Timothy The Youth Trained in Scripture

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures


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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

23. PA S S I O N A N D W I S D O M F O R S O U L
Copyright © Pastor Paul 2019 24. PRAISE-WORSHIP FOR THE HOLY GOD.
First Published - July 2019 25. DENOMINATIONALISM IN THE LIGHT OF
Printed, published and distributed by VICTORY TO THE RIGHTEOUS - THE JUST

Behind Federal Government College, Kwali, FUTURE.

F.C.T. Abuja, Nigeria.
+234(0)8136356813; +234(0)8056834323 30. SUPERIORITY OF CHRISTIANITY OVER

E-mail: holinessrevivalmovement@gmail.com OTHER RELIGIONS ON EARTH.

www.holinessrevivalmovementworldwide.com 32. TIMOTHY: THE YOUTH TRAINED IN

ii 57
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures


The Power Of The Scriptures In Character
HAND. Molding 1
15. THE PASSION FOR PURITY. 1.1 Do Not Despise Your Youth 2
16. DILIGENT PERSUASION ON OTHERS FOR 1.2 Timothy Received Apostolic
HEAVEN BOUND CHRISTIANITY. Exhortation to Study The Word 9
17. COURAGE AND BOLDNESS OF HOLINESS 1.3 My Personal Study And Prayer In
PREACHERS. Ministry 12
18. THE DOCTRINE OF SANCTIFICATION AND 1.4 Study The Word to Be Strong and
HOLINESS. Victorious. 15
19. SERVING GOD IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND 1.5 The word is required for daily
holiness. 18
21. PROPHETIC REVELATION ON PROMINENT Timothy Submitted to Leadership
22. TRUTH, HOLINESS AND REWARD IN 2.1 Timothy's Unquestionable Loyalty 22
CHRISTIAN GIVING. 2.2 Timothy Was Fully Available For
Ministry 27

56 iii
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures


2.3 Timothy Was Faithful to The End 31
Holiness Revival Movement Is The
3.1 A Testimonies from Liberia 36
3.2 The presence of Jesus in Youth
Conference 38
3.3 Join The Holiness Movement 39 7. A GENERATION IN QUEST FOR MIRACLES.
3.4 Be Prepared For Persecution 45 8. THE PERIL OF IGNORANCE AMONG
3.5 The Eyes of the Lord are on CHRIST’S FOLLOWERS.
Holiness 50 9. S C R I P T U R A L E X A M I N AT I O N O F

iv 55
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures


( a . k . a ) H O L I N E S S R E V I VA L M O V E M E N T Introduction

denominational Ministry given to the promotion of his book centres on the young man,
biblical Righteousness and Holiness in Churches and
Nations of the world through Crusades, Conferences,
Timothy in the scripture. It shows us:
Revival meetings, production and spread of Holiness
literature and materials. The membership of the * His genuine conversion to the Lord Jesus
MOVEMENT is open to all that love to live a Righteous Christ.
and Holy life and to spread same in their churches,
communities and nations.
* His submission and obedience to parental
Christian training.
Call us to introduce you to Holiness Revival Movement
Chapter nearest to you or to organize one for you and
* His commitment to the Christian life and
others where you are. We are now in more than 30 ministerial vision.
Countries. * His ministerial call and loyalty to his mentor
Holiness Revival Movement Materials and father in the Lord, Apostle Paul.
For Audio and Video messages, Christian literatures * His addiction to the scriptures for the
and other materials of the Ministry /Movement or for Christian life and ministry.
enquiry, call: +234(0)8169023948; 080568343323
* The principles adopted by him for his
Main website: success in the Christian life and ministry.
* His faithfulness to Christ, Christian
Email: holinessrevivalmovement@gmail.com leadership, truth, righteousness and
Facebook: Pastor Paul Rika (facebook page = holiness, to the end.
Holiness Revival Movement Media)
Google Pastor Paul Rika’s books @ The book is written to fulfill the following
scripture in the life of Christian youths.
Headquarters Office: Behind Federal Government
College Kwali, F.C.T., Abuja, Nigeria.

54 v
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

Psalm 119:9-11 training for sound Christian ministry (2 Tim 2:2).

9. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse 13. To have ministry campground in various
headquarters and nations where holiness camp
his way? by taking heed thereto according meetings can be held regularly. (Hebrews 10:25).
to thy word.
14. To hold zonal, national and international
10. With my whole heart have I sought holiness conferences regularly for the promotion and
thee: O let me not wander from thy spread of holiness in the lives of believers and in
commandments. Christ’s Church. (Colossians 1:28,29).
11. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I 15. To mentor Churches registered under the
might not sin against thee. ministry on sound doctrine, holy living and ministerial
establishment. (Titus 1:5-14).
This book is the second in the series of books 16. To support believers, ministers and ministries
written with a Divine Message to Youths of our financially where required for their spiritual
encouragement and establishment in holiness.
generation. The first in the series is Joseph:
The Youth with a Bright Future. Follow this 17. To have chapters of HOLINESS REVIVAL
MOVEMENT in local Governments, states and
series. Get these books for yourself and your nations, holding regular meetings, with clear goals
lovely youths and watch them transformed into and uniform operations, which are submissive to
great Christians and Holiness Preachers of our central administration. (Philippians 4:8,9 Hebrews
Int’l Director/Founder
Pastor Paul Rika.

