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Project Engineering Procurement

Project Engineering Procurement and
and Construction of Tailing Storage
Construction of Tailing Storage Facility
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Handasati Company for trading and contracting wood works

Al Corniche District,
Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Project Engineering Procurement
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and Construction of Tailing Storage
Construction of Tailing Storage Facility
Cell-2 Project at North of Wad Facility Cell-2 Project at North of
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Copy Holder – HSE Manager

HANDASATI activities includes the design, project management and construction of pipe line
projects and infrastructure process works undertaken generally includes foundations, concrete
structures, structural steel work, pre-cast elements, pipe fabrication, fitting out, electrical and
mechanical equipment installation
The Health and Safety Management System is designed to meet the requirement of
OHSAS 18001: 2007
ISO 45001 – 2018
Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series


Copy Holder N0.1: HANDASATI

Copy Holder No:2: HSE
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and Construction of Tailing Storage
Construction of Tailing Storage Facility
Cell-2 Project at North of Wad Facility Cell-2 Project at North of
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All copies of this OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANUAL shall be controlled to
prevent the system from becoming unreliable. The following Procedures will ensure that the
system remains current and valid.

 All the copies of the manual will be clearly numbered and the holder recorded.
 Each page in the manual will carry its own number
 The Safety Manager will be responsible for all revisions and additions being recorded.
 Changes can be suggested by any employee but must receive signed approval from the
Safety Manager before being entered into Manual.
 All changes must be recorded on the Amendments List and appropriate pages in each
Manual changed.

Table of Amendment



Revision Page Issue Date Description of Change Authorization

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and Construction of Tailing Storage
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1.1 Purpose of HSE plan & policy 7
1.2 HSE policy statement 8
1.3 Smoking Policy 10
2. Scope of work 10
3. Organization 14
3.1 General 14
3.1.1 Corporate management HSE Responsibilities 14
3.1.2 Site management HSE Responsibilities 15
3.2 HSE Organizational Chart 19
3.3 CV of Key personnel’s 19
3.4 Authority stop work 20
4. Training and Competency Program 21
4.1 General 21
4.2 Site specific orientation 21
4.3 Refresher training 23
4.4 Competency training 23
4.5 Training matrix 24
5. Incident / Accident Investigation, Reporting & 25
5.1 Definitions 25
5.2 Incident reporting 28
5.3 Incident reporting flowchart 29
5.4 Responsibilities 30
5.5 Reporting forms 31
6. Work Permit System 33
7. Personnel Protective Equipment (P.P.E) 33
8. SAFE Work Procedure 37
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8.1 General Safety Rules for all employees 37

9. Vehicle Safety 38

10. Crane and Lifting Equipment 42

11. Excavation 47

12. Dike Wall Construction 51

13. Hazardous materials & Waste management 56

Fire Prevention 69
Emergency Response Plan 72
Safety inspection and Reports 78

17. Risk Assessment Program 80

18. First aid & Medical facilities 88

19. Incentive program 89


21. Heat Stress Management Plan 94

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HANDASATI activities include the design, project management and construction of

MaadenProjects. Works undertaken generally include foundation, concrete structures,
structural steel works, fabrication of spool, pipelines and structures and electrical and
mechanical equipment installation.

HANDASATI has a policy of continual development and improvement and is dedicated to

the Health and Safety Objectives as set out in this management system this will ensure that
HANDASATI operate at a level equivalent to OSHAS 45001: 2018

The President and Staff have adopted the procedures set out in these manuals to provide a
working environment that will allow HANDASATI to carry out its overall objectives within a
healthy and safe environment.

1.1 Purpose of Health & Safety and Environmental plan & policy

This HSE Plan is prepared to implement the HANDASATI Policy on Health, Safety
& Environment requirements under Saudi law. This Construction Safety Manual defines
the safety and health policies, objectives, guidelines and procedures which will be
followed by HANDASATI during project execution and outlines the manner in which these
procedures will be implemented, utilized, maintained and verified.

Our company recognizes that effective safety in construction is an important and

necessary goal to be achieved and establishes safety success as the prime objective of each
project assignment. The success of this safety execution program depends on its
implementation at every level of the project by all organizations and personnel present.
and identifies and presents the strategies for executing the Health and Safety
requirements for this project. The development of this program defines the expectation
with regard to Health and Safety requirements and processes to be implemented on site in
order to meet Client’s expectation with zero accident philosophy. Documentation
demonstrates the adoption of a "Zero Accident" philosophy; that all work-related
accidents, incidents, injuries and illnesses are preventable, and which promotes the

• The immediate identification and elimination of unsafe work practices and conditions in the work
• Awareness of individual responsibility and increased supervisory attention to detail;
• Elimination of human error as a source of accidents, irrespective of rank or position in Handasati.
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• Building a team awareness where each worker contributes to the effort and each supervisor is
fully aware of the capabilities and limitations of their own team;
• A culture in which everyone accepts responsibility and accountability for their own and each co-
worker's health and safety, and the protection of the environment

1.2 HSE policy statement

The Management of HANDASATI Company is totally committed to the health, Safety and
Environment Policy, to proactively demonstrate leadership in compliance and towards achieving a
zero-accident workplace.

Our vision is to create an Operational Excellence culture that prevents occupational injuries &
illness and environmental occurrences, by continually implementing methodologies with standards
and procedures and towards accomplishing HANDASATI Company goals and objectives.

Successful implementation of this HSE policy requires a thorough understanding and complete
adherence, to the following:
 Compliance with all existing regulations set by the Saudi Arabian
Government regarding Occupational Health & Safety, as well as the
Protection of the Environment.

 It is the responsibility of Management, to provide Safe working

environments and competent employees that adhere to the Operational
Control elements that have been set in the system, in part of the overall
incident reduction strategy.

 It is a moral responsibility for all personnel, to protect the environment and

Surrounding communities, affected by the company’s operational activities.

 Only through proper training, planning and compliance with all the HSE
Standards, procedures and work practices can all accidents / incidents
causing injuries and damages, be prevented.

 Only an accident-free workplace can be consistently productive and


All HANDASATI personnel, contractors and sub-contractors are accountable to ensure the
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and Construction of Tailing Storage
Construction of Tailing Storage Facility
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successful implementation of the HSE policy. Personnel managing the different Handasati project
sites, as well as employees are empowered to “STOP “any work that is considered unsafe or not in
line with HSE policy. This is to enforce the policy, with corrective and proactive actions that will
improve the HSE performance.

(Project Director)


OHSMS Review
 Top Management
Review  Identify OH&S Hazards &
 Status of Objectives Risks
 Results of Internal  Determine OH&S Legal&
Audits other requirements
 Status of NCR, CAR&  Establish OH&S
 OH&S Regulatory
Compliance  Establish Program to
 OH&S Performance achieve objectives


 Management system monitoring

OHSMS Monitoring (Internal
system audits)
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 Performance monitoring & OHSMS IMPLEMENTATION

measurement participation& discussion

 Regulatory compliance Documentation& its
 OH&S Performances OH&S Operational control
 Non-conformance,
corrective& preventive
 Manage records
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1.3 Smoking Policy

 Smoking is prohibited in all interior areas of the workplace, including company vehicles and
vehicles that are used for work purposes.
 Smoking is prohibited in meeting rooms, training sessions or any other mandatory gathering
of employees.
 Ashtrays and any object that serves as one should be removed from the workplace.
 Smoking is prohibited at all times, with the exception of during specified breaks, at which time the
employee must smoke in designated outdoor areas.
 “No Smoking” signs must be posted at all entrances and exits, washrooms, and in workplace
 If an employee does not comply with this policy, the issue will be dealt with according to the
established disciplinary procedures of the workplace.
 No Smoking Policy shall be displayed at offices, camps and sites.
 No smoking policy shall be communicated to all employees, sub-Contractors’ employees and
visitors through HSE Induction and orientation programmed.


The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) at HANDASATI has been
developed in line with the OSHAS 18001: 2007 & OSHAS 45001: 2018 International
Standard. The scope of OHSMS includes all facility and projects under the direct supervision
 Only Subcontractor with approved Basecourse(s) by COMPANY ( CTU) can participate in the

 Basecourse mix design shall be approved by COMPANY ( CTU) in accordance with avoid delay in
the commencement of asphalt work on 01 May 2023.

 Temperature of sulfur extended basecourse shall be between and when it leaves the batch plant.
The hot mix basecourse material will not be accepted unless it is covered with tarpaulins until
unloaded, and unless it has a temperature of at least at the time of spreading and compaction.

 Subcontractor’s Organization chart with contact point for key person (Project Manager,
Construction Manager, Project Engineer, Safety Manager, Quality Manager) shall be submitted one
month in advance of mobilization and Construction Manager shall reside on the site with the crew.
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 Subcontractor shall prepare and submit the Work Plan for CONTRACTOR Approval before

 Subcontractor shall mobilize all required crews and construction equipment within 4 weeks after
CONTRACTOR’s request.

 Re-mobilization of crews and construction equipment those were demobilized from site at
previous shall be done within 2 weeks after CONTRACTOR’s request.

 Liquidate Damage of 0.1% of Contract Amount per day shall be compensated by Subcontractor as
claimed by the Contractor in full amount in case of non-mobilization within above mentioned
period after Contractor’s request.

 If Contractor decides the mobilized manpower and equipment is not enough, Contractor can
request Subcontractor to mobilize more manpower and equipment. And Subcontractor shall
follow Contractor’s request unconditionally. If delay occurred by subcontractor.

 For each Subcontractor teams shall be mobilized with a COMPANY Approved Work Permit

 Subcontractor shall mobilize required number of Maaden approved safety manager, safety
supervisor, safety officer prior to the mobilization of crews and construction equipment to job site.
(See attached ‘Site Safety Staff Requirements’)

 Maaden approved QA Manager, QC Manager, QC Supervisor shall be mobilized prior to the

mobilization of crews and construction equipment, and they shall be a holder of certification of
IRCA (International Register of Certified Auditors) which is mandatory for their mobilization. (See
attached ‘Quality Personnel Requirements’)

 All equipment must be confirmed by government and local regulation (Maaden Phosphate).
 Subcontractors shall ensure that all major equipment are fully tested and certified and to approval
of the OWNER.

 Any waste generated by Subcontractor in Field Office / Construction Site shall be disposed outside
plant after obtaining necessary approval from local authorities. Subcontractor shall keep the site

 Inspection and Test shall be conducted by Third Party and it shall be approved by COMPANY
( CTU) prior to issue PO by Subcontractor. All the required inspections and tests shall be done in
accordance with SAES-Q-006.

 Unless otherwise specified in the scope of work, all necessary work for this category of work shall
be done / prepared by the Subcontractor.
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3.1 General

3.1.1 Corporate Management HSE Responsibility

 Set directions for effective health and safety management through a health and safety policy that
becomes an integral part of business culture, values and performance standards
 Aim to protect people through management systems and practices that ensure risks are dealt
with sensibly, responsibly and proportionately
 Ensure a system of monitoring is in place so that relevant incidents, events or breaches can be
 Undertake formal reviews of health and safety performance at least once a year
Managing Director : - Overall Company representative
Project Engineering Procurement
Project Engineering Procurement and
- Approving
Construction of TailingOfficer for HSE and
Storage Facility policies & regulation
Construction of Tailing Storage
Cell-2 Project at North
- Originator of Wad Directives and ProgramsatofNorth
of General
Facility Cell-2 Project
14 Department implementation Page No:
- Establish a corporate HSE Department
- Chairing the meeting of the Executive Board, during
which presents the results of the company's HSE

Corporate HSE Manager : - Corporate Managing Officer of company’s HSE

PROGRAM. Facilitate implementation of HEALTH,
SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan and Programs
for all company projects.
HSE Adviser : - Consultant and Advices HSE matters in relation to
administrative, legal and project execution

HSE Coordinator - Conduct Site Visit to monitor project HSE performance

implementation. To gather Project site HSE Statistics
Administration & : - Facilitates implementation of rules, regulations,
Resources General awards, incentives
Manager - Facilitates implementation of Disciplinary Actions in
relation to company policies and as prescribed by the


Management is responsible for the identification of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE)
issues and for compliance requirements inherent in the project scope. Management shall create an
HSE atmosphere that provides proper communications and training's essential in the execution of
programs and procedures that lead to hazard recognition resulting to Zero accidents, incidents and
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In view of HANDASATI HSE PROGRAM, the following key personnel have their particular
Responsibilities as follows:

Project Site Manager / Project Director

The Site Manager shall be responsible for the administration of the HEALTH, SAFETY &
ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan on his projects. He is likewise tasked to implement HANDASATI Safety
Policy and shall be ready to discharge the allocated responsibility in order to fulfil the HANDASATI
commitment to follow all the relevant safety rules and standards. He shall support and assists the HSE
Officer and all Work Supervisors in their areas of responsibilities. His other responsibilities include:
 The Project Site Manager shall provide all the necessary support to the HSE Department and its
personnel onsite in order for the company's HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan be
implemented effectively.
 The Project Manager shall ensure that all accidents and near misses are investigated thoroughly.
 Know the requirements of Maaden Phosphate Schedule ‘D’ and relevant Saudi Arab Government
work men's Regulations and ensure that they are observed and followed.
 Maintains effective and prompt Communications on safety matters through all lines of
 Reviews and evaluates projects safety performances and provides necessary assistance which
needed to improve performance of Supervision at all levels.

Construction Manager

The Construction Manager shall be responsible for the administration of the Contractor Site
Safety Program (CSSP) on his projects. He is likewise tasked to implement HANDASATI Safety
Policy and shall Be ready to delegate the allocated responsibility in order to fulfil the HANDASATI
commitment to follow all the relevant safety rules and standards. He shall support and assists the
HSE department and all Work Supervisors in their areas of responsibilities. His other
responsibilities include:
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 The Construction Manager shall provide all the necessary support to the HSE Department and its
personnel onsite in order for the company's HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan be
implemented effectively.
 The Construction Manager shall ensure that all accidents and near misses are investigated
 Know the requirements of Maaden Phosphate Schedule ‘D’ and relevant Saudi Arab Government
workmen Regulations and ensure that they are observed and followed.
 Maintains effective and prompt Communications on safety matters through all lines of
 Reviews and evaluates projects safety performances and provides necessary assistance which
needed to improve performance of Supervision at all levels.

HSE Managers /Supervisors/ Officers

The HSE Managers / Officers are responsible in advising the management on how the HEALTH,
SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan can be fully implemented in the work site. They shall report to
the Project Site Manager and coordinate with PMT HSE Manager. Their responsibilities are to:
 Ensure full compliance to HANDASATI and Client’s HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE)
Plan at the project site.
 Advise and oblige Project Management Team in corrective actions and measures necessary to
carry out the proper implementation of the HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan to its
fullest extent.
 Ensure that habitual safety violators or site personnel are reported and given the appropriate
disciplinary action by the concerned department, in accordance with Approved HANDASATI
rules & regulations, or Maaden disciplinary procedures.
 Provide guidance, advice and assistance to the site supervisor in the implementation of the HSE
 Maintain current files of published safety literature's and disseminates information for use and
implementation to the HSE PROGRAM.
 Carry out frequent site inspections in addition to the official weekly inspections of all project
areas under HANDASATI scope of work for which he is responsible and to bring to the
management attention all deficiencies for subsequent safety compliance.
 Conduct and participate in job safety meetings.
 Coordinates site first aid and rescue procedures.
 Coordinate and conduct safety training’s in accordance with the HEALTH, SAFETY &
ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan of the project and Client’s requirements.
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 Investigate all accidents, injuries, fires, property damage, and other safety related incidents,
issues or disseminates required reports and ensures that recommended preventive measures
are carried out.
 Evaluate the necessity of acquiring safety equipment and ensures that it meets applicable
standards during procurement.
 Conduct independent daily safety audit to check conformance with the established HEALTH,
SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan and to draw management attention to any defect or
deficiency found for resolution.
 Check proper usage and maintenance of protective equipment and evaluate its effectiveness in
the project.
 Conduct investigation of any injury to personnel, loss or damage to property including near

 Encourage all trades to safety consciousness during safety toolbox meetings and to suggest ways
of improving safety as well as preventing loss and damage to equipment’s and materials.
 Ensure that any equipment on site is suitable and provided with necessary valid certificate and
to draw management attention to any defect or deficiency.
 Keep abreast with new development in the field of accident prevention, personal protective
equipment, and first aid procedures and equipment.
 Prepare and keeps adequate records of all accidents. Prepares monthly accident statistics to
show the frequency and severity rates.
 Sets himself as an example in the performance of utmost HSE compliance.

