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ORDS Configuration with Apache Tomcat & APEX

In Linux server:

 apex 18.2
 tomcat 8.5.14
 jdk 1.8
 ords.18.2.0


Before live implementation you may take database & application backup for safety.

JDK install in Linux server:

Linux Command:

rpm -ivh jdk-8u121-linux-x64.rpm

After installation to see java version run this command:

java –version

Then Copy tomcat software in Application Server (tomcat 8.5.14)

1. First keep the ORDS zip or extracted file in a directory in your Linux server.
2. Select a directory & create a folder & copy all file from ords.18.2.0 in this folder.

Create a folder
named ORDS

3. Then

directory (in ORDS folder) for example (conf_ords) where configuration file will be created
during installation.
4. Change the war file name as you want in URL (for example : baaml.war)
5. Then go to the path(like cd /u01/ORDS) where you want to configure ORDS & open terminal &
run this command :
java –jar ords.war install advanced
6. Then it will ask for a configuration location. Copy the path & Paste that location. And follow the
procedure like given picture below: (like cd /u01/ORDS/conf_ords)
7. Maintain all ORDS Password ABCD1234 for Production Server ORDS Configuration.
8. If you want to configure standalone mode i.e. 8080 then press 1 otherwise press 2 to skip.( Press 2)
9. Then you have to copy the ords.war & paste into this location: apache-tomcat-8.5.14/webapps
10. Create a directory named “i” in apache-tomcat-8.5.14/webapps location & copy the images from
apex image folder(Collect all images from Apex Software Image Location) & paste in this
location.(all image paste in “i” folder not create “image” folder.)

11. Then Go to Database server(go to Apex Path and Connect by SYS user) … run
@apex_rest_config.sql (in Apex path) for creating ords instance in database apex user

12. Then Restart tomcat & run URL like: http://ip:tomcat port/war file name/
13. If Apex login page is seen then everything is ok

ORDS Install in Windows

Steps: Same procedure for windows described above.

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