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ore f= WE tps i 7 ONY ’ 0, yo REFUSLIG OF @He PHILIPPINES ae REGIONAL TRIAL couRT 2 TALICHAL CAPITAL JUDICIAL REGION 9 QUEZON CITY, BRANCH / |] Paopis oF $e PHILIPETUES, ne T.c. bo, 04-6050 Lice SOR sper CRIN. CASE NO. 0 -or- 131722 LourE aifoses ¥ BaLLsDa ao ae 19 yrs. old, single, hogh i : shhooi drop out, n/o and 2 Fes, at Ko, 53 Looy St. an Roque 2, Bay. Fag-asa, ‘ H Quezon City’ (UNDER ness 7/ Ret eee ‘ detained at OID, Camp Karingal, Siketuna Village, Quezon City) cr. g a Accused. Lbdy xeee ee eee eee x “ye ie . The undersigned accuses LOUIE Gasu0s Y BALLALA of a tie crime of MUHDEX, committed as followss That on or about the 25th day of December, 2004, in Quezon City, Shilippines, the seid accused, with intent to kill, qualified by evident premeditation and treachery, taking advantage of superior strength, did thes and there’ willfutly, wilawfully and felonioasly attack, “a assault and employ personal violence upon the person of Jose RONGIE BagaSBAS ¢ RUBIN, by then and there stabbing the said victin on the neck with a bladed weapon, thereby inflicting upon him Serious and mortal wounds wiich were ~ the direct and immediate cause of hia untimely death, to ; the damage and prejudice of the heirs of said LOSE RENGIS BAGASEAS Y RUBIN. CONTRARY 20 Law. Quezon City, Philippines, December 29, 2004. I hereby certify that the foregoing Information is filed . pursuant to Section 7, Rule 112 of 2000 Revised Rules of Cri~ minal Procedure, the accused not having opted to avail of nis/ ber/their right'to preliminary investigatioa and not having executed a waiver pursuant to article 125 of the devised Penal Gode. I further certify that this Informa’ion is being filed with the prior authority of the City Prose: itor. Quezon City, Philippines, December 29, 200k. SUSSCRTZED AND SWORN to defore 4 in quezon City, Assiste¢f City Prosecutor uP Tips Spt BSTRELITA BAGASEAS Y RUBIN ~ No. 8&4 Santan St., San it Roque 2, Bay. Pag-asa, .uezon Ci Da. WARY AWN B. Gazannd~ G/e Fle, Ginene, 2e'10, a0sa Kagoning Quezon’ City (BEs the Postmortem Certificate of Death dated Dec. 25 2004) @ ARKANDO TINDOX - Nos 84 Santan St,, San Rogue 2, pe 4.0 ‘Bey. Fag-ase, Qhezon City H AND OTH.sid HO BALL 2800. .tissd, APPRG 3y AUBUsTTY ‘ty "Prosecutor Dapartmant ofthe Inber ‘National Balice Commission Filipina National Pulice iat Police Dati Criminal ovestigation and Detection Uri, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVIS!C #2 Camp Karingal, Stkatune Village, Qoeasn Cty i December 25, 2004 The Honorable City Prosecutor acon ity, Metre Mania Sr, Mads: | | have the honor to refer to you herewith for inepiest, requesting appropriste legal ociaan, 3 Case of MURDER, defined and penalized iwois! APT, 248, of the Revined renal Core, as amended by ARTICLE 689 (AN ACT TO JNPCSE OEAYH PENALTY UCR A CERTAIN HEINOUS CRIME}, wheren the parson being a.cusu! 6 one ie i ul fvrwe re 5 angle, high schoot drop [Gk fle natve of and yesiding at to, 52 Alcoy Liteet, San Rogue 2, I lid a Fe ase. idiaah Cl. VICTIM: JOSE RENGTY FAGASBAS y RUBIR, 28 veers wll, maried bores | plive of Ober} id, Bulacan and residing at 'o, 6+ Santan Street, Fad-aga, Quezon City. !DECENSED) is ihe yf BE aerastte i Lea ESTRELITA BAGASBAS y RUBIN, 50 yews old, widow, joblews, ative of North Cotabato, and aresident of To, 8 Gran Sheet, Sen Roque 2, Ory. Pag. ase, Queren iy. (0 BY VICTIM'S SURVIVIIG MOTHER.. | WATNESESS: 1) ARMANDO TINDOY y CANALES. - res. ot No &# Suntan St,, San ; Rogue!2, Bray. Pad-asa, QC |B CUSP MARY ANN P.GAIARDO The Medico lead Officer PNP, ‘y CPOCLO| 15-10 