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Design Capacity:
The design capacity is the maximum output that can be achieved under ideal conditions. In this case, it is
the forecasted average daily calls per operator multiplied by the number of operators.
Design Capacity=Average Daily Calls × Operators Design Capacity=Average Daily Calls × Operators
for January:
Design Capacity (January)=10,794 calls/day×123 operators≈1,327,982 calls

2.Effective Capacity:
Effective capacity is the maximum output achievable under realistic working conditions. It is the
forecasted average daily calls per operator multiplied by the actual number of operators.
Effective Capacity=Average Daily Calls × Actual Operators Effective Capacity = Average Daily Calls ×
Actual Operators
for January:
Effective Capacity (January)=10,794 calls/day×119.94 operators≈1,293,590 calls/ day Effective Capacity
(January)=10,794 calls/day×119.94 operators≈1,293,590 calls/day

3.Actual Output:
Actual output is the total number of calls made during the month.
Actual Output=Total Calls Actual Output=Total Calls
for January:
Actual Output (January)=334,626 calls Actual Output (January)=334,626 calls

Utilization is the ratio of actual output to effective capacity.
Utilization=Actual Output Effective Capacity×100Utilization=Effective Capacity Actual Output×100
for January:
Utilization (January)=334,626 calls1,293,590 calls×100≈25.87%Utilization (January)=1,293,590
calls334,626 calls×100≈25.87%

5 . Capacity caution
is an important key of capacity planning and involves monitoring and managing capacity to ensure it
aligns with the demand. capacity caution is by calculating the percentage of leftover capacity or
inventory relative to the forecasted calls. This can help assess how well the call center is handling the
demand and whether there's a risk of not meeting future demand.
Capacity Caution %=( Leftover Capacity (Inventory)Forecasted Calls)×100Capacity Caution %=(Forecasted
Calls Leftover Capacity (Inventory))×100
Using the data provided for January as an example:
Capacity Caution % (January) = (−20611,000 ) ×100 ≈−1.87%Capacity Caution %
A negative percentage indicates that the call center is under capacity, and a positive percentage
indicates potential overcapacity.
6. for total cost:
Total Cost=Cost of Regular Hours +Cost of Overtime Total Cost=Cost of Regular Hours +Cost of Overtime
Cost of Regular Hours=Required Operators×8 hours × Working Days ×Hourly Rate Cost of Regular
Hours=Required Operators×8 hours ×Working Days × Hourly Rate
.for January:
Cost of Regular Hours (January) = 119.94×8×31×50Cost of Regular Hours (January)=119.94×8×31×50
Cost of Overtime (January) =0
Total Cost (January) = Cost of Regular Hours (January)+Cost of Overtime (January)Total Cost
(January)=Cost of Regular Hours (January)+Cost of Overtime (January

8. strategy , benefits and risks

Strategy Application:
Plan for Handling Call Volume Increase:
•Identified peak months (May and June) with increased call volume.
•Determined the required additional resources during peak months, reflected in the increase in
Operators and Overtime Operators during May and June.
Cost Management:
•Evaluated the cost of regular hours and overtime for each month.
•Strategies to optimize costs include minimizing overtime hours, as seen in months without overtime,
and adjusting staffing levels based on demand.
Service Quality Assurance:
•Ensured that the increase in call volume did not compromise service quality by maintaining a balance
between staffing levels and call volume.
•Monitored efficiency during high-demand periods to prevent a decline in service quality.
Benefits Application:
Meeting Increased Call Volume:
• The call center effectively handled the increased call volume in May and June, exceeding 13,000 calls
Cost Optimization:
• Cost optimization was achieved by limiting overtime in months without high demand, reducing
unnecessary labor costs.
Service Quality Maintenance:
•Service quality was maintained by adjusting staffing levels to meet demand, preventing long wait times
or service disruptions.
Budget Preparation:
•The strategy allowed for budget preparation by anticipating and preparing for increased expenses
during peak months.
Risks Application:
Overtime Costs:
•Example: In May and June, the call center incurred significant overtime costs, which could impact
overall financial performance.
Employee Efficiency:
• There is a risk of decreased employee efficiency during prolonged high-demand periods, potentially
affecting service quality.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance:
•If staffing levels are not effectively managed, there is a risk of not meeting SLAs, leading to customer
Budgetary Constraints:
•: If budgetary constraints are not adequately addressed, there may be challenges in covering the
increased costs during peak months.
Staffing Challenges:
•Ensuring the availability of additional operators during peak months may pose challenges, affecting the
execution of the strategy.

 Summary for the capacity planning : the strategy appears to involve a somewhat
gradual adjustment, particularly during the months of May and June where there is an
anticipated increase in call volume. This allows for additional resources to be allocated
during peak periods. However, the specific decision to change capacity at once or
gradually would depend on more detailed information about the business context,
workforce capabilities, and the nature of call volume fluctuations

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