: $= 16, O=8 Total number of protons = 1(16)+ 4(8) = 48 p* This molecule has a charge of ~2 thus, 0 e- number of electrons = number of protons - charge = 48 = (-2) (c) HaS molecule: Atomic numbers: H=1, S= 16 Total number of protons = 2(1)+ 1(16) = 18 p* This molecule has no charge thus, number of electrons = number of protons ~ charge = 18-0 = 18 (d) S* fon: Ator Total number of protons = 1(16) = 16 p* numbers: $= 16 This motecute has a charge of ~2 thus, number of electrons = number of protons ~ charge = 16 — (-2) = 18 e~ 52. A review of example 2.5 will help you solve this problem. ‘Mass number (A) = number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons Number of protons = atomic number B (©2012 Cengage Leming, AILRighs Reserved. Mey tbe send copiado dap, cote a pubic aces west a whoop. Chapter 2 Number of neutrons = mass number — atomic number Number of electrons = number of protons ~ charge Nuclear Number of | Number of | Number of symbol Charge | Protons Neutrons Electrons Ror 0 35 4 35 3 7 7 10 5 3 ad 2B +4 40 50 36 54. Molecular compounds like water are nonelectrolytes. In the choices given, (b) calcium nitrate and (c) ammonium carbonate are both ionic compounds and are strong electrolytes. Both (a) citric acid and (d) iodine tribromide are molecular compounds and are nonelectrolyte: [eee exe eeeea Prloeetemcau sued 56, Water, ammonia, and hydrazine are included in the list of binary compounds with common names. The prefixes used are listed'in Table 2.4. Molecule Formula (a) water H.0 (b) ammonia NH; (c) hydrazine NiHy (4) sulfur hexafluoride SFe The “hexa” prefix indicates that there are 6 fluorine atoms. (e) phosphorus pentachloride PCls The “penta” prefix indicates that there are 5 chlorine atoms. 2 (©2012 Cengage Learig All Ris Reserved. May not be xed cope rds or poset pubic acces ween whol orn par 58. 60. Atoms, Molecules, and lons Use the flowchart for naming molecular compounds (Figure 2.14) and example 2.9 as guide. Phosphine is included in the list of binary compounds with common names. Note that in naming binary molecular compounds, prefixes are used to designate the number of atoms of each non-metal and the name of the last atom ends in ~ide. The prefixes used are listed in Table 2.4. Formula Name (a) Sexch diselenium dichloride (b) CS, carbon disulfide. (c) PH phosphine (d) IF, iodine heptafluoride (e) PiOe tetraphosphorus hexoxide Use example 2.7 as guide. Although ionic compounds are composed of ions or cha'ged species, ionic compounds are neutral substances. The total positive charge must be equal to the total negative charge. Thus, the sum of the charges must be zero. (a) Ba” andr form Bal For the charges to add up to zero, for 1 Ba” there should be 2 I" ions, thus Ba has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1) while I has a subscript of 2 in the formula of the compound, Balz. The total charge = 1(+2) +2(-1) =0 Ba” and N* form BayNz For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 3 Ba” for 2 N*ions, thus Ba has a subscript of 3 while N has a subscript of 2 in the formula of the compound, BayNz. The total charge = 3(+2) + 2(-3)=0 (b) O* and Fe” form FeO The charges of O* and Fe* add up to zero, so 1 0* is required for each Fe**.. In the formula FeO, both Fe and O have no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1). The total charge = 1(+2) + 1(-2)=0 O* and Fe™ form Fe203 For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 2 Fe” for 3 O* ions, thus Fe has a subscript of 2 while O has a subscript of 3 in the formula of the compound, Fe;03. The total charge = 2(+3) + 3(-2) =0 Foy (©2012 Cenenge Letming. A Rights Reserved, May not esac, coped or dpc or posto api accesible wes in whale rin pt Chapter 2 62. Use example 2.7 as guide. The list of some common ions can be found in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 of the textbook. In order to write the formula of ionic compounds, the formula of the ions that make up the compound must be identified first. The ions are combined such that the total positive charge is equal to the total negative charge. Thus, the sum of the charges must be equal to zero. (a) The formula for potassium hydrogen phosphate is KzHPO, Cation: K° Anion: HPO? For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 2 K* ions for 1 HPO,” ion, thus K has 1a subscript of 2 and HPO, has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1). The total charge = 1(+2) + 1(-2)=0 (b) The formula for magnesium nitride is MgaN2 Cation: Mg” Anion: N* For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 3 Mg” ions and 2 N* fons, thus Mg has a subscript of 3 and N has a subscript of 2. The total charge = 3(+2) + 2(-3)=0 (c) The formula for lead (IV) bromide is PbBrs The Roman numeral (IV) indicates that Pb is a +4 ion (Pb“). Cation: Pb“ Anion: Br For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 4 Br” fons for 1 Pb“‘ion, thus Br has a subscript of 4 and Pb has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1). The total charge = 1(+4) + 4(-1)=0 (4) The formula for scandium (Ill) chloride is ScCly ‘The Roman numeral (III) indicates that Sc is a +3 ion (Sc™). Cation: Sc* Anion: cl” For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 3 Cl” ions for 1 Sc” ion, thus Cl has a subscript of 3 and Sc has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1). The total charge = 1(+3) + 3(-1 (e) The formula for barium acetate is Ba(C,H;02)2 Cation: Ba” Anion: CaH3O2" For the charges to add up'to zero, there should be 2 C;H;0," ions for 1 Ba” ion, thus GHs0; has a subscript of 2 and Ba has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1).. The total charge = 1(+2) +2(-1)=0 26 (©2012 Congig Leaning Al Rips Reseed May ot be xan copid dp or ated publi ees web a whe on part. