War and Social War Report

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The European Liaison Committee

“Against War - Against Social War “

has been set up

On Saturday September 30, 2023 activists from sixteen  In Madrid, a meeting "Youth against the war"
countries (Germany, Portugal, France, Denmark, will take place on November 18, 2023.
Spanish State, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Austria,  In Berlin, a massive demonstration will take
Belgium, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, and
place on November 25, 2023, against the
Switzerland) met via video conference for the first
adoption of the war and rearmament budget in
meeting of the European Liaison Committee “Against
Germany. The appeal will be made public in a
War - Against Social War". few days.
This meeting follows the agreements of the European
 It was agreed that on the second anniversary of
Conference on July 8, 2023, which had taken place on
the initiative of German activists from various the war in Ukraine, on February 24, 2024, the
organisations, MPs and trade unionists. forces of resistance against the war should be
mobilised in each country for meetings or rallies
The aim of the European Liaison Committee is to unite - depending on the possibilities in the respective
and strengthen the struggles against the warmongering country. Kathrin Otte from Germany
and socially destructive, anti-democratic policies in summarised: "The 24th of February 2024 should
each of our countries. become a day on which the will of the people for
We jointly founded the European Liaison Committee. peace and social stability is carried onto the
streets and squares throughout Europe in a
This is an important decision at a time when all
governments are seeking to divide the peoples. This coordinated manner.”
war is not our war.  The preparation of a European Conference (in
The following demands were recorded as the common presence) by the European Liaison Committee
basis of the Liaison Committee: in Berlin in March 2024 was confirmed as its
important task. It is a result of the decisions of
• For an immediate ceasefire and negotiations! the European Conference of July 8 this year.
• No to arms deliveries!
The European Liaison Committee invites all
• No to arms budgets and war budgets! committed forces to take part in the struggle "against
• Repeal the sanctions! the war - against the social war" and thus to contribute
• Neither NATO nor Putin! to the extension of the activities and their summary at
• "No to war - No to social war!" the European Conference in March 2024.
• No to hundreds of billions for war budgets!
September 30, 2023
Billions for hospitals, schools, municipalities ...
• Defence of the real wage! General price freeze!
Members of the European Liaison Committee are:
At the video conference, the activists emphasised the Belgium
need to constitute themselves as European Liaison Ludo de Brabander (Spokesperson of the Disarmament
Committee against the war to "expand joint campaigns for Development Initiative, VREDE)
against the war and against social war", as the Luc Bertrand (Comité de Signataires appel «halte à la
colleague from Denmark pointed out. guerre»)

Reports were given on the respective struggles, against Denmark

the war, the war budgets and rearmament budgets and, Anton Schou (Movement against the European Union )
therefore the unleashing of social war against the Germany
people. Different proposals were mentioned, e.g., for Carla Boulboullé (Editor “Soziale Politik &
campaigns against NATO military bases and their Demokratie", former MP of the Federal State of North
planned expansion like in Italy or also Ireland. Rhine Westphalia )
European Liaison Committee Against War - Against Social War

