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The Marquis’

Eldest Son’s

[ AzHar Sologuy ]

AzHar Sologuy
Page 1 of 78
The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Volume 4 [ AzHar Sologuy ]

Description :

A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with

swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble.
One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by
his father.

「 I do not mind whether it is a woman in the town or a maid in our

house, learn about women. 」

Having gained the permission of his father , he uses his power as a noble
to have his way with women.

Tags :

Adultery , Age Progression , Aristocracy , Arranged Marriage , Beautiful

Female Lead, Calm Protagonist , C*nnilingus , Cousins , Elves, Fantasy
World ,First-time Interc**rse , F*llatio , Handsome Male Lead , Harem-
seeking Protagonist , Human-Nonhuman Relationship , Incest, Kingdoms ,
Loli, Magic, Maids , Male Protagonist , Manipulative Characters , Master-
Servant Relationship , Merchants , Multiple POV , Netori , Nobles , Older
Love Interests , Overpowered Protagonist , Perverted Protagonist ,
Politics , Pregnancy , R-18, Reincarnated in Another World , R*pe, Sadistic
Characters , Servants , S*x S*aves , Sister Complex , S*ave Harem , S*aves ,
Stockholm Syndrome, Sword And Magic, Wars , Werebeasts .

Author : AL

Translator : Spring Leaves Translations

Translator/Editor : RainRain88

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Chapter 45
To the Army Base
After I had sex with Eve, I changed into the clothes that were prepared for me. Naturally, I
had no intention to move around wearing clothes that reeked of semen.

I had the servants wipe my body with a wet towel and put on my clothes. Since they took
the trouble to bring my clothes all the way here, my action seemed to be within their
expectations. Incidentally, the servants seemed to be taking care of Eve in another room.

「Young Master.」

「Tesh? For you to come all the way here, did anything happen?」

Before I knew it, Tesh was already inside the room.

Since he usually stayed either at my residence or the castle, he rarely came here to the
association’s building. He should’ve been waiting for orders at the castle today. Why did
he come here?

「There’s a message from Master.」

「Hm? What is it?」

「I received the instruction to prepare a new formal attire for Young Master. May I call
the cloth merchant here?」

Creating a set of clothes to wear for the nobles social party requred a considerable time to
finish. My father probably predicted that a large party would be hosted very soon, and he
must’ve judged that it would be better to prepare my attire immediately, so he sent Tesh

Of course, I had several sets of clothes, but I probably had to make a new one that
matched with my current body measurements.

「Fine, I’m done with my important matter here anyway. But, is it okay to decide it on my
own? I have to match my attire with Plume-sama, right?」

The attire’s design and color needed to be matched with the female partner’s dress,
especially for the dancewear. Single and unengaged nobles would usually choose a family
member or a relative as their partner. In my case, my partner was my cousin Plume.

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Plume was the daughter of my mother’s younger sister and the daughter of an earl who
ruled the territory next to Quordentz’s. We’d known each since we were young, and she
also lived at Nyuneri Castle for a period of time. We could be considered childhood

Plume was currently back at her family’s territory, but we were still exchanging letters. I
was confident that she would grow into a beautiful woman, so I continued exchanging
letters with the intention of getting more closer to her. What a heart-touching effort!

She was most likely my dance partner this time too, so was it really fine to decide the
attire on my own? However, Tesh seemed to have expected what I was thinking, and he
quickly answered.

「There’s no problem. A letter regarding the attire that we’re going to make has already
been sent to the Sylphia house.」

Quordentz house was like the leader among the nobles in the surrounding area, so if we
told them to match their attire with us, they would do so.

I usually matched my attire to Plume’s liking through letters, but it looked like we were in
a hurry this time, and Father had already sent them the instruction.

「If that’s the case, then its fine. Call the cloth merchant.」

「I understand.」

Tesh turned around and left the room.

Until now, I usually had this cloth merchant help me with many of my requests. When I
wanted to make a personalized maid uniform back then, I also asked the people from this
clothing company. Since someone was coming here, I might as well put forward my idea
about the panty and bra and then have them make a sample.

I was excited to see Eve and the others wear them on the bed.

While smiling, I waited for the visit of the cloth merchant.

My body measurement ended without any delay. Tesh conveyed the details including the
color and design as instructed in the note that he brought with him, so everything was

When I explained about the panty and bra, the cloth merchant became quite interested, so
I decided to leave it to them. Furthermore, I had fun watching Eve get her bust measured.
I would have Minith’s three sizes measured later.
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「Young Master, what’s your plan after this? 」

The cloth merchant had left, and while I was taking an early lunch at the association, Tesh

「I didn’t make plans, but I’m thinking of going to the army base. I want to check the
condition of the soldiers who fought together with me in Nambonan.」

Quordentz’s army remained in Nambonan City even now, but the other soldiers had
returned to their respective army bases. A part of the 5,000 soldiers under my command
was among the soldiers who returned to the army base in Nyuneri City.

I was considering to drop by and provide the soldiers a drink money as a reward for their
service. I intended to treat everyone for a drink with my own money, so it would cost
quite a lot. Well, it was cheaper compared to buying a woman’s virginity in Nyuneri City,
so the cost wouldn’t hurt my pocket by much.

「Young Master. The soldiers will be happier if they are given the real thing.」

「Right. Young Master’s consideration will be conveyed better if they see the real thing.」

When I explained that to Tesh, the surrounding guards gave me their advice. True, the
impact would be greater if I were to bring in a barrel of alcohol rather than just giving
them the money to buy one.

I ordered an idle servant to run to the liquor shop, and then I finished my lunch.

「I’ve asked the liquor shop’s owner to bring in the alcohol to the base. They were
already loading several barrels on the wagon by the time I left, so they might be on their
way already.」

「I see. Good work.」

Since Tesh would be returning to the castle, only my guards and some servants would
accompany me to the army base.

Nyuneri City was divided by the walls into three zones. From the outermost, they were:
the city zone, the castle town, and the castle.

The army base was located in the city zone. The Innovation Association and my residence
were located in the castle town. Other than the army base, the agricultural fields and the
Innovation Association’s experiment facilities, as well as the various workshops, were
located in the city zone.
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In order to move from the Innovation Association to the army base, we would have to
pass through the wall. Leaving behind a nervous gatekeeper, we headed to the base. The
army base was only a few steps away after leaving the gate.

Quordentz and Nyuneri’s armies weren’t the only ones stationed here. There were also
nearby establishments such as prison and interrogation room for criminals. People who
committed a crime in Nyuneri City were locked up there. For example, six adventurers
walking together in the castle town would get arrested and then interrogated there for
being suspicious.

「That reminds me, the six adventurers who were caught yesterday, are they still
detained here?」

I was slightly curious about the adventurer party, so I asked the base’s entrance guard.
The guard seemed to know about them, and he immediately answered.

「Yes, they are still being interrogated!」

As one might expect from a world that resembled Middle Ages, their methods were very
extreme. They would get the information out through force. Rather than calling it an
interrogation, they might be getting tortured by now.

I got the feeling that two of them were women They were wearing loose robed-like
clothing, so they were probably a woman.


I was slightly interested about them, but I’d released my load inside Eve just a while ago,
so I was currently empty. Furthermore, I wanted to remain free from sexual desire right
now, so I decided to pay them no attention for now.

It happened just when I thought that.

I heard a voice from one of the small establishments near the base’s entrance.

「Hurry up and walk!」

Turning to the direction of the shout, a soldier was pointing his spear towards someone
and was forcing the person to walk. I glanced at the person who was being pointed at
with a spear. That person seemed to be a member of the adventurer group from
yesterday. The clothing was also the one I saw yesterday.

I didn’t detect anything with my detection magic, which meant that a magic seal had
probably been applied to the person.
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While I was looking at them, the soldier holding a spear noticed us, and then he quickly
adjusted his stance and spoke loudly.

「Oh! Captain, you’ve come back!」

Calling me captain, he must be among the 5,000 soldiers entrusted to me in the

Nambonan war. My adjutant and servants called me young master, but the ordinary
soldiers referred to me as captain.

「I’ve returned yesterday. I also bought an alcohol. Everyone will get their fair share
later, so look forward to it. You guys fought well in Nambonan, so you can drink as much
as you like.」

「Thank you!」

Perhaps curious because the guard who’d been poking her with a spear had suddenly
humbled himself, the adventurer looked here as well. The adventurer was a woman with
a well-featured face. She gave off a cold impression, and it was probably because of her
dark blue hair that gave the impression of the deep sea.


I would describe her as a cold and elegant beauty, but unfortunately, she lacked the
impact because she was short and flat-chested. Instead, her childishness and coolness
gave a funny impression, and I’d say she was rather cute.

Noticing that I was looking at the female adventurer, the soldier raised his voice.

「Woman! You're rude in front of Captain! Get on your knees!」


Kicked on the back of the knee, the female adventurer fell down with her hands on the
ground. While I watched quietly, the woman quickly changed her posture and kneeled

「…… Sir, I’m sorry. 」

Indifferently, she apologized.

I understood that she was paying attention so that she wouldn’t offend me, but couldn’t
she speak more politely? Well, I guess I shouldn’t expect that from an adventurer.

「What’s with that tone?! 」

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As expected, the soldier snapped. He was about to swing the back of his spear towards the
woman, so I raised my hand and stopped him.

「Wait. Don’t beat her harshly. Her beauty will be ruined.」


「She probably apologized sincerely. I forgive her.」

It would be different if she was slated for execution, but if not then there was no need to
incur unnecessary hatred. This woman should be a magic user, and it wouldn’t be funny if
she were to cause terroristic acts within the city. A commoner magic user wouldn’t
amount to much, but the damage would be massive if she were to resort to guerilla

The soldiers would only feel nervous if I stayed here, so after encouraging them for a
short while, I quickly turned back. While walking along the base, I looked at the soldier’s

I finally returned to Nyuneri City yesterday, but I moved with a small group of elites. The
5,000 soldiers entrusted to me had returned to their respective bases slightly ahead
before I returned.

I would occasionally hear the soldiers calling captain. They must be the soldiers under my
command who’d returned here ahead of me.

The atmosphere here was cheerful. They returned alive from the war, so feeling relaxed
was natural perhaps. I might’ve bought the drinks in just the right time.

I arrived in front of the building where the army base’s headquarters was located. The
alcohol had already arrived, and they were currently arranging the barrels.

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Chapter 46
The Female Adventurer
The drinks had been brought in, and the soldiers in the place began to drink down at

I was probably the only one worried whether it was alright for the army and public
security to be so lenient towards drinking alcohol. When I noticed it, even my guards
were drinking a bit.

Still, everyone in the base couldn’t just gather at one place, so they were drinking
together while chatting cheerfully at their respective posts. The lower ranked soldiers
were distributing barrels of alcohol to the establishments and lodging houses within the
army base.

This scene, drinking at their workplace during the day, made me remember the last work
day of the year back when I was a salaryman in my previous life.

I walked aimlessly around the base and spoke to the soldiers who were drinking.

「… That being the case, the adventurers are scheduled to be released for the time being.
But, we’ll continue observing their movements.」


I listened to the soldier in charge of the torture—I mean, the soldier in charge of the
interrogation. The adventurers seemed to have been judged as innocent for the time

The five members apparently passed everything to their leader, and there was nothing
significant obtained even after interrogating them. Due to that, the leader of their group
had been put under a thorough interrogation.

After one night of rigorous interrogation, they judged that the adventurers were really
only wandering around the city without knowing the permitted number of adventurers
that could group up.

「We’ll continue the investigation for a bit more, but the leader is also scheduled to be
released tomorrow morning. The other five have already been released ahead.」

「I see.」

「But, I’m surprised. Does Captain have an interest in adventurers?」

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This interrogation supervisor was apparently also a soldier under my command, and he
referred to me as captain.

There were many young nobles who admired adventurers. Being able to live, fight, and
travel the land as they wished. There were many young nobles who dreamed that kind of
unrestrained lifestyle.

It would’ve been interesting if they had something like a system of using letters to rank
the adventurers or a guild system around the world. Unfortunately, those things didn’t
exist in this world, so I wasn’t really interested. Even though adventurers had an
unrestrained lifestyle, it was risky and unstable. I’d rather play with cute girls as a noble
from a marquis house.

「Not at all. I only want to try entering the field once.」

「Field? I’ve entered the field once as part of the army’s clean-up operation, but it wasn’t
that interesting inside.」

Quordentz house would occationally lead an army and enter inside the field, a world of
fog nested by monsters, to slay magical beasts. The field located near Nyuneri was a large
scale type, and entering deep inside would require carriages packed with essential things
such as food and weapon. He apparently accompanied them as the person in charge of the

「Regarding the arrested adventurers, I heard that they’ve come here from the royal
capital to enter the field near Nyuneri City. They look like a capable group. There are
occasionally adventurers fans among the soldiers, and they recognized the leader of that
party. They seem to be a well known group in the royal capital.」

「Hoh. They have six magic users in one party, so it's not strange that they are well

「No. Apparently, their group originally had only two members. I heard that four
members joined them recently, becoming a party of six. Looks like they’ve done well in
pulling in the four rookies who were attracted by the official notice in the royal capital.」

I wasn’t sure if it was last year, but several policies that supported the adventurers in
slaying magical beasts were implemented within the territory of the Levios royal family,
including the royal capital. I’d heard that many people were attracted by that, and they
wished to become adventurers.

Since they were originally a party of two, perhaps they didn’t even think much about the
permitted number of magic users that could group up inside the city.
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「I’ve asked them about the route they’ve taken to come here from the royal capital, and
they said that they passed through small towns and villages. That explains how they’ve
been able to come here without encountering any problem.」

「That makes sense.」

There weren’t many places with a magic detection formation set around the whole place
like the one in Nyuneri City due to the expensive cost. A small town or a village naturally
wouldn’t have one.

Finishing my conversation with the interrogation supervisor, I walked around the base
again. I briefly showed myself to the soldiers who were drinking together here and there
and praised them for their great work.

After I finished going around the base, I considered sitting somewhere to rest for a while,
but I noticed a pair of eyes looking here.

She had an indigo blue hair which looked as though dyed by the night sky. Her face was
beautiful enough that it gave a cold feeling, and she had a short stature that completely
didn’t suit her appearance.

