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10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current


i. (C) 105 N, repulsive [1 Mark]
 2I I 2  5 5
F = 0  1 2 = 107  = 10–5 N
4 r 0.5
As direction of current is opposite, force is repulsive.
ii. (C) zero [1 Mark]
iii. (A) [1 Mark]
Radius of circle, r =
0I 0I
 Field at centre of circle, B = =
2r L

iv. (B) radius of solenoid [1 Mark]

  
i. F = q v  B nˆ = qvB sin n̂
 
Where, θ is the angle between v and B and n̂ is unit vector in the direction of force. [1 Mark]
ii. Principle of M.C.G:
When a coil carrying an electric current is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, a torque acts on it. This
torque tends to rotate the coil about the axis of suspension so that the magnetic flux passing through the coil
is maximum. [1 Mark]
iii. [B] = [L0M1T2A1] [1 Mark]


Attempt any Four

Q.3. i. When a charged particle does not move in a plane perpendicular to magnetic field B , it undergoes

helical motion. Such a particle has some component of velocity parallel to B  v/ /  that leads to helical

 
motion as shown in figure below.

v 
 x
v/ /

Helical Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field B


Std. XII Sci.: Perfect Physics (Vol. II)

 
Since a component  v/ /  is parallel to B , the magnetic force Fm will be:

 
 
Fm =  v/ /   B = v B sin 0 = 0

 

Thus,  v/ /  will not be affected and the particle will move along the direction of B .

 
At the same time the perpendicular component of the velocity  v   leads to circular motion making

 
  
Fm = v   B = v B sin90 = vB
This acts as a necessary centripetal force.

iv. As a result, the particle moves parallel to the field B while moving along a circular path

perpendicular to B Thus, the path becomes a helix.
[2 Marks]
Q.4. Solution:
Given: m = 40 g = 40  103 kg, l = 1 m, I = 10 A, θ = 90°
To find: Magnitude of magnetic field (B)
Formulae: i. FB = IlB ii. FG = mg
Calculation: At equilibrium,
From formula (i) and (ii),
IlB = mg
 B=
40  103  9.8
= ….( g = 9.8 ms2)
10 1
= 39.2  103 T
Ans: Magnitude of magnetic field is 39.2  103 T.
[2 Marks]
Q.5. i. When a charged particle moves through a region in which both electric and magnetic fields are present
net force experienced by that charged particle is sum of electrostatic force and magnetic force and is
called as Lorentz force.
ii. Equation of Lorentz Force law:
Consider a charge q moving through electric field  E  and magnetic field  B  with velocity  v  .
  
     
 
b. Electric force on charge q, Fe = q E

Magnetic force on charge q, Fm = q  v  B 
 
 
   
d. Net force on charge q, F = Fe + Fm = q E + q  v  B  = q  E   v  B  
    

    
This is the required equation.
[2 Marks]
Q.6. Solution:
Given: N = 50 turns, A = 5 cm  3 cm = 15  104 m2, B = 0.05 Wb/m2,
K = 1.5  109 Nm/degree,  = 30
To find: Electric current
Formulae: i.  = NIAB ii. =K
Calculation: From formulae (i) and (ii),
NIAB = K 
1.5  10
0.6  106 A
I= =  30 =
NAB 100  15  104  0.5
Ans: Required electric current is 0.6  106 A.
[2 Marks]

Chapter 10: Magnetic Fields due to
Electric Current
Q.7. i. The SI unit of electric current, ‘Ampere (A)’ is defined using the force between parallel wires carrying
ii. One ampere is the current which when flowing in two infinite parallel wires kept one metre apart
produces a force of 2 × 10–7 N/m between them.
F μ0 I1 I2 F
iii. Since, = ; for I1 = I2 = 1 A and d = 1 m, we get = 2 × 10–7 N/m
L 2π d L
[2 Marks]
Q.8. i. Consider a straight wire of length L as shown in figure below.


I Fm 

e P

Electrons in the wire having drift velocity v d

Experience a magnetic force Fm upwards as the applied
magnetic field lines come out of the plane of the paper

An external magnetic field B is applied perpendicular to the wire, coming out of the plane of the
paper. Let a current I flow through the wire under an applied potential difference.

ii. If v d is the drift velocity of conduction electrons in the part of length L of the wire, the charge q
flowing across the plane pp in time t will be
 
iii. The magnetic force Fm on this charge, due to the applied magnetic field B is

Fm = q  v d  B  =
  IL
B vd sin n̂ = IL B sin90 n̂
  vd
  
where n̂ is a unit vector perpendicular to both B and v d , in the direction of Fm .

Fm = ILB n̂
This is, therefore, the magnetic force acting on the portion of the straight wire having length L.
   
iv. If B is not perpendicular to the wire, then magnetic force is, Fm = IL  B ,

where L is the length vector directed along the portion of the wire of length L.
[2 Marks]


Attempt any Two

Q.9. Solution:
Given: v = 3  107 m/s, B = 12  104 T, m = 9  1031 kg, q = 1.6  1019 C,
1 eV = 1.6  1019 J
To find: i. Radius of path (r) ii. Frequency (n)
iii. Energy (in keV)
mv qB
Formulae: i. r= ii. n=
qB 2 m
iii. KE = mv2

Std. XII Sci.: Perfect Physics (Vol. II)

Calculation: From formula (i),
9  1031  3  10 7
 1031 + 7 + 19 + 4 = 1.406  101 m = 0.1406 m
r= 19 4
1.6  10  12  10 6.4
From formula (ii),
1.6  1019  12  10 4 1.6  2
n= =  108 = 33.95  106 Hz = 33.95 MHz
2  3.142  9  10 31 3.142  3
From formula (iii),
 9  1031  (3  107)2 J
81  1031  14
= eV
2  1.6  1019
=  102 eV
= 25.31  102 eV
= 2.531  103 eV
= 2.531 keV
Ans: i. The radius of the path is 0.1406 m.
ii. The frequency is 33.95 MHz.
iii. Energy is 2.531 keV.
[3 Marks]
Q.10. i. Consider a straight wire of length l carrying current I.
ii. Let a point P situated at a perpendicular distance R from the wire as shown below.