EDSA, Karnuning, Quezon City 3, |. Fek¢IPAD CLAUDIA-oRDOREZ ~The Attending Physician c/o wi EAMG Ea 4. PO2 Mw) SlTuriano - CID-CPDO, Camp Karings!, 1) OTHERS THAT MAY BE PRESENTED LATER. ESHIBIT: 4) Statement of ESTRELITA BAGASBAG y RUBIE. Zz ‘Statement of ARMANDO TINOOY a Death Cerificate of JOSE RENGIE LAGASBAS: 4, Cre (1) Kitchen Knife mecsuring sbout 14 inches long from tp of blade to tip of handle "MT" (RECOVERED) 5; Affkdayit of PO2 Marie 5. Turiano OTM CH MAYBE PRESENTED LATER, TS OFTHE CASE: invéstigation disck’sed tjat|an or about 4:00 o'clock by the moming, Decermbe: 25, 2004, victeh JOSE BAGABBAS ‘pgether with witness ARMANDO TINDOY were sitting in iront of a atone, accuse’ GANITOS suddenly appeared and pase by and uttered in the veenacullar 40, the ‘Victim and withess: "UNA UNAHAN LANG YAN", After uitering that rors, aceuged GAIJTOS wureeattiourly pulled out a kitchen knife, motivated by en evil desire to kil, with iptent to kill, delberately stabbed the unsuspecting victin, hitting the Same on the neck. Altibuch! mortally wounded, victan wae able to run at the residence of he sistet 1 aw heaby then collapsed Unconscious. Victim was immediately rushed to Enst Avenue Medical Centey for seatment but was declared DCA at about 5:25 o'clock iv the moining, even gate, by DR. FELICIDAD CLAUDIA-ORDOREZ the attending physician fon the othér hand’ accused GAIUTOS ied to escape but wae ganged up and apprehended byiangry neighbors at the area who were alartned and responded at the scene, Accused GAJUTOS war alco rushed to East Avernie Medical center for treatment where he it presently conlined dus to the injurtes he sustained, Contin tston Letter @aferal to Ge Horerable Oy Prosecir : Cate of MURDER tn the course of th gation, at the ome. y soon of East Avenue edical Center, wittess TINDOY ako proceeded tharefton:, arcl znsitively identfied the accuned GAJUTOS o6 the Very sume person he sav treachcious'y stabbed the victim on Ube neck, witness PICEUSP MARY AN P. GAIARDO, ¢ Officer of the PNP Crime Laboratory Services, who conducted autopsy exaratiation on the cadaver, Result of the examination showed chat the vietiars cand ot death was due to “HESORUMAGE AND SHUCK AS A RESULT GF STAG WUE Gt THE fIECK™. O\eig investigation at the emergency yoon of ERMC, occused GALUTOS when infomest og the nature of the charge leveled egainst hn and after having been appr ised of his Constitutional Ricitts opted to remam silent sic fo have ant independent coupe! oF choice a ialdece Police Superifrendent (650 ' H Chief, 1D aleahanda gay ag sat mab deat ng cael no Sa pagsbnyoat eo ey pomang katoi nnangy : saGor Spo B,D. Bea asbasani 02 Ts Bung sayon aao aga anal ang sryang boo ot hast. dha peng age vagy a iyong parton? s Ako po si ESTRELIETA BAGASBAS y Bl SIN ‘henapbuhsv. mbong North Corobuto, Slay InLup ' nuaete 03. T Balut kaye narssto. \ ding enak? ! ‘ t Fe ee eM can § | diva po od JOSE RENGIE BAGASBAS y RUTIIN, 25 taong gulang, m: jo, Bulacan al kesalukuy.g nakativa ca NO. 84 Santen Faborer, tubsag Choa | Hest, Sen Rogue 2, Brey. Pagiata, Luagsod v= Queron Centicate of Death of Jose Regi ‘Ruban Bagasbes +F" Request for Laboresory Exanination dated Docentbes 25, 2004 “Cr - Centifente of Ideatification ‘and consent for Autopsy SEP eed “HI” Medico Legal Branch M-4B0-04 sketch of 2 person “Tr — Medice Legal Report No. M-A80-04 SL ger May Ao P- Gre MD. 0 prove the fact death of Joss Reng: ‘that he died on arrival at «be show the location ofthe wounds ‘stained by victim Jose Rengie Ruben Bagesbes + to prove thatthe Medico legal Officer conducted the desired autopsy and found two (2) stab wounds