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Portfolio Entry 1: Characteristics of luxury brands

1.1. Briefly introduce the concept of luxury brands

Luxury brands hold a distinctive position in the market, embodying prestige,
exclusivity, and exceptional quality. Unlike conventional brands, luxury brands are not
merely products; they represent a lifestyle, aspiration, and status symbol for
consumers. These brands are characterized by their unparalleled craftsmanship,
heritage, and meticulous attention to detail, which elevate them beyond ordinary goods
and services.
The allure of luxury brands lies in their ability to evoke emotions, convey status,
and create an aura of exclusivity that resonates with consumers seeking sophistication
and refinement. Whether it's haute couture fashion houses, high-end automobiles, or
luxury hospitality, these brands command a premium price and enjoy unwavering
loyalty from discerning clientele.
In this portfolio entry, we delve into the distinct characteristics that define luxury
brands, exploring what sets them apart from mainstream offerings. By understanding
these defining traits, we gain valuable insights into the essence of luxury branding and
its enduring appeal in the global marketplace.
1.2. Characteristics differentiating luxury brands
Luxury brands possess several distinguishing characteristics that set them apart
from other types of brands, contributing to their allure and exclusivity. De Barnier et
al. (2012) identified seven distinctive characteristics that set luxury brands apart from
conventional ones: exceptional quality, hedonism (emphasizing beauty and pleasure),
high price point, rarity (not to be confused with scarcity), selective distribution
coupled with personalized services, exclusive aura (signifying prestige and privilege),
and creativity. Kapferer and Bastien (2012) further emphasize that meeting all seven
criteria is essential for establishing a luxury brand and distinguishing it from other
types of products.
Exclusivity and Rarity: Luxury brands thrive on scarcity and exclusivity,
deliberately limiting their production and distribution to maintain a sense of rarity.
This scarcity amplifies the desirability of their products, creating a perception of
luxury as something inaccessible to the masses. Jean-Noël Kapferer, in his seminal
work "The Luxury Strategy," emphasizes the importance of scarcity in luxury
branding, highlighting how it enhances brand mystique and allure (Kapferer &
Bastien, 2012). This strategic approach is echoed in Keller's research on managing the
growth trade-off in luxury branding, where he discusses the delicate balance between
growth and maintaining exclusivity (Keller, 2009). Luxury brands leverage scarcity to
cultivate an aura of prestige and elitism, appealing to affluent consumers who seek
uniqueness and status symbols (Kotler & Keller, 2016).
High Perceived Value and Quality: Central to luxury branding is the notion of
uncompromising quality and craftsmanship. Luxury brands prioritize excellence in
materials, design, and production processes, resulting in products that are synonymous
with superior quality and enduring value. Kapferer's insights on luxury branding
emphasize the significance of craftsmanship in fostering brand loyalty and
differentiation (Kapferer, 2014). Additionally, Keller and Swaminathan underscore the
importance of delivering consistent quality to maintain brand equity and customer trust
(Keller & Swaminathan, 2019). Luxury brands invest heavily in research, innovation,
and artisanal skills to ensure unparalleled quality, positioning themselves as purveyors
of excellence in their respective industries.
Emotional Connection and Storytelling: Luxury brands excel in evoking
emotions and crafting aspirational narratives that resonate deeply with consumers.
Through storytelling, these brands go beyond mere product features and benefits,
creating immersive experiences that forge emotional connections with their audience.
By tapping into desires for status, exclusivity, and sophistication, luxury brands
cultivate a sense of aspiration and desire among consumers.
Storytelling serves as a powerful tool for enhancing brand identity and fostering
loyalty. Through compelling narratives, luxury brands convey their heritage,
craftsmanship, and values, captivating consumers and leaving a lasting impression. By
immersing customers in a narrative that transcends the product itself, brands can
strengthen their emotional bond with consumers, fostering long-term loyalty and
In essence, emotional connection and storytelling are integral components of luxury
branding, enabling brands to engage with consumers on a deeper level and
differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. By weaving narratives that evoke
desire, admiration, and aspiration, luxury brands create a sense of belonging and
exclusivity that resonates with their discerning clientele.
