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Grupo Alvica
Hamaca Crude Upgrader Project Contract Nos. 04477000


(PIP CVS02315)


The attached specification is issued herewith as an Addendum to the PIP indicated above. If
this is a later revision than now in your possession, please destroy previous issue or page(s) as

Rev. A By W. Wever Date 17-Feb-98 Pages All

Rev. 0 By W. Wever Date 17-Mar-98 Pages
Rev. 1 By W. Wever Date 24-Mar-98 Pages
Rev. 2 By Farhad Boniadi Date 09-Sep-99 Pages All
Rev. 11 By Stephen Yench Date 19-Apr-01 Pages All
Rev. 12 By Stephen Yench Date 08-Jan-02 Pages All
Rev. By Date Pages
Rev. By Date Pages

Approved for Construction Approved for Construction

Grupo Alvica Petrolera Ameriven, S.A.

By: By:

Date: Date:$FILE/SP-00-
Hamaca Crude Upgrader Project Contract Nos. 04477000
Date: 08-Jan-02, Rev.12





This addendum modifies the above-indicated PIP by addition, deletion, and/or revision for the
purpose of conveying the Project specific requirements of the Hamaca Crude Upgrader Project.
The type of modification shall be defined and indicated in subsequent text as follows:

(Addition) - Indicates the following statement(s) is/are added to the PIP referenced text.

(Deletion) - Indicates the following statements is/are deleted from the PIP referenced text.

(Revision) - Indicates the following statement(s) is/are revision(s) to the PIP referenced

The following paragraph numbers and titles correspond to those in PIP CVS02315.


1.2 Scope

1.2.2 (Revision)

For additional excavation and backfill requirements for underground pipes, see Project
Specification SP-421300-00-7.


2.1 (Deletion)

2.2 Industry Codes and Standards

• American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

12 − (Revision) ASTM C136-96a, “Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.”

− (Addition) ASTM C138/C138M-01a, “Density (Unit Weight), Yield and Air
Content Gravimetric of Concrete.”

− (Revision) ASTM D422-63 (1998), “Particle-Size Analysis of Soils.”

− (Revision) ASTM D698-00a, “Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Standard Effort 12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 KN-M/M3).”$FILE/SP-00-
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Date: 08-Jan-02, Rev.12

Addendum to PIP CVS02315

− (Revision) ASTM D1241-00, “Materials for Soil Aggregate Subbase, Base, and
Surface Courses.”

− (Revision) ASTM D1556-00, “Standard Test Method for Density and Unit
Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method.”

− (Revision) ASTM D1557-00, “Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil

Using Modified Effort 56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2700 KN-M/M3).”

− (Revision) ASTM D2167-94, “Standard Test Method for Density and Unit
Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method.”

− (Revision) ASTM D2216-98, “Standard Test Method for Laboratory

Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil, Rock, and Soil Aggregate

− (Revision) ASTM D2922-96e1, “Standard Test Method for Density of Soils and
Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).”

− (Revision) ASTM D2937-00, “Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in

Place by the Drive-Cylinder Method.”

− (Revision) ASTM D2940-98, “Standard Test Method for Graded Aggregate

Material For Bases or Subbases for Highways or Airports.

− (Revision) ASTM D3017-96e1, “Standard Test Method for Moisture Content of

Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Method (Shallow Depth).

− (Revision) ASTM D4253-00, “Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a

Vibratory Table.”

− (Revision) ASTM D4254-00, “Minimum Index Density of Soils and Calculation

of Relative Density.”

− (Revision) ASTM D4318-00, “Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic
Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils.

− (Revision) ASTM D4718-87 (1994) e2, “Standard Test Method for

Correction of Unit Weight and Water Content of Soils Containing Oversize

− (Addition) ASTM D4832-95, “Preparation and Testing of Controlled Low

Strength Material (CLSM) Test Cylinders.”

− (Addition) ASTM D6023-96, “Unit Weight, Yield, Cement Content, and Air
Content (Gravimetric) of Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM).”$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

− (Addition) ASTM D6024-96, “Ball Drop on Controlled Low Strength Material
(CLSM) to Determine Suitability for Load Application.”

− (Addition) ASTM D6103-97, “Flow Consistency of Controlled Low Strength

Material (CLSM).”

12 • American Concrete Institute

− ACI 229R-99 Controlled Low-Strength Materials

2.4 (Addition)

Project Specifications

– SP-421300-00-6, Site Preparation

− SP-421300-00-4, Sewers, Drains and Paving Arrangement

− SP-421300-00-7, Installations and Testing of Underground Gravity Sewers


(Addition) Project Geotechnical Engineer: shall mean a qualified geotechnical engineer

retained and authorized by Owner for overall authority and responsibility for overseeing
all geotechnical related work and issues.

