Cable Terminations

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Cable Terminations

Edition II

Copyright MMVII

T&D PowerSkills, LLC

5501A John Eskew Blvd.
Alexandria, LA 71303

All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof

must not be reproduced in any form without the
written permission of T&D PowerSkills, LLC.

Printed in the United States of America

on June 4, 2010
General Guidelines

The Cable Terminations training unit is composed of a video and associated Student Manual. The
DVD contains one Course. The course is divided into Lessons, where each Lesson consists of a
number of Topics. The number of Lessons and Topics will vary with each course.

Recommended Sequence of Instruction

1. After the instructor’s introductory remarks, read the segment objectives found in the block at
the beginning of the first segment.
2. Briefly discuss the segment objectives with the instructor and other class members.
3. View the first segment of the video.
4. Read the text segment that corresponds to the first segment of the video.
5. Answer the questions at the end of the text segment. Check your answers with the correct
answers provided by the instructor.
6. Participate in a class discussion of the material just covered. Ask any questions you might have
concerning the material in the video and the text, and note any additional information given by
the instructor.
7. Before proceeding, be sure you understand the concepts presented in this segment.
8. Work through all segments in this manner.
9. A Course Test covering all the material will be administered by the instructor upon completion
of the unit.
10. Additional instruction and testing may be provided, at the instructor’s discretion.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

OSHA Regulations, primarily in 1926.955, 1910.269 and 1910.268 will be used in conjunction with this
training unit. Where applicable, regulations will be highlighted and placed in a box like this.

Regulations are used that are in force at the time of the workbook printing. Instructors and students are
expected to review the current OSHA Regulations to familiarize the student with the safety requirements
expected by USDOL OSHA, specifically as they relate to the topic being discussed. This information is
an important part of this training unit.

This T&D PowerSkills Training workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the
associated training DVD/video.
Field Performance Requirements (FPR)

NAME: ______________________________ #___________ Complete q

Incomplete q
VG = Very Good
ACC = Acceptable
UNIT(S): Cable Terminations NI = Needs Improvement
NA = Not Able to Complete
on this Crew


1.1 Can identify termination classes and devices used to control voltage stress and
devices used for tracking protection......................................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
2.1 Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for making tape
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
3.1 Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for making
elbow terminations................................................................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
4.1 Can demonstrate how to install a porcelain termination........................................ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
5.1 Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for making the
following rubber cable terminations:
a) Molded, slip-on...................................................................................................... ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
b) Cold-shrink............................................................................................................ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
c) Heat-shrink............................................................................................................ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

__________________________ __________________________ ____________________

Apprentice’s Signature Supervisor's Signature Date

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot


The employer shall certify that each employee has received the training required by paragraph (a)(2) of
this section. This certification shall be made when the employee demonstrates proficiency in the work
practices involved and shall be maintained for the duration of the employee’s employment.

Note: Employment records that indicate that an employee has received the required training are an
acceptable means of meeting this requirement.
Table of Contents
Segment 1: Introduction to Terminations..................................................................................................7
1.1 Termination Classes........................................................................................................................ 9
1.2 Voltage Stress Control................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Tracking Protection....................................................................................................................... 14
1.4 Grounding a Termination.............................................................................................................. 14
Segment 2: Tape Terminations................................................................................................................17
2.1 Preparing the Cable End................................................................................................................17
2.2 Applying the Tape......................................................................................................................... 20
2.3 Grounding the Termination........................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Sealing the Termination and Applying the Jacket......................................................................... 23
Segment 3: Elbow Terminations............................................................................................................. 26
3.1 Load-Break Elbows.......................................................................................................................27
3.2 Non-Load-Break Elbows...............................................................................................................29
3.3 Elbow Installation......................................................................................................................... 30
Segment 4: Porcelain Terminations........................................................................................................ 36
4.1 Porcelain Termination Design....................................................................................................... 37
4.2 Porcelain Termination Installation................................................................................................ 38
Segment 5: Rubber Cable Terminations................................................................................................. 43
5.1 Molded, Slip-On Rubber Terminations......................................................................................... 44
5.2 Cold-Shrink Rubber Terminations................................................................................................ 47
5.3 Heat-Shrink Rubber Termination.................................................................................................. 51
Appendix A: Glossary..............................................................................................................................55

Figure Index
Figure 1-1: Typical Primary Cable Design................................................................................................ 8
Figure 1-2: Class 1 Termination.................................................................................................................9
Figure 1-3: Semiconductive Insulation Shield Removed........................................................................ 10
Figure 1-4: Voltage Stress Lines.............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 1-5: Stress Control Cone.............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 1-6: Creepage Distance.................................................................................................................13
Figure 1-7: Grounding Methods.............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2-1: Cutting the Primary Insulation and the Conductor Shield.................................................... 18
Figure 2-2: Applying Rubber Tape to Form a Cone................................................................................ 20
Figure 2-3: Using Calipers to Check Tape Buildup................................................................................. 21
Figure 2-4: Grounding the Metallic Shield Layer....................................................................................22
Figure 2-5: Rain Shield............................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 2-6: Completed Tape Termination................................................................................................ 24
Figure 3-1: Load-Break Elbows...............................................................................................................27
Figure 3-2: Parts of a Load-Break Elbow................................................................................................ 28
Figure 3-3: Crimping a Connector onto a Cable Conductor....................................................................31
Figure 3-4: Prepared Cable Before Application of Silicone Grease........................................................ 32
Figure 3-5: Elbow Termination................................................................................................................33
Figure 3-6: Grounding Eye on a Load-Break Elbow Termination.......................................................... 34
Figure 4-1: Procelain Termination........................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4-2: Porcelain Termination with Insulator Skirts......................................................................... 37
Figure 4-3: Porcelain Termination........................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4-4: Connector Crimped onto Cable.............................................................................................39
Figure 4-5: Prepared Cable Coated with Silicone Grease....................................................................... 41
Figure 5-1: Molded, Slip-On Rubber Termination.................................................................................. 44
Figure 5-2: Prepared Cable End for Molded, Slip-On Rubber Termination............................................45
Figure 5-3: Skirted Cold-Shrink Insulators..............................................................................................46
Figure 5-4: Cold-Shrink Rubber Termination..........................................................................................47
Figure 5-5: "K" Factors of Common Cable Insulation............................................................................ 48
Figure 5-6: Plastic Tab on Cold-Shrink Tube.......................................................................................... 49
Figure 5-7: Completed Cold-Shrink Rubber Termination....................................................................... 50
Figure 5-8: Installation of First Heat-Shrink Tube.................................................................................. 51
Figure 5-9: Installation of Second Heat-Shrink Tube.............................................................................. 52
Figure 5-10: Completed Heat-Shrink Rubber Termination..................................................................... 53