In summary, the characteristics of exclusivity, quality, and heritage distinguish
luxury brands from their counterparts, shaping their identity and appeal in the
marketplace. These traits are not only intrinsic to the products themselves but also
integral to the storytelling and brand narrative that surrounds them, cementing their
position as symbols of prestige and luxury.
1.3. Brand case study example
Rolex, a revered name in the luxury watch industry, exemplifies the quintessential
characteristics that define a luxury brand. Central to its identity is the notion of
exclusivity and rarity. Rolex carefully manages its distribution channels and limits
production, ensuring that its timepieces retain their coveted status. Limited edition
releases and stringent criteria for authorized dealers further augment the brand's aura
of exclusivity, making owning a Rolex a symbol of prestige and privilege.
Beyond exclusivity, Rolex is synonymous with unparalleled quality and
craftsmanship. Each timepiece undergoes rigorous testing and meticulous attention to
detail, resulting in watches that are not just accessories but heirlooms meant to be
passed down through generations. The brand's commitment to quality has solidified its
reputation for precision and reliability, contributing to the high perceived value of
Rolex watches.
What truly sets Rolex apart is its ability to forge emotional connections through
storytelling. The brand's marketing campaigns, such as the "Rolex Testimonee" series,
feature accomplished individuals from diverse fields, capturing the spirit of adventure,
achievement, and excellence associated with Rolex timepieces. These narratives
resonate with consumers on a deeper level, inspiring them to aspire to greatness and
align themselves with the values embodied by the brand.
In essence, Rolex exemplifies the essence of luxury branding, seamlessly
integrating exclusivity, quality, and emotional resonance into its brand identity.
Through its unwavering commitment to excellence and storytelling prowess, Rolex
continues to captivate consumers and maintain its position as a pinnacle of luxury and
prestige in the watch industry.
1.4. Conclusion
In summary, the characteristics that set luxury brands apart include exceptional
quality, exclusivity, rarity, high perceived value, and emotional connection. Brands like
Rolex exemplify these traits through curated distribution, impeccable craftsmanship,
and compelling storytelling. Understanding and leveraging these attributes are
essential for luxury brands to maintain their unique identity, forge strong consumer
connections, and sustain success in a competitive market. Ultimately, these defining
characteristics shape the essence of luxury branding and drive the industry forward.
Portfolio Entry 2: Luxury brand storytelling
2.1. Explain the significance of brand storytelling in luxury marketing
In the realm of luxury marketing, brand storytelling emerges as a paramount tool
that transcends the mere showcasing of product features and benefits. It serves as the
thread that weaves together the intricate fabric of a brand's identity, resonating deeply
with consumers on emotional and aspirational levels. But why exactly is brand
storytelling so crucial in the luxury landscape?
Firstly, it's about establishing an emotional connection. Luxury brands understand
that their appeal extends far beyond the realm of material possessions. Through
storytelling, they create a profound bridge between the brand and its discerning
clientele, tapping into their deepest desires, values, and self-image. Consumers seek
narratives that not only showcase products but also align with their personal identities
and aspirations.
Moreover, brand storytelling allows luxury brands to celebrate their heritage and
legacy. Many luxury brands boast rich histories, iconic moments, and visionary
founders. Through storytelling, they can artfully narrate their journey, paying homage
to their origins and pivotal milestones. This emphasis on heritage not only reinforces
authenticity but also fosters trust among consumers who value tradition and
Furthermore, storytelling in luxury marketing communicates exclusivity and
aspiration. By crafting narratives that highlight the brand's exclusivity, consumers are
drawn into a world of privilege and prestige. They aspire to be part of this exclusive
universe, where products transcend mere commodities and become coveted symbols of
status and sophistication.