(Addition) Geotechnical Engineer: shall mean a qualified registered geotechnical

engineer from a licensed independent geotechnical engineering and soils
testing/inspection firm acceptable to Owner and retained by the Contractor for
supervising and directing all the required inspection and testing work in order to assure
conformance with project design requirements.

(Addition) Suitable Materials: shall mean materials excavated from the site or imported
which are acceptable and approved by the Owner and the Project Geotechnical
Engineer for their intended use. Additionally, they shall be free from refuse, large
stones or rocks, or other material which might prevent proper compaction or cause the
compacted fill or embankment to perform inadequately or to have insufficient stability
or bearing capacity for the superimposed loads to which it is likely to be subjected.

(Addition) Unsuitable Materials: shall mean other than Suitable Materials and shall
among others include:

− Materials from swamps, marshes and bogs.

− Peat, logs stumps and perishable materials.

− Material with undefined properties.$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

− Materials having moisture content greater than the maximum specified.

− Building rubble and domestic and industrial wastes.

− Soils and rock susceptible to deterioration/change of their properties.


4.1.2 Inspection


All the soil related inspection and testing work shall be performed by qualified
personnel and shall be under the direct supervision and guidance of the Geotechnical
Engineer. All personnel appointed to perform the work shall be well qualified for the
assigned work. The Geotechnical Engineer or the Contractor shall be responsible for
keeping the Owner or the Project Geotechnical Engineer fully informed in a timely
fashion of all technical matters and obtaining their approval before proceeding in every
step of the work.

4.1.3 Testing (Revision)

Gradation, Atterberg limits, density, and moisture content control tests shall be
performed at the following minimum frequencies: one standard sieve analysis (ASTM
D422), one Atterberg limits (ASTM D4318), and one Modified Proctor Test (ASTM
D1557) with corresponding Proctor curve performed for each type of material fill or
where there is a change in the type or the source of material. When clean sands are
used as fill material, perform the Relative Density Test (ASTM D4253 and
ASTM D4254). (Revision)

Field in-place density and moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance
with the following frequency:

1. Structural areas where shallow foundations, paving, and slabs are to be

constructed- One set of density and moisture content tests for every 24 cubic
yards (18 cubic meters) (or fraction thereof) per lift if compacted by powered hand
tamping equipment. Otherwise, one set of density and moisture content tests for
every 100 cubic yards (75 cubic meters) (or fraction thereof) per lift.

2. Non-structural areas where no shallow foundations, paving, or slabs are to be

constructed- One set of density and moisture content tests for every 500 cubic
yards (375 cubic meters) (or fraction thereof) per lift.$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

3. Road base and sub-base- One set of density and moisture content tests for every
100 cubic yards (75 cubic meters) (or fraction thereof) per lift.

4. Trench backfill- One set of density and moisture content tests for every 35 linear
feet (10 meters) per lift in structural areas and for every 150 linear feet (45 meters)
per lift in non-structural areas.

Field in-place density tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D1556 (Sand
Cone Method), ASTM D2167 (Rubber Balloon Method), or ASTM D2937 (Drive
Cylinder Method). Field in-place density tests may also be performed in accordance
with ASTM D2922 (Nuclear Method), provided that a minimum of 20 percent of the
tests are performed in accordance with ASTM D1556, D2167, or D2937.

4.3 (Deletion)

4.3.1 (Deletion) (Deletion) (Deletion)

4.3.2 (Deletion) (Deletion) (Deletion) (Deletion) (Deletion)

4.4 Environmental

4.4.2 Erosion/Sediment Control

3. (Addition)

In specific areas, if indicated in the contract documents, Contractor shall provide

temporary and/or permanent erosion protection measures as specified or shown
on the design drawings.

4.6 (Addition)

Site and Subsurface Condition

The geotechnical conditions of the site were recently investigated by EMCON in 1998.
A copy of the report containing the findings resulting from this investigation can be
obtained from Owner for reference purposes. The information contained in the report
shall not be construed as a guarantee of the depth, extent, or character of materials$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

actually present. In general, the subsurface soils consist of two strata (Strata I and II):
Stratum I consists of sandy clayey silts and sandy silty clays with sporadic presence of
some cobbles and coarse gravel. The thickness of the Stratum I varies from about 1 to
7 meters. Stratum II generally consists of more granular soils classified as sands and
gravels and cobbles embedded in a silty and clayey soil matrix. The groundwater
surface elevation is expected to be near the sea level, however, some fluctuations due
to climatic and seasonal variations should be anticipated.


