Travelling - VOCABULARY

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VOCABULARY // Travelling

1. Find the definitions of the words below!


1. activity a) a type of bus used for travelling

2. youth hostel b) spending the night outside in a
3. coach c) travelling in a plane
4. camping d) anything you do
5. a flight e) something you sleep in inside a
6. a sleeping bag f) a (school) trip
7. campsite g) the place where you put your
tent and camp
8. an excursion h) where you sit
9. touring i) the type of transportation which
10.plane j) going around, travelling around
11.a seat k) a type of accomodation for
young people that share rooms

2. Which of the words above go in which category? Put them in the correct box. Also add the
words car, train, hotel, beach and warm clothes.

stay at a… go on a/an… travel by… book…

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3. Now you are going to play Alias. Your teacher will give you the cards with the starting
phrase and the group fills in with the missing word.

4. Try and find the definition and translation of the following words:

a guesthouse

a guidebook

5. Answer the following questions together:

a) What do you always forget to pack?

b) Do you prefer to travel by coach or by train? Why?


c) Is it easier to book a flight on the Internet or on the phone (in English)?


d) Which is the most expensive, staying at a guesthouse, a hotel, a campsite or a youth hostel?

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