GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 Solution

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Indian BOE Coaching Services

GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution

1) Which of the following is an essential element for the combustion of fuel ?

A –oxygen
B – Correct fuel air ratio
C – Proper ignition temperature
D – All of above
2) Which of following is considered general purpose electrode .
A – E 6013
B – E 8018B2
C – E7018
D – E9015 B9
3) Which of the following contributes to improvement of thermal efficiency of
rankine cycle in thermal power plant .
A – Reheating of turbine in intermediate stage
B – Use of high temperature steam
C – Regeneration use of steam for heating feed water
D – All of above
4) Material and thickness of main steam line is decided base on
A – Flow of steam
B – Pressure and flow of steam
C – Pressure and temperature of steam
D – All of the above
5) Size of boiler tube is specified by
A – Schedule
B – Mean dia & thickness
C – Out side dia & thickness
D – Outside dia & inside diameter
6) Boiler pressure gauges shall not be less than
A – 200 mm
B – 150 mm
C – 250 mm
D – 300 mm
7) Thermal treatment methods for boiler feed water used to remove impurities like
A – Dissolved carbon dioxide and other gases
B – Solid material
C – Carbonate

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution
D – Bacterial impurities
8) In pulverized fuel boiler combustion takes place at temperature from
A – 1300-1700 deg c
B – 900-1000 deg c
C – 550-750 deg c
D – 1700-2000 deg c
9) The best suited steam generator for fluctuating demand is
A – Bab cock and Wilcox water tube
B – Lancashire
C – Locomotive
D – Cornish
10) Main object of conducting boiler performance test us
A – To prove design generation capacity
B – To calculate heat loss in boiler
C – To calculate boiler thermal efficiency at design point
D – All of the above
11) In CFBC collecting efficiency of cyclone increases with increasing
A – Inlet gas velocity
B – Cyclone diameter
C – Gas outlet diameter
D – Gas inlet area
12) The best quality of steam for industrial process heating is
A – Dry saturated
B – Super heated
C – Wet steam
D – High pressure steam
13) What is drum safety valve maximum setting?
A – Boiler design pressure
B – Drum design pressure
C – Max. Operating pressure
D – None of the above
14) Combustion elements in the fuel are
A – Carbon,hydrogen, sulphur
B – Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
C – Carbon, hydrogen, ash
D – Carbon, hydrogen
15) One kg of steam sample contains 0.2 kg wet steam , its dryness fraction is
A - 0.2
B – 0.8
C – 1.0
D – 0.6
16) The relation between heat rate & efficiency is ?
A – Both are directly proportional
B – Both are inversely proportional
C – They are independent of each other
D – Heat rate is also called efficiency
17) In case of impulse turbine
A –there is enthalpy drop in fixed and moving blades
B – there is enthalpy drop only in moving blades
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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution
C – there is enthalpy drop in nozzles
D – none of the above
18) Condensate polishing generally required in
A – Nuclear reactor
B – Once through boiler
C – Steam condensate comes from various process heat exchangers
D – All of the above
19) Rankine cycle comprises of
A – two isentropic processes and two constant volume process
B – two isentropic processes and two constant pressure process
C – two isothermal processes and two constant pressure process
D – none of the above
20) Latent heat of dry steam at atmospheric pressure is equal to
A – 539 kcal/kg
B – 539 Btu/lb
C – 427 kcal/kg
D – 100 kcal/kg
21) The latent heat of evaporation is zero at steam pressure
A – 225.65 kg/cm2
B – 302 kg/cm2
C – 265.28 kg/cm2
D – All of the above
22) 100 KN/m2 pressure is equal to
A – 1 atm
B – 1 bar
C – 1 m bar
D – 1 mm Hg
23) Priming in boiler drum is due to
A –High drum level
B – Sudden fluctuations in steam demand
C – Improper design/construction of boiler
D – All of above
24) In a regenerative feed cycle the greatest economy is affected .
A – when steam is extracted from only suitable point of steam turbine
B – when steam is extracted from several place in different stages of steam turbine
C – when steam is extracted from only from the last stage of steam turbine
D – when steam is extracted from only from the first stage of steam turbine
25) With increase in pressure for water
A –Enthalpy of dry saturated steam increase
B – Enthalpy of dry saturated steam decrease
C – Enthalpy of dry saturated steam remain same
D – Enthalpy of dry saturated steam first increase and then decrease
26) The absolute zero temperature is taken as
A) - 273 degree c
B) - 237 degree c
C) 273 degree c
D) 237 degree c
27) Which of the following are classified as high pressure steam boiler?
A – Loeffer boiler
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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution
B – Bension boiler
C – Lamont boiler
D – All of the above
28) Which fuel requires the lowest amount of excess air for combustion?
A – Furnace oil
C – Coal
D – Natural gas
29) The difference between mean solid and mean gas velocity if FBC boiler is
A – Fluidization factor
B – Slip velocity
C – Settling velocity
D – None of the above
30) Electrical energy consumption for coal sizing will be maximum for
A – Stocker fired boiler
B – AFBC boiler
C – CFBC boiler
D – Pulverised coal boiler
Answer Key :1.(d),2.(a),3.(d),4.(c),5.(c),6.(b),7.(a),8.(a),9.(c),10.(d),11.(d),12.(a),
25.(c),26.(a),27.(d), 28.(d),29.(b)&30.(d)