Work Superintendent/Supervisors/Foreman
The Work Superintendents/Supervisors/Foremen shall be responsible for the safety
performance in their area of responsibility. He shall be responsible to the Site Manager in
compliance of HANDASATI HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan and the responsibilities
allocated to them. Before assigning tasks to task performers, He shall conduct pre-job safety
instructions with the HSE Officer to maximize safety awareness and providing an environment of
total participation.
This includes analyzing each task for hazards, occupational health and environmental issues,
identifying safe work practices and communicating the information as a team to reach a consensus
on how the work will be performed to ensure a safe, quality and timely execution of the task.
 Implements and observes the Company HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Plan and
Maaden CSM requirements.
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 Maintains an effective line of communication on safety matters to his men.
 Work Superintendents/Supervisors/Foremen shall present and explain the Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) of a particular task to the involved crew prior to performing the task.
 Work Superintendents/Supervisors/Foremen shall ensure that all his subordinates have
received an Emergency Response Plan Orientation prior to the start of their work at the Plant.
 Work Superintendents/Supervisors/Foremen shall explain the Maaden Work Permit
 System to his work group to avoid any violation.
 Enforces compliance of all safety rules and regulations.
 Conducts investigation of all accidents in his area of responsibility.
 Indoctrinates new hired and transferred workers concerning the hazards of the work or the task
to be performed.
 Creates safety awareness by promoting safety meetings, presentations, and open forum
discussions and by implementing safety training.
 Sets a personal example on site by wearing appropriate protective clothing and equipment at all
 Ensures that all accidents are reported to Maaden Phosphate in accordance with schedule ‘D’ of
the Contract.
 Holds Weekly General and Daily Work Pre-start Toolbox Meetings

All Project Personnel Responsibility

All personnel are responsible for understanding and strictly observing all Safety, Health and
Environmental standards, requirements and precautions applicable to their work or duty.
Personnel will not start any work or individual task that they do not fully understand.
In additions, personnel will:
 Report to their Supervisor any unsafe condition, defective equipment and hazardous
environmental conditions.
 Warn others whom they believe to be endangered by known hazards or of their own failure to
observe Safety, Health and Environmental precautions.
 Wear or use approved protective clothing/equipment when required to do so.
 Report to their Supervisor and the Safety Department any injury or evidence of impaired health
occurring during the course of work.
 Be prepared in the event of any unforeseen hazardous occurrence and exercise the necessary
precautions and corrective actions.
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 All project personnel shall proceed to the assembly area nearby in an event of an emergency
evacuation or even during evacuation drills.
Male Nurse
 Male Nurse must be certified by Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health. Health profession practitioners
must be licensed by the MOH to practice their profession in Kingdom.
Responsible for the administration of first aid treatment and other medical care activities at site.

HANDASATI Subcontractors
As may be applicable, HANDASATI subcontractor employees shall be governed by the
provisions set forth in this HSE manual. Subcontractor workers and supervisors shall be guided of
their Safety duties and responsibilities as prescribed in their subcontractor’s scope of work


Corporate HSE Project Manager

Mehfooz Allam
Site HSE

Rakesh Sories Nelson TBA

(HSE Officer-1) (HSE Officer -2) (HSE Officer-3)

Tanweer Suleman Orangzeb TBA

(WPR-Area 1) (WPR-Area 2) (WPR-Area 3)
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.3 CV of Key personnel’s:
3.3.1 CV of Safety Personnel

NOTE: CVs of HSE Personnel will be submitted under a separate transmittal.


In compliance to SACSM 5th Edition, Vol. I, Contractor Safety Administrative Requirements,

Subsection 4.19 – Authority for Employees to Stop Work, the declaration below is herewith issued.

HANDASATI will promote and maintain a high level of safety awareness throughout the project. The
Project Management shall declare that every employee has the right to ‘STOP WORK,’ if any person
whether an employee or visitor is exposed to hazard that is causing or likely to cause death or
physical harm and ill-health. When this kind of circumstances occurs, work must be stopped
immediately where supervision team shall facilitate the work stoppage accordingly and effectively.
Institution of corrective measure is mandatory to eliminate and mitigate the risk to personnel.

This declaration for ‘Authority to Stop Work’ shall be posted and circulated throughout the project
site with the goal of informing and reminding all personnel of the above authority.

The concerned supervisor shall follow through with the action plan of the corrective action issued
against unsafe act or unsafe condition. The Project Manager shall also issue a written statement
authorizing safety personnel to stop work for any unsafe condition or act.

Please refer to the ‘Stop Work Authority’ identification card to be issued to each personnel at site.
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4.1 General
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Safety Training Program is an integral part of the HANDASATI Company’s Safety Policy,
hence, mandatory at the Project. These training events shall be held throughout the construction
period based on needs, relevant requirements or worksite conditions, primarily to enhance safety
awareness of every employee in the project. Each training event shall be documented.
The project HSE Manager shall initiate the development and maintenance of a training matrix
based on a Training Needs Analysis that identifies initial refresher HSE training requirements for all
project workers, subcontractors and vendors. The training matrix shall meet the minimum
applicable requirements of the training needs and shall be reviewed and updated periodically.

4.2 Site Specific Safety Orientation

All HANDASATI employees and lower tier subcontractor/suppliers shall attend a site Safety
Induction (HSE Orientation) prior to any work. This orientation may be separate or jointly conducted
with PMT.
 Safety Induction content will be determined by MAADEN PHOSPHATE and based on Contract
Schedule “D” and Site requirements, in consolidation with MAADEN PHOSPHATE contract scope
of work.
 A record of HANDASATI employees and lower tier subcontractor/suppliers who have undergone
his pre-deployment Safety Induction shall be kept by the site safety department. A list of these
personnel may be provided to the Company representative upon request.
 HANDASATI job supervisors & HSE Officer shall ensure that safety training is carried out before
personnel start work and continuously updated throughout all phases of the work.
 HANDASATI shall perform the required and regular safety trainings on its employees on subjects
of Hazard Communication, Lockout of Hazardous Energy, and Confined Space among others.
 Regular trainings shall be provided to ensure that all HANDASATI and its lower tier personnel are
capable of safely using tools and equipment, and are competent at performing assigned tasks.
 They shall inform each employee of his/her responsibility to work safely and minimize risks of
occupational injury/illness.
It is a practice of HANDASATI to provide indoctrination program for new employees who joined its
organization and for those reassigned employees upon reaching their new place of job assignments in
order to enhance awareness to the HSE PROGRAM. The orientation program is prepared and
presented by our Company Safety Trainer and employees/workers with sheer encouragement of co-
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• Supervisors – All field supervisors shall attend HANDASATI 30-Hours Hazard Recognition
Training that aims to equip supervisors with the knowledge and skills to fulfil their safety roles,
duties and responsibilities. Safety standards and requirements will be dealt with in detail. The
training also includes the mandatory use of the Supervisors Logbook, Area Discrepancy Logbook
and Weekly Area Safety Assessments.

 Safety Officers Training

All safety officers shall attend a Safety Personnel Development course presented by HANDASATI.
This course aims to equip the safety officers with the skills and knowledge to perform their
duties. The course is similar to the supervisor training mentioned above but concentrates on the
roles, duties and responsibilities of safety officers. In addition, it includes safety administration
and procedures and field execution safe work practices as per the project safety manual and

 Craft and Specific Training

Craft shall be trained in the safety aspects of their job and shall attend a training session of 8
hours minimum. Employees required to perform specific tasks shall be trained in the safety
aspects of those tasks.

4.3 Refresher Training

Refresher training will be provided at least every year individually in order to keep personnel
aware of requirements of HSE Plan and local legislation. Refresher trainings shall be given to
workers in below conditions other than regular re-fresher training's;
 When workplace and organization is changed.
 When the equipment is changed.
 When external conditions are majorly changed.
 When method and technology is changed.
 When repeated violations are spotted that it is clear the person didn’t understand the HSE
 Chemical, Physical and Ergonomic Risk Agents
 Manual Handling of Loads
 Flammability, Explosion, Fire and Fire Protection
 Safe Use of Work Equipment
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 Work with Display Screen Equipment
 Electricity, Electrical Hazards, Risks and Precautions
 Causes Of Occ. Accidents & Protection Technique & Principles
 Health and Safety Signs
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment

Visitors Training

All visitors shall attend visitor HSE training. Aim of the visitor training is to make all visitors
familiarize with the general HSE requirements of the project such as:
 Emergency procedures,
 Personnel protective equipment,
 Visitor HSE responsibilities
 Visitor restrictions.
 Site Rules

Visitors (personnel on site for not more than 1 day) will be accompanied at all times whilst visiting
the work site by an authorized member of the site team who is familiar with the site construction
hazards, layout and restricted working areas.


Job Skills/Craft Training Safety Training

Abrasive Blasting Basic Life Support (BLS)
Asbestos Communications
Cartridge Operated Tools (Hilti) Compressed Gas Cylinders
Concrete Form work/Shoring Confined Space Entry/Rescue
Cranes and Rigging Emergency Response Procedures
Cutting, Welding, Brazing Fall Prevention/Protection
Demolition Falling Object Prevention/Protection
Electrical Systems/Equipment Fire Prevention/Firefighting
Elevating/Lifting Equipment First Aid
Excavations and Shoring Hazard Recognition
Hand Tools and Power Tools Hazardous Chemicals
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Heavy Equipment Heat Stress
Gas Testing and Hydro-Testing Housekeeping
Ionizing Radiation Hydrogen Sulphide
Isolation and Blinding Incident Reporting/Investigation
Non-Destructive Testing Isolation/Lockout/Hold Tag
Painting and Coating Job Safety Analysis
Piling Ladders
Pipefitting Material Handling
Plumbing Personal Protective Equipment
Portable Power Tools Respiratory Protection
Pressure Testing Vehicle/Traffic/Driving Safety
Scaffolding Work Permits
Steel Erection Work at heights


The matrix links the position of the workers to training that they need to attend. The HSE Officer
with the approval of the Project Manager/ Construction Manager produce the Training Matrix, thus
considering the specific scope of work and operations, as well as Client requirements. It is then
responsibility of the Project Manager/ Construction Manager to grant resources in order to allow the
HSE Officer to implement the project specific Matrix.

It is responsibility of HSE Officer to prepare a Training Matrix of the Project and the training
materials, and then implement it on the workers of the project and monitor the degree of compliance as
required by the matrix itself
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We are often able to identify future hazard areas and apply preventive measures through analysis
of previous accidents. However, effective remedial action can only be applied when the basic
problem is clearly defined by investigation and submission of detailed factual reports. The
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evaluation of these facts and the real cause of any incident shall assist in directing our incident
prevention activity in the most efficient way.

Investigation into an incident often reveals that human error is a major contributing factor in
its cause. Due to this, it is not HANDASATI policy during investigations to apportion blame to
individuals, but to foster a culture of openness and honesty with a view to continuous

This procedure is to be utilized for all events and incidents that result in causing harm to people, cost
and/or property damage, and environmental incidents to ensure immediately reporting to the applicable
Responsibility of the incident management in the field belongs to HANDASATI and contractors will
provide timely reporting of incidents.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that the determination of main causes and appropriate solutions are
determined and the prevention of re-occurrence.
This operation should be used for the following:
• Fatality
• Work place injuries and illnesses
• Security deterioration
• Environmental incidents (Spills and Leaks)
• Vehicle accidents, etc.


An Incident which has resulted in actual Injury and/or Damage (Loss) to Assets, the
Environment, Social programs, Reputation or to 3rd Parties.
Any injury such as a cut, fracture, sprain, amputation etc., which results from a single
instantaneous exposure.
Near-Miss Incidents (or Unsafe Acts or Conditions in the context of this procedure)
Near Miss
that did not result in injury or damage/ loss of property or which did not have an
adverse environmental impact.
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Any work-related injury or illness which results (or would have resulted) in the injured
worker being unable to perform one or more assigned tasks at least one normal shift
following the day the injury occurred. This applies whether or not the injured/ ill
person planned to be at work during the following days.

The counting of days lost begins the day after the injury or occupational illness
occurred and includes all subsequent days until a return is made to work. Includes all
Restricted weekends and holidays. In cases of severe injury or illness stop counting after 180
Work Day days.
Case (RWDC)
If the worker leaves the company for some reason unrelated to the injury or illness,
such as retirement, a plant closing, or to take another job, stop counting days away
from work or days of restriction/ job transfer.

If the worker leaves the company because of the injury or illness, estimate the total
number of days away or days of restriction/ job transfer and enter accordingly (up to a
maximum of 180 days).
Any work-related injury or illness, which renders the injured person temporarily
unable to perform any regular job or restricted work within 24 hours of the moment
that the occupational injury was received or illness determined.

The criteria "24 hours" include rest days, weekend days, scheduled holidays, public
Lost Workday
holidays or subsequent days after ceasing employment.
Case (LWDC)
** A Lost Workday Case is not the same as a Lost Time Injury (LTI) as it does not
include fatalities. Also, a single accident can give rise to several lost workday cases,
depending on the number of people injured as a result of that incident.

The total number of workdays lost through occurrence of occupational

injuries/ illnesses.

** In cases where employment is terminated after an Injury/ illness occurred (other

than fatality or Permanent Total Disability), this would include any previously
Lost Workdays
scheduled workdays lost that were planned prior to termination, or an estimate of
workdays that would be lost after termination.

In cases of death or permanent total disability no lost workdays are recorded.

Any work-related injury or illness which results in the complete loss, or

permanent loss of use, of any part(s) of the body or any permanent
impairment of function or parts of body, regardless of any pre-existing disability of the
injured member of impaired body function.
**A PPD is not related to the ability of the injured person to do is normal
work, e.g. it is classified as a PPD if he has lost a finger, toe, arm, limb, etc. but (upon
recovery) is still able to do his normal work or any other work that permits for the
partial disability.
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Any work-related injury or illness, which permanently incapacitates an
employee from doing any work and results in termination of employment or
Total Disability
medical severance.
Any work-related injury or illness which results (or would have resulted) in the injured
worker being unable to return to work for at least one normal shift following the day
the injury occurred. This applies whether or not the injured/ill person planned to be at
work during the following days.

The Project Manager of the project where the incident occurred is both responsible for
ensuring the initial incident report is generated and conducting the investigation.

The counting of days lost begins the day after the injury or occupational illness
occurred and includes all subsequent days until a return is made to work. Includes all
weekends and holidays. In cases of severe injury or illness stop counting after 180
Lost Time
It is sum of cases involving Fatalities and Days Away From Work (DAFWC) both.
Incident (LTI)
Note: Time away from work on the day of the incident is not considered in determining
LTI. Time spent travelling, undergoing evaluation, awaiting medical evaluation results,
or otherwise seeking medical treatment should not be counted as LTI when
considering LTI classification.

If the worker leaves the company for some reason unrelated to the injury or illness,
such as retirement, a plant closing, or to take another job, you stop counting days
away from work or days of restriction/ job transfer.

If the worker leaves the company because of the injury or illness, you must estimate
the total number of days away or days of restriction/job transfer and enter accordingly
(up to a maximum of 180 days).
‘Medical treatment’ means the management and care of a patient to combat disease
or disorder – it does not include:
a) visits to a physician or other licensed health care professional solely for
observation or counselling;
b) the conduct of diagnostic procedures, such as x-rays and blood tests, including
the administration of prescription medications used solely for diagnostic purposes
(e.g., eye drops to dilate pupils); or
Medical a) ‘First Aid’ as defined later in this Section
Treatment b) Any loss of consciousness arising from work-related circumstances even if worker
Injury (MTC) makes quick recovery and return to normal work in same shift.

A Medical Treatment case can be best described as:

If a work-related injury or illness results in medical treatment beyond first aid but does
not involve death, one or more days away from work, one or more days of restricted
work, or one or more days of job transfer, it is considered Medical Treatment, whether
or not it is administered by a physician or other licensed health care professional.
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A work-related death arising from injuries or occupational illness. Deaths from natural
Fatality causes or suicide while at work would not be recorded.
In cases of death or permanent total disability no lost workdays are recorded.
Using a non-prescription medication of non-prescription strength (for medications
available in both prescription and non-prescription form, a recommendation by a
physician or other licensed health care professional to use a non-prescription
medication at prescription strength is considered medical treatment for record-keeping
Administering tetanus immunizations (other immunizations, such as Hepatitis B
vaccine or rabies vaccine, arising from a work-related incident are considered medical
Cleaning, flushing or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin
First-Aid Using wound coverings such as bandages, Band-Aids™, gauze pads, etc.; or using
butterfly bandages or Steri-Strips™ (other wound-closing devices such as sutures,
staples, etc. are considered medical treatment)
Using hot or cold therapy
Using any non-rigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, non-rigid
back belts, etc. (devices with rigid stays or other systems designed to immobilize parts
of the body are considered medical treatment).
Using temporary immobilization devices while transporting an incident victim (e.g.,
splints, slings, neck collars, backboards, etc.)

Any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational
injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. It
includes acute and chronic illness or disease caused by inhalation, absorption,
Occupational ingestion, or direct contact. Examples are below:
Illness  Industrial Dermatitis
 Noise-induced hearing loss (from exposure over time, not explosion)
 ‘Arc-Eye’ from welding flash
 Sunburn
Property Physical damage or loss to the Company’s assets, equipment or property, and/or to
Damage Third Party property, plant or equipment which requires repair or replacement.
Includes any event involving a motor vehicle (owned, leased, or rented by the
Motor Vehicle company - or a personal vehicle being operated for company business) that results in
Accident death, injury, or property damage and legal space, with brakes set).

