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My name is Jim Reynolds. My story begins with me sitting in my home office.

I had taken my car in

to get it serviced and they brought me home while it was being serviced. They would call me back
when it was done and either pick me up or I could have my wife take me to pick it up. When I left, I
didn't know I would be home during the process.

While puttering around doing this and that, I heard my wife Jenny come home. I checked the window
and saw that Celeste had driven up behind her. Momentarily, I heard my wife come in and then answer
the door and let Celeste inside. I continued puttering for a moment and then began to venture
downstairs. What I heard stopped me in my tracks and I paused to listen.

“Celeste I just don't know what to do. I hate this situation. Jason says that if I don't comply he will tell
my husband. Did he do that to you also? Did you wake up in his bed and find out you had been
molested and that if you didn't return for a few more sessions he would reveal my “affair” to my

“Yes, it was like that. His pattern seems to be six sessions and then he moves on. I didn't get caught,
but the guilt is tripping me out too.”

Did you hear that Candy's husband found out after the fifth session and promptly divorced her? He
didn't even give her a chance to explain, something about standard cheater's excuses 'Let me Explain'.”

That's why I'm so terrified of this situation. I'm a victim, but I may just lose my husband and family
with no recourse.”

I'm glad that I had thought to record this with my phone. I think that it is my time to enter this
conversation. I went down the stairs and joined them at the kitchen table. Both of them startled as I
joined them.

I said “Hello, I overheard the conversation. Did he use GHB, or something else?”

“ I don't really know. I was nursing my Virgin Mary. From then to when I woke up in his bed is blurry
at best and blank mostly.”

“What happened after you woke up?”

“ I think he used smelling salts to bring me around and after that he showed me some selfies of us in
various positions and the fact that he had my phone number and e-mail and your phone number and e-
mail in his phone, Then he gave me a Coke to clear my head and drove me back to the club. On the
way he told me that I would be making return trips to his house or he would reveal my 'affair' to my
husband. He also gave me a key to let myself in. We arrived just before you girls were getting ready to

I asked, “Celeste, is that pretty much your story?”

“Yes it is, pretty much exactly. After the sixth session he told me that I could go back to my husband
now. He was moving on to fresh meat. Because Jenny doesn't drink alcohol, I thought she would be
safe and didn't watch her carefully enough.”

“This sounds like a serial predator. Do you know other women that he has victimized? I asked.
Celeste offered, “I don't know Candy's details, but she may have been the first, I've noticed that Bev
and Rona were fidgety for a couple of months and not at the same time. Speaking of Candy, I think her
divorce finalized about six week ago.”

Jenny offered, “In the other group of women, there are two that went through divorce due to 'infidelity'.
I think one's name is Liz and the other might be Terry or maybe Tory, I'm not sure. Liz got caught
before Candy by a couple months and The other one's divorce was just finalized a week ago or so.
They may also have been victims.”

Celeste continued.”Jason is a frequent patron. Now that I think about it, I've only seen him show up for
a couple of Fridays at a time, and that seems to be about every couple of months.”

“Well”, I said, “That club seems to be his hunting ground. Why do you ladies go there?”

Jenny spoke up, “I think most of the women go there because it's got a generous dance floor and the
music is pretty good. Their husbands don't enjoy dancing and there are men that will ask them to
dance. Since you're heads and tails above the guys there, I rarely accept an offer. When I do it's
usually some poor bloke that has been rejected by several others and looks like he's having a bad night.
A 'mercy dance' if you will. Since I don't drink, I also go to support my friends and take care of them if
they have a bit too much to drink. We know that some women go there to be picked up for the night,
whether they are married or not. This fact provides a supply of men that usually dance better than
average, which my friends and several acquaintances take advantage of.”

“I would agree with that assessment. We all love to dance and our husbands don't”, chimed in Celeste.

“That's something I think we can address later”, I offered. “We have some other things we need to do
first. You two need to get STD tests. If you're clean, us husbands are probably good too. Next we need
to find as many other women who were targeted as we can, and in short order. Next, how did Jason set
up the five following sessions?”

Jenny replied, “So far, he has texted and told me to create a reason to call him in the next hour. For me
it was a jaunt to the store for 'needed' groceries.”

“I used that excuse too,” added Celeste.

Jenny continued, “Then I would call and we would work out how I would go to his place. He so far
always chose Saturday afternoon. When I inquired he said that that was a day and time that it should be
easiest for married women to hide an hour of so. Then I'd have to come up with some excuse to be gone
for about two hours and I would go to his place, let myself in with the key, and then go to his bedroom.
Then it was basically 'Slam, Bam, Thank you Ma'am' generic sex. He wasn't creative or very good, I
just think he just gets high on having someone else's wife. I've never had an orgasm with him and he
seemed to not care”

Celeste added, “ That's essentially the same for me, except that he required a blow job first on the
fourth session and then an enema followed by anal on the last session. That one was about a half an
hour longer. By the way, I still have my key also.”

“Boy this guy is cruel, and probably very egotistical. When do you expect the next text?” I asked.
“So far it has been on Thursday evening, That would be tomorrow.”

Good, when you call him, Tell him that I've already found out and that you will not be coming since he
no longer has leverage. I'll get a simple script together. This guy's ego will probably insist that he
boast about his behavior if you sound defeated and forlorn. Make sure you tell him I'm filing for

“Divorce, but I'm a victim.”

“I'm not planning to divorce you, but I'm hoping you can convince him that I am. I'm hoping his ego
will cause him to reveal his other conquests.

Celeste, your husband is still in the National Guard, right?”

“Yes, Roger is an MP in the Guard.”

