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Time 1 hour 45 minutes

Section A: Answer all the questions in this section

1. a) State any one garden tool (1)

b) List any one use of a garden tool you have stated above. (1)
c) Define Agriculture (1)
d) List any one use of water in Agriculture (1)
e) List any one local tree/indigenous tree (1)

2. a) Give one way in which Agriculture is import to us. (1)

b. Name the source of water shown. [1]

c) List any one season in Zimbabwe (1)
b) State any two types of soil (2)

3. a) State any one product of poultry. (1)

b) Name any one animal that belongs to poultry. (1)
c) What is apiculture? (1)
d) State two types of bees. (2)

4. a)
I. The name of the tool above is a _________ (1)
II. The tool is used for _________ (1)
b) I can use a ________ to cut vegetables. (1)
c) Name all the indicated parts. (2)

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S


a) This is a [1]

b) This is a [1]
c) Give two examples of palmtops. [2]

d) Name the computer part shown. [1]

SECTION B [there are THREE questions answer any two]

6. a) Name the agricultural tool. [1]

b) What is the use of the above tool? [2]
c) Name two tools used for weeding. [2]
7. a) Name any one vegetable you know. [1]
b. There are exotic and types of vegetables. [1]
c. Name any two examples field crops. [2]
d. Staple food for Zimbabwe is [1]
8. a) What is an orchard? [1]
b) Name any three fruit trees which you know. [1]
c) Complete the table below.
Name of animal products
hen --------------------
--------------------- milk
--------------------- pork
SECTION C [there are THREE questions answer any two]

9.----a) Which body part breaks down food into smaller pieces?
(1) b) A dentist is -----------. (1)
c) Identify one gadget that uses electricity. (1)
b) When you touch uncovered wires you may be------------. (1)
c)-Avocado gives us --------------- nutrients. (1)

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S

10. Complete the following table below with the correct function of each part.

(a) flower ---------------------------------- (1)

(b) root ---------------------------------- (1)

(c) leaf ---------------------------------- (1)

(d) stem ---------------------------------- (1)

(e) branch ---------------------------------- (1)

11. Name these animals.

A B C D E (5)

SECTION C [there are TWO questions answer any one]

12. a) Copy and complete the table. [3]

Input device Output device Storage device
------------------------- (1) -------------------------- (1) -------------------------- (1)
b) Which storage device can be used on a smart phone? [1]
a) An automated teller machine (ATM) is found at the [1]
13. A

a) Name parts A ,B ,C
b) A laptop is n device. [1]
c) The smallest portable type of a computer is
the _________ [1]

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S
Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S

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