Timmy Report

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JUNE, 2023.


This report presents the findings and observations from a field trip conducted by students of the
University of Ibadan's Special Education Department to four special schools and a rehabilitation
center in Ibadan. The purpose of the visit was to gain practical insights into the educational
programs, facilities, and support services offered by these institutions. The schools visited included
Beersheba Christian mission for the mentally challenged, Juvenile Correctional Home,
Omoyeni School for the Blind Orita-Aperin, and the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in
Moniya, which provided additional insights into rehabilitation services. The report provides an
overview of each school, highlighting their specialized focus and approaches in catering to the
needs of students with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, severe physical
disabilities, multiple disabilities, and visual impairments. The report also emphasizes the
importance of collaboration between educators, professionals, and parents in providing inclusive
education and holistic development opportunities for students with special needs. Overall, the field
trip enhanced the students' understanding of special education practices and highlighted the
dedication and commitment of professionals working in the field.


On a splendid summer day, the 21st of June, 2021, a group of passionate and eager students from
the esteemed Special Education Department at the University of Ibadan were bestowed with a rare
opportunity. They embarked on a momentous field trip, a captivating journey that would not only
broaden their horizons but also profoundly impact their understanding of special education. Their
destination? The enchanting city of Ibadan, where they would have the privilege to visit four
exceptional special schools and a renowned rehabilitation center. This expedition was
meticulously planned with the intention of providing these aspiring educators with invaluable
practical insights, allowing them to witness firsthand the diverse educational programs, cutting-
edge facilities, and unparalleled support services offered by these esteemed institutions.

The first stop on this remarkable odyssey was the illustrious BEERSHEBA CHRISTIAN
MISSION FOR THE MENTALLY CHALLENGED, a beacon of inclusive education for
children with special needs. Nestled amidst the gentle embrace of Ibadan's vibrant landscape,
Beersheba welcomed the students with open arms. The school exuded an atmosphere of warmth,
compassion, and unwavering dedication. As the University of Ibadan students stepped through the
gates, they were transported into a world where limitations faded and possibilities bloomed. The
sprawling campus boasted classrooms teeming with vibrant learning materials, interactive
technologies, and adaptive resources that catered to the diverse needs of each exceptional student.
Witnessing the devoted teachers and staff engaging with their pupils, utilizing innovative teaching
strategies tailored to individual strengths, the visiting students were truly inspired. The
transformative impact of these personalized approaches on the students' academic growth, self-
confidence, and social integration left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the University
of Ibadan special education students.

From Beersheba Christian mission for the mentally challenged, the journey continued to the
captivating JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL HOME, POLY ROAD a correctional center
dedicated to nurturing children with behavioral challenges. As the University of Ibadan students
traversed the threshold of this remarkable institution, they were greeted by an environment
brimming with empathy, patience, and understanding. The dedicated professionals at Juvenile

Home employed evidence-based techniques and therapeutic interventions to facilitate behavioral
change and emotional growth in their young charges. The visiting students had the opportunity to
witness firsthand the delicate balance between academic instruction and holistic support, as the
school fostered an environment where each child's unique needs were embraced with unwavering
care. The bond of trust that developed between the students and staff exemplified the
transformative power of a nurturing and tailored approach to special education.

The expedition then took a poignant turn as the University of Ibadan students ventured to the awe-
corridors of this remarkable institution, a symphony of sound, touch, and braille intertwined to
create a world of knowledge for visually impaired students. The visiting students were
immediately immersed in an environment where resilience and determination flourished. The
Omoyeni School for the Blind embraced cutting-edge technologies, specialized educational
materials, and sensory-based learning experiences to empower its students. Witnessing the
indomitable spirit of these remarkable individuals and their unwavering commitment to
overcoming obstacles, the University of Ibadan students were profoundly moved. Their visit to
Omoyeni School for the Blind served as a poignant reminder that true strength lies not in one's
abilities but in the tenacity and resolve to pursue dreams against all odds.

The grand finale of this comprehensive exploration of special education in Ibadan awaited the
University of Ibadan students at the REHABILITATION CENTER FOR THE DISABLED IN
MONIYA. A bastion of hope and empowerment, this renowned center offered comprehensive
rehabilitation services, vocational training, and a vibrant social support network. As the students
entered the premises, they were enveloped by an atmosphere buzzing with resilience,
determination, and untapped potential.

