Petrdmm: Lsoobty of

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lsoobty of Petrdmm


SPE 29002

Static and Dynamic Adsorptionof Phosphonateand PolymericScale

InhibitorsOnto ReservoirCore From LaboratoryTests to Field
M.M. Jordan,* K.S. Sottie,* and M.D. Yuan*, Heriot-Watt U.; Kate Taylor, Shell U.K. E&P;
K.E. Hourston, Total 011 Marine; Kari Ramstad, Norsk Hydro as.; and Paul Griffin, Enterprise Oil
●SPE Members

-W9ht IWS. SocMY of Petmbum Engin@rs, Inc.

This paper was pmpamd for presentation at the SPE Intwnathnal Sym~um on Oilfield CMW w in an A~Onb, TX, u. S.A - 14-17 *~V 1*

This paper was aekcted lor prawntattcm by an SPE Program committee Wowing review 01 information c+mtairmd in an 8Mmct submltbd by ttw authuts). COntenta of the P9PW,
* -d. haw nor hen rfMewd by the SocretY of Petroleum Er@near’a M we subw to cmectmn bythOaurhOrts). ThOmatOM, as Prwem@, do-m~*
wry poaitbn of the SaciMY of Petrotoum Engirwwa, w offiim, or members. P8PWS pmnnbd at SPE rnostings am wbjwt to publicdon reviw by Edhorial CommHton9 ot ttw Society
d~m EW-. mxnmqbtiMd tomti-titi me~=-.ll~ rMymtbOwPiBd. ThOabmmcttic=—n —=F@—=k~
or Mere and by wlwn the paper is rxwenbd. Write Ubrwian, SPE. P.O. Sox 8SSSSS, FMwOaOm TX 7SCWH4M, u.S.A. hbX, 1SS24S SPEUT.


In this paper, results from static tests have been used to is commonly achieved by adjusting the solution chemistry
establish scale inhibitor adsorption mechanisms and levels in ([Ca2+], PH. temperature) of a polymeric in~bitor such ss
... ...L— I-.--.--L.--...1:-. UQ,U
. . ....4f~.DDPA>
consolidated reservoir cores and to ratm mmcmors for their piy pitospninwximwiyuv r em,.
adsorption behaviour and, in some cases, squeeze return
lifetimes. The purpose of this rapid and simple type of bulk In adsorptioddesorption treatments, the most important factor
adsorption measurement is to assist in the selection of governing the dynamics of the return curve is the
inhibitors for further coretlooding which should be carried out inhibitor/rock interaction as described by the adsorption
on a minimum number of inhibitors. A bulk adsorption isotherm, r(C), which is a function of inhibitor type,
sensitivity study can be canied out very rapidly compared with molecular weight, pH, temperature, mineral substrate and the
~aref~]!v , carried
-—---- out
--- .reservoir
.. condition core floods. The brine streng$ and com.position.2-5’7 -12 The precise form of
value of such rapid screening tests is evident although we r(C) determmes the squeeze lifetime, as has been described in
show that it is not always possible for all factors concerning detail in a number of previous papers. 13-18 The “precipitation
squeeze lifetime to be determined in this way. It is still often squeeze” process is based on the formation of a gel-like
necessary to carry out a much smaller number of reservoir calcium salt, usually of poly phosphhmcarboxylic acid scale
condition core floods for a few (usually between 1 and 3) inhibitor, within the formation. “Precipitation” (or phase
selected inhibitor products. This is necessary if the dynamic separation) is controlled either by temperature and/or pH19-23
adsorption isotherm, I’(C), is to be derived in order to develop although it will generally involve a coupled adsorption
the “Field Squeeze Strategy” or for the assessment of
formation damage which might occur in the squeeze treatment.
A field example of this is presented briefly in this paper
In this paper, our objective is to review the role of static
aithough cietaik can “Mfound eiseiviiere.
adsorption tests involving phosphonate and poiymeric scaie
inhibitor adsorption onto crushed reservoir core. Bulk
INTRODUCTION adsorption tests of this type can be carried out very quickly
and a wide range of sensitivities of in-hiiiitor adsorption (e.g. to
The downhole formation of both sulphate and carbonate
PH. [Ca2+], temperature etc.) can be examined. In contrast,
inorganic scales can be a serious problem in oilfield
reservoir condition core floods are very time-consuming and
production operations. One of the most common and efficient
expensive to carry out and, in field evaluation tests for a given
methods for preventing the formation of such deposits is
application, it is desirable to take only one or two inhibitors
through the use of scale inhibitor “’squeeze” treatments. 1‘6 forward to this stage. We find that higher levels of adsorption
Two main types of inhibitor squeeze treatment can be carried in static tests often suggest higher levels of adsorption in
out where the intention is either (a) to adsorb the inhibkor on
dynamic core flooding tests which usually result in longer
the rock substrate by a physical-chemical process using a squeeze lifetimes. However, there are some subtleties
phosphonate or a polymeric material; or (b) to extend the concerning the dtape of the dynamic adsorption isothexm,
squeeze lifetime by precipitation (or phase separation) which r(C), which will not be detected by the crushed rock
adso@ion tests. Static adsorption tests may also be used to
References and illustrations at end of paper suggest when a product might “be better empioyed in a