5.1 General


Fill and backfill materials shall be from either on-site excavation, approved borrow
areas, or off-site sources conforming to the following criteria or as recommended by
the Project Geotechnical Engineer. All borrow material and its source of supply shall
be approved by the Owner.

5.2 Fill and Backfill


All fill and backfill materials shall meet the minimum requirements given below. Any
deviations from the specified requirements shall be approved by the Project
Geotechnical Engineer.

5.2.1 (Revision)

Type I Topsoil

Type I topsoil shall consist of clean, natural, friable, fertile, fine, loamy soil that contains
no less than 1.5 percent organic materials and generally is representative of
agriculturally productive soil in the area. Type I topsoil shall be free from subsoil and
objectionable material that would hinder plant growth or maintenance and shall not
contain more than 5 percent by volume of stones, lumps, or other objects larger than 1
inch (25 mm) in any dimension. Type I topsoil is intended for use in landscape areas.

12 5.2.3 (Revision)

Common Fill Material

Common fill materials shall consist of any Suitable Materials excavated from the cut
areas on-site or imported, which meet the following requirements:

− Soil classification in accordance with the requirement of ASTM D2487 shall be GC,
SC, CL, or CL-ML.$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

− The percent passing the No. 200 sieve (0.075-mm) shall be within the range of 20
to 80 percent with no particles greater than 6 inches (150 mm) in maximum
dimension. In areas within 6.5 feet (2 m) of the final grade, the maximum particle
size shall be limited to 3 inches (75 mm) in any dimension.

− The liquid limit of the portion passing No. 40 sieve (0.425 mm) shall be within the
range of 20 to 40.

− The plasticity index of the portion passing No. 40 sieve (0.425 mm) shall be within
the range of 4 to 25.

This material is intended for use in construction of engineered fill in both structural and
non-structural areas. The available materials on-site are anticipate to meet the above
requirements, however, some mixing may be required. Large size particles may be
crushed to acceptable sizes and mixed with fill.

12 5.2.4 (Addition)

Clay Fill

Clay fill shall consist of any Suitable Materials excavated from the cut areas on-site or
imported which meet the following requirements:

− Soil classification in accordance with the requirement of ASTM D2487 shall be GC.

− The percent passing the No. 200 sieve (0.075-mm) shall not be less than 35
percent with no particles greater than 3 inches (75 mm) in maximum dimension.

− The liquid limit of the portion passing No. 40 sieve (0.425 mm) shall be greater
than 40.

− The plasticity index of the portion passing No. 40 sieve (0.425 mm) shall be greater
than 15.

This material is intended for use in construction of engineered fill in areas where low
permeability soils are desired.

12 5.2.5 (Addition)

Aggregate Base Course

Base course material shall conform to ASTM D2940, and shall consist of durable and
sound crushed gravel or crushed stone free of organic matter or other deleterious
substances. In general, the base course material shall conform to the following

U.S. Sieve Size Size (mm) Percent Passing$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

2-inch 50.0 100

1-1/2-inch 37.5 95-100

3/4-inch 19.0 70-92

3/8-inch 9.5 50-70

No. 4 4.76 35-55

No. 30 0.595 12-25

No. 200 0.075 0-8

The base course material shall be of such nature that it can be compacted readily
under watering and rolling to the required level of compaction.

12 5.2.6 (Addition)

Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM)

Controlled Low Strength Material or “flowable fill” shall conform to ACI 229R, unless
otherwise specified. The mix design shall be proportioned to produce a minimum 28-
day compressive strength between 100 and 200 psi, shall be pretested using the
actual raw materials and shall be approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer
before use on the project. Testing shall be in accordance with SP-421300-00-6.


6.1 Excavation

6.1.1 General Excavation


General excavation shall be performed after clearing and grubbing has been
completed in accordance with Project Specification SP-421300-00-6.