It was the female adventurer who got pointed at with a spear. She should’ve been
released from the interrogation already, so why was she still in here?

「Young Master, please be careful.」

The guards drew their swords with a clang. Even though they heartily drank so much
alcohol, their voices and movements were perfectly steady. They displayed the work of a

Seeing that she’d been noticed and we were on alert against her, the female adventurer
fell into a panic.

「What? Don’t you need something?」

Since she didn’t approach or run away, I called out to her.

Then, perhaps she thought that I was granting her the permission to move closer, the
female adventurer slowly approached and kneeled down right before me with her
fingers except her thumb placed on the ground.

「Sir, please release Mergin. We are not plotting anything. We are innocent.」

I let out a breath, and spoke.

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That single word was aimed to ask ‘Who are you?’ and ‘Who’s Mergin?’, but it seemed that
she only understood the former.

「I’m Lupetta, an adventurer.」

After introducing herself, her face looked as though she’d already said everything that
was needed to be said. If my guards at the side didn’t interrupt, I felt like we would’ve
ended up staring at each other the whole time.

Hurriedly, Lupetta continued.

「Mergin is an adventurer and my companion… He’s still being interrogated.」

Their party leader was apparently called Mergin. Lupetta probably hadn’t been informed
yet that their leader was scheduled for release tomorrow morning. When I asked her why
she directly appeal to me, she seemed to have considered me as an understanding high-
rank officer after seeing that I stopped the soldier from hitting her earlier. She didn’t
seem aware that I was the eldest son of the Quordentz house.

A capable magic user, even if the person was a commoner or a twelve-year-old boy, was
most likely to hold an important post in the army. Lupetta probably thought that I was a
magic user of common birth. Come to think of it, Anna had mistaken me for a mercenary
leader back in Nambonan when I entered the bar for the first time. In short,
misunderstandings like that happened often.

「Mergin is a very nice person. He won’t rebel.」

Lupetta was talking about their leader’s good points in a matter-of-fact way. Even though
she was speaking in a barely audible voice, I could clearly tell from her tone that she was
very much in love with the leader.

I see, she was deeply worried about her darling leader…

「If you want to speak so fondly of him, why don’t you do it at the gallows?」

I couldn’t help but make a light joke after being affected by her love love aura. But,
Lupetta seemed to have taken my words seriously, and her face immediately paled. Well,
I guess being told “Please, to the gallows” by a higher up in the army was no laughing

「……W-what about Mergin?!」

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I was about to walk past her side, but Lupetta hastily stood up and moved right in front of
me before kneeling down again. Then, she prostrated.

「Sir… I beg you, please spare Mergin. Without him, I… 」

Down on her knees, Lupetta took a deep breath, and stared at me with her beautiful silver

「Please release Mergin. I’ll do anything I can.」

The tears on her eyes fell down her face.

I felt like my body had started producing semen at a rapid pace. Somehow, I had the
feeling that I would recover enough to shoot out a lot by tonight.

I’d go with this scenario: After partying at the army base, I didn’t feel like going back to
the castle anymore, so I decided to spend the night at my residence.

I told Lupetta to visit my residence tonight. She looked like she understood the meaning
behind my words, and she quietly agreed.

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Chapter 47
Deliciously Eating the Female Adventurer in
Love (Part 1)
After I finished eating dinner, Tesh approached me.

「Young Master, the female adventurer has arrived. The preparations after this are


Adventurers and travelers normally wouldn’t take a bath frequently, and that seemed to
be the case for Lupetta, too. I would’ve considered it a reward instead if a cute girl had a
bit of body odor. However, in Lupetta’s case, it was just too heavy. When I went close to
her earlier, she smelled so bad that it made me think that perhaps she only wiped her

I gave the servants the strict order to throw her in the bath as soon as she arrived.
Lupetta was probably covered in bubbles from the highest-class soap made in Nyuneri at
this moment.

「I’ll go to my room. Lead her there once the preparations are done.」

「I understand.」

I proceeded to my room while patting my erect lower half which had fully regained its
strength. Closing the door to my room, I was the only one inside. The servants who
normally served me inside the room had already left.

While waiting, I read the document that Eve had copied at the Innovation Association.
Shortly after, there was a knocking sound. The number of knocks was different from the
servant’s, so this person was probably Lupetta. She was knocking the door too much.


Upon receiving my permission, a woman quietly entered the room.

It was Lupetta.

The expression on her face was as dark as her hair, but there weren’t any tears in her
eyes. She stared at me while holding a wooden box the size of a matchbox in front of her
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The dirt had been washed off after taking a bath, and her smooth and clear dark blue
semi-long hair swayed gently. Lupetta would qualify as a wealthy family’s young lady
with her elegant appearance as long as she kept quiet.

The light green babydoll dress that balanced well with her petite body was probably
prepared by the servants. Her dress which was made to wrap a woman’s mounds had
become useless due to her flat chest, and it instead made her small breasts stand out.


Closing the door, and after taking a few steps forward, she spoke. She seemed to be
inquiring whether it was alright to speak, so I prompted her to continue with a hand.

「… Um, I want to confirm one thing. Sir, What’s… Do you have a high position in the
army? Can you… Could you intervene in the matter concerning Mergin’s punishment?」

She was allowed to take a bath and wear an erotic dress, and now she was standing in
front of a man who was totally ready for action. That wasn’t really the kind of question
you’d ask at this point, I thought. But, I nodded my head.

「… Then, I’m glad. Sir, you own a large house like this one. What’s… Are you an army
executive, or something? 」

She was probably probing my status to see if I really had the authority to release Mergin.
Ignoring her question, I decided to go straight to the point.

「Mergin is scheduled for release tomorrow morning. It has been decided just a while

“Just a while ago” referred to a little while before she pleaded by offering her body to me.
Of course, I wouldn’t tell her the truth.

「Ah… I’m glad. Thank you, Sir.」

Lupetta let out a relieved breath and relaxed. She probably loved Mergin very much. For
her to sacrifice her body in order to save her loved one, how admirable and adorable. I
would definitely have to do my best to shower her with love.

「Isn’t still too early to thank me? What will happen if you break our promise… Do you

The answer: Nothing would happen.

「I know. I’ll definitely keep… our promise. 」

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Completely ignorant of the truth, Lupetta looked at me with a stiff expression.

Our promise was simple. She would be my prostitute while their adventurer group
carried out their activity in Nyuneri City. I arranged the promise in a way so that I would
be able to bang her again in case her body was good. Even though she did it for Mergin, it
was Lupetta’s fault for immediately agreeing to the promise without properly asking for
the details.

「We have plenty of time. Come and sit here, and let me know more about you.」

「… Okay.」

Lupetta walked in a strange manner while looking here, and sat down on the bed. She
seemed to have placed the small box on the nearby table. I stored the document on my
hand inside the desk’s drawer.



She gave me a doubtful look as if to say “You already know my name, right?”.

I intentionally let out a deep breath.

「… I’m not only asking about your name, I want to know more about you. In simple
terms, introduce yourself.」

Lupetta gripped her hands which were placed on her lap into a グ shape and while
looking diagonally upwards, she spoke.

「Err, I’m Lupetta… I was born in Vairburg village, and seventeen years old this year. I’m
an adventurer.」

「Seventeen years old?」

Simply looking at her face, she kind of look like a seventeen-year-old woman. However,
she was shorter than me, a twelve-year-old boy. Despite wearing a sexy babydoll dress
that emphasized the body line, there were no curves to be seen from her body. She didn’t
look like a seventeen-year-old woman.

「I get… They often tell me that my body is undeveloped.」

Lupetta appeared to be having trouble with her speech since a while ago. She seemed
confused with her speech. Maybe she wasn’t used to speaking with a person of high
status. AzHar Sologuy
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Elluo, the general language in this continent, was similar to Japanese. It had a wide
variety of expressions, including polite speech. Lupetta seemed to believe that she was
being respectful, but she would definitely be taken to the discipline room if Tesh were to
hear her speak.

「You’re having quite the trouble speaking.」

「… I have never talked to a person of high status. In the village, I’m the one with the
highest status…」

I had no idea where Vairburg or something village was located, but magic users were
quite rare in small villages. She must’ve grown up doing as she pleased.

「I’ll permit you to speak normally. However, you’ll have to promise to talk that way only
when we are together alone.」

「… Really?」

「Yes. It will throw me off if you keep fumbling with your words. However, never speak
casually when outside.」

No one would hear Lupetta even if she were to speak casually in the bedroom. There
were probably servants and guards listening through the wall, but they weren’t so
senseless as to meddle with bed matters.

「… Got it. I’ll speak properly outside.」

「Good. Be sure to watch out.」

I slowly moved closer to the bed.

「Well then, I’ll have you stick to your promise.」

「… Alright.」

I sat down closely beside Lupetta who was sitting down on the corner of the bed. She was
seventeen years old, but her height was about the same as Eve who was only twelve. I
thought about comparing their breast size, so I reached my hand towards her dress’
breast area. I could feel her warmth under the silk dress.


Much to my surprise, she was totally flat-chested. Her dress formed a beautiful straight
line from her chest to her stomach, as though she didn’t have any swelling part anywhere.
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Lupetta seemed to be in love with Mergin, but if Mergin was a breast man, she would have
to give up her hopeless love

「Being touched by a man other than your much loved Mergin, how does it feel?」

「…… The worst.」

I did tell that she could speak to me normally, but I never told her that she could speak so
bluntly. Well, in some sense, this was a fresh experience. I decided to enjoy her cheeky

「Have you done this kind of thing with Mergin? 」

「No way… Mergin and I aren’t in that kind of relationship.」

「I see. Mergin hasn’t touched you. Hmm.」

From above the clothes, I touched her completely flat and smooth chest. I felt like I was
leaving my footsteps on the new snow of a ski resort completely reserved by another
person. I was getting aroused.

「mmh… no, it tickles! stop it… mhm…」

Lupetta’s breathing became somewhat disordered when I stimulated her around her
nipples. Turning her body around, I fondled her breasts from behind. When I gave her a
loud kiss on the neck, I could hear a low cry from her.

「You’re really cute, Lupetta. Even though you were so close to him, it’s hard to believe
that he didn’t touch you.」

「… You’re lying.」

Lupetta had a loli body, but she was quite attractive. Since Mergin hadn’t touched her,
perhaps he really was a breast man.

「Mergin has only been looking at that girl recently… After all, I’m… 」

Apparently, Mergin was enamored with the new female adventurer in their team. That
woman didn’t come to plead for Mergin. She probably went back to Nyuneri City
immediately after being released. What a heartless woman.

「Even though we’ve been together for a long time… When we came here in Nyuneri, that
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While I responded appropriately to Lupetta’s complains, I lowered the shoulder string of
her babydoll dress. She seemed to have built up a considerable amount of resentment
from her days, and perhaps she was feeling pleased that someone was listening to her,
Lupetta gradually became talkative. There was probably no one in their party who would
hear out her complains. However, she shouldn’t grumble about these things to the person
who demanded her body.

For a short while, Lupetta continued grumbling her dissatisfactions towards Mergin and
“that woman”.

「Mergin won’t even look at me… He doesn’t need to tell me, I know that I’m not
attractive… He’s too much… Even though I’m having a hard time now…」

「… I have a question. How old is Mergin?」

「Fifteen years old.」

Hearing Lupetta’s grumblings since a while ago, a doubt had surfaced in my mind, that
perhaps Mergin might actually be in love with Lupetta. Maybe he was trying to attract
Lupetta’s attention by calling another woman beautiful, teasing Lupetta about her body,
and intentionally showing that he had no interest in her.

He was giving off the smell of a cherry boy who would tease his crush. He probably
awakened his love towards the older and sisterlike Lupetta, but he couldn’t be honest
with his feelings due to their relationship up until now. Lupetta was completely oblivious
of a man’s feeling, and she took his words at face value and got hurt. Of course, I wouldn’t
point it out.

「I see, that’s indeed too much. Even though you love him so much that you’re willing to
offer your body to another man.」

「Stop it. Dont’t say such thing… 」

While rubbing her breast, I was slowly pulling down her dress’ shoulder string. I was
secretly brushing her hair, but I stopped my hand and instead pressed it on the back of
her head and then tightly embraced her closer.

「I’m only telling the truth. You will be having sex with me, and I’ll be taking your
beautiful body which no one has seen before. If Mergin finds out about this matter, what
will he think? Will he feel sad? angry? or perhaps… he won’t care?」

「Stop it, don’t say anything! I don’t want to hear it… For his sake, I… No, I’ve had
enough… Please hurry up and finish it.」
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I repeatedly kissed her on the neck, and then removed her babydoll dress. Wearing only a
string panty, Lupetta’s almost naked figure appeared in sight. Like the time with Eve,
there was a servant in my residence with a good sense, preparing a sexy dress and string
panty for my woman. I’d decided to give that servant a special bonus later.

Moving before Lupetta, I placed my fingers under her chin and turned it upwards.
Lupetta seemed to have understood my intention, and she stiffened slightly.

「Uh… um.」

「What is it?」

Moving my face slowly closer, I asked.

「Can we do it without kissing? Please.」

「That’s not included in our promise, but… I guess its fine. However, I won’t allow any
further requests. If you refuse me again, not only will I kiss you, but I also won’t be able to
guarantee what will happen to Mergin.」

Smiling slightly, Lupetta nodded.

I didn’t really mind even if we didn’t kiss now. There were still many chances to sleep
with her again. Besides, I felt like it would interesting to see her reaction if I forcefully
kissed her during our last day. At her moment of carelessness because she was thinking
that it would be our last time, I would give her a surprise deep kiss. Without doubt that
would be her last as well as her greatest memory as a prostitute in Nyuneri City.

「Thank you.」

In the first place, I would be cumming inside her very soon, so why was she so happy just
because we weren’t going to kiss?

A woman’s heart was complicated.

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Chapter 48
Deliciously Eating the Female Adventurer in
Love (Part 2)
I drew my face away and observed Lupetta’s body. Her nipples, color slightly darker than
her skin, were erect. It must’ve been because I teased her nipples earlier while listening
to her complains.

「If you don’t want to kiss then it can’t be helped. Here, lick this.」

I held out my dick right in front of Lupetta. Since she’d already rejected the kiss earlier,
she couldn’t reject anymore. Lupetta hesitated for a moment, but she stuck out her
tongue as though she’d resolved herself.