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 64, 66. Use the flowchart for naming binary ionic compounds (Figure 2.15) and example 2.8 as guide. The list of some common ions can be found in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 of the textbook. Name ionic compounds by naming first the cations (positive ions) followed by the anions (negative ions). Some transition and post-transition metals form more than one type of cation. To differentiate the different types of ions they form, indicate the charge of the metal with Roman numerals after its chemical symbol. Formula Name (a) ScCl, scandium(Itl) chloride Sc, a transition metal forms more than one type of cation so the charge of Sc must be identified by a Roman numeral. Since each chloride has a ~1 charge and there are 3 chlorides, the total charge from chloride is 3(-1)= -3. Sc must have a +3 charge for the charges to add up to zero. (b) Sr(OH), strontium hydroxide (c) KMnO, potassium permanganate (d) Rb:s rubidium sulfide (e) NazCOs sodium carbonate Use example 2.7 as guide. The list of some common ions can be found in Table 2.2 and 2.3 of the textbook. In order to write the formula of ionic compounds, the formula of the ions that make up the compound must be identified first. The ions are combined such that the total positive charge is equal to the total negative charge. Thus, the sum of the charges must be equal to zero. (a) The formula for nitric acid is HNOs(aq) Oxoanion: NOs The suffix “ic” in the name “nitric” acid suggests that the oxoanion ends in “. This implies that the acid is formed from nitrate for which the formula is NOs". Since the charge of this anion is ~1, it requires 1 H" to add up to zero charge. Therefore, in the formula for nitric acid, both H and NO; have no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1). The total charge = 1(+1) + 1(-1)=0. (b) The formula for potassium sulfate is K2SO, Cation: K* Anion: $0, For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 2 K" ions for 1 SO, ion, thus K has a subscript of 2 and SO, has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1). The total charge = +t) 1-2) =0 7 (©2012 CenngeLexing All Rights Reseed. May not be sane copid or dope opted toa public ese west a whoo npr, Chapter 2 (c) The formula for iron (Ill) perchlorate is Fe(ClO,)s Cation: Fe* Anion: ClO 7 For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 1 Fe” ion for 3 ClO," ions, thus Fe has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1) and ClO, has a subscript of 3. The total charge = 1(+3) + 3(-1)=0 (d) The formula for aluminum iodate is Al(IOs)3 Cation: AP Anion: 10 : For the charges to add up to zero, there should be 1 AU" ion for 3 10," ions, thus AU* has no’subscript (indicating a subscript of 1) and 10; has a subscript of 3. The total charge = 1(+3) +3(-1)=0 (e) The formula for sulfurous acid is H2S03(aq) Oxoanion: $0; ‘The suffix “ous” in the name “sulfurous” acid suggests that the oxoanion ends in “Cite”. This implies that the acid is formed from sulfite for which the formula is SO;*. Since the charge of this anion is -2, it requires 2H’ to add up to zero charge. ‘Therefore, in the formula for sulfurous acid, H has a subscript of 2 and SOs has no subscript (indicating a subscript of 1). The total charge = 1(+2) +1(-2)=0 68. A review of examples 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9 will help you solve this problem. You can also use the flowcharts in Figures 2.14 and 2.16 in naming the formulas. A list of some of the ions can be found in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 in the textbook. Name Formula @)__ | sodium dichromate NazCr207 (b) bromine triiodide Bris () copper(I!) hypochlorite Cu(ClO)2 @ _ | disulfur dichloride Sth (@)__ | potassium nitride GN (a) Sodium has a +1 charge (Na) while dichromate has a -2 charge (Cr20,"), thus there must be 2 sodium ions to balance the charges. (b) This is a molecular compound since both elements are nonmetals, so it is important to add the proper prefix to denote that there are 3 iodines. 28 ©2012 Cenc Leaning Al Rigs Resend May net be xan copier dpi, posed to pubic accesible web n whole orn pa Atoms, Molecules, and fons, (c) Copper has a +2 charge (Cu*) while hypochlorite has a -1 charge (Cl0’), thus there must be 2 hypochlorites to balance the charges. (d) This is a molecular compound since both elements are nonmetals, so it is important to add the proper prefixes to denote that there are 2 sulfurs and 2 chlorines. (e) Potassium has a +1 charge (K’) while nitride has a -3 charge (N*), thus there must be three potassium ions to balance the charges. SSIFIED PROBLEMS 70. See sections 2.2 and 2.3 and Figure 2.8. (a) Ge Se and Ge both belong to period 4. Se has an atomic number of 34 while Ge has 32. Since atomic number = proton number, Ge has 2 protons less than Se. (b) W Wis group 6 transition metal found in period 6. (c) Sr Group 2 elements are called the alkaline earth metals. Sr belongs to this group and it has an atomic number or proton number of 38. (4) Bi Asstated in the textbook, Ga, In, Tl, Sn, Pb, and Bi are often referred to as Post-transition metals. Among these six elements, only Bi is in group 15. 