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269 (c) Job Briefing

The employer shall ensure that the employee in charge conducts a job briefing with employees involved
before they start each job. The briefing shall cover at least the following subjects: hazards associated
with the job, work procedures involved, special precautions, energy source controls, and personal
protective equipment requirements.
1. Number of briefings. If the work or operations to be performed during the work day or shift are
repetitive and similar, at least one job briefing shall be conducted before the start of the first job
of each day or shift. Additional job briefings shall be held if significant changes, which might
affect the safety of the employees, occur during the course of the work.
2. Extent of briefing. A brief discussion is satisfactory if the work involved is routine and if the
employee, by virtue of training and experience, can reasonably be expected to recognize and
avoid the hazards involved in the job. A more extensive discussion shall be conducted:
(i) if the work is complicated or particularly hazardous, or
(ii) if the employee cannot be expected to recognize and avoid the hazards involved in the job.
Segment 1: Introduction to Terminations

Segment 1: Introduction to Terminations

Electrical cables are routinely connected to many different types of equipment to serve a variety of
functions. When a connection to equipment is made, the cable must be terminated, or ended, at the
connection point. This training program discusses different types of cable terminations, how they are
installed, and how they help cables function properly. Knowing how to make terminations correctly is
important for anyone who works with or maintains high-voltage cables and equipment.

• Describe the function of a cable termination.
• Identify and describe three types of terminations.

A termination is made when a cable is connected to a piece of equipment. Terminations are similar to
splices, but a termination is used to connect a cable to another piece of equipment, while a splice is
used to connect a cable end to another cable end.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269p (a) (2)

(i) Employees shall be trained in and familiar with the safety-related work practices, safety
procedures, and other safety requirements in this section that pertain to their respective job
assignments. Employees shall also be trained in and familiar with any other safety practices,
including applicable emergency procedures (such as pole top and manhole rescue), that are not
specifically addressed by this section but that are related to their work and are necessary for
their safety.
(ii) Qualified employees shall also be trained and competent in:
(A) The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed live parts from other parts of
electric equipment,
(B) The skills and techniques necessary to determine the nominal voltage of exposed live parts,
(C) The minimum approach distances specified in this section corresponding to the voltages to
which the qualified employee will be exposed, and
(D) The proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment,
insulating and shielding materials, and insulated tools for working on or near exposed
energized parts of electric equipment. Note: For the purposes of this section, a person must
have this training in order to be considered a qualified person.

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Cable Terminations

To understand what a termination does, it is necessary to know how a cable is designed. Figure 1-1 is a
simplified illustration of a cross-section of a typical primary cable. This cable consists of a conductor, a
semiconductive conductor shield, primary insulation, a semiconductive insulation shield, a metallic
shield, and an outer protective jacket.

Figure 1-1: Typical Primary Cable Design

Each cable layer serves a specific purpose. When the cable is cut for a termination, the layers are
removed to expose the conductor so that a connector can be installed. Then, a termination is installed to
enable the cable to function properly in the areas where the layers were removed.

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1.1 Termination Classes

1.1 Termination Classes

There are three basic types, or classes, of terminations: class 1, class 2, and class 3. The class that is
used in a particular application depends on the environment to which the cable will be subjected. Each
class of termination provides a different degree of protection from the environment.

A class 1 termination (Figure 1-2) provides voltage stress control for the cable's primary insulation and
protection against damage from external electrical leaking, or tracking. A class 1 termination also seals
the end of the cable to protect it from the environment. In some systems, a class 1 termination may also
provide a means for maintaining pressure on a cable that normally operates under pressure. A class 2
termination provides only stress control and tracking protection, and a class 3 termination provides
only stress control.

Stress Cone


Figure 1-2: Class 1 Termination

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Cable Terminations

1.2 Voltage Stress Control

All three classes of terminations provide voltage stress control. When a cable is terminated, the
semiconductive insulation shield, which is in contact with an electrical ground, must be kept at a safe
distance from the conductor and connected equipment. This distance must be sufficient to avoid a
direct path to ground. To maintain a safe distance, the semiconductive insulation shield is cut, and a
portion of it near the end of the conductor is removed. When this is done, however, there is no voltage
stress control beyond the point where the shield layer was removed (Figure 1-3).

Cable Semiconductive
Jacket Insulation Shield



Metallic Cable
Shield Insulation

Figure 1-3: Semiconductive Insulation Shield Removed

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1.2 Voltage Stress Control

Figure 1-4 illustrates the resulting voltage stress lines. Where the insulation shield is present, the stress
lines run from the conductor straight through the insulation. Where the insulation shield has been
removed, the stress lines curve back toward the end of the shield area, where the voltage stress is
concentrated. Without some form of stress control, the insulation could become overstressed and fail.

Stress Lines

Figure 1-4: Voltage Stress Lines

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Cable Terminations

Stress control can be provided by two methods. One method involves increasing the thickness of the
insulation, and the other involves changing the cable's electrical field at the end of the insulation shield.
With the first of these methods, the diameter of the cable's insulation layer is built up at the end of the
insulation shield layer to form a stress control cone (Figure 1-5). The cable's insulation shield is then
extended to the high point of the cone with semiconductive tape.

Cable Insulation

Stress Cone

Figure 1-5: Stress Control Cone

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1.2 Voltage Stress Control

The stress control cone and the semiconductive tape decrease the concentration of voltage stress by
increasing the insulation at the end of the insulation shield and by increasing the distance from the end
of the conductor, over the insulation, back to the point where the insulation shield layer was removed.
This distance (Figure 1-6) is called creepage distance. The increased insulation distance more evenly
distributes the voltage stress over the cable insulation, thus eliminating any strong concentrations that
could lead to insulation failure.