“precipitation” process since its adsorption level - even onto inhibitor core flooding results will be presented for oil-
crushed rock - is too low. Therefore, these tests may provide a reconditioned cores from the Tarbert, Etive and Oseberg
good method for inhibitor screening of materials which have Formations of the Brent Group and Forties Member of the
already been screened for inhibition efficiency, in order to Sele Formation. Outcrop core (CIashach sandstone) was also
further select products for dynamic coreflomling. In applying conditioned with the same Brent crude oil as was used in the
the results of bulk adsorption tests of this type, we find that the Tarbert Formation floods for comparative purposes. The
approach is only valid when the data is “grouped” into mineralogy of the Tarbert Formation and Clashach sandstone
substrate types; that is, for a given reservoir rock system, are described briefly in Appendix A and in much more detail
products can be ranked based on these tests. We emphasise elsew~m. 10.25.27
that reservoir condition core floods must still be carried out in Inhibitar, Srufaetants and Brine: All of the inhibitors and
order to obtain the dynamic isotherms to design the “Field surfactants (spearhead chemicals) used in this study are
Squeeze Strategy ,,6,15,17.25,26 and a]w to assess formatiOn commercial y available products. Three acid phosphonates
damage.27 (coded 11, Ha and Ilb; Penta-phosphonates - DETPMP) and a
partially neutralised phosphonate (coded I lc; Hexa-
EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS phosphonate) were used in this work. The appropriate
dissociation of such phosphonates with pH has been described
Core Materials Used - Absorbents: The core samples used previousl y.9~ 10 The polymeric inhibitors include a
for static adsorption tests were first disaggregate to 400pm. phosphinocar-baxyiic acid (I3; F?CKj, two poiy acryiic acids
These materials were the same as those used in the (coded 14 and 14b; PAA), one carboxylate copolymer (coded
corresponding core floods and their mineralogies are 14a) and two sulphonated copolymers 15 (poly vinyl
summarised in Table 1. The disaggregation or crushing of arty sulphonate, PVS ) and 15b sulphonated acrylic acid. Summary
rock or mineral sample results in material of higher surface details of these products are presented in Table 3.
area and with higher surface energy which is therefore more
reactive. As a result, the static beaker tests often give higher The surfactants used in the present study were products
values for adsorption than those observed in consolidated selected by service companies as being compatible products
sandstones containing these minerals as authigenic cements. for use with the reservoir oil and inhibitors to be applied in
However, even taking into account these problems, the these North Sea field cases. The brines used in this work
important sensitivities to pH, calcium and temperature may be were synthetic North Sea brine (floods F3, F4, F7 and F8) and
in the correct direction for predicting and analysing formation water (floods E 1 to E4) made from dissolved salts
consolidated core flooding experiments in reservoir core. We with the compositions given in Table 2. These brines were
have previous demonstrated that this is the case for DETPMP filtered through a 0.22@ membrane filter prior to use.
and PPCA adsorption onto quartz and clays.25*28
Assay Methods: The methods for determination of the
Experimental Procedures for Adsorption Tests: In the phosphonate inhibitor concentration was the
adsorption experiments, stock solutions containing various persulphate/ultraviolet method originally developed by
scale inhibitors were prepared using synthetic seawater (Table HACH29 and subsequently modified at this laboratory. This
2). To determine adsorption of inhibitor as a function of pH, procedure in synthetic seawater allows the determination of
stock solutions containing 2500 ppm active inhibitor were phosphonate inhibitor concentration down to 0.25 ppm +1-
prepared using seawater. For the tests, solution pH was then 0.04 ppm. For the analysis of phosphinocarboxy lic acid
aajus~ea 10 the Mowing---- viaws. A, A +, 5 arid 6. T%:”
..-1 ----- 0 9 A
, ,11s -u
pa, (.d.,i ~a) u,- , . v.mrcinn nf tk= methnd nf N.fumhv ~flgj
{~-= ~J9 -- =— - .-. ”.”.. -. --- . ... ... . . -- -.---J---,
range was chosen since pH below 2 is irrelevant to field Riley30 which has been chosen in preference to the standard
squeeze treatments while, at higher pH (i.e. pH 27 at 25-C or Hach method as it is more accurate and reproducible at low
pH25 at 95”C), the 2500 ppm phosphonate inhibitor (11, Ila, concentrations (c 5 ppm). This procedure in synthetic brines
Ilb, 11c) has been found to precipitate from the seawater allows the determination of phosphinocarboxylic acid (PPCA)
solution 10$25 and thus genuine adsorption tests cannot be concentration down to 0.50 ppm (+/- 0.06 ppm). The analysis
performed. of polyacrylic acid and the co-polymer was carried out using
Hyamine 1622.31 The analysis of the two sulphonated acrylic
The adsorption tests were carried out at various temperatures acid copolymers was carried using the Pinacyanol chloride dye
(25”C, 75°C and 95”C) and most results are reported for method.31 *32 A more recent survey of inhibitor assay methods
equilibration after 24 hours. After filtration at test is presented elsewhere .33 A Varian Atomic Absorption
temperature and cooling to ambient temperature, the samples Spectrophotometer was used for the analysis of lithium
were analysed for the inhibitor, calcium concentrations and (tracer), calcium and iron. For all of the calibrations, the
pH value. Each individual stock solution was also analysed matrix matched standards were used to suppress the
for the inhibitor and calcium concentration which are referred interference of the brine.
to as the stock data. The inhibitor concentration difference
between the stock and the sample was used to evaluate the Experimental procedure for Core-s: Field core plugs of
adsorption level, rmax (quoted in mglg -> mg-inhibitor/g- diameter 2.5 cm were usually cut along the vertical axis of the
mineral substrate). The experimental details of the adsorption 10 cm diameter preserved sandstone core samples. In floods
and equilibration time tests are reported elsewhere. 10*u*27 F3 and F4, the cores were cleaned by hot organic solvent
extraction (toluene and methanol + chloroform) using a
Absorbents - Core Material: Details of all core floods which soxhlet while the core used in floods El to EA was cleaned by
were carried out in this study are summarised in Table 1. mild miscible cleaning using toluene followed by methanol at
These floods were carried out using consolidated reservoir room temperature. One of the most important reservoir
cores from the North Sea Basin, Reservoir conditioned parameters in these core floods is the temperature; this is