Exposure Exposure hours are the total number of hours worked including overtime and training
Hours but excluding leaves, sickness and other absences.


 All incidents including Near miss shall be reported verbally within 1 hour (by phone/ email/ Fax)
& written report within 24 hours, to HSE department and HANDASATI management.

 All incidents should be investigated to find the root cause to prevent re occurrence of the same and
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to share the lessons learn from the incident.


Injury Occurs

Witness to report the incident

directly to Site Supervisor, Medical
Nurse & Safety Officer

HANDASATI Site Safety Manager & Emergency
Reports Monthly Headcount Construction Superintendent Response
(Every 4th of the following month)

SA Representative
Collates & Report PROJECT MANAGER (PM) Injured Person
HANDASATI Injury Deliverable (IP) treated
& Monthly Head Count

PM signs report, after confirmation

from Construction Manager. Advise
site Safety Manager to report
accident through CIRS.

Safety Coordinator
Maintains Record for all
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HANDASATI Employee shall:

 Reports all on-job injuries or occupational illnesses, no matter how slight, immediately to his/her

Supervisor shall;
 Ensures that the requirements of this procedure are followed by all site personnel.
 Ensures that injured employee gets proper medical treatment.
 Immediately reports to site medical personnel and safety representative all employee on-job injuries or
occupational illnesses using the attached form of this procedure.
Construction Manager shall;

 Analyzes incident and works with site safety manager and subcontractor representative to prevent recurrence.
 Ensures that the requirements of this procedure are implemented by all site personnel including contractor
 Ensures all additional incident reporting and investigation requirements are addressed, such as preliminary and
regular reporting requirements.

Project Manager shall;

 Ensures that the requirements of this procedure are implemented by all HANDASATI departments heads.
 Report all incidents to Saudi MAADEN PHOSPHATE representative including on-job injuries and occupational

 Approves accident reports and ensure that it shall be sent through CIRS after 72 Hours. He shall also monitor the
update of accident reports through CIRS before every 8th of each month where the previous month’s projects
headcount and injury are involved. He shall also provide a copy of the accident report to MAADEN
PHOSPHATE representative.
Site Safety Manager
 Maintains records thru the site safety coordinator of all injuries and headcount as provided by the Project Manager
or Construction Manager.

 Provides guidance in the investigation of on-job injuries or occupational illnesses when requested by MAADEN
PHOSPHATE representative
 Follows-up unresolved or ambiguous issues of concern with MAADEN PHOSPHATE Representative.
 Send the approved accident report through CIRS and to MAADEN PHOSPHATE site representative.
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Incident Details
Date Time: Location/Plant/Equipment:
Dept: Org. Code Division/Unit:
Near Miss Description (Explain What Happened – Use Attachment if Needed)

ESTIMATE OF LOSS POTENTIAL (What injuries or losses might have occurred)

Property/Equipment Damage:
Environmental Damage:
ANALYSIS (Why did it happen [List unsafe act, unsafe conditions, wrong
procedures/equipment or other factor

CORRECTIVE ACTION (What must be done to prevent recurrence – list recommendation)

REVIEWED BY Supvr. or above (Name/Title/Badge Number) Date:

Distribution: Original – HSE Department 1 Copy – Construction Department Head 1 Copy –

Corporate HSE Division (for serious near miss only)
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Detailed Report Required Within 3 Days Control No.
Incident Location: Onsite: Date & Time Of Incident: Work Discipline:
Type of Incident  Reportable  Recordable GOSI  Yes  No
 Injury/Illness  Property Damage  Environmental
 Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)  Fire  Other please specify: ____________
Company Personnel Involved: Badge No Type of Injuries

Vehicle/Equipment Involved Vehicle/Equipment No Property Damage and Estimated Cost Damage Valid Documents

Description Of Incident:

Cause of Incident:

Witness Statement(s):

Corrective Action:

Date of Report:
Name Job Title: Company: Contact No. Signature:
Prepared By:

Reviewed By:

Noted By: _____________________________ Noted By: _____________________________

HSE Manager Project Manager
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HANDASATI shall obtain a Work Permit for any work to be carried out during each shift in specified
“Restricted Area”. HANDASATI shall also run an alternative in house work permit system for “None
Restricted Areas”.

It shall be HANDASATI responsibility to ascertain, in advance, whether the work area is designated a
“Restricted Area” or “Non-Restricted Area”. HANDASATI shall only provide qualified and certified
craft personnel to execute and/or supervise work in these areas.

Restricted Area - a portion of a facility / area where approved work permit is required before any job
can be done and comes under the category of restricted area as designated by Maaden Phosphate.
Authorized issuer - employees designated and certified by concerned Maaden Phosphate Proponent
Organization (SAPO) to issue and approve work permits in restricted area under their supervision.
Authorized Receiver- craftsman who have been certified by the Maaden phosphate Proponent
Organization (MPPO) to sign and receive work permits.
There are four work permits:
1) Equipment Opening / Line Break, Form 9873-1
2) Hot Work, Form 9873-2
3) Cold Work, Form 9873-3
4) Confined Space Entry, form 9873-4
For details of this process, please refer to HANDASATI Permit-To-Work (PTW)


All workers shall wear PPE at all times to commence work. When the work is within classified or hazardous
area as identified in Area Classification drawing, or where the WORK material involves hazardous properties
per MSDS, use of PPE and applicable tools as directed shall be followed. Use P.P.E. which can protect a person
from head to toe. To develop an effective Personnel Protective Equipment program, all employees should be
familiar with required standards and requirements as per the MAADEN PHOSPHATE Construction Safety
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The following INSTRUCTIONS AND STANDARDS are to be used as reference for implementing the use
of Personal Protective Equipment on the worksite.

HANDASATI shall ensure that all its project personnel are oriented and trained in the proper use,
handling, safe keeping and storage of PPE. This orientation shall form part of personnel initial safety


 Skull guard or safety helmets are rigid head gear made of materials that are designed to protect
the head from impact. Personnel shall wear approved hard hats in designated areas, including; (1)
construction sites, (2) operating plant areas, (3) where there are overhead objects or activities
that can result in falling or flying objects or (4) when performing activities that have potential
electrical shock or burn hazards to the head.

 Hard hats shall meet ANSI Z89.1, Type “1‟‟, Class “E” (electrical) requirements and shall consist of
a shell, suspension cradle and, optionally, a chin strap.


 Safety glasses protect against flying objects. The use of approved eye protection safety glass with
hard side shields is required. Personnel shall be issued with safety glasses at the start of the
project and shall be frequently replaced.

 Eye and face protection devices shall meet ANSI Z87.1 requirement.


 Gloves shall be selected and worn based on the materials or equipment being handled. Gloves shall
be resistant to hazards specific to the job; such as, but not limited to: hot surfaces,
acid/caustic/corrosive chemicals, abrasion, sharp edges, high voltage/electrical and cold

 Gloves shall be the proper size to fit the wearer’s hand to ensure proper grip. One size does not fit
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 High-voltage rubber gloves with leather protectors shall be worn by electrical workers as
required. See GI 2.721.

 Gloves shall not be worn near moving machinery/rotating equipment or when they could present
a safety hazard (e.g., where gloves could get caught between moving machinery parts).


 All employees shall wear a mandatory approved steel-toed foot wear. Soft shoes, such as tennis
shoes and sandals are not permitted. Steel-toed shall also protect the ankle.

 Approved safety footwear shall be worn in field operations, process areas and other designated
areas. Foot protection shall comply with GI 8.005 requirements.


 Ample supplies of approved hearing protection (e.g., earplugs) shall be provided at the job site and
shall be worn in high noise areas (i.e., 85 decibels [dBA] or higher).


 It shall be provided and worn by personnel as needed to protect against hazards such as flash fire,
electrical arc flash (see GI 2.721), abrasive blasting, welding, handling asbestos or acidic/corrosive
liquids, etc. This protection may include flame resistant clothing (FRC), Tyvek, leather or non-
permeable materials.

 FRC shall be provided to and worn by personnel in the specific locations and operating areas
where, Maaden has assessed the flash fire hazard and determined that FRC is required.

 FRC for protection against flash fire shall be per the SA Safety Management Guide for Flame
Resistant Clothing (FRC). The FRC specified in this safety management guide does not provide
sufficient protection against electrical arc flash hazards. The proper arc flash FRC/PPE shall be
provided to and worn by electrical workers per GI 2.721.


 It shall be provided and used by personnel exposed to air contaminants exceeding the permissible
exposure limit (PEL).
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 RPE shall meet ANSI Z88.2 requirements.

 Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) shall be positive-pressure type. Negative-pressure

SCBA shall not be used.

 Breathing air compressors shall be in accordance with Mechanical and Heavy Equipment.

 Breathing air quality shall meet Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Grade ‘D’ requirements (see GI
1780.001) and shall be supplied via an SCBA, air-line cascade system or air-fed hoods with proper
particulate/moisture filters and air temperature monitoring.

 An atmosphere-supplying respirator shall be used when an oxygen deficient atmosphere could

exist or in the presence of toxic hazards where cartridge/filter RPE is inadequate (e.g., H2S).

 Personnel shall perform a face seal check to ensure a proper seal prior to every use.

 RPE shall be inspected by the user before and after each use.

 RPE maintained for emergency situations shall be inspected at least weekly.

 RPE shall be cleaned and sanitized after use.

 RPE shall be stored in a manner to protect from dust, sunlight, heat or damaging chemicals.


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0,5 M


A Safe working practices should be followed by all HANDASATI work sites and HANDASATI
key personnel’s shall strictly observe the safe working procedures detailed below. A Job safety analysis
(JSA) shall be made of each (major) method of (construction) procedure prior to commence its
operation activity in order to arrive at the safe working procedure. Such JSA may be incorporated into
the work method statement.


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The following safety rules have been made to ensure the safety of you and your col-leagues. They
apply to all HANDASATI Sites and are to be observed at all times. They are in addition to Maaden rules
that may have been made for the site you are working on now.
These site rules are simple and easy to follow, but failure to follow may lead to dismissal.
You must ALWAYS

 Wear your uniform, hard hat, and safety footwear

 Wear any other P.P.E as directed by your supervisor
 Report to your supervisor any accident, injury or near miss
 Report to your supervisor any defects and damages to any plant or equipment
 Report to your supervisor any hazards within the workplace
 Keep your place of work tidy at all times
 Obey all safety signs and instructions
 Observe and keep to all site speed limits and traffic signs throughout the site
 Make proper use of the welfare facilities provided

You must NEVER

 Report for work under the influence of alcohol or drugs (including prescribed drugs)
 Alter or adapt any tools or equipment
 Misuse or abuse PPE or any safety equipment
 Misuse or abuse welfare facilities
 Use tools or equipment for which you have had no training
 Leave tools or equipment unattended unless it has been switched off and/or left secure
 Indulge in horseplay or fighting.
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 Drivers are ultimately responsible for the road worthiness of their vehicle including inspecting,
reporting defects and sending the vehicle for regular servicing.
 Drivers must inspect vehicles each time before the vehicle is used and complete the Inspection
 Drivers are responsible for the behavior of their passengers and to ensure that they wear seat
 Drivers are responsible for ensuring that loads are secure and not projecting over the sides of the
 Drivers must report any vehicle defects to the Transport Department.
 Supervisors must countersign the Inspection Sheets. Vehicle keys must be kept in the Supervisor’s
Office when not in use together with the inspection sheet. Supervisors must take immediate action
when made aware of vehicle defects and notify the Transport Department.
 Transport Department must undertake regular inspections of all vehicles under their control and
take action to rectify any defects.

General rules

 Vehicles allocated to this project shall be suitable for their intended use & their usage shall comply
with manufacturer’s recommendations.
 All road vehicles shall be maintained in a safe, roadworthy condition in compliance with local
traffic regulations.
 NO employee shall operate a company motor vehicle unless he has a Saudi Arabian license for the
correct class of vehicle and is familiar with the complete operation of the vehicle.
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 NO employee shall operate a company motor vehicle on Maaden sites until completion of the
Maaden DIP (Driver Improvement Program).
 Each employee-driver shall familiarize himself with all Maaden phosphate & Saudi Arab
Government Motor Vehicle laws.
 ALL persons must wear seat belts – the number of passengers shall not exceed the number of seat
belts installed.
 Transportation of persons in the load-bed of pick-ups is prohibited.
 NO vehicle shall be put in service unless it has been thoroughly inspected & found to be of safe
operating condition & has a valid & current registration sticker.
 Speed limit signs posted along roads shall be obeyed by all drivers.
 All trucks are to be fitted with a reversing alarm that will sound automatically when the truck is

Site Driving Rules

 Use of phones (even with hands-free device) is forbidden.

 Use of any electronic device is forbidden.
 Park only in authorized parking places.
 Do not park against the flow of traffic.
 Eating or drinking whilst driving is forbidden.
 ‘STOP’ signs must be obeyed- stop for a minimum of 2 seconds: bring the vehicle to a stop, then
count ‘one thousand, two thousand’.
 Stop when directed by Traffic Police.

Accidents – refer to Maaden regulation

 In the event of an accident the driver must immediately notify Security and/or Emergency Services
on 110.
 The driver shall not leave the accident scene nor move his vehicle after a collision un-less he must
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take injured persons to hospital. The investigating Police Officer is the only delegated authority to
release the vehicle involved.
 Automobile accident declaration reports shall be sent to Insurance Department.
 If accident occurred at clients’ property, Industrial Security shall prepare the accident declaration
report to be sent to Insurance Department.

Safe Driving Practices

 Road markings, warning signs, signals and flags are there to direct you, be a safe driver and always
obey them.
 Gas tanks of vehicles shall not be filled while the motor is running. No Smoking signs are to be
strictly observed.
 Employees shall not attempt to enter or exit vehicles whilst in motion.
 Practice “Defensive Driving” that is making every effort to avoid accidents even though the other
party may be at fault. Do not insist on your right of way.
 At ‘STOP’ signs, come to a complete stop and wait a minimum of 2 seconds before moving off.
 Any emergency vehicle, when responding to an emergency-call, shall have the right-of-way over all
other vehicles. Slow down, pull over to the right & let the emergency vehicle pass.
 Drivers shall not park in any unauthorized area, or park in such a way that the vehicle blocks
access for other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists or emergency services.
 When vehicles are left unattended, apply the handbrake, remove the keys and lock the vehicle.
 Drivers shall not pass any vehicle in a “No Passing” zone. A no passing zone is indicated by signs &
by a solid line on one or both sides of the broken centerline. If the solid lines are on the driver’s
side of the broken centerline – DO NOT pass.
 Any loads or materials extending one (1) meter beyond the rear of the vehicle-bed shall have a red
flag attached to the end of such load. Loads may not project over the sides of the vehicle.
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Vehicle Inspection
Drivers must take their vehicles for service when indicated by the kilometers or date shown on the
service sticker. In addition, drivers must conduct a daily vehicle inspection to ensure that the
following items are satisfactory.

 Battery, oil, fuel, washer-bottle & coolant levels

 Steering system – ease of operation, no excessive free-play.
 Foot &hand brake operation
 Tires – including condition of spare tire, and presence of jack and wheel brace
 Seat belts – check for wear and locking correctly
 Horn
 Headlights, tail lights, stop lights & turn signals
 Mirrors – lens clean and intact
 Windshield &windows – clean, without chips or cracks
 Fire extinguisher, warning triangle and first aid kit
 Damage to bodywork

The driver must then complete the vehicle inspection sheet, noting the condition of the vehicle. When
he returns the vehicle after use, the inspection sheet and keys must be returned to the supervisor’s
office and the supervisor shall countersign the sheet after checking the vehicle.
This is especially important where vehicles are being used by more than one driver.

HANDASATI Safety Group will keep records of Accidents, Investigations and Driving Violations.
Supervisors will keep records of vehicle inspection sheets.
Transport Department will keep records of vehicle inspections, defects found and actions taken.
All records will be made available to the Safety Group when requested.
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GI 150.002- First Aid I CPR Training and First Aid Kits – Remote Areas
GI 6.025- Control of Remote Area Travel and Search/Rescue Procedures
GI 6.029- Reporting and Recording of Motor Vehicle Accidents
GI 6.030- Traffic and Vehicle Safety


10.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Crane and Lifting is to describe the general actions to be taken by the
Contractor employees to comply with minimum requirement to health, safety and security of
people, property and the environment in the Project.