「Have a taste of your first cock.」

Her trembling tongue reached the tip of my aroused penis. When it touched right where
my transparent fluids had gathered, she pulled her tongue back in surprise.

「Lick it properly! Hold it inside your mouth and taste it from top to bottom.」

I thrust my hips forward and shoved my penis towards her cheek. She closed her eyes
with a frown and then brought her face closer with her mouth wide open. Lupetta’s angle
was slightly off since she had her eyes closed, so I adjusted my dick with my hand and
pushed it.


「Good. Just like that, gradually close your mouth.」


Lupetta obediently obeyed my instruction and closed her mouth. However, there was
barely any feeling. Unlike the time when Minith gave a blowjob, it lacked the pleasant
sensation like when the interior of the mouth was firmly holding the dick.

I sensed that she was putting air into her mouth, keeping a distance from my meat stick
to avoid her mouth’s interior from touching it.

「Release the air inside your mouth and properly hold my dick with your mouth.」

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As the sound of air getting released sounded, I became enveloped in something warm.
Her tongue, which was trying to get away, was positioned under my penis, while her
mouth supported both sides. The hardness of her teeth, which were slightly rubbing
against my dick, gave a good accent. It felt incredibly great.

「Ohh, you’re doing an excellent job. Just like that, suck it and try out its taste. It’s the
taste of your first dick, so remember it well.」

Her tongue, placed under my dick, first wriggled about restlessly. Then, her mouth began
moving with a sense of unity, getting a taste of the thing inside it.

「mmhu… mnh …chu… fuu… mhnhchu… mhmm…」

Lupetta teased the meat stick in her mouth with wet noises. The purpose this time wasn’t
for me to feel good, but to let her familiarize herself with the taste of my cock. This feeling
of having my body tasted by another person made my mind tremble from pleasure.

「Ahh, Lupetta. You’re so good. 」

「mmh… mmh, nnnhhu, mmh…」

Lupetta sucked my dick with a very disgusted look on her face. Her expression was very
irresistible. Lupetta had a man who she desperately wanted to protect, but what she was
doing right now was sucking another man’s dick. This gap brought the greatest pleasure.

「Lupetta, I’m going to cum.」

I wanted to teach her not only the taste of my dick but also the flavor of my semen. The
moment I thought of that, I had reached my limit.


「Familiarize yourself with the taste of my semen. Drink everything!」

I sensed that Lupetta lowered her head to get away, so I grabbed the back of her head.
And then, feeling stimulated by her soft and flexible hair, my arousal was pushed up at

「Ku! I’m c-cumming, Lupetta!」

「Uhhhh?! mmhnguu?!」

The semen rushed out on to her tongue and spread inside her mouth. From the
indescribable groan coming from deep inside Lupetta’s throat, it was clear how much she
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On one hand, she was receiving the worst suffering. On the other hand, I was immersed in
a deep feeling of release as well as dominance. I was engraving my mark on her.

「There’s still more, so make sure to drink all of it! You’re not allowed to spit it out!」

I placed my hand under Lupetta’s chin and forcefully closed her mouth which she was
trying to open.

My meat stick continued letting out semen.

「mmmh, mhhhu, mhhhuuu.」

When the ejaculation finally ended, I heard a gulping sound. I felt an indescribable sense
of satisfaction from the fact that she swallowed my semen.


However, the moment she released my softened meat stick, Lupetta covered her mouth
with a hand. Then, she curled her body with her hand holding her stomach all the while
shaking. It looked as though she was about to vomit.

「Ah?! C-calm down! Don’t throw up here, you here me?! Are you alright?! Hey! Calm

I couldn’t help but reveal my emotion in panic. I brushed Lupetta’s trembling back and
took the decorative vase near the bed and readied it near her mouth.

「If you’re going to throw up, then do it here. I won’t get mad, so don’t worry. Are you

「Ugghh… ugghh… gross…!」

I gently brushed her back. This vase was actually quite expensive, and it wasn’t the kind
that should be used to vomit in, but it was much better rather than in the bed or
carpet.After gently brushing her back for a while, perhaps no longer feeling as nauseous,
her trembling back had calmed down.

I patted myself in relief that she didn’t make a mess.

「Phew, you surprised me!」

「….. Sorry.」

I felt like my softened dick had become limp.

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「… But, I swallowed all of it… so… please forgive me.」

Lupetta opened her mouth widely and showed that there was nothing left inside. It made
one wonder how she could still say that when she wanted to vomit it so much just a while

I made Lupetta shut her mouth which reeked of semen and patted her head.

「I’ll forgive you for almost vomiting. Tell me, how’s the taste of your first man?」

「… It was gross… I, I don’t want this, anymore… 」

A tear fell down.

That scene appeared very mystical and beautiful.

「I can’t take this anymore… Why, am I doing this kind of thing… Mergin, you

「Right. Mergin really is an idiot. Even though he already has a thoughtful and loving
woman beside him, he’s still looking at another woman.」

「Stupid… Mergin…stupid… you always say bad things about me… even though I’ve
always loved you… you’re horrible… save me… I, can’t take it anymore.……」

「Mergin sure is a heartless man. I really feel bad for you.」

As the cause of all this, I shouldn’t really be saying all these stuff, but I didn’t mind it and
hugged Lupetta’s body closer. I unfastened her string panty and threw it down the bed.
Now, both of us were completely naked.

「Uhhh… enough… I don’t, care anymore… Mergin, idiot… idiot…」

I placed Lupetta on the bed while she was getting all worked up complaining by herself. I
grabbed her legs and spread it. There was almost no resistance, so I was able to fully
unveil it without difficulties. Rather than saying that she’d resolved herself, it felt more
like she’d already given up. But, for me, it didn’t really matter either way.

I gazed at Lupetta’s private area, which had a fair amount of pubic hair. I felt the
mysteriousness of the human body upon seeing that she had pubic hair growing despite
her childish body.

I brought my face towards her private area, which was covered by pubic hair, and then
the smell of soap gently drifted.
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Even when I brought my nose close to her vagina, the smell of soap was still stronger. The
maids in the bath must’ve cleaned her thoroughly down there.

I stuck out my tongue and pushed it against her clit.


I licked around her pussy like a dog. It tasted slightly salty.

While lying down on the bed facing up, she was trying to get away with her legs.

After restraining her legs with my arm to make sure she wouldn’t escape, I continued
stimulating her clit. I occasionally slid my tongue inside her and savored the heat inside.

「Ahh! No, what is this?! I’m feeling weird! Ah, not there! No!!!」

If you say so, then I would have no choice but to further stimulate that area. That’s a man’s

I focused licking around that area where Lupetta reacted.

「Noo aah, aaah! n-not there, ah, aah, aaah. aahh ahhh… not, there, ahhh…」

She was quite interesting since she was reacting honestly. She sounded like a musical
instrument, an instrument that lets out lovely moans whenever played with the tongue. I
found it funny, as there might actually be an instrument with her name.

「What’s the matter? You’re letting out quite a lovely voice.」

「That’s, that’s not it! It was just a little!」

What exactly was just a little?

Even though it was so obvious due to her honest reaction, I still felt extremely happy for
being able to please a woman.

「Isn’t it good that you’re enjoying it? Mergin’s going to be released, so he’s happy. You’re
feeling good, so you’re happy. I’m able to sleep with a lovely woman like you, so I’m happy.
See? We’re all happy.」

What a fine conclusion. This was a perfectly happy ending for all of us. In order to reach
this happy ending, I once again slipped into her crotch and ran my tongue.

「 Ah, ahh. Ah, aaah, ah. Aahh, aahh, aaaah, n-noo, not, there, nooooo! 」
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「 Ah, ahh. Ah, aaah, ah. Aahh, aahh, aaaah, n-noo, not, there, nooooo! 」

Her vagina had loosen up so much that I couldn’t tell anymore whether these transparent
fluids was my saliva or her nectar.

I judged that her body was ready. My penis had also re-energized thanks to the
bewitching sounds that she played.

It’s all ready.

「I’m going to enter. You’re not allowed to refuse.」

Considering our current position, we’d be having sex in a missionary position. I regretted
promising that I wouldn’t kiss her. I’d realized that the best part of the missionary
position was connecting with the other person with a passionate kiss. I considered
breaking the promise and just suck her lips.

「Uhhh… hurry up… finish it already… Mergin… you idiot… I’ve become weird… I don’t
want this anymore.」

However, she covered her face with a pillow and was trying to endure the act that was
about to begin

I’d save the kiss for next time.

「I’m going in.」

With the tip covered in pre-cum, I turned my dick towards Lupetta’s entrance.

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Chapter 49
Deliciously Eating the Female Adventurer in
Love (Part 3)

I moved my penis, as though tracing the lips of her vagina like a writing brush. While I
savored the slippery sensation, I went closer little by little towards her hole. Since
Lupetta was hiding her face with a pillow, I couldn’t see her lovely face.

「Lupetta. Who is your first man?」


She didn’t respond, so I brought my face near her ear and whispered the same question
one more time.

「Lupetta. Who is your first man?」

「Ahh, don’t know… I don’t know… it’s Mergin’s fault… why, why am I… why…」

It’s not that she didn’t know, but more like she didn’t want to admit it. Lupetta expressed
her unwillingness while shedding tears.

「Hurry up and finish it… finish it… I don’t want this… I want to go home… I’ve become
weird… I’m scared… be gentle to me…」

Muffled heartrending cries sounded from beyond the pillow. Her determination to
continue on, sacrificing her body despite hating it so much, was truly praiseworthy.

I decided to stop being mean.

「Leaving aside whether I will end it quickly, I’ll treat you gently.」

After confirming the angle of my meat stick on her entrance, I dropped my body from on
top of her. Her inside was quite soft, but even so, it was tight and narrow. I continued
entering, forcibly breaking in as though cutting through it. It was so narrow and tight that
I couldn’t feel where her symbol of virginity was. It took some time before I was able to
enter inside her completely. Both Lupetta and I were breathing roughly.

「Arghh… it, it, hurts… uhh, hurry up… please…」

It would be a waste to end it so soon, so I held myself back and stopped moving.

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As though a switch had been turned on the moment I buried my whole inside her,
Lupetta’s body had started entwining, as though seeking for my sperm. The inside of
Lupetta’s vagina had tightened so much as though it wanted to receive my sperm. It was
burning hot inside, and there was a rough feeling from it. My mind had already been
moaning from the feeling.

Even though I was staying at rest, the pleasure was so great that I was about to lose my
consciousness. I really wanted to move my hips and appreciate her body, but I could feel
that I would ejaculate the moment I move. It would be all over if I were to move.

「Lupetta… aah…」

I noticed something when I called out her name. My mouth had been hanging half open
without me noticing it, and saliva was dripping. My brain had placed its focus completely
on my lower half due to the pleasure. I felt like I would turn into a disabled person if I
were to remain like this.

「Aren’t, you done yet…? hurry, hurry up… no… I don’t want this…」

Lupetta, who had her face covered by a pillow, peeked with one eye. Her moist silver eye
stared here. I felt the urge to kiss her lips and take away everything that she wanted to
offer to her loved one.


She covered her eye, which had been staring here, by a pillow again when I brought
myself closer. It had become completely hidden from view. It seemed that she had easily
seen through my evil intentions. She was totally on guard.

「Oh well.」

I very much love to push my hips while kissing, but there was no helping it this time, so I
could only forget about it. Instead, I played with Lupetta’s utterly defenseless body, other
than her face.

Usually, after inserting it, I would just thrust and kiss then it’s over. So I had never done
something like caressing the other person in this kind of situation.

「Your skin is really beautiful.」

I felt her flawless stomach. As expected from an adventurer, she had muscles underneath
her smooth skin. Her healthy and strong body was excellent.

I kissed Lupetta around her neck and collarbone area.

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I ran my fingers down our connected private parts and poked her weak spot rhythmically.
Slippery fluids covered my hand, making me wonder if semen had flooded out from inside

「Aah ahhh… aahha… stop, it, already… no… noo… mm… ah… ah, aaah… uhhh…

「What do you want me to stop?」

As I asked her that question, I peeled the skin of her clitoris and pressed the ball of my
finger against it. Then, she squeezed the pillow she’d been hugging harder.

「T-that… stop…! don’t be gentle… noo… nmm! ahh, aaah?! nnm…!」

Lupetta bent backward to a shocking degree when I teased her clit, causing me to feel
excited. I see. Lupetta didn’t want to be treated gently. Then I would have to treat her even
gentler. With a sweet gentle tone, I moved my mouth close to her ear and softly

「Lupetta, you’re lovely. You’re really lovely. The loveliest of all.」

I gently brushed her indigo hair with my other hand that wasn’t covered with love fluids.
Not being recognized as a woman by Mergin seemed to be her inferiority complex, so I
only had to focus my words around that part.

You’re lovely.

You’re a charming woman

No man wouldn’t notice such a wonderful woman like you.

As I tossed words that satisfied her self-confidence, I kissed her body and stimulated her
private area.

「… uhh, you’re lying… no… stop it…uuuhh… ah, there… nmm… lies, don’t say it…」

Lupetta was really a charming and attractive woman, but she just wouldn’t believe it. Her
body was kind of childish, but its excellent condition was plain to see when I held her
body. Honestly, I didn’t want to let her go. Forget about my dick, she even grasped my

「I’m telling the truth. I’ve fallen in love with you since the first time we met.」

「Aah… nm, uhh, lies…」

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「The reason I saved you back when the soldier almost hit you was because I was
charmed by you.」


Probably remembering our first chance meeting, Lupetta became silent without being
able to deny my words.

「In the first place, I wouldn’t have accepted your request if you weren’t such a lovely
woman. The fact that your sleeping with me right now is the best proof. You’re a lovely

I kissed her cheek and looked at her. Even though she avoided my gaze, she no longer said
that my words were lies. As though mulling over my words, she squeezed the pillow.
Additionally, my meat stick was also squeezed. The intense feeling of pleasure rocked my

「Ku! I’m about to cum. Lupetta! I’m cumming!」

「… nmm…?! No! No!!!」

During the first shot, a lump of semen rushed out. Following the first shot, semen
continued rushing out in minute amount. It felt as though my semen had tainted even the
feelings that Lupetta had towards Mergin deep within her heart with a sticky white color.