In a crowded market where competition is fierce, storytelling becomes a crucial tool
for differentiation. Unique narratives help luxury brands stand out amidst the noise,
leaving a lasting impression on consumers' minds. While product specifications may
fade from memory, compelling stories linger, ensuring that the brand remains etched in
the consumer's consciousness long after the initial encounter.
In essence, brand storytelling is the cornerstone of luxury marketing, enabling
brands to forge deep emotional connections, celebrate their heritage, communicate
exclusivity, and differentiate themselves in a competitive landscape. By leveraging the
power of storytelling, luxury brands can captivate audiences, cultivate loyalty, and
elevate their brand presence to new heights of success.
2.2. Proposed Processes and Elements of Brand Storytelling
In the realm of luxury branding, effective storytelling is not merely a marketing
tactic but a strategic imperative. Drawing from a selection of academic sources, we
delve into the proposed processes and elements of brand storytelling that underpin the
construction of luxury brands.
In crafting luxury brand narratives, several essential elements contribute to their
effectiveness and resonance with discerning consumers.
Firstly, authenticity and uniqueness are paramount. Luxury brands must convey a
sense of authenticity, grounding their narratives in genuine experiences and values. For
instance, Chanel's narrative traces its humble beginnings as a milliner to its evolution
into a global fashion powerhouse, highlighting its unique journey.
Moreover, emotional appeal plays a crucial role in luxury storytelling. These
narratives are crafted to evoke emotions, allowing consumers to connect with the
brand's struggles, successes, and storied history. Gucci, for example, utilizes video
content on IGTV to portray a lifestyle that resonates emotionally with its audience.
Heritage and legacy are also integral components of luxury storytelling. Celebrating
a brand's origins and iconic moments reinforces trust and authenticity among
consumers. Rolex, with its enduring legacy in precision watchmaking, exemplifies this
aspect of storytelling.
Furthermore, luxury narratives often present an aspirational lifestyle, transporting
the audience to glamorous locations and exclusive events. Brands sell not just products
but a desired way of life. Calvin Klein's #MyCalvins campaign, featuring high-profile
celebrities, epitomizes this aspirational storytelling.
In terms of branding, minimalism is key. Subtle logos allow the product to shine,
emphasizing the essence of luxury rather than flashy branding. Louis Vuitton's iconic
monogram canvas is a prime example of minimalist luxury branding.
Lastly, innovation and unconventionality distinguish luxury brand narratives. These
stories should feel as unique as the products themselves, with brands often breaking
marketing norms to stand out. Gucci's unconventional campaigns under Alessandro
Michele exemplify this approach.
In essence, by incorporating these essential elements into their storytelling
strategies, luxury brands can effectively engage consumers, cultivate brand loyalty,
and maintain their allure in a competitive market landscape.
Key academic sources such as Kapferer and Bastien (2012) in "The Luxury
Strategy" offer insights into unconventional marketing tactics tailored specifically for
luxury brands. Their emphasis on breaking traditional marketing rules to cultivate
exclusivity and allure is particularly relevant in the context of luxury brand
Furthermore, Donzé and Wubs (2019) provide a case study on Christian Dior,
elucidating how storytelling has contributed to the global success of this luxury
fashion brand. Their analysis offers valuable perspectives on how narrative crafting
can shape consumer perceptions and brand identity within the luxury sector.
Additionally, Fionda and Moore (2009) delve into the anatomy of luxury fashion
brands, shedding light on the intricate elements that contribute to their storytelling
prowess. By dissecting the storytelling strategies employed by luxury brands, their
research provides a comprehensive understanding of the nuances involved in brand
storytelling within the luxury domain.
Moreover, Rodriguez (2020) explores the importance of putting customers at the
heart of brand storytelling, emphasizing the role of consumer-centric narratives in
fostering emotional connections and brand loyalty. This perspective is particularly
pertinent in luxury branding, where consumer aspirations and desires play a central
role in shaping brand narratives.