10.2 Definitions
Lifting Operation An operation concerned with the lifting and/or lowering of
a load.
Lifting Equipment Any HEALTH,
work equipment SAFETY for lifting
AND and/or lowering loads, andPOLICY
includes any accessories used in doing so (such as
Project Engineering Procurement
attachments to support,
Project Engineering fix or anchor
Procurement and the equipment).
and Construction of Tailing Storage
Lifting equipment
Construction comprises
of Tailing lifting appliances
Storage Facility and
Facility Cell-2 lifting
Project at North of
accessories Project at North of Wad
Lifting Appliances 46 Any mechanical device capable of raising or lowering Page No: a
load. Examples of lifting appliances are:
Mobile cranes, Side Booms
Lifting Accessories Pieces of equipment that are used to attach the load to
lifting equipment,
Providing a link between the two.
Examples of lifting accessories include:
-Fiber or rope slings
-Chains (single or multiple leg)
-Spreader beams
-Magnetic and vacuum devices
-Choker belt
Load Includes any material or person that is lifted by the lifting
Rigging Loft A container/ storage area to keep portable lifting
equipment under control to prevent unauthorized use.
Competent Person A competent person is a company assigned person who has
extensive knowledge, training and experience that
successfully demonstrates the ability to solve problems
related to safe lifting operations and procedures in his/her

Safe Working Load The maximum load the equipment can safely lift.
An examination by a certified inspector including such
testing as is appropriate for the purpose.
Operator A trained and certified person operating the lifting
Rigger A trained person authorized by HANDASATI to prepare a
load for lifting.
Lifting Supervisor A person who has extensive knowledge about lifting and is
experienced in lifting operations. 10.3
Banksman A person who has undergone training for banksman in Cranes
and banking, slinging and signaling of lifting operations. Lifting
Blind Lift This is a lift where at any point in time during the lifting
operation the crane operator cannot directly see the load.
This is a last resort.
Authorized crane and lifting equipment inspection agency.
Inspection Authority
Rigging Equipment A trained and authorized person by HANDASATI to
Inspector perform inspections on lifting accessories.
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Equipment Procedures:

 Crane lifts shall be conducted per GI 7.024 and GI 7.028, as applicable.

 All crane operators shall be properly licensed and certified by SA per GI 7.025 for the crane type/model
they are using.

 Appropriate work permits shall be issued for crane operations in accordance with GI 2.100 and a separate
Permit-To-Work Procedure

 Crane operators shall have the final decision on crane lifts that affect the safety of the crane.

 Cranes shall be inspected by the crane operator using form SA 9466 (see GI 7.028) prior to each shift.

 All cranes shall have a valid crane inspection sticker issued by SA or by a SA-approved third-party
certifying entity.

 Crane cabs shall provide maximum visibility (e.g., curtains/cardboard shall not obstruct the operator’s view
during operation). Cabs shall be kept clean and clear of items such as rubbish and loose tools. Windows
shall be kept clean at all times and shall be replaced if the glass becomes pitted, cracked or broken.

 All riggers shall be certified by SA per GI 7.024 and/or GI 7.028, as applicable. Only SA-certified riggers shall
rig loads to be lifted, including transport trucks and boom trucks. The rigger shall have responsibility for
coordinating activities of all personnel involved with the lift. See Slings and Rigging Hardware.

 Personnel with both a SA crane operator and a SA rigger certification shall not be allowed to act in both
capacities for the same lift (e.g., such a person shall not supervise/rig a lift while operating a crane).

 Crane lifts shall not be performed in wind speeds exceeding 32 km/h (20 mph) (17.4 knots) (9 m/sec),
unless otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer.

 Ensure Safety devices (Load indicator, Anti-two block device) equipped and functioning properly

 Crane lift areas shall be barricaded and secured. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted inside the
barricaded area. Warning signs shall be placed at barricaded perimeters warning site personnel of the
hazards of overhead lifting activities.

 All cranes shall be leveled in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and shall be located on a
properly compacted foundation prior to performing any lift. All cranes shall be provided with a fixed bull’s-
eye level and/or a carpenter’s level to verify the crane is level. 7.3.13 During a lift, the crane’s outriggers
shall be fully extended and lowered to raise the wheels and level the crane, unless otherwise specified in
the crane manufacturer’s load chart. The crane’s wheels shall be raised completely off the ground.

 Outrigger mats shall be designed to support the total weight of the crane and load to be lifted. Please
provide the design calculation of the outrigger mat for the type of crane outrigger float.

 Mats shall not be permanently fastened or installed on outrigger pads.

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 Tag lines shall be used to control suspended loads, unless their use may cause a greater hazard. Tag lines
shall not be tied around the hand/wrist. They shall be fully gripped by all fingers.

 The crane operator shall not leave the controls at any time while a load is attached.

 Crane operators shall only pick up loads when the boom head and hook are centered directly over the load.

 All crane lifts shall be partially lifted (e.g., floated for at least 3 seconds) to ensure rigging and lift integrity
prior to proceeding with the actual lift.

 A designated signalman shall be used at all times during the lifting, moving and setting of a load. Only one
designated signalman shall give signals to the crane operator. Universal hand signals shall be used. In the
event that the crane operator cannot see the signalman, radio communications shall be used.

 When a crane is operating near an energized power line, a designated signalman shall be assigned to
ensure the following minimum distances are maintained (see Table 7.1). Up to 50,000 volts 3.0 meters/10

 Personnel shall not ride a hook or auxiliary headache ball at any time. Personnel shall not ride the load
during the lift.

 Welding on or modification of hooks and other lifting equipment is strictly prohibited.

Travelling Guidelines
 Unless permission is given, cranes shall not travel with load, or perform pick and carry activities.
 When allowed for travelling with the load, keep the speed low, avoid sudden starts and stops and
use a tagline to control the load. In such cases, the critical lift Plan shall be prepared and approved.
 When allowed for travelling with a load, the boom should always be carried in line with the
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direction of motion. In such cases, the critical lift Plan shall be prepared and approved.
 When allowed to travel on sloping ground.
- Load must be less than the capacity
- Boom should not be high.
- Load must always be kept uphill from crane.

In such cases, the critical lift Plan shall be prepared and approved.

10.4 Pre-operational checklist

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Is the Crane configured in accordance with the Lift Plan?
Has the Crane been inspected and the condition acceptable?
Is the Supporting surface stable?
Has the rigging equipment been inspected, secured and in acceptable condition?
Are Proper Crane mats placed under outrigger floats and at a 90-degrees angle to the
outrigger cylinder? Are crawler crane in proper crane mats?
Is the crane in 1-degree of level? Has the levelness of the crane been check with a four-foot
carpenter’s level or other acceptable method? The “Target” level in the crane cab can be used
for initial levelling but should not be considered reliable for critical lifts.
Is the exact load weight known?
Is the location of the center of gravity of the load known and the crane hook positioned
directly above it?
Was the load radius measured exactly? For Heavy Lifts, has the potential increasing load
radius due to deflection in the boom, tire and/or carrier been considered?
Was the boom length determined exactly?
Was the boom angle determined exactly?
Is wind condition acceptable? If wind speed is in excess of 30 Mph, the lift should not be
made; if the winds speeds are more than 20 Mph consider postponing the lift.
Is the rope revving balance to prevent boom twist?
Is the rigging capacity acceptable?
Is the weight of the rigging known?
Has the clearance between the boom and the load been considered and is it sufficient?
Has the clearance between the boom tip and block been considered and is it sufficient?
Is the crane operator experience and qualified?
Has a qualified Signal person (Rigger) been assigned and method of communication between
the crane operator and Rigger established?
Is a person assigned to control the load with the use of a tagline?
Is the area clear of obstacles (Including Power lines, Pipelines and unnecessary personnel)?
Has a Pre-lift meeting between the crane operator, Rigger, supervisor, and other affected
person been conducted?
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 The Permit issuer & receiver shall conduct a joint pre-start inspection to locate underground
utilities and assess any other hazards that may be present.
 The Permit issuer must conduct a gas test for hazardous atmospheres when necessary (depth >1.2
 PTW Issuer is responsible for detecting utilities and gas testing.
 Supervisors must ensure that all safe procedures are followed at all times by monitoring and
directing the workforce.
 Safety personnel shall conduct regular inspections to verify compliance with procedures.
 Unit heads shall communicate this procedure to their subordinates and have ultimate
responsibility for ensuring that it is enforced.

Damage to underground utilities is the main cause of exposure to hazards. Knowing the
underground utilities are located in or near the digging jobsite is essential if dangerous, deadly, or
destructive accidents are to be avoided. These hazards include: electricity, gas, fire, water, chemicals,
toxic atmospheres, biohazards, asbestos expo-sure, disruptions of essential services etc. Other
hazards associated with excavation of underground utilities include working with mobile equipment,
confined spaces, work-ing in excavations and overhead hazards. Awareness and application of
procedures specific to these hazards should be followed.
Planning & Preparation

 The PTW issuer & receiver will conduct a joint site inspection before any work commences. The
issuer shall check the location of underground utilities with detection equipment.
 Before excavating or drilling with powered tools and equipment, the location of all underground
utility services in the area must be accurately determined, and any danger to workers from the
services must be controlled.
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 Prior to chipping, drilling, or removing the surface layer from any location where services lines
may be embedded, the supervisor shall review as built drawing and check for existing lines. The
location of such lines shall be marked for guidance.
 All excavations shall be barricaded for personnel & public protection by using signage, steel
barricades, barricade mesh and lights around excavation at all times.
 Barricades should be placed a minimum of 1 m from the edge of the excavation.
 Signage shall include directory signs, arrows and advance warnings and a flagman shall be
employed to control the flow of traffic in a safe manner, if deemed necessary.


 Where underground services are known or suspected to be, slit trenches will be dug at 90 degrees
to the service lines to locate them.
 Excavation or drilling work in proximity to an underground service must be undertaken in
conformity with the requirements of the owner of the service.
 Pointed tools must not be used to probe for underground gas and electrical services.
 Support exposed utilities if necessary.
 Powered equipment used for excavating must be operated so as to avoid dam-age to underground
utility services, or danger to workers.
 As necessary, shoring system shall be installed to protect workmen, banks, ad-ascent paving
structures and utilities when the depth of the excavation exceeds 1.2 m.
 Excavated material shall be shored and retained at least 0.6 m from the edge of excavation to
prevent trench collapse.
 When the depth of an excavation exceeds 1.2 m it must be tested for hazard-outs atmospheres by
an authorized person.
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Digging with Hand Tools

 Safe digging practice involves the use of hand tools and shall be adopted when in the vicinity of
underground services.
 Hand dig to expose the utility.

 Check for damage when utilities are exposed

 Use insulated tools, such as shovels with wooden shafts, to stop electricity travelling up them in the
event of striking an electrical service.
 Use flat-edged tools (such as spades or shovels) in preference to pointed tools (such as bars, picks
and forks).
 Do not throw or spike any tool into the ground.
 Apply only gentle hand or foot pressure to a hand tool, when encouraging it to penetrate the soil
that is being dug.

Digging with Mechanical Equipment

 Vehicles & Heavy equipment must be kept a minimum of 2 m from the edge of the excavation
unless the correct shoring is used.
 No excavating around a utility should occur without a banksman
 Establish acceptable signals between banksman and operator.
 Banksman& Operator must observe and guard against striking overhead utilities and structures.
 Banksman must be visible to the operator and stand in a safe location clear of the swing zone
 Banksman is responsible for directing and signaling the operator when the operator’s view of the
utility is obstructed.

If damage is caused to a Utility

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 Stop all work immediately

 Turn off all equipment
 Eliminate all sources of ignition
 Call emergency services on 110 with details of service damage
 Notify the Utility provider
 Evacuate crews and bystanders to a safe distance
 Follow the instructions of Emergency Personnel and assist if requested.

Excavations in roads, streets and sidewalks must be covered by steel plates, properly designed for the
purpose to provide safe traffic-flow.
The thickness of the steel plate shall be based on the grade of steel, the size (width) of the excavation
and the weight expected from heavy vehicles, such as fire trucks, fully-loaded articulated trucks, mobile
machinery, etc.
Single plates and/or plates laid on uneven ground shall be laid on cold-mix asphalt to prevent
movement. When several plates are used together cold-mix shall only be used on uneven ground but
they must be welded together to prevent movement caused by traffic.
Steel plates must also be stamped with the company name for identification purposes.
Guidelines for fixing plates

 Road surface must be level, the level achieved by the use of cold-mixed asphalt.
 Plates must be free of damage: no protruding edges, nails or screws. Damaged or defective plates
must not be used.
 There must be a minimum 300mm overlap between the edge of the plate and the edge of the opening.
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 Plate protection for excavations must be included in the Work Permit & HIP.
 Steel plates shall not be removed until immediately before final asphalting.

End of excavation work/end of every shift:

 Ensure that all signs and barricades are in place and secure.
 Observe housekeeping procedures and ensure the area is always in a safe condition.
 Check that flashing warning lights are working and can be seen at night.
 Steel plate must be in place to cover the excavation – even when back filled.
 Leave all barricades, signage and steel plate in place until the area is ready for asphalting.


G.I. 2.100 Work Permit System. 2.709 Gas Testing Procedure,

G.I. 1021.000 Street & Road Closure, Excavation Reinstatement & Traffic Controls
SA Safety Handbook
construction Safety Manual
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12. Dike Wall construction works

 The Ma’aden Wa’ad Al-Shammal Phosphate Company (MWSPC) operates the Umm Wu’al
Phosphate Al Shammal Project (Project) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The operations
include a Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), herein referred to as Cell 1, located to the northeast of the
processing plant for tailings deposition. The facility is close to reaching its maximum level, and a
new TSF is required to continue the operation. The new facility (Cell 2), the object is located to the
north of Cell 1 across the wadi and has been designed to provide up to 25.1 Mm3 of storage, the
potential equivalent of 33.1 Mt of tailings at a dry density of 1.32 t/m3, for construction of this
involve following steps

 Traffic hazards

 Blinking lights and other fluorescent signage shall also be provided to enhance the visibility in
 Trained banks men with high visibility vests with flags shall be provided to control the movement
of traffic and equipment movements.
 Adequate and proper signs (Detours, Road Diversion, Roadwork Go Head, and Works Going on)
shall be provided.
 All drivers to be trained in defensive driver training.


 The permit issuer and receiver will conduct a joint site inspection to discuss the hazards and
precautions required for conducting the job safely.
 Secure a valid work permit as per G.I 2.100 prior to start of work.
 Documents shall be secured before any work commence.
 Ensure all employees are attend safety orientation, specific training required task related.
 Toolbox talk shall be initiated prior to start of work ensuring that workers understand the hazards
associated with the activity related.
 Ensure the crew involved in the activity are thoroughly briefed about the potential hazards and
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 Safe system of work shall be implemented to reduce the possibilities of incident caused by lack of
 Ensure this JSA is communicated with all persons involved in the task.
 Safe work plan / Permit and JSA shall be discussed by the supervisor with his crew on a daily basis
before the actual work start.
 Emergency Response Plan/ Procedure shall be followed by Handasati personnel.
 Ensure of using all the required PPE e.g. safety shoes, safety goggles, safety helmet, safety gloves
and Fire
 Resistant Clothing (FRC) as per the requirements of MPCSM.

Mechanical Equipment Mobilization and Inspection

 Prior to being used, equipment arriving at the site will be inspected by the equipment department.
 The incoming inspection shall be documented on the appropriate equipment inspection form.
 Each piece of equipment shall undergo a formal, monthly inspection by a competent person, which
will also be documented on the appropriate inspection re-port.
 Any deficiencies noted on the report shall be addressed. Defective equipment shall be repaired or
removed from service immediately.
 All equipment operators must be trained & certified for the equipment that they operate.
 Certification of equipment an operator is qualified to operate must be kept on the operator’s
person when at work, also a copy must be maintained in the employee file.
 Equipment shall be used for the intended purpose. The Equipment Department will maintain a
copy of the equipment manufacturer’s operation manual on site.
 No alterations or modifications shall be performed to the equipment without the manufacturer’s
approval, which must be documented.
 Equipment will be operated within capacity as outlined in the manufacturers operating manual.
 The operators must have a valid Maaden Phosphate certificate to operate the any heavy
equipment as required; as per Maaden regulation
 All heavy equipment must have a warning light and back up alarm. TB PWAS should be installed in
all earth moving equipment.
 Certification of equipment should be available; stand by men with wearing reflective vest to be
provided & equipment operation shall be guided by a flagman.
 Physical separation between personnel and vehicle movement is considered if reasonable and
 All vehicles to be in reversed parking in the designated parking area
 Clear walk ways for employees to be used
 Equipment daily inspection shall be done by operator prior to start work.
 Equipment daily inspection checklist will be prepared and must be kept in the operator’s cabin;
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 Fire extinguisher and first aid kit should be available with the equipment
 Safe distance should be maintained between equipment’s and existing properties.

Pre- works for Dike Wall construction

 The permit issuer and receiver will conduct a joint site inspection to discuss the hazards and
precautions required for conducting the job safely.
 Secure a valid work permit as per G.I 2.100 prior to start of work.
 Ensure that possible locations of utilities are clearly marked and understood by everyone
 (verify as-built plans &/or use detectors if necessary).
 Safe distance should be maintained between equipment’s and existing properties.
 Specify a restricted work area with barricade and posted signs to limit to authorize personnel
only. Supervision shall be strictly enforced
 Atmospheric gas tests must only be conducted by Maaden authorized gas tester as per the
requirements of GI 2.709. H2S detector must be available at work area.
 Ensure of using all the required PPE e.g. safety shoes, safety goggles, safety helmet, safety gloves
and Fire-Resistant Clothing (FRC) as per the requirements of MPCSM.
 Adequately trained & Experienced workers shall be deployed under continuous 100%
 supervision by competent supervisor
 Conduct Tool Box Safety Meeting prior to starting activity; Use the JSA to identify hazards and list
the precautions on the work permit.
 All persons entering work area to read and sign onto activity JSA prior to entry.