Gotthard Krupp (Member of the ver.di regional Marielle Leraand (Fred og Rettferdighet, Peace and
executive Berlin-Brandenburg ) Justice Initiative, former Vice-President of the Red
Kathrin Otte (Coordination “Was Tun?!?) Party, Rødt )
Harri Grünberg (Trägerkreis aufstehen) Austria
Marcus Staiger (Heizung, Brot und Frieden [Heating, Axel Magnus (Trade unionist)
Bread and Peace], Berlin) Franz Koskarti (Trade unionist)
Andreas Kutsche (Alliance for Peace, Brandenburg,
Shop steward, ver.di Berlin-Brandenburg) Portugal
Michael Altmann (ver.di, Initiative "Trade unionists Pedro Soares (Former MP of the Bloco de Esquerda,
say No to war”) Bloc of the Left)
Andrej Hunko (MP of the German Bundestag, Die Romania
Linke, Left Party) Mugurel Popescu (University union leader)
Evelin Genzel (aufstehen Berlin) Sweden
France Marcus Carlstedt (Trade unionist of SACO, umbrella
Pierre Bonnier (Student at Nanterre University) organisation of Swedish academics )
Jérôme Legavre (MP of the National Assembly for the Suisse
LFI, POI member) Beppe Savary Borioli (Alternative Forum, regional
François Livartowski (CGT trade unionist) deputy)
Greece Ercan Atas (Trade unionist, independent journalist)
Lida Dodou (Municipal councillor, NAR, New Left Albert Anor (Trade unionist, Editorial Board of “Free
Current) Tribune )
Evangelina Sotiropoulou (Anti-NATO Action) Serbia
Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (Delphi Project) Ratibor Trivunac (Anarcho-syndicalist and anti-
Ireland militarist activist)
Tom Crilly (Peace and Neutrality Alliance , PANA, Nebojsa Komanovic (Labour militant)
Communications Representative) Spain
Italy Pablo Garcia Cano (CCOO trade unionist)
José Nivoï (Spokesperson of the Autonomous Dock Jordi Salvador Duch (MP, ERC - Republican Left of
Workers' Collective of Genoa, CALP ) Catalonia )
Norway Vicent Garces (PSOE, Socialist Left, former MEP)

For more information see

Contact us: GotthardKrupp@t-online.de

The documentary contains contributions from Belgium,

Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Iceland,
Norway, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden,
Switzerland, Spain.
The brochure at a donation price of 5 € comprises
36 pages.
Orders to: GotthardKrupp@t-online.de
Download at:
Donations for the activities of the European Liaison
Committee (EVK) to the account:
C. Boulboullé, BIC: BEVODEBB
IBAN: DE42 1009 0000 5629 4550 02
Keyword: EVK

Note: Speeches, greetings and contributions in German,

Danish, Spanish, French, English and Swedish have
been published on the above website so far.
European Liaison Committee Against War - Against Social War