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

Revival Movement Worldwide from churches and

Christian ministries all over the world who will submit
their lives to Biblical holiness and be spiritually,
materially and evangelically equipped to make others
righteous and holy in their churches in the society
around them. (2 Timothy 2:2).
7. To establish Christian bookshops in many
places within and outside the nation, equipped with IN CHARACTER MOLDING
holiness materials for the promotion of holiness in the
churches of Christ in the world. (Romans 10:17). Matthew 7:24-25
8. To establish a body of believers called Holiness 24.Therefore whosoever heareth these
Revival Movement in every Nation who will sponsor sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken
the production of the holiness materials of the ministry
and other recommended holiness materials. (Acts
him unto a wise man, which built his house
4:36; 2 Cor. 8:1-7). upon a rock:
9. To translate or interpret ministry materials into
25. And the rain descended, and the floods
as many local, national and international languages came, and the winds blew, and beat upon
as possible. ( 1 Cor. 14:9 -13). that house; and it fell not: for it was
10. To place the Ministry book: Escaping Hell Fire founded upon a rock.
and Entering Heaven made Simple by Pastor Paul
Rika in hotels, hospitals, prisons and in places that can This Christianity of immorality, examination
attract public reading, fo te salvation of sinners and malpractice, witchcraft, drunkenness and
holiness of believers. 1 (Cor. 9:18 -22)
worldly dancing that is prevalent in the
11. To own Satellite Channels for publicising the churches today is largely because the youths
messages and programmes of Holiness Revival
movement in the world. are not trained in the scriptures. If a youth is not
raised up by the scriptures, it will be impossible
12. To establish Bible Colleges where believers
and minister can receive biblical and ministerial to live up to the standard of God. But youths

52 1
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

that have been introduced to the scriptures, HOLINESS REVIVAL MINISTRY WORLDWIDE
and taught the way of life from the scriptures, (a.k.a) HOLINESS REVIVAL MOVEMENT
and built on the rock, it will be impossible for WORLDWIDE (HOREMOW)
them to fall into immorality or any sin because
the devil no longer has power over them. THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES

HOREMOW is a non-denominiational Ministry having

1.1 Do Not Despise Your Youth the following aims and objectives:
1. To hold Crusades, Conferences and Revival
2 Timothy 3:15-17 meetings in churches and nations of the world, so as to
15. And that from a child thou hast known bring sinners to Christ’s salvation and believers to His
the holy scriptures, which are able to make holiness. (Acts 26:16-18).
thee wise unto salvation through faith 2. To produce Christian literature that promotes
which is in Christ Jesus. salvation of souls, sound Bible teaching and holiness
16. All scripture is given by inspiration of of believers in churches and nations of the world.
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for (Luke 1:1-4).
reproof, for correction, for instruction in 3. To produce audio and visual taped messages
righteousness: for the spread of the gospel truth in churches and
17. That the man of God may be perfect, nations of the world.
throughly furnished unto all good works. 4. To bring denominational churches into
Christian unity through the belief and practice of the
This text reveals what the scripture produces faith once delivered unto the Saints.. (Eph. 4:12-15).
in a believer. “The man of God” referred to in 5. To support believers, ministers, ministries and
this text has nothing to do with age. It deals churches with free Christian materials for their spiritual
with faith and holiness. As a young man, development in holiness. (Isaiah 65:1).
Timothy was a man of God. Being a youth Paul 6. To raise members and supporters of Holiness

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

3.5 The Eyes of the Lord are on Holiness charged him, “Let no man despise your youth.”
He showed that man of God, through the
The eyes of the Lord are on Holy Christians in scriptures can be perfect, thoroughly
the world. furnished unto all good works.
The eyes of the Lord are on Holy Preachers in One of the prominent persons that worked with
the world. Apostle Paul was Timothy and he was a youth.
The eyes of the Lord are on Holy gospel Paul said clearly after many years of Timothy's
teachers in the world. followership,
The eyes of the Lord are on Holy men and
women in the world. 1 Timothy 4:12
The eyes of the Lord are on Holy youths and “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou
children in the world. an example of the believers, in word, in
The eyes of the Lord are on Holy Christian conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in
workers in the world. purity”.
The eyes of the Lord are on Holy Christian
Assemblies in the world. When it comes to Christianity, youths are not to
be despised. Goliath made that mistake on
May the eyes of the Lord be on you, to keep David and lost his life. When it comes to
you, use you, empower you, guide you, Christian service, youths are not to be
increase you, bless you and rapture you to despised. The glory of the youth is his
heaven in Jesus name. Amen. strength. Therefore, let no man however old he
is, despise your youth. You too must not
despise yourself and underrate what you can
do for Jesus. Do not think you can do nothing;
you can do great things for Jesus. God chose

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

you as a youth to serve Him. against you may be proved to be false,

Acts 16:1-5 1 Peter 4:12 – 16.

1. Then came he to Derbe and Lystra: and, 12. Beloved, think it not strange
behold, a certain disciple was there, named concerning the fiery trial which is to try
Timotheus, the son of a certain woman, you, as though some strange thing
which was a Jewess, and believed; but his happened unto you:
father was a Greek: 13. But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are
2. Which was well reported of by the partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when
brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium. his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad
3. Him would Paul have to go forth with him; also with exceeding joy.
and took and circumcised him because of 14. If ye be reproached for the name of
the Jews which were in those quarters: for Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory
they knew all that his father was a Greek. and of God resteth upon you: on their part
4. And as they went through the cities, they he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is
delivered them the decrees for to keep, that glorified.
were ordained of the apostles and elders 15. But let none of you suffer as a murderer,
which were at Jerusalem. or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a
5. And so were the churches established in busybody in other men's matters.
the faith, and increased in number daily. 16. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let
him not be ashamed; but let him glorify
This text is talking about a ministry that God on this behalf.
involved a youth. Paul got a youth for Christian
service, as a co-minister with him, and working
together, they established many churches.

