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ASSlCnMLn1 # 1

SubmlLLed 8y Pannah Pameed
ld no 8811
Sources of Law

1he Law of aklsLan ls Lhe law and legal sysLem exlsLlng ln Lhe lslamlc 8epubllc of aklsLan aklsLanl
law ls based upon Lhe legal sysLem of 8rlLlsh lndla Lhus ulLlmaLely on Lhe common law of Lngland
and Wales aklsLan as an lslamlc republlc also has been lnfluenced by lslamlc Sharla law
upon Lhe creaLlon of Lhe uomlnlon of aklsLan ln 1947 Lhe laws of Lhe ersLwhlle 8rlLlsh 8a[
remalned ln force AL no polnL ln aklsLans legal hlsLory was Lhere an lnLenLlon Lo begln Lhe sLaLuLe
book afresh uurlng Lhe relgn of Ceneral Muhammad ZlaulPaq elemenLs of lslamlc Sharla law
were lncorporaLed lnLo aklsLanl law leadlng Lo Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of a lederal SharlaL CourL (lSC) ln
some federally and provlnclally AdmlnlsLered 1rlbal Areas (lA1A) and (A1A) a sysLem of law
employlng LradlLlonal meLhods perslsLs aL Lhe local level AL Lhls lnformal level dlspuLes are seLLled
by a [lrga a councll of Lrlbal elders

1he common law of Lngland and Wales ls Lhe basls of aklsLanl law As a resulL aklsLan ls a
common law sysLem wlLh an adversarlal courL procedure and follows oLher common law pracLlces
such as [udlclal precedenL and Lhe concepL of stote Jeclsls Powever aklsLan dlffers from Lhe classlc
common law ln many ways llrsLly boLh Lhe crlmlnal and clvll laws are almosL compleLely codlfled a
legacy from Lhe days of Lhe 8rlLlsh 8a[ when Lngllsh laws were exLended Lo lndla by ways of
sLaLuLe !ury Lrlals have been phased ouL ln aklsLan slnce lndependence because of [udlclal and
publlc dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh Lhelr operaLlon one aklsLanl [udge called [ury Lrlals as amaLeur
[usLlce ln consLlLuLlonal law maLLers aklsLanl [urlsprudence has been greaLly lnfluenced by
Lhe unlLed SLaLes legal sysLem aklsLan has adopLed a uSsLyle lederal SLrucLure lslamlc law and
LradlLlonal [lrgabased law have also lnfluenced Lhe counLrys [udlclal developmenL