Lupetta’s seductive moans as she received my semen was captivating.


While I was immersed in pleasure, all the energy I had was focused on ejaculating. I didn’t
even have the strength to lift the pillow from Lupetta’s face. I embraced Lupetta’s head
along with the pillow and planted a kiss on the pillow. The only thought I had was for my
kiss to reach Lupetta’s moist lips behind this soft pillow.

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Chapter 50
Deliciously Ate the Female Adventurer in
Lupetta had squeezed out all the leftover sperm. We were still attached to each other,
with my softened dick inside her.

「Lupetta, that was great.」

「… hah…」

As she replied weakly, I continued caressing her lightly. I wonder how much time had
passed. The moonlight that shined from the gaps of the curtain had become faint. It
seemed to be getting late.

Today, I came twice inside Eve during the day and twice inside Lupetta during the night. I
felt like I could still shoot one more time, but I decided not to overdo it.

Lupetta’s reactions were interesting, so I found it enjoyable sleeping with her. From now
on, I would start treating her nicely and praise her to the skies. Then perhaps she would
become proactive on the bed next time.

「I’m pulling it out.」

As I pulled my penis out, a slightly foamy white fluid oozed out, running down her anus,
and staining the bed sheet. Lupetta looked erotic as she lay down on the bed with her
legs opened in an M pose while semen continued leaking out from her.

「Wanna sleep now?」

「Ah… wait… I need to, do that.」

Lupetta wiped the semen dripping down from her crotch in a rough manner. What a
waste. Afterward, she slowly crawled out from the bed.

While I looked at her wondering what she was going to do, she took a wooden box on top
of a nearby table. That was the box that she brought with her back when she entered the

「What is that?」

「Can I… use this?」

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Lupetta asked. Then, she turned the box here.

I stood up from the bed, took the box from her, and looked at the content inside.

There was a pink powder inside the box. It looked like the soap powder that removes oil
stains in Japanese gas stations.

「What is this?」

I asked again.

She seemed to have thought that I would recognize it upon seeing the pink powder, but I
really had no idea.

「Eh…? It’s a medicine made from killsieshi, though?」

Killsieshi was a type of plant that was similar to aloe. The agricultural area in Nyuneri
City also grew these plants. The leaf’s color was shocking pink. I heard that these plants
were cultivated for decorative purposes.

「Is it a popular medicine? I haven’t heard of it, though…」

It was a medicine, but the wooden box didn’t have any manufacturer’s name on it, and it
looked like an ordinary accessory box.

「Um… this is… a contraceptive… is it not used in the Quordentz army?」

What! Contraceptives actually existed in this world. I’d always thought that internal
ejaculation was the norm and that the only way to prevent pregnancy was by ejaculating

Who was it who told me that killsieshi was only an ornamental plant? Now that I think
about it, I’d never seen nobles and wealthy families use them as decoration in their
houses. The level of culture in this world wasn’t high enough that ordinary people would
buy ornamental plants. They wouldn’t possibly use several fields to cultivate such an
unprofitable thing, right? As I thought hard about it, I kind of remember that the one who
taught me such a lie was my grandfather. Perhaps it was a training to demotivate me
from using contraceptives.

「Contraceptive, huh. Such thing actually existed. So, how do you use it?」

「It’s my first time… using it, too.」

Well yeah.
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I couldn’t think of a scenario where a virgin would use a contraceptive. While I quietly
looked at Lupetta, she took a cup placed nearby.

「Can I use this?」

After I shook my head in approval, Lupetta grabbed around one teaspoon of the pink
powder with her fingers. She then placed the powder into the cup and poured a small
amount of water from the water container.


Lupetta dipped her finger inside the cup and mixed it. Afterward, the powder dissolved
in the water, turning into a sticky liquid. After a while, it turned into something like pink
gelatin. Lupetta then scooped that pink gelatin with her finger and entered it in her
vagina. She seemed to have inserted her middle finger inside, but from an outsider’s
point of view, she looked as though she was masturbating. It was a lewd sight.

「mm… nmm…」

Lupetta pulled out her finger, then she once again scooped the pink gelatin and thrust it
inside. She repeated the same action until she emptied the cup.

After folding her handkerchief and wiping her crotch one last time, she blocked the
entrance of her vagina by wearing a panty to prevent the pink gelatin from leaking out.
She seemed to have finished her pregnancy prevention treatment.


As though finishing a task, Lupetta sighed.

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder.

「Come over here. There’s a clean bed.」

After getting out of the bed once, I couldn’t get myself to return to that bed where we had
sex and was now covered in semen. I instructed the servant to prepare two beds this
time too, so I invited Lupetta towards the unused bed. When I tried to hold her hand
casually, there was almost no resistance from her.

Facing each other on the bed, I embraced Lupetta closer and then asked:

「Is that contraceptive effective?」

「I heard… there are times when it doesn’t work…」

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Well, that makes sense too. After ejaculating so much, it’s hard to believe that putting
some of that pink gelatin could completely prevent pregnancy. She also didn’t want me to
cum inside her, so perhaps it could only lower the chances of getting pregnant. There was
always the chance of getting pregnant.

「Take your time to rest. I’ll contact you again soon.」


「You’re reply?」

「… Yes, but…」

I quietly waited for her to continue. She probably didn’t think that I would let her off, so
what did she want to say?

「If I come here everytime… the others might discover it…」

Facing down, Lupetta became silent. It seemed that she’d concealed the fact that she gave
up her body to save Mergin from her party.

「The inn where your party is currently staying, where is it located?」

「We haven’t decided where to stay yet.」

Apparently, they were walking inside in high spirits after finally arriving at Nyuneri City.
It was then that their party suddenly encountered me and were arrested. Their luck was
rather bad. Since they were immediately arrested, they hadn’t been able to choose where
to stay.

If that’s the case, then its more convenient.

「You guys have already been arrested once. Tell your party members to stay at different
inns to prevent unnecessary misunderstanding. Then, you’ll be able to walk any time of
the day without being found out by your party members.」


「Later, inform a person here about the inn where you’re going to stay. If I want to have
sex with you, I’ll send a servant to contact you. I won’t tell you to come immediately. After
my servant contacts you, arrange a time that’s convenient for you within the next few

It would actually depend on how I could escape from Fanny.

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Lupetta nodded with a resigned look. She probably judged that she had no way out.

「One more thing. It would be better to move independently as much as possible within
the city. I can’t guarantee that you guys will get released safely next time. It’s bad enough
since you guys already have a record here, so make sure they wouldn’t be able to find any
fault on your party.」

Additionally, it would be easy to slip out every time I summon her if their party were to
act separately.

I told Lupetta to make use of their arrest record to arrange an environment where she
could easily slip out.

「… Okay, I’ll do as you said… S-sir… please don’t tell this to anyone… 」

「Fine. This is just between you and me.」

「… Stop it…」

I kissed Lupetta, who had a bitter expression on her face, on the forehead before cutting
out the faint illumination magic.

The room had become completely dark.

As I closed my eyes for a while, I could hear a lovely breathing next to me. Still, I never
thought that contraceptives existed here. Suddenly, I remembered about the events in

Anna probably used contraceptive secretly behind my back. I might be prejudiced, but
she might have some knowledge on that matter since she was their bar’s idol. Even
Lupetta knew about contraceptives, so there was no way Anna wouldn’t know about it.

Back when I stayed in Nambonan, I came inside Anna more than three times almost every
day. I worked so hard in our lovemaking, so I felt slightly sad when I think that she’d been
using contraceptive behind my back. I’d check on Anna’s actions after having sex with her
the next time I go to Nambonan. If she used a contraceptive, then I would confiscate it.
Then I’d let her experience real babymaking.

I wonder about Kohali. When I was about to cum inside her back then, she was unwilling
and was telling me that she would get pregnant. Perhaps she also had some knowledge
about contraceptives. After I had sex with Kohali, they immediately left as soon as I gave
the gold, so I had no idea what happened to her after that. Perhaps her brother Rumon
ran around the market to buy a contraceptive with the gold I gave them.
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『Brother… I, I’ve been defiled…』

『… You’re clean… Put this in. It’s a medicine.』

『… I’m scared, brother. Please… put it inside.』

『I, I can’t. You should put it yourself.』

『… Brother…』

『Kohali… I understand, I’ll put inside for you.』

『Ahh, brother’s finger is entering inside me… nmm…』

… Now don’t give me that kind of development.

In Kohali’s case, it was scary since that development wasn’t impossible. When I go to
Nambonan next time, I would properly confirm about it. And while at it, I would also
warn that rascal Rumon.

「nm… mm…」

My thoughts were disrupted as Lupetta murmured in her sleep. Uh-oh, I was sleeping
with a woman so it wasn’t good to think about other women. As the moonlight shined on
her, I caressed Lupetta’s tired sleeping face.



When I kissed her on the cheek, she smiled.

「… I love you… Mergin…」

I wonder if she was having a good dream. Perhaps in her dream, she was being kissed by
the man she liked. I’m sure she’d be surprised the next morning once she woke up from
her blissful dream. I’m looking forward to her reaction at that time.

While suppressing the urge to kiss Lupetta’s defenseless lips, I closed my eyes.

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Chapter 51
Preliminary Arrangements

Translator: Name correction from ‘Gandran’ to ‘Gandoran’.

I woke up the next morning and prepared my clothes for the day. Lupetta got out of the
bed slightly later. When she looked around the room upon waking up, she almost burst in
tears, so I brushed her gently to calm her down.

I ordered a servant to serve the breakfast here in the bedroom, since Lupetta wouldn’t be
able to take a breakfast with me in the dining room. The dining room was considered a
formal area, so some troublesome exchanges would be needed to let someone outside of
the family sit. Table manners would be required, too. I couldn’t expect anything of that
from Lupetta. However, there wouldn’t be a need to care about these troublesome things
in my bedroom since it was considered a private area.

Incidentally, I had the servant also prepare clothes for Lupetta. Letting her have breakfast
in a negligee would make me want to eat her instead. The clothes that were prepared for
her was the same as the one she wore yesterday, but it had become beautiful with all the
dirt washed off. A servant most likely stayed up all night to wash it.

After our breakfast was placed on the table, perhaps feeling hungry already, Lupetta
began eating without delay.

「It’s very delicious.」

Lupetta said so delightfully. Just as I thought, Lupetta didn’t know table manners. Still,
her way of eating wasn’t too messy.

「Is that so?」

I was thinking of telling her ‘make sure to eat a lot for the sake of the baby in your
stomach’ as a joke, but I decided against it since the mood might turn gloomy.

「It’s my first time eating food this delicious.」

I considered telling her ‘It’s been nothing but first times for you since last night, hasn’t it?’
as a joke, but I decided not to since the mood might turn heavy.

「I see. Then eat as much as you want.」

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Lupetta quietly moved her fork and spoon. She was eating so much that it made one
wonder where in that small body of hers did all that food go.

After Lupetta had emptied clean all the plates, she told me that she’d be returning to the
army camp. Mergin would probably get released after the army’s morning assembly, so it
was just right time for her to leave. I didn’t forget to remind her to contact once she’d
decided where to stay.

「I understand… I’ll inform someone from this house.」

Lupetta shook her head in agreement. Her tone was serious, so I guess she would
properly contact me.


I extended my arms wide and stared at her.

「… Um?」

「I only want a hug. Come here.」

I pulled the troubled Lupetta by the hand and hugged her body closely. She stiffened
slightly, but gradually relaxed as I continued hugging.

「I’ll contact you again soon, alright?」

「Uh… yes…」

Giving one last tight hug, I released her. As soon as she got released, Lupetta moved in
front of the door like a cat running away.

「I’m leaving.」


She nodded her head lightly and left the room. A servant was waiting outside the door, so
she’ll probably be guided all the way outside.

Having the desire to drink an after meal tea, I rang the bell on the table.

Fanny was sulking when I returned to Nyuneri Castle after having breakfast. She declared
her intention of staying at my residence next time, too. However, the only time I ever
stayed at my residence was whenever I had a business involving my lower half. It would
be rather problematic to bring Fanny there.
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After putting her back in a good mood, I returned to my room and found Minith cleaning
there. I had a feeling that this encounter was a scheme by someone, probably by Tesh or
the head maid.

「Ahhh♡, young master… so much…」

「It’s not young master, right?」

「mm… Wilk-sama…」

And so, I poured the morning shot inside Minith’s precious place from behind her.
Whether this was someone else’s scheme, plan, or whatever, nothing mattered anymore.
I’d already turned into a monkey.

Minith looked exceptionally erotic. She stood with her legs wide opened and arms on the
wall while semen dripped down from her secret garden, causing a stain on the carpet.

「nmmchu, chu… chu… love… you… chu♡…」

With only her neck turned to my direction, I pressed my lips against Minith’s lips. My
desire to kiss had grown high since I wasn’t able to do so last night.

「Wilk-sama, I’m going to clean it.」

「I’m leaving it to you.」

Minith licked my rod that had become sticky from her love fluids and my semen. She ran
her tongue with great care, taking into consideration that my rod was currently
incredibly sensitive after just ejaculating.


Lastly, she planted a kiss on the tip before releasing it. Her cleanup didn’t last long, so I
was unable to recover my hardness. Minith wiped it with a wet towel one more time and
put my underwear back.

「Good girl, good girl.」


While Minith had her head lowered to the height of my waist, I caressed her head softly.
She closed her eyes with an expression overflowing with joy.

Suddenly, I remembered that I had something to ask from Minith.

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「Minith. When’s your next day off?」

「It’s tommorow.」

The servants working in Nyuneri Castle usually had a once a week day off. There was a
rotation, so the day for the day off differed per servant.

「Tommorow, huh. I see.」

「Young master, is something the matter? Please don’t hesitate to speak about it.」

Oh no, Minith’s switch had completely shifted to her work mode. It’s unfortunate, I still
wanted to appreciate Minith in her lovey-dovey mode.