6.1.2 Structural Excavation (Revision)

After excavation, the exposed excavation bottoms and soils shall be inspected, tested,
or proof rolled as appropriate to disclose any soft spots or loose zones. When soft and
compressible zones are encountered at footing grades as shown on the drawings,
such soils shall be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill as specified in
12 this specification, or CLSM when approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer.$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315 (Revision)

Over excavation at footings may be backfilled with lean (2000 psi minimum 28-day
12 compressive strength) concrete. CLSM, flowable fill, may be used when approved by
the Project Geotechnical Engineer. (Addition)

All excavations shall be performed in a manner to assure drainage during the course
of the work. Flooded excavations shall be dewatered and all muck removed before
proceeding with the work. If groundwater or springs are encountered, Contractor shall
not proceed with the work until a method of correction has been authorized by Owner. (Addition)

All excavated soils shall be inspected, tested (as needed), and classified as Common
Fill, Clay Fill, Topsoil, or Unsuitable Materials and stockpiled at approved locations
on-site. Protect stockpiles containing satisfactory backfill material from contamination
with unsatisfactory material or other material that may adversely affect the quality of
the material and render it unfit for use. Arrange stockpiles so as not to obstruct
drainage or other construction operations in the vicinity of excavation as directed by
Owner. (Addition)

Excavate pits for constructing cast-in-place concrete foundations, footings, and other
structures to permit the placement of each monolithic element of the structure to the
full width and length required with a full horizontal bed. If the excavation sidewalls are
to be used to form the sides of the structure, take special care during excavation to
secure a true surface conforming to the lines and dimensions indicated on the plans
for the structure. Corners and edges of the excavation shall be true and square, not
rounded or undercut. (Addition)

Take special care to avoid disturbing the virgin soil or engineered fill at the bottom of
the excavations made for cast-in-place concrete foundations, and to protect the soil
from changes in moisture content. To accomplish this, do not excavate the final 6
inches of material until just before the structure is to be placed. When the bottom of
the excavation or fill surface must be exposed for an extended period of time, during
which time inclement weather may damage it, lower the bottom of the excavation
approximately 2 inches below the indicated bottom of the structure, and backfill the
overexcavated area with lean concrete. If the bottom of the excavation is not firm and
stable, notify the Project Geotechnical Engineer and Owner immediately so that
appropriate corrective measure may be developed and implemented.$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

6.1.3 Earthen Structures (Revision)

12 Over excavation shall be backfilled with common fill material and compacted in
accordance with the requirements of this specification. CLSM may be used to replace
overexcavated material, when approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer.

6.1.4 Trenching


Trenching for underground pipe, conduits, and duct banks shall conform to Project
Specification SP-421300-00-7.

6.1.5 Rock Excavation


Rock excavation shall conform to Project Specification SP-421300-00-6.

6.2 (Revision)

Mixing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Material

Fill and backfill operations shall be performed in accordance with the following
requirements after the area is inspected and approved for placing new fill.

6.2.1 (Revision)

The fill material shall be placed by the Contractor in horizontal layers not greater than
8 inches (200 mm) loose lifts. Hand-compacted backfill in confined areas shall be
placed in loose lifts not exceeding 6 inches (150 mm). Each layer shall be spread
evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of
material and moisture in each layer. When the moisture content of the material is
below that specified, water shall be added by the Contractor and thoroughly mixed until
the moisture content is as specified. When the moisture content of the fill material is
too high, the fill material shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading, mixing, or other
satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. CLSM may be used for
backfill when approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer. Depth of lifts shall be
controlled to prevent hydrostatic forces from causing damage to adjacent structures.

6.2.2 (Revision)

After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly
compacted by the Contractor to the specified density. Compaction shall be
accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired
rollers, or other types of acceptable compacting equipment. Equipment shall be of$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

such size and design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density.
Compaction shall be continuous over the entire area and the equipment shall make
sufficient passes to obtain the desired density uniformly. It shall be the Contractor's
responsibility to determine that the construction equipment and method selected will
achieve the specified density.

6.2.5 (Addition)

Surface of finished slopes shall be compacted until the slopes are stable and there is
no loose soil on the slopes. Compaction of the slopes shall be done by overbuilding
and cutting back.

6.2.6 (Addition)

Benches shall be required at all locations where the natural slopes or excavated
ground is steeper than 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, or where specified by the
Geotechnical Engineer. The new fill shall be properly keyed and benched through all
unsuitable soil, creep material, or existing uncompacted fills and into competent soil.

6.2.7 (Addition)

Compaction by water jetting or flooding is not permitted.

6.3 (Revision)

Fill Materials

The type of the fill materials to be used at various locations during the grading and
construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of the project drawings and
this specification. All fill materials shall also be approved by the Project Geotechnical
Engineer for their intended use. In general, the selection of the type of materials to be
used for fill placement shall be in accordance with the following requirements:

6.3.1 (Revision)

Common fill materials as described in this specification are considered an acceptable

fill for construction of engineered fill and backfilling or raising the grade in both
structural and non-structural areas.

