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Sample case studies on EMS (ISO 14001:2015) Internal auditor training programme:

1. Please indicate whether the case study’s situation warrants NC or not – 1 mark
2. Please indicate the standard clause - 1 mark
3. Justify your answer for NC / Not NC – 1 mark

Case study 1:
The company xxxxxxxxx has 20 KLD capacity of STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) which was
constructed 10 years back considering the manpower at that point of time. Now the company’s
manpower is almost double. Due to under capacity of the plant, unable to treat domestic effluent fully
and 25% of the untreated domestic effluent is let out to the nearby land.
Case study 2:
The company xxxxxxxxx which generates e wastes and the same are disposed to Pollution Control
Board authorized e waste recyclers. Necessary documents, viz., e waste authorization of the recycler,
manifest reg. quantity disposed, destruction certification from the recycler, etc., are being maintained.
However, the organization has not identified & maintained as documented information of this
Case study 3:
Installation of drinking water RO plant has identified as one of the objectives of the company
xxxxxxxxx, where you conducted an EMS audit. Action plans to achieve the objective was not
Case study 4:
Stack emission parameter, SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) of the DG set is to be monitored once
in a year as per the condition of air consent of the company xxxxxxxxx. SPM has been monitoring
regularly by the said company. However, the parameter found exceeded the limit, i.e., 250 mg. / m 3
against the prescribed limit of 150 mg. / m 3 according to the report received two months back, but
actions were not taken in order to bring down the limit. The reasons explained by the company were
not satisfactory.
Case study 5:
Internal audits for the production department is to be conducted twice in a year of the company
xxxxxxxxx, as per their annual audit plan. However they have conducted only one audit. When you
asked, the MR said that in the previous internal audit, that department has not received any major /
minor nonconformance. A few OFI (Opportunity for improvement) points only were raised.

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