Sources of 8us|ness Law

1he sources of buslness law are Lhe same as law ln general mosL of Lhe clvll law ls whaL ls relaLed Lo
buslness 1here are also some elemenLs of crlmlnal law whlch are relaLed Lo buslness alLhough
Lhese hopefully are noL exLenslve ln any normal buslness
1he law ls a body of prlnclples esLabllshed by arllamenL and by Lhe courLs Law ls Lherefore made
by us Lhe men and women who are parllamenLarlans and [udges for us lL ls legally enforceable and
has developed Lo a seL of sLandards of conducL beLween people buslnesses and governmenL lf
Lhese sLandards of conducL are noL followed Lhe law sorLs Lhe confllcL LhaL arlses and punlshes
Lhose who breach Lhe sLandards of conducL 1he law ls made up of enacLed law whlch ls Lhe law
made by arllamenL known as sLaLuLe law leglslaLlon or AcLs of arllamenL and delegaLed
leglslaLlon ld enacLed law oLher [udgmenLs' usually wrlLLen of [udges ln cases heard by Lhem
known as case law precedenL or someLlmes commonlaw 1ogeLher Lhey enacLed law and lm
enacLed law are ofLen known as Lhe common law
1he common law as an expresslon has four posslble meanlngs whlch depend upon Lhe parLlcular
conLexL 1he law made common Lo Lhe whole of Lngland by Lhe klng ln 1134 lnsLead of law only by
local appllcaLlon 1he nexL meeLlng ls Lhe only enacLed law wrlLLen by [udges ln [udgmenLs such as
caselaw and precedenLs compared Lo Lhe sLaLuLe law enacLed by arllamenL? 8oLh case law and Lhe
common law courLs and sLaLuLe law as dlsLlncL from equlLy whlch has been developed separaLely
from Lhe Llme of Lhe 13Lh cenLury 1he fourLh meanlng ls Lhe law whlch orlglnally developed ln
Lngland and laLer ln AusLralla new Zealand mosL sLaLes of Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Lhe oLher former
8rlLlsh colonles as opposed Lo forelgn law of nonLngllsh [urlsdlcLlons Cne subseL of forelgn law ls
Lhe clvll law of conLlnenLal Lurope As Lhe common law develops ln each [urlsdlcLlon lL resulLs ln Lhe
developmenL of Lhe common law of AusLralla ln Lhe same way LhaL Lhere ls a common law of SL
Lngland or Canada 1he common law wlnnlng enacLed sLaLuLe LhaL only enacLed case law can be
classlfled as elLher clvll or crlmlnal
Clvll law enforcemenL as beLween person and person regardlng Lhe enforcemenL of rlghLs and Lhe
carrylng ouL of obllgaLlons MosL of Lhe buslness law Loplcs lnvolve clvll law whlch a clvll cases
resulLlng ln remedles for Lhe person wlnnlng and llablllLles of Lhe person loslng Crlmlnal law
lncludes all sLaLuLe ln case law whlch make cerLaln conducL an offence Crlmlnal law ls enforced by
Lhe governmenL and oLher federal sLaLe or LerrlLory level Clvll law ls Lhe common law and ls noL Lhe
same as Lhe clvll law ln some counLrles mosLly ln Lurope whlch ls based on Lhe clvlllan code of
anclenL 8ome
Io|d Agreements

A vold conLracL also known as a vold agreemenL ls noL acLually a conLracL A vold conLracL cannoL
be enforced by law vold conLracLs are dlfferenL from voldable conLracLs whlch are conLracLs LhaL
may be (buL noL necessarlly wlll be) nulllfled
An agreemenL Lo carry ouL an lllegal acL ls an example of a vold conLracL or vold agreemenL lor
example a conLracL beLween drug dealers and buyers ls a vold conLracL slmply because Lhe Lerms of
Lhe conLracL are lllegal ln such a case nelLher parLy can go Lo courL Lo enforce Lhe conLracL A vold
conLracL ls vold ab lnlLlo l e from Lhe beglnnlng whlle a voldable conLracL can be voldable by one or
all of Lhe parLles
A conLracL can also be vold due Lo Lhe lmposslblllLy of lLs performance L g lf a conLracL ls formed
beLween Lwo parLles A 8 buL durlng Lhe performance of Lhe conLracL Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe conLracL
becomes lmposslble Lo achleve (due Lo acLlon by someone or someLhlng oLher Lhan Lhe conLracLlng
parLles) Lhen Lhe conLracL cannoL be enforced ln Lhe courL of law and ls Lhus vold A vold conLracL
can be one ln whlch any of Lhe prerequlslLes of a valld conLracL ls/are absenL for example lf Lhere ls
no conLracLual capaclLy Lhe conLracL can be deemed as vold ln facL vold means LhaL a conLracL
does noL exlsL aL all 1he law cannoL enforce any legal obllgaLlon Lo elLher parLy especlally Lhe
dlsappolnLed parLy because Lhey are noL enLlLled Lo any proLecLlve laws as far as conLracLs are
leaLures of vold agreemenLs
An agreemenL made by lncompeLenL parLles (Mlnor/LunaLlc erson) ls vold
Any agreemenL wlLh a bllaLeral mlsLake ls vold
AgreemenLs whlch have unlawful conslderaLlon ls vold
AgreemenL wlLh a unlawful ob[ecL ls vold
AgreemenLs made wlLhouL conslderaLlon ls vold
AgreemenL ln resLralnL of marrlage of any ma[or person ls vold (absoluLe resLrlcLlon)
AgreemenL ln resLralnL of Lrade ls vold(reasonable reason)
AgreemenL ln resLralnL of legal proceedlngs ls vold
An agreemenL Lhe Lerms of whlch are uncerLaln ls vold
An agreemenL by way of wager (beLLlng/gambllng) ls vold
An agreemenL conLlngenL upon Lhe happenlng of an lmposslble evenL ls vold
AgreemenL Lo do lmposslble acLs ls vold
An agreemenL ls resLralnL of mange Lrade are common examples of vold conLracL
eg Waslm nadla conLracLs Lo marrlage on nexL sundayWaslm dle before Lhe Sunday Lhe
conLracL becomes vold
8lghLs duLles ln Lhls case Lhe parLles are noL legally responslble Lo fulflll Lhe conLracL lf
any parLles have recelved any beneflLs hls bound Lo reLurn 1hls conLracL Lakes place when
Lhe consenL of one of Lhe parLy ls noL free
J |s a contract dec|ared vo|dab|e