6.3.2 (Revision)

Clay fill materials as described in this specification shall only be used in areas where
low permeability soils are desired as indicated by design drawings. Any excess clay fill
material excavated from the site shall be mixed with other on-site granular soils in
order to utilize it as common fill.$FILE/SP-00-
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Addendum to PIP CVS02315

6.3.3 (Revision)

Type I topsoil as described in this specification shall only be used in areas specified by
design drawings where landscaping or erosion protection measures are planned.

6.3.5 (Deletion)

12 6.3.6 (Addition)

CLSM as described in this specification is considered an acceptable fill for backfilling in

both structural and non-structural areas.

6.6 (Addition)

Compaction Requirements

6.6.1 All common fill, clay fill, and aggregate base course materials shall be moisture
conditioned to within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content and compacted to at
least 95 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D1557
(Modified Proctor).

6.6.2 For excavation bottoms and subgrade preparation, all scarified on-site soils or new
fill shall be moisture conditioned to within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content
and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance
with ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor).

6.6.3 Topsoil materials shall be moisture conditioned to within 3 percent of the optimum
moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density
in accordance with ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor).

12 6.6.4 (Addition)

CLSM shall be of a flowable consistency and not require compaction. Care shall be
taken to assure no voids are formed during placement.

6.7 (Addition)


All excavation, fill and backfilling work shall be completed to within a tolerance of
+ 0.10 feet (30 mm) of the elevations or coordinates shown on the design drawings.$FILE/SP-00-
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Process Industry Practices


PIP CVS02315
Excavation and Backfill Specification

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these
technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and
engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While
this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users,
individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take
precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and
particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering
situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The
use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of
preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the
same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All
practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and
regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these practices or guidelines
should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or
regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or
acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.

©Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The

University of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin,
Texas 78705. PIP member companies may copy this practice for their
internal use.

Not printed with State funds


Process Industry Practices


PIP CVS02315
Excavation and Backfill Specification

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ..................................2 5. Products ....................................... 7

1.1 Purpose ............................................2 5.1 General .............................................7
1.2 Scope................................................2 5.2 Fill and Backfill..................................8

2. References....................................2 6. Execution...................................... 8
2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP) ......2 6.1 Excavation ........................................8
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards .........2 6.2 Fill and Backfill..................................9
2.3 Government Regulations ..................3 6.3 Base Course...................................10
6.4 Dewatering......................................10
3. Definitions.....................................3 6.5 Disposal of Materials ......................10

4. General..........................................3
4.1 Quality Control ..................................3
4.2 Submittals .........................................5
4.3 Performance Requirements .............6
4.4 Environmental...................................7
4.5 Safety................................................7

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Excavation and Backfill Specification 8/23/99

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Practice is to provide the Contractor with excavation and backfill

1.2 Scope
1.2.1 This Practice describes the requirements for excavation, placement,
inspection, and management of earthen and organic materials during the
excavation and backfill phase of a construction project.
1.2.2 For excavation and backfill specifications for underground pipes, see
PIP CVS02700, Underground Gravity Sewers Specification.
1.2.3 Any conflicts or inconsistencies between this Practice, design drawings, or
other Contract Documents shall be brought to the attention of the Owner for

2. References
Applicable requirements in the following PIP practices, codes and standards, and government
regulations shall be considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the
date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles will be used
herein when appropriate.

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP CVC01015 - Civil Design Criteria
– PIP CVS02100 - Site Preparation Specification
– PIP CVS02700 - Underground Gravity Sewers Specification

2.2 Industry Codes and Standards

• American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
– ASTM C136 - Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
– ASTM D422 - Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
– ASTM D698 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using
Standard Effort 12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 KN-M/M3)
– ASTM D1241 - Materials for Soil Aggregate Subbase, Base, and Surface
– ASTM D1556 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in
Place by the Sand-Cone Method
– ASTM D1557 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using
Modified Effort 56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2700 KN- M/M3)
– ASTM D2167 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in
Place by the Rubber Balloon Method

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8/23/99 Excavation and Backfill Specification

– ASTM D2922 - Standard Test Methods for Density of Soils and Soil-
Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
– ASTM D2937 - Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the
Drive-Cylinder Method
– ASTM D4253 - Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table
– ASTM D4254 - Minimum Index Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative

2.3 Government Regulations

• U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
– OSHA 29 CFR 1926 - Safety and Health Regulations for Construction

3. Definitions
Civil Engineer of Record: Owner’s authorized representative with overall authority and
responsibility for the civil engineering design, known in this practice as Engineer

Contract Documents: Any and all documents, including design drawings, that the Owner has
transmitted or otherwise communicated, either by incorporation or by reference, and made
part of the legal contract or purchase order agreement between the Owner and the Contractor

Contractor: The party responsible for performing excavation and backfill, including work
executed through the use of sub-contractors

Owner: The party who awards the contract. The Owner may be the Owner or the Owner’s
authorized agent.