Dear colleagues, as one force behind the government's war policy. Even if the
I would like to begin my introduction by reminding you executive board still managed to get its way in the final vote,
once again of our common demands around which we unit- one third of the delegates still voted in favour of a ceasefire,
ed at the European Conference on 8th of July (see page 1), a stop to arms deliveries, sanctions policy, and armament of
war. The struggle against war can no longer be silenced in
So, I would like to emphasise that in view of the escalation the union. This is encouraging!
of the war, the demand for an "unconditional ceasefire im-
mediately" is of central importance. Today, the task before us is to determine for ourselves the
means to coordinate, strengthen, mutually support, and ex-
500,000 dead and seriously wounded Russian and Ukrainian pand the campaigns against the war in our countries.
soldiers. This barbaric slaughter, which according to some
journalists, who worked at the front lines, is reminiscent of For example, mobilisations against the war that take place
the trench warfare of the First World War, must end imme- on the same day in all countries could be able to express
diately. more visibly the strength and determination of the struggle
and consolidate confidence in the power of resistance
Hundreds of thousands more Ukrainian and Russian youth, against the war. Even if in some countries the forces are still
workers and peasants must be prevented from being killed. limited or just beginning to gather.
It is not their war! (…)
Three proposals that we discussed in the German coordina-
But at the same time, NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg tion:
repeats: "We must prepare for a long war in Ukraine" and
declares for the NATO member states, in agreement with 1.
the USA, that the war must be fought until Russia is defeat- A big rally will take place in Germany on the 25 th of No-
ed. (…) vember this year – prior to the adoption of a war budget by
European countries are on the road to a war economy. The the German parliament (Bundestag). Sahra Wagenknecht
multi-billion-dollar war arms build-up is financed by a dras- will be a speaker along with others who were the first MPs
tic austerity policy against hospitals, schools, the entire pub- to raise their voices in the Bundestag last September against
lic services, the social infrastructure. And all this while im- the policy of war and social destruction of the Scholz go-
poverishment and social misery are spreading in every coun- vernment. At this time, the governments in most NATO
try in Europe. countries in Europe will put budgets to the vote in the parlia-
ments, i.e., the war budgets for 2024.
With its sanctions policy against Russia, the USA is fuelling
the economic war against the countries of Europe. The con- Could we take this as an opportunity, for example, to orga-
sequences: De-industrialisation, massive destruction of jobs, nise actions or assemblies in all countries against the adop-
as we are experiencing in Germany in the car and chemical tion of the war budgets? And publish in a Liaison Commit-
industries, for example. tee text contributions from the different countries on how the
budgets reflect the social war that all governments are wag-
But this also leads to conflicts and confrontations between ing against their people?
NATO countries. As in the case of the Polish government's
decision to restrict arms deliveries to Ukraine as part of the 2.
so-called grain war. The 24th of February 2024 marks the second anniversary of
In the USA, opposition to the payment of ever more billions the beginning of the war. Wouldn't this anniversary be a
to Ukraine is growing. A deep crisis and division shakes the good occasion to mobilise the forces of resistance against
US bourgeoisie. Despite the interventions of Biden and the war in each country of Europe where we are represented
Zelenskyi, in the UN, India, South Africa, Brazil, among with a joint call of the European Liaison Committee for
others, have not changed their position and are not partici- meetings an rallies on that day (or related to that day)?
pating in the global campaign against Russia. Whereby the exact definition of intervention is up to the
This is the time for the defence struggle of the people, the decision of the liaison committee colleagues in each of these
working class and the youth, against the governments that countries.
are unleashing war and social war. 3.
At the European Conference on 8th of July, we have been A special task should be the preparation of a European Con-
able to realise the first links of several resistance forces ference (in presence) "Against war - Against social war" in
against the war. The reports clearly show that in all coun- Berlin in March 2024 - as decided at the European Confer-
tries the number of forces trying to organise the resistance ence on the 8th of July.
against the war policy of their governments, NATO and In addition, we should consider whether we could invite
Putin it is growing. representatives of the struggle against war from one country
In the struggle against war and the delivery of weapons, we for events or to rallies in another country - depending on the
are also clashing in our own organisations, in the parties that possibilities - to promote the exchange of information and
refer to the workers' movement, but above all, in the trade experiences and the coordination between us. That would
unions with the sections in the leaderships that are subordi- certainly help our activities a lot.
nating themselves to the demands of the governments' war These are the first proposals. The discussion is completely
policy. open.
I have been one of the delegates at the federal congress of Finally: The German coordination will take on the task of
ver.di united public services union (Vereinte Dienst- publishing the today's decisions and to inform all activists
leistungsgewerkschaft), which is the second strongest trade who are involved in the struggle against war - against social
union in Germany. The congress was determined by the will war.
of tens of thousands trade union colleagues to reject the at-
tempt of the executive board to unite the ver.di trade union Gotthard Krupp
European Liaison Committee Against War - Against Social War

