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Past a movement to the further The police car drove

side of something. right past us

OFF down or away from He fell off his bike.



Preposition of Time
Preposition Meaning Example
in Month , year , minutes I will meet you in five minutes.
on specific days or dates The meeting is on Monday.
since starting from a specific point in time I have been working here since 2010.
after following in time; later than We will have dinner after the movie.
at a specific point in time The party starts at 8 p.m.
by not later than; at or before Please submit your assignment by Friday.

Q1.Underline the prepositions in the sentences given below.
1. The spectacles are kept on a table.
2. The children are going inside the bus.
3. Rama, Sneha, and Anuja went to the market.
4. The cat is sleeping under the table.
5. The boy sat beside his mother.
6. The sun was hiding in the clouds.
7. Ram and Laxman returned after defeating Ravana.
8. He will meet me on Sunday.
9. The rat comes into the house from the window.
10. Her friend is waiting outside for the last ten minutes.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions

1. Rahul rode the bike ____________ the riverbank.

2. Climbed ____________ the tree to rescue the kitten.
3. Jumped ____________ the puddle and landed ____________ the other side.
4. The cat walked ____________ the street.
5. The squirrel ran ____________ the fence and ____________ the tree.
6. She is fond ____________ playing the piano.
7. The cat is sleeping ____________ the chair.
8. We have to be at the airport ____________ 7 o'clock.
9. The restaurant is ____________ the corner of the street.
10. He is interested ____________ joining the club.
11. The book is ____________ the shelf.
12. They went for a walk ____________ the beach.
13. The train will arrive ____________ platform 3.
14. She lives ____________ a house near the river.
15. We passed ____________ a tunnel to reach the destination .
Q3. Underline the prepositions and identify their types.

1)He lives on park street.

2)The whole class was quiet during the lecture.

3)My parents have been married since 1970.

4)The cat hid under the bed.

5)The aeroplane flew above the clouds.

6)There is a car parked in front of the building

7)We were looking for you yesterday.

8) The bird flew over my head.

9)A bee hovered over the sunflower.

10) I will see you at home in the Evening .

11) We will meet between 2 and 3 p.m.

12) I saw a robber near my house

13) The mosque is next to the temple

14) The children ran around the bonfire

15) Arjun ran away from the school after the dispersal

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