Finally, Ryu et al. (2018) focus specifically on luxury hotels, offering insights into
compelling brand storytelling strategies tailored for this segment. By examining the
unique challenges and opportunities within the luxury hospitality sector, their research
provides actionable recommendations for crafting narratives that resonate with affluent
In conclusion, the synthesis of insights from these academic sources underscores the
significance of brand storytelling in luxury marketing. By critically evaluating
proposed processes and elements of brand storytelling, we gain valuable insights into
the art and science of narrative crafting within the luxury domain, illuminating
pathways for building and sustaining luxury brands in a competitive marketplace.
2.3. Brand analysis
For the analysis, I'll utilize Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey" framework, a
widely recognized storytelling archetype. This framework consists of various stages
that a hero undergoes on their transformative journey, offering a structured approach to
crafting compelling narratives.
Rolex, celebrated for its precision timepieces and rich heritage, has seamlessly
integrated storytelling into its brand strategy to solidify its identity and resonate with a
global audience. Through the lens of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey framework,
let's explore how Rolex's storytelling practice unfolds:
Rolex positions itself as more than just a watch; it's a companion on an adventure.
The brand invites consumers to embark on a journey of exploration and
accomplishment, emphasizing the transformative power of time. By showcasing its
association with exploration and achievement, Rolex transports consumers to exotic
locations and prestigious events, symbolizing a commitment to pushing boundaries
and embracing challenges.
In Rolex's narratives, moments of triumph and revelation take center stage. Whether
it's reaching the summit of a mountain or crossing the finish line of a race, Rolex
timepieces symbolize these transformative moments, marking milestones in
individuals' lives. The brand underscores the durability and reliability of its watches,
highlighting their ability to withstand the rigors of adventure and reinforcing its
reputation for quality and dependability.
Rolex's heritage and legacy serve as guiding forces, connecting consumers to the
brand's illustrious history and iconic achievements. By celebrating its origins and
legendary moments, Rolex instills a sense of reverence and authenticity in its
storytelling, fostering trust and confidence among consumers.
Overall, Rolex's storytelling practice effectively captures the essence of adventure,
perseverance, and accomplishment, elevating its watches beyond mere timekeeping
devices to become emblems of personal achievement and success. Through compelling
narratives, Rolex solidifies its status as a timeless icon in the luxury watch industry,
inspiring individuals to embark on their own journeys of exploration and achievement.
Rolex, a venerable name synonymous with precision timepieces and a storied
legacy, exhibits several strengths in its storytelling approach:
Rolex effectively utilizes its rich heritage and iconic status to create narratives that
resonate deeply with consumers. By highlighting historic achievements alongside
modern-day adventures, Rolex instills a sense of tradition and authenticity while
remaining relevant. Leveraging strategic partnerships, Rolex positions its timepieces
as symbols of prestige and aspiration, inspiring consumers worldwide. Overall, Rolex's
storytelling strategy reinforces its reputation for excellence and craftsmanship,
establishing it as a timeless icon in luxury horology.
Furthermore, Rolex's unwavering emphasis on quality, durability, and precision
reinforces its reputation for excellence. Consumers perceive Rolex watches not just as
accessories but as enduring symbols of craftsmanship and reliability, adding to the
allure of the brand. This commitment to unparalleled quality enhances the storytelling
experience, as consumers associate Rolex with exceptional performance and longevity,
further solidifying their emotional connection to the brand. By consistently delivering
on its promise of superior craftsmanship, Rolex continues to captivate consumers and
maintain its position as a beacon of luxury and sophistication in the world of horology.
Additionally, Rolex effectively aligns itself with values of exploration and
achievement, appealing to consumers' aspirations for success and adventure. Through
its storytelling, Rolex invites individuals to embark on their own journeys of
discovery, positioning its watches as indispensable companions for life's most
extraordinary moments.
However, despite its strengths, Rolex's storytelling approach also exhibits some
While the brand excels in traditional storytelling methods, there is a potential
opportunity to explore more innovative and interactive formats. Embracing immersive
digital experiences or user-generated content campaigns could further enhance
consumer engagement and foster deeper connections with the brand.