72. See section 2.5 and example 2.4. (a) GHN To write the molecular formula, use the total number of atoms of each element as the subscript for the symbol of that corresponding element. (b) GHsNH2 To write the condensed structural formula, write the formula of the reactive group separately from the rest of the molecule. 74, See sections 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 (a) “Compounds containing chlorine can be either molecular or fonic.” is always true. Chlorine, a nonmetal can combine with other non-metals to form molecular compounds e.g. CC. Chlorine can also form ionic compounds by combining with metals e.g. NaCl. (b) “An fonic compound always has at least one metal.” is usually true. Most ionic compounds are formed by a metal and a non-metal e.g. KBr. However ionic compounds are also formed by polyatomic cations combined with anions. Such ionic compounds do not contain a metal e.g. ammonium chloride, NH.Cl, and ammonium nitrate, NH.NOs. 23 (©2012 Cengage Leming AN Riphis Reseed. May ct be sso copied or dpe oto ply ces west a whe ein pa Chapter 2 (c) “When an element in a molecule has a “di” prefix, it means that the element has a +2 charge” is never true. As discussed in the naming of binary compounds (section 2.7), the Greek prefix like “di” indicates the number of the element in the formula. It does not indicate the charge. 76. See section 2.3 and example 2.3. To find the volume of CCly, convert molecules of CCL, to g CCL, using Avogadro’s number as conversion factor then using the density of CCL, as conversion factor convert g CCL, to volume. , Strategy: molecules CCl > g CCL -> volume CCl 153.818 CCl, | tem 6.022 x10 molecules "1.589 g 6.00 x 10” molecules x. era mae 78. See section 2.2. Unknown element, 7}X Only (a) is true. \ (a) True. The atomic number or proton number identifies the element. The unknown element is sodium because the symbol indicates an atomic number of 11 which is the atomic number of Na. (c) False. The unknown element cannot be vanadium because V has an atomic number of 23. The number 23 in the symbol indicates the mass number and not the atomic number. (d) False. The unknown element has 12 neutrons and not 23. number of neutrons = mass number — atomic number = 23 ~ 11 = 12 (e) False. X* would have 9 electrons and not 13 electrons. number of electrons = number of protons — charge = 11 - (+2) =9 (e) False. The proton/neutron ratio, 11/12, is about 0.9 and not 1.1 80. #4, See section 2.1. The reaction mixture initially contained 5 squares and 6 circles. To illustrate the law of conservation of mass, the number of squares anid circles before and after the reaction should be the same. Among the numbered boxes representing the product mixture, only #4 contains 5 squares and 6 circles. 30 (©2012 Cengage Laing. AP Rigi Resend May ot eae, coped dpa posto a publi aeceable west a wise rin pst Atoms, Molecules, and fons 82. See section 2.6. The potassium ions (K") and chloride ions (Ct") combine in a 1:1 ratio because their charges add up to zero. The KCI crystal representation is similar to that of NaCl (Figure 2.12) which also combine at a ratio of 1:1. The simplified representation of the KCl crystal 84. See sections 2.2 and 2.3. ‘Mass number (A) = number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons A=Z+number of neutrons or = Z= - number of neutrons ‘The problem states that the mass number of the element is 234 and it has 60% more neutrons than protons. If Z is the number of protons then the number of neutrons relative to the protons is: number of neutrons = Z + 0.6Z Substitute the given mass number, 234, and the number of neutrons described above into the following equation: Z= A~—number of neutrons _Z= 234 ~(2+0.62) Z= 234 -1.62 Z*1.6Z = 234 2.62 = 234 Z= 234/2.6 Z= 90= atomic number Therefore the nuclear symbol of the element is ®3Th Et + ©2012 Cengage Leming. Al Rights Reseed. May ube seamed copied apoio pned abil aces webs, nl i par Chapter 2 86. See sections 2.2 and 2.3 ‘The element has a mass number of 126, an unknown atomic number of Z and an ionic charge of -2. Since the element has a charge of -2, there are 2 more electrons (e°) ‘than protons. number of electrons = number of protons — charge number of electrons = Z- (-2)=Z+2 number of electrons = Z + 2 It is given in the problem that there are 20 more neutrons than electrons. number of neutrons = number of electrons + 20 since the number of electrons = Z +2 then, number of neutrons = Z +2 +20 number of neutrons = Z + 22 We can substitute this number of neutrons (Z + 22) and the given mass number, 126, into the following equation that we learned in section 2.3. mass number (A) = number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons 126 =Z+ (2 +22) Using algebra, we can now solve for the atomic number, Z, to identify the élement. 