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Movement. Do not mind what they say against There was increase in the churches of Christ.
Divine Revelation and Prophecies which God Timothy was a disciple, the son of a Jewish
pours down by the Holy Ghost upon the world woman and that woman believed the gospel of
today to prepare people for Christ's return. The Jesus. Not all the Jews believed, but she
prophecies and divine revelations used in believed. His father was a Greek. Concerning
Holiness Revival Movement are authenticated Timothy's life, verse 2 says that Timothy was
by the scriptures and are profitable for well reported of by the brethren that were at
believers edification and sinner's salvation. Lystra and Iconium. The people that saw that
young man knew that he was a true Christian,
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22. a true believer. The people in that environment
19. Quench not the Spirit. recommended him to Paul because they saw
20. Despise not prophesyings. that he was fit to go out with him for ministry. In
21. Prove all things; hold fast that which is the following text, Paul noted the contributions
good. of Timothy's parents to his godly character as
22. Abstain from all appearance of evil. he grew up under them.

Do not mind the attack against Holiness 2 Timothy 1:3-5

Revival Movement and the International 3. I thank God, whom I serve from my
Director, written or spoken openly or on the forefathers with pure conscience, that
net. All these are persecutions against without ceasing I have remembrance of
Holiness Ministry. They are persecutions thee in my prayers night and day;
against Jesus Himself, who raised up this end 4. Greatly desiring to see thee, being
time Holiness Revival Movement for final world mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with
harvest of human souls. Only let your life be joy;
righteous, holy and true, so that their testimony 5. When I call to remembrance the

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unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt

first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy Matthew 5:10-12;
mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in 10. Blessed are they which are persecuted
thee also. for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
From this text, we can see righteousness 11. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile
running through the family. Lois, his you, and persecute you, and shall say all
grandmother was a believer. Lois gave birth to manner of evil against you falsely, for my
Eunice and Eunice also became a believer. sake.
Eunice gave birth to Timothy and gave much 12. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for
attention to training him in the way of the Lord. great is your reward in heaven: for so
Please submit yourself to your godly parents persecuted they the prophets which were
so they may raise you up in the way of the Lord before you.
through the scriptures. Eunice trained Timothy
her son well and Paul testified that the faith of 2 Timothy 3:12.
Timothy was an unfeigned faith. It was an Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ
unpretentious faith. He was not just claiming Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Christianity, being not born again. Timothy was
genuinely born again and was a true and Do not bother about what people say against
sound believer whose heart had been Holiness people; they challenge us for
sanctified by God. speaking against earrings, rings, bracelets,
wedding ring, beads, perming, attachment,
Paul lived with Timothy for many years and weavon, make up, women using trousers or
saw that this boy was truly righteous. He had pants as some call it. Do not mind their
no fault. This young man was a Christian accusation against Holiness Revival

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

love his own: but because ye are not of the

indeed! That is how God wants you to be. You
world, but I have chosen you out of the
must not be a hypocrite. Be a serious person.
world, therefore the world hateth you.
Take Christianity serious and do not joke with
20. Remember the word that I said unto
it. Take it as Timothy took it, with all sincerity.
you, The servant is not greater than his
He had nothing to do with occultism,
lord. If they have persecuted me, they will
fornication, drugs, fighting, lying, cheating or
also persecute you; if they have kept my
any kind of evil. Practice Christianity sincerely
saying, they will keep yours also.
without pretense. That was what Timothy did;
21 But all these things will they do unto you
his life showed the evidence of good parental
for my name's sake, because they know not
him that sent me.
The Bible says he was a disciple, which means
apart from the training received from his
Take heed unto yourself and unto the doctrine.
parents, Timothy knew Jesus personally and
Live by the sound doctrines you are being
was committed to Him. He embarked on
taught in the scriptures. Do not be ashamed of
personal spiritual development through
the testimony of Jesus Christ. Do not be
reading of the scriptures, the Word of God.
ashamed to proclaim the truth we are teaching
you through tapes and books from Holiness
John 8:30-32
Revival Movement, simply because some
30. As He spake these words, many
people are challenging you. Do not give up this
believed on Him.
precious grace and calling you have received
31. Then said Jesus to those Jews which
from Jesus Himself because of any man,
believed on Him, If ye continue in My word,
woman, pastor, or church. Be prepared to
then are ye My disciples indeed;
suffer persecution from your father, mother,
32. And ye shall know the truth, and the
brother, sister, boss, husband or wife.
truth shall make you free.

