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Raya Bersama Tropicana Campaign


Main Setting: Home (Sahur)

Intro scene:

- Wake up for Sahur preparation.

o Will be shown as the first and only one waking up.
- Start preparing utensils and gathering cooking ingredients.
- Husband/kid comes along to mother setting up the table as they take their seats mother pours
them a glass of Tropicana Twister.

Text & VO: As a mom, it’s always about creating a home for my family and Ramadan month is challenging
as I need to get things done on time.

Middle scene:

- Mom preparing kids bento for school.

- Mom doing house chores and say bye to kid.
- Mom plays with little brother at home while managing work.
- Mom picks up kid at school.
- Mom to prepared food for Berbuka with the help of Tropicana Twister
- Heartfull moment of enjoying a meal together

All actions here to implies a mother’s work is never done even after a Sahur despite everyone is
equally busy with their daily lives, she still has duties to perform.

Text & VO: My day-to-day routine during Ramadan is packed with house chores and taking care of my
youngest at home but that doesn’t stop me from managing my work. In the evening, I will start preparing
meals for iftar. Seeing my family bonding during mealtime makes my heart full. Most of all, the wholesome
feeling is what matters to me.

End scene:

Timeline Reaches the Next Sahur

- Walks to the kitchen to prepare sahur

- Kids and husband at the table pouring themselves and the mother a glass of Tropicana Twister.
- Background of family eating happily and laughing together
Focus for segment is Contest Mechanism:
Chef will go to your house and prepare a sahur meal for you and family so that mom can take a
break and enjoy sahur moment with family. Other than that, you can stand a chance to win
Thermomix, Siti Khadijah prayer mat and food vouchers.
Visit and share why you want to give your mom a break
during sahur. Don’t miss out!

(VO to be cued alongside family eating)

Text & VO: Tropicana Twister is all about starting the day with optimism. Join “Kasih Ibu Penyempurna
Sahurku” contest this Ramadan to enjoy a special Sahur preparation by a professional chef!

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