126=Z+Z+22 126 = 22 + 22 2Z= 126-22 2L= 104 Z=104/2=52 Z=52 The atomic number of 52 corresponds to Te. Therefore the symbol for this ion is "STe” 2 (©2012 Cenge Laing Al Rights Reserved. May ot be sacl copier dpe, or posted toa publi cee ween whe orin prt Atoms, Molecules, and Ions ese 88. Only (c) follows the law of multiple proportions. Seé section 2.1. As stated in the textbook, according to the law of multiple proportions, “the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the second element are in a ratio of small whole numbers”. massH _ 2.39g _ 0.0839 ¢H c : ‘ompound A assC 28.53 1gC massH _ 11.68 _ 0.334gH massC 347g 1gC Compound B: To illustrate the law of multiple proportions, let’s apply it to the given compounds A and 8. With the mass of the second element, C fixed to 1g we will show that the ratio of the Masses of H (the first element) that combine with a fixed mass of the second element (1 g C) are in a ratio of small whole numbers. compoundB: massH/1gC _ 0.334gH/1gC _4 compoundA: massH/1gC 0.0839gH/igC 1 As illustrated, the ratio of the mass of H (from compounds B and A) that combined with 1 gC isa small whole number ratio, 4: Now, let’s try the results given in the problem for the mass of hydrogen in compound C, if they follow the law of multiple proportions: massH 5.84g _0,360gH : dc: (@) Compound C: rassC 16.28" 1g compoundC: massH/1gC _ 0.360gH/1gC _ 4.29 compoundA: massH/1gC 0.0839gH/1gC 1 This example does NOT follow the law of multiple proportions because 4.29:1 is NOT a whole number ratio. massH _ 3.478 _ 9 944 dC: (0) Compoun massC 16.2¢ compoundC: massH/1gC _ 0.214 gH/1gC compoundA: massH/1gC 0.0839gH/1gC 1 This exampte does NOT follow the law of multiple proportions because 2.55:1 is NOT a small whole number ratio. 33 (©2012 Cengage Lsing Al Rpts Reset. May ot hexane, coped rd ops apie accent webet a whale ora pa Chapter 2 massH _ 2.728 168 (©) Compound Cs ee Tea compoundC: massH/1gC _ 0.168.gH/1gC compoundA: massH/1gC 0.0839gH/igC 1 This example follows the law of multiple proportions because the ratio 2:1 isa small whole number 89. See sections 2.1 and 2.5. As stated in the textbook, according to the law of multiple proportions, “the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the second element are in a ratio of small whole numbers”. (a) The data and the calculation shown below illustrate the law of multiple proportions, The ratio of the masses of H that combined with a fixed mass (1 g) of C in ethane and in ethylene is in the ratio of 3:2, a small whole number ratio. : ethan massH _ 4.53gH _ 0.252 gH massC 18.0gC 1gC massH __7.25gH _ 0.168gH thylene: TBH ethylene: thassC43.20gC 1 8C ethane_: massH/1gC _ 0.252 8H/18C _ 3 — ratio of small whole numbers ethylene: massH/1gC 0.168gH/igC 2 (b) Both compounds have only hydrogen and carbon. However the ratios of H to C that they have are different, As calculated in 89(a), the ratio of the masses of H that combined with 1 g C in ethane and ethylene are 3:2. Assuming one C for both compounds, ethane will have 3 H’s while etbylene will have 2 H's. Thus, reasonable formulas for the two compounds ar reasonable formula actual formula CH3 Gis cH GH, 34 (0202 CepigeLesing. A Rips Reseed May ot be canoe, coped opal epost pul acceule west, in wise ra pa. Atoms, Molecules, and fons 90. See sections 1.2 and 2.2. The average density of a single Al-27 atom can be determined by finding the ratio of the mass of an atom of Al-27 to its volume. The mass of a single Al-27 atom can be obtained by considering the main components of the atom: protons, neutrons and electrons. A single Al-27 atom contains 13 protons, 14 neutrons and 13 electrons. Note that the mass of each of these sub-atomic particles are: mass of a proton = 1.6726 x 10% g mass of a neutron = 1.6749 x 10 g mass of a electron = 9.1094 x 107 g mass of Al-27 = mass of 13p" + mass of 14n + mass of 13e” = 13(1.6726 x 10 g) + 14(1.6749 x 10 g) + 13(9.1094 x 107 g) = 4.5204 x 107 g volume of a Al-27 atom assuming it is a sphere with a radius, r, of 0.143 nm: volume 2 4 10°m tem =| 0.143 nmx. | 1.22 x10 cm? F ( Bam age .) x10 cm’ mass _ 4.5204 x 10g density = 5208 x10"8 ny olume “1.22 x10 em? = 3.74 g/cm? The experimentally determined value of the density of Al (2.70 g/cm’) is much lower than the value calculated here (3.71 g/cm’), thus there is lots of space between Al atoms in the metal. 