Beersheba Christian mission for the mentally challenged is a remarkable special school situated in
Akufo, established in 2008 by Mrs. Oluremi Abosede. With a rich history of serving over 250
clients, Beersheba operates as a Christian mission in collaboration with scientific-based
interventions, fostering empowerment for individuals with special needs. The school takes pride
in its commitment to catering to children with a wide range of disabilities, encompassing
intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and physical conditions such as autism,
dyslexia, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and more.
During a recent visit to Beersheba Christian mission for the mentally challenged, it became
evident that the institution goes to great lengths to provide an optimal learning environment. The
well-equipped classrooms, sensory integration rooms, and therapy spaces all contribute to creating
a conducive setting for students to thrive. Furthermore, Beersheba offers boarding facilities
capable of accommodating a minimum of 20 students, ensuring comprehensive care and support
throughout the day and night.
At the core of Beersheba's philosophy lies a strong emphasis on individualized education.
The school recognizes the unique needs and capabilities of each student, thereby adopting tailored
instructional approaches to address their specific requirements effectively. By personalizing the
learning experience, Beersheba ensures that every student receives the necessary support,
guidance, and attention required to unlock their full potential.
In essence, Beersheba Christian mission for the mentally challenged stands as a beacon of
empowerment for individuals with special needs. By combining Christian values with evidence-
based interventions, the school strives to make a lasting, positive impact on the lives of its students.
Through comprehensive education, care, and support, Beersheba envisions a future where every
individual, regardless of their disability, can overcome challenges and achieve meaningful
personal growth.
Beersheba Christian mission for the mentally challenged, located in the heart of Akufo, is
more than just a special school—it is a haven where individuals with special needs are empowered
to discover their potential and lead fulfilling lives. Since its establishment in 2008 by the visionary
Mrs. Oluremi Abosede, Beersheba has become a beacon of hope, serving as a Christian mission
in collaboration with scientific-based interventions.

The school's unwavering dedication to inclusivity is evident in its commitment to catering
to a diverse range of disabilities. Beersheba warmly welcomes children with intellectual
disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and various physical conditions such as dyslexia, Down
syndrome, and cerebral palsy. By embracing this wide spectrum of abilities, the school fosters an
environment where every student feels valued, supported, and encouraged to reach their full
During our visit to Beersheba, we were struck by the school's outstanding facilities and
resources designed to meet the unique needs of its students. The classrooms are thoughtfully
equipped with tools and materials that facilitate engaging and interactive learning experiences.
Additionally, sensory integration rooms provide a sanctuary for students to explore and regulate
their sensory experiences, promoting self-awareness and emotional well-being. The therapy
spaces, equipped with specialized equipment and guided by trained professionals, offer targeted
interventions tailored to each student's specific challenges and goals.
Notably, Beersheba recognizes the importance of holistic care and provides boarding
facilities to accommodate a minimum of 20 students. This residential option ensures that students
receive continuous care, support, and a nurturing environment throughout their stay. The boarding
experience further fosters socialization, independence, and the development of essential life skills,
empowering students to become more self-reliant and confident individuals.
At the heart of Beersheba's educational approach lies a strong emphasis on individualized
instruction. Recognizing that each student possesses unique strengths, challenges, and learning
styles, the school adopts tailored instructional strategies to meet their distinct needs. Through
personalized education plans, individualized attention, and ongoing assessments, Beersheba
ensures that no student is left behind and that each one receives the necessary tools to succeed
academically, socially, and emotionally.
Moreover, Beersheba understands the importance of collaboration between educators,
therapists, families, and the wider community. The school actively promotes partnerships and
engagement, organizing workshops, support groups, and events to foster knowledge sharing, skills
development, and mutual support. This collaborative approach creates a network of support that
extends beyond the school's walls, enriching the lives of students and their families.

In conclusion, Beersheba is more than just an educational institution; it is a transformative
place where individuals with special needs are empowered to overcome challenges, embrace their
unique abilities, and lead fulfilling lives. Through its Christian mission and scientific-based
interventions, the school exemplifies compassion, inclusion, and a dedication to nurturing the
potential within each student. Beersheba stands as a testament to the power of education, care, and
support in creating a brighter future for individuals with special needs, shaping a society where
everyone is valued and celebrated for their unique contributions. Some of the questions raised
during the visit was:
1. Does the school allow their parents to visit them or they should visit their parents or
guardian on holiday?
They go on holidays too but in Beersheba, we don’t allow long holidays, so after a period of 3
months, there’s a holiday of 1 week. We make sure that we don’t go go back to square 1 because
when the holiday is too long, there’s tendency of a relapse.
2. What are the criteria for graduation?
The criteria for graduation is the level of independence, how can this person manage to live a life
that won’t burden the people around them and we are also working with partners that can employ
them. We want to remove that burden from the concerned community.