4. General

4.1 Quality Control

The Contractor shall institute a quality control program that will verify or ensure that
the work performed under the contract meets the requirements of this Practice and
the design drawings. The Owner shall have access to all facilities and records of the
Contractor for the purpose of conducting performance inspection/audits. During the
audit, any inspection, test reports, and/or engineering analyses and calculations
associated with the scope of work shall be furnished upon request.
4.1.1 Surveying
The Contractor will furnish all lines and grades for Contractor’s operations
after starting from horizontal and vertical control furnished by the Owner.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of survey work

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4.1.2 Inspection
An independent testing/inspection firm shall be retained as required in the
Contract Documents. The firm shall be responsible for testing and assessing
the Contractor’s performance in meeting the intent of this Practice. The firm
shall perform tests as outlined in Section 4.1.3, or as otherwise directed in
the Contract Documents.
Testing and inspection by the Owner does not relieve the Contractor of
responsibility to meet all requirements of this Practice. Should it be later
found that some work has been completed not in compliance with this
Practice, it shall remain the Contractor’s responsibility to repair or
reconstruct deficient work until specifications are met.
4.1.3 Testing Gradation, density, and moisture content control tests shall be

performed at the following minimum frequencies: one standard
sieve analysis (ASTM C136 or ASTM D422) and one Modified
Proctor Test per ASTM D1557 or Standard Proctor Test per
ASTM D698, with corresponding Proctor curve performed for each
type of material fill or where there is a change in the type or the
source of material. When clean sands are used as fill material,
perform the Relative Density Test (ASTM D4253 and
ASTM D4254). The following in place density and moisture content testing (field
density testing) on compacted fill will be performed unless
specified otherwise:
1. Use the moisture density test per ASTM D1557 and
ASTM D698 to assess the relationship between maximum dry
density and moisture content. Use the sand-cone method per
ASTM D1556, nuclear method per ASTM D2922, the rubber
balloon method per ASTM D2167, or the drive-cylinder
method per ASTM D2937 to determine the density of soil.
2. Under all foundations - one every 1000 square feet (90 square
meters) of each lift.
3. Under area paving - one every 2000 square feet (180 square
meters) of each lift.
4. Road base and sub-base - one every 2000 square feet (180
square meters) of base or sub-base.
5. Backfill of trenches (for utility lines or foundations) - one test
for every 50 linear feet (15 meters) of each lift.
6. General fill - one every 5000 square feet (460 square meters)
of each lift.

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8/23/99 Excavation and Backfill Specification As a minimum, at least one in place density test must be

performed on every lift of fill and further placement shall not be
allowed until the required density has been achieved.
The number of tests shall be increased if a visual inspection
determines that the moisture content is not uniform or if the
compacting effort is variable and not considered sufficient to
attain the specified density.
The Engineer may approve a decrease in the number of tests once
a compaction procedure has met project requirements.
4.1.4 Protection The Contractor shall place and maintain in good condition
temporary fences, guardrails, barricades, lights, and other
protective measures required for the safety of personnel and the
premises. All reference points, property markers, bench marks, etc., will be
carefully maintained during excavation, backfilling, compaction
and earthwork. Damage to a reference point by the Contractor
during performance of the work shall be repaired or replaced by
the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Owner. Unless otherwise specified, all known utilities within the project
limits will be located and marked by the Owner or noted in the
Contract Documents prior to earthwork. Other utility locations
may become evident as earthwork progresses which may
necessitate work to stop until utilities are identified and specific
direction is provided by the Owner. During earthwork, all necessary precautions shall be taken to
protect and preserve utilities scheduled to remain. Temporary
service lines will be installed by the Contractor when this is
impractical. Excavations adjacent to existing underground installations (e.g.,
foundations, piping, manholes, electrical and duct banks) shall use
bracing and shoring to protect those installations during
construction. No excavation is permitted under foundations. The Contractor shall be responsible for preserving and avoiding
damage to trees, shrubs, and all other vegetation in the areas
beyond the designated excavation area.