Figure 1-6: Creepage Distance

When stress control is achieved by changing the cable's electrical field, a special material is applied to
the area where the insulation shield is ended on the cable termination. The material works like the
stress control cone to reduce stress concentrations. More information about this method of stress
control, which is called the capacitive stress control method, is provided in Section 5 of this program.

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Cable Terminations

1.3 Tracking Protection

Tracking protection is provided by class 1 and class 2 terminations. Tracking is leakage current that
flows between the conductor and the grounded insulation shield. Tracking can result from a
combination of voltage on the conductor, contamination (such as dirt) on the outer layer of the
termination, and moisture.

To reduce or eliminate tracking, tracking-resistant materials such as porcelain and silicone rubber may
be used. Tracking protection is discussed in detail in Section 5 of this program.

1.4 Grounding a Termination

Grounding the cable's metallic shield is essential for all three classes of terminations. The metallic
shield must be grounded to protect personnel working on the cable from electrical shock hazards and to
help the cable operate properly.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

Selection and use of work practices.

(a) General. Safety-related work practices shall be employed to prevent electric shock or other injuries
resulting from either direct or indirect electrical contacts, when work is performed near or on equipment
or circuits which are or may be energized. The specific safety-related work practices shall be consistent
with the nature and extent of the associated electrical hazards.

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1.4 Grounding a Termination

Different methods of grounding can be used, depending on the cable's design. On cables with
concentric neutral wires (Figure 1-7A), the concentric wires are often connected directly to a ground
wire. On cables with a metallic ribbon (Figure 1-7B), an extension wire is generally attached to the
ribbon and then to a ground source. Specific company-approved procedures for grounding a
termination should always be followed.

Figure 1-7: Grounding Methods

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Cable Terminations

Section Quiz

1-1. Terminations are made when a cable is being connected to another ______________________.
(piece of equipment, cable)

1-2. Circle the correct answer.

Which of the following is not part of a typical primary cable?

a) Conductor
b) Primary insulation
c) Semiconductive conductor shield
d) Semiconductive insulation shield
e) Metallic shield
f) Secondary insulation

1-3. When a cable is terminated, the semiconductive insulation shield must be kept a safe distance
from the conductor and connected equipment to avoid ______________________.

1-4. Circle the correct answer.

A class 1 termination provides

a. Voltage stress control

b. Tracking protection
c. A protective seal
d. All of the above
e. Only a and b

1-5. True or False.

Tracking is leakage current that flows between the conductor and the grounded insulation shield
of a cable.

1-6. The class of termination that is needed for a particular job depends on the ________________
in which the cable will be used.

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Segment 2: Tape Terminations

Segment 2: Tape Terminations

• Describe or demonstrate how to install a tape termination.

Cable terminations can be made in a number of different ways using different layers of tape. Although
specific tape terminations may vary, depending on the size and type of cable and on company
procedures, a typical tape termination can be made according to the following general steps:

(1) preparing the cable end;

(2) applying the tape;
(3) grounding the termination; and
(4) sealing the termination.

2.1 Preparing the Cable End

The video presentation for this part of the program shows one method for making a tape termination on
a 15-KV cable for connection to a pad-mounted transformer. When the cable was installed, enough
slack was left so that the cable could be properly trained after the termination was made. To prepare for
the tape termination, the cable was cut to the length specified in the instructions for the termination.

A cable end is prepared for a termination by removing the various cable layers. The layers are removed
according to a specific set of instructions for the particular termination. The instructions must be
followed to ensure that the termination is made properly.

In the video presentation, the first layer to be removed was the cable jacket. The distance specified in
the termination instructions was measured, and the jacket was marked where it was to be cut. A knife
was used to cut the jacket carefully all the way around the cable. (As the jacket is cut, it is important to
make sure that the other cable layers are not damaged.) The jacket was slit lengthwise from the cut to
the cable end, and then removed to expose the metallic shield layer.

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Cable Terminations

The next layer to be removed was the metallic shield layer. After the proper distance was measured and
marked with tape, the metallic shield layer was cut and removed.

Next, the semiconductive insulation shield layer was measured and marked at the appropriate distance.
This layer was then cut carefully, so that the insulation layer below was not damaged. When the
insulation shield layer was removed, the primary insulation was exposed.

The amount of primary insulation that must be removed is often indicated in the termination
instructions. If it is not, it can be determined by measuring the connector that will be used and then
measuring the cable. This method was used in the video demonstration. As the primary insulation and
the conductor shield were cut (Figure 2-1), care was taken not to nick the conductor. The primary
insulation and the conductor shield were removed together.

Figure 2-1: Cutting the Primary Insulation and the Conductor Shield

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2.1 Preparing the Cable End

The next step was to pencil, or taper, the primary insulation so that there would be a smooth transition
between the primary insulation and the tape insulation that would be applied later. A layer of vinyl tape
was applied to protect the conductor during the penciling process. A measurement was taken to
determine how far back the insulation should be tapered. The insulation was tapered by working toward
the conductor and forming a slope as specified in the termination instructions.

After the insulation was tapered, the vinyl tape was removed, and the conductor was cleaned with a
wire brush to ensure good electrical contact. A compression lug was placed on the conductor and
crimped using the correct press and die.

After the compression lug was installed, it was filed to remove any sharp edges that might have been
created by the compression process. Care was taken not to let any of the metal filings accumulate on
the cable insulation.

As the final preparation step, the insulation was wiped with an approved solvent and a clean cloth to
remove conductive contaminants. Care was taken not to wipe any contaminants or semiconductive
material from the cloth back onto the insulation.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

Hand protection.

(a) General requirements. Employers shall select and require employees to use appropriate hand
protection when employees' hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of
harmful substances; severe cuts or lacerations; severe abrasions; punctures; chemical burns;
thermal burns; and harmful temperature extremes.
(b) Selection. Employers shall base the selection of the appropriate hand protection on an
evaluation of the performance characteristics of the hand protection relative to the task(s) to be
performed, conditions present, duration of use, and the hazards and potential hazards identified.