11(YC for the source reservoir of the Tkrbert l%. core rtiaieriai l:L. 1.,
Ilmel k., *L:=: ~r~- ~ ;. ;nd~d due !Q enhanced calcium
y Ulab Luaa AL. V-SW .“ . ..”
,ic-d ft@c-----~ and F4 and is I07°C for floo(k El to E4 ~d
“—. ip ..” bridging which is favoured at higher temperatures.
F7, F8. However, there will be cooling effects during the
spearhead and inhibitor placement stages which must be In order to compare the product to product variation between
~eflec!ed in.. tfie
.. - ~CM~I strategies for inhibitor core flood the same phosphonate inhibitor types, repeat adsorption
evaluation. The effluent fluid from the core floods was experiments onto Tarhert Fm. core material were carried out
monitored for PH. inhibitor, lithium tracer, iron, and calcium on two commercial products (I 1a and I lb). Results are
ion concentrations. Although many field core floods have presented in Figure 3 which show that these products behave
been carried out, it is not possible to present all the details in an almost identical manner when the concentrations are
here. Instead, representative phosphonate and polymer corrected for active inhibitor content.
inhibitor core floods from North Sea reservoirs have been
chosen to illustrate some typical observations. Similar Hexa-phosphonate, Sulphonated acrylic and Poly vinyl
proceduxs are described elsewhere.25*27*34*35A summary of sufphonate Adsorption on Disaggregate Tarbert Fm. Core:
the experimental details of some of these floods is presented We now examined the differences between a hexa-
in Table 1. phosphonate, a sulphonated copolymer and poly vinyl
sulphonate (PVS) adsorption onto reservoir core from the
After the flood cycle, the permeability was measured to North Sea (Tarbert Formation). The inhibitor adsorption data
determine if the treatment had caused any degradation in for these materials is shown in Figure 4. At 95*C, the amount
reservoir properties. A full mineralogical analysis was camied of hexa-phosphonate adsorption exceeds that of the
out on the post-flooded core material and thk was compared sulphonated acrylate which itself shows higher adsorption
with the mineralogical results for untreated core samples. than the PVS at similar pH values. As for the penta-
The original mineralogy of each core is summarised in Table phosphonate adsorption measurements, higher adsorption of
1. Some aspects of how this mineralogy changes after hexa-phosphonate at pH 2 and 6 relative to pH 4 is again
treatment with inhibitor is discussed elsewhere.27 observed and can be attributed to a hydrogen bonding
mechanism at low pH and a calcium bridging effect at higher
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS: COMPARISON OF pH values. 1W%27*28 Thistypeof mechanism is not evident
PHOSPHONATE AND POLYMER ADSORPTION (or expected) for the two sulphonated polymers - the
ONTO DISAGGREGATE RESERVOIR CORE sulphonated acrylate and the PVS. The higher level of
adsorption observed for the sulphonated acrylate compared
This study focuses on scale inhibitor adsorption onto with the PVS is due to the higher proportion of carboxylate to
disaggregated reservoir core from the Brent Group formations sulphonate groups. ‘Ilk would suggest that the squeeze life of
and the Forties member of the Sele Fm. in the North Sea. the sulphonated acrylate copolymer would be longer than that