During our recent visit to Juvenile Home in Sango, we had the opportunity to gain valuable insights
into the educational and rehabilitation programs offered to children facing behavioral and
emotional challenges. This institution serves as a safe haven, providing a structured environment
for children who have experienced trauma or struggle with behavioral difficulties. One of the
remarkable aspects of Juvenile Home is the team of highly qualified professionals it employs,
including psychologists and social workers, who are dedicated to providing counseling and
therapeutic interventions tailored to meet the specific needs of each child.

Juvenile Home encompasses several distinct units, each catering to different age groups and unique

a) Child Care Unit 1: This unit is specifically designed for children between the ages of 0-10
years. It serves as a nurturing home for abandoned children, those found wandering aimlessly, or
children who do not have a clear sense of their destination. These children are often brought to
Juvenile Home or the Ibadan Ibarapa Zonal Office, a section of the Ministry of Women Affairs,
for proper care and support.

b) Child Care Unit 2: The second unit focuses on children with certain conditions such as cerebral
palsy, down syndrome, and other mental illnesses that require examination and diagnosis. In this
unit, doctors visit every Tuesday, and nurses provide regular care on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The
medical professionals thoroughly assess any concerns the children may have and determine the
necessary course of action, including hospital admissions to ensure their well-being. Within Child
Care Unit 2, there is a remarkable child with exceptional intelligence, capable of reciting the week's
food menu. On the other hand, there are children with mental retardation who struggle with basic
bodily control. Due to limited resources, providing diapers for these children consistently becomes
a challenge, even though it is essential for their comfort and hygiene.

c) Juvenile Correctional Institution (JCI): This unit serves as a rehabilitation center for children
from various backgrounds. Much like the adult correctional center in Agodi, the JCI focuses on
youngsters who find themselves in conflict with the law or are deemed beyond parental control.

These children are brought to Juvenile Home for rehabilitation, with the aim of addressing any
problematic behaviors and correcting any deviant tendencies. During our visit, the head of the
institution informed us that currently, there are no children in their custody who are facing charges,
as they have all been released, indicating a successful reintegration process.

Juvenile Home places great emphasis on holistic development and the eventual reintegration of
these children into society. The tailored curriculum ensures that each child receives the necessary
educational support to overcome their challenges and unlock their full potential. By providing a
safe and structured environment, along with dedicated professionals, Juvenile Home strives to
instill a sense of stability, personal growth, and empowerment in these children, equipping them
with the tools they need to lead productive and fulfilling lives.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning the collaborative efforts between Juvenile Home and external
organizations, such as the Ministry of Women Affairs and medical professionals, who work hand
in hand to ensure the comprehensive well-being of the children. The presence of doctors and nurses
who regularly visit the institution demonstrates a commitment to meeting the medical needs of the
children and providing them with the necessary healthcare services.

In conclusion, our visit to Juvenile Home in Sango provided us with valuable insights into the
exceptional education and rehabilitation programs offered to children facing behavioral and
emotional challenges. The institution's focus on individualized care, professional support, and
collaboration with external organizations ensures that these children are given the best possible
chance to overcome their difficulties and reintegrate successfully into society. Juvenile Home
serves as a beacon of hope, offering these children a safe and nurturing environment where they
can heal, grow, and thrive.

Located in the serene neighborhood of Orita Aperin in Ibadan, Nigeria, stands the remarkable
institution known as Omoyeni School for the Blind. This exceptional establishment is driven by a
profound dedication to serving visually impaired students and empowering them to lead fulfilling
lives. During a recent visit to this extraordinary school, we were deeply impressed by the
comprehensive range of services and initiatives designed to nurture and support the students on
their unique educational journey.

At the heart of Omoyeni School for the Blind lies a steadfast commitment to Braille literacy,
recognizing its immense importance in facilitating effective communication and learning for
visually impaired individuals. The school has established a robust Braille program, ensuring that
every student has the opportunity to master this tactile writing system. Through expert instruction
and dedicated support, students at Omoyeni School for the Blind are equipped with the skills and
knowledge necessary to read, write, and engage with the world through Braille.