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

on the doctrines of holiness you have learnt

As a disciple, Timothy continued in the word, and have been assured of in the scriptures.
not just hearing but doing it. Not only studying,
but practicing it. You might have been 2 Timothy 3:14 – 17
introduced to the Lord, you may be a disciple, 14. But continue thou in the things which
what you need to do is to continue in the word thou hast learned and hast been assured
of God. Continue with this truth. Make the Bible of, knowing of whom thou hast learned
your daily companion and study it very well. them;
Make it a regular habit to read through the 15. And that from a child thou hast known
whole Bible, from the book of Genesis to the holy scriptures, which are able to make
Revelation. Commit yourself to it and be thee wise unto salvation through faith
acquainted with the scriptures as a disciple. which is in Christ Jesus.
Your life will change completely. You will know 16. All scripture is given by inspiration of
the truth and the truth shall make you free. God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in
Joshua 1:8 righteousness: 17That the man of God may
“This book of the law shall not depart out of be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all
thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein good works.
day and night, that thou mayest observe to
do according to all that is written therein: 3.4 Be Prepared For Persecution
for then thou shalt make thy way
prosperous, and then thou shalt have good John 15:18 -21
success.” 18. If the world hate you, ye know that it
hated me before it hated you.
19. If ye were of the world, the world would

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

in due time: 1.2 Timothy Received Apostolic

Exhortation to Study The Word
James 4:6,10
6. But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he 1 Timothy 4:13
saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth Till I come, give attendance to reading, to
grace unto the humble. exhortation, to doctrine.
10. Humble yourselves in the sight of the
Lord, and he shall lift you up. Timothy spent time reading the scriptures. He
followed apostolic exhortation to study the
Where the need may arise and God leads you word when he came under Paul. Everything
to do so, you can start a chapter of Holiness about Paul was the word and the knowledge of
Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW), the word, the revelation of the word, the power
Non-denominational, where you are and of the word and the interpretation of the word.
connect to Headquarters by phone or on the Apostle Paul gave himself completely to the
net for recognition, direction and supervision. word. So when Timothy joined him, he told him
to do the same, to give prime attention to the
2 Timothy 2:2,3. word. That is why I do not spare anybody when
2. And the things that thou hast heard of we come to conference. You must be in the hall
me among many witnesses, the same of meeting to hear the word. You can not sit idle
commit thou to faithful men, who shall be while the message is going on. You cannot
able to teach others also. give yourself to any other thing but to listening
3. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a to the word of God. The word is precious. The
good soldier of Jesus Christ. word is sweet. Do not see yourself as a big
minister with great anointing, and so do not
Be strong and unchanging in your conviction need to be taught the word of God. You must

44 9
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

understand that there is a difference between John 15:16.

anointing and holiness. No matter your degree Henceforth I call you not servants; for the
of anointing, if your life is empty of the word, servant knoweth not what his lord doeth:
you are a play toy in the hands of the devil to but I have called you friends; for all things
your shame and embarrassment. You will fall that I have heard of my Father I have made
flat and become ashamed of yourself. As known unto you.
anointed as Samson was, the word was not in
him. That was why he became an easy prey for Learn how to serve the Lord in humility,
Satan and was always going into immorality. submission and patience. Do not seek to be
The absence of the word makes you a great, renowned and prominent among the
worthless Christian and turns you into a brethren. Serve Him and be unknown. Serve
spiritual carcass. under leadership with singleness of heart. Be
mindful for the reward that only God can give.
In Holiness Revival Movement, to help train my Avoid carnality, strife and vain glory among
Coordinators in the word, I give them brethren. Do not cause division or join a clique
assignments regularly. I want to ensure they in the church.
preach with the knowledge of the word, with
the power of the word, with the wisdom of the 1 Peter 5:5,6.
word and that they live out the word. I endeavor 5. Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves
to train them by the word and school them by unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one
the word. I lay emphasis on this because the to another, and be clothed with humility: for
greatest thing in this life is God's word. God God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace
Himself says, “I exalt My word above My to the humble.
name.” Even God would sit down and listen to 6. Humble yourselves therefore under the
His word. That was what Jesus did when He mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

with us, and we will do thee good: for the came down from heaven and became man. He
LORD hath spoken good concerning Israel. entered into the synagogue, as they were
30. And he said unto him, I will not go; but I reading the word he sat down there and was
will depart to mine own land, and to my listening to His own word. That was God in
kindred. human body listening to His word. Do not be
31. And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee; calling on Jesus without reading or studying
forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to His word. Give attention to the word of God.
encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest
be to us instead of eyes. I remember when I was in School of Basic
32. And it shall be, if thou go with us, yea, it Studies, Zaria, Nigeria, in 1984 or 1985.
shall be, that what goodness the LORD Already, the thought of God was bubbling in
shall do unto us, the same will we do unto me: how to serve God; how to work for God;
thee. how to sit down and study the scriptures. So,
early in the morning when we were going for
Do not go away. Stay back. lectures, I would pass some cleaners, cleaning
Moses said to Hobab, his father inlaw, “Come around our hostels. I would look at them and
along with us for the Lord has promised great say to myself, “Look at these people, see they
things concerning us.” There is a great future have all the time. After they finish cleaning,
for Holiness Revival Movement. Come along what do they do? They go and sit down idle for
with us. Do not go away. Stay. God will give you all the remaining time. O let me finish from this
a place in this Ministry to do His will among us. school quickly so I can give my whole life to
He will make you win more souls than you Jesus and the knowledge and study of His
imagine. Your converts shall be planted in the word in His service”. God has provided this
gospel truth for your eternal reward, opportunity for me according to my request,
Praise the Lord!

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

Matthew 5:6. quickly broken.