「Well, have you heard about how I sometimes walk around the castle town while
concealing my identity?」

I would sometimes wander around the castle town in secret, exploring a look at places
such as the market place while wearing commoner’s clothing and without any guards
around. Even though I didn’t have guards nearby, there would guards hiding behind the
scenes to watch over attentively. They naturally wouldn’t let me walk alone. Also because
there was a magic detecting formation in the city, it wasn’t difficult to defend against

A wide area detection magic would activate several times a day at fixed intervals in order
to identify and suspicious magic users, but it would be in full operation to surveil the
magic users in real time whenever I go down to the castle town. Perhaps the person in
charge of the security viewed my incognito trip to the castle town as a very troublesome

「It’s my first time hearing about it. Is it different from the inspection tour to the
Innovation Association?」

Whenever I went to the Innovation Association, I would be going out as a member of the
House of Quordentz. Guards would stand by my side, so it couldn’t really be considered a
secret trip. I explained the difference to Minith.

「It’s a covert inspection. I would go down to the castle town while wearing commoner’s
clothing and without any guards.」

「Is that so…?」

Minith looked like she found it hard to understand how the eldest son of Quordentz
family would walk around without even a single guard.
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Her eyes popped out with astonishment.

Then, I decided to enter the main topic in question.

I felt my heart beating slightly faster.

「So, there’s this place that I want to visit together with you. That’s why I wanted to ask
about your plans on your day off. Since your accompanying me, I’ll arrange it so that you’ll
have two days off next week.」

Unlike the usual trip down to the castle town where I would just walk aimlessly, I had a
purpose in mind for the incognito trip this time. Though in some way, this was an
invitation for a date. Well, Minith might view it as something like a business
entertainment. I intended to count it as being on duty and prepare a compensatory day off
next week for her.

Perhaps she realized that I was asking her out on a date, Minith looked around the room
nervously with a red face. We’d just finished our intimate time, so there was no one else
in the room except for the two of us.

「Eh, ah, um… Just together… with young master…?」

「Right, it’s a date. But you probably have plans tomorrow, so we can just go next week.」

「No! Please don’t worry about me. I don’t have any plans for tomorrow. I feel very happy
and honoured to be able to go around the castle town with young master.」

For some reason, Minith went down on her knees and placed her fingers on the floor.

「Are you sure? I don’t want you to change your plans just for me… What did you plan to
do for tomorrow?」

「Ehm, I was thinking of looking for a makeup set… That’s all. There wouldn’t be a
problem to look for one next week.」

Apparently, she originally planned to go together with a close friend, but something came
up with that friend, so she intended to go alone instead.

「I see. You’re fine tommorow then? I’ll contact you the meeting place and time.」

「Yes! I’ll be waiting!」

Minith stood up with a bright smile on her face.

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I felt glad upon seeing that she was so happy about it.

「Well then, I want Tesh to come inside the room to inform him about tommorow’s

Immediately understanding my intention, Minith quickly cleaned up the mess in the

room after we had sex. Afterward, she left the room and brought Tesh back with her

「… And so, we’ll head to the castle town tomorrow. Can I entrust you the arrangement
of the guards and the security?」

「I understand.」

「Also, I’ve written a letter to Gandoran Group. I’ll entrust you to send it out.」

Gandoran Group was the slave trading company that sold Eve to me. While I was staying
in my residence, I had decided on what to do about the matter concerning Eve’s mother,
so I wrote the letter.

I would be going to Nambonan again soon. For that reason, I considered receving Eve’s
mother in Nambonan City. I had no intention of letting Eve reunite with her mother, at
least for now. In the one and a half month, Eve seemed to have understood her position a
bit, but she was still unwilling to accept me. What I wanted to do was to raise her reliance
towards me. If I were to let her meet with her mother now, there was no doubt that she’d
choose to rely on her mother over me. I had already instructed the servants to treat her
slightly better, so I hope she’d start depending on me soon.

Whether it was Nyuneri or Nambonan, there wasn’t much difference in distance from the
city where Gandoran Group was based in, so there shouldn’t be a problem if I were to
choose Nambonan.

「I have certainly received the letter.」

I sighed after handing over the letter to Tesh.

With this, the number of my sexual partners in Nambonan would increase by another
one. Perhaps I would be able to enjoy a threesome or foursome first before I could enjoy
the mother and daughter pair.

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Chapter 52
Castle Town Date
How could Nyuneri’s citizens tell me—the eldest son of the Marquis—apart from others?
The answer was by appearance. The citizens would immediately recognize me if I were to
wear a mantle with my family’s crest. There was no one in Nyuneri who didn’t know of
Quordentz family’s crest.

Other than that, they might also recognize me if I were to don a dazzling armor, wear fine
clothing, or bring guards along. Since our family’s photos weren’t put up for sale, only a
few people really knew our faces. The citizens would, at most, know my age, height, as
well as the color of my hair and eyes.

In short, the citizens would never think that I was the eldest son of the Marquis if I were
to walk in a commoner’s clothes, put on a wig with a different color, and bring no guards

「Young master, we’ll be guarding at the back. Please be careful.」

「I’m counting on you.」

As soon as I passed through the wall separating the castle and the castle town, one of my
guards whispered before disappearing in a blink of an eye. They would conceal
themselves slightly far away and guard me.

I walked along the town street alone. The citizens didn’t recognize my identity and paid
me no attention at all. I hadn’t felt so free in a long time.

The sound of the bell rang across the perfectly clear morning sky, notifying the current
time. Clocks didn’t exist in this world, so the sense of time was quite fuzzy. Nyuneri City
had a facility that observed the sun. When the sun reached a certain position in the sky,
the bell would be sounded to inform the city of the time.

Since this world had no electric lights like in my previous one, and using light by
activating magic wasn’t common, the citizens rarely worked till night. Instead, they
would start very early in the morning. The sun was still low in the sky, but people were
already walking along the main street.

There was a significant difference to this incognito trip compared to the last one. Since I
had received permission from my father, there wouldn’t be any issue if I were to sleep
with a citizen in the city. The mere thought of it made my eyes unintentionally glance at
the women walking down the street. My eyes were wide opened to beauties around me.
One of the objectives of this incognito trip was here.
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Minith and I had decided to leave our houses as soon as the bell rang and then meet up in
front of the statue in the central plaza. I left the castle slightly ahead since Minith’s house
in the castle town was near the plaza.

「Well then.」

I stepped into the crowded plaza. When I lightly activated detection magic, there were
commoner magic users walking around, but their number could be counted by one hand.
Forget about killing me, they were far from enough to cause me any harm, so I just
ignored them.

There was a bronze statue at the heart of the plaza. The statue was easy to spot, causing it
to become a meet up place among the citizens. Minith and I would also be meeting up

Did I arrive a bit early?, I thought.

I observed the people in front of the statue. As expected, the front of the statue was
crowded by people, including citizens, travelers, and adventurers.

While I was observing the people, a girl who stood in front of the statue, wearing pretty
clothes, approached me with inquiring eyes. Her chestnut colored hair, sitting above her
shoulders, swayed gently. Her hair was let down, drawing a curve that outlined her face.
It was a really beautiful hair.


The girl not only walked close, but she also spoke to me. Was I perhaps being picked up
by a girl? She was the cutest among the women in front of the statue, so I felt slightly
pleased. The men looked at me enviously. I had won it.

「Um, young master?」

When I looked closely at her face, the girl was actually Minith.

「Oh, Minith, so it was you. I wasn’t able to tell since you looked different from usual.」

Her hair wasn’t in the usual bunned style. I guess there wasn’t a need to tie her hair in a
bundle since she wasn’t on duty. With her hair down, the usual diligent impression that
she gave off had disappeared. She instead exuded the vibes of a healthy town girl.


Her hairstyle was kind of familiar.

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Where had I seen it before? As I thought a bit, I remembered a vague memory.

「Speaking of which, I kind of remember that hairstyle from back then…」

「Yes, young master’s remembered it right. Back then, we were free to choose our
hairstyle, so…」

Without hiding her joy, Minith smiled.

I felt jittery while brushing her hair, so I thought there was something about it, and it
appeared that I was indeed right.

「You’re no longer free to choose your own hairstyle now?」

「Yes. The head maid changed the rules back when the uniforms were introduced.」

The head maid, who loved being punctual, had apparently changed the rules back then
when I decided to introduce the uniforms to the servants. Until then, they were allowed
to do their hair any way they wanted as long as it wouldn’t hinder their work. However, a
limitation had been placed due to the head maid’s view. According to the head maid, it
wasn’t beautiful that their clothes were uniform, but their hairstyles differed. As a result,
a rule had been established, that they could either shorten their hair or tie it up.

I remembered Minith’s current hairstyle. I thought it was kind of cute back then when I
was going around surveying the servants about the uniforms. I see… I was unable to
remember it back when I first had sex with her.

「How nostalgic. This hairstyle suits you and it’s cute.」

I complimented her hairstyle without mentioning the fact that I had remembered about it
just now.

「Thank you… I feel very happy.」

Minith placed her palm on her chest and breathed a great sigh of relief. Perhaps she was
nervously waiting for me to notice her hair.

「By the way, Minith. Haven’t I told how you should refer to me today?」

「Ah… yes. Um, would it really be fine?」

Even though I was concealing my identity, people would eventually pick up on something
if she were to keep calling me young master. Whenever I went down to the castle town, I
always had a fake background prepared.
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Minith should’ve received a note containing my fake background yesterday from Tesh.

「Please properly call me by that name. Otherwise, people might find out my identity.」

My background was that of a commoner, so my speech was also similar to the way they
speak. There was no need to speak like boss like I always did, so it felt comfortable.

After taking a deep breath, as though switching gears, Minith spoke:


「Yeah, that’s good.」


Minith placed her fingers on her cheeks, blushing. Somehow, looking at her made me feel
embarrassed too. If we continued flirting here in the middle of the plaza, a kick might
come flying from the men’s side.

「Minith, let’s walk around that area until we get used to it.」

The place that I wanted to visit was, in a sense, enemy territory. Before rushing in, I
wanted to shake off this awkward feeling first. When I reached my hand out, Minith
looked at it with a troubled expression.

「Mm? Do you prefer holding arms?」

Same as my previous world, when couples walked side-by-side, they’d either hold hands
or the girl clings to the man’s arms. Which one does Minith prefer?, I wondered. I was fine
either way, but considering our heights, I think it would be quite a pathetic sight if she
were to cling to my arm.

「No, ah… I don’t. I think, I like holding hands more.」

As Minith spoke awkwardly, she grabbed my hand and even tightly interlocked fingers
with mine. My hands were slightly hotter, so Minith’s cold fingertips felt pleasant.

While holding hands, we left the plaza and moved towards the back lane.

「Is the market already open?」

「Yes… yup. It’s already open.」

It seemed that Minith was struggling in adjusting her speech.

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The way she was having trouble speaking in a casual manner made her the exact opposite
of Lupetta, which I found amusing.

I glanced at the surrounding and pulled Minith towards a shadow of a building.


「Minith. Just be yourself and enjoy it.」

I hugged her close and gave a light kiss. Minith leaned her body on me. If I were to engage
in a deep kiss now, we’d probably be going head straight to the love hotel, so we only
entwined tongues a bit.

「nnmmchu♡… Will…」

「Good girl.」

When I released Minith’s lips, she looked at me with desire in her eyes, but we couldn’t
continue kissing here. There was still a place that I wanted to go and visit. It wasn’t like I
wanted to get off yet.

「Minith, let’s go. Wasn’t there a place that you wanted to check out?」

「What about you? There’s no problem if we go to mine later…」

「We can settle my business later. Let’s first get used to our relationship.」

Pulling Minith’s hand, we returned to the back lane.

The marketplace was at the heart of the commercial district, and it required a bit of walk
to go there from the plaza. Minith was surprisingly quick on her feet. I wanted to try being
considerate, like men would do during dates, adjusting to the walking speed of their
partner. Unfortunately, it seemed that there was no need to do it with Minith. Commoners
typically walked fast, and I guess she was no exception.

「You wanted to look for a makeup set, didn’t you?」

「Yeah. Until now, I’ve been using the makeup set that has been handed to me by mom, so
I want to buy a new one.」

The marketplace was enveloped in a noisy and bustling atmosphere. It was filled with
morning energy. People were laying out their carpets, setting up their tents, and doing
business. It gave the image of a flea market. Whenever I took a stroll in the castle town, I
always visited this Blue Sky Market.
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It never bored me since it always had interesting stuffs displayed.

「This way.」

Although the people looked as though they were just opening stores as they pleased,
there was actually a rough standard operating procedure.

Minith pulled and led me to the area for women. There were many female customers
around this part, so I’d never gone here until now since I was nervous to step in. But this
time, I had a female companion, so I was able to confidently step inside the women’s area.
I felt slightly troubled, thinking whether I should a present for Fanny. If I were to buy
something she didn’t like, I felt like she’d sulk even more.

「Wow… It’s so pretty.」

Contrary to her usual demeanor, Minith raised a cheerful voice befitting her age. There
was a wooden box that appeared to be a makeup set in front of her, and she was grabbing
each tool with excitement.

「Hmm, so this is a makeup.」

I’d never had a chance to step inside a young noblewoman’s dressing room, so it was my
first time seeing these kinds of tools. Well, there was a chance that their makeup tools
were different from the ones that commoners used, so it probably wouldn’t be of any
help. I couldn’t give out any advice on which was good or bad. There were tools inside the
wooden box, and I was totally clueless on how these tools were used.

「Mr. Boyfriend, it’s inappropriate to keep looking when a woman’s buying her beauty

The woman tending the store reprimanded me. Certainly, I felt like it was slightly
insensitive to keep staring at a woman’s beauty products. Wondering if I made a mistake,
I glanced at Minith’s reaction.

「Boyfriend… boyfriend… ufu…♡」

For some reason, she looked really happy. There was a difference in our age and height,
but it was good that people were properly seeing us as a couple.

「How about buying an ornament or something? There are good ones over there. Go and
have a look at them.」

「Come come! Take a look here!」

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I was immediately led to a woman who was opening a store next door. It seemed that this
store sold accessories. Minith went along with my request, so I should at least give her a

「Your girlfriend is a beauty, so I think the accessories around here will suit her. It will
definitely look good on her! She’ll be happy… and perhaps she might even listen to your
naughty request.」

The woman spoke the last words while showing a gesture of lowering her voice. She was
still young, and yet her behavior was like a middle aged woman.

「What’s this one made of?」

「Mm? Ah, that’s a comb made of tortoiseshell. It’s from the tortoise that comes out of
fields, the one with a green shell.」

The comb’s material was similar to a tortoise’s shell, so I had my doubts about it, but it
looked like tortoiseshell was indeed the raw material.