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Cable Terminations

2.2 Applying the Tape

The instructions for a tape termination provide detailed information about the types of tape that should
be used and the methods that should be used to apply them. In the video presentation, the first layer that
was applied was rubber insulating tape. The rubber tape was applied at the insulation shield, and
worked down the cable toward the lug. The tape was used to build up additional insulation in the shape
of a cone (Figure 2-2). The cone was tapered evenly at each end, and its diameter was built up at the
center to the dimension specified in the instructions. The actual size of the cone for a particular tape
termination depends on the voltage that will be applied to the cable and on the type of cable insulation.

Figure 2-2: Applying Rubber Tape to Form a Cone

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2.2 Applying the Tape

The size, or diameter, of the cone can be measured with a ruler, or some companies may use calipers.
Calipers (Figure 2-3) can be set to the proper distance and used to check the tape buildup periodically
until it reaches the required size.

Figure 2-3: Using Calipers to Check Tape Buildup

After the cone was completed, a layer of semiconductive tape was applied to restore the function of the
semiconductive insulation shield layer. According to the instructions, the tape was applied using half-
lap layers, beginning at the insulation shield and extending to the widest part of the cone. This tape
application extends the cable's insulation shield over the larger area of the insulation buildup.

A conductive metallic tape was applied over the semiconductive tape. The purpose of the metallic tape
is to bleed off static charges from the semiconductive tape. The metallic tape application began at the
widest portion of the cone. It ran down the cone and then overlapped the metallic shield layer of the

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Cable Terminations

2.3 Grounding the Termination

After the metallic tape was applied, the cable's metallic shield had to be grounded. This was
accomplished by attaching an additional wire to the metallic shield and then connecting that wire to an
electrical ground (Figure 2-4). Solder was used to make the connections to the metallic shield, and a
chemical agent called flux was used to help the solder adhere to the metallic tape and the metallic
shield. When flux is used, it must be of a type that is approved for the particular cable. During the
soldering process, care must be taken not to overheat the area to which the solder is applied.
Overheating can damage the layers beneath the metallic shield.

Grounding Wire


Figure 2-4: Grounding the Metallic Shield Layer

After the soldering was completed, the metallic shield was covered with a layer of plastic tape. The
purpose of the plastic tape is to provide mechanical protection.

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2.4 Sealing the Termination and Applying the Jacket

2.4 Sealing the Termination and Applying the Jacket

To complete the tape termination, a second cone was built near the end of the cable. The purpose of the
second cone is to increase the creepage distance from the end of the conductor to the insulation shield.
Because this cone also seals the cable to prevent water from penetrating the termination, it is
sometimes called a water shield or a rain shield. The rain shield shown in Figure 2-5 was built using
semiconductive tape and rubber tape. The semiconductive tape was applied first, over the lug barrel and
then over any areas of exposed conductor. The rubber tape was applied over the semiconductive tape,
from the lug barrel back to the top of the tapered area of insulation.


Rain Shield

Figure 2-5: Rain Shield

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Cable Terminations

The outer cable jacket was reconstructed using two layers of plastic tape. The tape was applied over the
entire length of the cable, from the lug back over the stress cone. Then it was applied from the low end
of the termination to the high end, and the top of each tape layer was covered when another layer was
applied. This helps protect the termination from water if it is exposed to water running down from top
to bottom. The completed termination is shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6: Completed Tape Termination

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Section Quiz

Section Quiz

2-1. Circle the correct answer.

Which of the following is typically not part of a tape termination procedure?

a) Cutting the cable

b) Preparing the cable end
c) Connecting the cable to another cable
d) Applying different kinds of tape

2-2. Why is it important to use extreme care when removing cable layers?



2-3. True or False. The primary insulation layer and the conductor shield are typically removed at
the same time.

2-4. Circle the correct answer.

The actual size of the cone that is built for a tape termination depends on:

a) The voltage that will be applied to the cable

b) The type of cable insulation
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

2-5. List two reasons why a second cone is built near the end of the cable.

a) _________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________

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Cable Terminations

Segment 3: Elbow Terminations

In some cases, termination kits are used instead of tape terminations. Termination kits are packages that
contain pre-formed parts and most of the tools and equipment needed to make a termination. One type
of termination kit is an elbow termination.

• Distinguish between load-break and non-load-break elbow
• Describe or demonstrate how to install an elbow termination on
a primary URD cable.

The equipment used in underground residential distribution (URD) systems generally has bushings that
require elbow terminations. An elbow termination provides a fully insulated connection between a
cable and the URD equipment. There are two basic types of elbow terminations: load-break elbows,
and non-load-break, or deadbreak, elbows. The two types of terminations look similar, but they are
designed to work differently.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269 (d) (2)
Hazardous energy control (lockout/tagout) procedures.

General. (i) The employer shall establish a program consisting of energy control procedures, employee
training, and periodic inspections to ensure that, before any employee performs any servicing or
maintenance on a machine or equipment where the unexpected energizing, start up, or release of stored
energy could occur and cause injury, the machine or equipment is isolated from the energy source and
rendered inoperative.

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3.1 Load-Break Elbows

3.1 Load-Break Elbows

Load-break elbows (Figure 3-1) are designed to interrupt current flow. They are typically used as
switching points between cables and pieces of equipment. For example, a pad-mounted transformer can
be de-energized by removing a load-break elbow from it while power is being supplied. Removing the
load-break elbow does not damage either the cable or the equipment.

Figure 3-1: Load-Break Elbows

The Elbow is part of the load braking capability but the most important segment is the bushing well. It
is the critical part of the load breaking operation.

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Cable Terminations

Figure 3-2 is a simplified illustration of a typical load-break elbow. It consists of a connector, a

conductive insert shield, a layer of insulation, a semiconductive shield, a grounding eye, a pulling eye,
a male probe contact, and an arc extinguisher.

Conductive Male Probe

Insert Shield Contact





Bleeder Wire

Figure 3-2: Parts of a Load-Break Elbow

“Bleeder” wire must be attached to Grounding Eye.

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3.1 Load-Break Elbows

The conductive insert shield surrounds the area where the cable connector enters the elbow. It acts like
a conductor shield around the elbow's internal energized parts.

The layer of insulation over the conductive shield insulates the cable connection at the equipment. The
semiconductive shield over the insulation layer reduces areas of stress concentration on the insulation.
Any static charge that builds up on the semiconductive shield is bled off to the cable's metallic shield
layer through the grounding eye.

