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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

SKS/Semester : 2/Genap
Jurusan : Semua
Pertemuan : 9 Dan 10
Topik : Passive Voice in Present Tenses

Passive Voice

 Bentuk kalimat aktif dan pasif mungkin sudah tidak asing dalam telinga kita. Tak
hanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dalam Bahasa Inggris pun juga dikenal kedua jenis
kalimat ini.
 Passive voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai suatu perbuatan atau aktivitas.
 Dalam bahasa Indonesia, passive voice atau kalimat pasif biasanya diawali oleh
awalan imbuhan ter- atau di-.
 Dalam passive voice subjek kalimat tidak melakukan aksi melainkan menerima aksi.
Misalnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kata kerja menjadi berawal di-, seperti: disapu,
disetir, dimakan, dan sebagainya.

Fungsi dari passive voice

Kalimat pasif atau passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada seseorang
atau objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang melakukan tindakan.
Jadi, hal atau orang yang terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat.
 The passive voice is used frequently. (= kita tertarik dengan kalimat pasif, bukan
siapa yang menggunakannya.)
 The house was built in 1654. (= kita tertarik dengan rumahnya, bukan siapa yang
 The road is being repaired. (= kita tertarik dengan jalannya, bukan siapa yang
melakukan perbaikan.)
Terkadang, kita menggunakan kalimat pasif karena kita tidak mengetahui atau tidak ingin
menyatakan siapa yang melakukan tindakan.
 I noticed that a window had been left open.
 Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.
 All the cookies have been eaten.
 My car has been stolen!
Kalimat pasif sering digunakan dalam teks formal. Mengubahnya menjadi kalimat aktif akan
membuat tulisan Anda lebih jelas dan lebih mudah dibaca.

Pasif Aktif

A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few A few well-chosen words convey a great
well-chosen words. deal of meaning.

Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases. A mass of gases wrap around our planet.

Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of The city disposes of waste materials in a
ways. variety of ways.

Jika ingin mengatakan siapa atau apa yang melakukan suatu tindakan dalam kalimat pasif,
kita menggunakan preposisi by. Saat kita mengetahui siapa yang melakukan tindakan itu dan
tertarik dengan subjeknya, lebih baik kita mengubahnya ke kalimat aktif.

Pasif Aktif

"A Hard Day's Night" was written by the Beatles. The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's Night".

The movie ET was directed by Spielberg. Spielberg directed the movie ET.

This house was built by my father. My father built this house.

Membuat Passive Voice

Tak hanya mengubah kata kerja saja, passive voice ternyata memiliki rumus yang perlu kamu
perhatikan dalam membuat kalimat.

Rumus ini lebih mengutamakan grammar sehingga kamu bisa menyesuaikannya dengan
kondisi dan waktu yang kamu alami.

Simple present tense

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + is/am/are + V3. Contoh kalimat:

 He is beaten by all his competitors.

 Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the United States.
 I am thrown to the pool last night.

Simple past
Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + was/were + v3. Contoh kalimat:

 She was already gone.

 We were confused by the unclear regulation that was announced on campus.

Simple future

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + will be + v3. Contoh kalimat:

 It will be made into a nice sweater.

 The leftover will be eaten by stray cats.
 My office mate will be placed in another city.

Simple past future

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + would/should + be + V3. Contoh kalimat:

 I would be asked first in this job interview.

 These clothes should be delivered on time to their owner.
 My desk should be placed in the corner of my room.

Present continuous

Pada tense ini, kamu bisa membentuk kalimat dengan rumus: S + is/am/are + being + V3.

 The tasks are being done by herself.

 The trophy is being won by our team.
 Our used clothes are being sold for charity.

Past continuous

Adapun rumusnya adalah s + was/were + being +V3. Contoh:

 My neighbor’s house was being robbed last night.

 The trees were being cut every day.
 She was being lifted by a police officer.

Future continuous

Rumus yang digunakan dalam tense ini adalah s + will be + V3. Contoh:

 This room will be cleaned at the moment.

 Those racks will be emptied for some new stuff.
 My favorite series will be released next summer.