Moreover, Rolex could benefit from personalizing its narratives to resonate with
diverse consumer segments. By showcasing the versatility of its timepieces in different
contexts and catering to varying tastes and preferences, Rolex can broaden its appeal
and attract a wider audience.
To address these weaknesses and enhance its storytelling practice, Rolex could
consider the following recommendations:
Firstly, the brand should explore partnerships with emerging storytellers, artists, and
influencers to infuse fresh perspectives and creativity into its storytelling efforts.
Collaborating with diverse voices can inject new life into Rolex's narratives, appealing
to a broader range of consumers.
Secondly, Rolex should embrace digital storytelling platforms, such as augmented
reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), to create immersive brand experiences. By
leveraging cutting-edge technology, Rolex can transport consumers into captivating
narratives that transcend traditional marketing channels.
Lastly, Rolex should foster community-driven storytelling initiatives, encouraging
owners to share their unique stories and experiences with the brand. By amplifying
user-generated content and celebrating the diverse journeys of its customers, Rolex can
cultivate a sense of authenticity and relevance, strengthening its bond with consumers.
In conclusion, while Rolex's storytelling approach boasts several strengths, there is
room for refinement and innovation. By embracing new storytelling formats,
personalizing narratives, and fostering community engagement, Rolex can elevate its
brand storytelling to new heights, ensuring continued resonance and relevance in the
ever-evolving luxury landscape.
2.4. Conclusion
In conclusion, Portfolio Entry 2 delves into the intricate realm of luxury brand
storytelling, uncovering its significance and exploring the processes and elements that
contribute to its effectiveness. Through the analysis of academic sources and the
evaluation of a luxury brand's storytelling practice, we have gained valuable insights
into the power of narrative in building and maintaining brand equity in the luxury
The examination of luxury brand storytelling has revealed its ability to evoke
emotions, create aspirational narratives, and forge deep connections with consumers.
By leveraging storytelling frameworks and emphasizing authenticity, heritage, and
aspiration, luxury brands can effectively engage their audience and differentiate
themselves in a crowded market landscape.
Moreover, the analysis of a specific luxury brand's storytelling practice has provided
valuable lessons and opportunities for improvement. By recognizing both strengths
and weaknesses, and offering recommendations for innovation and enhancement, we
have outlined actionable strategies for elevating brand storytelling to new heights.
In essence, Portfolio Entry 2 underscores the importance of storytelling in luxury
marketing and provides a roadmap for luxury brands to craft compelling narratives that
resonate with consumers, foster brand loyalty, and sustain long-term success in the
ever-evolving luxury industry.
Portfolio Entry 3: Luxury brand challenge and opportunity
3.1. Introduce the concept of luxury brand challenges and opportunities
In the complex and dynamic realm of luxury branding, where exclusivity, prestige,
and innovation reign supreme, the concept of challenges and opportunities takes on a
multifaceted significance. Task 3 of this portfolio aims to delve deep into this intricate
landscape, recognizing that the luxury sector presents a unique set of hurdles alongside
promising avenues for growth and advancement.
Luxury brands operate within a niche market characterized by discerning consumers
who seek not just products, but experiences that transcend the ordinary. As such, they
face the challenge of maintaining exclusivity and prestige while simultaneously
adapting to shifting consumer preferences and market dynamics. Factors such as
changing consumer demographics, evolving digital landscapes, and global economic
uncertainties further compound these challenges, requiring luxury brands to constantly
innovate and reinvent themselves to stay ahead of the curve.
At the same time, within these challenges lie myriad opportunities for luxury brands
to distinguish themselves and carve out new paths to success. The digital revolution,
for instance, presents an unprecedented opportunity for brands to connect with
consumers on a deeper level through immersive online experiences and personalized
interactions. Moreover, emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East offer fertile
ground for expansion, providing luxury brands with access to a burgeoning consumer
base hungry for luxury goods and experiences.