“That would be good. Once he finds that Jenny is no longer available for sport, I think he will go back
on the hunt. I need him and one other husband to sit quietly in the background at the club with me to
try to stop his next conquest. You could tell him that I need help to stop the predator that assaulted my
wife. We'll leave your exposure for better evidence later. Can I leave finding the other women to you
two? Start with the girls group.”

“I can do that. I want this guy taken down so badly, but couldn't figure out how without a probable
divorce,” responded Celeste.

Jenny asked, “Why do I need to be exposed?”

“I need Roger, and whomever else we recruit, to have motivation before they find out that their wives
were also victimized. I'm hoping that Jason will regale you with his exploits in the upcoming call. To
do what I have in mind, I need someone to get the drink of the victim. I hope Roger will go with me as
we save the next victim from his clutches. With any luck we can also begin to deal him some

“I understand, though I'm not really happy.”

With that I stopped my recording.

Jason did not disappoint. We sat at the kitchen table as she called. My phone was on record on the
table as she called him. She put it on speaker before he answered. She was recording also.

“Hello Jenny, are you ready for Saturday afternoon?”

“I won't be there. Jim already knows and he's started divorce proceedings. You are a monster.”

After a gleeful laugh, he continued, “If he hadn't found out I would have released you after our sixth
session. Either way I win.”

“You Asshole, who else have you done this to?”

“I worked my way through all of your group, Celeste, Janet, Denise, Bev, Rona and of course Candy. I
interspersed each of them with Sue, Julie, Karen, Tiffany, Taylor and of course both Liz and Tory who
weren't smart enough to keep from getting caught. I only target married women. Since they have
marriages they want to try to keep, they stay quiet. The unlucky ones that get caught are almost always
thrown out on their ears by their husbands and never get a chance to explain. I've still got a couple of
potentials at that club, and then I'll have to move on. Boy, how I like the fact that most husbands don't
like to dance and that most women do. It's a veritable field waiting to harvest.”

“You are a horrible being. I hope someone castrates you and then helps you leave this veil of tears.”

He laughed some more and then Jenny hung up.

“What a gold mine,” I said. “Doesn't Bev's husband work in a lab somewhere?”

“I think you are right.”

“Do you have his number? I need to see if he is suitable and then available starting tomorrow.”

After Jenny found his number, I called. “Bill, this is Jim Reynolds, our wives are part of the girls night
out group.”

Yes, I believe we've met. What are you calling about?”

“As I recall, you work in a chemical lab of some sorts. Does your expertise include identifying GHB
or some similar drug in what is left of someone's drink?”

“No, but Gerry, in our office, has that expertise. Why do you ask?”

“My wife was sexually assaulted with a drug and then blackmailed to continue or else be exposed”

I found out about it before this guy's antics ran their course and it has stopped with her. The problem is
that he is a serial abuser and I would like to stop him. I believe that he may target someone else
tomorrow. Would you help me?”

“What do you need?”

“Come with me and another husband of our wives' group and stake out the place where our wives go.
If he picks a target and begins to leave with her, I would like you to get her drink and have it evaluated
for the type of drug he is using.”

“I'd be happy to assist. How many Fridays do you think it will take?”

“With luck just one, but maybe two or more.?

“I'll clear my schedule. Call me with the details of when and where to meet.”

“Will do,” I said. I asked my wife, “Call Celeste please. I need her to be able to talk privately”
Jenny dialed Celeste, “Celeste, can you talk privately?”

“Give me a minute. I'll call you right back.”

Fifteen minutes later she called. My wife put it on speaker.

“Hi Jenny, what do you need.”

I replied, “Out grocery shopping?”

“How did you guess?”

“Celeste, really? Any way tonight's call with Jason was a gold mine. He listed everyone in your group
plus seven other women. Three of the women went through divorce including Candy. Have you talked
to Roger about my request?”

“Yes, he is willing. Wow, how did he get to all of us?”

“He said that he interspersed you ladies with the others. I'm going to let Jenny take over the
conversation and I'm going to ask you two to remember any details about your experiences and details
about his house. Thank you and I'll sign off. Have Roger call me after you get back home.”

With that I left the room and began further fleshing out my plans.

About an hour later, Roger called, “Jim, Celeste says you need some help dealing with a predator.”

“Yes, I think he may be choosing a new victim soon. Can you stake out the club that our wives usually
go to with me tomorrow night?

“What do you need me to do?”

“I'll have a picture of him and hopefully a little more on his methods by tomorrow night. Bill Crystal,
Bev's husband, will be with us. His job, if the predator strikes is to get the victims drink and then have
it analyzed for what chemical he's using on his victims. You and I will follow him out to his car, knock
him down with a taser, get the victim to somewhere she can be helped, and then start the process of
dealing with him.”

He said, “We should wear black. Do you have a ski mask or something?”

“Yes, but it's red.”

“Don't worry, I'll bring something for you. I'll bring a taser that I'm comfortable with and will knock
down a three hundred pound man. Would some rope help?”

“Yes actually. Duct tape would also be good. I'll pick you up at 8:15 tomorrow night. I'll contact Bill
and have him meet us.” With that I hung up and called Bill and set up the meeting. Then I met my
wife in the dining room.

“What did you two come up with?” I asked.

“Both of us remember that we were the only ones at the table while the others were engaged in
dancing. With me, Janet had stopped to talk with me before returning to the dance floor. So it seems
that he targets his approach for that time when there are no others near from their specific group.

He did dance with each of us several times during the evenings before he approached any of us, and
was a respectable dancer. He didn't even dance that close, so our radar was never really up towards
him. I also noticed that he seemed to stop asking those of us in our group, shortly before Candy's
situation blew up.”

“Do you have any pictures of him?”

“Yes, I have several. Since I mostly didn't dance during our girl's night out, I would wander around
taking pictures of the various men while they danced with us. Let me find them.”