 The operators must have a valid Maaden Phosphate certificate to operate the any heavy
equipment as required;
 Equipment shall be inspected and must have a valid 3rd Party Certificate or MPG Registration
 Certification of equipment should be available; stand by men with wearing reflective vest to be
provided & equipment operation shall be guided by a flagman.
 All Equipment must have a warning light and back up alarm. TB PWAS should be installed in all
earth moving equipment.
 Equipment daily inspection checklist will be prepared and must be kept in the operator’s cabin;
 Physical separation between personnel and vehicle movement is considered if reasonable and
 Ensure that no persons are within the danger zones/blind spots of any heavy equipment. Maintain
safe distance from moving equipment's
 Provide fire equipment and Assigned fire watch man during heavy equipment operation.
 Fire Emergency procedure under the HANDASATI ERP shall be followed by HANDASATI

 Ensure that work area has been inspected and (S, T, F) hazards are removed prior to work.
 Ensure that good housekeeping is maintained at all times in the work location.
 Dust suppression methods to be utilized. Appropriate dust control measure shall be implemented
(wetting the work area and provide dust mask when exposure to dust exists &/ during sand storm
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if necessary).
 Spray water to control the dust
 All unwanted materials/ waste shall be removing from the site. Follow Handasati waste
management program for waste disposal

Applicable Codes/Standards
 The works shall be carried out to comply with the latest revision of the Design Drawings, Codes
and Standards specified to the appropriate ASTM or to other recognised International Standards
approved by the Owner or the Engineer where there is no comparable ASTM standard. Each
publication shall be the latest revision and addendum in effect on the date this Specification is
issued for construction unless noted otherwise. Except as modified by the requirements specified
herein or the details of the Design Drawings, work included in this Specification shall conform to
the applicable provisions of these publications
 In addition to the ASTM standards, the Contractor shall adhere to the following Ma’aden
standards: MD-101-SMPM-PM-HS-GUI-0001_C01 Health and Safety Assurance MD-101-SMPM-PM-
QA-PEI-0001_C01 Contractor Quality Requirements

Dumping and compaction

 The Dumping working area shall be well barricaded & stand by man should be assigned to
 prevent any unauthorized entry during roller / equipment operation.
 Trained banks man wearing reflective jacket to be provided with roller. Banks man shall not be
 withdrawn in any case while tandem rolling at site. Full time Trained Banks man shall be
 required with all heavy equipment
 Roller/equipment operating shall be carried out by skilled and trained operators with regards
 To dumping area safety with full supervision and safety coverage.
 Adequate distance shall be made between roller & the oil sprayer.
 Spray water shall be kept in safe location with labeling.
 A safe and adequate access to the site shall be maintained and barricading with relevant
 warning boards and hazard warning lights.
 Promote safety at work and presence of mind, conduct TBT about hazards involved during
 Dumping marl work, roller & water spraying activities, Daily Tool box talk shall be conducted
 before commence of activities.
 Roller/Equipment operator shall be clearly seen the Flagman/ Banks man signal and his
 standing position during tandem roller reverse or upward operation.

 Shall not be allowed to move in between the paving machine and backing trucks or equipment.
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 Use appropriate PPE such rubber gloves for chemicals, Protector mask, disposable coverall,
 eye and face protection and hearing protection.
 JSA discussion to include MSDS AND COSSH procedures
 Crew members must have a MSDS/COSHH training.
 Location of eye wash must be informed to all members
 SDS shall be available for all substances present at the site.
 Wear the goggles or face cover provided to protect your eyes from dust and flying particles
 Ensure that suitable respirator used by crew to protect them from hazardous solvent / asphalt
 fumes / vapors.
 Dust /Chemical cartridge mask must be wearing by all the personnel near asphalting working
 Provide fire equipment and Assigned fire watch man and prohibition of smoking shall be strictly
 Soil contaminated by bitumen to be removed and disposed as per procedure.
 Regular disposal of waste, debris and scrap materials shall be carried out as per ANDASATI waste
management program

Chemical/Soil/Marl exposure, Contact with body.

 Use appropriate PPE such rubber gloves for chemicals, Protector mask, disposable coverall,
 eye and face protection and hearing protection.
 JSA discussion to include MSDS AND COSSH procedures
 Crew members must have a MSDS/ COSHH training.
 Location of eye wash must be informed to all members
 SDS shall be available for all substances present at the site.
 Wear the goggles or face cover provided to protect your eyes from dust and flying particles
 Ensure that suitable respirator used by crew to protect them from hazardous solvent /
 asphalt fumes / vapors.
 Dust /Chemical cartridge mask must be wearing by all the personnel near asphalting working

Heat stress
 Heat stress management Plan/ Procedure shall be followed by Handasati personnel.
 Ensure that shelter is provided near the working area for workers to take rest and for protection
against any dust/ sand storms. Shelters shall be provided with cool water & emergency notice
contact numbers.
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 Ensure that first aid kit and aider is available on site.
 Proper clothing (FRC- Flame Resistant Clothing) & protective equipment shall be worn by
workers; standby vehicle must be available in case needed during inclement weather.

13. Hazardous materials & Waste management

Stores Supervisors must ensure that all received chemicals or hazardous material has an MSDS that
was supplied by the manufacturer or supplier of the chemical.
Employees must read the MSDS and be familiar with procedures for the material they are using
Supervisors must ensure that employees follow safe procedures and use appropriate PPE
Safety group will inspect stores and sites to ensure these procedures are followed.

General Guidelines
Almost everyone works with or around hazardous materials every day. Many of these materials have
properties that make them hazardous: they can create physical (fire, ex-plosion) and/or health hazards
(toxicity, chemical burns). However, there are many ways to work with chemicals which can both reduce
the probability of an accident and reduce the consequences to minimum levels should an accident occur.
Risk minimization depends on:

 Safe practices,
 Appropriate engineering controls for chemical containment,
 The proper use of personnel protective equipment,
 The use of the least quantity of material necessary, and
 Substitution of a less hazardous chemical for the more hazardous one.
 The following sections provide general guidelines for chemical safety. To obtain specific information
about a chemical, refer to that chemical’s MSDS.

Chemical Safety Guidelines

 Assume that any unfamiliar chemical is hazardous.

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  Know all the hazards of the chemicals with which you work.
 Consider any mixture to be at least as hazardous as its most hazardous component.
 Never use any substance that is not properly labeled.
 All chemicals must be labeled in English and Arabic.
 Follow all chemical safety instructions precisely.
 Minimize your exposure to any chemical, regardless of its hazard rating.
 Use personal protective equipment, as appropriate.
 Use common sense at all times.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Before using any chemical, read the container label and the appropriate Material Safe-ty Data Sheets
(MSDSs). Container labels and MSDSs are good sources of information for
chemical safety. They provide the following information:

 Hazardous ingredients
 Exposure limits
 Physical and chemical characteristics, including the following:
o Boiling point
o Vapor pressure
 Physical hazards, including the following:
o Flammability
o Explosiveness
o Reactivity

 Health hazards, including chemicals that are:

o Toxic
o Carcinogens
o Irritants
 First-aid procedures
 Proper leak, spill, and disposal techniques
 Proper storage and handling procedures
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  Other special provisions

Stores/Departments ordering chemicals must request the MSDS and ensure it is pre-sent when
chemicals are delivered. MSDSs must be kept with the chemicals both at the store and at the point of use.
Safe Handling Guidelines
Employees should treat all chemicals with caution and respect.
When working with chemicals, remember to do the following:

 Remove and use only the amount of chemicals needed for the immediate job at hand.
 Properly seal, label, and store chemicals in appropriate containers. Keep the containers clearly
marked and in a well-ventilated area.
 Check stored chemicals for deterioration and broken containers.
 Clean up spills and leaks immediately.
 Know what to do in an emergency.
 Do not store chemicals near heat or sunlight or near substances which might initiate a dangerous
 Do not transport unprotected chemicals between the work area and other are-as. Use a tray, rack, cart
or rubber carrier.
 Do not pour hazardous chemicals down sinks or drains.
 Do not put fellow workers or yourself in danger.

Hygiene and Chemical Safety

Good personal hygiene will help minimize exposure to hazardous chemicals.
When working with chemicals, follow these guidelines:

 Wash hands frequently and before leaving the work area. Also, wash hands before eating, drinking, or
 Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Do not use the clothing again un-til it has been properly
 Follow any special precautions for the chemicals in use.
 Assume that all chemical lines are attached to a supply and contain chemical. Physically confirm that a
chemical line is empty, clean, and not under pressure before opening or cutting into the line.
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  Do not wear contact lenses near chemicals, especially corrosives or volatile sol-vents.
 Do not keep food or food containers anywhere near chemicals.

Hazard Communication Program

The Hazard Communication Program consists of the following:

 Employee training (including recognition of signs of exposure). This is given via the mandatory
Maaden Hazcom training, and also HANDASATI in-house training.
 This training is required annually for all HANDASATI Employees
 Labeling procedures
 MSDSs for chemicals at each workplace
 Instructions on how to read and interpret MSDSs
 Chemical inventory reporting procedures
 Recordkeeping requirements
 Emergency response procedures

An integral part of hazard communication is hazards identification. Everyone who works with
hazardous chemicals, or near an area where they are used or stored, should know how to read and
interpret hazard information. CHP labels and signs (see illustration) are used to alert employees to the
known hazards in a particular location.
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Types of Hazardous Materials

A corrosive chemical destroys or damages living tissue by direct contact. Some acids, bases, dehydrating
agents, oxidizing agents, and organics are corrosives.

Examples of Corrosives
Examples of acidic corrosives include the following:

 Hydrochloric acid
 Sulfuric acid

Examples of alkaline corrosives include the following:

 Sodium hydroxide
 Potassium hydroxide

Safe Handling Guidelines for Corrosives

To ensure safe handling of corrosives, the following special handling procedures should be used:

 Always store corrosives properly. Refer to the MSDSs and the Chemical Storage section of this manual
for more information.
 Always wear gloves and face and eye protection when working with corrosives. Wear other personal
protective equipment, as appropriate.
 To dilute acids, add the acid to the water, not the water to the acid.
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  Corrosives, especially inorganic bases (e.g., sodium hydroxide), may be very slippery; handle
these chemicals with care and clean any spills, leaks, or dribbles immediately.
 Use a chemical fume hood when handling fuming acids or volatile irritants (e.g., ammonium
 A continuous flow eye wash station should be in every work area where corrosives are present. An
emergency shower should also be within 100 feet of the area.

A flammable chemical is any solid, liquid, vapor, or gas that ignites easily and burns rapidly in air. Consult
the appropriate MSDSs before beginning work with flammables.
Conditions for a Fire
Improper use of flammable liquids can cause a fire. The following conditions must exist for a fire to occur:

 Flammable material must be present in sufficient concentration to support a fire (i.e., fuel).
 Oxygen or another oxidizer must be present.
 An ignition source must be present (i.e., heat, spark, etc.).
 When working with flammables, always take care to minimize vapors which act
as fuel. Good Housekeeping will help to minimize the likelihood of fire.

Safe Handling Guidelines for Flammables

Follow these guidelines when working with flammable chemicals:

 Handle flammable chemicals in areas free from ignition sources.

 Use ground straps when transferring flammable chemicals between metal containers to avoid
generating static sparks.
 Restrict the number of stored flammables and minimize the number of flammables present in a work
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 Remove from storage only the amount of chemical needed for a task.

Organic solvents are often the most hazardous chemicals in the work place. Solvents such as ether &
alcohols, for example, are highly volatile or flammable. Some solvents are nonflammable, but when
exposed to heat or flame, may produce carbon monoxide, chlorine, phosgene, or other highly toxic
Always use volatile and flammable solvents in an area with good ventilation or in a fume hood. Never
use highly flammable solvents in a room with open flames or an-other ignition sources present.

S Solvent Exposure Hazards

Health hazards associated with solvents include exposure by the following routes:
Inhalation of a solvent may cause bronchial irritation, dizziness, central nervous sys-team depression,
nausea, headache, coma, or death. Prolonged exposure to excessive concentrations of solvent vapors
may cause liver or kidney damage. The consumption of alcoholic beverages can enhance these effects.
Skin contact
Skin contact with solvents may lead to de-fatting, drying, and skin irritation.
Ingestion of a solvent may cause severe toxicological effects. Seek medical attention immediately.
Do not depend on your sense of smell alone to know when hazardous vapors are present. The
odor of some chemicals is so strong that they can be detected at levels far below hazardous
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Reducing Solvent Exposure

To decrease the effects of solvent exposure, substitute hazardous solvents with less toxic or
hazardous solvents whenever possible.
The best all-around solvent is water; use it whenever possible.
Toxic Chemicals
The toxicity of a chemical refers to its ability to damage an organ system (kidneys, liv-er), or disrupt a
biochemical process (e.g., the blood-forming process). But, just as there are degrees of being harmful,
there are also degrees of being safe. The biological effects of all chemicals are dependent on the
Consideration of dose (the amount of a substance to which one is exposed),

 Time (how often, and for how long during a specific time, the exposure occurs),
 Route of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, absorption through skin or eyes), and
 Many other factors such as: gender, age, general health and nutrition, lifestyle factors, and exposure to
other chemicals.

Exposure to toxic chemicals can occur by:

 Inhalation
 Dermal absorption (absorbed through the skin)
 Ingestion
 Injection (skin puncture, cut, etc.)

Inhalation and dermal absorption are the most common methods of chemical exposure in the
workplace- always wear your PPE.
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The following sections provide examples and safe handling guidelines for the following types of toxic

 Toxicants
 Carcinogens
 Irritants

Minimize your exposure to any toxic chemical and never work alone when handling Toxic Chemicals!

Acute Toxins
Acute toxins can cause severe injury or death as a result of short-term, high-level exposure.
Examples of acute toxins include the following:

 Hydrogen cyanide
 Hydrogen sulfide
 Nitrogen dioxide
 Organophosphate pesticides

Chronic Toxins
Chronic toxins cause severe injury after repeated exposure. Examples of chronic toxins include the

 Mercury
 Lead
 Formaldehyde

Carcinogens are materials that can cause cancer in humans. Examples of carcinogens include the following:
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  Asbestos
 Benzene
 Tobacco smoke
 Chromium

Zero exposure should be the goal when working with known or suspected carcinogens. Workers who are
routinely exposed to carcinogens should undergo periodic medical examinations.

Irritants cause reversible inflammation or irritation to the eyes, respiratory tract, skin, and mucous
membranes. Irritants cause inflammation through long-term exposure or high concentration exposure.
Examples of irritants include the following:

 Ammonia
 Formaldehyde
 Halogens
 Sulfur dioxide
 Phosgene

Cleaning Agents

Many of the chemicals contained in cleaning agents are corrosive. Follow these guide-lines when working
with any cleaning agent:

 Always read and understand the label instructions or the MSDS before using any cleaning agent.
 Wear appropriate eye protection and gloves for the job (e.g., neoprene, nitrile, or rubber).

 Do not leave aerosol cans in direct sunlight or areas where the temperature may exceed 120F or 40C.
Heated aerosol cans may explode.
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The table given below outlines common cleaning agents, their hazards, and safety precautions


-Use in a well-ventilated
-Can cause severe eye and lung irritation.
Ammonia -If mixed with bleach, can form poisonous chlorine
-Do not mix with bleach.
-Wear eye protection.
-Never mix with toilet
-Can produce a poisonous gas if mixed with other cleaners or ammonia.
cleaners. -Wear gloves and eye
-Wear gloves and avoid
skin contact.
Toilet/Drain Cleaners -Can cause serious burns. -Never mix with bleach.
-Protect eyes from
possible splashes.
-Avoid direct contact.
-May cause skin and eye irritations.
-Only use in well-
Cleaning -May contain solvents that can cause headaches,
ventilated areas.
Fluids/Degreasers painful cough, dizziness, and liver or kidney
-Follow label directions
-Follow label directions
-Can irritate nasal passages if inhaled. carefully.
Aerosol Sprays
-Can cause eye irritation. -Use in well ventilated
-Use in well ventilated
Floor Waxes &
-Can irritate skin and nasal passages. area.
Furniture Polish
-Avoid skin contact.

