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Ca stomach, Pseudopancratic cyst, Mesenteric cyst, Retroperitoneal mass, Aortic

aneurysm, Growth left lobe of liver, Mesenteric mass, Mass GB.

Swellings that move with respiration:

Ca stomach, Growth left lobe of liver, Mass GB, Mesenteric cyst, Ca Transverse

Swellings that do not move with respiration:

Pseudopancreatic cyst, Retroperitoneal mass
Symptoms of
vomiting, dyspepsia ( ca stomach)
Alternating bowel movements (Ca transverse colon)
Abdominal trauma
Severe epigastric pain (acute pancreatitis  pseudo pancreatic cyst)
Fever, rigors with pain (infected pseudopancreatic cyst)
Colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, intestinal obstruction
Jaundice (Hepatic Mets)
Transmitted pulsation: Pulsatile
Puddle’s Sign: Observe pulsating abdominal mass in knee-elbow position

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