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Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology

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Cotton leaf curl Multan virus infecting Hibiscus

sabdariffa in China

Muhammad Arif, Wenzhong Lin, Lihuang Lin, Waqar Islam, Zhang Jie, Zifu
He, Zhenguo Du & Zujian Wu

To cite this article: Muhammad Arif, Wenzhong Lin, Lihuang Lin, Waqar Islam, Zhang
Jie, Zifu He, Zhenguo Du & Zujian Wu (2018) Cotton leaf curl Multan virus infecting
Hibiscus sabdariffa in China, Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 40:1, 128-131, DOI:

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Published online: 17 Nov 2017.

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Can. J. Plant Pathol., 2018
Vol. 40, No. 1, 128–131,

Disease report/Rapport des maladies

Cotton leaf curl Multan virus infecting Hibiscus sabdariffa in China


State Key Laboratory of Ecological Pest Control for Fujian and Taiwan Crops, Fujian Province Key Laboratory of Plant Virology, Fujian
Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350002, China
Plant Protection Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510640, China

(Accepted 26 September 2017)

Abstract: Cotton leaf curl Multan virus (CLCuMuV), in conjunction with cotton leaf curl Multan betasatellite (CLCuMuB), causes cotton leaf
curl disease in South Asia. CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB was first found in 2006 to be associated with a leaf curl disease of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in
China. Recently, CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB has become prevalent in H. rosa-sinensis in the southern part of the country. Here, we identified
CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB in H. sabdariffa for the first time. To our knowledge, H. sabdariffa is the fourth seed-propagated plant in China to be
affected by CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB.

Keywords: begomovirus, cotton leaf curl disease, Cotton leaf curl Multan virus, Hibiscus sabdariffa

Résumé: Le virus de la frisolée du cotonnier de la région de Multan (CLCuMuV), en conjonction avec le betasatellite de la frisolée de la feuille
du cotonnier (CLCuMuB), cause la frisolée de la feuille du cotonnier dans le sud de l’Asie. CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB a été détecté pour la première
fois, en 2006, alors qu’il était associé à une frisolée d’Hibiscus rosa-sinensis en Chine. Récemment, CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB s’est répandu chez
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis dans le sud du pays. Ici, nous avons identifié CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB pour la première fois chez H. sabdariffa. À notre
connaissance, il s’agit de la quatrième espèce de plante propagée par semence en Chine qui est touchée par CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB.

Mots clés: bégomovirus, frisolée de la feuille du cotonnier, Hibiscus sabdariffa, virus de la frisolée du cotonnier de la région de Multan

Introduction Yunnan, Fujian and Jiangsu (Du et al., 2015; authors, per-
sonal observations). Besides H. rosa-sinensis, the virus
Cotton leaf curl disease has been reported in Africa, as well
complex was also detected in okra (H. esculentus) (Dong
as in several countries in Asia, such as Pakistan, India and
et al., 2012), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (Cai et al., 2010)
China (Sattar et al., 2013). In Asia, the disease is caused by a
and kenaf (H. cannabinus) (Tang et al., 2015) in
number of distinct begomoviruses, including Cotton leaf
Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces, respectively.
curl Multan virus (CLCuMuV), in conjunction with a dis-
Here, we report the first detection of CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB
ease-specific betasatellite, Cotton leaf curl Multan betasa-
in H. sabdariffa in Fujian province of China.
tellite (CLCuMB) (Sattar et al., 2013). CLCuMuV-
CLCuMuB were first identified to be associated with a
leaf curl disease of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Guangzhou, Materials and methods
Guangdong province of China in 2006 (Mao et al., 2008;
CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB detection and sequencing
Du et al., 2015). In recent years, this virus complex was
found to be prevalent in H. rosa-sinensis in many provinces Samples of leaves from symptomatic and healthy-appear-
of south China, including Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, ing H. sabdariffa shrubs were obtained in mid-September

Correspondence to: Zujian Wu. E-mail:

