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Chapter 9 Reflection

Everyday we encounter situations on our way. There are times we thought we can simply
do things, but we cannot do it with just ourselves. Our greatest hope is with a knowledge that whatever
circumstances we have, with proper guidance and discipline we can make through it. We only need
proper guidance and guidance program.

Guidance has a very broad meaning. It includes everything in our decision making, in giving
motivation, and even constructing a plan for organization. We are blessed that we have different kinds
of guidance. The educational guidance that assists by a standartized function to hone learners abilities
to pursue their education. The vocational guidance that helps learners to choose intelligently. The social
guidance which help people to adjust from customs and practices and personal guidance which aims for
respect on everyone's individuality.There are additional kinds of guidance that develops one character in
physical or mental aspect like moral guidance, avocational guidance, health guidance and civic guidance.
These won't only help learners, but also everyone in the school to act accordingly and with sensitivity.

In school, whenever children won't be able to stop with their bad behavior, the guidance
program help teachers to perform the suggested innovation. That is why it's really important to choose
the teaching staff that will handle this program for it to be properly implemented and based from the
needs of learners and teaching staff. Through guidance program, learners will know the value of
discipline. Discipline is a controlled behavior, it is important because it constitutes the next important
concern of teacher as part of good management . No matter how well-managed a learning environment
is, learners will occasionally misbehave. We, teachers must familiarize ourselves with the fundamentals
causes of disciplinary to prevent or minimize it and be ready to deal with them with outmost care and

As a teacher, we should implement and cultivate a better and strong discipline as learners' guide
and foundation. We, teachers must familiarize ourselves with the fundamentals causes of disciplinary to
prevent or minimize it and be ready to deal with them with outmost care and consideration. Being a
disciplined person can lead them into a successful life. Disciplining someone is not about giving them
punishment. There are some ways that we can do to encourage them to be more focus and do better
rather than giving them punishment. Having a positive reinforcement is really a big help to change their
behavior into positive reactions. Giving conditions, talking in private and appraising them is also helpful

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