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1. to have difficulty/problem with

1. to stick out
2. to be in a problematic situation
2. struggle with something
3. the office of the head of a school
3. to hold still
4. to hit smth gently and repeatedly
4. can't help doing smth
5. to not be able to control/stop
5. start tapping
6. yell at somebody
6. stop moving
7. principal's office
7. to be punished or stay longer
8. stay after class
after the end of the school day
9. to be in trouble
8. to shout at smb
9. to be very easy to see/notice
What do you think happened to Clint when he was a child? What was school like
for him? What about the time when he grew up?
Watch the video and answer the questions:
1. How old was the boy when
everything happened?
2. What did he struggle with
at school?
3. How did the teachers
4. Why did he get sent to the
principal's office? Did his
advice help Clint?
5. Who told him to stay after
class and what happened?
6. How did this moment help

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