© 2017 The Canadian Phytopathological Society

Published online 17 Nov 2017

Cotton leaf curl virus on Hibiscus 129

2015, where a stunting disease was found in a garden of sequences obtained above. The fragments obtained from
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, the PCR were cloned by using a T-vector (pMD18-T,
Fujian province, China. About 70% of the plants were TAKARA, Dalian, China). Three colonies each for
affected. Upon close observation, additional symptoms, CLCuMuV and CLCuMuB were submitted to Beijing
including vein swelling, leaf curling and yellowing, were Genomics Institute (BGI, Shenzhen, China) for Sanger
observed. Conspicuous enations on the veins were sequencing and the sequences were assembled using
observed on the undersides of some leaves as shown in DNASTAR Lasergene 10 (DNASTAR Inc.). For both
Fig. 1. These symptoms suggested that the plants might CLCuMuV and CLCuMuB, a consensus sequence each
have been infected by a begomovirus. Three samples was deposited in GenBank. The accession numbers
each from healthy and symptomatic shrubs were col- KY992859 and KY992858 have been assigned to
lected. DNA was extracted using the CTAB procedure CLCuMuV and CLCuMuB, respectively.
(Biswas et al., 2013). The degenerate primer pair AV494/
Phylogenetic analysis
GCCYATRTAYAGRAAGCCMAG-3ʹ), which amplifies
a conserved 570-bp region on the begomovirus, was To understand the origin of the CLCuMuV-CLCuMuB
used to confirm the presence of a begomovirus in the infecting H. sabdariffa, related viral sequences were
symptomatic samples (He et al., 2007). The PCR ampli- retrieved from the NCBI non-redundant nucleotide data-
con was electrophoresed at 5 V cm−1 through 1% (w/v) base. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the
agarose gels in 1× Tris Acetic acid EDTA (TAE) electro- aligned viral sequences. The trees were inferred using
phoresis buffer. The PCR band of the expected size were the Neighbour-joining method. The bootstrap consensus
recovered, purified, ligated to a T vector (pMD18-T, tree inferred from 1000 replicates was taken to represent
TAKARA, Dalian, China) and transformed to E. coli the evolutionary history of the taxa analysed (Felsenstein,
DH5α. After growing overnight on Luria-Bertani (LB) 1985). Evolutionary analyses were conducted in MEGA7
agar plates supplemented with 50 µg mL−1 of ampicillin (Kumar et al., 2016).
at 37°C, three positive colonies were randomly selected
and sequenced for each transformation. A primer pair
Results and discussion
specific to CLCuMuV (CLCuMuVF and CLCuMuVR
5ʹCAACAGGCATGGACAAACAG3ʹ and 5ʹ-CCAAT A degenerate PCR was conducted to amplify a conserved
ACGATGGGTCAAACC-3ʹ) was used to confirm the region on the genome of the suspected begomovirus
presence of CLCuMuV in symptomatic H. sabdariffa. infecting H. sabdariffa. PCR amplicons of the expected
To sequence CLCuMuV and CLCuMuB infecting H. size (about 570 bp) were obtained from symptomatic but
sabdariffa, rolling circle amplification (RCA) was con- not from asymptomatic plant samples. A BlastN search of
ducted to enrich circular DNAs. The circular DNAs were the NCBI non-redundant nucleotide database revealed
amplified using β01/02 (Briddon et al., 2002) or a back- more than 99% identity of the PCR amplicons to a
to-back primer pair designed based on the 570-bp corresponding fragment of CLCuMuV occurring in

Fig. 1 (Colour online) Symptoms exhibited by Hibiscus sabdariffa from which Cotton leaf curl Multan virus (CLCuMuV) and its associated
satellite Cotton leaf curl Multan betasatellite (CLCuMuB) were detected by PCR. (Left) healthy H. sabdariffa leaf; (right) diseased leaf.
M. Arif et al. 130

91 CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:06] (EU365616)
CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:Mos3:06] (EU384574)
100 CLCMuV-[IN:Sir:99] (AY765254)
100 CLCMuV-[IN:Hib2:11] (JN880418)
89 CLCMuV-[IN:Hib1:11] (JN807763)
98 CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:Dar3:06] (EU365614)
100 CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:Dar4:06] (EU365615)
CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:Hir2:06] (FJ218487)
100 CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:Hir:06] (FJ218486)
CLCMuV-[IN:Sri:CLR07:10] (JN678803)

79 CLCMuV-[CN:Fz1:Hib:12] (JX861210)
100 CLCMuV-[CN:Fz03:Sab:15] (AKY992859)
CLCMuV-[CN:SM01:Hib:15] (KU245932)
100 100 CLCMuV-[PK:Yaz62:95] (AJ002447)
CLCMuV-[PK:DGK26:95] (AJ002458)
92 CLCMuV-[PK:Fai:31cf:92] (AJ496287)