「Do tortoise come out of fields?」

「You… are you a young master of a rich family? Tortoises that feed on leaves and roots
come out in great number during the beginning of spring. They are about this size. Their
meat isn’t very delicious, but their shell has many uses.」

When the woman mentioned the size, she formed a circle the size of an ordinary
automobile’s tire with her hands. The tortoise was quite large.

I remembered that tortoiseshells were usually obtained from sea turtles. I never thought
they could get one in the land, what a mysterious creature. There were animals on earth
that existed in this world, and there were also mysterious creatures that I’d never seen
before. That tortoise must be from the latter group.

「Did you like it? Processed tortoiseshells are beautiful, after all. If you're going to gift
your girlfriend, then choose a good one, like this one here.」

Perhaps because I casually picked a comb, she lined up combs with different colors of
tortoiseshell. There was blue, yellow, green, red, purple, white, brown, and black. The
scene before my eyes had turned colorful.

「These colors…」

「They are all from different tortoises. The cheapest is the green one, and the most
expensive ones are the red and blue.」
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Oh my turtle, there were so many of them. Perhaps the world was actually flat, and it was
being supported on the back of a gigantic turtle.

「The red and blue lived up to its price, they are beautiful.」

Although the red and blue were expensive, that was only from the perspective of a
commoner. I could easily buy a box of them. When I held the red comb towards the sun
which had already risen slightly higher, the half-transparent comb caused a red light to
shine on the ground.

「Do have anything other than combs?」

「Anything… That’s too vague. Can’t you narrow it down a bit? For example, hair
ornament, earring, necklace, or a ring.」

Since I would give her a present, I’d like her to use it every day. I thought about an
accessory that she could use even when working as a maid. I tried remembering the
appearance of the maids in the castle, but I’d never seen anyone wearing accessories like
earrings or a necklace. This must be due to the head maid’s actions behind the scenes.

However, I realized that there was one accessory.

「Do you have something to tie up the hair?」

The rule established by the head maid had caused a lot of maids to tie up their hair in a
bundle with ribbons or strings, among others. They were free to choose, to some extent,
which hair fastener to use. Minith used a plain fastener that looked similar to a barrette to
tie up her hair.

「Oh yes. If you're looking for a hair tie, then we have quite a lot of them.」

The woman displayed different kinds of hair tie. There must be a demand for them since
there were lots of long-haired women.

「This one.」

「That one? What was that again… Errr, that’s a flower with a nice smell. Tortoiseshell
was used to make that accessory. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?」

I took a barrette the shape of a red flower. The petals appeared to be made of processed
tortoiseshell, it was sparkling beautifully. Its size wasn’t too large, so I think the head
maid wouldn’t confiscate it.

「I’ll buy this one.」

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「Okay, thank you~.」

I handed a silver coin, which had been prepared for today, and received the barrette.
When I glanced at Minith, she was looking at the makeup sets slightly far away from me.
I’d decided to give it to her later.

After Minith looked at the accessories for a while, she moved towards me. It seemed that
she didn’t buy anything since she had nothing in her hands.

「Wait, you didn’t buy anything?」

「… I didn’t. They said that a peddler will be coming from another place soon and there
will be better products for sale. I’ve decided to wait until then.」

「I see.」

I guess buying cosmetic products wasn’t something to be rushed. Minith looked satisfied
after looking at the goods displayed. I pointed my finger outside.

「Is there anything else you’d like to see?」

「Well, I’d like to look for cloths…」

Commoners normally wouldn’t buy finished clothes. Assuming they buy one, they’d buy a
second-hand. Most of the time, they would buy materials to make new clothes or fix their
old clothes.

I wanted to visit a clothing store with a girl and enjoy the situation where the girl would
ask me ‘Does it look good on me? Which one is better?”, and then I’d start getting annoyed
since she couldn’t decide on what to pick.

「Then let’s go and look for cloths.」

I pulled Minith by the hand and walked.

The sun had reached high in the sky, and after taking lunch at a food stall in the central
plaza, the sound of the bell reverberated.

It was already afternoon.

「Will, what are we going to do after this? 」

「Hmm, let me see…」

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Minith seemed to have become accustomed to behaving as lovers, and the awkwardness
had mostly disappeared.

「Let’s go.」

I’d decided to proceed to this trip’s place of destination. We left the central plaza and
entered the area opposite of the commercial district. There were many old buildings
around this part, and the atmosphere was calm.

「It’s just around the corner after turning right.」

Led by Minith, I walked while breathing the slightly musty air. The alley’s old cracked
stone paving gave an excellent ambiance. From the perspective of a former Japanese
person, even the other districts were a sight to behold on their own, but this district felt
like you’re walking inside an enormous world heritage.

「Wow… So this is the place?」

「Yup. I also felt it when I visited here the last time, but the building is really

After passing the slightly dark alley, a large church came into sight. The stone walls were
light orange and the roof bronze. A tremendous amount of funds must’ve been invested
in the construction of the building. Its past glory was visible to see.

There were fine and delicate arts on the walls, but the long passage of time had caused
many areas to blacken and begin to collapse. That building was a religious establishment
under the management of Xessian Synod. It was the Church of Xess.

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Chapter 53
The Church of Xess

Xessian Synod.

The subsidiary body that supported this organization was known as the Church of Xess.
The origin of this organization which emerged from Xessianism was said to have existed
more than one thousand years ago. They were once the most influential organization in
the Elluo Continent, and as the ones who governed faith, they controlled countries from
behind the scenes. The aphorism on earth that ‘nothing is absolute’ seemed to apply in
this world too, and the Synod was not an exception to it. The organization decayed
thoroughly over many years and eventually collapsed.

Around two hundred years ago, the organization’s power fell to the ground after going
through an eighty-year-long religious war, which was followed by the dark ages, and
finally, the period of the nobles’ rise to prominence.

The Dark Ages.

The Levios family, a prominent noble in the eastern part of the continent, gathered the
nobles in the surrounding area and opposed the Synod. Their slogan at that time was
“Destroy the church, kill the priests, correct the believers.” That was like the commission
issued by the nobles to destroy the Synod.

Over the decades, the alliance’s size grew larger and larger. Afterward, the alliance leader
—the Levios family—represented the nobles and declared the establishment of a state.
That event eighty years before the present time had marked the birth of the Levios

On the west side of the continent, the third son of a puny noble rose up and took action.
He united the people by opposing the Synod using a different style and later established
the Jinkaen Empire.

The present Elluo Continent had three major powers: Levios Kingdom, Jinkaen Empire,
and Mamshred Federation. Two of the three were similar in that both opposed the Synod.

In future textbooks, Levios Kingdom would probably end up being written as the
beginning of the separation of church and state.

I looked up at the church before my eyes and sighed.

「It’s run-down.」
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I’d heard that the Church of Xess in Nyuneri City was built slightly before the religious
war, which later became known as the Navenpos’ High Priesthood Disturbance, two
hundred years ago. Considering the timeline, it would be more than two hundred years
since this church had been built.

Also due to historical circumstances, there were no old churches in the Levios Kingdom.
They were destroyed upon sight. In that regard, Quordentz’s territory was quite special.
Nobles from other territories apparently found it surprising that churches here had
remained standing to this day.

Before we entered the church, I activated detection magic and counted the magic users
just in case. When I scanned around the area, there was a single response from an
establishment next to the church. As for my guards who were hiding nearby, I just
ignored them.

「That over there is a convent.」

While I was looking at that establishment, Minith explained it for me. The size of that
magic user’s magic power didn’t seem to be much, so there probably wouldn’t be any

「Will, what’s the matter? Don’t you want to come inside?」

「My bad, I was just thinking a bit. Let’s go inside.」

I grabbed Minith’s hand and passed through the widely left opened entrance of the
church. This church always had its doors opened so that it’s easy for first-time visitors to
enter. I had never entered inside the church until now since I was scared of entering alone
because I felt like I’d get brainwashed.

According to Minith, there was apparently a priest here who was excellent at speaking. I
was hoping to hear some interesting episode or behind-the-scenes stories of the Synod.


Passing through the entrance, an elderly woman standing nearby greeted us. She seemed
to have discerned that we were newcomers, and she asked why we came here in a nice

「My friend took me here few days ago.」

The elderly woman made an expression of understanding when Minith mentioned the
name of her friend. It seemed that her friend was a devout believer.
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「The great spirit of the sun, Whatenthsāma, anwered my prayers. I came here to offer
my gratitude.」

Her response was clear and concise.

「Oh my, that’s wonderful. Please wear a habit and proceed inside.」[1]

[1] Religious Habit: The distinctive attire worn by members of a religious order. Picture
below is an example.

The elderly woman gave a sincere smile and beckoned us to proceed first. I was curious
about her clothes. Perhaps she was a nun in the convent.
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Churches under the Synod had a distinctive attire for its members, including the priests
and the believers. Female members wore a completely black dress with wide sleeves
along with a black veil. Male members dressed the same as the female members, but a
shorter veil. It was possible to find yourself in a despairing situation where you’d feel
aroused seeing someone’s back figure, and then you’d realize that it was actually a man.
What a dangerous thing.

「Do we change here?」


There were religious habits provided for the guests, and they were separated based on
their approximate size. Taking one that seemed to match my size, I hid in a nearby
dressing partition and changed clothes. I stored my clothes inside a basket. My clothes
weren’t worth much, so I didn’t care even if they were stolen.

The habit was slightly large, but since it was only borrowed, I could only put up with it.
Lastly, I placed the black veil on my head and properly put away my hair. Just as I thought,
this clothing really looked like a nun’s clothing, so I felt like I was cross-dressing.

「It looks good on you, Will.」

「It looks good on you, too… Yup, cute.」

In Minith’s case, the size was slightly small, so her curves were on display. Since her hair
was also covered by veil, only her face was visible. Without the hair added in, a beautiful
person would still be beautiful, while an ugly person would stand out all the more. Minith
was beautiful, so I felt lucky.

I sensed that the other people were occasionally looking in our direction. My gaze also
unintentionally went to Minith’s curvy ass.

Minith and I were beside one another as we went inside the church. We moved straight
forward through the corridor which had a number of rooms without doors. Apparently,
the altar area was located ahead.

Sculptures of different spirits were displayed in the corridor, and paintings that depicted
nature’s magnificence was hanged on the wall. Even though I wanted to stop and observe
them, I still continued moving.

「I see that it’s been properly maintained.」

The cleaning appeared to be thorough, and the corridor gave an impression of being clean
without a speck of dust. When I looked at the laid out carpet, it was slightly old but well
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Its original material seemed to be high-quality.

The church gave an impression of experiencing honest poverty rather than simply
poverty despite the fact that Holy Navenphos, the Synod’s main headquarters, was in
trouble due to economic collapse.

We proceeded through the corridor and entered the altar area. There was an altar for
prayers at the very back, and it looked like the stage of a grade school’s gymnasium.
Candles and artwork objects were placed there.

The Synod’s followers, also called Xessians, were required to worship once a day. They
weren’t required to come to church to pray, but it was apparently easier to pray when
there’s an object of worship rather praying while facing empty space, so that was why
they gathered at the church.

Perhaps it was the time to offer prayers, there were many devotees waiting for their turn
in front of the altar. I wasn’t a believer, so there was no need to offer a prayer. I only
came here to observe. Besides, even though I’d read about their doctrines and holy
scripture, I didn’t know their prayer etiquette.

「Hey, can I offer my prayers?」


「My wish has been granted, so I think I should express my gratitude.」

Minith had prayed for my safety in my first campaign, so she apparently thought of
expressing her thanks here in the church. She prayed towards the sun the other day, but
she apparently wanted to pray here in the church just to be sure.

I momentarily considered lining up with her, but I saw that the devotees were silent as
the dead while they waited for their turn. It would be impossible for me to join in that
kind of atmosphere.

「Sure, go ahead… I’ll go and explore the corridor and other rooms.」

After sending Minith in the waiting line in front of the altar, I’d decided to wander inside
the church. I felt nervous before entering a room, but it was all good once I entered
inside. After going inside a room facing the corridor, I looked around at the sculptures
and paintings that were different from the ones displayed in the corridor.


When I entered the next room, someone at the corner caught my attention.
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I didn’t know whether the person was a man or a woman since I could only see the
person’s back figure. However, that person’s religious habit didn’t seem to match the
person’s size. A devout believer definitely would wear a habit that matched their size. I
had a feeling that this person was like me, a first-time visitor. I felt a slight sense of fellow
feeling, so I took a slightly long detour and moved in front of that person.



Both our hairs were concealed by the veil, so the only way to identity the other person
was through their face. However, there was no way I’d mistake Lupetta’s beautiful looks
and her silver colored eyes. I never imagined running into her in this kind of place.

「You’re a Xessian?」

「I’m not. Sir is a follower despite being in the army? Is that okay?」

「It’s not okay, and I’m not. I’m only here to observe. Are you also here to observe?」

「… Not really.」

Before I could ask what in the world did she come here for, Minith entered inside the
room. She seemed to have been searching for me here and there, and she was short of

「Will, sorry for making you wait.」

「It’s alright.」

Upon slowly entering the room, Minith looked at us alternately. Then, her gaze shifted
and remained on me. Her eyes weren’t the eyes of a lover blaming her man for talking
with another woman, but the eyes of a maid inquiring whether to step back.

While I was thinking on what to say, Lupetta’s small lips moved first.

「Since Mergin’s here, I’ll be going… taking my leave now.」

With Minth inside the room, Lupetta probably thought of changing her tone to a polite
one since we were no longer alone.

Without waiting for my reply, Lupetta left the room in a hurry. Outside the room, there
was a tall man and two women wearing a religious habit.
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Assuming the man was Mergin, then one of the two women might be ‘that woman’ who
caused Lupetta’s stress. Assuming that my guess was right, then there might be
something wrong in the heads of these adventurers, for the three of them to walk
together so early after being released not too long ago.

Between the two women, the one in front, the woman who was suspected to be ‘that
woman’, had her hair out in the open without covering it by veil. She made the right
choice since her looks were average.

She had quite a nice body, but I didn’t feel anything at all since she wasn’t a beauty. Even
with her hair out in the open, I felt like I wouldn’t be able to sleep with her unless I
restrained myself from sex for two days.

