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Certificate No.


I, TARA UPADHYAY, D/o Bharat Upadhyay R/o T 24/1 Dlf City Phase 3, Gurugram -122002,
Haryana ,INDIA do hereby, solemnly affirm and declare as under:

1. That I am the Indian citizen of India.

2. That I was born on 07.09.1991 (Seven September Nineteen Ninety one) at Gurugram, India.

3. I say that I am holding Indian Passport bearing Number T6737748 issued RPO Milan and is
valid from 14.02.2019 to date of expiry 13.02.2029.

4. I say that I am unmarried (Single) and I have no living spouse at present either in India or any
other country.

5. That I am eligible to marry an Indian or citizen of any country according to law.

6. That I am of Sound health and in a mentally fit condition.

7. The information provided here is correct to the best of my knowledge.

8. That above are my true and correct statement.



Verified at New Delhi on 18 day of JUNE, 2024 that the contents of this affidavit are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therefrom.


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