Blessed are they which do hunger and Do not listen to the voice of Satan to leave
thirst after righteousness: for they shall be Holiness Movement to start your ministry. Be
filled. committed to the work we are doing together.
This will serve to advance this work very fast
1.3 My Personal Study And Prayer In and will serve to protect and preserve you in
Ministry the faith. Encourage others to come into this
“unity of Spirit” and serve together. The
I was a National Overseer in Deeper Life Bible presence of God among His children in
Church and at a time I was on discipline for Holiness Revival Movement is very great and
some spurious allegations, but I accepted it. It encouraging. You are seeing the presence of
lasted one year and two months. God in His the Lord like this and you want to leave? We
faithfulness turned the evil into good for me. serve Him without sin, in Holiness and
Righteousness daily. We are aware that
Romans 8:28 some among us are not faithful and true. Our
And we know that all things work together prayer is that the hypocrites and sinners
for good to them that love God, to them among us will repent and serve the Lord truly.
who are the called according to His May God make you faithful and true in the
purpose. Christian life and service among us,

It turned out that God used that period to create Numbers 10:29 -32.
the opportunity I had been longing for, to read 29. And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of
and study the Bible. God used the occasion to Raguel the Midianite, Moses' father in law,
pass me through the Bible thoroughly. I read We are journeying unto the place of which
Bible Commentaries of about three different the LORD said, I will give it you: come thou

12 41
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

God wants us to work together, for two are study Bibles. I went through them, spending
better than one. If everybody sees a vision and about 2,407 hours reading the Bible. And as I
goes elsewhere, how can this work be done? sat down reading, if I felt like using the toilet,
The body is not one member but many. when I returned I would deduct the time I spent
Therefore, brother, the Lord has sanctified you in the toilet from my hours of study to ensure
so that you can join the Holiness Movement that the hours I was recording were all for
and do this work well. My sister, the Lord has practical study. I was very committed to the
sanctified you so that you can join the Holiness study.
Movement to do this work. We shall have a
good reward for this work. The Lord is the one In my record, I prayed for about 1,740 hours
bringing people to Holiness Movement for end within that period. If I dozed off during the
time gospel service. Let us work together for prayer, I removed the minutes I dozed off from
Him. my calculation of prayer hours. I studied about
7,001 pages of printed Christian literature
Ecclesiastes 4:9 -12. books. I picked the Dake's Bible and began
9. Two are better than one; because they studying, starting from Songs of Solomon all
have a good reward for their labour. through the Old Testament. I wanted to
10. For if they fall, the one will lift up his understand the end time events very well,
fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he therefore I studied the book of Revelation in
falleth; for he hath not another to help him detail, using three Study Bibles: Dake's
up. Annotated Bible, Full Life Study Bible and NIV
11. Again, if two lie together, then they have Life Application Study Bible. I was really
heat: but how can one be warm alone? trained in the scriptures! I did all these within
12. And if one prevail against him, two shall the space of one year, two months
withstand him; and a threefold cord is not

40 13
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

When I was growing up as a young man, I so that Jesus could also lay hands upon him,
memorized many portions of the Bible. You he heard Jesus say, “No, no, stay there, just
might have noticed me quoting some of them stay there.” Hallelujah!
by heart today. I did those things in my youth. I
was very committed, dedicated to the Lord and Why do you allow people to tell you lies in the
zealous for Him. In all these, the Lord was presence of God? Why do you accept their lies
seeing me and he was saying, “I have found a in spite of the great glory of God you are seeing
man among the sons of Jesse. I have found a in Holiness Revival Movement? Would you
man that is after my heart, who shall do all my still believe their lies in spite of the power of the
pleasure, who shall do all my will.” I am Lord that is being manifested in Holiness
transferring the baton to you today as a youth. Revival Movement? These people are giving a
You will go and do likewise and let God have dog a bad name because of their evil hearts.
men and women of dedication to use in this They want to condemn the Holiness
end time. We will avenge the devil for all the Movement that Jesus raised up for His glory
evils he has done to mankind. We will overturn because they want to execute the agenda of
him. Evil shall go to his kingdom, evil shall go Satan. Reject them wherever you see them.
to his demons. We will deliver mankind from The Lord is with us in Holiness Revival
his hand in Jesus name! Movement. We are in the will of God. And that
is what God wants you to understand.
Luke 10:17-19
17. And the seventy returned again with 3.3 Join The Holiness Movement
joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are Youth, please render selfless service. Do not
subject unto us through thy name. seek your own. Do not seek your glory. We
18. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan are in the last move of God before the rapture.
as lightning fall from heaven.

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

19. Behold, I give unto you power to tread

3.2 The Presence of Jesus in Youth on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
Conference power of the enemy: and nothing shall by
any means hurt you.
Again there was a testimony of a young man
during a Youth Conference in Holiness Camp,
1.4 Study The Word to Be Strong and
Abuja, Nigeria. As I was leading choruses, the
spiritual tempo became high and we all got
immersed into the presence of God. I did not
1 Timothy 4:15
know when a young man came and laid flat on
Meditate upon these things; give thyself
the altar. I only saw him when I opened my
wholly to them; that thy profiting may
eyes. I started wondering in my mind, “When
appear to all.
did he come here?” I decided to leave him
alone and continued with the praises. We went
The young man needs to study the scripture in
on praising and praising, basking in the
order to know the truth. A good knowledge of
glorious presence of the Lord. The young man
the word makes him strong and victorious over
later gave a testimony. He said that right there
persecutions and Satanic temptations.
where he was sitting, he saw brightness on the
altar; he saw me in total white, but before then
1 John 2:13-14
he had seen Jesus standing beside me with
13. I write unto you, fathers, because ye
His hand laid upon my head. Then he became
have known Him that is from the beginning.
excited. He thought in himself, “Oh Jesus, so
I write unto you, young men, because ye
you are here. You will bless me also.” That was
have overcome the wicked one. I write unto
when he started coming to the altar. As he
you, little children, because ye have known
came forward and was about to climb the altar
the Father.