Although these formations are sandstones and are principally of the pure PVS.
made up of quartz, they contain significant quantities of clays
as summarised in Table 1. The bulk adsorption results The decline of [Ca2+] as pH increases, seen in Figure 5 for the
presented in this section will later be compared with the hexa-phosphonate, is more steep than for the penta-
inhibitor return curves from reservoir condition core fioods in phosphonate which iiid~~~i~~ that hex&=ph~@orta!e
correspondkg (consolidated) field cores. The objective of this interaction with calcium is stronger than the interaction
work is to determine whether the bulk adsorption tests can observed for penta-phosphonate. The calcium trends for both
give us some indication of the behaviour in the core floods. the sulphonated acrylate and PVS are similar with little
evidence of interaction of inhibitor with calcium being
Penta-pkosphonate and PPCA A&orption on Disaggregate suggested by this data. Note that the blank seawater case in
Tarbert Fm. Core: The differences in the adsorption Figure 5 shows some decline in [Ca2+] with pH.
W.- “. yr+n-.nhnnnte
. .. . . nf
hnhnv;rwr ...”r.. ---- - (~!;
, ~ETp_MP) and PPCA (13) on
reservoir core from the North Sea (Tarbert Formation) are Inhibitor Adsorption Levels onto Forties Member core:
compared in Figure 1. As noted above, this formation is Results in Figure 6 show the adsorption behaviour for a hexa-
~e]ative!y clay rich With kaolinite being the principal clay phosphonate (I lc) and two polymers (poly acrylates - 14a and
mineral. The solutions used have the same active content of 14b) onto cmshed Forties Member core at 9SC. The general
inhibitor (2,500 ppm active) to allow direct comparison trends here are as expected from our previous results and both
between the data. At 25-C and 95*C, the amount of 11 poly acrylates show very similar behaviour. We note from
adsorption exceeds that of 13 at similar pH values. As in the Figure 6 that 11b has a lower level of adsorption than the
phosphonate adsorption measurements onto quartz, higher polymeric inhibitors (14a and 14b) at 95*C, pH 2. As the pH
adscxpticm of phesp!mnam al pH 2 and 6 relative to pH 4 is rises above pH 4, at all temperature the adsorption of 11b is
again observed and can be attributed to a hydrogen bondhg greater than for any polymer inhibitor (through calcium
mechanism at low pH and a calcium bridging effect at higher binding). It is evident from the calcium results in Figure 7
pH va!ties. 10~25!27.28 is cenfirmd by the dec!ine in that the general mechanistic view of adsorption discussed
[Ca2+] as pH increases shown in Figure 2, which again above also applies here. 10~5J27*28
indicates that the role of calcium is exactly as described
previous. 10925s27j2s Summary of Inhibitor Bulk Adsorption Results on
Disaggregate Reservoir Core Material: Several generic
PPCA adsorption in Figure 1 at 95*C shows a slight increase types of scale inhibitors have been evaluated in terms of their
with pH rather than a maximum, as was seen for pure observed levels of adsorption in bulk static tests onto reservoir
kaolinite.28 However, this observation is probably due the core material under a variety of conditions. Our main finding
smaller proportion of kaolinite relative to quartz and it is very is that the levels of adsorption in the disaggregated reservoir