in the right aad left side of the neck of the vietim, es well = abrasions ot the left side of the mandibic. Also, to prove the cause of death of Jose Renee Bagasbas which i Hlemorthage and shock as 2 road of tab wound ef the neck, Morover, to prove that Dr. Mary ‘Aun P. Gajurdo proparcd and signed this ‘documcnt and as pert of the supposed testimony of Dr. Felimoa Porchancula “F; Aida of PO3 Masons Teriane «te prove thet PO3 Mario Turiane executed y Sebection ‘an affidavit in conncction with tis casc. “Ta” sgpature ‘Abo to prove thet when this Pelice Officer weat to East Avenue Medics! Center in Quezon City ‘where the victin was brought of December 25, 2004 this wimess met Armande Tindoy who ! i 4 i document. “KC Madsyang Siournpsang Salaysty - te prove that Armando Tiawdoy an of Amando Teedoy ‘eyewitness, pave his staternent to the police “K:1"- second page anid narrated what he saw inthe crty “Kl.” — signature previously rmoming of December 25, 2004 slong, suerked as Exbibts A, A-1 and A-2 Mojico St, Sen Rogue 1 Brgy. Pag-Asa which we Bike to be comected Quezon City and idenied wecused Toute ‘Bagasbas, the prosocution respectlly rets its case, Quezon City, Philippines, September 21, 2006. ‘The Clark of Court RTC Branch 220 Quezon Cry GREETINGS: Please submit the foregoing Formal Offer of Honorable Court immediately upon receipt hereof, Copy furnished: rer Atty. Glenda Mateo PAO, Basement. all of Justice Quezon City Counsel for the accused Jonny to steal fe Sart wth FUNERAL ( SERVICE “A -LEGAL MORGUE (Se half ‘Commonweatth Ave., Bgy. Commonwealth, Q.C. '198-038-531-000-VAT * Tel, Nos.: 427-8403 * 427-8412 ERNESTO U. AGRANZAMENDEZ - Proprictor Samant ofthe following OFFICIAL RECEIPT Ne | 3543 Ne $25. receiveptom Mtb, SSR (CL? Gaal Address T@OBY TY THAAD FEISS Oe tort PHAY ST J4f Oe v IE QTY (290, 1/3. yas for Fe en te HUE REA Bie BHO Ke teas BK as percontract No. __ (3G@0. dated DEC £6, BE enotateipmanee PCO) PRIMEs!:5i2: / ANG, MEMORIAL Sgr TtS of in payment of the folowing: PARTICULARS | AMOUNT 200 Commanweath Ave, ®gy Commonwealth, Fairview, 0.¢ TIN. 198-038-531-000-VAT ~ Tel. Nos.: 427-8403 + 427-8412 + 932-¢ ERNESTO U. AGRANZAMENDEZ - Proprietor r 1 MH PROVISIONAL RECEIPT @ HE 25» : - 1 t i ! { i | RECEIVED fom_£¢¢72¢/1) 4a? Digasbag ' Address PY clarttan SE. the sum of_ 72 Total e ° 200 22 35 basal pase = Funeral Services rendered to , SC. Cf28 z. Sagas * 1 [feck Now as per contract No,__ E55" dated [2-25 7-0K Received Total Lal N 5408 by a : | FAIRVIEW PRINTING SYSTEMS . 7 1 008 Commonwealth Avenue, Quesen 2 rome ere BH Pre wL ia 1 on. = 001-1000 (89 x2) Signature over Printed Name we i peptenten new bye: a Pacrnt Fumcrof bores, he- 85-49 Dette - May (y lors pdr -— B- Prem Fansnal vices tw Sao Lite 25, 200 weet © - De -ne- 16 36 = Dik ja- Jo- 04 wy eH, ep MOK Yot-4@e hate 1Qe of-og Webi EF. udipesete of Pele Mew, 20. 04. the ‘Re baceasbas September “i, uve Soe: i 0% (9) : 7 Preset Furnurel perce wed. webdw ~ ho BY HI > dete Moy! ue dyctte B- Prem Lumera fener ho. SHO hote- Daas, 24 vy Clate Lie OR- he- (u 3¢ Dake - ja. 30° 0% yok D- or fees hot. ja ote fat by Gb, B~ taefiet ae huers~ ON~ September 0, U0 OFFICIAL RECEIPT Republic ofthe Philippines Quezon City ‘OFFICE OF THE TREASURER ‘secouatable Form No. 52 Revised August 1994 Se —— (aecountable Form No. 81 Revised August 1994 OFFICIAL RECEIPT Republic ofthe Philippines Quezon City 2 QPFICE OF THE TREASURER oRiciNaL | Tian Pag lay [soar 6011496 Date f - {erg fy [sar 6011504 avon de Groans Ord } La neruneorcousenon | ERARP| —anour ! | (Paver a \ ‘Dm Lng Bad Le Sica 7 ( TER?) mor kee oi , + & Kein Tse = Co / z i