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|| “~ F 8 saat a k Ca G Ti Mn Fe ————— Coandni cu Zn Y In As Br Rb sr Ceand La zr = == Le anode the Mendeleev's peri I ! panperties of the climenis ove aud { JuncHon of “their atomic momes.. 1 He_ormanped_the_elementsknoven_al—thal_lime—a sts alla perladic table. : 4 rns = Elmer sindas_hanel ere | i Importance. UW Spetemal shady of lhe elomenls ————___ Precittinn of neo eltmentsond_thelt properties _— He Lelt spot Jot the elements yet _tahediseavered - — Ex = he let spares for (on_ond Cie_ond named these —— Tuminium (Gin) and Eke silicon Cine) elements as Fha- —vespechivelyy . i) Alnsaie mason da i 2 i [Be «|B lc [N ° F 693 _|901 | 1081 |1201 |14.00_|15.99 _|18.99 ai 3 Nal Mel ll P s| a 22.99] 24.311 26.98| 28.09] _30.97|__32.06| _35.45 | — Fix [K c |_ [ft vo [Ge Mn |Fe Co N|_ Series} 39.10 |40.08 | 44 | 47.90 | so94 | 52.10 | 549 | 55.85 58.93 58.71 2nd Cu Zn As Se Br —_ Series|__ 63.5] 65.4 7749] 79.0] 79.9) Sis [Rb [Sr Y Nb Mo Te Ru Rh Pd |— Series} 85.5 |87.6 | 889 | 912 | 9291 | 95.94 | 99.0 | 101.0 102.9 106.4 [| 2nd} Ag] ca ln Sol Sb Te 1 =. Series] 107.9] 112.4 114.8% 118.64 121.79 127.60] _ 126.9] T [6 ist | Cs Ba 1] Series} 132.9 | 137.3 — 2nd} Au} Hg Series] 196.97] 200.54 — Th is_consideved as _madern petiodic low and how. o) Modern pevodie table “He toker pieces of all element 2 bombared_tuith &X_parhicle - q 4q 4 Moseley X-ray experiment x 4q 4 ‘ile tidied the ean i pa en 2 Ay oad ma Platte * He stoblich a velalion sa 2 atomi't numbes (7) Wp_=alz=b) : 2oh tne_O_ond h aye canslont ,____________t® | a jequiny owory L = 2H weudjand H SLNAWATA AO ATEVL DIGOAd LYTLE ELLE samceeee He Notation for IUPAC nomenclature of elements ______having atomic number more than 100 ___ __ Digit Name | Abbreviation _ en 0 nil n ———— \ 1 un u ee —_ 2 bi b —————_—_——_ 3 tri t i 4 quad q oa oS 5 pent P —___. t 6 hex h para f sept s a 8 oct ° $$ 9 enn ei TUPAC — Symbol ———_| Md ~ No — 103 Lawrenclum Lr — 104 Unnilquadium Rutherfordium Re _ — 105 Unnilpentium Unp Dubnium Db _! —— 106 Unnilhextum Seaborgium Sg | ee 107 ‘Unnilseptium Bohrium Bh ~ 108 Unniloctium Hassnium Hs — 109 Unnilenntum Meitnerium Mt _ 110 Unnnillium Darmstadtium Ds 4 —_—— 1 Unununnium Rontgenium* Re | eal 112 Ununbium * * i | 113 Ununtrium + | 114 Ununquadium . . — 115 Ununpentium Uup + i 116 Ununhexium ® = — 117 Ununseptium + — 118 Ununoctium + f 7 | : i 4 On the boxi of efechnni canfginalin the — IL clement may “ho divided inln Jouy quips - * Flements in cobich fost electron enters inln ¢- subshell + * Presonk p d most side of periodic toble » _ —_|- ! * These aye’ metals» s Greneval elechanie conf inurolon ns! eabeve +t bo 7 prhinck elements * Flements in cthich last elerhon enters into p subshell , * Present In ighk poxt_ol periodic fable _—__ Nore j= ns*npé con}igurabion is_most stable confusion “de ix_called called a _nable—gat con|iquralion- Fevphion = Helium (configuraan ~ 16") * Outermost shell elechnnic configuration us | ns? (ny gt TA ‘i * $n ol block elements lost elertynn enters {nto {n=1d_ subshell. There ove 3 sevies present ln_d_blnck element each consists of in elemenk » 1 Sd sevieg lost elochon enters Inin 3d subshell 4 Elements - Se (91) tp Zn (30) . l_2> Yd sevies | fork electron