Spill Response
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Spills are likely whenever chemicals are used. Personnel should be trained and equipped to handle most of
the spills in their work area. Most Maaden facilities have their own spill response developed and trained
personnel to handle spills. If a spill occurs follow Maaden policies and procedures and refer to emergency
response procedures in this manual.
Spill Prevention and Planning
Prevention is the best safety strategy for any environment. Use safe handling procedures and be aware of the
potential hazards associated with chemicals. For example, before working with any chemicals, review the
appropriate MSDS.
Spill Response Kit
HANDASATI work areas that contain potentially hazardous chemicals will have a chemical spill response kit.
This kit will include the following:

 Disposable laboratory/surgical gloves

 Disposable vinyl gloves
 Safety goggles
 Absorbent (e.g., spill pillows, vermiculite, litter box filler, etc.)
 Plastic scoop
 Plastic trash bags
 Managers of HANDASATI Areas where hazardous chemicals are used or stored are re-possible for
obtaining spill response supplies.
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Responding to Chemical Spills

The following sequence provides a brief overview of proper chemical response procedures:

 Notify others in the immediate area that a spill has occurred. Evacuate the area if necessary.
 Attend to injured and exposed people.
 Identify the spilled chemical(s).
 Based on the hazards and the personal protective equipment needed (e.g., respiratory protection),
determine if you can safely clean the spill or if assistance is necessary. (Most spills can be cleaned
safely by the people who were using the chemical.)

If you determine that you can safely clean the spill without emergency assistance, follow these guidelines:

 Wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment.

 Have another person stand by during the cleanup.
 Clean up the spill and collect all wastes for proper disposal.
 Ventilate the area, as necessary, before it is reoccupied.
 Decontaminate reusable cleanup supplies such as scoops, rubber boots, etc.
 Restock the chemical spill kit and return it to the normal storage location.

Do not take unnecessary risks with chemical spills. Contact emergency response personnel (110) and
HANDASATI Safety Group whenever a spill involves the following:

 Large volume of spilled material

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  Very hazardous material
 Very hazardous conditions (e.g., fire, explosion, toxicity, etc.)
 Strong odor
 Personnel injury or exposure

Chemical Storage
Proper chemical storage is as important to safety as proper chemical handling. Often, seemingly logical
storage ideas, such as placing chemicals in alphabetical order, may cause incompatible chemicals to be stored
Follow these guidelines for safe chemical storage:

 Read chemical labels and MSDSs for specific storage instructions.

 Store chemicals in a well-ventilated area; however, do not store chemicals in a fume hood.
 Maintain an inventory of all chemicals in storage.
 Return chemical containers to their proper storage location after use.
 Store glass chemical containers so that they are unlikely to be broken.
 Store all hazardous chemicals below eye level.
 Never store hazardous chemicals in a public area or corridor.
 Store hazardous chemicals only in Maaden –approved cabinets.

Separating Hazardous Chemicals

In addition to the guidelines above, there are storage requirements for separating hazardous chemicals.
Because an alphabetical storage system may place incompatible chemicals next to each other, group
chemicals according to their hazard category (i.e., acids, bases, flammables, etc.).
Follow these guidelines to ensure that hazardous chemicals are stored safely:

 Separate acids from bases. Store these chemicals near floor level.
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  Separate highly toxic chemicals and carcinogens from all other chemicals. This storage location
should have a warning label and should be locked.
 Separate acids from flammables.
 Do not keep peroxide-forming chemicals longer than twelve months.
 Flammables should be stored in an Maaden-approved flammable storage cabinet.

Receiving Chemicals
All chemicals purchased must have an MSDS. Warehouse employees are to ensure that all received
chemicals or hazardous material has an MSDS supplied by the manufacturer or distributor of the chemical.
Waste Handling & Disposal
All waste must be handled and disposed according to Maaden regulations. Before disposing of any
hazardous material, contact Maaden Environmental Protection department and HANDASATI Safety Group
for more information.
Hazardous Waste: Contact Maaden EPD for the handling, treatment and disposal of Hazardous Waste, and
coordinate with Disposal Control Point 280 to arrange procedure and schedule for disposal.
Non-Hazardous Waste: As above to arrange schedule for disposal at Collection Point 111.
Identifying Hazardous Waste
Waste is Hazardous if it is any of the following:

 Flammable
 Corrosive
 Reactive
 Toxic
 Irritant
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Always refer to the MSDS when disposing of waste or waste material – including empty containers.



This section covers Fire Prevention program to enhance awareness on

the measures to prevent fires and protect against all their possible harmful effects, in order to
avoid injury to personnel and loss of time and materials.

before the Job Starts

Construction within a petroleum industry complex requires careful planning since plants and
Support facilities being constructed are frequently next to those already in operation. An accident
At a construction site can have serious effects on a nearby oil or gas facility and vice-versa,
Because of a large amount of fuel present at both locations. The factors which must be
Considered before the job starts include:

 Site preparation
 Work permit schedules
 Types of work permits required
 type/quantity of equipment required on-site.
 As part of this process, the contractor must take into account the potential hazards that can be
 Encountered on site; protection of machinery and equipment control of ignition sources; storage

 Of flammable and combustible materials: housekeeping; staff training; and end-of-shift checks.


Good layout helps ensure the project can be carried out efficiently. Principles shall be set for the
Project layout and organization to help minimize fire risks.
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Equipment Protection

Some items of plant and equipment need special handling and care after they arrived on site and
Until they are commissioned. Guidelines shall be given to ensure protection of this equipment.

Control of Ignition Sources

In compliance with work permit procedures and conditions protects against possible ignition of oil
Or gas from process operations, HANDASATI shall also take steps to prevent ignition of construction
Materials, lubricants, and fuels used in the job itself.

Flammable Liquids

Guidelines for addressing flammable liquids shall be given in accordance with provisions for Fire
Prevention Section 11.5 Flammable Liquids and NFPA 30.

Combustible Materials

Potential fire fuels or combustibles such as packing material, scaffold plan, form lumber,
Electrical insulation, tires and other rubber goods shall require daily site clean up to reduce fire


Good housekeeping shall become an integral part of fire prevention activities.

Emergency Equipment

Each contractor has a contractual obligation to provide and maintain adequate, easily assessable
Fire extinguishers on the job site (Schedule ‘D’). HANDASATI shall consult with the
HSE Department in Conjunction with Maaden Phosphate Fire Protection Division for advice on
selection of such Equipment. Appropriate types of Fire Extinguishers shall be deployed on site
according to type of Fire hazard inherent to the area.
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Reporting a Fire

Every fire incident shall be reported to the Maaden Phosphate representative. The Fire Protection
Will inspect the area, to offer suggestions for preventing a recurrence, and to ensure the
Contractor has re-established his firefighting capability by recharging extinguishers or replacing
Equipment. The emergency telephone number shall be designated for the site and shall be
Posted throughout the work areas.

End-of-Shift Checks
Routine inspections shall be made at the end of the working day to see that everything is left
in a Safe condition with itemized checklist to ensure optimum inspection.


The purpose of this document is to describe the Crisis and Emergency Response
arrangements that will be implemented in the event of a crisis / emergency at HANADASATI
project sites, camps and offices. The document also describes the corporate support.

Organization and provides guidance and instruction to personnel involved in the management
and handling of a crisis and emergency situation.
Employees are made aware of Emergency Response Plan requirements for their respective
areas. The project HSE Manager ensures that all employees adequately trained on their
roles, responsibilities and procedures in responding to accident and emergency situations.
Training including drills (UN announced and announced), desk top training, response
equipment handling and other equipment training.

The emergency preparedness, response plan, and procedures are reviewed periodically and
after drill and occurrence of incidents or emergency situations.
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Any deviation from planned or expected behavior or course of events, which adversely
affects the health and safety of employees or visitors, property or business assets, or the

Emergency Prevention:

Prevention of an emergency is a proactive / pre-event process in which the work procedures and
the related equipment are reviewed for their potential risks, hazards and modes of failure. The
risk of each element involved in the execution of the job is assessed and certain control measures
are taken to minimize or prevent the failures.

Emergency Preparedness:
Preparedness includes all the measures taken to minimize the hazardous outcomes of an
emergency. If an emergency situation occurs it needs certain arrangements to overcome that
emergency in a safe manner. Some of the arrangements listed below:
 Preparation of Emergency Response Procedure and relevant documentation or
procedures and communication to all employees.

 Provision of emergency response equipment e.g., Sirens or Alarms, firefighting

arrangements, megaphones or speakers, SCBAs (if required) etc.,

 Establishment of an Emergency Response Teams.

 Training's to all employees including Emergency Response Team on safe work practices
and how to react in an emergency.

 Carrying out Emergency Response Drills

 Provision of certain facilities which can provide immediate aid in an emergency e.g.,
clinic, paramedic staff, ambulance etc,

 Coordination with External Emergency Res-ponders for their assistance in the event of an

 In order handle all kinds of emergencies in a professional manner, HANDASATI will

provide all necessary resources and ensure that all employees are properly trained to
respond to a crisis / emergency.
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Emergency Response Equipment:

HANDASATI project manager shall ensure All necessary emergency response

equipment (sirens or alarms, firefighting arrangements, megaphones or speakers, SCBAs,
generator, emergency lighting, warning signs, ambulance, first aid kits, detectors, spill kits,
telecommunication systems etc.) will be determined and provided.

Emergency alarm / bell / horn will be provided at conspicuous places so as to be audible

everywhere in the camp premises and worksites.

Emergency Response Training's:

HANDASATI project manager and HSE manager shall ensure All employees (including client
personnel) will be trained regarding Emergency Response Plans and how to respond to an
emergency. The emergency response instructions will also be included site induction to make all
employees aware of the actions to be taken in an emergency.

Emergency Response Drills/ Exercises:

Emergency drills will be carried out at regular intervals. These drills are necessary to make the
employees aware of how to react in an emergency. Every drills/exercise will have a scenario and
the report of these drills/exercises shall be kept. The period of the drills should be at least twice a

HANDASATI HSE manager will prepare drill report and submit to client in 5 days after the drill.
Findings from emergency drills will be recorded into action tracking system to follow-up.

General Steps to Be Taken for Emergency Preparedness:

Other than the above-mentioned facilities the following steps shall be taken to assist the
employees in case of an emergency:

 Escape routes and emergency contact numbers will be posted on visible areas to make all
personnel aware about first and very basic response. (Please see typical Emergency
Communication Instruction on Appendix-2)
 Escape routes and emergency telephone number will be marked on the doors (inside) of
living room.
 A responsible person should be appointed to account for personnel during an emergency.
 During a major emergency involving a fire, explosion, etc., it may be necessary to
evacuate offices / camps in addition to work sites.
 To account for all employees, a prearranged assembly area communicated to employees
in advance shall be marked.
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 Emergency communications will include phones, alarm systems and/or public address
systems, etc., for notifying employees of the emergency and for contacting local outside
emergency agencies.
 Warning alarms will be audible by all people in the area.

 The alarm should be distinctive and recognizable as a signal to evacuate the work area or
any action as per the plan.


 When emergency alarm is sounded for any reason,

 all HANDASATI personnel will immediately shut down their job, make it safe and proceed in an
Cross or Up wind direction by orderly manner to the designated assembly point.
 All personnel will be checked out by the responsible person administering the site. and should
assembly at a point outside the area and wait for further instructions from the Disaster

Fire and Explosion

 All employees and visitors at the site must be familiar with the action to take in event of a fire.

 Emergency Response Organization Chart will be posted on visible places in Camp, Office and site
in appropriate languages.

 Emergency exit doors of each building which is in use / occupied, will not be locked.

 A copy of all building/room keys will be kept at the Security house and also administration

General Fire Notice

If you discover a fire:

 Raise the alarm by informing the Security or pressing alarm buttons
 Do not put yourself at risk
 Do not attempt to extinguish a fire unless you think it is safe and you are trained to do
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Emergency Reporting Instructions

These instructions are to be posted at the Project site locations.

The caller is to report the Emergency by giving the following information: -


 Identify location of the ‘EMERGENCY”
 Describe the Emergency briefly, such as fire, rupture, any injuries and casualties and how many.
(if it is a fire, state type (if known) – oil, gas, chemical, electric or other).
 Give the wind direction.
 Identify yourself by giving your name, badge number, location and telephone contact number.
 Repeat the above information
 The Security Communication Dispatcher will repeat the location and description of the
Emergency to minimize the chance for error, he will also record the time the call was received.
In case of reporting casualties, he has to ask medical if more information is required.
 Do not hang up until verbal confirmation is received that the complete message has been
received and understood.
 Request assistance if needed to control the emergency from other locations, per the Traffic
Control Point Procedure.
 Request assistance from unaffected operating areas to control traffic until such time as Security


Site Specific Emergency Response Plans will be prepared by HANDASATI HSE manager for each
camp, office and worksite in 15 days after the mobilization to related area. Detailed safety
arrangements including emergency team members, emergency phone numbers, fire detection &
fighting applications, etc.

Emergency Response Plan will include methods for below emergencies as minimum:
 Medical;
 Toxic and Flammable Gas Release;
 Fire/Explosion;
 Collapse;
 Unexploded Ordnance;
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 Extreme Weather;
 Failure of Utilities;
 Location Evacuation due to Threat and Hostilities;
 Radiation incidents,
 Natural disaster.

For each individual emergency scenario, the following philosophy should be followed
when developing Plans:
 Objectives of emergency- secure personnel;
 Sound Alarm;
 Evacuation area(s);
 Complete Assembly of Personnel;
 Advise in Country authorities (where applicable);
 Recover casualties (Emergency Services);
 Identify exclusion zones;
 Complete Risk Assessment relating to Recovery;
 Demolition or investigation activities;
 Isolate equipment where necessary (high winds, extreme weather, etc.);
 Provide additional resources (material, personnel, services, etc.).

Below listed safety arrangements to be explained in emergency plans, but not limited to;
 Emergency escape routes and assembly (muster) points;
 Access routes for emergency vehicles;
 Firefighting equipment;
 Emergency contact numbers;
 Alarm locations;
 Lifesaving and rescue equipment.
 Medical evacuations (Including Emergency Helicopter Transfer protocols)


All employees and emergency response teams will be familiar with their roles and how to act to an
emergency. Roles and responsibilities of key personnel in case of an emergency are described

Emergency Response Commander (ERC)

The ERC will provide immediate support to On Scene Commanders and to Emergency Response
Teams, outlining strategy and acting as a communications link with 3rd parties.
 Inform client of the nature of the incident and keep them updated throughout.
 Ensures all persons are accounted for
 Assess the situation and classify the incident, identify and establish strategic goals and
 Give clear directions to On Scene Commander
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 Manage the incident organization
 Approve requisition and release of emergency response resources.
 Interface with client and Senior Management as necessary
 Co-ordinate emergency incident activities with local agencies
 Make decisions on the need to evacuate the whole area.

On Scene Commanders (OSC)

On Scene Commanders will be responsible persons who will be at the incident scene.
 Inform Emergency Response Commander
 Assess the situation
 Give clear directions to Emergency Response Team members
 Initially contact with the Emergency Response Commander and update him about the situation
 Receive reports from Muster Checkers and inform Emergency Response Commander of any
missing personnel.

Assembly Point Checkers

 Ensure that the Muster Point is safe and direct the people to the correct location
 Proceed to their designated Muster Point
 Count number of persons reporting to the Muster Point
 Account for personnel expected at the Muster Point
 Report any missing personnel to the On-Scene Commander
 Controls actions of personnel at Muster Point
 Co-ordinate evacuation of muster point if required

Fire Wardens

Fire wardens are responsible to raise the alarm, evacuate the buildings, and then extinguish the fire
in the shortest time in direction of On Scene Commander. Where fire wardens are unable to manage
the fire, third party assistance will attend.
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First aiders are responsible to make basic treatments to injured people, in direction of Site Doctor.

Site HSE Supervisor/ HSE Officer

 Ensure all escape routes and assembly areas are clearly marked by respective safety signs in the
field as indicated on the site plan
 Ensure arrangements for head counting in the assembly area.
 Identification and training of emergency team along with team leader.
 Setting up the schedule for emergency and evacuation drills.
 Schedule of inspection for fire-fighting and other emergency equipment.

Search & Rescue Team Leader

 Contact On Scene Commander and confirm the necessity of rescue operation.

 Search for the men lost and carryout rescue operation with the help of team members.
 Give information to On Scene Commander about the situation, at regular intervals.

Fire Fighting Team Leader

 Contact on Scene Commander and confirm the necessity of fire-fighting.

 Carry out fire-fighting operation with the help of team members.
 If fire is uncontrollable inform On Scene Commander and take further instructions.


 All employees should remain thorough of the prevailing emergency response procedures.
 The person first aware of the emergency shall sound alarm.
 All employees shall proceed to Muster Point through the emergency escape route earmarked.
 Employees can disperse, after the On-Scene Commander declares the termination of emergency.
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The purpose of this section is to establish a routine for health, safety and environmental audits
and Inspections. To determine whether the program has been properly implemented and
maintained. Provide feedback on the results of previous audits conducted for management review.
To determine The Company HSE policy and objectives is effectively meet.

Planned Inspections

Regular planned inspection shall be performed to assist and identify hazards that may lead
directly to near-miss, accidents and other form of loss. These inspections involved the systematic
examination of facilities, equipment, tools and materials.

All planned inspection HSE Inspection shall be recorded on checklist pertinent to the facility
being inspected. The HSE Manager shall monitor and maintain the progress of completing
Actions from the inspection via the action tracking registry.