With that she started looking through the photos on her phone and as we got some good ones that
showed his face well and also his physique, from both the front and back, she sent them to me.
“Next I want to ask about his house. Do you have his address?”

“Yes, we looked on Google to make sure it was the right house. 666 Mockingbird Lane. It turns out
that it was inherited from his grandmother. His parents died when he was a teen and his grandmother
finished raising him. Celeste made small talk with him hoping to find some way of exiting the
blackmailed relationship and found out these facts.

It's an older house in an area that still has large yards. Nearest homes are maybe two hundred yards
away and the one in the direction you go to his house is boarded up and vacant.”

“What kind of stove does it have?” I asked.

“It's a really old one. Once he was making tea when I got there, using an old tea kettle. There was a
box of matches near the stove. I think you have to light it every time you use it.”

“Was there a toaster?

“Yeah, one of those four slice but only two slot ones.”

“Now about his bed, what kind is it and what about head and foot boards?”

“It's double sized with old brass head and foot boards. Very sturdy.”

“That's it for my questions, what else do you think I ought to know?”

“It was about 15 minutes from the club and about 20 minutes from our house in good traffic. It's sort of
at the edge of town in a lower class neighborhood, but still kind of a rural..”

“I almost forgot, did you ever see his car and remember it?”

“It was Chrysler or Plymouth. One of those that looked old timey on purpose. I think it was purple”
“You just described the car that had the reputation of being the most popular car of pedophiles. I
wonder if he graduated from that or perhaps still indulges. Well that's all I have for now.”

With that we went about our day. I had suggested yesterday that we refrain from intimacy until the
STD results are back and had suggested the same to Celeste. She said she would have a headache or
something like that. At any rate when it came time for bed we just held each other until we finally

Friday, at the appointed time, I picked up Roger and we went to the club. I had bought a black hoody
to go with my black jeans, black stockings and black athletic shoes. Roger was dressed similarly.
When we got there, Roger drove around the parking lot and found the purple Pt Cruiser in the back. As
we examined the area we noticed that it would be easy to get from the backdoor to his car without
appearing on any of the cameras around the building. For being so arrogant he had planned this part of
his routine well. By the time any of the cameras would catch sight of him, he would already be in his
car, driving with a passenger. We parked next to his car, backing in.

As we went to the entrance I showed Roger the pictures of Jason. I had already moved the ones of him
dancing with Celeste to another folder. Shortly after we got to the front of the building, Bill arrived.
We had him park wherever, and then he joined us and headed in. I showed Bill pictures of Jason,
having also moved the ones of him dancing with Bev to that same other folder. Still we had enough
good photos to recognize him shortly after we entered.

We chose a table in the back where we could see most of the club and all of the ladies that were near
the dance floor. I briefed them on the details that my wife had given me about his probable behavior
patterns. I intentionally did not credit Celeste for any of this info. And thus the stakeout began.

We noticed several of the men approach ladies and asked them to dance. Jason was very average in
appearance and seemed to give the Lounge lizards first dibs. He did seem to be buddies with several of
them. He did ask the other ladies to dance after the lizards let them go back to their seats. We did
notice that he never attempted to dance with about half of the women there.

As we watched, the other two mentioned that they wished they could dance as well as the guys out
there, but were too intimidated by previous experiences with their own wives. Yes, that part of the plan
will work in the future. As we watched, there were three women that got up and each left with one of
the lizards. Two of them were wearing wedding rings.

We noticed that another pair of ladies were both wearing wedding rings and that one of them was being
asked to dance frequently. She was the more flashy one showing the most skin.

We noticed that Jason spoke with one of the lizards and then that man asked the other lady to dance.
While she was on the floor, Jason wandered by their table and seemed to hover his hand over the ladies
drink for a moment.

I said, 'I think we have a victim. Let's see how this plays out.”

The lady returned and took a strong swig of her drink. Her friend continued to stay on the dance floor.
After about ten minutes we saw Jason go over and engage the lady in conversation. He had danced
twice with her earlier in the evening. As we watched she started acting woozy. Her friend seemed to
be wrapped up in her dancing. Jason came to her side of the table and acted like he was helping a
drunk women go back towards the bathrooms. As he left I motioned to Bill to retrieve her half drunk
drink and depart. He knew his role.

Roger and I got up and moved towards the back door. As we exited, we passed the couple making a
snide remark about her state of intoxication. We had only seen her drink one drink and then half of the
second drink, the one we think we saw him spike. We went to my car and Roger retrieved his taser.
We took out paintball masks and put them on while facing away from the couple. We also put on nitrile
gloves to prevent any finger prints. As they got to his car, I moved into place to catch her when Roger
tased Jason. I caught her and said I would take her back into the club and tell her friend that it looked
like she had too much to drink.

Roger took out a bandanna that I had prepared with a cutout for a nose. He put it on Jason and then
wrapped duct tape around his eyes and mouth with the bandanna protecting his face from the sticky
side of the tape. He wrapped Jason hands with tape with the hands in an approximate folded position.
He then placed him in the passenger side and duct taped his feet together. Then he got in the drivers
side. I had returned to the car by this time and we set out for Jason's home. Google got us there in
about 15 minutes, just like Jenny had said.

Roger had to taser him again as he started to revive. We undid the duct tape around his hands and feet
so that anyone noticing us would simply think that we were helping a drunk friend to get home.

We got him inside, stripped him and put him on the bed. As he began to stir, Roger tased him again. I
asked Roger if he knew how to tie a hangman's noose. He replied that he did and I asked him for one
after he secured his right hand to the headboard. We duct taped the knots at his hands and at the
headboard. Next Roger tied the hangman noose. While he was doing that I took out some half inch
medical tape that I had brought and tightly would the tape around the area just above his nuts.
Then we took the noose in that quarter inch nylon rope and tightened it around his tool and nuts. Then
we tied it, fairly tightly, to the foot board. Again we duct taped the knots on the foot board.