enteye Inin Uol_subshelf Etements — Y (29) In cd (4g) * Elements in eahich last electron enters Inin_} gubshell * Plosed sopaxately helora- the main periodic table. There_oxo_hinp_series of. {block elements ave present} Dd Ys i i i innex _tyansitfon sevies lg * Also known 0% lanthonaid gevies becouse thely F * task clechon enters _inin 4) orbital « Floments = Ce (88) to Iu (71) : eel ee nsttn-9)4°" (n-1)d i ( ( ‘ i ! H 2> 5, © Also known ot achinaid sevies hecasse thelr properties oye almost similar fn acHnium «Lost elechron enteve inn SJ avhitol * Flements - Th * General olechnnt anfigunaiian—— ns? _(n=2)4'° (n= td! Noble Gases * These are the elements present o-guoup 1g - * Foch period ends caith noble “gas element . AU the—mnemibex a: noture and becasre a “rrrtreecteese pose iA ae! - cars [ue 26! valde ebban aT nNo [Nel3s! volericy — og op Gis [ar d4st’ Block -S law 37 Qh [kx 15s' _p-s. F.C _.~ ns! asses [xeGs' é Rae sty [RnJis' chy Le] 35 \ a as 2 Lome Ca [Ay] 44* volency - +2 wget ae Sy [kx 15s? Block -_ $ amr__seBo [Xe]ast fit = ns* ot ita TRatist ate A) [ne] 38"3p' volenty - +3 ium a Ga [Ai 14s? dd" 4! Glock =P Las 49 To [hx TSe"yd"Sot 9+ ee =ns%np!, s Tl [xe Test geben! 4" Bal Gp! 1 pm 50 7 [ks16 nud aft Black ~p_& s2Pb Lrelésty psd PGp® 0-666 ~neiap—* | ry 4 Dam [tle] An of e- in ‘ : 1N- [Hel 25*9p3 os - 5 © jifman 1s P [Ne].9¢%.3p3 valence ladon <8 G Aer ai ps A lyst ach 3° voleny 2 & ways _§) Sh [ey T5s* Yd" bp 5 Black p fart 82 Bi [te 160 yf" bd!*Gp* O-8.F.6 mashg: PAAAAADLA : |—— L [Se on Fay] 4ct3d! gfe LT oe Tay Tuead? dizer” : L Y_23 [mr] 4s? 3d? © mR Ki Cy 04 ar] ys' oS fio: rn] Mn 35 Ee] s? 3d 5 A . Fo 26. EMzlus?3d¢ fre _ Cg "97" [Ay] 462 3d7 ool: r poi 28° [Py Juss ad ati — LG) ‘99 IAy4s'3d” a F Zn! 30 [Ar] 4s2.3d'* Alas + | . ; Slemeal 's “9 3 @.5 6 7 2 @) 10 te 7 Soe h &-Ip Jo ! Yd sem'os ' y a } 2 1 Zs 4p Ziyroniuny UT Phx 5s*4d* Nb Yt Niobium Pore kw 15s'4d 4 Mp 42 Ma '4d5 : . doe 2 5 Ru 44 Ruthenium sande” [kn] Se! 4d? Rh 45 t2hadlium iE [ks.15s' Yd # Pol 46 Palladium a [kr JT 55° td"? |Ag 47 Silver gare ___IknT5s! 4a!” Cd 48 Cadeaiium SEAT 5 toh '* “|Alemneake pasa — 12M 45 G12 @) 10 ‘3 ! 5 treet bolt Hafnium suey [Xe 2g 4" 5 l® q Deel est ag" bd- 2 y fem Conte Pt 78 Platinum — Aert Pxel Gey y'¥ Sl? : Au 719 Coole! aie! [Xe] Gt iy 5 *K Lig 20 Mescriny agntt Cre] Gsti4 bl" *< “| Eleenenks pavilion p23. [election Yn d= subshef! - t+ 2 23° : lo 57 /an Shon Del Gs Lf al” / Bd. GL Provitthium 5 Tre] 6574455) ° (Sem 62 Samarium ome rir) oes o wi \ G3 pete ( 1 ae 2, LQ a Qradoli 75q! | | Th Tesbiioa “aa Delian Sa ot il § " (oad « ahXib) C ‘ | CRIT ATLOMT aT a ‘ | Fy 63 “ Bhism ay Tielke ‘ Tm_¢9 Thulin FH Lie Lact ie ‘ Yh yo VHoxbium surest Dielasead ‘ ly tulebiun —oxearsttt (xl cs%4 fibd' _¢ * ~ < . & Excephinn in GJ !-— 9,8 . . ‘ 4 Stoble in f-subsheld -~ A (7 i fi, : 4 ! 3 3.4 5 «til g Gio iva 13 79) < f [ip 34 6 e779 oy 9 13 Wy TY : ’ Th Thorium 90 oe [Rn] 7854 lad | Wr i 7 v2 pep ' Po Probaclium 9 ur Rn] Ts ay ed IU rani a 2 2 A ! 2 Np Aleplunian 94 ttapstt [a] 76° &/'tid ‘ 26/5 TT 27 cf 0 [An] 1836) %ad | |Execplion in 5) :- Gi 8 fa) [2a 4s gy gu up 13 OY 7 22 3 4 6 7 79 10 Jp 13 Jy ty vom, {fo aa ——t “Tends in_physial axapeies ~§ rt neal the dlitonea foc thecankre_ ofthe — —_——. ning the elechrans : Types o}_olomic, acdut = q fa) Covalent sodius = Tl ic equal Jo hol} of the cishance. 