The Safety Reports and Inspection Forms are available in HANDASATI SMS Program.
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Completed inspection forms shall file and retained for reference for a period of two years. This will
allow cross-reference of inspection and provide a history of inspection to designed authorities.

The following records shall be maintained at job site. It will be filed properly and be made available for
review and copies.

 Weekly Safety Tool Box Meeting

 Accident/Incident Reports
 near Miss Reports
 First Aid Log
 Labor Injury Report
 Monthly Accident Summary
 Employee Physical Record.
 Weekly Site Inspection
 Material Safety Data Sheet
 Equipment Certification
 Equipment Operator’s Qualification
 Equipment Inspection Records
 Crane
 Vehicles
 Wire Rope/Sling Inspection Records
 Employee Training Records/Certifications
 Permit Procedure
 Gas Detection
 H2S
 First Aid
 Designated Competent Persons
 Copy of Drivers / Operators Licenses
 Basic Safety Rules / Regulations – Signed
 Safety Orientation - Signed

Records of Monthly Safety Committee and Bi-Monthly Supervisory Staff Meetings

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The purpose of this procedure is to define and document all health and safety related aspects, impacts
and risks at HANDASATI.

This procedure ensures that all health and safety related aspects of the company’s operations and
activities are identified and the significance of their impacts is assessed to permit improvement
objectives and the implementation of necessary control measures.

This also includes a register of health and safety aspects and impacts to demonstrate compliance with
the requirements of OHSAS 18001.

This Procedure applies to all activities being carried out by HANDASATI and its sub-
contractors while performing construction, commissioning and installations activities at
site/ offices/ yards.



 Ensure that systems are implemented to maintain compliance with all applicable Health, Safety
& Environment regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the standards.

Corporate HSE Manager

 Responsible for reviewing and updating the health and safety risk register. This shall be
undertaken on particular basis and also following the introduction of new system, change to
any process, or when existing risk control measure are not considered adequate i.e. following
any accident/incident.
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Impact - Effect on the organization’s policy commitments and objectives, its interested parties, the
organization itself and/or on the environment.

Risk - Likelihood of an event occurring and the consequence of that event will have an impact on the

NOTE 1: Risk is normally determined in terms of combination of the likelihood of an event and its

NOTE 2: An event may be the occurrence of an aspect with the associated impact as its consequences.

Process - Sets of interrelated or interacting activities which transform inputs into outputs.
Note: Processes may be classified in a number of different ways. A distinction is sometimes made
between operational processes which are directly concerned with the planned outputs of the
organization, and management processes which provide the framework that enables the operational
processes to take place.

Job safety analysis: A formal process to identify the dangers of specific job tasks in order to
reduce the risk of injury to workers. It involves breaking down the steps of performing a job,
identifying hazards at each step, and creating controls to keep workers safe while performing that task.
A job safety analysis is sometimes referred to as a job hazard analysis, or JHA.

Risk assessment: A formal process to identify potential hazards related to an activity or operation,
analyze the level of risk associated with those hazards, and propose controls to reduce the level of risk.
Oftentimes, a risk assessment will use a risk scoring system to assign numerical value to each risk
depending on the severity and likelihood it will occur.

sometimes made between operational processes which are directly concerned with the planned outputs
of the organization, and management processes which provide the framework that enables the
operational processes to take place.


The various Health, Safety and Environment aspects/risks are identified and rated using the separate
rating criterion. Environment aspect has separate criterion that is written a different procedure. The
cut off score for environmental aspect and safety risk are different.
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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

The Management Representative (MR) along with Core Team is responsible for carrying out an annual
review of the overall hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA) of all construction operations
and activities of HANDASATI.

 Hazards are defined as those operations or activities over which the HANDASATI has either
control or significant influence and which have the capacity to affect the health and safety of
the personnel.

 Separate reviews shall be carried out as required to assess the hazards related to any new
projects, intended changes in construction operational practice, alterations to legislation and
other foreseeable factors.

 The results of all reviews shall be recorded in the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Form / Register. The M.R. is responsible for ensuring that this document is kept up to date.

 The annual review shall be timed to produce a list of prioritized hazards for consideration
during the setting of HSE objectives and targets for the following year.

Assessment of the Significance of Hazards/Risks

In order to identify the hazards which have likely to have an impact to the health and safety of the
workers, screening of activities was carried out during initial status review based on the following:

 Study of all routine, non-routine and emergency activities

 Study of all processes and operations carried out in the construction operations

 Study previous accident reports including accident/incident investigation reports

 Study inputs from Safety Audits, Routine Inspection, Minutes of the Safety Meetings, etc.

 Study of existing HSE procedures and practices

 Review of facilities available at work sites

 Study of activities of all people having access to the work site (employees, contractors and
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 Study of hazards posed by chemicals being stored, handled and processed

 In order to objectively analyze and assess the risks, rating criteria is considered. The ratings
thus derived are recorded in appropriate columns in the Risk Register

 The ratings are multiplied to arrive at the Risk Score

 Based on these significant hazards and the policy statement, suitable Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) Objectives are formulated in order to manage the OHS Hazards in the
construction operations.
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The detailed process flowchart for the completion of a RA is shown in Figure 1 below. The
following sections provide supporting descriptions of each stage in the process.
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Risk rating and identify standard control measures

The next phase is to assess the level of the risk associated with the task, using a risk matrix table. The
RA team shall rate the risk for each hazard and hazard effect identified and written on the RA form.
The risk rating shall be specified using the terms shown in the Risk Matrix by assessing the likelihood
of Occurrence (P) and the Consequences of the hazard (C), in order to give an overall risk rating (R):
P*C=R. The evaluation of the consequence shall be qualitative, and the consequences shall be
classified according to the following matrix:

Harm to Down- Environment Assets Impact on
people Time Effect Damage reputation
1 Negligible Slight injury None Slight effect Slight Slight impact
or Health damage
effects (no
loss days )
2 Minor minor injury 1-3 days Minor effect Minor Limited
or Health damage Impact
3 Significant Major injury 1-7 days Local effect Local Considerable
or Health damage impact
4 Severe Single Major effect Major National
fatality or > 4 damage impact
Permanent Weeks
5 Catastrophic Multiple < 1 Massive Extensive Internationa
fatalities month effect damage l impact
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Guidance on the consequences and probability of particular hazard are based around the
simple matrix below
1 Very An incident which is not expected to occur under any normal
Unlikely circumstances and would only result from a combination of extremely
improbable factors. The probability of an “Unlikely” incident occurring is
regarded as less frequent than 10-5 per year.
2 Unlikely An incident is not expected to occur under normal circumstances but may
occur under exceptional circumstances. The probability of a “Remote”
incident occurring is regarded as being between 10-5 and 10-4 per year.
3 Possible An incident which has the possibility of occurring under normal
circumstances. The probability of a “Possible” incident occurring is
regarded as being between 10-4 and 10-2 per year.
4 Likely An incident which is likely to occur at some point or regularly during
normal circumstances and would require no extraordinary factors for its
occurrence. The probability of a “Probable” incident occurring is regarded
as being between 10-2 and 10-1 per year.
5 Very An incident which is almost certain going occur during normal
Likely circumstances if conditions remain unchanged. The probability of a “Very
Likely” incident occurring is regarded as being between 10-1 and 1 per


RISK MATRIX 1 2 3 4 5
Very Unlikely Possible Likely Very
Unlikely Likely
1 Negligible 1 2 3 4 5

2 Minor 2 4 6 8 10

3 Significant 3 6 9 12 15

4 Severe 4 8 12 16 20

5 Catastrophic5 10 15 20 25
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Risks are categorized as High, Medium, Moderate or Low depending on the score achieved
by multiplying consequence and probability. The risk value is indicated as follows:

6 ≤ R ≤ 25 High risk: is necessary to identify and plan improvements with protection

and prevention measures to reduce both the likelihood that the potential
harm (*). Execution time : immediate
9 ≤ R ≤ 15 Medium risk: is necessary to identify and plan improvements with
protection and prevention measures to reduce the likelihood "P" or the
potential consequence "C". Execution time : within one month
1≤R≤8 Moderate risk: is necessary to verify that potential hazards are under
control, and possibly improve the measures already in place. Execution
time : within three months
1≤R≤2 Low risk: potential hazards are under control. Execution time : within six
(*) The accident with risk of fatal consequences, even if improbable, is considered a priority in
scheduling preventive measure.

Process Step Deliverable: Updated risk assessment form to include the risk rating assessment.

Identify additional controls

The next step is to confirm whether the standard control measures identified for the work are sufficient,
or whether additional controls / risk reduction measures are required. These may result from the work
itself, the conditions that apply at the worksite, restrictions due to weather, effects of other work in the
area, etc. Once all the standard controls to reduce the risk have been identified, the RA team should revisit
the risk evaluation matrix to determine whether the level of residual risk is acceptable. Acceptability shall
be based on the following criteria:

 If the risk level with standard controls is low, additional controls would not normally be
 If the risk level with standard controls is medium, the RA team shall consider carefully whether
additional controls can be provided to reduce the risk.
 If the risk level with standard controls is high, additional controls must be identified to reduce
the risk to a level no greater than medium. High risk cases may require specific RA or additional
studies that will be part of the overall RA documentation; those must be part of the communication
to the workforce.
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 If it is not possible to identify controls that reduce the risk below high, or if the RA team
considers that the risk level is unacceptable even if assessed as medium, the task must not be

Process Step Deliverable: Updated risk assessment form to include residual risk rating and the
additional control measures. During the risk assessment process described above all control
measures must be considered in the following order of preference:


1 Eliminate the risk by removing the hazard – “design out” the problem at the source
2 Reduce the risk by substitution of a less hazardous process, activity or substance
3 Isolate by effective controls such as enclosing the hazard, removing the person
from the hazard or reducing the person’s exposure time to the hazard
4 Install protective devices such as guards, emergency stops and trip switches etc
5 Enforce Permit-to-Work, special rules and procedures to closely control the
6 Provide proper supervision, supported by training, instruction and relevant
7 Provide Personal Protective Equipment only as a “last resort” and in support of the
above control measures
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HANDASATI shall provide for medical care of its employees according to requirements established by
the Saudi Arabian Government Ministry of Health (MOH) and Saudi Arabian Labour Law Articles 134
& 135,
A qualified Industrial Nurse will be provided at the First Aid Clinic on the project if 50 or more
employees are on the site and an ambulance, properly supplied and marked, will be dedicated to
transport injured site personnel to the nearest health care facility or to the HANDASATI clinic. The site
First Aid facility will be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times.

Under HANDASATI policy, all employees are covered with health insurance. HANDASATI have
contracted adequate number of reputed Health Care Providers at various locations within Saudi

The minimum requirements that the first aid facility will contain include

A desk, telephone, hot & cold water, wash basin, examining table, air conditioner, adequate lighting,
splints for bone fractures, bandages and sterile wash water in clinic and dust tight medical supply
First aid supplies shall be kept available in a cabinet designed only for those supplies. The cabinet
shall be placed under the charge of the qualified nurse, who shall ensure the cabinet is well stocked at
all times.
1. A sufficient number of not less than 12 sterile, small-size finger dressings.
2. A sufficient number of not less than 6 sterile medium-size hand dressings.
3. A sufficient number of not less than 6 sterile large-size hand dressings.
4. A sufficient supply of absorbent cotton wool for packing and firming up splints. Such supply shall
not be less than 200 grams of cotton wool in small 25-gram packages.
5. A sufficient number of not less than 12 gauze bandages 7 cm. in width.
6. A sufficient number of not less than 12 gauze bandages 11 cm. in width.
7. Not less than 4 yards of adhesive tape in rolls, 1 cm. in width.
8. Not less than 100 grams of Mercurochrome in aqueous solution.
9. Two 10-gram shakers of sulfa powder for sterilization of wounds.
10. 100 grams of aromatic ammonia solution in a glass bottle with a glass stopper.
11. A medium-sized Thomas’ thigh splint, a wooden posterior leg splint, a wooden elbow splint, a
wooden Carr splint for the forearm, a wooden palm splint, and other types of ready-to-use splints.
12. A minimum of 6 triangle bandages, a minimum of safety pins.
13. Ointment for burns containing a disinfectant and an analgesic.
14. A minimum of ten 70x70 bandages for burns and a pair of scissors with blunt ends.
15. A sufficient number of stretchers for moving injuries persons.
Note: The above quantity will be adjusted based on the total number of workers.
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The primary purpose for this HSE incentive Plan is to provide a vehicle to involve all project personnel
in the safe and healthy execution of the site project activities and avoid injury or environmental
The intention of this incentive Plan is to provide a positive attitude towards Health, Safety & the
Environment by bringing about rewards and awards for a considerable and commendable behavioral
achievement on site HSE. The Plan is intended to be flexible and active throughout the project
execution phase, hence any adjustments determined and agreed by both HANDASATI and the client
shall initiate for the Plan to be reviewed in order to ensure that all affected personnel are influenced
positively by the implementation of this Plan.

This HSE Incentive Plan is applicable to all HANDASATI employees and its lower tier personnel under
its subcontractors, all of whom must be assigned in promotional period of this HSE Incentive Plan.


The following are terms in which the Plan operates:
The incentive Plan participants include all HANDASATI personnel the participants may be
'Grouped' according to the following:
 Discipline (i.e. Electrical, Mechanical, Civil
 Craft (i.e. Technicians, Semi-skilled, Labor)
 Work Area group (e.g. Substation #, Pump station #, etc.
The particular grouping per season of incentive period is will be decided upon by the joint
concession of HANDASATI,

Award Selection Committee (3-Men Safety Promotion Team)

A 3-Men Safety Promotion Team will evaluate and recommend the personnel who will be awarded
with the specific award portions of the incentive Plan. These teams will also be assigned to a work
area or work group to determine whether the observed group is eligible for a 'Safe Behavior Group
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Performance Award'.

The team shall be comprised of the following key staff:

 A HANDASATI Supervisor or Foreman
 Maaden PMT

17.3.3 Award Plan Description

The Plan is based on rewarding the positive, proactive safe behavior. The Plan is composed of the
following four parts:
A minimum of every Project-Quarter (3 months project-based period), HSE awards may be given to
selected HANDASATI personnel or its subcontractor for 'Safe Realization of Work', in exception of the
'On-the-spot HSE Award' which is given on an instantaneous manner. The awards are:
 'Man, of the Month' Award
 Safe Behavior Group Performance Award
 Project Site HSE Milestone Achievement Award
 On-the-spot HSE award
HANDASATI project operations shall recommend on the forms of incentive, which may be such as paid
leave, cash amount, salary adjustment, etc., subject upon approval of HANDASATI management.
All above awards shall be recommended by the Award Selection Committee and approved by HANDASATI
As part of the overall Plan, awards that have not been distributed due to disqualification or non-eligibility
shall be reserved for the next project incentive season period.
Resumption of the HSE incentive program may be done upon the recommendation of HANDASATI project
operations and the Client.
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The purpose of this procedure is to give guidance on the actions that should be taken in the event of
health and safety violations.

This Procedure will be involved to address failure to comply with the required standards of conduct
or behavior, or failure to achieve the required standard of work due to an employee's negligence,
willful misbehavior or willful disregard for company rules or other procedures
 To Identify and focus on the critical risks which have resulted in fatal or serious accidents.
 United HANDASATI will always strive to prevent unsafe acts and unsafe behavior.
 Prevent fatal and serious accidents.
 Paradigm shift from compliance to “Safety is Non-Negotiable” culture.
NOTE- No disciplinary action will be taken against an employee until the circumstances have been
fully investigated.