4.2 Submittals
4.2.1 The independent testing/inspection firm shall be responsible for transmitting
the following submittals to the Owner and Contractor:
• Bi-weekly reports including all test logs and comments. These reports
include density and moisture content test logs indicating location by

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coordinates and elevation and all test logs and comments, compiled at
earthwork completion, for permanent project records.
• Sources and test results of all borrow materials used for fill
4.2.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for transmitting the following submittals
to the Owner:
• Accurately recorded as-built locations of project installed underground
utilities and tie-in points/interferences encountered during project
construction. Data shall include horizontal dimensions, elevations,
size, and slope gradients, as appropriate for the utility as required by
the Owner.
4.2.3 The Contractor shall notify the Owner, in writing, not less than five days in
advance of any blasting operations. Written Owner approval shall be
required prior to proceeding with intended blasting operations.

4.3 Performance Requirements

4.3.1 Excavation All areas to receive fill or to be used in the future to support
structural loads as shown on the contract drawings shall be proof
rolled and inspected for soft spots or loose zones. All observed soft spots or loose zones shall be compacted in-place
or excavated to firm soil and replaced with properly compacted
4.3.2 Fill or Backfill Cohesive Fill or backfill placed beneath footings, grade beams,
mats, buildings, process areas, roads and parking areas shall be
compacted to at least 90% of the maximum Modified Proctor
density as determined by ASTM D1557 or 95% of the maximum
Standard Proctor density as determined by ASTM D698. When
cohesionless free draining clean sand is used, perform Relative
Density Testing per ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254. The
minimum relative density requirment shall be 80%. All other fill shall be compacted to a density equal to that shown
on the drawings or equal to that of the adjacent in situ material. The moisture content of the material being compacted shall be
within 3%, plus or minus, of the optimum moisture content as
determined by the applicable ASTM D1557 or ASTM D698. When
ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254 are the test procedures, there is
not applicable optimum moisture content. Compaction by water jetting or flooding is not permitted.

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4.4 Environmental
4.4.1 Contaminated Soils
Known contaminated soils within the construction limits shall be managed in
accordance with a Contaminated Soil Management Plan provided by the
Owner prior to the start of excavation. If unexpected soil contamination is
encountered during the work, the Contractor shall stop work and notify the
Owner immediately.
4.4.2 Erosion/Sediment Control
The Contractor shall ensure that:
1. All procedures and work shall be in accordance with local, state and
federal regulations (e.g., terms of the NPDES General Permit for
Construction Activity, the United States Environmental Protection
Agency, Storm Water Management for Construction Activities, or
specific project permit).
2. All areas shall be maintained using temporary erosion and sediment
control measures during construction or until relieved by the Owner
or until permanent measures are completed and functioning in a
satisfactory manner.

4.5 Safety
The Contractor shall comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1926 and any other applicable
federal, state and local codes.
4.5.1 A work permit, if required, shall be obtained from the Owner prior to
performing any earthwork.
4.5.2 Rock Blasting If rock blasting is required, the Contractor shall develop a written
Rock Blasting Safety Plan for Owner’s approval. The Contractor shall obtain permits from authorities having
jurisdiction before explosives are brought to the site or drilling is
started. Explosives shall be stored, handled, and used in accordance with
local regulations and the Owner’s safety practices. This criteria
shall be addressed in the Rock Blasting Safety Plan. The Contractor shall be responsible for all blasting operations.

5. Products

5.1 General
Fill and backfill materials shall be from either on-site excavation, designated borrow
areas, or off-site sources conforming to the following criteria or as recommended by

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the Geotechnical Engineer. All borrow material and its source of supply shall be
approved by the Owner. Stockpiles of cohesive soil shall be protected from freezing.

5.2 Fill and Backfill

Fill and backfill shall contain no rocks or stones larger than 3" (75mm) and shall be
free of frozen lumps, organic matter, trash, chunks of hight plastic clay or other
unsatisfactory material.
Cohesive fill or backfill shall meet the minimum requirements given below. Other
materials may be used with Engineer’s approval.
5.2.1 Soil
Well graded, non-plastic, inorganic granular soils:
Soil Properties
Gradation: 100% passing 2" Maximum
0-15% passing # 200 Maximum
Liquid Limit: 30 Maximum
Plastic Limit: 12 Maximum

Clay-inorganic cohesive soil:

Soil Properties
Gradation: 100% passing 1-1/2" Maximum
65% passing # 200 Maximum
Liquid Limit: 40 Maximum
Plastic Limit: 7 to 20 Maximum

Cohesionless, free draining, clean sand

Soil Properties
Gradation: 100% passing 1/4" Maximum
90-100% passing # 10 Maximum
0-15% passing # 200 Maximum

5.2.2 Gravel and Crushed Stone

Gravel and crushed stone shall conform to ASTM D1241, Type 1.