However, Omoyeni School for the Blind understands that education extends far beyond the
confines of the written word. To facilitate a comprehensive and enriched learning experience, the
school places a strong emphasis on mobility training. Understanding the challenges faced by
visually impaired individuals in navigating their surroundings, the school provides specialized
training to help students develop essential mobility skills. From learning how to use a white cane
to navigate physical spaces confidently to mastering orientation and spatial awareness, the students
at Omoyeni School for the Blind receive comprehensive mobility training to enhance their
independence and freedom of movement.

Recognizing the transformative power of technology, Omoyeni School for the Blind has made
significant strides in integrating assistive technologies into the learning process. The school boasts
state-of-the-art facilities equipped with cutting-edge assistive devices and software designed to
cater specifically to the needs of visually impaired students. From screen readers and magnifiers
to tactile graphic displays and accessible computer programs, these technologies serve as powerful
tools that enable students to access information, engage with educational materials, and pursue
their academic goals with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

Beyond the classroom, Omoyeni School for the Blind goes above and beyond to create a nurturing
and inclusive environment for its students. The school has taken great care to adapt its classrooms
to incorporate tactile materials and audio resources, ensuring a multisensory learning experience
that caters to diverse learning styles. By providing students with opportunities to engage with
educational materials through touch, sound, and active participation, the school fosters a dynamic
and engaging atmosphere that stimulates intellectual curiosity and supports holistic development.

While academic pursuits form a crucial part of the curriculum, Omoyeni School for the Blind also
places immense value on developing students' life skills and promoting their independence.
Recognizing the importance of fostering self-sufficiency, the school offers a range of programs
and activities that empower students to navigate daily life with confidence. From practical skills
such as cooking, personal grooming, and household management to interpersonal skills such as
communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, students are equipped with the tools necessary
to thrive in a world that often underestimates their abilities.

Moreover, Omoyeni School for the Blind understands the significance of preparing its students for
future academic pursuits or vocational opportunities. The school offers career guidance and
counseling services, helping students explore their interests and talents while charting a path
towards a fulfilling career. Whether students aspire to pursue higher education or gain practical
skills through vocational training, the school provides invaluable support and resources to ensure
that they are well-prepared to navigate the competitive professional landscape.

In essence, Omoyeni School for the Blind stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment for
visually impaired students in Ibadan and beyond. Through its unwavering commitment to Braille
literacy, mobility training, assistive technologies, multisensory learning, life skills development,
and career preparedness, the school has transformed countless lives and shattered barriers that once
seemed insurmountable.
Facility overview:
Omoyeni School for the Blind encompasses a sprawling campus that is purposefully designed to
cater to the unique needs of visually impaired students. The facilities are thoughtfully arranged to

provide a safe, inclusive, and conducive learning environment, ensuring that students have access
to the resources and support necessary for their academic and personal growth.

Classrooms at Omoyeni School for the Blind are meticulously adapted to facilitate a multisensory
learning experience. Tactile materials, such as raised maps, models, and textured surfaces, are
incorporated into the learning environment, allowing students to engage with subjects in a hands-
on manner. Additionally, audio resources, including audio books and recordings, are readily
available, enabling students to listen and absorb information through their auditory senses. These
adaptations foster an immersive and comprehensive learning experience that accommodates
various learning styles and maximizes students' understanding and retention of the curriculum.

Beyond the academic and recreational facilities, Omoyeni School for the Blind prioritizes the well-
being of its students. The school features well-appointed dormitories equipped with comfortable
accommodations, creating a warm and nurturing living environment. Trained residential staff
members are available around the clock to provide support and ensure the students' safety and
well-being. Additionally, the school provides nutritious meals in a well-equipped dining hall,
promoting healthy eating habits and fostering a sense of community during mealtimes.

In conclusion, Omoyeni School for the Blind offers a comprehensive range of facilities designed
to support visually impaired students in their educational journey. From thoughtfully adapted
classrooms and a well-equipped resource center to accessible pathways and inclusive living
arrangements, the school's facilities reflect a deep understanding of the unique needs and potential
of its students. By providing an inclusive, empowering, and enriching environment, Omoyeni
School for the Blind paves the way for visually impaired students to thrive academically, develop
crucial life skills, and embark on a path towards a bright and independent future.


During our final visit to the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya, we were provided
with a profound insight into the comprehensive rehabilitation services available to individuals with
physical disabilities. The purpose of this visit was not only to observe the center's physical therapy
facilities, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the important work carried out at such facilities
and to broaden our knowledge of rehabilitation practices.