“Boy, I think I never want to get on your bad side. For an otherwise quiet guy you've got a real vicious
streak,” said Roger.

I quickly examined his home and took a few salient pictures.

“Let's get out of here,” I said and we got into my car and went home. On the way to Roger's house I
spoke up, “Roger, he drugged his victims and then sexually assaulted them. When they woke up, he
blackmailed them to return or he would reveal their “infidelity” to their husbands. It seems the
intimacy was nothing but him getting his rocks off but progressed from vanilla intimacy to include a
blow job and then to anal. After that he would let them go back to their husbands. He only targeted
married women. I think he was just notching his belt, so to speak. Tell me how you would respond if
that happened to Celeste?

“It would hurt, but I think I would be more concerned with my wife's trauma.”

“Even if she completed his 'course' and he sent her back?” I queried.

She would have been black mailed, right? How could you not look at your wife as a victim?”

“That's been my thoughts exactly.”

I dropped him off and went home to my wife.

“How did it go,” she asked.

“We managed to save a woman from his clutches and we hope we sent a strong message to not do that
again, but we know he's not right in the head, so he will probably go back to his regular tricks before
long. Oh, and it would probably be best not to ask what we did. Suffice it to say that he has suffered
no permanent damage at this point. We didn't even beat him up, just left him in a sticky situation.”

“Celeste and I went to a Doc in the Box and got tested on Thursday morning. We should have results
before next week is over.”

“That's good, I would like to task you and Celeste with gathering all the wives that Jason admitted to
victimizing together in a meeting with me. Some room that will later be large enough for them and
their husbands. In the first meeting I want to let all the women know that they were not alone in being
victimized. Can I ask you two do do that?”

“I don't think that will be a problem. We know a few of the other women and think that we can contact
all of them through them. I'll get together with Celeste tomorrow. Up for a good cuddle?”

“You know it,” I responded and we went to bed.

Wednesday brought three pieces of news, Bill contacted me with the lab results. GHB at a dosage that
was too close to being dangerous for comfort.
The lab results came back and both ladies were clean. I had surmised that based on his choice of
married ladies that the risks of an STD were slim, but we didn't know if one of his conquests had
picked one up somewhere. Some of the women we watched that day seemed awfully cavalier in the

Lastly, Jenny confirmed that all of the women had been contacted, but they were still trying to figure
out a room.

By Friday a room had been found and a meeting had been set for a week from Saturday in the
afternoon. The venue would be a community clubhouse that had a medium size ballroom. We would
meet in the ballroom at 4:00 pm.

That Saturday came, and we met. We pulled up chairs into a semicircle with me at it's focus. Jenny sat
behind me on my right and Celeste behind me on my left.

I called roll to see if everyone was there.

Candy asked, “Why are we here?”

“That's coming up right now.” I turned on a small boom box and made sure that my phone was
connected through Bluetooth and played the audio clip of me discovering Jenny's problem. I played it
up to the point that I asked, “This sounds like a serial predator. Do you know other women that he has
I then asked all the women in the room if they had a similar experience, to raise their hand.

Mouths dropped open in astonishment as everyone raised their hands.

“How did you know?” asked Tiffany. “Many of us aren't part of your wife's circle.”

I played the phone call. They were speechless. After a moment I spoke, “I would like to meet together
with all of you again with your husbands present, especially with the ex-husbands. I know that Candy's
husband never gave her a chance to say anything. I assume that the other two were similar idiots.”

There was a snicker as I said the word idiots.

“I would like to play the same audio files as I did for you and have you out yourselves to your
husbands, not for infidelities, but as victims of a serial sexual offender. I've already spoken to Celeste's
husband, without outing her, and he expressed feelings like mine. I would then like to propose a fix for
this imbalance in all of your marriages. Please don't ask what yet. I think it will be better to hear it at
the same time as your husbands.”

“They visited with each other for a bit and then Candy spoke up, How do I get my ex-husband to show

I asked, “Your husband Rocky is ex-special forces correct. Roger should be able to get him to come.
I'll add my impetus also if needed. He doesn't need to know that you will be here.

Are there any husbands that could get Liz and Tory's husbands here?”

Tiffany spoke up, “ Those of us who are not in your particular girl's night out group will get together
and figure it out.”

“To whom do we owe this meeting space? I asked.

Taylor spoke up, “That would be me.”

“Can we get this room again in say.. two weeks? Same Time?”

“I think so, I'll confirm it with your wife.”

“How about the rest of you? Will that work?”

Sue spoke, “It works for me and I'm sure I can get my husband here. The guilt is killing me and I want
desperately to regain a sense of closure and normalcy.” The rest of the women chimed in in the
affirmative. The divorced ones looked hopefully at me and I smiled back.

The next week and a half was a flurry of activity. The room was confirmed and by the Wednesday
before the Saturday meeting, all attendees were confirmed.

Saturday Jenny and I showed up early and we set up an old Home Theater system that we still had. It
was stereo and had two hundred watts of power. I had experience that it would sufficiently fill this
room with sound. Then Jenny and I began setting chairs around in a semi-circle with two chairs at the
focal point for me and my wife. Next we placed papers on the floor indicating which side of the semi-
circle was for men and which was for women. We had split the semi-circle in two with about four feet
separating the sides. As the couples began to enter they looked puzzled but settled into a seat in their
respective area. After everyone was in place, except the three divorced ladies, Jenny led them in from
from the side room where we had asked them to wait.

As they walked in, Rocky said in a louder voice than needed, “Hey what is my ex wife doing here,
what are you trying to pull here?”

