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Vanaga Routhu Vishal Chandra | +91 - 7780741971

Educa on

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university, Arjun College of Technology Science

 Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Aug-2018 - Oct-2021
 CGPA – 6.95
 Mount Opera, Bata Singaram

State Board of Technical Educa on, Suprabath College of Technology Science

 Diploma, Civil Engineering Aug-2016 - June-2018
 Percentage – 78.18
 Sheriguda, Ibrahimpatnam

School Secondary Cer ficate, S.T. Mary’s High School

 10th Standard Aug-2014 - Jun-2015
 CGPA – 6.8
 Vijay Nagar Colony, Mehdipatnam

Technical Skills
 Programming Languages: Python, C, C++, Go, Rust.
 Web Technologies : RESTful Services, APIs
 Cloud Technologies : AWS
 Containeriza on : Docker, Kubernetes
 Opera ng Systems : Unix/Linux, Windows
 Development Methodologies: Agile, Scrum
 Tools : Git, Jenkins
 Other Skills: Data Structures, Algorithms, Design Pa erns, So ware Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


Project Title : Cloud-Based Data Protec on Service | Role : Backend Developer

Tools : Python, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes

 Designed and implemented backend services for a cloud-based data protec on applica on
 Developed RESTful APIs to enhance the applica on’s func onality and performance
 Implemented Docker containers for seamless development and scalability
 Collaborated with cross-func onal teams to ensure high performance and responsiveness.
Project Title : Real-Time Messaging Applica on | Role : Full-Stack Developer |

Tools: Go, JavaScript, Docker, Kubernetes

 Developed and maintained server-side components ensuring efficient real- me communica on.
 U lized Go for high-performance backend processing.
 Implemented Docker for containeriza on and Kubernetes for orchestra on to manage the applica on lifecycle.
Cer fica on

Microso Excel, Dot Net Ins tute

 Training Period Feb-2022 – Aprial-2022
 Dilshad Colony, Delhi

Full Stack Developer, Internshala

 Training March-2023 – May-2023
 Nirvana, Gurugram, Harayana

Declara on : I do here by declare the above par culars of informa on and facts stated are true, correct and

complete to the best of knowledge and belive.

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