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

14. I have written unto you, fathers,

because ye have known him that is from At the same crusade, a particular man met one
the beginning. I have written unto you, of my State Coordinators and said that while I
young men, because ye are strong, and the was preaching he saw a beautiful dove in the
word of God abideth in you, and ye have place of meeting. This dove, which is the
overcome the wicked one. symbol of the Holy Ghost came over us in the
pulpit. That was God walking upon the earth;
The last verse explains why the young men God working among the sons of men! As the
overcame. They overcame because they were dove was flying around, the man was just
strong because of the word of God that abided gazing after it in amazement until it flew away.
in them. That was the reason they could Then he tapped his wife, “Did you see?” The
overcome temptations in their life. Those foul wife asked, “See what?” He asked, “Did You
talks of immorality, lust, sex and other vices not see the dove?” The wife said, “Which
you engage in that fill your heart and are dove? I did not see any dove.” Then the man
making you restless, fill that heart with the realized he had seen a revelation!
word of God and they will disappear. Go to the Somewhere else in Liberia, something similar
scripture and begin to store the word of God in happened. After the crusade, the National
your heart. Put your eyes on the word there, it Coordinator of Liberia went home and a
will dissolve evil thoughts in your heart. It will woman came to him to testify to what she
cleanse them out, witnessed on the crusade ground. She said, “I
saw a dove at the crusade. Ah, it was a very
Psalm 119:9. beautiful dove!” The Bible says the Spirit
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his descended in the form of a dove. Holiness
way? by taking heed thereto according to Revival Movement is in the hand of God. It is in
thy word. the heart of God.

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

C HAPTER 3 Satan has been using a man to torment you,

lady, and to lure you into immorality, whatever
is the power of that man, the Bible says when
you know the word you will be strong and you
HOLINESS REVIVAL MOVEMENT will overcome the wicked one,
1 John 2:14
3.1 Testimonies from Liberia
I have written unto you, fathers, because ye
We were in Liberia for a crusade and during the have known him that is from the beginning.
programme, a particular sister that was invited, I have written unto you, young men,
had prayed before our arrival to the venue, “O because ye are strong, and the word of God
Lord, are these ministers true? Is the testimony abideth in you, and ye have overcome the
of Sister Linda true? Confirm it to me.” She did wicked one.
not know that God would answer that prayer
literally. When it was time for Sister Linda to I was told of a thief that broke into the house of
give her testimony, God opened her eyes and a particular sister and then told her, “I am going
she saw Jesus at the altar, embraced Sister to sleep with you now!” As he spoke, he was
Linda, saying, “Thank you for bringing the truth pointing a gun at her. He continued, “If I sleep
to My people.” Jesus went further to embrace with you I will spare you; otherwise, I will kill
me, Pastor Paul Rika, saying the same thing, you and go my way.” Then the sister said, “Can
“Thank you for bringing the truth to My people.” you just give me a little time to pray.” As she
Jesus did the same to two Coordinators that began praying, “All mighty God…” Can you
came with us from Nigeria and one of our imagine what happened next? By the time she
pastors that came from America. Hallelujah! finished the prayer and opened her eyes, the

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

thief was on his knees, pleading for Some of these brethren who left Holiness
forgiveness. That is the power of the word. I Revival Movement because of personal
have written unto you, young men, ambition, became instruments in the hands of
because ye are strong, and the word of God Satan for the persecution of the Movement.
abideth in you, and ye have overcome the
God has brought you to Holiness Movement to
wicked one. Give yourself to the reading,
studying and meditation on the scriptures. serve Him under leadership. Timothy did,
Learn to study edifying Christian books and without personal ambition for greatness. Do
materials. Accompany this with fervent not listen to the voice of Satan in backslidden
prayers; you will enjoy victory over sin and and ungodly ministers who speak evil about
Satan. the ministry and her leadership. The judgment
of God will soon overtake them.
1.5 The word is required for daily
holiness Colossians 1:6-8
6. Which is come unto you, as it is in all the
Psalm 119:9-11 world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and
way? By taking heed thereto according to knew the grace of God in truth:
thy word. With my whole heart have I 7. As ye also learned of Epaphras our dear
sought thee: O let me not wander from thy fellow servant, who is for you a faithful
commandments. Thy word have I hid in
minister of Christ; doth also in you, since
mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of
Go and read God's word. Hide it in your heart. God in truth:
In temptation the word will appear between 8. Who also declared unto us your love in
the Spirit”