The other two yahoos piped in together almost in unison, “Yeah, why are they hear?”

I replied, “If you assholes would be quiet, I'm about to get to that.” I then played the first audio file just
as I had with the ladies.

As Roger started listening, he heard his wife's voice and had a concerned look on his face that then
turned into a knowing smile. Alright, he's really with me.

I asked the men,” How would you feel if this happened to your wife?” Like Roger had earlier, they
expressed that they would be concerned, but they would see their wife as a victim and work past the

“Are you sure?” I asked. To a man, they said yes. Then I asked,” ladies how many of you have
experienced this yourselves?” The husbands mouths dropped open as they saw their wives' hands go

“How many of the ladies in my wife's group were terrified of the consequences of your husbands
finding out after what happened to Candy?” All the women in my wife's group raised their hands.

By this time Rocky was balling his eyes out.

“Who was the first to get a divorce of you other women?”

“I was,” replied Liz.

“Were the rest of you also terrified because of what happened to Liz?”

The rest of the women raised their hands. Now George, Liz's ex-husband, and Nathan, Tory's ex-
husband, were blubbering just like Rocky.

“I now need to play another audio file.” I played the phone call. All the men were hanging their heads
in shame as they realized that their wives ventured into an unsafe environment because of their
unwillingness to dance with them.

“Now we should share the blame, How many of you men don't like to dance because you felt
inadequate and emasculated when your wife tried to teach you to dance by leading you?”

All of the men's hands slowly raised.

“Now, my wife, who does have a husband who can dance, became collateral damage while trying to
support her friends.” I could be short sided like you three and blame you all and cut myself off from
you, … or I could see if I can rectify this situation.” How many are willing to hear me out?”

All hands raised.

“Alright, because we have three ladies who probably can't stand their exes right now, I'm going to ask
each of you to pair up with someone who is not your spouse. I'm going ask Liz to accompany me and
I'm asking Jenny to accompany Rocky, who is in the running for biggest jerk here tonight. Please move
the chairs to the walls and clear the dance floor. All we will be doing tonight is seeing if we can walk
on rhythm. Please take your partner and get in an oval shape. For you men, think of a dirt racing oval
where all the turns are left. Men stand on the outside, ladies on the inside. Take your partner's hand,
man's left and ladies right. To begin with I'm just going to count a cadence. This will not be a march,
but a simple walk in cadence. Men starting left and women starting on their right foot and... 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, keep going, now.... 5, 6, go backwards now... 5,6, go forwards now. Keep going
in that rhythm while I take a look at you.

After a couple of moments, “you may stop now.”

So far so good. Now I'm going to play a song with a contemporary sound that has a moderate rhythm
that is relatively easy to find.

I started EXO's MAMA on my laptop that I had connected to the Home Theater system . I had found a
version on YouTube that didn't have the theatrical prelude, but started with the actual music. I counted
to get them started and like before asked them to change direction a few times. The we stopped.

“I, the judge, am declaring that you are all capable of learning to dance. Are you willing to give it a

“What kind of time commitment would this require?” asked Bill.

“I can teach you enough to get by with most songs in about an hour and a half.

You'll learn to dance about four to six inches away from your partner. As such, and because of the
dynamics with the divorced persons, I'm going to ask you to switch partners often so that hopefully you
will get to dance with everyone.

This will benefit you in several ways. One is that you will be more focused on learning when you are
not with your spouse, and you will also be mostly stepping on, or being stepped on by people other
than your spouse. This should make for fewer fights when you get home. At any rate, save the vertical
couch dancing for your spouse. After that you will probably need two to four more sessions to review,
ask questions and practice.”

“I can manage that,” said Bill. “How about the rest of you?”

Surprisingly we got a consensus.

“By the way,” asked Roger, What do you mean by verticals couch dancing?”

That's what you probably did back in high school and what those Lounge Lizards tried to do with your
wives at the club. You know, where yo look like you are glued together from the knees to your

That got a bunch of snickers and giggles.

Taylor, would it b possible to book this room for four weeks in a row, say at this same time?

“Yes, I think so. Does every body agree?”

Lots of heads bobbed up and down.

“Can we start next week? asked Celeste.

Again, more heads bobbing.

As we were gathering our stuff and saying our goodbyes, the three yahoos came up to me and Rocky
stated, “Personally I would like to off the bastard. I don't see the courts doing any of us justice in this
case without adding to the trauma they've already experienced, and I /we feel so responsible for making
a bad situation worse.”

“Wouldn't it be better if he had a bad accident and everyone had a perfect alibi? You were special
forces, I'm sure you could pull of something like that”

“Why don't you three figure out a way to meet discretely with each other, I have some information that
can help you sort things out, but I don't want to be anywhere near the planning. What I don't know, I
cant tell to someone else. Contact me when you're ready. Don't wait too long, I think this guy will be
up and running his scam again soon and I would hope that we could nip it in the bud.”

“Got it, I'll contact you.”

In the middle of the week I got a call to invite me to come to Rocky's apartment in the evening after
dinner. I conferred with Jenny at dinner and left to the address they had texted me after we finished.

At Rocky's apartment I met with all three of them. Since Rocky lived alone after the divorce, they
decided that it would be safe there. I pulled out my I pad and pulled up Jason's address. Make sure
you get this. Then I showed them pictures of the house and car. They verified the house with a street
view of the address. Next was a picture of a couple of stacks of old, worn adult magazines in the
bottom of his closet. After that was a picture of his toaster and one of his stove, with the matchbox on
the counter next to the stove.

“Why those pictures? inquired Nathan.

“What can I say? I'm a Jason Bourne fan.”