In essence, the concept of luxury brand challenges and opportunities encapsulates
the dichotomy inherent in the luxury sector: the need to navigate obstacles while
simultaneously capitalizing on opportunities for growth and innovation. Task 3 will
explore these dynamics in depth, shedding light on the strategies and approaches that
luxury brands can adopt to overcome challenges and seize opportunities, thereby
ensuring their continued relevance and success in an ever-evolving market landscape.
3.2. Exploring Luxury Brand Challenges and Opportunities
Luxury brands find themselves at a crossroads, as the emergence of sustainability as
a critical concern reshapes the landscape of the industry. This presents both a challenge
and an opportunity, demanding a delicate balance between tradition and innovation.
Traditionally, luxury brands have been synonymous with opulence, exclusivity, and
impeccable craftsmanship. However, the growing awareness of environmental and
social issues has prompted consumers to demand more sustainable and ethical
practices from luxury brands. This poses a significant challenge for brands accustomed
to prioritizing aesthetics and lavishness over sustainability concerns.
The conflict arises from the inherent tension between the traditional values of the
luxury industry and the need for sustainability. Luxury brands often rely on exotic
materials and energy-intensive production processes, which can have adverse
environmental impacts. Moreover, ensuring ethical sourcing practices presents
logistical challenges, particularly in complex global supply chains.
Despite these challenges, the sustainability imperative also offers an opportunity for
luxury brands to redefine their values and demonstrate leadership in addressing global
issues. Embracing sustainability can enhance brand reputation, attract socially
conscious consumers, and future-proof businesses in an increasingly environmentally
conscious market.
However, effectively integrating sustainability into luxury brand practices requires a
comprehensive approach. Brands must invest in research, development, and
infrastructure to implement sustainable practices without compromising on quality or
exclusivity. Moreover, transparent communication of sustainability efforts is essential
to maintain consumer trust and credibility.
The sustainability challenge/opportunity underscores the need for luxury brands to
adapt and evolve in response to changing consumer expectations and global trends. By
embracing sustainability as a core value, luxury brands can not only meet the demands
of the modern consumer but also contribute to a more sustainable and ethical future for
the industry.
However, integrating sustainability into luxury brand practices poses significant
challenges. Luxury brands must navigate complex supply chains, sourcing sustainable
materials, and implementing eco-friendly production processes without compromising
quality or exclusivity. Moreover, sustainability initiatives require substantial
investments in research, development, and infrastructure, which may strain profit
margins and traditional business models.
Furthermore, luxury brands face the challenge of effectively communicating their
sustainability efforts to consumers. Greenwashing—where brands exaggerate or
misrepresent their environmental credentials—risks damaging brand credibility and
alienating discerning consumers who demand authenticity and transparency.
In conclusion, the sustainability challenge/opportunity presents a nuanced dilemma
for luxury brands, requiring a delicate balance between tradition and innovation,
opulence and responsibility. Navigating this challenge effectively demands a holistic
approach that integrates sustainability into the core of luxury brand identity while
ensuring authenticity, transparency, and uncompromising quality.
3.4. Creative solutions
To sustain and enhance brand equity amidst the sustainability challenge, luxury
brands must embrace innovative solutions that prioritize environmental and social
responsibility while maintaining their essence of exclusivity and craftsmanship.
One approach is to prioritize sustainable sourcing and material innovation. Luxury
brands can seek out suppliers that adhere to fair labor practices and utilize eco-friendly
materials. Investing in research and development for sustainable alternatives can
reduce environmental impact without compromising product quality.
Transparency is another critical aspect. Luxury brands should provide consumers
with detailed information about their supply chain, production processes, and
environmental impact assessments. Implementing traceability systems like blockchain
technology can enhance transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain.
Embracing circular economy initiatives is essential for minimizing waste and
extending product lifespan. Take-back programs, repair services, and resale platforms
can encourage product longevity and reduce environmental impact. By adopting a
circular business model, luxury brands can demonstrate their commitment to
sustainability while providing value to consumers.