The pulling eye provides a means for attaching a hot stick to connect or disconnect the elbow from a
bushing. The elbow is connected to the bushing by inserting the male probe contact into the bushing
housing. One end of the contact has a threaded screw, which is used to hold the contact in the elbow. At
the other end of the contact is a plastic tip that serves as an arc extinguishing device when the elbow is
removed from equipment under load.

3.2 Non-Load-Break Elbows

A non-load-break, or deadbreak, elbow is designed to serve only as an insulated connection between a

cable and a piece of equipment. It is not designed to be switched under load. Before a non-load-break
elbow is disconnected, the load must be removed from the cable and equipment.

The construction of a non-load-break elbow is similar to that of a load-break elbow. However, the male
probe contact in a non-load-break elbow does not make an electrical connection between the cable
connector and the electrical equipment. Instead, the internal parts of a non-load-break elbow are
mechanically bolted together at the contact points.

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Cable Terminations

3.3 Elbow Installation

To demonstrate the installation of an elbow termination, the video presentation for this part of the
program showed how a load-break elbow can be installed on a cable at a typical URD pad-mounted
transformer. The termination was installed on a cable with a concentric wire metallic shield.

Before any work was done, the elbow termination kit was checked to make sure that it was the correct
one for the cable being used. The connector contained in the kit was also checked to make sure that it
was the correct size. The cable was trained with enough slack to allow the termination to be made.

The first step in this example was to put a mark on the cable at a point nine inches from the center of
the transformer bushing. This distance, specified in the termination instructions, ensured that there
would be enough of the cable's concentric wiring to reconnect after the termination was installed. The
concentric wires were then unwrapped and secured out of the way. Next, the cable was marked at a
point nine inches from where the concentric wires were secured. A cable cutter was used to cut the

To provide room for installing a compression connector, the primary insulation and the conductor
shield were removed one inch from the cable end. (When a termination kit is used, it is not necessary to
measure and remove each cable layer at this point in the procedure. The compression connector may
expand in length as it is compressed, which would make pre-compression measurements invalid.) The
cable conductor was then cleaned with a wire brush to ensure good electrical contact.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.333 (c)
Working on or near exposed energized parts.

(1) Application. This paragraph applies to work performed on exposed live parts (involving either
direct contact or by means of tools or materials) or near enough to them for employees to be
exposed to any hazard they present.
(2) Work on energized equipment. Only qualified persons may work on electric circuit parts or
equipment that have not been deenergized under the procedures of paragraph (b) of this section.
Such persons shall be capable of working safely on energized circuits and shall be familiar with
the proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment, insulating
and shielding materials, and insulated tools.

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3.3 Elbow Installation

Before the connector was installed, the press and die were checked to make sure they were the correct
ones for the job. The connector was lined up so that the connector eye was facing the transformer
bushing. In this position, the termination can be connected easily to the transformer. The connector was
then crimped onto the conductor (Figure 3-3).



Figure 3-3: Crimping a Connector onto a Cable Conductor

After the connector was installed, it was filed to remove any sharp edges caused by the press and die.
Filing also helps to smooth the surface of the connector.

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Cable Terminations

The next step was to remove the cable's insulation shield layer. As specified in the termination
instructions, a measurement was taken from the center of the connector eye to a designated point. As
the insulation shield layer was cut and removed, care was taken to avoid cutting into the primary
insulation beneath it.

After the insulation shield layer was removed, the primary insulation was sanded with an approved
sandpaper to remove any traces of semiconductive material. The insulation was then cleaned with an
approved cleaning solvent.

In preparation for installing the elbow onto the cable, the insulation layer (Figure 3-4) was coated with
silicone grease. The silicone grease, which is generally supplied with the termination kit, is a lubricant
that makes it easier to slide the pre-formed elbow terminator over the compression connector and the
primary insulation.

Insulation Layer

Figure 3-4: Prepared Cable Before Application of Silicone Grease

The elbow was pushed onto the cable so that the connector eye was facing the bushing cavity. By
looking through the bushing cavity, it is possible to see when the cable is fully inserted into the elbow.

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3.3 Elbow Installation

When the elbow was in place, the threaded end of the male probe contact was screwed into the
connector's threaded eye. The contact was installed by hand and then tightened down. Some kits supply
a special tool to install the male probe contact to ensure that it is tightened to a required tightness. The
kit's instructions should be followed exactly to ensure that the probe contact is tightened down
sufficiently. The completed termination is shown in Figure 3-5.

Male Probe


Figure 3-5: Elbow Termination

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Cable Terminations

The final step was grounding the outside of the elbow. Two strands of the concentric neutral wire were
unwound and fed through the grounding eye on the elbow (Figure 3-6). The two strands were then
bundled to the other strands, which were connected to the secondary grounding lug. The secondary
grounding lug, in turn, was connected to a known ground source.

Grounding Eye

Figure 3-6: Grounding Eye on a Load-Break Elbow Termination

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269 (w) (7)

If there is a possibility of voltage backfeed from sources of cogeneration or from the secondary system
(for example, backfeed from more than one energized phase feeding a common load), the requirements
of paragraph (l) of this section apply if the lines or equipment are to be worked as energized, and the
requirements of paragraphs (m) and (n) of this section apply if the lines or equipment are to be worked as

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Section Quiz

Section Quiz

3-1. A package containing the pre-formed parts needed to make a termination is called a

3-2. True or False.

An elbow termination provides a fully insulated connection between a cable and a piece of

3-3. Two basic types of elbow terminations are the (a) _____________________ elbow and the
(b) _________________elbow.

3-4. The main difference between the two basic types of elbow terminations is that only the
_______________________ elbow is designed to interrupt current flow.

3-5. True or False.

The silicone grease provided with most elbow termination kits is used to replace the cable's
insulation shield.

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Cable Terminations

Segment 4: Porcelain Terminations

Where a cable termination must be located often determines the type of termination that is used. For
example, an overhead location usually does not require a termination to be completely covered with
insulation, while an underground location usually does. This section focuses on porcelain terminations,
which are used primarily in overhead work.

• Recognize and identify porcelain primary terminations.
• Describe or demonstrate how to install a porcelain termination.