6. Execution

6.1 Excavation
6.1.1 General Excavation
General excavation shall be performed after clearing and grubbing has been
completed in accordance with PIP CVS02100, Section 6.

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6.1.2 Structural Excavation

Structural excavation shall include excavations for footings, grade beams,
pits, basements, retaining walls, man holes, catch basins, etc. Excavation shall be performed as required by the design drawings
to the dimensions, grades, and elevations as noted and as required
for formwork. When soft and compressible soil is encountered at footing grades
as shown on the drawings, such soil shall be removed and replaced
with compacted structural fill as specified in Section 4.3. Over excavation at footings may be backfilled with lean (2000 psi
minimum 28-day compressive strength) concrete.
6.1.3 Earthen Structures
Earthen structures include permanent work items such as ponds, canals,
ditches, etc. Excavation for such work shall be made to the lines, grades, and
cross sections as shown on the drawings. Side slopes of excavations shall be cut true and straight and shall
be graded to the proper cross section. Unstable soil in the slopes
shall be removed and the slopes properly prepared. The bottoms of
excavations shall be graded to the elevations and configurations as
shown on the drawings. Over excavation shall be backfilled with suitable material and
compacted in accordance with Section 4.3.2.
6.1.4 Trenching
Trenching for underground pipe, conduits, and duct banks shall conform to
PIP CVS02700.
6.1.5 Rock Excavation
Rock excavation shall conform to PIP CVS02100.

6.2 Fill and Backfill

Fill and backfill operations shall be performed after clearing, grubbing, stripping,
and excavation has been completed in accordance with PIP CVS02100.
6.2.1 Areas to receive fill shall be free of roots, trash, snow, ice or other foreign
material, and shall not be frozen.
6.2.2 Compacting shall begin only after the fill or backfill has been properly
placed and the material to be compacted is at the proper moisture content.
Fill material shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches (200 mm) in
loose depth. Compaction shall be performed with equipment compatible with
soil type. Fill and backfill layers shall be uniformly compacted to the density
as specified in Section 4.3.
6.2.3 Fill and backfill adjacent to structures such as retaining walls, pits, and
basements shall not be compacted with heavy equipment, but shall be

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compacted with hand operated equipment to a distance of 4 feet (1.2 m) or

greater beyond the sides of the structures. Every effort shall be made to place
backfill materials symmetrically and in uniform layers to prevent
unnecessary eccentric loading on a structure or foundation.
6.2.4 Compacted surfaces of fill and backfill shall be finish graded to the cross
sections, lines, grades, and elevations as indicated on the drawings.

6.3 Base Course

The base course for roads, parking areas, and other areas to be surfaced shall be
prepared in accordance with the following:
6.3.1 The existing ground out to the toe of fill slopes shall be cleared, grubbed,
and stripped in accordance with PIP CVS02100.
6.3.2 Excavation of areas in cut shall comply with Sections 4.3 and 6.1.
6.3.3 Fill and backfill of base course shall comply with Sections 4.3 and 6.2.
6.3.4 Geosynthetics, as required by the Contract Documents, shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and/or as detailed on the
Contract Documents.
6.3.5 The base course shall be graded and finished to within a tolerance of +/- 0.08
feet (25 mm) of the elevations shown on the drawings.

6.4 Dewatering
6.4.1 All dewatering methods and disposal of water are subject to approval of the
Owner. All work shall be in accordance with Section 4.4.2.
6.4.2 Prior to excavation, an approved dewatering system shall be installed and
operated when necessary to lower the groundwater.
6.4.3 Surface water shall be prevented from flowing into excavations by ditching,
trenching, forming protective swales, pumping, or other approved measures.
6.4.4 All diverted and pumped water shall flow to existing drainage. Trench
excavations shall not be used as temporary drainage ditches.

6.5 Disposal of Materials

All excavated materials that are unsatisfactory for use as fill or backfill or that are
surplus to that needed for backfilling shall be disposed of at a location designated by
the Owner.

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