Past future continuous

Rumus yang digunakan dalam tense ini adalah s + would/should + be + V3. Contoh:
 You should be promoted as a manager.
 The public pool should be cleaned daily in order to spread the virus.
 The donut shop near my house should be expanded to get more visitors.

Present perfect continuous

Tense ini memiliki rumus s + have/has + been + V3. Contoh:

 She has been betrayed by her own best friend.

 The grass has been mowed by the automatic mowing machine.
 The journal has been translated into 6 different languages.

Past perfect continuous

Tense ini memiliki rumus s + had + been + V3. Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah:

 The children had been educated well by their mother.

 I had been deceived so many times when I was with him.

Future perfect continuous

Untuk menggunakan tense ini, ada rumus yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu s + would + have +
been + v3. Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah:

 The computer would have been hacked if they didn’t set up the new security systems.
 These fruits would have been rotten.
 Those patients would have been treated.

Past future perfect continuous

Tense ini memiliki rumus s + would/should + have + been + V3. Contoh kalimatnya adalah:

 She should have been married to a doctor.

 The fire would have been gone if the firefighter came on time.

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa passive voice dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dibedakan
berdasarkan verb tenses.

Tak hanya mengubah kata kerja saja, passive voice ternyata memiliki rumus yang perlu kamu
perhatikan dalam membuat kalimat.
Rumus ini lebih mengutamakan grammar sehingga kamu bisa menyesuaikannya dengan
kondisi dan waktu yang kamu alami.
Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + is/am/are + V3. Contoh kalimat:
 He is beaten by all his competitors.
 Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the United States.
 I am thrown to the pool last night.
Simple past

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + was/were + v3. Contoh kalimat:

 She was already gone.
 We were confused by the unclear regulation that was announced on campus.

Simple future

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + will be + v3. Contoh kalimat:

 It will be made into a nice sweater.
 The leftover will be eaten by stray cats.
 My office mate will be placed in another city.
Present continuous
Pada tense ini, kamu bisa membentuk kalimat dengan rumus: S + is/am/are + being + V3.
 The tasks are being done by herself.
 The trophy is being won by our team.
 Our used clothes are being sold for charity.
Past continuous
Adapun rumusnya adalah s + was/were + being +V3. Contoh:
 My neighbor’s house was being robbed last night.
 The trees were being cut every day.
 She was being lifted by a police officer.
Future continuous
Rumus yang digunakan dalam tense ini adalah s + will be + V3. Contoh:
 This room will be cleaned at the moment.
 Those racks will be emptied for some new stuff.
 My favorite series will be released next summer.

Past future continuous

Rumus yang digunakan dalam tense ini adalah s + would/should + be + V3. Contoh:
 You should be promoted as a manager.
 The public pool should be cleaned daily in order to spread the virus.
 The donut shop near my house should be expanded to get more visitors.
Present perfect continuous
Tense ini memiliki rumus s + have/has + been + V3. Contoh:
 She has been betrayed by her own best friend.
 The grass has been mowed by the automatic mowing machine.
 The journal has been translated into 6 different languages.
Past perfect continuous
Tense ini memiliki rumus s + had + been + V3. Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah:
 The children had been educated well by their mother.
 I had been deceived so many times when I was with him.
Future perfect continuous
Untuk menggunakan tense ini, ada rumus yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu s + would + have +
been + v3. Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah:
 The computer would have been hacked if they didn’t set up the new security systems.
 These fruits would have been rotten.
 Those patients would have been treated.

Untuk mendapat gambaran jelas tentang passive voice dalam semua tenses bisa melihat tabel
dibawah ini:


