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What are good home remedies for

random_user • 3 hours ago
Hello, for the last few days I have went through food
poisoning (I ate expired food) and now I have problems
with diarrhea because of it. Any home remedies that can
resolve this?

69 Answers Write an answer

What food should be avoided in GERD?

random_user • 1 day ago

I have GERD, and I've been trying to reduce my acid

reflux. I've realixed that other than smoking, certain foods
and drinks can also trigger it. I need suggestions on what
to avoid and what to eat instead.

32 Answers Write an answer

What are the symptoms of dengue

random_user • 1 day ago

My mom is sick and have been getting frequent nose

bleeding and coughs up blood, and she also complains
about her headaches and muscle pain. Is this dengue
fever? How do I help her?

97 Answers Write an answer

Can smoking and alcohol cause GERD?

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