Which reminded me, there should’ve been only one magic user in the area. When I
activated detection magic here to test it, no response came back from Mergin, Lupetta,
and the woman in front. Perhaps their magic seals hadn’t been released yet.

「Ah, Will. That woman over there is the priest who talked to me the other day.」

「Which one?」

「The one with her hair covered.」

Indeed, since the woman at the back had her hair covered by veil, it was correct to
describe her as ‘the one with her hair covered.’ However, that wasn’t the most
appropriate way to describe her. If it was me, I’d describe her as ‘the one with enormous

There was a response from her when I activated a detection magic, and it was the same
one that I sensed from the convent before I entered the church. She was a nun with magic
power, so perhaps she also served as a priest.

The size of the busty woman’s religious habit was probably the right one for her, but it
was protruding due to her breasts, concealing her body lines. She probably had a slender
figure based on her looks, but she appeared plump.

「Are you perhaps here to observe?」

The busty woman approached us. There was no telling the color of her hair since it was
completely hidden by the veil, but her eyes were golden. I’d always been poor at guessing
a woman’s age, but she was probably around Minith’s age if not slightly younger. She was
a gentle beauty with a calm and kind looks.

Minith and I responded ‘yes’ to her question.

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Then, Minith told her that their conversation last time was interesting and implicitly
indicated that this was her second time visiting.

「I feel very happy that there’s a person who wants to learn the teachings of the spirits.」

She gave a gentle smile. It was a smile that was brimming with kindness, and it made my
heart warm. I’d decided to add this busty woman in the target list in my head.

「If you could wait for a moment, I’d be able to tell you stories again. What do you
think? 」

From her perspective, she’d be more than willing to talk if it meant more followers.
Minith and I nodded and waited for the busty woman’s storytelling.

When we left the church, it had already gotten quite dark outside.

The busty woman might be experienced in telling stories since she was good at speaking.
The content was mainly about the stories of the spirits, but she also let us hears stories
that were only handed down to the Synod, and they were very interesting. The busty
woman put more effort into telling stories when she saw me enthusiastically taking notes
on a wooden board. Her stories were worthwhile, so much that I considered giving a
reward even if the other party belonged to the Synod.

「It’s already dark.」

「Oh, you’re right.」

Church facilities were lined up in a narrow area around this part. Moreover, there were
also many churches other than the Church of Xess, so many areas were shadowed by
these establishments. The sun hadn’t completely disappeared yet, but the area had a
gloomy impression when compared to the main street.

The crimson evening sky and the deep black shadow casted by the establishments made a
peculiar contrast, and it made me feel anxious.


Minith grabbed my hand.

「I’ll never forget this day…」

Minith smiled as the evening sky shined on the tears in her eyes.

I grabbed back Minith’s hand and gently embraced her.

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Although it wasn’t proper to flirt in front of a church, it couldn’t be helped since I really
wanted to hold her.

I see, so this was the mentality of those guys who flirted in public.

「I had fun today. I’m glad that I invited you, Minith.」

I pulled Minith inside the shadow of a building. The silence inside seemed as though it
stopped even sound itself, and the sound of our kiss resounded especially loud.

「I also had fun.」

Minith gave a slightly shy smile.

Well, the fun was just about to begin.

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Chapter 54
Eating the Madly in Love Maid (Part 1)
Where was the main event of the date? It was… on top of the bed.

Pulling Minith by the hand, I embraced her closer.


Some time ago, I asked a soldier from the Quordentz Army and heard that the love hotels
in the castle town couldn’t be considered clean. I didn’t want to have sex in a room that
contained fleas. Perhaps there were high-class hotels in the castle town. Unfortunately, I
hadn’t yet conducted an inquiry on the matter. Naturally, it would be pathetic to ask that
question to Minith, and it was doubtful whether she knew the location of the love hotels.
So, I chose my house. There was some distance to my house, but it was still within walking
distance. This morning, I had instructed Tesh to prepare the bath and bed.

Pausing for a moment, I turned a serious look at Minith.

「After this… are you okay?」

Being a quick-witted person, Minith immediately caught on what I wanted to say, and she
responded with an attractive look.

「I’m okay… I also want to stay with you for a little longer…」

Her voice was irresistible, so much that I would’ve undressed her on the spot if there
weren’t people in the alley.

My residence had three baths: men’s bath, women’s bath, and an open air bath. There
were many considering that this was my deceased uncle’s love nest.

As I walked through the hallway towards my room after leaving the men’s bath, there was
a small silhouette walking from the opposite direction.

「Ah…! M-master, welcome back.」

The identity of the silhouette with a forced smile on her face was Eve. She was probably
done with her work at the Innovation Association and was on her way to her room.
Looking at her bowing her head and trembling as she waited for me to leave, I thought of a
great idea.

Without finding any faults on her, I continued walking through the hallway.
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Then, I gave an instruction to the servant who was standing by in front of my bedroom’s

I entered my bedroom and lay on the bed. Minith had entered the bath and was in the
middle of polishing her womanhood, so I had nothing to do at the moment. I fanned
myself with my hand to cool my flushed face due to the hot bath. The season was
becoming more and more like fall, and it felt really hot after just leaving out of the bath.

「Tell the shadow to bring a bucket of water in my room. Afterward, step back.」

「I understand.」

I ordered the servant inside my room and prepared myself for the fun that was about to
begin. After I checked the barrette that I bought at the blue sky market, I decided to kill
time by reading the wooden board, which contained the notes of the talk with the busty

The moment I sat on the bed after checking the bucket, someone knocked on the door.
This manner of knocking was the one used by the servants. I’d already told the servant to
step back afterward, so I wonder who and for what purpose did this servant come here.

「Who is it? Enter.」

「Excuse me.」

The door opened, and standing there was Minith. She was a maid, so I supposed it was no
wonder that she knocked the way servants did. My words were a bit cold when I granted
permission to enter, and it seemed to have caused her to be a little nervous.

「I’ve been waiting for you. Come closer.」


I moved to the bed and sat down. Since I deactivated the illumination magic, only the dim
glow of the candle lighted the room. Minith neared slowly, one step at a time. Maids
serving at the castle normally didn’t come to my residence, so it was her first time to step
foot in my bedroom.

「I’m very sorry for making you wait, young master.」

Minith, standing in front of me, bent her waist and apologized. For some reason, her
behavior had returned to her usual professional behavior.

「Our date isn’t over yet, so why are you being so formal?」
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「No, um, there were many people wearing a servant’s uniform, so I unconsciously… and,
Tesh-sama also came…」

When we entered my residence a while ago, Tesh was waiting at the rear entrance, and
we were led by him. It was interesting to watch Minith panic at that time. Tesh was a
superior, a boss to her. I guessed it was like when a female employee who was about to
enter a love hotel with the company president gets caught by the department head.

「Hmm. I see. You don’t need to force yourself to change the way you behave. Minith, you
can call me any way you want when we are on the bed. I’d be happy if you speak to me in
a more intimate manner, but it’s still best to speak in the way you feel most

「Thank you very much for your consideration.」

I patted the bed and guided her to sit next to me.

「Yes… okay. I’ll sit down then.」

「That’s my girl.」

I stroked Minith’s head and praised her for changing to a less formal behavior. Minith had
probably been taking care of her hair every day. Brushing her hair, it smoothly passed
through between my fingers. I really enjoyed feeling smooth hairs.

「By the way, I have something for you. I bought it today at the market.」

I passed the barrette at the corner of the bed into Minith’s hand.

「Wow… what a beautiful tortoise shell craft…」

She moved her hand towards the candlelight while holding the barrette, causing the
ornament made of red tortoiseshell to glow vividly.

「This is… a maloashina flower, right? I love it…」

Minith’s eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at me. They reflected the candle, glowing
as though lit up by the candle flame. She lovingly touched the flower-shaped barrette with
her fingers.

「I didn’t know the name, but I thought that flower suits you the best.」

It seemed that I got it right. The instant I saw this ornament at the market, I thought it
was similar to the pleasant smelling flower that Minith often arranged in a vase.
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This flower was also present in my room during my first time with Minith. Since I was
going to give her a present, I wanted to choose something that was connected to both of


Minith’s shoulders shook as round tears flowed down her cheeks. She seemed to have
been overcome by emotions, facing down while holding the barrette in front of her chest.

「I’m glad that you liked it.」

「Uuhhh… Will…」

I embraced Minith and waited until she stopped crying. A short while after, her body
stopped shaking, and she stared at me and closed her eyes.

「nnmh… chu… mmhhchu… chu♡ …nmmhaa… chu♡ haa… mmhchu♡ chu♡


The instant our lips met, Minith sucked my lips hard. I felt myself getting more and more
aroused along with her rough breathing. I moved my hand to the back of her head and
met her tongue inside my mouth.

「Young mas—Will, Will… I love… you…」

「I love you too…」

As I felt intoxicated by the taste of love from her tongue, I let out a voice to respond to her
feelings. In response, she gave a passionate and deep kiss. Minith sealed my mouth just as
I was about to continue my words, and it almost knocked me over.

I pulled my tongue back and stopped the kiss for a moment.

「nnm… mmhー?」

Her eyes looked beautiful as they revealed her desire to kiss a second time. I couldn’t
resist it and surrendered immediately.

「mnchuu♡… haa haa… chu♡ nmmfaa♡ chu♡ chu…」

As the passionate kissing continued, I softly placed my hand on the shoulder string of the
babydoll dress that Minith was wearing. I still had no idea of the person behind preparing
this dress, but that person once again performed an excellent job.
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The deep orange colored cloth and the design that slightly emphasized the chest looked
very good on Minith. The bright color suited her cheerfulness today.


Perhaps noticing that I was trying to undress her, Minith decreased the intensity of her
kiss. And precisely at that moment, I separated slightly from her and took off the ribbon
on her chest. The chest area of her dress parted, and her breasts spilled out.


Her lovely meat buns which befitted her age—neither small nor big—shook. While Minith
covered her face with both hands from embarrassment, I untied the knot of her string


Hugging Minith’s completely naked figure from behind, I threw her string panty down the
bed. The dancing candle flame illuminated her most private area.

「Will, you pervert… Don’t…」

I could tell that Minith was doing her best to close her legs. While putting strength in my
arm to prevent her legs from closing, I checked her pubic hair. It looked slightly more
maintained than the last time we had sex.

「Ah…no♡! Please don’t look…」

Perhaps embarrassed because I was staring at her down there, she let out a sweet voice. I
gently brushed her pubic hair. It was chestnut-colored, same as her hair.

Incidentally, there was custom around this area for married or engaged women to shave
their pubic hair. Apparently, they would shave their pubic hair and promise to only show
their flower to the man in their life.

「You have hair down there.」

I truly intended to impregnate Minith, and I had never considered handing her over to
another man. Despite receiving the love of a powerful person, she showed no signs of
growing impudent, and I was honestly happy that she truly loved me. That was why I
wanted to shave her pubic hair; I wanted to make her aware of my existence in a visible
form. Once she got pregnant of my child, I planned to officially receive her as my mistress.

「If I told you to shave, would you hate it?」

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While stuck close to my chest, Minith’s back greatly shook. In some sense, this was like a
proposal. When I placed my hand on her chest, I felt her soft breasts and even the intense
beating of her heart.

Men would tell their partner, “shave your pussy for me.” Alright, they wouldn’t really put
it in such a direct way, but this proposal was apparently quite popular among the
commoners. I heard that there was even a person responsible for handing over a razor
during the proposal.

「I wouldn’t! I’m happy to do it! Young mas—Will, It’s like a dream to shave it for you…

After I softly embraced Minith as she immersed in great joy, I picked up the razor on top
of a table. Then, I placed the bucket of water on top of the round tea table in front of
Minith and handed over the razor to her.

「Let me see you shave.」

I observed from behind her with my chin on her shoulder.


Blushing up to her ears, Minith scooped water from the bucket and scattered it between
her legs. Upon seeing that incredibly sensual sight, my lower half reached the critical

「I’m going to start shaving it, okay?」

「Alright, show it to me.」

The sound of hair being sliced rang as the razor gently brushed her skin. Minith’s sparse
pubic hair continued falling, and as her pubic hair decreased, her white skin gradually
became visible. Perhaps her skin got cut since there was no shaving foam, tiny round
blood occasionally surfaced from her skin.


I activated recovery magic on her damaged skin and healed it. I wouldn’t hesitate to use
my magic power for the sake of smooth and beautiful pussy.

「I don’t deserve such consideration… young master…」

Normally, it would be impossible to have a noble directly cast magic on a commoner. Her
hand halted, and it seemed that my action had moved her to the point of shaking.
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「I did it specially for you. It’s our secret, alright?」


Minith bent her head backward and rubbed it on my chest. This hard feeling felt very

「Look, your hand has stopped moving. Aren’t you going to shave your hair for me?」

As I stroked her head, I reminded Minith to continue shaving her pubic hair. It didn’t take
long before her flower became smooth and clean.

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Chapter 55
Eating the Madly in Love Maid (Part 2)
Minith moved the bucket containing her pubic hair and the razorblade on the tea table. At
the corner of the bed, I was brushing off the balls of hair that were scattered around with
my hand.

Minith’s figure as she embarrassingly performed her task while covering her crotch with
a hand was a very stimulating sight.

「I’m done.」

「Oh, then come over here.」

I laid her down next to me on the bed.

「Minith, I’ve very happy.」

I held her shoulders and softly kissed her over and over again while lying on the bed.
Minith revealed great joy on her blushed face, and she allowed me to do as I pleased.

「I’ll have a look at the place that you kept only for me.」


As Minith remained lying on the bed, I raised my body up. Then, I grabbed her legs and
gently spread them open.

「I can see everything clearly. It’s really beautiful.」

「Aaah… T-this is so embarrassing… Aaaaahh…」

I observed her shaved and totally exposed vagina. With her pubic hair gone, each part of
her vagina had become visible. Using my fingers, I rubbed the small pink folds of her
flower. Her entrance opened and closed, as though eager to take it inside. It looked as
though it was screaming to put it inside.

Her vagina glistened with fluids, and it was so soaking wet that it was difficult to tell if it
was the leftover water at the time she shaved, or if she was simply just aroused from
being observed by me.

