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Republic of the Philippines

Apayao State College

Malama, Conner, Apayao, 3807 Philippines


• Physics is the most fundamental science
- basis or the foundation of other physical sciences like chemistry, geology, and astronomy
- most principles or laws of the other sciences are based on the principles of physics

• Physics is the study of the basic laws of nature

- basic concepts and laws of physics govern most of the things that happen around us

• Physics is an experimental science

- physics is a science of measurement

Physics and its importance in the field of engineering:

Basically, physics is involved with the study of energy and its different forms. It therefore
serves as a foundation to engineering which is primarily involved with the design, construction and
operation of devices, machines, structures, and systems which in various ways utilize these different
forms of energy.

Physics is a quantitative science. It involves a lot of measurements and computational

analyses. It is therefore imperative that the student of physics should have extensive proficiency
with mathematical concepts, principles, and operations. Student should have considerable
knowledge on algebra, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and calculus.

Basic Concepts of Physics:

1. matter – anything that occupies space and has weight - it possesses inertia - it is subject to
2. mass – the amount or quantity of matter in a body
3. motion – the displacement of a body with reference to another body
4. force – that which is capable of changing the condition of rest or motion of a certain body

Branches Of Physics
1. Classical physics
- Branch of physics that deals with objects moving less than the speed of light
- All branches established before 1900’s
Sub-branches: (some)
o Mechanics – oldest branch of physics; deals with the behavior of objects
subjected to forces and/or motion
▪ Statics – study of matter at rest, and forces in equilibrium
▪ Dynamics – deals with forces and their relation to motion
o Acoustics – deals with the behavior and properties of sound waves
o Thermodynamics – deals with the relation of heat and other forms of energy
2. Modern physics
- Branch of physics that deals with objects at extreme events
Sub-branches: (some)
o Nuclear physics – physics of atomic nuclei and their interactions
o Theory of relativity
o Quantum physics – describes nature at smallest scale of energy of atoms and
subatomic particles

Physical Quantities:
The study of Physics involves dealing with a lot of physical quantities. These physical
quantities are used to define all physical characteristics of matter such as length, mass and
time. In Mechanics, we have the basic quantities and all others are considered as derived
quantities because they are obtained or defined by simple relations between the basic

Engr. EVBagyon 1 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Apayao State College
Malama, Conner, Apayao, 3807 Philippines

Examples of Basic Quantities

Basic Length, Mass, Time, t Temperature, Luminous Current, Amount of
Quantities L m T Intensity I Substance
Metric (SI) M g sec C Cd A Mol
English ft, in lbs sec F Mol

Examples of Derived Quantities

Derived Quantities Combination of two or more basic quantities
area Length length
Acceleration Length time
Force Mass Acceleration
pressure force area

In the proper expression of physical quantities, it should have magnitude. There should at
least be a number (to indicate how large or how small the quantity is) and the unit (to indicate the
nature and type of the quantity).


• Scalars/Scalar Quantities
-physical quantities which have magnitude
-scalars are added arithmetically
Examples: mass (10 kg), time (5 sec), density (1g/cc), temperature (36 °C), distance (150 km),
volume (1m3), area (850, speed (75 kph)

• Vectors/Vector Quantities
-physical quantities which have direction as well as magnitude
Examples: force (12 kN due E), velocity (344 m/s 125°), displacement (25 m W), momentum (15 kg
m/s to the right)

Basic Concepts About Vectors

1. Vector notation
-Vectors are typically represented by a CAPITAL BOLD LETTER or drawing an ARROW
⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ above the
symbol. The arrow is used to convey direction and magnitude.
F or ⃑F = a vector of magnitude |F
⃑ | or F and in a certain direction
⃑⃑F = 30N due south

Magnitude Direction

2. Graphical representation of a vector

- Vector quantity is represented graphically by an arrow
Tail or foot tip or head (direction)

-the length represents magnitude

- the arrowhead faces the direction of motion

3. Specifying directions of vectors

– There are two common methods being used:

Engr. EVBagyon 2 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Apayao State College
Malama, Conner, Apayao, 3807 Philippines

Method 1: Using the angle Ɵ that the vector makes with the “zero-degree reference line”.
A = 10 N 40 °
B = 10 m/s 150 °

Method 2: Using geographic directions.

C = 30 km 50° N of E
D = 10 km 60°W of S
F = 20 km N 40° W

Additional Examples:
Determine the equivalent directions for the following:
1. 15 ° S of E

2. 30 °N of W

3. Due South

Engr. EVBagyon 3 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Apayao State College
Malama, Conner, Apayao, 3807 Philippines

Other Concepts on Vectors

o Collinear – parallel vectors which lie on the same straight line irrespective of their
magnitudes and direction
o Coplanar – parallel to the same plane, eg.two vectors parallel to the x-y plane or any plane
o Concurrent – vectors which passes through the same point


Vector addition is the process of combining two or more vectors into one. The combination is called
the resultant of the vectors. Subtraction is just like addition. In vector subtraction, the negative of
one vector is added to the other. For example, if two vectors A and B are to be added, the operation
is indicated as A + B. However, if vector B is to be subtracted from vector A, the operation is
indicated as A – B which is the same as A + (-B). The negative of vector B is added to vector A. The
negative of a vector is a vector of the same magnitude but in the opposite direction. For example, if
vector A = 50 units 30°N of W, its negative or –A = 50 units 30°S of E.