A porcelain termination is a termination with exposed energized parts. It is frequently used at a poletop
location where an underground system is joined to an overhead system. This type of termination, which
is typically called a pothead, is generally in a wide-open area, where contamination from dirt, salt, dust,
and airborne particles is likely.

Figure 4-1: Procelain Termination

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4.1 Porcelain Termination Design

4.1 Porcelain Termination Design

When a termination is exposed to harsh environmental conditions, contaminants such as salt and dirt
can lead to tracking. To reduce the effects of tracking, terminations are often designed with insulator
skirts, like the ones shown in Figure 4-2. The insulator skirts are designed to break contamination paths
and add insulation distance, making it more difficult for current to track along the length of the
termination. Tracking is also reduced through the use of track-resistant materials such as porcelain and
silicone rubber.

Insulator Skirts

Figure 4-2: Porcelain Termination with Insulator Skirts

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Cable Terminations

Figure 4-3 shows a typical porcelain termination. It consists of insulator skirts; a drainage hole for
excess insulating fluid; a sealing plug in the drainage hole; an adjustable setscrew and locknut for
tightening down the conductor after it is inserted; and the cable entrance. The termination kit also
includes a plastic bottle and a connector. The plastic bottle is used to collect the insulating fluid that is
displaced from the porcelain terminator when the cable is installed.

Lock Nut


Sealing Plug

Cable Entrance

Figure 4-3: Porcelain Termination

Sometimes, the cable size is close to the smallest acceptable size for the terminator. If this is the case, a
centering plug supplied in the kit is used to make sure that the cable is centered in the terminator. The
centering plug fits over the end of the prepared cable and fits into the cable entrance of the termination
to ensure that the cable is centered in the termination housing.

4.2 Porcelain Termination Installation

In the video presentation, a porcelain termination was installed on a pole and supported by a galvanized
mounting bracket. The cable used had concentric neutral wiring. Before the job was started, the
termination kit was checked to make sure that it was the correct kit for the job.

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4.2 Porcelain Termination Installation

At the job site, a nut was removed from the mounting bracket, the terminator was secured in place, and
then the nut was replaced and retightened. The cable was then held next to the terminator and marked
with a wire. The wire indicated the point to which the concentric wires would be pulled back before the
cable was cut. Pulling the wires back to this point ensures that enough of the concentric wiring will
remain to reconnect after the termination is made.

Before the cable was cut, the concentric wires were pulled back to the wire mark and secured. Then
another mark was made to indicate where the cable should be cut, and the cable was cut at that mark.

Before the connector was installed, the conductor was cleaned with a wire brush to ensure good
electrical contact. Then, using the correct press and die, the connector was crimped onto the cable
(Figure 4-4). During the compression process, the press was rotated according to the termination
instructions. The termination instructions also specified the number of compressions necessary.

Crimped Connector

Figure 4-4: Connector Crimped onto Cable

After the connector was installed, it was filed to remove any sharp edges. The connector was then
cleaned with a cloth and an approved solvent.

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Cable Terminations

The next step was to taper the insulation as directed in the termination instructions. When this step was
finished, the end of the insulation had the same diameter as the connector.

The area between the connector and the insulation was then filled with an insulation compound. This
compound, which is generally supplied with a termination kit, establishes a smooth surface on the
insulation and on the connector. After the compound was applied, it was covered with two layers of
vinyl tape to provide mechanical protection.

The next step was to remove the semiconductive insulation shield. After a measurement was taken from
the end of the connector to a point specified in the termination instructions, the insulation shield was
cut and removed. (This step was not done earlier in the procedure because the expansion of the
connector during the compression process would have made previous measurements invalid.) Care was
taken not to damage the primary insulation beneath the insulation shield. The insulation area was then
sanded to remove any semiconductive particles or contaminants.

Next, the cable was measured and marked with tape to indicate how far into the terminator it was to be
inserted. Then the plastic bottle from the termination kit was inserted into the terminator housing. The
bottle was needed to collect the insulating fluid that would be displaced as the cable was inserted into
the housing.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

(6) Apparel.
(i) When work is performed within reaching distance of exposed energized parts of equipment, the
employer shall ensure that each employee removes or renders nonconductive all exposed
conductive articles, such as key or watch chains, rings, or wrist watches or bands, unless such
articles do not increase the hazards associated with contact with the energized parts.
(ii) The employer shall train each employee who is exposed to the hazards of flames or electric arcs
in the hazards involved.
(iii) The employer shall ensure that each employee who is exposed to the hazards of flames or
electric arcs does not wear clothing that, when exposed to flames or electric arcs, could increase
the extent of injury that would be sustained by the employee.

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4.2 Porcelain Termination Installation

With the bottle in place, the primary insulation and the connector were cleaned with an approved
solvent, and then coated with silicone grease (Figure 4-5). Some termination kits include plastic gloves
that may be worn while applying the silicone grease. The plastic gloves eliminate the possibility of
contaminating the cable with dirt or other materials that might be on the hands. If plastic gloves are not
available, the hands must be cleaned before they are used to apply the silicone grease.

Figure 4-5: Prepared Cable Coated with Silicone Grease

After the plastic gloves were taken off, the sealing plug at the base of the terminator was removed.
Then, with a constant force, the cable was pushed up until the tape mark on the cable was even with the
bottom of the terminator's cable entrance. As the insulating fluid inside the terminator housing was
displaced, it ran into the plastic bottle.

After the cable was fully inserted into the terminator, the setscrew and locknut were tightened down
against the connector to hold the cable in place. The bottle containing the excess insulating fluid was
then removed, and the sealing plug was reinstalled and tightened.

Finally, the concentric neutral wires were bundled and connected to the pole ground. This connection
provides the necessary ground to bleed off any static charges on the insulation shield.

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Cable Terminations

Section Quiz

4-1. Insulator skirts reduce ___________________ by breaking contamination paths along the
length of a termination.

4-2. Porcelain terminations are used primarily in ____________________locations.

(overhead, underground)

4-3. True or False.

In the video example, the plastic bottle that came in the porcelain termination kit was used to
collect excess insulating fluid that was displaced when the cable was installed in the terminator.

4-4. Using ____________________ when applying silicone grease to cable insulation helps ensure
that contaminants from the hands will not get onto the cable.