Rocky looked at me with a puzzled look that quickly turn into a broad smile. Since I suspect that
Rocky will do the heavy lifting in this enterprise, I suggest that you two dig into his habits and

“I get it,” said Rocky. “I can organize them from here. The less you know, the better. We are the ones
that screwed up the most, so if there is any kickback from our endeavors, it should fall on us.”

George asked. “ Do you think we can ever be forgiven for our stupidity?”

“I honestly don't know. You guys put them through the ringer while they were already traumatized.
That's a pretty big hole to dig yourself out of. I'd start by being civil and polite during our dance
classes. Trying to move too fast will only make things worse for you. Oh, before I forget, here is a key
to his house.”

“How did you get it?”

“He gave each of the women a key so that they could take themselves to their own private torture
chamber. This one is the one he gave to my wife. I know of four other women who still have theirs.”

“Boy twist the knife some more. How could we have been so proud and stupid? Said Rocky. Don't
worry, we'll bring this chapter to a close. We'll also be on our best behavior around our exes.”

With that I said goodbye and went home.

Before our first class, I organized a YouTube list so that I could have my desired rhythms in order.

On the day of our fist class, we arrived early and set up our equipment. At two minutes past four the
last couple entered, muttering apologies.

“If you remember, I'm going to treat you as though none of you are married to anyone else here. I'm
going to ask you to change partners frequently. Ladies, I've already gotten a promise out of your exes
that they will be on their best behavior during these classes, so please accept them as your partners as
they come around. It will only be for a moment.

Now, can we have the ladies line up on this side of the room and the gentlemen on the opposite side.
Please face each other.

Now, gentlemen, please ask a lady who is not your spouse to dance and get back in the racetrack
arrangement.” With this I asked the couples who had divorced ladies as partners to move so that each
could have three partner swaps, or more, before they encountered their exes.

“Please stand about a foot apart from each other and stand up straight, but with your weight on the balls
of your feet, not the heels. When I was learning to dance they talked about lowering your shoulders. I
find that telling you to lift you chests is easier to understand and accomplishes the same thing. Ladies,
this applies to you too. Doing so actually helps to pull your bust away from your partner. Since we are
dancing as friends and not lovers, this would be best.

Now gentlemen, without raising your shoulders, lift your arms to your sides as though you were lifting
at the elbows... That looks good. Ladies step up towards your partner until you are about one flat DVD
from your partner. Gentlemen, please take your right hand and place it on her left shoulder blade.
Ladies, bring your left arm up, without smacking him in the face and lightly rest you elbow on his
elbow. There is a V shaped groove where his deltoid joins the rest of his arm. Place you thumb in the
groove towards you and your middle two fingers on the groove away from you. If the pinky and index
finger are slightly above his arm your hand will look elegant and less like the 'Claw of Death'.”
That got a few chuckles from the ladies. As I was talking, my wife and I demonstrated and turned so
that all could see.

“Next, Raise your left hand to a square shape and adjust your elbows down until your left hand is about
eye level with your partner. Your elbows should not be any lower than your solar plexus. If your left
hand is still above eye level for her, bring your left hand forward til you get there. Ladies cup your
hand in the space between his thumb and fingers. Gentlemen, lightly cup her hand. This is called
closed dance position. Please relax and step away from your partner.”

They all complied and and a few shook out their arms.

“Some advice for the ladies. His right arm is not an arm rest, it is a point of communication. So is his
hand on you shoulder blade and your thumb and fingers on his arm

Also, and just as important, is to not anticipate your partners movement. The moment that you step
before he does you will have wrested away the lead from him. Most men are substantially bigger,
stronger and heavier than their potential dance partners. Physics is crying out for the man to do the
leading. While I admit that a heavier woman can successfully dance with a lighter man, they both need
to be accomplished to pull it off. Are you ready to continue?”

Several yeses were said.

Please take dance position. Men create the frame and ladies step in. Later she can step into place as he
is beginning to form the frame. Now gentlemen commit your weight to your right foot. Now your left.
Go back and forth a few times.

“Ladies could you tell what foot he was on?”

Again several yeses.

“Now let's try moving forward and back wards. Men commit to your right foot so that your left foot is
free and go forward and back on your left foot. Ready and forward and backward and forward and
backward and forward and stop. You've now learned two of the eight basic dance steps, Are you ready
to learn more?”

Affirmative replies abounded.

“OK, For the next step, we will be stepping to the side with our left foot and touching our right foot to
the left foot without changing weight. Then we will go back the other way. Ready, with me, left,
touch, right, touch, left, touch and stop.

Next we will do side together. This time as we bring our feet together we will change weight. We'll do
three side together and a side touch. Then we will repeat but in the opposite direction.”

We tried that sequence twice. “There are eight basic steps around which almost all other steps are
made. This is done by simply combining these steps into different combinations. The eight basic steps
are: Walk, Rock, Cross, Arch, Wheel, Chasse, Pivot and Hesitation. Walk is what it sounds like, Rock
changes direction and when combined actually looks like you are rocking. The side touch step is called
a Hesitation and the side together is the Chasse., and yes Chasse is a French word. Sorry.

I think you are now ready to get dangerous. I'll play some music that is similar in tempo to what I
played last week. Some hints: Don't look at your feet. If you have properly communicated which foot
your weight is on, she will not be there when you step. If you step on her it's her fault. Still when it
happens, and it will, please step lightly. If you look at your feet you will be stepping all over each
other, so DON'T.

Now for the ladies. At this time in particular, as he's trying to figure out what he is doing, He may, not
be synced up with the rhythm of the song. While you are dancing with a partner, his rhythm is the right
rhythm. As he gets practice he will sync up with music better. OK, I will start the music.”