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

Timothy was with Paul to the end of his you and the devil. You will quote it and defeat
ministry. God did not call Timothy away from him. You will receive counsel from the word
Paul. But you will hear some youths in within you. When you are confused the word
will show you the way. In temptation the word
Timothy's shoes saying, “God has given me
is going to speak to you, counsel you, tell you
greater revelation. In fact, in my ministry with what to do and give you wisdom for victory. In
Paul, I was actually the key man. Did you not Holiness Revival Movement, we have lots of
hear that there were prophecies on me? You literature books and recorded messages for
did not hear that I have preached the gospel your spiritual training in the scriptures. Give
attendance to reading and listening to them.
with great signs and wonders?” That is the
Keep doing faithfully the spiritual assignments
language of stubborn youths, rebellious given to you here.
youths that have left the cause of Jesus. Do not
let your ambition affect your ministry. Your Somebody wrote to me and said, “Now my
ambition will affect your service in the gospel of eyes have opened to the need for holiness, but
Christ. You will be unable to serve the Lord in when I go to the bookshops, I do not find books
on holiness, I rather see books on
righteousness and holiness if all that is in your breakthrough, seven secrets to success,
mind is to establish your own ministry. Satan deliverance from generational curse, back to
will carry you off the path of truth and sender, how to use anointing oil and receive
righteousness and fill you with false visions, your miracle, the mystery behind holy water,
dreams and revelations. Your quest to break handkerchief and apron etc. These are the
books over there in the bookshops, but what
off, will cause you to start spreading lies about books on how to be holy, how to be
against your leader and the result will be righteous? They are not there in the
ministerial failure and backsliding. bookshops.”

34 19
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

What this young man has observed is true. much evil: the Lord reward him according
The Lord has began to bring out books through to his works:
Holiness Revival Movement on 15. Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath
Righteousness and Holiness. Now the books greatly withstood our words.
are there like, Escaping Hell and Entering 16. At my first answer no man stood with
Heaven Made Simple; Divine Revelation and me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that
Scriptural Exposition on Believers Holiness in
it may not be laid to their charge.
Clothing and Adornment; Worshiping God in
the Beauty of Holiness; Holiness, Truth and 17. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with
Reward in Christian Giving and lots more. me, and strengthened me; that by me the
preaching might be fully known, and that all
These books will teach you HOLINESS. They the Gentiles might hear: and I was
will make you Holy and keep you daily in delivered out of the mouth of the lion. 18.
Holiness. Get them, study them and spread 18. And the Lord shall deliver me from
them. The books are there, get them, and every evil work, and will preserve me unto
study them. There are also wonderful his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory
messages on Audio CDs and DVDs. Just go to for ever and ever. Amen.
the YouTube and search on Pastor Paul Rika
or Holiness Revival Movement and you will We see it again in 2 Timothy 4:6-7
find lots of messages for your edification. You 6. For I am now ready to be offered, and the
can also ask in Holiness Revival Movement time of my departure is at hand.
Headquarter in your State for materials,
messages are also available in memory cards 7. I have fought a good fight, I have finished
which you can insert in your mobile phones my course, I have kept the faith:
and listen to them regularly. Share with others
these messages. From these scriptures, we can see that

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

thee wise unto salvation through faith

which is in Christ Jesus.
16. All scripture is given by inspiration of
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in TIMOTHY SUBMITTED TO
17. That the man of God may be perfect, LEADERSHIP AUTHORITY
throughly furnished unto all good works.

aul gave prominence to Timothy in
Also 2 Timothy 4:9-18 ministry by taking him to work with him.
9. Do thy diligence to come shortly unto If a great man marries a lady, that lady
me: will become great. So, Timothy also became a
great minister. But one thing that must be said
10. For Demas hath forsaken me, having of Timothy is that he had been a Christian and
loved this present world, and is departed had received ministerial calling before Paul
unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, came across him. This can be confirmed in the
Titus unto Dalmatia. following scripture.
11. Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and
bring him with thee: for he is profitable to 1 Timothy 1:18
me for the ministry. This charge I commit unto thee, son
12. And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus. Timothy, according to the prophecies
13. The cloke that I left at Troas with which went before on thee, that thou by
Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, them mightest war a good warfare;
and the books, but especially the
parchments. There were prophecies on Timothy. God had
14. Alexander the coppersmith did me

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

chosen him and called him into service. Many 2.3 Timothy Was Faithful to The End
people had prophesied on Timothy's calling. Timothy served with Paul in the gospel to the
Even Timothy himself must have seen many end of Paul's ministry.
revelations on his divine call.
2 Timothy 3:10-17
1 Timothy 4:14 10. But thou hast fully known my doctrine,
manner of life, purpose, faith,
Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which longsuffering, charity, patience,
was given thee by prophecy, with the laying
on of the hands of the presbytery. 11. Persecutions, afflictions, which came
unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra;
what persecutions I endured:
The laying on of hands on Timothy was not
done by Paul, but by a group of clergy. They 12. But out of them all the Lord delivered
laid hands on him for ministry. Paul may not be me.
able to say “If it were not me Timothy would not 13. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ
have been a minister.” No, God called Timothy Jesus shall suffer persecution.
before he met with Paul. The God that called 14. But evil men and seducers shall wax
Timothy specially, even before Paul knew him, worse and worse, deceiving, and being
brought Timothy to Paul. deceived.
15. But continue thou in the things which
2.1 Timothy's Unquestionable Loyalty thou hast learned and hast been assured
of, knowing of whom thou hast learned
2 Timothy 1:6 them;
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that 15. And that from a child thou hast known
thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee the holy scriptures, which are able to make

