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Mars in Scorpio: Mars is essentially dignified here.

This means that actions,

aggression, decisions and forcefullness are supported with Mars in this sign.
Because of the "ongoing" nature of the solid signs of which this is one, Mars gains
the quality of determination and persistence that is usually absent when Mars is in
the other sign of its dignity, Aries. Hence these natives are persistent and
determined with an intense unrelenting drive. This position is good for those who
pursue careers in the military or medicine, particularly surgery. They are
extremely self reliant, efficient, courageous, resourceful and self disciplined,
but they are extremely uncompromising. They tend to go for all or nothing. Due to
the aversion (lack of aspect - seeing) Mars has to the other sign of its dignity,
Aries, actions take on a secret and hidden quality. As a result, it is difficult to
fathom their motives. This combination makes for great spies and those who are most
formidable as enemies.

In a diurnal chart, the dryness of the day adds to the dryness of Mars. The heat of
the day purifies the actions and intent. There may be a single minded or fanatical
persistence in the pursuit of goals as a result. The temper becomes harder to
control and there may be more frequent outbursts of anger. The dryness creates
distinction and separation which might make them less sensitive to how their
actions affect others. They are not as likely to compromise to accommodate others
needs as a result.

In a nocturnal chart, the cool and moist of night temper the excessively dry nature
of Mars. There is greater sensitivity and a willingness to consider different
strategies because the cool and moistness blurr distinctions while grouping the
various possibilities together in closer proximity. The native is more successful
in military endeavours or other projects with smoother uninterrupted execution. The
element of surprise is frequently theirs because of the dyadic nature of this sect
and the aversion to its primary house as stated above.

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