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution
Solution : With Indian coal
Enthalpy of saturated steam at 45(g) kgf/cm2=2797.6kJ/kg=669.28Kcal/kg
Theoretical air requirement = 100/23[ 2.67 C+8H+S-O]
= 4.35[2.67 x0.4111+8 x 0.276+0.0041-0.0989]
=5.32 kg of air/kg of coal
Excess air =O2x100/(21-O2) = 10 /(21-10) = 0.9091=90.91%
Actual air required = 5.32+5.32x0.9091 =10.16 kg of air/kg of coal
Mass of flue gas generation=1+AAS=1+10.16=11.16kg of flue gas/kg of coal
% dry flue gas =[m x cp x (Tf-Ta)x 100]/Gcv of fuel
= [11.16 x 0.23 x( 200-30)x100] /4000 = 10.91 %
Coal requirement =Mass of steam flowx Net enthalpy/(EfficiencyxGCV of coal)
= 100000 x (669.28-80)/(0.75x4000)=19642.67Kg/hr=19.64TPH
With Imported coal
Theoretical air requirement = 100/23[ 2.67 C+8H+S-O]
= 4.35[2.67 x0.5896+8 x 0.0416+0.0056-0.1188]
=7.80 kg of air/kg of coal
Excess air =O2x100/(21-O2) = 4 /(21-4) = 0.2353=23.53%
Actual air required =7.80+7.80x0.2353 =9.64 kg of air/kg of coal
Mass of flue gas generation=1+AAS=1+9.64=10.64kg of flue gas/kg of coal
% dry flue gas =[m x cp x (Tf-Ta)x 100]/Gcv of fuel
= [10.64 x 0.23 x( 200-30)x100] /5900 = 7.05 %
Coal requirement =Mass of steam flowx Net enthalpy/(EfficiencyxGCV of coal)
= 100000 x (669.28-80)/(0.82x5900)=12180.24Kg/hr=12.18TPH

Solution(3.a) : From steam table @8kgf/cm2(g)=9kgf/cm2(abs)