1 -betireen the centyes of nuclei _twa_aloms [tne pyc gle ————Lb) Tonic radius - Fljeclive distance from the nwclesss 4 _o] on ton eas cobich it bni_an influence in — ‘The conve ahd nucles wt dai o| noble poses» g {d)_Motallic vadius - Half of the intevmolecular ‘ ' : € tons in the metnilia loHice -§ — a arialinn_alang-o-periad—— alam ral gtanalty—§¢ Come - pith the period , outer elachon are in ‘na increases a1_alomitnumhes_Inckenteh resulting in the Incveased “eee to the nucleus. “Variakian alang a grup ~ “Tocseases at_1ae_move dovonward Come - On_maving feoxntop_to—h altenn tn grasp +—— Nore :- Size & yadius Te pes_of fons: - Colton Anion * Removalealan ele feat *Gooin of an electron leads * Radius of rohan is * Radius of anion is aluays oboays Smalley than thot | larger thon thot of the ofthe aFom . Olnm ~ electrons» is Called isnelertyonic species - Ex + 072 FouNat 2 Mgt ave some n | elechons jve 10+ Thelr rool tonuld he different. because op {- This the eney ived_do remove. on olectron 4 ‘i atote . 4 M ta) + TE > M* (a) + 7 4 | 1 Unit - kJ mnl-' ox eV /alom 1 Succes cohen fate oie than ane 1 elec othe, jee in successi This. Is ~Ai_swittas ve. fonizalian oikoly - 1 Fortoys affecting fonizalion_energy I Size - Size incwoser . Joace qf alhackion hebeen nucle and puter elertmn deeveases its _ency Jor clechmn fn escape and . TE derreasos, Te & 1/ size 2> Nuclear chaype - Nudeay charge Imevenser , hard Tif Nudeax charge, d_Flechonic configuration - An hatis of ¢- pilled in orbitals Le Povkinily < Hol! < Full < Tnevt gos : : Ti £ 2 Penetration effect I Feccottane In bad — jod ~ Li i R £-Re < 0 SD XN ude | Brel pervind - No < Al <+My < 6145 < pve ¢ Ay 3 = A> Ti > fa > At > Tn ‘ 4. NOTE t= Thony.perlad Inert gos hot highak TE value » | Highest Te value —> Helium « i —The a ney yeleosed tahen Ta a and leloen gain hal. ——— Clta) + te => 1 “tq) + Fi O(g) + le" — p-*[g) + Fnevoit Units - kT /mol ox eV /alom Successive elec: in_enthi NOTE - Acq Hr + AcgHa + Acg Him 20 Vasialion along a period ~Dervenses som tefl fn aight Navialion alan o. group =Tncxinset clown the group | Factors ojfecHng Asg i= 1 Alnmis size ot 1/7 AegH 2) Ejfedtive nusleor charge —aeg H less -ve value of Aeg He Exceplion in the. trend af. Aca Ht Period 9 - Ne>N > Be>B pli r>cdo>F Group 17 = 1 ¢ <1 oup (4 - Si <¢C < fae < Sn < Ph - | Groupes i P< N¢ Agi< Sh xu Bi 3} Gap te = _§< Se < Te <0 d » alkali ld | » » » b b ) --A- 5 r y if y y tT > _clechonegalivity decxeates dawon the group. ‘ | Fi lechonegakvily ores of some elements — FXO>Ne > Py > Te ox Cd Pp ¥ Y Nove i- Mosk @ Lectranepatve clement — Elounine -beos! elechnnepalive element = Cotlum * The the number of elecbons in the outermoch she drbitals — or_equol fo elght minut the numhet of outexmost electrons. used for Yolence * Tho nxidation state gj on 2 lement in a parkculas, ae he delined as She thayge. negated Wy — uum Cite Ba ake in_the molecule « * Ino group = xemain same (Jou exceplion) H* In_o period ~ Jixsk increases then der jod —__Ji i yeObeA Period II I I m 4 = ° oN ll Period m1 . ess ~N al Si pninlal al PADA AAD hb lnin

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