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HTBMS(M) 330 - Guneet Sandhu

Marketing Strategies for Theatrical and

OTT Released Films

1. Demographic Information:
a. Age:
● - 18-24
● - 25-34
● - 35-44
● - 45-54
● - 55 and above

b. Gender:
● - Male
● - Female
● - Non-binary
● - Prefer not to say

c. Occupation:
● - Student
● - Professional
● - Homemaker
● - Retired
● - Other (please specify)

d. Geographic location:
● - Urban
● - Suburban
● - Rural

2. Film Consumption Habits:

a. How often do you watch films in theaters?
● - Very frequently
● - Frequently
● - Occasionally
● - Rarely
● - Never

b. How often do you watch films on OTT platforms?

● - Daily
● - Weekly
● - Monthly
● - Rarely
● - Never

c. What factors influence your decision to watch a film in theaters?

● - Trailer and promotional material
● - Reviews and ratings
● - Word of mouth
● - Director or cast
● - Other (please specify)

d. What factors influence your decision to watch a film on an OTT platform?

● - Recommendations
● - Exclusive content
● - Subscription cost
● - Genre
● - Other (please specify)

3. Awareness and Discovery:

a. How do you usually become aware of upcoming theatrical releases?
● - Trailers in theaters
● - Social media promotions
● - Television commercials
● - Word of mouth
● - Other (please specify)

b. How do you discover new films on OTT platforms?

● - Personalized recommendations
● - Featured lists
● - Social media promotions
● - Search function
● - Other (please specify)
c. Do you follow specific marketing campaigns or promotional activities for
● - Yes
● - No
● - Sometimes

4. Social Media and Online Presence:

a. To what extent do you engage with film-related content on social media?
● - Very actively
● - Actively
● - Occasionally
● - Rarely
● - Never

b. Have you ever participated in online discussions or forums about a film?

● - Yes
● - No
● - Occasionally

c. How influential is social media in your decision to watch a film?

● - Very influential
● - Somewhat influential
● - Neutral
● - Not very influential
● - Not at all influential

5. Influencers and Reviews:

a. Do you follow film influencers or reviewers on social media?
● - Yes
● - No
● - Occasionally

b. How much do influencers' opinions impact your decision to watch a film?

● - Significantly
● - Moderately
● - Slightly
● - Not at all

c. Do you read reviews before deciding to watch a film?

● - Always
● - Sometimes
● - Rarely
● - Never

6. Theatrical Release Impact:

a. Have you attended film premieres or special events for theatrical releases?
● - Yes
● - No
● - Occasionally

b. How does the theatrical release experience influence your perception of a

● - Enhances excitement
● - Adds prestige
● - Doesn't influence
● - Other (please specify)

c. Does the anticipation of a theatrical release affect your decision to watch a

● - Yes
● - No
● - Sometimes

7. OTT-Specific Strategies:
a. What factors attract you to watch a film on OTT platforms?
● - Exclusive content
● - Convenience
● - Variety of genres
● - Cost-effective
● - Other (please specify)

b. How important are personalized recommendations on OTT platforms?

● - Very important
● - Important
● - Neutral
● - Not very important
● - Not at all important

c. Have you ever been influenced by exclusive content or OTT platform
● - Yes
● - No
● - Occasionally

8. Marketing Effectiveness:
a. Which marketing channels do you find most effective in promoting a film?
● - Social media
● - TV commercials
● - Trailers in theaters
● - Influencers
● - Other (please specify)

b. Have you ever been persuaded to watch a film due to a specific marketing
● - Yes
● - No
● - Sometimes

c. How do you gauge the success of a film's marketing strategy?

● - Box office performance
● - Audience engagement
● - Awards and nominations
● - Critical reviews
● - Other (please specify)

9. Post-Release Engagement:
a. Do you engage with a film's marketing content after its release?
● - Yes
● - No
● - Occasionally

b. How important are post-release events, interviews, or follow-up content for

your continued interest?
● - Very important
● - Important
● - Neutral
● - Not very important
● - Not at all important
10. General Preferences:
a. What genres or types of films do you prefer watching in theaters?
● - Action
● - Comedy
● - Drama
● - Sci-fi/Fantasy
● - Other (please specify)

b. What genres or types of films do you prefer watching on OTT platforms?

● - Documentaries
● - Thrillers
● - Romance
● - Animation
● - Other (please specify)

11. Industry Trends:

a. Are you aware of current trends in film marketing?
● - Yes
● - No
● - Somewhat

b. How do emerging technologies influence your film-watching experience?

● - Augmented Reality (AR)
● - Virtual Reality (VR)
● - Artificial Intelligence (AI)
● - Streaming services
● - Other (please specify)

12. Suggestions:
a. What improvements or changes would you like to see in film marketing
● - More interactive campaigns
● - Increased use of technology
● - Better representation of diverse voices
● - Other (please specify)

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