I played Lemonade by NCT127 and my wife and I walked around and answered questions as best we
could. Surprisingly, they weren't doing too badly. As the song approached the bridge I stopped the

“Please get back in you oval. Gentlemen, thank this lady for the dance, and move around the oval
forward, to the next lady. Make sure to get each others names. We're trying to be a friend group, so we
should also know each other's names. We will repeat what you did, only with this new partner and a
new song.”

This time I played Unbreakable by Kim Hyun Joong and my wife and I again helped those with
questions. As we got to about the minute and a half mark I paused the music and queued the next song.

“For this next bit I need some one that I haven't danced with before, which is most of you. Tiffany
would you be my demo model for this demonstration?”

“Sure, but why me?”

“You appear to move well, you are about the right height for us to work well together and most
importantly, you have no idea what I'm about to do.”

“Should I be terrified?”

“No, you'll be fine. I want everyone to observe and listen to everything I say to her.” I took her hand
and led her into the center are of the oval. We took dance position and I made minor adjustments to her
position and then I made some small movements to see if she was following me well. With that I asked
my wife to cue the music. I had chosen Charlie Puth's Attention as it's tempo was a little quicker and
easier for me than the slower ones I had chosen for teaching purposes.

We glided around the floor and she kept up with me delightfully well. We had a couple of fumbles
which we laughed off and then continued. We stopped and I indicated for my wife to cut the music, As
we parted Tiffany did a little giddy running step in place and squealed.

Then she said, “ that was so much fun. Jenny I'm jealous, you get to dance with him all the time?”

“Not near often enough,” replied my wife.

Derek, Sue's husband asked, “you danced outside of her a lot. What is that dance step called?
“That is the cross. It's next on the agenda.”

Paul, Taylor's husband then asked, “ you danced the same direction a couple of times and finished
several different ways. You also swished her across in from of you a few times and closed that by
stepping across her and doing 180 degree turns. What was all that?”

Dancing it the same direction involved what is known as semi-open position. You can close it, cross it
and more. The swishing as you called it, is changing open position from right side to left and back. It
has a wheeling motion. The 180 degree turns are pivots. If we get to them, it will be the third or fourth
class. The physics involved requires belly to belly contact in order to get around that far.”

Tiffany piped up, “We were belly to belly for a bit? How did I not notice?”

“Too busy having fun, I think,” I responded.

Roger inquired, “Can we really get to where we can dance like that?”

“You can do most of that without too much practice. Some will take quite a bit of practice. I hoped to
demonstrate that women who let go and allow the man to actually lead, can do more than they already
know. I think that Tiffany was an excellent demo model in that regard.”

“Let's change partners and learn the Cross. Thank this lady and move down one.

Take dance position and with your free left leg step diagonally across your own body and between you
and your partner. Your partner should have crossed behind. Now, step forward with the right leg
almost back in line with your partner, then with the left fully in line with your partner. Then with your
right leg step diagonally across, then inline and again inline. You can repeat or close the step. Now
this brings up the issue of three step patterns being danced to 4/4 music. As long as you use an even
number of three step patterns, you will end correctly for whatever step you choose next.

“Let's learn one more crossing variation that you may find very useful. Men, step forward with your
left foot initiating a turn to your left. The next step is a side step completing a ¼ turn. The lady, being
on the inside, will have a modest step to her left. Next the man continues down the line by crossing
behind. The lady by crossing in front approximately meets him. Men then step a small step behind
your other foot, followed by a small step to the side. You are on the inside of the turn, she's got to go
around you. You both finish with a crossing step. The men crossing in front and the women crossing
behind. If you have completed this step properly the man will be in position to step in line with the
lady. My wife and I will walk around and help you with this step. This step is the most complex so far,
but one of the most useful to master. The second half is used frequently in other combinations.”

About five minutes later we were ready for music. I chose Royals by Lourde.

About two minutes later I had them switch partners. Two of the ex wives were now with their ex
husbands and the third would be next time.

I chose Hard by Shinee.

After about two minutes I had them switch again and played Who by Astro.
“For the next fifteen minutes we'll just let you continue to work on the steps we've learned today. We'll
tackle the other steps in the succeeding weeks. With partner changes after every song I played the
following songs:

Staying Alive by the BeeGees.

I hate that.. by Key.

Eeny Meeny by Uknow.

Aint no sunshine by Bill Withers.

Cool Night by Sleepy and Song Ji Eun.

Veil by Lay

And Blank Space by Taylor Swift.

After a five minute break we began the next rhythm.

“We talked about three step patterns with the last dance. This next dance is going to deal with that in a
different manner. Most of these songs will be a quicker tempo.

For this dance we are going to combine a walk with a chasse. The walk will take two beats and the
chasse, two steps, will also take two beats. That becomes slow, quick, quick. First we will try a box
pattern. Will everybody return to the floor with the partner you had last?”

We then taught the box pattern and also moving forward and backwards. I played New Dance by XG.
They got a kick out of the title given what we were doing that day.

After switching partners we added an extended chasse which introduced extra quicks to the repertoire.
Then we taught them to turn them so that you could use that step to work your way down the floor.

Next I played INVU by Taeyeon.

Switching partners again we taught quarter turns, both left and right. Then we taught them that if they
combined them appropriately they use them to work their way down the floor and not just dance in a
small circle.

Next was Shivers by Ed Sheeran.

We continued switching partners and playing songs from my list. We mixed some songs in for the first
dance and watched them as they tried to figure out which dance to do to which rhythm. After about a
half an hour. We called it quits for the for the evening.

Candy, Liz and Tory came up while we were closing up and getting ready to leave and told us how
grateful they were for whatever I said to the exes as they were on their best behavior.
“Thanks, and we're looking forward to next week,” said Tory.

Shortly after that Rocky, George and Nathan came up. “Thanks for inviting us, we know that we
screwed up royally and made things difficult for many people. We're grateful for the tolerance
everyone has shown especially you Jim.” Then Rocky looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and said,
“What you don't know you can't tell”. I think I caught a smirk from the other two as well.