Sustainable packaging and distribution practices are also key. Using eco-friendly
materials for packaging and optimizing distribution channels can reduce
environmental footprint. Embracing e-commerce and direct-to-consumer models can
further minimize environmental impact while enhancing brand accessibility.
Moreover, education and advocacy play a crucial role. Luxury brands can raise
awareness about sustainability issues and advocate for positive change through
educational campaigns and partnerships with environmental organizations. By
becoming advocates for sustainability, luxury brands can inspire consumers to make
informed choices and drive collective action.
In conclusion, addressing the sustainability challenge requires a holistic approach
that integrates sustainability into every aspect of luxury brand operations. By
embracing creativity, innovation, and a commitment to environmental and social
responsibility, luxury brands can sustain and build brand equity while contributing to a
more sustainable future.
3.5. Conclusion
In conclusion, the sustainability challenge presents a pivotal moment for luxury
brands to redefine their values and practices in response to evolving consumer
expectations and global sustainability imperatives. While navigating this challenge
requires innovation and adaptation, it also offers an unprecedented opportunity for
luxury brands to differentiate themselves, enhance brand equity, and contribute to
positive social and environmental change.
By embracing sustainability as a core value and integrating it into every aspect of
their operations, luxury brands can not only meet the demands of socially conscious
consumers but also position themselves as leaders in the industry. Through sustainable
sourcing, transparency, circular economy initiatives, and advocacy efforts, luxury
brands can build trust, foster loyalty, and drive long-term success while making
meaningful contributions to a more sustainable future.
In essence, addressing the sustainability challenge is not only a strategic necessity
but also a moral imperative for luxury brands. By seizing this opportunity to align with
sustainability principles, luxury brands can demonstrate their commitment to
responsible business practices, inspire positive change, and uphold the legacy of
excellence and exclusivity that defines the luxury industry.
Portfolio Entry 1
Kapferer, J. N. (2015). Kapferer on Luxury: How Luxury Brands Can Grow Yet
Remain Rare.
Kapferer, J. N., & Bastien, V. (2012). The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of
Marketing to Build Luxury Brands.
Kapferer, J. N. (2014). Luxury Branding (Chương 5 trong Kompella, K., Ed., The
Brand Challenge).
Keller, K. L. (2009). Managing the Growth Trade-Off: Challenges and
Opportunities in Luxury Branding.
Keller, K. L., & Swaminathan, V. (2019). Strategic Brand Management
De Barnier, V., Falcy, S. and Valette-Florence, P. (2012) 'Do consumers perceive
three levels of luxury? A comparison of accessible, intermediate and inaccessible
luxury brands', Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp.623-636.
Portfolio Entry 2
Kapferer, J. N. (2015). *Kapferer on Luxury: How Luxury Brands Can Grow Yet
Remain Rare.
Kapferer, J. N., & Bastien, V. (2012). *The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of
Marketing to Build Luxury Brands.
Fionda, A. M., & Moore, C. M. (2009). *The Anatomy of the Luxury Fashion
Fog, K., Budtz, C., Munch, P., & Blanchette, S. (2010). *Storytelling Branding in
Donzé, P., & Wubs, B. (2019) Storytelling and the making of a global luxury
fashion brand: Christian Dior. International Journal of Fashion Studies. 6(1), pp. 83–
Fionda, A.M. and Moore, C.M (2009) The anatomy of the luxury fashion brand.
Journal of Brand Management. 16(5-6), pp. 347-363.
Rodriguez, M. (2020) Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand
Story. London, Kogan Page.
Ryu, K., Lehto, X., Gordon, S., & Fu, X. (2018) Compelling brand storytelling for
luxury hotels. International journal of hospitality management. 74, pp.22–29.
Portfolio Entry 3
Kapferer, J. N. (2015)Kapferer on Luxury: How Luxury Brands Can Grow Yet
Remain Rare.
Tencent x BCG (Boston Consulting Group) China Digital Luxury Report

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