e os | + 7 { . jel be Tune ix Worse aecaeec! com Gaia cand (Genoa want, shwsk of money evar reeie oan in WaRBS = a BS want secu a a = 8. ENORIGA TREASURER Gr Taansunan coulecre Orricen aor ‘ote dccongiished in qschunical) REMARKS/ANNOTATION wey HEB aos Republic ofthe Philippines OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR GENERAL “CERTIFICATE OF DEATH ot compe accurately ana ag. Usa kr Spouse Pace xvureneappeptioanore heme Ges AT a 28) vince Regaty No «ylMunicipality Swe a aan) (aap ; Joss’ RENGTE UBER BAGASBAS rsx SRENGON [4A [A RORGRAOR] SURE TER < BERT Eo wwe on Conpatedyers | [ona] Tone] Hanae marmwe | SatROMe | OE | OR LL be S PLACE OF janet napmarcisonetaiy ~~ ayaianapany) oem DCATH _pOAm "tet" Avente Wedicad Center, Quezon Ci 6 DATE OF DEAT) ns Sahan “Boba | OTENSHP ners nane aOR Santan'SV2y" BOP, egonig pag SGl(RY toque FETZon Tove stares —~ 10. OGCUPATION —2¥idowed suman tomer Laborer MEDICAL CERTIFICATE . {For ages 0107 days, accomplish heme 11-17 st the back) 1. ZAUSES OF DEATH, ‘eral rtaen Gratara Boa immedi cane 14, HeGA00" Legat Céine abbing Tneident ‘ite cee; 8. Gioia ame 1 Ot sigitant contin contoeingte seat I 18, DEATH BY NON-NATURAL CAUSES ‘anno: of Dea s Womiehle “"s_2 actos __ poctant —_4 tars (peo) __ Pic of Secure (6 ore frm fatry,eon e8 ). asteScEaES — 1¢ ATIENGANT,- = = attended, state duration: 1 Pak Pei 52 ane Fram Ear ~ 2 Pinte eat Ofer 5 oners¢opecn) To . 8 _ How Autonty Sey 20. CERTIERTION.OF DEATH here erty that the Joreping Chem sede degiiet i pee a ed i A cd mo he te tte te ore 8 er 6 sie cane seit ad Iftar erty at Signature Nanda Tate! or Potttin” Addons 2 i Date 21, CORPSE GSPORAL “za BUBIAUCREMATION PERMIT,| 23. AUTOPSY Hnbee Yer 27. RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR | Senate Mine eng Tito Portion REPUBLIC OF THE-PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERRIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT B RAsTORa renee Coombs dial PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE CENTRAL POLICE DISTRICT CIU, Camp Karingal, Quezon City December 25, 2004 Date SUBJECT Request for Laboratory Examination 7 TO DIRECTORS PNP CLS CCL Camp Crame, Quezon City ‘Attn.: CHIEF, Medico-Legal Request Laboratory / Medico-Legal Examination on the accompanying specimen / subject(s) specially for the purpose of Determining the real and exact cause of his/her death, FACTS OF THE CASE ‘Nature of case Stabbing Incident a Suspect(s) a Age Ht b. Age ee ree creer Age Vietim(s) 3, Jose Rengie R. Bagasbas Age b sg eueneutassesnstetenibencezsr |” Ssnsnisnasarnanan é Age Complainant Ge-- HEE Pe cee Pee beeen eee Apprehending Officers) Place of incident/where the evidence was obtained/confiscated Klong” Wojico St., Bray.Begong Pagnasa, Timeldate/ineidentevidence obtained: ‘ab about 4200 dei. December 25, 2004 Evideice/dgcuments submitted (for documents, SPECIFY questioned and Standard due} | Gadaver of Josezengie R, Bagasbas 2 ea Ce ee eset an eipanieeeaeeE i See ee eee a) —ChieFoF Office/Agency wr ei 2 We esetb ea ‘Signature &( Designation of Requesting Party oe eRe pk ae W4@-Of hh Myle|ee (CRIME LABORATORY GROUP A REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ‘CAMP, CRAME, QUEZON CITY > \ MEDICO- LEGAL BRANCH CERTIFICATE OF IDENTIFICATION AND CONSENT FOR AUTOPSY I, the undersigned _V"S+ Hstrellita Ruben-Bagasbas age 50 years oid) Sex Female Relation “other” Civil Sams _ Widow jon _—VYendor Residing at CF Senvan St. , Brgy.San Roque, 90. Pag-asa, aC ‘No. ‘Street ‘Barangay “Town/City “That I have scen and identified the body now at PNP CLS CCL CPDIO official “Morgue PRIME FUNERAL SERVICE Located