4-5. True or False.

One advantage of using a porcelain termination is that the concentric neutral wires are cut and
removed. It is not necessary to connect them to ground as with other terminations.

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Segment 5: Rubber Cable Terminations

Segment 5: Rubber Cable Terminations

Silicone rubber is a material that is frequently used for cable terminations that are exposed to the
elements. This section focuses on three types of rubber terminations: molded, slip-on rubber
terminations; cold-shrink rubber terminations; and heat-shrink rubber terminations.

• Describe or demonstrate how to install a molded, slip-on rubber
• Describe or demonstrate how to install a cold-shrink rubber
• Describe or demonstrate how to install a heat-shrink rubber

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269 (p)

(iii) If, during operation of the mechanical equipment, the equipment could become energized, the
operation shall also comply with at least one of paragraphs (p)(4)(iii)(A) through (p)(4)(iii)(C)
of this section.
[A] The energized lines exposed to contact shall be covered with insulating protective material
that will withstand the type of contact that might be made during the operation.
[B] The equipment shall be insulated for the voltage involved. The equipment shall be
positioned so that its uninsulated portions cannot approach the lines or equipment any
closer than the minimum approach distances specified in Table R-6 through Table R-10.
[C] Each employee shall be protected from hazards that might arise from equipment contact
with the energized lines. The measures used shall ensure that employees will not be
exposed to hazardous differences in potential. Unless the employer can demonstrate that
the methods in use protect each employee from the hazards that might arise if the
equipment contacts the energized line, the measures used shall include all of the following

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Cable Terminations

5.1 Molded, Slip-On Rubber Terminations

Figure 5-1 is a simplified illustration of a molded, slip-on rubber termination. This termination has a
rubber stress cone that works similarly to the stress cone that was built for the tape termination in
Segment 2. A metal grounding strap is attached to the cone. The cable's concentric wires are attached to
this strap to ground the termination. A layer of skirted insulators provides protection against tracking. A
typical molded, slip-on rubber termination kit also includes sealing tape, which is used to protect the
termination from environmental contaminants. A small amount of silicone grease is generally provided
for use when applying the stress cone.

Insulator Skirts
Stress Cone

Sealing Tape
Metal Grounding

Figure 5-1: Molded, Slip-On Rubber Termination

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5.1 Molded, Slip-On Rubber Terminations

In the video presentation, a molded, slip-on rubber termination was installed on a cable that had a
concentric neutral (Figure 5-2). The cable end was prepared by folding back the concentric wires and
removing the semiconductive insulation shield, the primary insulation, and the conductor shield layers.

Figure 5-2: Prepared Cable End for Molded, Slip-On Rubber Termination

After the cable insulation was cleaned and tapered, the conductor was wire-brushed to provide good
electrical contact. The conductor was then covered with tape.

The silicone grease supplied in the termination kit was applied to the cable insulation and to the stress
cone. The grease makes it easier to install the stress cone onto the end of the cable. (The termination kit
in this example did not include plastic gloves. In such cases, clean hands are used to apply the silicone

When the stress cone was slipped onto the cable, the end of the cone was positioned so that it butted up
against the semiconductive insulation shield layer. The end of the cone was unrolled to overlap the
insulation shield.

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Cable Terminations

Next, the connector was crimped onto the conductor according to the termination instructions. The
correct press and die and the specified number of compressions were used.

The stress cone supplies the end of the cable's insulation shield with stress control protection. For cable
terminations that are exposed to the environment, tracking protection is also necessary. In this example,
this protection is provided by a layer of skirted cold-shrink insulators (Figure 5-3). These insulators are
installed by pulling a plastic tab that causes them to shrink down over the cable.

Figure 5-3: Skirted Cold-Shrink Insulators

The insulators were slipped onto the cable so that they overlapped the stress cone. Pulling the plastic
liner tab allows the insulators to shrink and form a seal around the end of the stress cone.

The termination was completed by applying the silicone sealing tape that was supplied in the
termination kit. The termination was grounded using the grounding strap. The concentric wires were
attached to the ground strap and then taken to a ground source.

The termination just described is a class 1 termination. It provides stress control through the stress
cone, tracking protection through the skirted insulators, and a seal against the environment with the
silicone tape.

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5.2 Cold-Shrink Rubber Terminations

5.2 Cold-Shrink Rubber Terminations

A cold-shrink rubber termination uses a one-piece cold-shrink tube. When this tube is installed, it
controls voltage stress in a way that is different from the method used in the terminations shown so far
in this program. The other terminations use a stress control cone to increase the area of insulation, and
thus spread out the concentration of voltage stress. In a cold-shrink rubber termination, voltage stress is
controlled by a material that is specially designed to reduce stress concentration. This method of
voltage stress control is called capacitive stress control.

Figure 5-4 illustrates a capacitive stress control termination. The cold-shrink tube represented in the
illustration consists of two layers. The inner layer is made of a special material that has a high ability to
store a charge. The outer layer is insulation material.

Figure 5-4: Cold-Shrink Rubber Termination

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

(f) Training.

(1) The employer shall provide training to each employee who is required by this section to use
PPE. Each such
employee shall be trained to know at least the following:
(i) When PPE is necessary;
(ii) What PPE is necessary;
(iii) How to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE;
(iv) The limitations of the PPE; and,
(v) The proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of the PPE.

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Cable Terminations

The material in the inner layer of the cold-shrink tube has what is called a high dielectric constant.
Dielectric constants are given in terms of a "K" factor: the higher the "K" factor, the greater a material's
ability to store a charge. For example, air has a dielectric constant, or "K" factor, of 1, while common
cable insulations (Figure 5-5) have a "K" factor in the area of 3 to 6. The special cold-shrink inner layer
material has a "K" factor of 30.

Insulation Typical “K” Factor

Solid Paper 3.7
Oil Filled 3.5
Gas Filled 3.7
Varnished Cambric 5.0
Rubber 6.0
Capacitive material 30

Figure 5-5: "K" Factors of Common Cable Insulation

When a material with a high "K" factor is placed over the end of a cable's semiconductive insulation
shield, the stress concentration on the insulation is reduced. How the reduction is achieved requires a
detailed discussion of electrical theory that is beyond the scope of this program. In simple terms,
however, the high "K" factor material spreads out the voltage stress at the end of the cable shield so that
it is effectively reduced to an acceptable level.