Steam pressure = 9x0.981 =8.8 bar, Saturatiion Temp = 174.4*c
Sp. Volume Vg= 0.21946 m3/kg , Enthalpy Hg = 2771.3 KJ/Kg,
Entropy Sg = 6.627 KJ/KG*K
h( 2771.3) =U+PV= U+8.8X(0.21946)
Internal Energy U = 2771.3 –1.9312 =2769.37 KJ/KG
Change of properties from saturated liquid to dry saturated vapor
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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution
Change of Sp. Volume Vg-Vf= 0.21946-0.001120=0.21834 m3/kg
Change of Enthalpy Hfg = 2032.8 KJ/Kg
Change of Entropy Sfg = 4.542 KJ/KG*K
Final Internal energy = 2769.37 KJ/KG
h(738.5) =U+PV= U+8.8X(0.001120)
Initial Internal Energy U = 738.5 –0.009856 = 738.49 KJ/KG
Change of internal energy=2769.37-738.49=2030.88 KJ/KG
Solution(3.b) : At 10bar(abs) pressure hf=762.6kj/kg hfg=2013.6kj/kg hg=2776.2kj/kg
h =U+PV accordingly 762.6+0.95x2013.6 = U+10X0.03
Internal Energy U = 2675.52 –0.30 = 2675.22 KJ/KG
At 3 bar(abs) pressure hf=561.5kj/kg hfg=2163.2kj/kg hg=2724.7kj/kg
Radiation heat loss will be due to latent heat loss=2724.7-2675.52=49.18kj/kg
Quality of steam=2675.52/2724.7=0.98 =98%dry
Solution(3.c) :

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution

Solution(4.a) : Temperature of flue gas T=350*C=350+273=623*K

Ambient Temperature Ta=40*c=40+273=313*K
Height of chimney H=50meter.
The ratio of mass of flue gas to mass of fuel fired is 20
Then ratio of air to fuel will be 19:1
Draught produced by the chimney due to hot column h=H[(W/(W+1)x(T/Ta)-1]
=50[(19/20)x(623/313)-1]=44.54 m column
Solution(4.b) :
Sensible heat of high pressure(100bar) S1=1408 kj/kg
Sensible heat of low pressure (10bar) S2=762.6 kj/kg
Latent heat of low pressure(10 bar) L2=2013.6 kj/kg
(1) Flash steam % =(S1-S2)x100/L2=(1408-762.6)x100/2013.6 =32.05%
(2) Quantity of flash steam produced=4TPHx32.05/100 =1.282TPH
(3) Quantity of condensate generated=4-1.282 =2.718TPH

Solution(4.c) : Working pressure of boiler 7kg/cm2

Cross sectional area=(Π/4)xd2=(3.14/4)x7.5x7.5=44.16cm2
Weight acting on dead weight safety valve =Working pressure x Cross sectional area
=7x44.16 =309.12Kg
Dead weight mounted on weight carrier =290kg
Equivalent total weight of the valve =309.12+290 =599.12Kg

Solution(4.d) : H = Total sp. Enthalpy steam at 16 kg/cm2 g & steam temp of 280*c=
2990.12kj/kg=715.34 kcal/kg
Hwet = Sp. Enthalpy of feed water at 38degree c = 38 kcal/kg
Factor of equivalent evaporation F = ( H-Hwet)/539 = (715.34-38) /539 = 1.257
Equivalent evaporation at 38 degree C = Mact x F = 10 x 1.256 = 12.56
Thermal efficiency of boiler = 10 x(715.34-38) /8050 =0.8414= 84.14%

website link: http://mithileshkhudawal.wix.com/boeindia

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution

Solution(5.a) : Heat Loss formula S = [10+ (Ts – Ta)/20] × (Ts – Ta)