Upon arriving at the center, we were greeted by a warm and welcoming staff who were dedicated
to providing the best possible care for their patients. The center's physical therapy facilities were
impressive, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and staffed by highly skilled therapists. We
witnessed firsthand the personalized treatment plans that were developed for each individual,
tailored to their specific needs and goals.

The center recognized the importance of assistive devices in improving mobility and independence
for individuals with physical disabilities. We observed individuals being fitted with various
assistive devices, such as prosthetic limbs, orthotic braces, and wheelchairs. It was inspiring to see
how these devices positively impacted the lives of the individuals, enabling them to regain their
mobility and carry out daily activities with greater ease.

In addition to physical therapy, the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya also offered
a range of vocational training programs. These programs aimed to equip individuals with skills for
employment and self-sustainability. We were particularly impressed by the diversity of the training
programs available, which included animal husbandry, hairdressing, shoe making, and tailoring.
By providing vocational training, the center empowered individuals to gain valuable skills and
become productive members of society, despite their physical limitations.

The dedication and passion of the staff at the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled were evident
throughout our visit. They worked tirelessly to create a supportive and inclusive environment for
their patients, fostering a sense of belonging and community. The individuals we interacted with

spoke highly of the center, expressing gratitude for the opportunities it had provided them and the
positive impact it had on their lives.

Overall, our visit to the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya was an eye-opening
experience. We witnessed firsthand the transformative power of rehabilitation services and
vocational training for individuals with physical disabilities. The center's commitment to providing
personalized care, along with its focus on equipping individuals with practical skills, showcased a
holistic approach to rehabilitation. It is clear that facilities like this play a crucial role in improving
the lives of individuals with physical disabilities, empowering them to overcome challenges and
lead fulfilling lives.

Facility Overview:
The Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya is a well-equipped and comprehensive
facility that provides rehabilitation services to individuals with physical disabilities. The center
aims to improve the mobility, independence, and overall quality of life for its patients through a
range of specialized programs and services.

The physical therapy facilities at the center are state-of-the-art, featuring advanced equipment and
a team of highly skilled therapists. These facilities are designed to cater to the specific needs of
each individual, with personalized treatment plans developed to address their unique challenges
and goals. Through various physical therapy techniques and exercises, patients receive targeted
care to enhance their mobility, strength, and functional abilities.

One notable aspect of the center is its emphasis on assistive devices. Recognizing the importance
of such devices in improving the daily lives of individuals with physical disabilities, the center
offers a range of options. Prosthetic limbs, orthotic braces, and wheelchairs are among the assistive
devices provided to patients. The fitting and customization of these devices are carried out with
precision, ensuring a comfortable fit and optimal functionality.

In addition to physical therapy, the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya also offers
vocational training programs. These programs are designed to equip individuals with practical

skills that enable them to gain employment and achieve self-sustainability. The center offers a
diverse range of vocational training options, including animal husbandry, hairdressing, shoe
making, and tailoring. By providing these opportunities, the center empowers individuals to pursue
meaningful careers and become financially independent.

The staff at the center are dedicated professionals who are passionate about their work. They create
a supportive and inclusive environment where patients feel valued and encouraged. The team's
commitment to individualized care and holistic rehabilitation is evident in their approach, fostering
a sense of community and empowerment among the patients.

Overall, the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya stands as a beacon of hope for
individuals with physical disabilities. With its comprehensive rehabilitation services, cutting-edge
facilities, and vocational training programs, the center plays a vital role in improving the lives of
its patients. By focusing on both physical and vocational aspects of rehabilitation, the center
enables individuals to overcome challenges, regain their independence, and lead fulfilling lives.
The rehabilitation center we visited was a modern and well-equipped facility dedicated to helping
individuals recover from a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional challenges. The center
provided various specialized services, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech
therapy, and psychological counseling.

2. Interactions with Staff:

The staff at the rehabilitation center were extremely welcoming and knowledgeable. They
demonstrated a genuine passion for their work and were dedicated to helping their patients regain
independence and improve their overall quality of life. Our class had the opportunity to interact
with therapists, counselors, and support staff who patiently answered our questions and provided
valuable insights into their respective fields.
role played by mental health professionals in supporting patients' emotional recovery.

3. Importance of Rehabilitation:
Rehabilitation holds immense importance in the lives of individuals with disabilities, as it plays a
crucial role in restoring their physical, psychological, and social well-being. Here are some key
reasons why rehabilitation is vital:

A]. Restoring Functionality: Rehabilitation focuses on restoring and maximizing the physical
functionality of individuals with disabilities. Through various therapies, exercises, and assistive
devices, rehabilitation helps individuals regain mobility, strength, coordination, and independence.
It aims to minimize the impact of disabilities on daily activities, allowing individuals to participate
actively in their personal and professional lives.