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5.2 Cold-Shrink Rubber Terminations

In the video presentation, a cold-shrink rubber termination was installed on a cable that had concentric
neutral wiring. After the cable layers were removed according to the termination instructions, the cable
insulation was cleaned and tapered, the conductor was wire-brushed, and a compression connector was
installed. The connector was then filed to remove the rough edges, and the cable insulation was sanded
and cleaned.

Next, a silicone grease was applied to the cable insulation. For this type of termination, the grease is
not used as a lubricant. Instead, it serves as a filler and a sealant between the cable layers and the cold-
shrink tube. The cold-shrink tube was applied so that it butted up against the concentric wires. The
plastic tab was pulled (Figure 5-6) to shrink the tube onto the cable.

Figure 5-6: Plastic Tab on Cold-Shrink Tube

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Cable Terminations

To ground the termination, the grounding strap on the cold-shrink tube was connected to the cable's
concentric wires. Finally, a metal mounting bracket was installed on a pole, and the termination was
mounted (Figure 5-7). Like the molded, slip-on rubber termination, this is a class 1 termination.

Metal Mounting

Figure 5-7: Completed Cold-Shrink Rubber Termination

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5.3 Heat-Shrink Rubber Termination

5.3 Heat-Shrink Rubber Termination

A heat-shrink rubber termination uses tubes made of a material that shrinks down when it is heated.
Like cold-shrink tubes, heat-shrink tubes provide voltage stress control by the capacitive stress control

In the video presentation, the cable was prepared according to the termination instructions, and an
appropriate connector was installed. The workman then applied a putty that was supplied in the
termination kit. The putty was wrapped around the cable to provide a smooth transition between the
end of the insulation shield layer and the cable insulation.

Next, a heat-shrink tube was positioned on the cable so that it overlapped the insulation shield and the
primary insulation. An approved heat source and an even brushing motion were used to shrink the tube
evenly onto the cable (Figure 5-8). This tube, which is made of a material that has a high “K” factor,
provides voltage stress control.

Figure 5-8: Installation of First Heat-Shrink Tube

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Cable Terminations

After the first heat-shrink tube was in place, the cable was cleaned, and a layer of red sealing putty was
applied to the cable's metallic shield. A second heat-shrink tube was then slipped over the end of the
cable and positioned at the edge of the red sealing putty. This tube, which provides insulation, was
shrunk just as the first tube was.

After the cable was cleaned again, two additional layers of red sealing putty were applied. The first
layer was applied over the second heat-shrink tube, and the second layer was applied over the
connector. This second layer of red sealing putty made the connector area the same thickness as the
insulation. Then a final heat-shrink tube was applied (Figure 5-9), using an even brushing motion and
an approved heat source.

Figure 5-9: Installation of Second Heat-Shrink Tube

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5.3 Heat-Shrink Rubber Termination

To increase the insulation externally and to guard against tracking, heat-shrink insulation skirts were
installed over the tubes. (The positioning and number of these skirts will vary, depending on the voltage
applied to the cable.) After the skirts were applied, the cable's metallic shield layer was grounded. A
finished heat-shrink termination is shown in Figure 5-10.

Figure 5-10: Completed Heat-Shrink Rubber Termination

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.132(f)(3)(i)(ii)(iii) and (f)(4) Retraining
When the employer has reason to believe that any affected employee who has already been trained
does not have the understanding and skill required by paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the employer
shall retrain each such employee. Circumstances where retraining is required include, but are not
limited to, situations where:
(i) Changes in the workplace render previous training obsolete; or
(ii) Changes in the types of PPE to be used render previous training obsolete; or
(iii)Inadequacies in an affected employee's knowledge or use of assigned PPE indicate that the
employee has not retained the requisite understanding or skill.
The employer shall verify that each affected employee has received and understood the required
training through a written certification that contains the name of each employee trained, the date(s) of
training, and that identifies the subject of the certification.

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Cable Terminations

Section Quiz

5-1. ___________________ can be reduced by building a stress cone or by using the capacitive
stress control method.

5-2. Skirted insulators are used on rubber terminations to provide protection against

5-3. A material's "K" factor is an expression of its ability to __________________.

5-4. Circle the correct answer.

During the installation of a cold-shrink termination, silicone grease is typically applied to the
cable insulation to:

a) Ease the application of the cold-shrink tube

b) Clean and lubricate the cable insulation
c) Act as a filler and a sealant between the cable layers and the cold-shrink tube
d) All of the above

5-5. True or False.

Heat-shrink tubes are installed by pulling a plastic tab.

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Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix A: Glossary

This glossary contains terms pertinent to the study of cable terminations. The meanings of the terms are
given in that context and in a simplified form.

Aerial lug - A fitting that can be used to connect a termination to

electrical equipment.

Capacitive stress control - Control of voltage stress by using a material that has a
high ability to store a charge.

Class 1 termination - A primary termination that provides voltage stress control,

tracking protection, and a seal against environmental

Class 2 termination - A primary termination that provides voltage stress control

and tracking protection.

Class 3 termination - A primary termination that provides voltage stress control


Creepage distance - The distance from the semiconductive insulation shield,

over the insulation, to the conductor on a cable

Deadbreak elbow - A non-load-break elbow termination; designed to serve as

an insulated connection between a cable and its connected
equipment, but not to be switched under load.

Dielectric constant - A measure of a material's ability to store a charge.

External leakage protection - Protection against current leakage between a conductor

and its grounded insulation shield.

Flux - A chemical agent designed to help metals adhere to each

other when soldering.

"K" factor - A means of expressing a material's dielectric constant.

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Cable Terminations

Load-break elbow - A termination that provides an insulated connection point

between a cable and connected equipment; designed to
allow switching of equipment under load.

Non-load-break elbow - A termination that provides an insulated connection point

between a cable and connected equipment; not designed to
be switched under load.

Tape termination - A primary termination made up of several layers of tape

applied by hand.

Terminal lug - A connector commonly used with terminations.

Termination kit - A package containing pre-formed parts necessary to make

a cable termination.

Tinning - The process of coating a connector or other piece of

equipment with melted solder.

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