Axel Magnus, Austrian trade unionist: "Austria calls itself Pedro Soares, Left Bloc, Portugal: "We deplore the recent
neutral with regard to the war. But politically it is not neu- visit of the President of the Republic of Portugal to Ukraine
tral: the arms shipments are carried through Austria to and the awarding of the Order of Freedom to the President
Ukraine. Our border is only 300 km away (from Ukraine)." of the Ukrainian government, which has brought shame
José Nivoi, docker from Genoa: "It is an honour to be in this upon us. We support the call for a European initiative to
Liaison Committee. In Italy there is a tightening towards a mobilise the people as soon as possible in defence of peace".
war economy. They have abolished the minimum income.... Kathrin Otte, “Was tun”, Germany: "The next few months
There will be a demonstration on October 21 against the will show whether a new political force under the essential
expansion of a NATO military base." leadership of Sahra Wagenknecht can reverse the trend: for
Greeting from a group of activists from Denmark: "We in a return to peace politics, for a return to the welfare state...
Denmark support the initiative to build this Liaison Commit- In the meantime, in the growing network "Was tun", many
tee and we will do everything we can to expand the joint rather socialist thinkers and thus resolute opponents of war
campaigns against war and against social war." have meanwhile joined forces, who can no longer see a fu-
ture in the party DIE LINKE (The Left), ...".
Vicent Garces, PSOE, former MEP, spokesperson for the
Socialist Left of the Spanish state: "I want to participate in Greeting address from Ratibor Trivunac, Anarcho-
this exchange. Spain is increasingly driven by the European syndicalist and anti-militarist activist from Serbia:
Union and NATO to the point of confrontation with China. “Even if the country I am from is officially taking a neutral
The first consequence is the war in Ukraine." position in this war, it is clear that Serbia is in fact "neutral"
on the side of NATO, and that even that nominal neutrality
Jérôme Legavre, POI, MF for LFI: "I share the proposals status can be changed very soon. This is why I feel that is it
that have been made to us. The government in France has of utmost importance that we are all, coming from different
announced that 70 billion in budget cuts will be made.... The states and ideological traditions, gathered together in a
fight against war includes the fight against our govern- democratic network that will be able to present antimilita-
ments." rist response of the people to this inter-imperialist war.
Tom Crilly, Communications Officer for the Peace and (…)”
Neutrality Alliance (PANA):
“We would broadly support this Constitution (of the Europe- Nebojsa Komanovic, labour militant from Serbia: “While
an Liaison Committee”, along the line that we do need to this conference is underway, in the Balkans, a showdown
link those important social and economic factors that affect between Russia and the NATO pact is being prepared over
workers alongside the slogan ‘No to War’ indeed ‘No to Im- the backs and blood of Balkan peoples. (…) Events in the
perialism’. (…) For the last two decades U.S. war planes Balkans should be viewed as connected with the war in
have refuelled at Shannon airport on their way to their inter- Ukraine (by the way Serbia secretly smuggles weapons to
vention wars in the Middle East, north Africa, and they now Ukraine) and the events in West Africa, Libya, Nagorno-
supplying horrific weapons to support their proxy war in Karabakh and elsewhere, there is almost no country that
Ukraine…. PANA plans to organise a National Protest at does not participate in war events in some way. That is why
Shannon Airport…. We work with MEPs Clare Daly and this Conference is of great importance, to bring together
Mick Wallace, who supply us with information on this milita- European anti-war organizations and activists, to exchange
risation… Perhaps we can link (our annual AGM) to the information, experiences, and act together.”
suggested European Day against social war on Saturday
25th of November that also falls on this date.

The appeal "No to wars – Stop the arms frenzy – Build- destag: "Reaching 85.5 billion euro, military spending in
ing a peaceful and fair future" for a nationwide demon- 2024 will be the highest since the creation of the Federal
stration against war on November 25, 2023, in Berlin at Republic. By contrast, our health system, infrastructure,
Brandenburg Gate was signed by more than 150 leading support to children and affordable rents, education, sci-
figures and activists, among them: Peter Brandt, histori- ence and training are threatened with dramatic budget
an and son of former Chancellor Willy Brandt; Jürgen cuts. For a growing number of people, a social and eco-
Peters FCs, former First Secretary of Germany's largest nomic catastrophe is looming." (from the appeal)
trade union, IG Metall, and dozens of trade union leaders; At the meeting on September 30 to constitute the Europe-
Oskar Lafontaine, former president of the SPD, former an Liaison Committee "Against War - Against Social
vice-president of Die Linke; 10 members of Die Linke in War", it was proposed to plan activities, demonstrations,
the Bundestag, including Sahra Wagenknecht, Sevim or assemblies around this date also in other countries
Dagdelen, Gregor Gysi, Andrej Hunko; Kathrin Otte, na- against the national rearmament and war budgets accord-
tional coordinator of the grouping "Was tun?!"; Harri ing to national possibilities.
Grünberg, Movement "aufstehen"; Reiner Braun, Interna-
tional Peace Bureau, IPB); Andreas Grünwald; Peter Wahl The appeal in different languages can be found on the
and dozens of other leaders of pacifist groups. internet at:
The demonstration is called for on the occasion of the https://gegendenkrieg-gegendensozialenkrieg.info/
adoption of the rearmament and war budget by the Bun-

V.i.S.d.P.: Gotthard Krupp, Knesebeckstr. 98, 10623 Berlin

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