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First read the following joke (Joke 2), make predictions while you read and write the punchline (the last
few words of a joke that makes it funny).

Then you read Joke 2 to student B, and ask you partner to create a punchline for that joke.

Joke 1 (Example)

A woman reports her husband’s disappearance to the police. They ask her for a description, and she says,
“He’s six feet, three inches tall, well-built, with thick, curly hair.”

Her friend says, “What are you talking about? Your husband is five-feet-four, bald, and has a huge belly.”

And she says, “Who wants that one back?”

Joke 2

An old cowboy goes into a bar and orders a drink. As he sits there sipping his whiskey, a young lady sits
down next to him. She turns to the cowboy and asks him, “Are you a real cowboy?”

He replies, “Well, I’ve spent my whole life on the ranch, herding horses, mending fences, and branding cattle,
so I guess I am.

She says, “I’m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I
think about women. When I shower or watch TV, everything seems to make me think of women.”

A little while later, a couple sits down next to the old cowboy and asks him, “Are you a real cowboy?”

He replies, “……………………………………………………………………………………………..”



sip (v): to drink something, taking a very small amount each time
ranch (n): a large farm, especially in N America or Australia, where cows, horses, sheep, etc. are bred
herd (v): to make animals move together as a group
brand (n): a mark made with a piece of hot metal, especially on farm animals to show who owns them
brand (v): to mark an animal with a brand to show who owns it
First read the following joke (Joke 2), make predictions while you read and write the punchline (the last
few words of a joke that makes it funny).

Then you read Joke 2 to student A, and ask you partner to create a punchline for that joke.

Joke 1 (Example)

A woman reports her husband’s disappearance to the police. They ask her for a description, and she says,
“He’s six feet, three inches tall, well-built, with thick, curly hair.”

Her friend says, “What are you talking about? Your husband is five-feet-four, bald, and has a huge belly.”

And she says, “Who wants that one back?”

Joke 2

On a transatlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm. The turbulence is awful, and things go from
bad to worse when one wing is struck by lightning.

One woman in particular loses it. She stands up in the front of the plane screaming, “I’m too young to die!”
Then she yells, “Well, if I’m going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable! No one has ever
made me feel like a woman! Well, I’ve had it! Is there anyone on this plane who can make me feel like a

For a moment there is silence. Everyone has forgotten his own peril, and they all stare, rivetted, at the
desperate woman in the front of the plane. Then a man stands up in the rear. He’s a tall, tanned hunk with jet-
black hair, and he starts to walk slowly up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt. “I can make you feel like a
woman,” he says.

No one moves. As the man approaches, the woman begins to get excited. He removes his shirt. Muscles
ripple across his chest as he reaches her, extends the arm holding his shirt to the trembling woman, and says,



turbulence (n): a series of sudden and violent changes in the direction that air or water is moving in
lose it (idiom; slang): lose control
peril (n): serious danger
rivet (v): to hold somebody's interest or attention so completely that they cannot look away or think of anything else
tan (v): if a person or their skin tans or is tanned, they become brown as a result of spending time in the sun
hunk (n): (informal) a man who is big, strong and sexually attractive
jet-black (adj): deep shiny black in colour
ripple (v): to move or to make something move in very small waves

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