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Class 10th social science

Important questions answers in a keywords for weak students

Q1. Explain with examples the accommodative experience of Belgium for peace and harmony.


I. The numbers of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government.
II. Many powers of the central government have been given to the state governments of two
regions of the country.
III. The State government are not subordinate to the central government.
IV. Brussels has a separate government in which both communities have equal representation.
V. French- speaking people accepted equal representation in Brussels because the Dutch- speaking
community has accepted equal representation in the central government.
VI. Apart from the central and state government, there is a third kind of government. This
community government is elected by people belonging to one language community Dutch,
French and German speaking no matter where they live.

Q2. Describe any three characteristic of union list mentioned in the Indian constitution.


a. Union list includes subjects of national importance.

b. subjects include defence, foreign affair, banking, communication and currencies.
c. union government alone can make law on their subjects.

Q3. Describe the importance of a third tier of government in a vast country like India.


I. Large number of problems and issues can be solved at local level.

II. People have better knowledge of problems in their local level.
III. Local people also have better idea on where to spend money how to manage things more
IV. Local people can directly participate in the decision making
V. This Strengthens democracy at Grass root level.

Q4. Evaluate the power sharing arrangement in India.


a. Power is shared among the different organs of a government legislature, executive and
b. This arrangement is made to maintain check and balance.
c. Power is divided at different level of government like centre, state and local level.
d. Power shared among different social group like linguistic and religious group.
e. Power sharing can be done between political parties, pressure groups and movements.
f. Power is divided in union list, state list and concurrent list.
g. Residuary subjects are a legislated by centre.
h. Control of union territories are with centre.

Q5. Highlight any five functions of political party to strengthen democracy.


describe the role of political parties in India


I. Political parties contest elections

II. Political parties put forward different policies and programmes.
III. Parties makes law for the country.
IV. Parties forms and runs the government.
V. Those parties that lose election play role of a opposition.
VI. Political parties shape the public opinion.
VII. Parties provide people access to government machineries.

Q6. Which three challenges do you feel are being faced by political parties in India give your opinion.


A. Lack of internal democracy:

a. Party do not keep membership register.
b. Concentration of power in one of leader at the top.
c. They do not conduct internal election regularly.
d. Ordinary member of party do not have any information about what is happening in the
party and the top level.
B. No transparency:
I. Despotisms (Bhai bhatija vad).
II. There are very few way for an ordinary worker to rise to the top in the party.
III. In many parties the top positions are always controlled by members of one family.
C. Money and muscle power:
a. Since parties are focused only on winning elections, they use dirty tricks to win elections.
b. Party nominate those candidate who have and can raise a lot of money.
c. Rich people and companies who give fund to the parties have influence on the policies
and decision of the parties.

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