Vviolation Categorization
The following is the sequences of the Warning Letter level to be issued to employees with
respect to the severity and seriousness of the violation or offense:

Sr. No. Warning Letter Severity Level Class of Safety Violation

1 Verbal Minor
2 First Medium
3 Second High
4 Third & Last (Suspension up to termination) Severe

HR manager will keep a copy of file notes and disciplinary letters on the individual’s HR file like verbal
and written. In the case, the employee has done three violations, then the employee is subjected for
suspension/ termination as per the decision of PDC.
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Violation Disciplinary Action
1 Breaking Company Golden rules First violation: Termination
Not to comply with the work hours without permission and reported First violation: written warning
2 justification Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Racism, discrimination, insulting people’s religions, beliefs, traditions.
3 First: Termination
Swearing, lying, threatening, and fighting.
Manipulating personnel and organizing them to leave work, encourage
4 personnel to rise up against company and project managements, First: Termination
collectively acting and demonstrating as a group.
Stealing company’s goods, damaging company’s equipment and materials,
5 First: Termination
tolerate equipment and material damages.
Disobedience and noncompliance to company supervisors and higher
6 administrators. Swearing, disrespecting, insulting to superiors, hitting, First: Termination
beating and fighting superiors.
Not finishing the job within a reasonable time. Slowing the job without a
7 First: Termination
valid mandatory reason, consciously delaying the job.
Disobedience and non-compliance to the rules, regulations, instructions and First violation: written warning
8 policies of the UEN Company. Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Not using Personal Protective Equipment and other protective equipment First violation: written warning
9 according to hazards of the works performed. Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Using tobacco products in prohibited and enclosed areas First violation: written warning
10 Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Breaking UEN Company’s alcohol and substance abuse policy First violation: written warning
11 Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Not attending meetings conducted and announced by the units of the First violation: written warning
12 project and/or Company managements. Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Removing, changing and relocating the safety signs, bulletin boards, written First violation: written warning
13 instructions and informative panels without information and permission of Second: written warning
the project HSE unit. Third: Termination
Disobedience site traffic rules First violation: written warning
14 Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Causing personnel to be injured, die or disable by not taking HSE
15 First: Termination
precautions or by non-complying HSE rules.
Not attending training sessions/ TBT meetings, informative meetings without First violation: written warning
16 a valid reason. Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Consciously removing guards/ safety devices from the hand tools and First violation: written warning
17 machines Second: written warning
Third: Termination
Not submitting accidents and incidents, giving wrong and incomplete
18 First: Termination
information, hiding evidences within scene and destroy the evidences.
Going to the project site without receiving induction training First violation: written warning
19 Second: written warning
Third: Termination
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20 Not using or removing training tags on hard hats First violation: written warning
Second: written warning
Third: Termination
21 Not taking fire preventive measures or violating fire preventing rules. First violation: written warning
Second: written warning
Third: Termination
22 Having or causing traffic accidents First: Termination
23 Driving vehicle or operating heavy equipment without having driving First: Termination
license or operator certificate
24 Leaving the project area and camp without having written First violation: written warning
permission Second: written warning
Third: Termination
25 Performing a different job than assigned job First violation: written warning
Second: written warning
Third: Termination


19.1 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to give safety and health guidance to prevent injury and suffering
from the effects of heat to HANDASATI employees and its subcontractors who are exposed to direct
sunlight and hot working environment in Site.

This procedure describes the minimum requirements for recognizing, evaluating and preventing heat-
related illnesses at work locations. HANDASATI Site HSE Department shall facilitate and provide
employee training, program evaluation, and guidance.

19.2 Responsibilities

19.3 Site Management, Supervisors and Foremen

A. When the potential for heat-related illness exists, assigned personnel shall monitor the
environmental conditions (e.g., air temperature, relative humidity) and communicate the current
heat stress danger category and corresponding control measures to Project Manager, Safety
Manager, Medical Staff and Maaden Phosphate (MP) representative.

B. Document heat stress mitigation measures in the specific work plan, which shall specify work
practices to be implemented at the site to avoid heat-related illness during periods of high heat
stress potential and may include the following:

 Scheduling the most strenuous work during the coolest times of the day (e.g., early morning
and evening/night).
 Providing measures such as shading and local ventilation when work in direct sunlight is
 Monitoring employees for symptoms of heat-related illness.

 Rotating workers in and out of hot areas, as possible.

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 Communicating locations of designated break/recovery areas, emergency reporting
procedures and nearest medical facilities to workers.

 Scheduling work/rest rotations for workers according to the current heat index, which is
based on temperature and relative humidity (see Appendix A).

 Adjusting work/execution plans (e.g., use mechanical/powered equipment to replace manual

labor), as practical.

C. Do not let schedule or productivity demands supersede heat stress awareness or controls used to
prevent heat-related illness.

D. Conduct periodic (e.g., weekly) safety meetings/talks during hot weather emphasizing heat
stress hazards and precautions, with added emphasis on this risk during Ramadan if it occurs in

E. Display educational information related to heat stress conditions, illness/symptoms and

preventive measures (e.g., Appendices A and B) on bulletin boards and break/recovery areas, etc.
In addition, distribute heat stress information at safety meetings/talks, etc., in a form suitable for
workers (e.g., laminated pocket cards).

F. Schedule heat stress training and monitor new workers and workers returning from vacation
to ensure they acclimatize at a progressive, controlled rate to the change in environmental

G. Provide drinking water stations (e.g., coolers with chilled or ice water) for workers and remind
them to drink plenty of water even if not thirsty.

H. Replenish drinking water supplies as needed to ensure availability and provide more frequent
collection of sanitary wastewaters from portable

I. Provide personal water bottles or insulated containers (2-liter capacity) to workers as needed
(e.g., during high heat stress danger categories).

J. Provide designated shaded and cool areas for periodic “cool down” breaks and recovery from
minor heat-related illness. Where possible, these areas are to be air conditioned.

K. Monitor the heat-related health condition of employees, as well as the effectiveness of any
engineering/administrative controls and personal protective equipment (PPE) being used.

L. Be able to recognize early signs and symptoms of heat-related illness and take appropriate
action to prevent serious heat illness (see Appendix B).
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M. Respond appropriately to any heat-related illness.

N. Be knowledgeable of emergency reporting and response procedures, including the location of

the nearest medical facility with a qualified medical doctor who can provide proper treatment for
a victim of severe heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

19.4 Employees

A. Follow instructions for controlling heat stress, including taking periodic “cool down” breaks and
drinking enough water (see Appendix A). Begin drinking water early in the day.

B. Wear appropriate clothing (e.g., light colored, lightweight, breathable, loose clothing is best).

C. Know and be alert for signs/symptoms of heat-related illnesses in themselves and others. See
Appendix B.

D. Take appropriate action upon developing symptoms of heat cramps, heat exhaustion or heat
stroke. See Appendix B.

19.5 Heat Stress Danger Category

 When the potential for heat-related illness exists, the actual heat index (see Appendix A) shall
be periodically determined (e.g., every hour) at the work site using calibrated weather
monitoring equipment. In the absence of local environmental monitoring, air temperature and
relative humidity may be obtained at a nearby location within Saudi Arabia. Use of this
website, etc., shall not absolve HANDASATI and its subcontractors from the obligation to
provide its own independent weather monitoring equipment.

 The heat stress danger category, obtained from the current heat index (see Appendix A), shall
be declared at the job site when the potential for heat-related illness exists.

 The heat stress danger category (see Appendix A) shall be used to determine control measures
as specified in this chapter.

 The current heat stress danger category and corresponding control measures shall be
communicated to employees as conditions change (e.g., by use of color-coded flags,
information signs, mass distribution of SMS mobile phone text messages to site supervisors
and other personnel in SA non-restricted areas).
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19.6 Control of Heat Stress

During periods of high heat stress potential (i.e., danger category III or IV in Appendix

A) at the work site, the following measures shall be implemented as applicable to control heat
stress. As with any hazard, feasible engineering controls are the primary control measure,
followed by administrative (work practice) controls and personal protective controls, in that
order of preference.

19.7 Engineering Controls

A. Shade
Designated shaded break/rest areas shall be provided at a distance not greater than 100 m (330 ft)
from personnel working in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. When feasible, shade is to be
provided for work areas, including single shades to accommodate flagmen, etc.

B. Local Ventilation
When the air temperature is less than 37 °C (99 °F), fans or portable air movers may be used to
reduce heat stress by increasing the air flow in the work area.

C. Portable Air-Cooling Systems

Portable blowers with built-in air chillers shall be used as needed (e.g., when confined spaces and
enclosed work areas have ambient temperatures exceeding 43 °C [110 °F]) to provide cooling for
confined spaces and similar enclosed work areas.

19.8 Administrative Controls

A. Scheduling
Schedule work for the cooler times of the day, especially during the month of Ramadan if it falls in the

B. Acclimatization
Deliberate acclimatization shall be used to expose new employees to work in a hot environment for
progressively longer periods. New employees in jobs where heat levels may produce heat stress shall
be exposed to 20% of normal exposure on day one, with a 20% increase in exposure each additional

C. Water Replacement (Hydration)

Workers shall be encouraged to drink plenty of water prior to the start of each shift. Ample supplies of
cool drinking water shall be located within 100 m (330 ft) walking distance of each worker and in all
designated break/rest areas. Workers shall drink small amounts of water on a frequent basis based on
the actual heat index at the work site (see Appendix A). Sports drinks, juices and electrolyte
replacement/rehydration mixes may also be made available to workers in order to help maintain the
body’s water and salt levels. However, workers shall not consume more of these drinks than plain
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water. Workers shall not take salt tablets due to potential adverse side effects (e.g., nausea/vomiting,

D. Work/Rest Rotations
Work and rest rotations shall be based on the actual heat index at the work site. See Appendix A. Work
rotations shall be established for workers performing remote activities in high heat stress exposures
(e.g., flagmen). Workers shall be allowed additional break time and water as they deem necessary for
their health.

E. Personal Monitoring
Employees shall work in teams and shall observe each other for signs of diminished capacity and heat-
related illness. Prescribed check times and monitoring controls shall be used to determine whether a
worker is experiencing diminished capacity or symptoms of heat stress.

F. Red Heat Stress Danger Category IV Work Practices

The following additional precautions shall be taken while a red heat stress danger category IV,
“Extreme Danger,” (see Appendix A) exists at the work site:

 Competent supervisor and site management shall assess the risks associated with work to be
performed in direct sunlight for an extended period of time. Based on the resulting risk
assessment, HANDASATI management shall determine if the work shall continue if it does not fall
in the following categories:

(1) deemed necessary for continuing activities and/or plant operations

(2) emergency maintenance or
(3) rescue operations.

 Engineering controls such as shade and ventilation/cooling systems are required for work
activities that involve increased risk (e.g., work in confined spaces, at elevated locations or
involving high physical exertion).

 Workers exhibiting symptoms of serious heat-related illness shall immediately seek medical
attention and be allowed to fully recover before returning to work.

 Workers shall be provided break periods during work activities. The duration and number of
breaks shall be established during the daily work planning based on type of work activities and
control measures provided. Work durations shall be monitored to ensure proper breaks are taken.

 Workers shall be advised to drink one cup of water every 10 minutes. Each worker shall be
provided with his own personal water bottle/insulated container (2-liter capacity) and have it
with him at all times. A “no water, no work” policy shall be strictly adhered to.
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 No person shall work alone (i.e., isolated) while a red heat stress danger category IV condition
exists at the work site.

 Extra precautions shall be taken when flame-resistant clothing (FRC) are required to be worn
while a red heat stress danger category IV exists at the work site, as such fabrics can intensify heat
stress. Other types of fabrics which may increase heat stress (e.g., polyester, nylon) shall not be
worn while a danger category IV exists at the work site.

G. Recovery
Any employee experiencing symptoms of a heat-related illness (see Appendix B) shall be allowed to
fully recover in an appropriate recovery area before returning to work. Recovery areas shall be
shaded, cool and supplied with water. Victims of severe heat exhaustion or heat stroke shall be
immediately evacuated to the nearest medical facility with a qualified medical doctor who can provide
proper treatment. Such incidents shall be properly reported.

H. Special Considerations during Ramadan

Appropriate planning and heat stress mitigation measures shall be incorporated into the specific work
plan (e.g., Job Safety Analysis) for workers who are fasting during Ramadan if it occurs during the
summer. Supplies of cool drinking water shall be made available for workers as needed during
Ramadan (e.g., for a worker experiencing symptoms of a heat-related illness).

I. Other Administrative Controls

Other administrative controls shall be used as appropriate to reduce heat stress, including using
powered equipment to replace manual labor, limiting worker occupancy duration within confined
areas and modifying work plans.

19.9 Personal Protective Controls

A. Ice Cooling Garments

Commercially available ice vests, neck/wrist wraps, etc., may be provided to employees as needed
(e.g., who work for extended periods inside a confined space during hot weather). Ice packets shall be
replaced as required.

B. Clothing

Light colored, lightweight, breathable clothing that covers as much of the body as possible, including
the head, shall be worn when working in direct sunlight. Since FRC and other synthetic fabrics (e.g.,
polyester, nylon) increase heat stress, appropriate planning and mitigation measures shall be
incorporated into the specific work plans (e.g., Job Safety Analysis) for personnel wearing this type of
clothing while working in conditions with a high heat stress potential.

C. Wetted Clothing/Towels
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During periods of high heat stress potential, employers are to provide employees with wetted terry
cloth towels and/or allow them to wet their normal work clothes as necessary to provide cooling for
their body. Cool water supplies (not ice water) separate from drinking water shall be used for this
purpose (e.g., containers of clean water with a faucet/spigot for sanitary distribution, instead of

19.10 Training

51.6.1 Heat stress awareness training shall be provided just before and during the hot summer
months to all applicable personnel (e.g., who work outdoors) and those who manage
personnel and have responsibilities for establishing heat stress mitigation measures.

Heat stress awareness training shall include the following elements:

 Hazards of heat stress.

 Recognition of signs and symptoms of heat stress. See Appendix B.
 First aid procedures for heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses.
 Employee responsibilities in avoiding/responding to heat-related illness.
 Supervisor responsibilities in avoiding/responding to heat-related illness.
 Dangers of the use of drugs, including prescription and over-the counter medicines, in hot
work environments.
 Measures employees can take to minimize the effects of heat stress (hydration, work pace,
use of wet towels, good nutritional habits, etc.).
 Personal monitoring and buddy system controls.

 Training shall emphasize that heat stress can affect an individual’s ability to reason
clearly. This may cause a person to fail to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat stress.
For this reason, self-monitoring shall be augmented by prescribed check times and
monitoring controls.

 Check times are intervals at which a heat stress-trained supervisor or observer (including
a coworker) checks to see if there are obvious symptoms of heat-related illness or if there
is any sense of diminished capacity in himself and his coworkers, rather than waiting for
symptoms to appear.

 First aid and other emergency res-ponders shall be properly trained in the recognition
and treatment of heat-related illnesses
Appendix A
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Appendix B
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Heat Related Illnesses

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1. Heat Cramps

Although heat cramps are not dangerous, they are an early warning sign for heat exhaustion and
that the body’s ability to cope with heat is being exceeded.

• Occurs when the body loses too much salt through sweating.
• Attributed to an electrolyte imbalance caused by sweating.

Symptoms include:
• Painful cramping of the muscles (e.g., arms, legs or stomach).
• Hot, moist skin.
• Slightly elevated body temperature.

Treatment includes:
• Stop all activity.
• Rest in a cool, shaded area (e.g., designated break/recovery area).
• Loosen clothing, Drink water.
• If symptoms persist, seek medical aid.

Another early indication that heat stress conditions may be present is the appearance of heat rash, which
is an itchy rash that occurs when the skin becomes swollen and plugs the sweat glands. This is not a life-
threatening condition.

2. Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is the body’s response to an excessive loss of water and salt by sweating. Heat exhaustion
poses a higher risk to older employees and those with coronary artery disease or emphysema (a lung
condition causing breathing impairment).

 Occurs when the fluids and/or salt lost in sweating are not replaced.
 Enlarged surface blood vessels.

Symptoms include:
 Heavy sweating, Intense thirst and cool, moist skin.
 Weakness and dizziness, Headache and blurred vision.
 Nausea and vomiting, Pale or flushed appearance.
 Mood changes such as irritability or confusion, Rapid pulse and Fainting.

Treatment includes:
 Move the victim to a cool, shaded area (e.g., designated break/recovery area).
 Call for medical help.
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  Loosen the victim’s clothing, Remove unnecessary clothing.
 Shower or sponge the victim’s skin with cool water.
 Have the victim drink water or sport drinks that have electrolytes (e.g., Gatorade).

1. Heat exhaustion can rapidly progress to heat stroke if not properly treated. People suffering from heat
exhaustion must not be expected to take care of themselves because they may lack coordination and
become confused. Heat exhaustion requires fast response to prevent worsening heat stress problems.
2. Remember that sweating only cools the body if the sweat evaporates. If it cannot evaporate, it cannot
cool. Thus, even under moderate or cool working conditions, it is possible to suffer heat stress if you are
inside protective clothing that interferes with your body’s cooling or working in high-humidity
3. Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is a medical emergency and death or permanent tissue damage may occur if treatment is
not given promptly. Collapse is often misinterpreted as a heart attack or head injury.

 Occurs when the body no longer sweats and holds so much heat such that the body’s system of
temperature regulation fails and body temperature reaches dangerous levels.
 Body depleted of salt and water.

Symptoms include:
 Dry, hot skin with no sweating.
 High body temperature (above 40 °C [103 °F]).
 Strong, rapid pulse, Chills, Weakness, nausea, vomiting.
 Mental confusion, Seizures or convulsions, Collapse, loss of consciousness.

Treatment includes:

 Immediately call or arrange for professional medical help.

 Cool the victim down as much as possible while waiting for medical help:

Move the victim immediately to a cool, shaded area.

Loosen or remove heavy clothing.
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Have the victim lie flat with feet elevated
Fan and mist the victim’s body with water.
Monitor the victim’s breathing.
Have the victim drink water or sport drinks that have electrolytes (e.g., Gatorade).
Do not give fluids if the victim is unconscious.


 Sometimes, heat stoke occurs after the person has already developed heat exhaustion, but
heat stroke can also strike suddenly with little warning.
 Regardless of the worker’s protest, no person suspected of being ill from heat stroke
shall be sent home or left unattended unless/until a medical doctor has specifically
approved such an action.

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