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

distraction. He was not the one feeding his by the putting on of my hands.
father and mother. He was not the one paying
his brother's school fees. He was a preacher God Himself was the one that called Timothy
fully available for God and his family had and brought him to Christ and to the Christian
released him. The parents of this youth knew ministry. Paul was speaking how he laid hands
about it, so the youth was 100% committed. on Timothy, urging him to steer up the gift that
Twenty-four hours a day he is available for the was in him that he might do the work of the
work of God. Paul said “I have no man like- ministry. There is something commendable
minded, fully available for me.” Timothy's about Timothy's loyalty and submission to
breath was pounding because of evangelism Paul. Timothy was not self-seeking. He was
and God's work. He helped to prosper the not looking for his own glory. He was not
kingdom work under Paul. looking for a name. He was not proud.
Philippians 2:21
For all seek their own, not the things which Pride in particular, is the problem of young
are Jesus Christ's men. They want to be known. I had a
discussion with a particular youth who was full
Can you imagine? Even people who claim to of ambition. I said to him, “I started the
be ministers, their minds are not fully with God. Christian ministry when you were about two
They cannot make sacrifice. But Timothy was years old. It took several years for me to get to
not like that. where I am now, receiving invitations here and
Philippians 2:22 there for ministration. But you came into
But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son ministry yesterday and desire to be known
with the father, he hath served with me in worldwide. Do you want to grow like banana?
the gospel. Who climbs on banana tree? Does anybody
climb on banana tree? If not the banana, which

30 23
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

other tree grows tall so quickly? Every other has entangled them, but Timothy is not
tree takes time to grow. Why then are you so married; he is available twenty-four hours a
full of haste? Did the Lord tell you that you are day. For some, their entanglement is their
dying next year? Is that why you are in so children's school fees or what they will eat.
much haste? Even if the Lord told you so, He is They are not fully available like Timothy.” That
the one to guide your work. So, why are you so is the reason that getting a youth into ministry
hasty? Why are you so full of yourself? Why enables the ministry to run very fast. By the
are you seeking your name, seeking your time he starts thinking about marriage or
glory? Why do you not behave like Timothy? having children, the work has already gone far.
The Lord brought him to Paul and Timothy I observed this pattern in Deeper Life Bible
submitted himself to Paul up to the end of Church. A lot of the pioneer leaders were
Paul's ministry. He was a minister, but not a young men when the Church was founded.
minister for his own glory. Many of them were unmarried. They were sent
to mission fields and they did great work such
Philippians 2:19-23 that in a short time Deeper Life Bible Church
19. But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send had filled the whole world. Before they got
Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may married and got children, the work had been
be of good comfort, when I know your state. done worldwide. Before some of the children
20. For I have no man likeminded, who will came to become stubborn, evil and wicked,
naturally care for your state. the work had gone far.
21. For all seek their own, not the things If holy and zealous youths will make
which are Jesus Christ's. themselves available for service in Holiness
22. But ye know the proof of him, that, as a Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW),
son with the father, he hath served with me this work will run. Wherever Timothy went with
Paul, his heart was fully in the work without

24 29
Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

which are Jesus Christ's. in the gospel.

22. But ye know the proof of him, that, as a 23. Him therefore I hope to send presently,
son with the father, he hath served with me so soon as I shall see how it will go with me.
in the gospel.
23. Him therefore I hope to send presently, Timothy was with Paul as a son with his father.
so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. He was not comparing himself with Paul. He
was not comparing his anointing with Paul's.
Timothy's service was not motivated by He was not comparing his popularity with
money. Preacher, preach by faith! The Lord will Paul's. He was not comparing his giftedness
take care of you by faith. Do this work naturally with Paul’s. He was not comparing his calling
without putting your eyes on money. Remove with Paul's. No! He was a son to his father.
money from your mind and God will take care These are the kind of people the Lord is looking
of your life. for, people that will be subject to authority and
dead to self.
Philippians 2:20-21 Jesus submitted to Joseph his father until he
20. For I have no man likeminded, who will was thirty years. Joseph was not a minister
naturally care for your state. anyway but he was the head in all family
22. For all seek their own, not the things matters. Submission is part of the work of God;
which are Jesus Christ's. it is part of the will of God.

Paul was speaking about young Timothy, 1 Peter 5:5,6.

saying, “I have other people with me, but 5. Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves
Timothy is different from them. These other unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one
ones are entangled. Some of them, marriage to another, and be clothed with humility: for

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Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures Timothy: The Youth Trained In Scriptures

God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace thing in the book of Revelation. When Jesus
to the humble. appeared to him, His hair was as white as
6. Humble yourselves therefore under the wool. That talks of wisdom. Wisdom is with the
mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you ancient. Children know how to run, but not how
in due time: to hide themselves well. We are not training
youths just to go and show forth themselves, to
Aaron submitted to Moses throughout his go and brag, to go and make noise and scatter
lifetime and that helped him to get to heaven. things. If you carry about unguided zeal in
The most important thing for you is that you get ministry, it will kill you very fast. You will lose
to heaven. It is not the popularity of your name. your life because pride goes before a fall and a
It is not that you should be known everywhere. haughty spirit before destruction. If you
become proud in your life destruction will
Mark 8:36-37 follow you.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world, and lose his own 2.2 Timothy Was Fully Available For
soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange Ministry
for his soul?”
Philippians 2:19-23
Therefore, young boy, young girl, you know
19. But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send
how to run but you do not know how to hide; for
Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may
wisdom is with the ancients. When you see a
be of good comfort, when I know your state.
man with grey hair, you are seeing a man of
20. For I have no man likeminded, who will
experience and wisdom. When Daniel talked
naturally care for your state.
about seeing the Ancient of days he said his
hair was as white as wool. John said the same 21. For all seek their own, not the things

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