Where Ts = Surface temperature in °C & Ta = Ambient temperature °C
Existing Heat Loss: S1 = [10 + (170 – 25)/20] × (170 – 25) = 2500 kCal/hr-m2
S1=Existing heat loss (2500 kCal/hr-m2 )
Modified System: After insulating with 65 mm, hot face temperature will be 65 °C.
Modified system heat loss S2= [10+(65-25)/20] × (65 – 25) = 480 kCal/hr m2
Fuel Savings Calculation : Pipe dimension = φ 100 mm & 100 m length
Surface area existing (A1) = 3.14 × 0.1 × 100 = 31.4 m2
Surface area after insulation (A2) = 3.14 × 0.23 × 100 = 72.2 m2
Total heat loss in existing system (S1 × A1) = 2500 × 31.4 = 78500 kCal/hr
Total heat loss in Modified system (S2 × A2) = 480 × 72.2 = 34656 kCal/hr
Reduction in heat loss = 78500 – 34656 = 43844 kCal/hr
Nos. of hour operation in a year = 8400
Total heat loss (kCal/yr) = 43844 × 8400 = 368289600
Calorific value of fuel oil = 10300 kCal/kg
Boiler efficiency = 80%
Price of fuel oil = Rs.15000/Tonne
Yearly fuel oil savings = 368289600/10300 × 0.8 = 44695 kg/year=44.695MT/Year
Yearly saving (Rs)=44.695x15000 =Rs. 670425/year
Solution(5.b) : Feed water temperature at Economizer inlet=100*C(Supposed)
Turbine inlet pressure 66kg/cm2(g) & steam temp 480*C
Specific Enthalpy of steam=3367.75Kj/kg=805.68Kcal/kg
Condensing pressure of the turbine=0.18kg/cm2
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Indian BOE Coaching Services
GJ BOE-2019 Paper-1 (Boiler Engineering-1) Solution
Turbine exhaust heat enthalpy=555.37Kcal/kg
Combines efficiency=0.985x0.95x0.98=0.917
Quantity of bagasse consumption =[80000x(805.68-100)]/(0.71x2276)
(i) Steam generated by one tonne of bagasse
Quantity of steam generation/Quantity of bagasse consumption=80/34.94 =2.29MT
(ii) Quantity of baggasse for 80TPH steam =34.94TPH
(iii) Power Generated
Net heat at turbine shaft=80x1000x(805.68-555.37)x0.85=17021080Kcals/hr
Generator output =Net heat at turbine shaftx Combined efficiency
(iv) Specific steam consumption of turbine=80/18.15 =4.41MT/MWH
Solution(5.c) : Dia – 3feet = 0.91 mtr , Height = 10 feet = 3.048 mtr
Outlet nozzle = ½ feet above bottom= 0.1524 mtr
Over flow = 3” below from top = 0.0762 mtr
Volume of water in tank –
Required height of tank = 3.048 – 0.076 = 2.972 mtr
(i) Total Volume of tank= 3.14 x D2 x H /4 = 3.14 x ( 0.91 )2 x 2.972/4 =1.93 m3=1930 ltr
(ii) Time to sufficient deliver water=1.93/1=1hrs 56 minutes

Solution: Theoretical air required = 100/23[2.67C+8H+S-O]

= 4.35 [ 2.67 x 0.40 + 8 x 0.04 + 0.02 – 0 ]
= 4.35[ 1.408 ] = 6.12 kg/ kg of fuel
Boiler has 4% excess air then Actual air required = 1.04 x 6.12 = 6.37 kg/kg of fuel

Q.6b(I) : List down the various energy conservation opportunities available in a

steam system.

Answer : Various energy conservation opportunities available in steam system

1. Monitoring steam traps
2. Avoiding steam leakages
3. Providing dry steam for process
4. Proper air venting
5. Condensate recovery
6. Insulation of steam pipe lines and hot process equipment.
7. Flash steam recovery

Q.6b(II) : List out the various factors affecting Boiler Performance.

Answer : The following factors affect the boiler performance , as follows :

1. Excess air level. 2. Inlet gas temperature.
3.Exhaust gas temperature. 4.Loss of Ignition.
5.Furnace draught pattern. 6.Preheating of feed water & air.
7.Moisture content in coal. 8.Radiation losses in boiler.
9.Boiler water blow down rate. 10.Water or flue gas side scaling in tubes.
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