at 200 Commonwealth Ave, Barangay ‘Commonwealth Quezon City ‘That I below tis person is_70 RENG AAGASBAS whose age atthe time of isher deaih is approximately at_—_75 years od. “That tam the _ "eter of Jose Rengie R. Bagasbas Relation ‘Name of Deceased ‘and that 1 last_saw or heard fiom this person was on oF about 10:00 Bait, ‘December 24, 2004 at our residence. Time Date ‘Place “This is to centfy further that I am giving my conseat to the MEDICO — LEGAL Officer of the PNP CLS CCL CPDIO Camp, Crame, QC. to condvet an satopsy 10 the cai of the lale “Ose Rengie Re Begesbas tw determine the real and exact cause of hishher death IN, WITNESS THEREOF, I hereby affixed my signature this ___ day of HEE ao} | with residence Certificate No. _____Issued at fe wf .R Page bes Setrellita 2. Bagasbas ‘Signature Mother Relation Seer Heereee EE Peeeeeeeee REPUBLIC OF Hi PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIUNAL POLICE CRIME LABORATORY GROUP CAMP CRAME, QUEZON CITY MEDICO LEGAL BRANCH wen oe foe begun —— vane MI ADOY. __ Height: Medico-Legal Officer: REE HEE ER ee eer NN Autopsied At PPE EE eeeeeerrecreeee Nationality; Date & Time of Autopsy: ___. Photo By; Requesting Officer Heeeeeeeeeee Mortician:___ im REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES A DEPARTMENT OF ‘THE INTERIOR. AND LOCAL GOVERNMEN T S NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION ae PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OHA iD CRIME LABORATORY GROUP CAMP CRAME, GUEZON CITY sme cite Merger Le bagnahar soe _W 404 Address: HEHE HEHE H Hieb Hebe eee Eee ‘Medico-Legal Office: = ‘Weight: __ eee gRosne ey -puvissietesssssenesonsoaaninacmsaseeeecer™ __ Nationality, Date & Time of Autopsy: _ Photo By: oot ~ Requesting Officer: Republic of the Prappines. ee Department of the Interior and Local Govern .ent 4 ° PHILIPPINE Fe ra a Cpa. LAl BERTORY (CENTRAL POLICE Mo RICT CRIME LABORA’ )RY OFFICE eo podriguez JR. ave. Bagumbayan Queze’ . castistabbing | SUSPECTS: ‘icriws: Jose Rengie Ruben Bagnebas “TIME AND DATE RECEIVED: 13308 25 December 2004+ esTING PARTYUNIT: CPD: CTU G50. Karingal REQUESTING PARTYUNIT: Eireeuna Hillege, @tex0n O47 : = Se SPECIMEN SUBMITTED: : 7 (EN SUBMIT goge Rexgie Ruben Bay 28 yeare gia, male 177 a resident of No~ ‘84 santan St. Srey. gong Pag-ase (San roqee EE) cas, tal ond Mande Gaby. PURPOSE OF LABORATORY EXAMINATION: To determined the cause of death: FINDINGS: POSTMORTEM FINDINGS * Triny nourished, fairly developed aste Saceiet previously embalmed: Babal~ ming incision noted over the right side of the anterior neck. Tattoo marks xoted ming incision Mgeltoid ("Nancy") and left deltoide BAD _AND NECK: Tw'Steb wound, non-penetrating, right 9498 of the neok,, measuring 2-520-5 Mes. 9 eng from the anterior midline, > Sa THEE SGitected edsaiwards, Pleroing.the mad eriying Buscles~ . SB aprasions,. left side of the mandible, measuring 05x9.2 ons, 6-5 ete trom the anterior midline : % yerigir wound, (penetrating) Left side of 06 neck weasuriag: 6x0-5 css 5:5 ome from the anterior midline, with > tailing inferiorly measuring Qe5x003 OB, 559 cme ren, directed Bedialwards, piercing the ‘underlying wuscles and right carotid ae ios noiornare nt sed ea fyslioht stb Wome of he Fre wy. ease cite this Laboratory Rept NO. ep Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT NATIONAL CAPITAL JUDICAL REGION Branch 220 - Quezon City PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff, ~ Versus - Crim. Case No. Q-05-131762 LOUIE GAJUTOS ¥ BALLETA, Accused. ORDER exhibits “A”, “B", «C, “D?, “E”, “F",

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