My teacher tells a story every week . A story is told by my teacher ever week.
My teacher does not tell a story every week A story is not told by my teacher every
Simple Present week.
Does my teacher tell a story every week? Is a story told by my teacher every week?
My teacher is telling a story at the moment A story is being told by my teacher at the
Present My teacher is not telling a story at the moment. A story is not being told by my teacher at
Continuous the moment
Is my teacher telling a story at the moment? Is a story being told by my teacher at the
My teacher has told a story before the bell A story has been told by my teacher before
rings. the bell rings.
Present Perfect My teacher has not told a story before the bell A story has not been told before the bell
rings rings.
Has my teacher told a story before the bell Has a story been told by my teacher before
rings? the bell rings?
My teacher has been telling a story for one A story has been being told by my teacher
hour for one hour.
Present Perfect My teacher has not been telling a story for one A story has not been being told by my
Continuous hour. teacher for one hour.
Has my teacher been telling a story for one Has a story been being told by my teacher
hour? for one hour?
My teacher told a story yester day A story was told by my teacher yester day.
Simple Past My teacher did tell a story yester day. A story was not told by my teacher yester
Did my teacher tell a story yesterday? Was a story told by my teacher yester day
Past My teacher was telling a story when the A story was being told by my teacher when
Continouos headmaster came. the headmaster came.
My teacher was not telling a story when the A story was not being told by my teacher
headmaster came. when the headmaster came.

Was my teacher telling a story when the Was a story being told by my teacher
headmaster came? when the headmaster came.

My teacher had told a story before the bell A story had been told by my teacher before
rang. the bell rang.
Past Perfect My teacher had not told a story before the bell A story had not been told by my teacher
rang. before the bell rang.
Had my teacher told a story before the bell Had a story been told by ny teacher before
rang? the bell rang?
My teacher had been telling a story before the A story had been being told by my teacher
bell rang. before the bell rang.
Past Perfect My teacher had not been telling a story before A story had not been being told by my
Continouos the bell rang. teacher before the bell rang.
Had my teacher been telling a story before the Had a story been being told by ny teacher
bell rang? before the bell rang?
Simple Future My teacher will tell a story next week. A story will be told by my teacher next
(will + V1) week.
My teacher will not tell a story next week. A story will not be told by my teacher next
Will my teacher tell a story next week? Will a story be told by my teacher next
My teacher is going to tell a story next week. A story is going to be told by my teacher
( to be + going next week.
to) My teacher is not going to tell a story next A story is not going to be told by my
week. teacher next week.
Is my teacher going to tell a story next week? Is a story going to be told by my teacher
next week?
My teacher will be telling a story at 8 o’clock A story will be being told by my teacher at
next week. 8 o’clock next week.
Future My teacher will not be telling a story at 8 A story will not be being told by my
o’clock next week.
Continuous teacher at 8 o’clock next week.
Will my teacher be telling a story at 8 o’clock Will a story be being told by my teacher
next week?
at 8 o’clock next week?
My teacher will have told a story by the time A story will have been told by my teacher
the headmaster comes to the class. by the time the headmaster comes to the
Future Perfect My teacher will have not told a story by the A story will have not been told by my
time the headmaster comes to the class.
teacher by the time the headmaster comes
to the class
Will my teacher have told a story by the time Will a story have been told by my teacher
the headmaster comes to the class?
by the time the headmaster comes to the
My teacher will have been telling a story by A story will have been being told by my
the time the headmaster comes to the class. teacher by the time the headmaster comes
Future to the class.
Perfect My teacher will have not been telling a story A story will have not been being told by
by the time the headmaster comes to the class.
Continuous my teacher by the time the headmaster
comes to the class
Will my teacher have been telling a story by Will a story have been being told by my
the time the headmaster comes to the class?
teacher by the time the headmaster comes
to the class?
You can use this pencil to write This pencil can be used by you to write
Modals You cannot use this pencil to write This pencil cannot be used by you to write.
Can you use this pencil to write? Can this pencil used by me to write?

Activity 1: Grammar and Writing. Passive Voice of Present Tenses. Write

the passive form

1. The policemen help the children.

(+) : _______________________________________
(-) : ------------------------------------------------------------
(?) : ________________________________________
2. He is reading the comics
(+) : ________________________________________
(-) :------------------------------------------------------------
(?) :_______________________________________
3. Cathy has paid the bill
(+) : ______________________________________
(-) :-----------------------------------------------------------
(?) :_______________________________________
4. My mother has been watering the flowers.
(+) : _______________________________________
(-) :------------------------------------------------------------
(?) :________________________________________

Activity 2: Grammar and Writing. Passive Voice of Past Tenses. Write the
passive form.

