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1 st Quiz Results

1st Quiz










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Total students = 24 Highest = 10

Lowest = 3.5
Average = 6.7
Above average Below average
10 14
Sara, Sara, Bashayer, Fatma, Ali
Strain Analysis

Dr. Ohood Alsalem

Most figures are from google drive
2D Strain Analysis

There are two strain ellipses at any stage in the deformation:

1- finite strain ellipse: represents the cumulative → total deformation

2- infinitesimal ellipse: represents the strain for an instant in time. In two

dimensions, the infinitesimal stretching axes (1 + €1) are the instantaneous
direction of maximum elongation and the instantaneous direction of maximum
shortening axis (1 + €3)
2D Strain Analysis
• Aspect ratio: the ratio of the long axis to the short axis of
deformed objects.

- Estimate the shape and orientation (shear strain) of the strain


1 cm 0.5 cm
1 cm 1.5 cm
2D Strain Analysis : longitudinal strain

1- Shape: change in length of lines

The shape of the ellipse is the ratio of the principal axes:

2D Strain Analysis : longitudinal strain

1- Shape: change in length of lines

-At any given time during deformation:

→ lines within 45° of the horizontal axis are lengthening,

→ lines within 45° of the vertical

axis are shortening.

-Some material in the strain

ellipse migrates through lines
separating fields of shortening
and lengthening as the ellipse
2D Strain Analysis : longitudinal strain

1- Shape: change in length of lines

2D Strain Analysis : longitudinal strain

• The strain ellipse is consequently divided into fields in which material lines
have had different histories:

- Within 45° to the vertical axis, lines have been shortened throughout their
deformation history.

- Between the 45° line and the rotated initial lines of no finite longitudinal strain,
material lines have undergone an initial shortening, followed by lengthening.

- Between the lines of no finite longitudinal strain, lines have been permanently
2D Strain Analysis : Shear strain

2- Shear strain: change in angle

The rotational part of deformation ω is the angular difference in orientation of the

strain axes with respect to a reference line. One commonly uses symbols as θ and
θ' for orientation angles before and after deformation, respectively.
2D Strain Analysis : Pure and Simple Shear

- Coaxial deformation (pure shear): The finite stretching direction have the same
orientation (no rotation) before and after deformation.

- Non coaxial deformation (simple shear): The finite stretching direction dose not
have the same orientation (rotation) before and after deformation.
The change in 2D only?
3D Strain: Strained ellipsoid

• Strained ellipsoid: Sphere shape can change to ellipse after deformation.

• The deformation of sphere in three axis: λ1, λ2 , λ3
• The shape of the ellipsoid are: prolate, triaxial, oblate, and it related
to the type of deformation.

1- Prolate: λ1 > (λ2 = λ3)

2- Oblate: (λ1 = λ2) > λ3

3- Triaxial: λ1 > λ2 > λ3

How can we apply the concept when
we are in the field?
Geological objects that used to estimate type of strain:

1- Spherical objects → will show a longitudinal strain

• Pebbles in conglomerate

• Vesicles and amygdules

• Spherical fossils such as

Crinoid, Echinoderm

• Reduction spots in

• Xenolith and inclusion

Geological objects that used to estimate type of strain:

2- Non-spherical objects → will show a shear strain

• Fossils such as trilobites,

brachiopods, graptolite,

• Folds

• Foliation
This is kinematic or dynamic analysis?


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