1. Algebraic Method (for co-linear vectors only)
-Resultant vector, R= algebraic sum of the vectors
- R = ⃑⃑⃑
V1 + ⃑⃑⃑⃑ ⃑⃑⃑⃑n = ∑ vectors
V2 + ⋯ V

For the given vectors: A= 50 km due east, B= 20 km due west, C= 30 km due west, D= 25 km
due east, E= 60 km due west. Determine
a. their resultant
b. C-D
c. D-A-B
o For sign convention of vectors: to the right is positive, to the left is negative

2. Parallelogram Method
-Applied if only 2 vectors are given
-2 vectors are joined tail to tail, forming a parallelogram (such for the name of the method)
-a diagonal represents either the resultant or the equilibrant (depending on its direction)

1. Draw vectors on same point of origin (use a scale)
2. Form a parallelogram, identify parallels with (‘)
3. Connect the origin to the intersection of the parallel lines
4. The line formed from the origin to the intersection represents the RESULTANT of the vectors
5. The line formed from the intersection to the origin represents the EQUILIBRANT
6. Measure the length (magnitude), and the angle for the direction.

EQUILIBRANT – vector which when added to a set of vectors will result to zero, thus resulting to
an equilibrium or balance, it is exactly equal to the magnitude of the resultant but directly
opposite in direction

Engr. EVBagyon 4 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Apayao State College
Malama, Conner, Apayao, 3807 Philippines

Determine the resultant for the given vectors by parallelogram
A: 15 km, 33° N of E B: 10 km, 27° S of E
o Use scale 4km:1cm

3. The Triangle Method (for two coplanar vectors at a time)

1. Draw the vectors by joining them head to tail
2. Draw the resultant vector by completing the triangle **(direction is from the origin)
3. Determine the value of the included angle of the given vectors
4. Solve for the value of the resultant (magnitude and direction)
5. a. If the triangle formed is a right triangle, solve R by using Pythagorean Theorem and the
trigonometric identities.

Pythagorean Theorem : 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 = 𝑐 2
Direction : θ = tan−1 (a)

b. If the triangle formed is not a right triangle, solve R using sine and cosine law.
Cosine Law: 𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 − 2𝑎𝑏𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝐶)
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
Sine Law : sin(𝐴) = sin(𝐵) = sin(𝐶)

Given two vectors A = 70 m 60° N of E and B =35 m 30° N of W.
Determine their resultant (magnitude and direction).

4. The Polygon Method (graphical method)

-Tip to tail method
- suggested to be used for two or more vectors which are non-collinear but coplanar. The goal is
to draw a mini version of the vectors to give an accurate picture of the magnitude and direction.

1. Pick appropriate scale.
2. Using ruler and protractor, draw the first vector to scale in appropriate direction.
3. Draw the second vector starting from the head of the first vector.
4. All vectors must be connected in head-to-tail fashion.
5. To determine the resultant vector, connect the tail of the first vector to the head of the last
vector drawn.
6. Measure the magnitude of R with a ruler and convert this length to its actual amount and unit.
7. Measure the direction of R with a protractor and add this value along with the direction after
the magnitude.

Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant for the given vectors.
Use scale 1 kph= 1.5 cm

A: 2 kph 45° N of E;
B: 2.8 kph 58° E of S;
C: 5.1 kph W 28° S;
D: 3.2 kph N 18° W

Engr. EVBagyon 5 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Apayao State College
Malama, Conner, Apayao, 3807 Philippines

o For polygon method, you may start with any vector and you will still arrive with the same

5. The Component Method (used for any number of vectors which are non- co-linear)
1. Resolve the vectors into their x- and y-components.
When the angle Ɵ is measured from the horizontal
x component = A cos Ɵ
y component = A sin Ɵ

When the angle Φ is measured from the vertical

x component = A sin Φ
y component = A cos Φ

2. Add the x- and y-components of each vector to determine the components Rx and Ry of the
resultant vector, R.

3. To get the magnitude R of the resultant, use the Pythagorean theorem

𝐑 = √R x 2 + R y 2
4. To get the direction of the resultant
Angles Direction
measured from the −1
R𝑦 θ Y of X N of E, N of W, S of
horizontal θ = tan ( ) E, S of W
measured from the R𝑥 Φ X of Y W of N, E of N, W of
Φ = tan−1 ( )
vertical R𝑦 S, E of S

1. A sailor in a small boat encounter shifting winds. She sails 8 km south, then 15 km 30° E of
N, and then 12 km 25° N of W. Use component method to determine the magnitude and
direction of her resultant displacement.
Solution 1:

Solution 2:

2. A spelunker is surveying a cave. He follows a passage 180 m straight west, then 210 m in a
direction 45° E of S, and then 280 m at 30° E of N. After a fourth unmeasured displacement,
he finds himself back where he started. Determine the magnitude and direction of the fourth
displacement by using component method.

Engr. EVBagyon 6 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Apayao State College
Malama, Conner, Apayao, 3807 Philippines

- a vector having a magnitude of unity with no units. Its purpose is to describe a direction
in space.
-For purposes of vector operations, a special set of unit vectors is used. We sometimes call them
the rectangular unit vectors because they are mutually perpendicular to each other and they are
along the coordinate axes.

𝑖̂ = unit vector pointing in the x-axis

𝑗̂= unit vector pointing in the y-axis
𝑘̂ = unit vector pointing in the z-axis

-If any magnitude or number is multiplied by any of these unit vectors, a vectorial quantity (spatial
vector) is created whose magnitude is the number and whose direction is that of the unit vector

A= +8𝑖̂ is a vector of magnitude 8 units directly along the +x-axis

B= -85𝑗̂ is a vector of magnitude 85 units directed along the -y axis

C= -10𝑖̂ + 5𝑗̂ is a vector which has an x-component Cx= 10 units directed along the x-axis and Cy= 5
units directed along the +y- axis.

D= 3𝑖̂ - 4𝑗̂ + 2𝑘̂ is a spatial vector whose x-component Dx= 3 units, a y-component Dy= -4 units and
a z-component Dz= 2 units.

Engr. EVBagyon 7 | P a g e

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