1. They sent me parcels last week

(+) : ________________________________________
(-) : ------------------------------------------------------------
(?) : ________________________________________
2. The police was arresting the thieves when the accident happened.
(+) : ________________________________________
(-) :------------------------------------------------------------
(?) :_______________________________________
3. We had agreed to these problems.
(+) : ______________________________________
(-) :-----------------------------------------------------------
(?) :_______________________________________
4. Joe had been cleaning his car before the rain fell.
(+) : ______________________________________
(-) :------------------------------------------------------------
(?) :________________________________________

Activity 3: Grammar and Writing. Passive Voice of Future Tenses. Write

the Passive Form.

1. Million of people will visit the museum.

(+) : _______________________________________
(-) : ------------------------------------------------------------
(?) : ________________________________________
2. Paramedics are going to carry the patient to the ambulance.
(+) : _________________________________________
(-) :________________________________________
(?) :________________________________________
3. Our bos will be signing the contract by this time tomorrow.
(+) : _______________________________________
(-) :------------------------------------------------------------
(?) :_______________________________________
4. The technician will have installed the computers when we arrive.
(+) : _______________________________________
(-) :-----------------------------------------------------------
(?) :_______________________________________
5. I will have been teaching English for twenty years this coming December.
(+) : ________________________________________
(-) :------------------------------------------------------------
(?) :________________________________________
Activity 4. Grammar and Writing. Change the sentences into Passive.

Part A. Change these sentences from active to passive:

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.

2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.
3. Did J K Rowling write Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
4. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
5. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.
6. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
7. He had written three books before 1867.
8. John will tell you later.
9. By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.
10. Somebody should do the work.
11. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy.
12. Sales representatives from all the regions attended the meeting.
13. Are they going to see the new house?
14. The committee will not announce the decision until next week.
15. My colleague hasn't introduced me to Dr Young yet.
16. You can use this paper for any kind of printer.
17. They invited her to explain her reasons for making the changes.
18. Will the management be discussing the problem by the time we arrive?
19. Do they understand Spanish?
20. Have John been cleaning the bathroom for more than one hour?

Part B. Choose the correct answer by crossing the a, b, c.

1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ______________ by J K Rowling

a) was written
b) written
c) wrote

2. J K Rowling _____________ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

a) was written
b) written
c) wrote

3. The judge ________________ Smith to five years in prison.

a) was sentenced
b) sentenced
c) was sentencing

4. Smith _____________ to five years in prison.

a) was sentenced
b) sentenced
c) was sentencing

5. Over a million dollars in cash __________________ from a bank in Los Angeles.

a) has stolen
b) has been stolen
c) stole

6. Thieves ________ over a million dollars in cash from a bank in Los Angeles.
a) stolen
b) were stolen
c) have stolen
7. I have to come by bus as my car __________________ .
a) is repairing
b) repaired
c) is being repaired

8. The gold ________ in a cave near the top of the mountain.

a) was discovered
b) discovers
c) discovered

9. Archaeologists _____________ the gold in a cave near the top of the mountain.
a) were discovered
b) was discovered
c) discovered

10. The meeting ______________ until the end of the month.

a) has postponed
b) has been postponed
c) is been postponed

11. We have ____________ the meeting until the end of the month.
a) been postponed
b) postponed
c) postpones

12. VW cars _____________ in Germany and the Czech Republic.

a) making
b) made
c) are made

13. Many shops _____________ at around nine in the morning.

a) open
b) opens
c) are opened

14. Your letter ______________ yesterday morning.

a) was arrived
b) has arrived
c) arrived

15. Helmets must ________________ on the site.

a) wear
b) are worn
c) be worn

16. Vehicles parked in front of these gates will ________________

a) removing
b) remove
c) be removed

17. We will ___________ any vehicles parked in front of these gates.

a) removing
b) be removed
c) remove

18. A number of people ____________ following a demonstration in central London.

a) have arrested
b) arrested
c) have been arrested

19. Police ______ a number of people following a demonstration in the central

a) have arrested
b) arresting
c) have been arrested

20. It ____________________ that the painting is a fake.

a) is now believed
b) believed now
c) is believing

21. Experts ____________________ that the painting is a fake.

a) now believe
b) now believing
c) now is believed


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