91. See section 2.2. The only difference between a Be atom and a Be” fon is that the latter has 2 electrons less. The mass of a Be” can be obtained by subtracting the mass of 2 electrons from the mass of the Be atom. mass of Be atom = 1.4965 x 10g mass of an electron’ = 9.1094 x 107° g mass of Be” = 1.4965 x 107g - 2(9.1094 x 108 g) 4963 X10 g 35 ©2012 Cengage Leming. Al Rigs Reserved May note sand copied oops, or ote oa pubic accesso webt jn whole on pa. Chapter 2 92. See sections 1.2 and 2.3. (a) molecules Lincoln took in when he delivered the address (He inhaled 200 times.): 500 mLair , 2.5 x10" molecules 1 breath TmLair 200 breaths x 2.5 x 10 molecules (b) fraction of the molecules in the earth’s atmosphere inhaled by Lincoln at Gettysburg (molecules in the entire earth’s atmosphere = 1.1 x 10%): 2.5.x 10" molecules sexe = = 23x 10% 1.1x10% molecules "” “=~ fraction of the molecules (c) in your next breath, the number of molecules you will inhale that were also inhaled by Lincoln when he delivered the Gettysburg Address: 0 tbreath x 500mbair , 2.5x10" molecules > 5 , 4927 1 breath TmLair 2.9 x 10? molecules 36 (©2012 Cengage Leaing A Kighs Reser. Miy nl besa copid or depts cased toa pal ccesie west n whole orn part (ail) eg MASS RELATIONS IN CHEMISTRY; STOICHIOMETRY ERB eee korn 2. See example 3.1. (a) mass of 10% mol of hazelnut meats 6.02210" hazelnut meat , 0.9853 10-mol x —— ‘mol Thazelnut meat 5.93 x 1077 (b) motes in a pound of hazelnut meats tb 453-68, thazelnut meat Amol 65x10 mol 1b 985g 02210" hazelnutmeat 4. See also section 2.3, (a) number of electrons in an ion’of Sc* number of electrons atomic number - charge = 21- (63) = 18 electrons (b) number of electrons in a mol of Sc* 6.022 x10” Scions | 18 electrons x = 1,084 x 10% electrons ‘mol Sc* 1S¢*ion ‘Amol Sc™ x (c) number of electrons in a gram of Sc” 6.022 x10” Scions | 18electrons _ 44.96 3 Sc 1S¢*ion 1gSc® x. 411 x 10" electrons 6. Follow the following steps to solve this problem: (i) Find the volume of copper in cm’ using the formula V=ar"h 2.54em 10.6 cm ve ardios(Een 2 4,00 inx 7 (©2012 Cengage Laing AI Rights Reserved. May et essed, coped or dpe ited oa pully aces wes, a whe ein pr Chapter 3 (ii) Find the number of atoms in the cylindrical piece of copper using the calculated volume Strategy: VCu—> gCu—> mol Cu — atoms Cu 8.928 tmol Cu, 6.022 x 10 Cuatoms Yom? "63.558 ‘Tmol Cu number of atoms = 10.6 cm? x = 8.96 x 10" Cu atoms 8. As stated in the textbook, molar mass is numerically equal to the masses of the atoms in the formula expressed in g/mol instead of amu. For the molar masses, use the numerical values in the periodic table (see inside front cover of the textbook). (a) Osmium metal = 190.2 g/mol (b) NaHCO; molar mass = 84.01 g/mol Na= 122.99 = 22.99 H = 1x1,008 = 1.008 C= 1%12.01 = 12.01 O = 3x 16.00 = 48.00 Sum = 84.01 g/mol {c) Vitamin D, CzsH4O molar mass = 396.63 g/mol C = 28x 12.01 = 336.28 H = 44x 1.008 = 44.352 O = 1x 16.00 1 Sum = 396:63 g/mol 10. See example 3.1. For the molar masses, use the numerical values in the periodic table (see inside front cover of the textbook). (a) CF;Cly molar mass = 12.01 + 2(19.00) + 2(35.45) = 120.91 g/mol tmol__g - mol CFiCl = 35.002CF,Ch, x 25 = 0.2895 mot (b) FeSO4 molar mass = 55.85 + 32.07 + 4(16.00) = 151.92 g/mol 1g tmolFesO, mol FeSO, = 100.0 mg FeSO, x =a 2% 754.97 @ FeSO, 6.582 x 10% m 38 ©2012 Cengage Lesing Al Rights Reseed May ot sane, cop dpitd or sted publi acces wet a whole oi part. ‘Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry (6) CygH,sCIN,O molar mass = 15(12.01) + 13(1.008) + 35.45 + 2(14,01) + 16.00 = 272.7 g/mol Amol CysHy CIN,O IN,O = 2.00 ‘UN, O x. mol C,sH,,CIN 8 CHM oC. CIN 7.33 x 107 mol 12. See example 3.1. For the molar masses, use the numerical values in the.periodic table (see inside front cover of the textbook). (a) mass (g) of 1.35 mol TiO; TiO; molar mass = 47.87 + 2(16:00) = 79.87 g/mot 79.87 g TiO, TiO, = 1. 10) x 8110, = 1.35 mot THO, x FOES 108 g (b) mass (g) of 1.35 mol CratlsOsCh CiHisOsCl molar mass = 12(12.01) + 19(1.008) + 8(16.00) + 3(35.45) = 397.6 g/mol 397.6 8CisHyO,Cl; CiHyaOsCls = 1.35 mol CyH,0,Cl; x 8 CraHysOeCh = 1.35 mol C,H.,0,Cl, imal Goat 5379 (c) mass (g) of 1.35 mol CyHy2N203 CaHzaNO; molar mass = 21(12.01) + 22(1.008) + 2(14.01) + 2(16.00) = 334.4 g/mol 334.48, H,N,O; CarHaal = 1. CH, x 8CxHaNOs = 1.35 mol CyHaNyOn x TOS TD = 451g 14, See example 3.1. For the molar masses, use the numerical values in the periodic table (see inside front cover of the textbook). Number of | Number of Number of Number of Grams Moles Molecules O Atoms fa) | 0.1364 7.100 x 10% 4.276 x10" 2.993 x10" (b) [239.8 1.248 7.516 x10" 5.261 x10" © [13.8 7.47x 10" 4.32x107 3.02 x 10" L(@) |9.00253_| 4.32x 10° 7.93x 10" 5.55 x 10" First, calculate the molar mass of citric acid, CsH407: molar mass = 6(12.01) + 8(1.008) + 7(16.00) = 192.1 g/mol CHO, 38 (©2012 Cengage Leaming ll Ris Reserved. Mayne sand epider dupe, or posed toa pubic aceite webs, in wl orn par Chapter 3 (a) Given: 0.1364 g CeHsO7 Amol 7192.18 0.1364 g CH, 100 x 10% mol x imol_, 6.022 x10” molecules 7192.18 ‘mol 0.1364 gC,H, = 4.276 x 10” molecules Amol__ 6.022 x10” molecules 70Oatoms + 01364 8CHO, Xap TCH, molecile” 2.993 x 10" 0 atoms (b) Given: 1.248 mol C.He07 1.248 mot x 122-18 Tmol 39.8.g 6.022 x 10” molecules 1:248 mol x = 7.515 x 10% molecules tmol nee ge a 4.248 mot x £:022 x10" molecules, _7 atoms ___ 5,264 x 10% 0 atoms ‘mol 1C,H,0, molecule © (c) Given: 4.32 x 10” molecules CHeOr Amol 1218 4.32 x10 molecules x ————_— ———__. one 6.022 x10" molecules * 1mol 13.88 Amol ' ? motecules x 4.32 x 10% molecules «<9 x40 molecules = 7.17 x 107 mol 7Oatoms 32 x10 molecules x 7 O-atoms—_ 4:32 x10% molecules 7¢ 410, molecule 3.02 x 10” O atoms 0 (©2012 Cengage Leaig, AI Riss Ress. May sot e sand copie dolce or pose to apubisi