We finished packing and then joined Roger and Celeste for dinner at one of our favorite places. We
happened to see Candy, Liz and Tory there and invited them to join us. We ordered, ate and were
waiting for desert when Candy noticed a news article on her feed.

She told us to look for it and we read that there had been an explosion at 666 Mockingbird Lane at
about 5:00 pm that day. Preliminary findings indicated that there had been a gas leak of some kind that
had been ignited. They've only found one victim so far and his remains were burnt beyond recognition.
It is assumed to be the homeowner.

There were a remnant of several Vodka bottles beneath the victim's bed and preliminary assumptions
are that these broke and engulfed the bed in an inferno after the explosion. Still, results were
preliminary and subject to change.

One of Roger's MP buddies was a member of the police force and Roger met up with him a few days
later at the station and struck up a conversation with him about the incident at 666 Mockingbird Lane
as it was such an unusual event. He shared that there was one anomaly. There had been one of those
small portable fireproof safes in a corner of the bedroom where the victim was found. In it were
several old adult magazines, and mans tool, complete with the sack and nuts, bloody of course. The
body was so badly burned that they had a hard time IDing the body, but the results of the DNA test
matched the tool to the body. The other oddity in the safe was fifteen of what looked like house key
blanks. When his friend walked away for a moment he took a photo with his phone of the evidence
photo showing the man's tool. He thanked his friend and they talked some more about the case.
Eventually the police chalked it up as and accident, although they never could explain the contents of
the safe. They just couldn't find any leads. Any phones that he may have had were missing.

When Roger showed the photo to Celeste and Jenny, they both concurred that it belonged to Jason.
There was a birthmark on the top of his tool that both recognized.

“Can you created a 4x6 of that on the printer?” asked Celeste.

“Sure, why” asked Roger.

“Print it and then scrub the photo from your phone. I'll show the photo to the ladies. I think it will help
in the healing process. Once I'm done I will burn it.”

We finished our dance classes and everyone was beginning to show some comfort on the dance floor.

Next, we began having date nights at the three clubs in town that had decent facilities. I think it really
helped the women to have their husbands with them when we went to the club where all the drama
started. That was good.

One night about a year we started to address the problem that was Jason, we were at 'the' club when a
another couple walked in. Rocky immediately walked over to the gentleman and began chatting with
him. After a moment he brought them over to the four of us.

Rocky began, “Jenny, Celeste, this is Martha. She is the fifteenth key, Joey has remarried her and they
came to us hoping they could find some closure. Can they talk to us about how we dealt with

Celeste let out a sharp whistle and gathered the girls around her and briefly explained the situation.
Taylor piped up and said that there is a conference room in her club house and it is almost always open
on Saturday afternoon. “Should we assume 4:00 pm tomorrow?” We all nodded in agreement.

We all gathered in the conference room, thanked Taylor again, and began introductions around the
table. When we finished, Martha asked those who had gone through divorce how they were doing.
“All seeing our exes, but were not ready for the long term commitment yet, “ said Liz.

Candy asked, “ how did you two get back together?”

“A little over a year ago I returned to the area, from where I had moved to, and tried come up with a
plan to deal with the man who ruined my marriage. While looking over the property, I met Nathan. He
told me the rest of the story. I nearly went catatonic when I realized what I had done to Martha.
Nathan took me to meet with George and Rocky, They brought me up to speed and gave me a key. I
asked when they were going to all be together again. The rest is a secret.

As to how we got together, I was so horrified at what I had done, that I basically grovelled at her feet
every chance I got. I wore her down after four months and we started dating again. Six months later
we got married again in a small, quiet civil ceremony. She was still feeling a malaise so I thought of
seeking you guys out to see if you could help her out.”

Candy spoke up,”Now don't you guys get any ideas. We're not quite done being mad at you.”

That brought up a few snickers.

“Actually it was Jim,” said Roger. “From the conversation he overheard, he understood that his wife
and Celeste had been brutally victimized and blackmailed. He got Jenny to get Jason talking about
who else he had victimized. With that he recognized where things needed to be fixed and went about
organizing it. Both Jenny and Celeste were incredibly helpful in getting things worked out. He, Bill
and I manged to save another woman from being victimized.”

“What, why didn't we ever hear about it?” asked Tiffany

“Trust me you never want to see Jim's vicious side. He wasn't permanently hurt is any way, but I'm
pretty sure that he felt more terror than any of his victims.”

“ Funny that. Last I saw him, he seemed scared of his own shadow,” quipped Joel.

“That almost makes me feel as good as seeing that his house had an explosion due to a gas leak.” said
Martha, “That helps me a lot actually, knowing that he suffered like his victims. Him just dying in an
accident just didn't feel right. He needed to suffer.”
“Joel, what did you do when you worked here?” Nathan asked.

I was a vet at the veterinary clinic on the north end of town.”

“What do you do Martha?” asked Liz.

“Just this and that. Just stuff I could do anywhere..”

Julie inquired, “have you thought of coming back? There is a great support group here that knows
exactly what you've been through.”

Joel looked at his wife and their eyes met, “We'll talk about it.” After that we devolved into ordinary
conversation that lasted until we left the room at 6:00 pm.

Six months later we gathered at a house warming for Joel and Martha. Five of the ladies in our group
were at various states of pregnancy, including Tory, who was just starting to show. They were talking
about becoming legal again and we were looking forward to a big party, even if it was after a
courthouse wedding. Both my wife and Celeste were among those pregnant and we looked forward to
our families growing.

Jason had a reign of terror in our community, but we had fought back and reclaimed our lives and our
dignity. Life was good

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