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Perceptions of student toward the use of drugs at

university level Questionnaire

This questionnaire aims to gather insights into your perceptions and experiences regarding
drug use among university students. Your responses will contribute to a comprehensive
understanding of the prevailing attitudes, awareness, and challenges associated with drug
use in our university community.



Study of year

Field of study

Strongly Strongly
Statement Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Awareness and Perception
I am aware of the prevalence of drug use
among students at my university.
The university adequately educates students
about the risks associated with drug use.
Drug use is a significant issue affecting the
academic environment of the university.
I believe there is enough support available for
students struggling with drug addiction.
My perception of drug use at the university is
influenced by media portrayal rather than
personal observations.
I believe drug use is a personal choice and
doesn’t significantly impact academic
The stigma around drug use prevents
students from seeking help or support.
Attitudes and Beliefs
Drug use is a coping mechanism for
managing stress among university students.
The university should adopt more lenient
policies toward drug use to support students.
Peer pressure is a significant factor
contributing to drug use among university
I have friends or acquaintances who struggle
with drug addiction.
I have personally experienced the negative
effects of drug use in my academic life.
The university should organize more
awareness campaigns about drug addiction.
I believe involving student-led initiatives can
effectively tackle drug-related problems at the
Personal Experiences
I have personally witnessed instances of drug
use on campus.
I have been approached or pressured to use
drugs by peers at the university.
I feel comfortable discussing drug-related
issues with university staff or counselors.
I would consider seeking help if I or someone
I knew was struggling with drug addiction.
I believe students are hesitant to seek help
for drug-related issues due to fear of
I believe involving student-led initiatives can
effectively tackle drug-related problems at the
The university should implement more
proactive measures to address drug-related
University Policies and Support
The university effectively enforces policies
against drug use.
The university provides adequate resources
for students dealing with drug addiction.
University authorities take appropriate action
against students found using drugs on
I feel confident in the effectiveness of
university programs aimed at preventing drug
The university should increase disciplinary
actions for students involved in drug-related
The university should offer more counselling
services for students struggling with drug
I believe involving student-led initiatives can
effectively tackle drug-related problems at the
Seeking Help and Intervention
I am aware of support programs available for
students struggling with drug addiction.
I would consider seeking help if I or someone
I knew was struggling with drug addiction.
The university should encourage a non-
judgmental environment for discussing drug-
related issues.
I believe involving student-led initiatives can
effectively tackle drug-related problems at the
The university should conduct regular
assessments to identify students at risk of
drug addiction.
The university should collaborate with
external organizations to address drug-
related issues.
The university should offer workshops or
training on handling drug-related

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