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Dear [Hiring Manager]

I am wri ng to express my enthusiasm for the So ware Engineering posi on at Druva, as adver sed in your Off-Campus
Druva 2024. I had done a B.Tech in Civil Engineering, achieving a CGPA of 6.95, and I am eager to apply my programming
skills and passion for so ware development to contribute to Druva’s innova ve projects.

During my academic career, I gained hands - on experience in Python, Go, and C++ on Unix/Linux pla orms, developed a
solid understanding of data structures, algorithms and design concepts, and knowledge on cloud technologies including
AWS. My projects have involved designing backend components, crea ng Res ul APIs, and implemen ng containerized
solu ons using Docker and Kubernetes, showcasing my capability to handle end-to-end feature development.

I am par cularly drawn to Druva’s commitment to data resiliency and the opportunity to work with cu ng-edge SaaS
solu ons. I am confident that my technical skills, coupled with my proac ve approach to problem-solving and ability to
collaborate effec vely within cross-func onal teams, align well with the requirements of this role.

Thank You for considering my applica on. I am excited about the possibility of contribu ng to Druva’s mission and am
available at [] or [+91-7780741971] to discuss how my background skills, and
cer fica ons can be of value to your team.


[V.R. Vishal Chandra]

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