B]. Enhancing Quality of Life: By improving functional abilities, rehabilitation significantly

enhances the overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities. It enables them to perform
daily tasks, pursue hobbies, engage in social activities, and maintain relationships. Rehabilitation
empowers individuals to overcome barriers and live fulfilling lives, promoting their well-being
and happiness.

C]. Psychological and Emotional Well-being: Disabilities often have a profound psychological
and emotional impact on individuals. Rehabilitation addresses these aspects by providing
psychological support, counseling, and therapies. It helps individuals cope with their disabilities,
manage stress, build resilience, and develop a positive mindset. By addressing mental health
concerns, rehabilitation contributes to the holistic well-being of individuals.

D]. Independence and Self-Sufficiency: One of the primary goals of rehabilitation is to promote
independence and self-sufficiency among individuals with disabilities. Through targeted therapies
and vocational training, rehabilitation equips individuals with the skills and tools necessary to lead
independent lives. It fosters self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-reliance, enabling individuals to
participate actively in society, pursue employment opportunities, and contribute to their

E]. Social Integration and Inclusion: Rehabilitation plays a vital role in promoting social
integration and inclusion for individuals with disabilities. By improving functional abilities and
providing vocational training, rehabilitation enhances individuals' prospects for education,
employment, and social participation. It helps break down barriers, reduces stigmatization, and
promotes a more inclusive society where individuals with disabilities are valued and given equal

F]. Prevention of Secondary Complications: Disabilities can lead to secondary complications

such as muscle weakness, contractures, and pressure sores. Rehabilitation addresses these issues
through targeted interventions, exercises, and preventive measures. By managing and preventing
secondary complications, rehabilitation helps individuals maintain optimal health and reduces the
risk of further health problems.
In summary, rehabilitation is of paramount importance for individuals with disabilities. It
restores functionality, enhances quality of life, promotes independence and self-sufficiency, fosters
social integration, and prevents secondary complications. By addressing the physical,
psychological, and social aspects of disabilities, rehabilitation empowers individuals to overcome
challenges, live fulfilling lives, and actively contribute to society.


Our visits to Beersheba in Akufo, the Juvenile Correctional Home in Sango, Omoyeni School for
the Blind in Ibadan, and the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya have provided us
with a profound appreciation for the remarkable institutions and their commitment to serving
individuals with special needs and disabilities.

Beersheba stands as a beacon of empowerment, offering personalized education, comprehensive

care, and support to individuals with a wide range of disabilities. Through their Christian mission
and evidence-based interventions, Beersheba strives to make a lasting, positive impact on the lives
of its students, fostering a future where every individual can overcome challenges and achieve
personal growth.

The Juvenile Correctional Home in Sango serves as a safe haven for children facing behavioral
and emotional challenges. With its structured environment and dedicated professionals, the home
provides rehabilitation and support to help children overcome problematic behaviors and
reintegrate successfully into society. The collaborative efforts between the home and external
organizations demonstrate a commitment to meeting the holistic needs of the children and ensuring
their well-being.

Omoyeni School for the Blind in Ibadan exemplifies a profound dedication to visually impaired
students, equipping them with the necessary skills and support to lead fulfilling lives. Through
their focus on Braille literacy, mobility training, assistive technologies, and life skills development,
the school breaks barriers and empowers students to navigate the world with confidence and

The Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Moniya offers comprehensive rehabilitation services
for individuals with physical disabilities. The center's state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated staff
provide essential physical therapy and support, helping individuals regain independence and
improve their quality of life.

Collectively, these institutions showcase the transformative power of education, care, and support
in empowering individuals with special needs and disabilities. They stand as beacons of hope,
creating inclusive environments where every individual is valued, supported, and given the
opportunity to unlock their full potential. The dedication, professionalism, and compassion
displayed by the staff in these institutions serve as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the
importance of creating a more inclusive and equitable society.


Side view of Beersheba Missionary School Administration office of Beersheba School

The hostel in Beersheba Mission School An overview of the kitchen


JUVENILLE ADMISSION OFFICE building where infants are kept

Some buildings from juvenile correctional center


Front view of the school cross section of the classrooms

cross section of the school entrance and classrooms


An overview of rehabilitation center for the disabled, Moniya.



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