Group It17 Project

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Department of Information Technology

E-commerce Website with Sales Analysis

and Price Optimization
Under guidance of
Prof . Shubhangi Chavan

Group Members :-
Girish Dange - 808
Abhishek Dalvi - 807
Manas Ghodinde - 810

2.Problem Statement

3.Literature Survey

4.Implementation plan

4.1 Block Diagram

4.2 Mathematical Model / Techniques

5.Input and Output Specification

6.Hardware and Software Details

7.Results and conclusion


9.Future scope


List of Publications

● E-commerce - electronically buying or
selling of products

● E-commerce business models

1. Business - to - Business (B2B)
2. Business - to - Consumer (B2C)
3. Consumer - to - Consumer (C2C)
4. Consumer - to - Business (C2B)

● Benefits of E-commerce
1. For organizations
2. For customers
Fig : Basic representation of E-commerce 3. For society
Introduction continued …
● Effects of COVID-19 outbreak on E-commerce

● Indian E-Commerce industry

● Top E-Commerce companies in India [11]

Problem statement

● Decided to make a user friendly website for Ecommerce

● Customer needs to fill some fields to order a specific product

● E-Commerce portal to find the sales analysis

● Find the optimal price point of product

● Connect buyer and seller with chat feature directly

Literature Survey

Title Year Author Description

This paper proposes a novel machine

Price Optimization in 1. Sajan Kedia learning and optimization technique to
Fashion E-commerce 2020 2. Samyak Jain find the optimal price point at an
[2] 3. Abhishek Sharma individual product level.

1. Anusha.B
Dynamic Price 2. Sangeetha.H. This paper provide a brief introduction to
Optimization for the 3. Riyanka.R the historical origins of quantitative
Future of E-Commerce 4. Sushmitha.N research on pricing , demand estimation
[1] 5. Chitra.R and dynamic pricing .
Literature Survey continued …

Title Year Author Description

This paper describes the need of a system

1. Dr. Zainab Pirani
to analyze the database transactions of
2. Anuja Marewar
Analysis and e-commerce websites using various data
3. Zainab
Optimization of Online 2017 mining techniques and algorithms such as
Sales of Products [3] affinity analysis,logistic regression and
4. Madhuri Kamble
linear regression.

This paper study attempts to explore the

Growth of E-commerce evolution of e-commerce in India and
in India: An Analytical 1. Madhurima
2017 Khosla identifies various challenges to as well the
Review of Literature
[6] 2. Harish Kumar factors responsible for the future growth
and development of e-commerce.
Literature Survey continued …

Title Year Author Description

1. Syed Emdad This paper outlines different aspects of

Developing an Ullah
developing an e-commerce website and
E-Commerce Website 2016 2. Tania Alauddin
the optimum solution to the challenges
[5] 3. Hasan U. Zaman
involved in developing one.

1. Yoshitaka Sakurai In this paper, a sale management web

2. Takashi Kawabe page, the automatic construction and
3. Takahiko Sakai interactive modifications of sale pages as
A sale-oriented product
4. Kouhei Takada
management method 2010 well as the automatic/interactive update of
5. Setsuo Tsuruta
for e-commerce [4] DB for each sale product group,
6. Mizuno
Yoshiyuki synchronization with the sales is
Implementation Plan
Existing System Block Diagram :

Existing System Block Diagram of E-commerce Portal [10]

Existing System Block Diagram consists of :

1. Search Products
2. View Product Listing
3. View Product Details
4. View Cart
5. Manage Cart
6. Buy Product
7. Check Out
8. Sign up
9. Login
10. Sign Out
11. My Account
12. View/Edit Profile
13. My Orders
Proposed System Block Diagram :

Proposed System Block Diagram of E-commerce Website with Sales Analysis and Price Optimization
Proposed System :

We have proposed a system where we are going to add various features in our existing system :

● Sales analysis : Detailed report that offers a more profound understanding of a business’s sales
performance, customer data, and the revenue.

● Price optimization : Helps businesses strike the right balance of efficient pricing, achieving
profit objectives, and also serve their customers [7].

● Payment gateway : Use to accept payment via debit card and credit card from the customers .
We are using the payment gateway of PayPal

● Chat feature : Offering live chat support is the most effective way to respect your customers’
Mathematical Models

● OLS (Ordinary Least Square) model : Website uses a very basic OLS [8] (Ordinary Least
Square for estimating the unknown parameters in a linear regression model ) model for sales

● Plotty Dash : Used for creating interactive application .