accessible web, in woleor inp, ‘Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry (d) Given: 5.55 x 10° 0 atoms 5,55 x10" Oatomsx 1Csts0r molecule , mot 519218 7Oatoms "6.022 x10" molecules tmol 10253 g 1C,H,0, molecule mot 5.55 x 10" Oatoms x S782 SEES, _—_ oe __ 70atoms: 6.022 x 10” molecules 2 x 10° mol 5.55 x10" O atoms 1CeHsOr molecule _ 7 93 x 19° 7 Oatoms 3.1 THE MOLE [Eerie nas 16. See example 3.2. Molarity of Na’ fons in blood of ani average adult: mol Na* 16gNa* | ————_~__ ce (aut 5.0L mol solute _molNa’ _ 18. See example 3.3. Molarity of each ion in the prepared solutions: (a) Fe(NOs); solution; ions present: Fe”* and NOs” Molar mass of Fe(NO3)3 = 55.85 + 3(14.01)+9(16.00) = 241.9 g/mol ‘Amol Fe(NO;), imolFe* 1.689 Fe(NO,), x 1morFE(NOs)s_,_tmol Fe” _ [Fe*] BFe(NOs) 241.9gFe(NO;), _ 1mol Fe(NO;); TL IML x ooo mE : AmolFe(NO;),__ 3molNO; 1.68 x 3 cone 8Fe(NOs)s «741.9 gFe(NO,), * TmolFe(NO,), . qt 275mLx. — ™ 7000 mL a1 (©2012 Cengage Lexming Al Rpts Reseed. May nt esac cep or dpsed or oto pully aeesbe web awh rin pr Chapter 3 (b) K,SO, solution; fons present: K* and SO," Molar mass of K,SO, = 2(39.10) + 1(32.07)+4(16.00) = 174.3 g/mol AmolK,S0, |, 2molK* 1.68 gk; x _ 1.68 81504 * 7745 9,50, ImolK,S0, Kl- 1 . 275 mL x ———— 1000 mL imolK,SO, . 1molSO,?_ 1.68 g,S0, x 4 1inat $0, {50/7 8K2S04 "7743 9,50, 1molK,S0, 1b 275 mL x —_—- F900 mL {c) (NH4)sPO, solution; fons present: NH,’ and PO. Molar mass of (NH,)sPO, = 3(14.01) + 12(1.008)+1(30.97)+4(16.00) = 149.1 g/mol j< Amol (NH,);PO, ___3molNH,” 1.68 g (NH,)3PO, x7 ‘Tmol (NH [NH] = ‘Tei ah PO. jmol (NH,);PO, (275 mL x ——— ™* F000 mt » 1.68 g (NH,),PO, x 1MOL(NH,) PO, _{mol PO, _ [PO# 149.1g(NH,);PO, —_ 1mol (NH,);PO, 275 mtx 4000 mL (d) NaHCO; solution; ions present: Na° and HCO; Molar mass of NaHCO; = 1(22.99) + 1(1.008)+1(12.01)+3(16.00) = 84,01 g/mol imolNaHCO, _1molNa” 84,01gNaHCO, — 1molNaHCO, iL 275mLx—t ™*7000 mL 1.68 gNaHCO, x [Na’] = 2 102012 Cengugs Lesing, A Right Reserved May ote canoe, cope or dpi ops opal acesible webs n whole rin pst. ‘Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry 1.68 gNaHCO, x 1MOLNAHCO, _, AmolHCO,” [Hco;] = B4.01gNAHCO, “iMOLNAHCO, _ 9 g707 y 275 mL x 20. See example 3.2 and Figure 3.3. Use the given molarity and the molar mass of the solid substance as conversion factors. Strategy: volume — moles -> mass 385 MOL Ni(NO,), 182.7 gNi(NO,), 1 ‘Tmol Ni(NO3), (a) 2.00Lx = 2.50 x 10% g Dissolve 2.50 x 10” g Ni(NO3)2 in sufficient water to make 2.00 L of solution. mol CuCl, | 134.5 CuCl, 2.00 x 2:85 mol CuCl ® * 1L ‘mol CuCl, 84g Dissolve 184 g CuCl, in sufficient water to make 2.00 L of solution. 0.685 mol C,H40, 176.19 CHO, 2.00L © x 1L ‘mol C,H,0, 241g Dissolve 241 g CHO, in sufficient water to make 2.00 L of solution. 22, See example 3.2. (a) To solve for the number of moles of K;SO,, use molarity as conversion factor. Note that volume should be converted to L: 25,0 mL x tt, 0.255 mol Ks foooa ai = 0.00638 mol (b) To determine the required volume of the K,SO, solition, use molarity as conversion factor. Note that volume should be converted to L. 1 1000 mL 0 0, x 9.0600 mol K,S0, x Fre a 235 mL 3 (©2012 Ceanes Ling. Al Rips Resend May note seamed, copier dpe er pated a piey sue ween whale orn pa, Chapter 3 (c) In order to obtain a more concentrated K,SO, solution (0.800M) from the prepared 0.255M K,S0; solution, pure KzS0, should be added to the prepared solution. The mass of K;SOs that should be added to the 1.50 L K,SO, solution can be calculated from the difference in the amount of KzSO, present in 1.50 L each of the two solutions (0.800M and 0.255M). motes K,SOx in 1.50 L 0.800M solution: 1.50L x 9.800 molK,50s _ 4.29 molK,S0, 1L ‘ moles KSO, in 1.50 L 0.255M solution: 0.255 mol K,S0, iL 1.50Lx = 0,382 mol K,S0, moles K,SO, to be added to 1.50 L 0.255M to obtain a final concentration of 0.800 M K,S0, (assuming no volume change): moles needed = 1.20 mol - 0.382 mol = 0.82 mol Using the molar mass of KzSO, as conversion factor, the mass (g) of K,SO, can be obtained. ‘Molar mass of K:SO« = 2(39.10) + 1(32.07)+4(16.00) = 174.3 g/mot 174.3 gK,S0, 0.82 molK: mol K2804 x Tot K,S0, = 44x10? g (d) The molarity of the diluted solution can be obtained by finding the moles of K,SO, present in the given volume of the original solution and dividing it by the final volume. Note that volume should be converted to L. aL 155 mol K,SO, 40.0 mL x 1h y 2255MalK,S0r _ 9 9 k,S0, omtx ate ve 102 mol K; : Molarity moles solute 0.0102 moL 0.0756 M Lsolution 435 mix e 1000 mL - 24, See example 3.3. The molarity of the resulting NazSO, solution can be obtained from the ratio of the total moles of NazSO, with the final (total) volume in L assuming volumes are additive. (©2012 Cengage Laing Al Rights Reserved. May not be sand copied or dope, rote toa puby accesible webs n whol on pr ‘Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry ‘Moles of Na,SO, from the 0.388'M solution 25mbx—h__y 9:38 molNa,SO, 1000 mL iL .00970 mol Na,S0, Moles of Na,SO, from the 0.229 M solution 1L__, 0.229motNa,SO, 1000 mL L 35.3mLx 0.00808 mol Na,SO, Total moles of Na,SO, from the two solutions: ‘Motesysra = 0.00970 mol + 0.00808 mol = 0.0178 mol Na:SO, Final volume = 25 mL + 35.3 mL = 60.3 mL or 0.0603 L: = 0.0178 mol 0.0608 L STS en ae 26. See example 3.4, Meat = 0.295 M Molar mass of CyHy3N2OCl = 16(12.01) + 13(1.008) + 2(14.01) + 1(16.00) + 1(35.45) = 284.7 g/mol mass percent of carbon: AemolC__ 12.01g L CygH,,NgOCLx to mole___ ‘Amol Cut {mol CygH,,N;OCl * Imol C =192.2gC 192.28 mass % C= 172-286 499-67, SS BC FT a Cyl gNOCl S251 %C mass percent of hydrogen: 13molH 1.008 g Tmol C,,H,NOCl ~ ImotH Amol C,gH,,N,OClx 3.10 gH 13.108H mass % H =—————_—5 —_. 