1 ConLracL by fraud ln Lhe conLracL lf Lhe consenL of any parLy ls Laken by fraud Lo an
agreemenL lL becomes a voldable aL Lhe opLlon of ln[ured parLy
2 ConLracL by coerclon lf Lhe consenL of Lhe parLy of Lhe oLher parLy ls obLalned by coerclon ln
Lhe conLracL lL ls voldable conLracL
3 ConLracL by undue lnfluence ln Lhe conLracL lf Lhe consenL of any parLy ls Laken by undue
lnfluence ln Lhe conLracL lL becomes voldable conLracL aL Lhe opLlon of LhaL parLy whose
consenL was obLalned by undue lnfluence
4 ConLracL by mlsrepresenLaLlon 1he agreemenL becomes voldable aL Lhe opLlon of LhaL parLy
whose consenL was Laken by mlsrepresenLaLlon
3 ConLracL by mlnor A conLracL wlLh a mlnor abouL sale parLnershlp ls voldable durlng
mlnorlLy or before aLLalnlng age of maLurlLy
6 ConLracL by unsound mlnd A man who ls senseless or drunk or mad he canL enLers Lo Lhe

Io|d Agreements and Io|d Contracts
O A vold agreemenL or vold conLracL ls a conLracL LhaL ls noL Lruly a conLracL lL may have been made
under duress as an agreemenL Lo commlL an lllegal acLlon or as a conLracL Lo perform an lmposslble
voldable ConLracL
O voldable conLracLs are conLracLs LhaL are legally valld agreemenLs beLween Lwo parLles however
Lhey can be volded or nulllfled by one of Lhe parLles voldable conLracLs mosL frequenLly lnvolve
conLracLs made wlLh mlnors who are noL bound Lo fulflll Lhe conLracL ln mosL sLaLes
Legal ulfferences
O A vold conLracL ls a nonexlsLenL and lllegal conLracL LhaL cannoL be upheld by law nelLher parLy ls
bound Lo compleLe Lhe conLracL and can be prosecuLed lf any compleLed acLlons are lllegal
voldable conLracLs are legal and blndlng Lo aL leasL one parLy whlch musL fulflll hls porLlon of Lhe
O vold conLracLs may be a cause for lawsulLs or [all Llme dependlng on Lhe conLexL of Lhe agreemenL
and wheLher or noL acLlon was Laken voldable conLracLs can be deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe bound parLy
unless Lhe conLracL ls nulllfled by Lhe lndlvldual who ls noL bound by Lhe conLracL
O knowlng Lhe baslcs of conLracL law can help an lndlvldual recognlze a slLuaLlon where a conLracL
may be vold or voldable undersLand Lhe dlfference beLween Lhose Lypes of conLracLs before
engaglng ln legal agreemenLs

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