「There’s no need to be embarrassed about it. I’m actually very happy that you're
allowing only me to see this place.」
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I observed her tiny hole, which opened and closed like the mouth of a goldfish. Just
looking at her privates made me want to go inside and enjoy the pleasant feeling.
However, it was still too early for that.

I stuck out my tongue and pressed it against her enlarged clit.

「Hyaaa?! 」

I ran my tongue all over her treasured place, soaking it with saliva. Her female scent
tickled my nose, and the salty taste stimulated my tongue.

「Young Master! That, that place! Ahhhmm♡」

Without responding to her, I continued teasing her with my tongue, causing wet noises to
resound within the room. This place had been prepared specially for me, so I had to make
sure to leave my marking. With two objectives in mind, I spread my saliva on her pussy.

「Nooo! Young Master, that place, aah! Aaah! Mmmh! This is embarrassing! So
embarrassing! Aahh, please don’t lick me there! It’s dirty! 」

This situation—getting her pussy licked by her master—seemed to have aroused Minith.
Her cries were surprisingly loud while leaking slippery fluids nonstop. Until now, I had
never tried eating her pussy, but this sure was amazing.

While playing with her vagina with my fingers, I whispered near her ear.

「Getting licked by your master made you this wet, what a dirty maid.」

「Aaaahhh! Please don’t say it! Mmmh, that’s because, because, mmmhh♡! 」

「I won’t stop. Didn’t you shave it for me? I have to taste it more.」

As I enjoyed her arousing moans, I once again slipped between her legs and began
working my tongue. I stimulated her pink pearl, peeling and returning its skin with my
tongue, and then pressing against it.

After a short while, perhaps the pleasure had overwhelmed her embarrassment, her
voice gradually lowered down.

「Aah… Nmh… Young Master… Aah… This is embarrassing… Aaah♡」

Her whole body seemed to be feeling it, and I couldn’t tell where her weak spot was
located. I was really happy that she was letting out pleasant cries, but I couldn’t identity
the location of her sensitive spot. AzHar Sologuy
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Relying on her flooding love fluids, I continued running my tongue on her.

「Ah, aaaah, nooo♡, aahh, fu… Ah, fuu, Aah, aahh♡」

Minith’s speech gradually became incoherent, and her breathing rough. Her two peaks
stood out, moving up and down as she breathed. I’d judged that she was ready to take me
in, or to be exact, she was all ready. Her vagina had loosened up by a lot.

「Aaah, hurry… Young Master, Young Master… 」

From the looks of it, we’d both reached our limit.

I raised my head from her legs and moved my face close to hers.

「Minith, I’m putting it in.」

「Please… Young Master… I can’t endure it, any longer… Kiss… Kiss me…」

While we kissed, I arranged my body’s position. Considering that Minith was lying down
facing upward on the bed, there could only be one sex position.

「Ah… Let’s do it while kissing… I want to see… Young Master’s face…♡」

Our thoughts were the same. Since both of us wanted to do it in a missionary position,
then we’d go with that position. Responding to her with a kiss on the forehead, I spread
her legs open. Then, I positioned my rock hard dick to her entrance, which opened and

「I’m going in.」

「Come in♡.」

When I lowered my waist and pushed my dick inside her hole, her vagina tightly grasped
me inside, as though it had been longing for it. I was getting sucked inside and could only
go deeper and deeper. Her incredibly warm wall felt excellent, making me want to remain
connected with her.

「Aaaah~… ♡ Aah… Mmmh… Mmhh~♡」

Listening to her satisfied moans, I pushed my dick inside to the root. After confirming that
I’d entered her whole, I sought Minith’s lips.

「chu♡ nmmfaa… chuuu♡ haa, haaah…… nmchuu♡ haa…… chu♡」

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「Haa, haa. Minith, I love you.」

「chu… I love you very much, Young Master… Love you… Mmhchu… ♡」

I continued delving into her deepest area. Each time I pulled and thrust my waist,
seductive cries resounded within the room, tickling the desire within me.

「Ah! Ahh! Ahhh! Ah♡ Young Master! I love you! Ahhm♡」

「Minith, Minith, Minith」

The arousal made me shout out her name and move my hips without thinking of anything
else. My brain couldn’t work properly, probably due to lack of oxygen or perhaps
overwhelmed by the pleasure. Even so, I wanted to hear her cries, so I didn’t stop moving
my waist. However, my limit drew near.

「Ah, Minith, I’m about to cum!」

My solid rod increased in hardness by another level. I could tell that I’d entered the final
preparation to ejaculate. Minith entwined her legs around my ass, an action she did to
receive my semen deep inside her.

「Young Master! Please give me lots! I’ll accept your everything…♡ Please give me a
baby♡! 」

Her legs around my ass tightened, and she pulled my waist closer. As though responding
to her desire to accept my everything, I sensed that all my stored semen rushed up like an
erupting volcano.

「Minith! I’ll let out everything! Take it all! Get pregnant!」

「Yes! Young Master.」

Thick semen rushed out, spreading inside her most treasured place. My dick was soaked
by the semen inside her, and that slippery and warm feeling led me to cum even more.

I want to completely make her mine, such desire made my arms move on their own, and
when I noticed it, I was already hugging her tightly. As though responding to me, I felt her
vagina vibrate slightly. It felt pleasant as it tightened around my dick, as though it was
trying to suck up to the last drop of semen in my dick.

「Ahh… Ahh… Ahhh…♡ I love you…Ah… I love you so much…♡ Love you… ♡」

Mouth widely opened, she spoke incoherent words while saliva spilled out from her
mouth. AzHar Sologuy
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Her unfocused eyes appeared as though they were trying to find me, and her tongue—
stuck out—was trembling. I stuck out my tongue and embraced her lonely tongue.

I gently brushed her abdomen while savoring her warm and sticky tongue. Although I
couldn’t slide my hand well due to the sweat, I felt comfortable because there was a sticky
feeling that allowed me to clearly feel her warmth. My seed was inside this part where I
was touching her. When I thought about that, I couldn’t help but feel a deep affection for

「Haa, haa… I came a lot… It was great. You were really lovely today, Minith.」


As her eyes remained unfocused, Minith sucked on my neck with unbelievable intensity.
She kissed that one spot on my neck again and again, and she sucked my neck so hard that
it made me wonder if there was a sap coming out. I could sense her strong desire, that
she’d never let me go.

「What’s the matter? Why are you only kissing me on the neck? Isn’t here better?」

Seeing me tap my lips, Minith pouted her lips, looking as though she found it difficult to
explain the reason.

「It’s ‘coz… I like it…」

I still couldn’t understand how that reason led her to kiss only my neck, but I’d just let her
be. If she really wanted to suck on my neck, then so be it. I would suck her nipples later, so
we’d be even.

I caressed her head while letting her kiss me on the neck again.

「chu… nnmhー…」

I enjoyed the feeling of her arms and legs around me, as well as her lips on my neck. I
could sense her deep affection for me. It seemed that it wouldn’t be long before my rod,
which remained inside her, recovered back its glory.

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Chapter 56
Ate the Madly in Love Maid
We finally took a rest after I poured in my fourth batch of semen. Minith and I rubbed our
sweaty bodies against each other, and marked the end of our lovemaking with a kiss.

「Haa… Haa… You squeezed me dry.」

「… aah…♡」

Minith had an orgasm several times while we were having sex, and her gaze was
unsteady. I gently stroked her hair, waiting until she recovered her consciousness.

Chestnut-colored hair and black eyes. Minith didn’t have the colorful physical appearance
found in the inhabitants of this world, like those with green hair and pink eyes. Seeing her
somehow reminded me of my previous life, and I felt my heart calm down. Perhaps that
was the reason why I got attracted the first time I laid my eyes on her. At that time, I still
really missed my previous life.

I noticed a pair of black eyes staring straight at me.

「… Young Master.」

「Oh, you’ve recovered. I want you to stay here for the night, but will it be okay?」

Minith slid her hands on my skin, grabbed my hand, and entwined her fingers with mine.
Then, she pulled our hands to her chest.

「Yeah… Before I left my house, I told my mom that I might spend the night here….」

She was apparently all prepared to stay and have sex on this date. As a reward, I’d
decided to let her take a rest tomorrow.

「You can take a rest from work tomorrow. Rest your body well.」

After speaking, I noticed that my throat was very dry. However, my penis was still
inserted inside Minith, and I also wanted to remain joined for a while.

Turning to the corner of the room, I called out.

「Shadow, bring water for two.」

A small silhouette took action along with a slight rustling of clothes.

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The figure picked up the pitcher on the table, carefully to not drop it, and poured water
into the cups.

Within the quiet room, the sound of water being poured down resounded well.


Minith’s face stiffened upon noticing the presence of another person. That person placed
the cups on a tray and moved near the bed.

The servant who was assigned to wait when their master was having sex with a woman
and to provide help when needed was referred to as “shadow”. They could be ordered
around, for example, to bring water when feeling thirsty. It was usually the ordinary
employed servants who were assigned to work as shadow. However, the identity of the
person couldn’t be known since shadow wore all-black clothing and a thin veil to cover
the face. Shadow would move as long as “shadow” was called, so there was no need to
know the person’s name.

There was a reason for such an arrangement. Many nobles felt embarrassed when a
servant watched them having sex. Therefore, an unknown person called “shadow” was
created to lessen the resistance. It was apparently more comfortable to think that some
anonymous person in black was listening to their cries of pleasure, rather than a servant.

Then, “rather than make such a troublesome arrangement, why not just get the water
yourself?” The proud nobles preferred arranging a servant to stand by rather than do
such things by themselves.

I had never allowed a shadow to wait inside my room. However, this time, I’d especially
arranged for one.

「Good work, you can step back.」

Upon hearing my words, shadow quietly retreated to the corner of the room. After I
passed the other cup of water to Minith, I drank down my cup.


「No need to worry. That person’s a woman, and she’s not a servant working in the

Minith let out a sigh of relief.

Even though there was a rule that prohibited them from leaking out anything they heard
or saw, Minith probably didn’t want to be seen having sex by a male coworker, especially
after moaning so much in such a lovely fashion. AzHar Sologuy
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「In the first place, there’s no way I’d let another man see you naked. You’re only mine,
after all.」


This time, the servant who worked as shadow was Eve. When I encountered her in the
hallway earlier, I thought about showing her our intimate love scene. And so, I assigned
her the role of shadow. Later, I’d like to hear out her thoughts about my lovemaking with
Minith. I couldn’t wait to hear her opinion.

「Hm… Eh…?」

Minith moved her hands on the bed, trying to find something. Our lower halves were still
joined, so she couldn’t move by much.

「What’s wrong?」

「Ah, um, I’m trying to find my underwear…」

It seemed that she was searching for her string panty. I threw the panty down the bed,
like I did every time.

Calling out Eve again, I ordered her to pick up Minith’s underwear. At the same time, I also
told her to prepare a handkerchief since Minith requested for one.

I thought that it might be a good idea to sleep while my penis remained inside Minith, but
I decided to pull it out since I wanted to pee. For a moment, I considered taking a piss
inside her vagina, and I felt like actually trying it out. However, I gave up the idea since it
might destroy the intimate atmosphere. It would be better to do it in the heat of the
moment during sex.

「Minith, I’m pulling it out.」

「Okay… Go ahead.」

When she heard my intention to separate, Minith picked up the handkerchief on the
pillow. Semen leaked out when I pulled my softened dick from her vagina which was
loaded with semen.


As semen flowed out of her, Minith placed the handkerchief to cover her hole, and then
she immediately put on her panty. Since she left the handkerchief to cover her entrance,
the crotch area of her panty was protruding.
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「Young Master’s sperm… What a waste…」

Apparently, it was a strategy to prevent my semen from coming out. Lupetta did
something similar the other day after we had sex; she inserted a pink gelatin, which
prevented pregnancy, into her vagina. I found it amusing that they both covered the
entrance of their vagina with a handkerchief and then wore a panty, but their goal was
completely opposite.

「I’ll clean it, okay?」

Minith stuck out her red tongue as she closed in on my dick, which was completely
covered in our body fluids. When I pushed it out towards her, she took in both my dick
and balls inside her mouth at the same time.

「mmchu… nm… mmuap………」

She brushed my rod clean with piston-like movement. My dick had recovered some
manliness, but it wasn’t completely back up yet. The way she moved, careful and gentle,
felt very comfortable. I had the urge to take a piss inside her mouth, but I felt bad and
gave up.

「Aah, it feels nice. You’re the best.」

The other girls were only forced to suck my dick, and worst of all, one of them almost
vomited. It felt really great to have a woman voluntarily suck on your dick. Just this point
alone made her worthy of being my woman. I could feel her warm tongue as it lovingly
brushed on my glans, and it strengthened the sense of unity between us.

「chumua… nm… nmmn… chu♡」

Confirming that she was done after seeing her leave a kiss on the head of my penis, I
placed my hand on her shoulder.

「Well done, you did an excellent job. I’ll carry you all the way to the clean bed, so rest


After activating a body strengthening magic, I lifted Minith off her feet and carried her
like a princess. As one would expect, it wouldn’t be an easy thing to carry someone taller
than me, and on top of that, she was also heavier than Fanny. It would be lame if I were to
fall over while carrying her, so I judged that it was better to use magic from the start.
Minith wasn’t a magic user and was likely not sensitive towards the flow of magic, so she
probably wouldn’t notice anything unusual.
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Minith raised a joyful shout, feeling happy by the way I carried her like a princess. I laid
her down on the second bed which had been prepared in advance.

Before I went into the bed, I secretly took a piss. Needless to say, there was no way that I
could take a shit inside the room, but it was possible to pee since there was a urine bottle.
I did feel slightly embarrassed by the urinating sound, though.

Just as I was about to hold her hands after slipping into the blanket, Minith moved faster
than me. She held my hand tightly and interlocked fingers. It seemed that she really loved
to hold hands in this way.

「Young Master…」


I caressed her other hand since she didn’t look like she had anything in particular to say.
Then, a low and joyous sound leaked out from her throat. I brought my hand from the
ends of her hair towards her back. Then, I moved it to her stomach through the side. In
her stomach was my seed, locked up. Minith slipped into my chest like a child as I
caressed her.

「I love you very much♡.」

I tightly embraced Minith and closed my eyes. A sense of safety was born from our closely
entwined bodies, and it gently enveloped my consciousness.

AzHar Sologuy : End of Volume 4

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