The magnetic field d B at P going into the plane
of the paper, due to current I through the wire

iii. Consider infinitesimal length dl of wire carrying current I, then current element = I dl .
iv. Current element is situated at distance r from point P making an angle , as shown in figure above.
v. Using Biot Savart law, magnetic field, produced dB at P due to current element I dl is,
0 Id l sin 
dB = ....(1)
4 r2
vi. According to properties of cross-product, dl  r indicates direction of dB , in this case, is into the
plane of paper.
vii. Summing up all current elements upper half of infinitely long wire,
 
 0 Id l sin 
Bupper =  dB =
4 0
0 r2
viii. Taking into account symmetry of wire, current elements in lower half of infinitely long wire will also
contribute same as upper half.
i.e., Blower = Bupper ….(3)
ix. Adding contributions from lower and upper part, total magnetic field point P is

B = 2  dB ….[using equation (2)]


2  0 Id l sin 
4 0 r 2
= ….[ using equation (1)]


Chapter 10: Magnetic Fields due to
Electric Current
But r = l 2  R 2 and sin  = sin (  ) = =
r l  R2

0I R dl
 B=
2 
0 l  R 2 l 2  R 2 

0I dl
2 0
= R 3

l 2
 R2 2
Solving the integration,
0I 1  I
B= R 2= 0 ….(4)
2 R 2 R
This is the equation for magnetic field at a point situated at a perpendicular distance R from infinitely
long wire carrying current I.
[3 Marks]
Q.11. i. Consider circular arc of a wire (XY), carrying a current I.
ii. The circular arc XY subtends an angle θ at the centre O of the circle with radius r of which the arc is a
part, as shown in figure below.


 dB

Current carrying wire of a shape of circular arc.
 
iii. Consider length element d l lying always perpendicular r .
Using Biot-Savart law magnetic field produced at O is:
 
 μ 0 Id l × r
dB =
4π r3
μ 0 dl rsin90o
dB = I
4π r3
μ Idl
= 0 2 ….(1)
4π r
iii. Equation (1) gives the magnitude of the field. The direction of the field is given by the right hand rule.
Thus, the direction of each of the dB is into the plane of the paper. The total field at O is
μ0 dl
B=  dB = 4 π A r 2

μ0 r μ I
= I  2 dθ = 0 2 θ ….(2)
4π Ar 4π r
where, the angel  is in radians.
For a full circular wire (instead of arc)
 = 2
 Magnetic field at the centre of the circle, using
0 I
B= 2
4 r
0 I
[3 Marks]

Std. XII Sci.: Perfect Physics (Vol. II)


Attempt any One

Q.12. i. a. Consider a long straight wire carrying a current I as shown in figure below.

B 


Long straight current carrying wire

 
B and d l are tangential to the Amperian loop which in this case is a circle.
 
 B  d l = B dl = B r d
 μ0 1
b. The field B at a distance r from the wire is given by, B =
2π r
 0 I
  B  dl =  2  r r d  = 0 I

[2 Marks]
ii. Solution:
Given: L =  m, diameter = 5 cm, N = 1000 turns, i = 5 A
We know that, 0 = 4  107 Tm/A
To find: Magnetic field (B)
Formulae: i. n= ii. B = 0ni
Calculation: From formula (i),
1000 turns
2 m
From formula (ii),
B = 4  107  7 + 3
= 103 T
 5 = 10  10
Ans: The magnetic field is 103 T.
[2 Marks]
Q.13. i. Expression for magnetic induction at a point along the axis of a toroid:

a. The magnetic field around the toroid consists of concentric circular lines of force around it.
Magnetic field is produced, when a steady current ‘I’ flows through toroid.
b. The direction of magnetic field at a point is along the tangent to the circular path at that point.

Chapter 10: Magnetic Fields due to
Electric Current
c. Let R be the radius of the Amperian loop. This loop is concentric with the axis of toroid. P is a
point on the loop.
d. Applying Ampere’s law,
 

 B  dl = 0 I = 0NI .…(1)
where, N = total number of turns in the toroid.
I = total current flowing through toroid.
i = Current flowing in each turn
 
Now,  B  dl =  B dl cos ….2
 
e. But, B and dl are in same direction
  = 0
 cos  = 1
 Equation (2) can be written as,
 

 B  dl =  Bdl = B  dl .…(3)
f. Also  dl = 2R ….(total length of circle is its circumference)
From equation (3),
 

 B  dl = B (2R) .…(4)
g. From equation (1) and (4),
B (2r) = 0Ni
0 Ni
 B= .…(5)
This is the required expression.
[3 Marks]
 
ii. a. Magnetic potential energy of a dipole is minimum, when m and B are parallel to each other.
 
b. Magnetic potential energy of a magnetic dipole is maximum, when m and B are antiparallel to
each other.
[1 Mark]

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