CLCMuV-[PK:Fai:33af:92] (AJ496461)
100 CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:Lat:06] (EU384573)
CLCMuV-[IN:Sri:CLR11:10] (JN678804)
CLCMuV-[PK:Mul311:Okr:96] (AJ002459)
CLCMuV-[PK:Mul:H65-1:97] (AJ132430)
CLCMuV-[IN:pap:10] (JN558352)

CLCMuV-[IN:Lud:99] (AY765257)
100 CLCMuV-[IN:His:99] (AY765253)
CLCMuV-[IN:ND:99] (AY765256)

Fig. 2 Phylogenetic relationships of the newly identified Cotton leaf curl Multan virus (CLCuMuV) affecting H. sabdariffa (black
and thickened line) with other CLCuMuV. The numbers near the branches indicate the percentage of bootstrap replicates supporting
the branch. Nodes with bootstrap supports (BP) < 50% are collapsed. Virus isolates are presented according to the latest guidelines
( and their accession numbers in NCBI are provided in brackets.

China (JX861210) (Du et al., 2015). PCR using a primer CLCuMuV (Fig. 2) and CLCuMuB (Fig. 3), CLCuMuV
pair designed according to the obtained sequence was occurring in China, including the new isolate identified
used to confirm the presence of CLCuMuV from 10 here, formed a monophyletic clade together with a few of
other symptomatic samples. PCR fragments of the their counterparts occurring in South Asia. However,
expected size (197 bp) were obtained from all 10 samples Chinese CLCuMuV formed a distinct branch within this
(data not shown). In contrast, no PCR amplicon was clade. Similarly, CLCuMuB occurring in China, includ-
obtained from asymptomatic plant samples. These results ing the new isolate identified here, clustered and formed a
indicated that the H. sabdariffa showing begomovirus- monophyletic clade relative to their counterparts from
like symptoms might have been caused by CLCuMuV. South Asia.
Full-length CLCuMuV and CLCuMuB infecting H. In summary, we identified a new host of CLCuMuV.
sabdariffa were obtained by PCR as described in the To our knowledge, H. sabdariffa is the sixth malvaceous
Materials and methods. Sequence analysis revealed that plant species and the fourth seed-propagated malvaceous
the CLCuMuV and CLCuMuB isolates were more than plant species to be infected by CLCuMuV in China.
99% identical to their counterparts occurring in China, Moreover, H. sabdariffa is the first seed-propagated
but shared a nucleotide sequence identity of less than plant found to be infected by CLCuMuV in Fujian pro-
94% with those found in South Asia. In phylogenetic vince. The increasing number of malvaceous plants, par-
trees constructed with the aligned genomic sequences of ticularly the seed-propagated malvaceous plants found to
Cotton leaf curl virus on Hibiscus 131

95 CLCuMuB-[PK:Burewala:Gos:11] (HF567946)
88 CLCuMuB-[PK:Lu10:Gos:10] (AM774311)
89 CLCuMuB-[CN:SM01:Hib:15] (KU254610)

100 CLCuMuB-[IN:Bathinda:Gos:09] (JF502377)

CLCuMuB-[IN:Fazilka:Gos:12] (JF502374)

100 95 CLCuMuB-[PK:SAZ261:Gos:16] (LN867449)

CLCuMuB-[PK:AS10:Gos:15] (HE965449)
CLCuMuB-[PK:RM77:Gos:17] (LN811063)

98 CLCuMuB-[PK:RCmB6:Gos:12] (LK995399)
CLCuMuB-[PK:Pun10:Gos:09] (EU384586)

CLCuMuB-[CN:FC2:Ros:12] (HQ455351)
CLCuMuB-[CN:GX01:Gos:12] (JQ317604)
CLCuMuB-[CN:Fz1:Hib:12] (JX861211)
CLCuMuB-[CN:SM01:Hib:15] (KU254610)
CLCuMuB-[CN:Fz03:Sab:15] (KY992858)
CLCuMuB-[CN:Fuzhou02:Hib:15] (KX523679)

Fig. 3 Relationship of the Fujian isolate of Cotton leaf curl Multan betasatellite (CLCuMuB, black and thickened line) with other
CLCuMuBs. The numbers near the branches indicate the percentage of bootstrap replicates supporting the branch. Nodes with
bootstrap supports (BP) < 50% are collapsed. CLCuMuB isolates are presented according to the latest guidelines (talk.ictvonline.
org/ictv_wikis/m/files_gemini/5120.aspx) and their accession numbers in NCBI are provided in brackets.

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