284.7 g C,,H,,N,OCL x100 = 4.601 % H mass percent of nitrogen: 2molN 14.018 Amol CygH.N,OCLx——2MOIN __, 14.018 rae NOC ol CigHyaNOCI * TmolN 28.02gN as (©2012 Cengugs Lessing Al Righs Reserved May not be sane coped or pit o pst io publi ares webs, a whole rin Chapter 3 28.02gN = = 9.84; mass Nee FaC NOEL 1007 EEAZEN mass percent of oxygen: 1molO 16.008 Amol C,gH,NyOClx—_1OLO_ = 16,00 mol CiHaN2OCl< +o A, NOCl © tmolO Li 16.0020 % O = 620 % O mass 0-757 76C HNOCl” 100 5:620%0 mass percent of chlorine: Amol Cy¢H,;N,OCl x —_1MOLCL__,, 35-458 _ 35 a5 oct TmolC,,H,N,OCL Tmol Cl 35.45 Cl = 35-45 8Cl___ 409 = 12,459 dee (anno a 28, See example 3.4. * Molar mass of allicin: “CeHioO,S = 6(12.01) + 10(1.008) + 2(16.00) + 1(32.07) = 146.2 g/mol Mass of sulfur from 25.0 g of allicin: Amol CHyoO,S AmolS 146.2.C,H,g0,5 Imol C,H,,0,! 25.0 CHyp0,5x ‘mol$ 30. See example 3.4. The percent of aluminum chlorohydrate, AL(OH)sCl, present in the antiperspirant can be obtained by following the following steps: (i) convert mass of Al to mass of Al,(OH)sCl: Molar mass of Al(OH)sCl. = 2(26.98) + 5(16.00) + 5(1.008) + 1(35.45) = 174.4 g/mol ‘Mass of Al,(OH)sCl containing 0.334 g Al: 0.334 g Alx 1MOLAL , 1mol AL (OH), 174.4 g Al (OH),CL 26.98.g AL Zmot Al ‘tmol Al; (OH);Cl 1.08 g AL{OH).CI (ii) use the mass of Al(OH)sCl to calculate the mass percent of aluminum chlorohydrate: 1.08 g Al,(OH).Cl Me Al,(OH)sCl = -———_> 24 —____, lass percent Al(OH)sCl = > 59 antiperspirant sample 100= 54.0% 6 (©2012 Cengage Lesing A Righis Reserved May ot aon, copa or dpi o posted to pully aceble wee, nw cin pa. ‘Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry 32. See examples 3.4 and 3.6. As presented in section 3.2 of the textbook: the masses of CO,, H20, and Cl; obtained on combustion can be converted to the masses of C, H and Cl in the sample. The mass of 0 is determined by difference. mass percent of C: 12.01gC 1.407, x7 = 0.3840 gC 802 x oigco, : mass % C = 03840 8C 38.40% 7.00 g sample * mass percent of H: 2(1.008) gH ).134 gH,Ox "3 = 0, H 0.134 80x OD gH,” 01508 mass % H = 0-01508C 1.00 g sample ~ mass percent of Cli 2(35.45) @Cl 70.903 Cl, 1.523 g CL 0.523 gCl, x 0.5239 Cl mass % Cl = 0-223 8Cl_ 1.00 g sample x100= 52.3 % Cl mass percent of O (obtained by difference): mass % O = 100% ~ [ 38.40% C + 1.50%H +52.3%Cl]=7.8%0 34. Since the compound, R03 contained 32.0% O and it is composed of only two elements, R and O, then R is 68.0% by mass. 100% ~ 32.0% = 68.0% If we assume 100g of the compound, it would contain 32.0 g O and 68.0 g R. imolo = 32.0g0x moto _. LO SF 2motR = 2 x R mol R = 2.00mol 0x57 5 =1.33 mol (©2012 Cengage Lesing Aliph Reserved, May ot be seamed coped x dpiated or pte a pubic acces wet n whol pa Chapter 3 68.0gR molar mass of R= 733g =51.1 g/mol molar mass of R:03 = 2(51.1) + 3(16.00) = 1.50 x 10? g/mol The element that has a molar mass closest to 51.1 g/mol is vanadium (MM= 50.94), Element R represents the element vanadium (V). 36. See example 3.5. Strategy: ({) find the mass of $ that reacted with Ni;_ (ii) convert the masses of Ni and S to numbers of moles; (if) calculate the mole ratio; (iv) equate the mole ratio to the atom ratio (to get integers for the atom subscript, you may need to multiply the atom ratio by the smallest whole number) to get the simplest formula. (i) The mass of the nickel sulfide formed is 5.433 g, 2.986 g of which is Ni. The difference of these two values is the mass of S. 5.433 g — 2.986 g = 2.447 8S (ii) convert the masses of Ni and $ to numbers of motes Amol Ni . me = 0.05088 2.986 8Nix 9 oni mol Ni x MO? = 0.07630 mol S 3s (iii) To find the mole ratio, divide by the smaller number, 0.05088 mol Ni 0.07630 mol $ _ 1.500 mal 0.05088 mol Ni mol (iv) get the atom ratio from the mole ratio the mole ratio is 1 mol Ni: 1.500 mol.S Since the atom numbers should be whole numbers, the mole ratio should be multiplied by 2 because it is the smallest integer that will give the simplest formula, : _ After multiplying the mole ratio by 2, the atom ratio is 2 Ni: 3S The simplest formula of the sulfide is NizSs. ‘The name of the sulfide is nickel (Il) sulfide. 