● Graphical Charts : Website represents the analysed data in graphical presentation also . A chart
[9] is a graphical representation for data visualization .

The entire development process has been subdivided into two:

● Front end development : Using Javascript , HTML , CSS

● Back end development : Using MongoDB

Input and output specifications

Input :

● Searching any type of product

● Placing Order of specific product
● Paying for that product

Output :

● Displaying the searched product

● Receiving the payment receipt via email
● Delivering the product
● Displaying sales analysis dashboard and optimal price point


● Desktop or Laptop(with at least 2GB of RAM and processor up or equivalent to

● Good Internet connection


● OS: Windows
● Programming Language:JavaScript, HTML, CSS , Python
● Framework :React JS , Flask
● Database: MongoDB
● IDE: Visual Studio Code
Results and conclusion

Home page Sales analysis dashboard

Price optimization Chat feature

Results and conclusion continued ..

● E-Commerce has changed our life styles entirely because we do not have to spend time and money
travelling to the market.
● No time barriers in selling and buying the products.
● An interactive user friendly and focused website in the form of online shop can generate good
● The chat feature in the website help the customer to seek help from the seller directly .
● The sales analysis gives us the better idea about product demands and product selling .
● Price optimization results in businesses strike the right balance of efficient pricing, achieving profit
objectives, and also serve their customers in better way .
● So we are of the opinion that big companies should invest more on research and development for
e-commerce with sales analysis and price optimization .

● Retail and Wholesale.

● Finance.
● Manufacturing.
● Auctioning.
● Marketing.
● Online Shopping.
● Mobile and Web Applications.
● Online Booking.
Future scope

The project can be further extend with the following features:

● Bilateral negotiations in an e-commerce environment involve two parties

● E-commerce in cooperate with AR(Augmented reality) for better and 3D representation of
[1] Dynamic Price Optimization for the Future of E-commerce by Anusha.B, Sangeetha H.S , Riyanka R. ,
Sushmitha N. , Chitra R.

[2] Price Optimization in Fashion E-commerce by Sajan Kedia , Samyak Jain , Abhishek Sharma

[3] Analysis and Optimization of Online Sales of Products by Dr.Zainab Pirani , Anuja Marewar, Zainab
Bhavnagarwala and Madhuri Kamble

[4] A sale-oriented product management method for e-commerce by Yoshitaka Sakurai , Takashi Kawabe , Takahiko
Sakai , Kouhei Takada , Setsuo Tsuruta and Mizuno Yoshiyuki

[5] Developing an E-Commerce Website by Syed Emdad Ullah, Tania Alauddin and Hasan U. Zaman

[6] Growth of E-commerce in India by Madhurima Khosla , Harish Kumar

[7] Price Optimization , Retrieved December 22 , 2021 ,

[8] OLS , Retrieved October 9 , 2021 ,

[9] Graph , Retrieved January 29 , 2022 ,

[10] Existing Block diagram of E-commerce , Retrieved September 11 , 2021 ,

[11] Top E-commerce companies in India , Retrieved July 20 , 2021 ,
List of Publications
[1] Girish Dange , Abhishek Dalvi , Manas Ghodinde and Shubhangi Rathod , “ E-commerce Website
With Sales Analysis And Price Optimization ”, IJCRT , Volume 10, Issue 3 March 2022 ISSN:

Link for the paper : E-commerce Website With Sales Analysis And Price Optimization
We are thankful to everyone who provided us the opportunity to select this project. We would like to take this
opportunity to express sincere thanks to the department and the University for this Project where we have such an
opportunity to express our ideas and put our learning all the way into practice.

We give special gratitude to our Principal Dr. Sandeep Joshi, who always encourages us to do innovative things that
will help to increase our knowledge.

We also thank our H.O.D of Information Technology Department, Dr. Satishkumar Varma, for this opportunity of
practically implementing whatever concepts we study, through B.E. Project.This would not have been possible without
the opportunity.

We thank our Project Co-ordinator Dr. Sushopti Gawade for providing us with all the facilities and the required
equipment for this project.

We would like to thank our guide and mentor Prof. Shubhangi Chavan who mentored us throughout our ‘E-commerce
Website With Sales Analysis And Price Optimization ’ project and cleared our concepts and helped us understand all the

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