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1 When the pressure on a sphere is increased by 80 atmospheres, then its volumes

decreases by 0.01%. Find the bulk modulus of elasticity of the material of sphere.


2 When can liquid be in equilibrium ?

ANS: A liquid can be in equilibrium, if

(i) only normal forces act on it.
(ii) the pressure at all points in a surface remains constant.

3 What is the effect of gravity on pressure ?

ANS: Pressure increases as it is proportional to the depth we move into a liquid due to
the weight of the liquid between the two layers.

4 What is the cause of excess pressure inside a soap bubble ?

ANS: Surface tension.

5 Three containers have different area on the top surface and same base area. If equal
volume of a liquid is put in them which will have more pressure at its base ?

ANS: For equal volume, the vertical height of the liquid in the container will be more if
the cross-section reduces at the top. So, pressure at the bottom of the container with less
area is more.

6 If the torricellian tube is tilted by 30° with the vertical how much length of mercury will
stand at atmospheric pressure at sea-level ?

ANS: Mercury rises in the tube is for atmospheric pressure up to 76 cm of vertical

length. If it is tilted also, the vertical length should be same.

7 What will be the ratio of the velocity of efflux from two holes made with a separation (H –
2h) in a container holding liquid of height ‘H’ and one hole at a depth ‘h’ from its bottom ?
Give reason.

ANS: 1 : 1 as the velocity of efflux will be the same at two places – both at a depth ‘h’
from the free surface and at a height ‘H’ from the bottom.
8 If a capillary tube of insufficient length is dipped into a liquid, what will happen to the liquid
rising ?

ANS: The liquid will rise to the level available and form a meniscus of large value.

9 Why does mercury drop its level in a capillary tube ?

ANS: Excess pressure always acts on the concave side and for mercury there is upper
convex surface. So, it drops its level in capillary tube.

10 If you double the radius of the capillary tube, what will be the drop in height rise in the
tube ?

ANS: For the same liquid, hr = constant

∴ Doubling the radius makes the height half.

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