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The concept of "start with why" is popularized by Simon Sinek, a motivational speaker and

author. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the purpose, cause, or belief (the "why")
behind any endeavor before focusing on the "what" or "how".

Here's the core idea:

● People connect with purpose: Sinek argues that most companies and leaders talk about
what they do (products, services) and how they do it (features, benefits). But the truly
inspiring ones start with why - their core cause, belief, or vision. This emotional connection
with purpose resonates with people and builds trust and loyalty.
● The Golden Circle: Sinek uses a concept called the Golden Circle to illustrate this. It
consists of three concentric circles: WHY in the center, then HOW, and WHAT on the outside.
According to this framework, businesses that start from the inside out (WHY) inspire action
and devotion, whereas those who communicate from the outside in (WHAT) struggle to
differentiate themselves.

Here are some benefits of starting with why:

● Clearer direction: A strong "why" provides a guiding light for decision-making and helps stay
focused on the core purpose.
● Motivation and inspiration: A clear purpose can motivate employees, customers, and
partners to go the extra mile.
● Building trust and loyalty: When people understand the "why" behind an organization,
they're more likely to trust and connect with it.

If you're interested in learning more, you can search for Simon Sinek's TED Talk
"" or his book "Start with Why: How
Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action".

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