8 (©2012 Cengage Leriag Al Riots Reserved. May at essed copia ord or posed a iy cen ween whole ‘Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry 38. See example 3.5. Strategy: (i) assume 100g of the compound to get the mass in g of each element; (ii) convert the masses of the elements to number of moles;_ (iii) calculate the mole ratios; (iv) equate the mole ratio to the atom ratio (to get whole numbers for the atom subscript, you may need to multiply the atom ratio with the smallest integer) to obtain the simplest formula. A. tetraethyl lead (#) Assume 100 g compound. Then there will be: 29.71 g C, 6.234 g H, and 64.07 g Pb. (ii) convert the masses to number of moles Amol C 12.01gC AmotH 1.008 gH Amol Pb 207.2 gPb 29.719 Cx: 474 mol C 6.234 gHx. = 6.185 molH 64.07 gPb x. = 0.3092mol Pb (i) To find the mote ratios, divide by the smaller number, 0.3092 mol Pb 2.474 molC__ 8,001molC 6.185molH__ 20.00 mot 0.3092 molPb ~1molPb 0.3092 molPb mol Pb The mole ratio is 1 mol Pb: 8 mol C: 20 mol H (iv) Get the atom ratio from the mole ratio. As pointed out in the textbook the mote ratio is the same as the atom ratio. The mole ratios can be rounded off to whole numbers. The atom ratio is 1 Pb: 8 C: 20H The simplest formula of tetraethyl lead is CsHzoPb. B. citric acid (i) Assume 100 g compound. Then there will be: 37.51 gC, 4.20 gH, and 58.29 g 0. i) Convert the masses to number of moles. Amol C 201g Amol H 7.008 gH AmolO 16.0030 mass C: 37.51gCx mass H: 4.20 gHx mass 0: 58.29 gO 8 (©2012 Cengage Lexing Al Reh Reserved. May nt esa copil dito pote publ seesie west a whole ola pt Chapter 3 (iii) To find the mole ratios, divide by the smaller number, 3.123 mol C 4.A7molH | 1.34molH 3.643 mol O _ 1,167 mol O 3.423molC — TmolC 3.423molC mol The mole ratio is 1 mol C: 1.34 mol H: 1.167 mol 0 {iv) Get the atom ratio from the mole ratio. Since the atoms should have whole numbers, the mole ratio should be multiplied by 6 because it is the smallest integer that will give the simplest formula. After multiplying the mole ratio by 6, the atom ratio is 6 C: 8 H: 70 The simplest formula of citric acid is CeHaO7 . C. cisplatin (i) Assume 100 g compound. Then there will be: 9.34 g N, 2.02 g H, 23.36 g Cl, and 65.50 g Pt. (ii) Convert the masses to number of moles. Amol 9.34 ONx TF open 687 molN . 2.02 gH 2.00 mol 23.36 ac = 0,6590 mol Cl 65.50 gPtx eaerE = 0.3357 mol Pt (iii) To find the mole ratios, divide by the smaller number, 0.3357 mol Pt 0.667 moN _ 1.99 molN : 0.3357mol Pt Tmol Pt .96 mol H : mol Pt 0.6590 mol Cl _ 1.963 mol CL 0.3357mol Pt 1mol Pt ‘The mole ratio is 1 mol Pt: 1.99 mole N: 5.96 mol H: 1.963 mol Cl (iv) Get the atom ratio from the mole ratio. As pointed out in the textbook the mole ratio is the same as the-atom ratio. The mole ratios can be rounded off to whole numbers. The atom ratio is 1 Pt: 2N: 6H: 2CL ‘The simplest formula of cisplatin is PtNzHeCla. 50 (2012 Conug Laing Aliph Resend. May note stan coped dpi or osteo a pully acessle webs, a wine rin pat. ‘Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry 40. See example 3.6. Strategy: (i) find the mass of C, H and O; (ii) convert the masses of C, H, and 0 to number of moles; (iif) calculate the mole ratios; (iv) equate the mole ratio to the atom ratio (to get integers for the atom subscript, you may need to muttiply the atom ratio with the smallest whole number) to get the simplest formula. (i) To find the mass of C, H and O, convert grams of CO; and H;0 to grams of C and H, respectively. The mass of O can be obtained by difference. AmolCO, | imolC_, 12.01gC _ 44.01gCO, » Tmol CO, ~ ImolC AmolH,0 2molH 1-008 gH 18.023 “imolH,0~ tmotH massC: 12.2480, x 340. 8C mass H: — 2.505 gH,O x: = 0.2802 gH mass O = 5.287 g ~ 3.340 g - 0.2802 g = 1.667 g 0 (ii) Convert the masses of C, H, and O to number of moles AmolC \. x ———— = 0.2781mol 3.340gC i2.01g¢ 0.2781 mol C imolH ).2802 g H x ———_—. = 0.2780 0.2802 gH AROUH «02780 mot Amol |.667 g Ox ———— = 0, 1042. 1667 80x 7 O80 moto (iii) To find the mote ratios, divide by the smaller number, 0.1042 mol 0 0.2780 molH _ 2.67 molH * 0.2781molC _ 2.67 molC 0.1042 molO imo 0.1042molO imo ‘The mole ratio is 1 mol 0: 2.67 mol H: 2.67 mol C (iv) Get the atom ratio from the mole ratio. Since the atoms should have whole numbers, the mole ratio should be multiplied by 3 because it is the smallest integer that will give the simplest formula. After multiplying the mote ratio by 3, the atom ratio is 8 C: 8H: 30 The simplest formula for oil of wintergreen is CsHsO3. a (©2012 Cencsge Leung. All igh Reserved, May ote cane, eped rdpizte oped opal ase weit, whole orn pr Chapter 3 42. See example 3.6. Strategy: (i) find the mass of C, H, S, N and O; (ii) convert the masses of C, H, S, Nand 0 to number of moles; (iii) calculate the mole ratios; (iv) equate the mole ratio to the atoms ratio (to get integers for the atom subscript, you may need to multiply the atom ratio with the smallest whole number) to get the simplest formula. (i) To find the mass of C, H, S, N and O, convert grams of COz, H,O and SO, to grams of C, Hand S, respectively. The mass of N can be obtained from the given that the ‘compound is 7.65% N by mass. The mass of O can be obtained by difference. AmolCO, ,_ImolC_, 12.01gC _ 2 1.6 9 CO, x x >x Se 5 344 mass C: 12.6800: «77 oF co imal CO, © imal sc AmolH,O , 2molH 1.008 gH : 1.84 gH,Ox x_ZmolH_, 1.008 gH mass . 48.023 “ImolH,0 tmolH = 0.206 gH Amol$O,_|_1molS 7 : 2.62850, x ee 850, 50, - imolSO, 7.65N N: 7.500 harin x — 1-09 8S __ mass 7.500 g saccharin ohana 0.574 gN mass 0 = 7.500 g saccharin — [3.44 g C + 0.206 gH + 1.31 gC + 0.574 g N] =1.97g0 (ii) Convert the masses of C, H, S, N and 0 to number of moles 3.449Cx ame .286 mol C : 0.206 9H

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