material are broadly consistent with the mineralogical It corresponds to the precise mechanism described above in
composition of the rock as discussed elsewhere. 10~27*28 our bulk adsorption studies. 10~25*27*M~35
Furthermore, the sensitivities (to temperature, pH, [Ca2+]) of
the adsorption level for the various inhibitor types are very Comparison (ii): of adsorption of a phosphonate (IZC) and
similar which strongly indicates that the same adsorption polymer (14b) in Forties Member core. In this case, from the
mechanisms are involved. 10*Z*27J8 bulk adsorption results in Table 4, we wouid expect the
phosphonate return curve in the Forties member consolidated
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS: RESERVOIR core to be correspondingly longer. Figure 9 shows a
CONDITION CORE FLOODS comparison of the inhibitor return effluents in floods E2 (IIc)
and E3 (14b) in the Forties member core at I07”C. In this
This study now seeks to establish whether the bulk adsorption case, the amount of initial adsorption after shut-in and post
measurements on the disaggregated core correlate with the flush (at 107”C) was rather smaller than in the above two
consolidated core flood results. The actual adsorption levels floods due to the intermediate nettability of this core material.
are not expected to be the same; it is the mechanisms, the The results in Figure 9 show that, even although the level of
trends and the relative ranking of scale inhibitors for inhibhor adsorption is low the length of time required for the
adso@on that we might expect to be similar. phosphonate to fall below 1 ppm active was 12 times longer
than for the polymer under identical conditions. This would
Inhibitor return effluents are presented for two reservoir core appear to confirm the static adsorption test results in Table 4
systems. However, the results from several other reservoir which show that the phosphonate @) had considerably higher
condition core floods are presented only in summary form. levels of adsorption than the polymer (E3). The return curves
Presentation of the fill details of rdl floods is beyond the scope in Figure 9 clearly show that this bulk adsorption result carries
of this paper although some are described elsewhere.25~27*34 over to the reservoir core flood return observations.
Table 4 summarises the comparison of the “average” bulk
adsorption on the disaggregate reservoir core with the return Comparison (iii): of a penta- and a hexa- phosphonate in
time (in pv) to a chosen inhibitor threshold level from the Tarbert core. Figure 10 shows the coreflood return profiles
corresponding reservoir condition core flood. The “average” for two phosphonate floods - one penta-phosphonate (F3) and
bulk adsorption level is defined as the value at a representative one hexa-phosphonate (F1O) in Tarbert Formation core. From
set of conditions (temperature and pH, in particular) in the the static adsorption tests, the hexa-phosphonate has a much
bulk tests which are closest to the conditions at which the core higher level of adsorption over all pH values (Figure 4)
flood was carried out. Of the results referred to in Table 4, compared with the penta-phosphonate (Figure 3). Figure 10
only the effluents for the comparisons of F3/F4 ((i) below) and indicates that the hexa-phosphonate gives an apparently
E2/E3((ii) below) are presented. shorter return life even although its adsorption level is
significantly higher than that of the penta-phosphonate. This
We do not present the corresponding calcium and pH effluents observation highlights two subtleties on which the bulk
for the reservoir condition core floods although all of these adsorption tests give us no information. Firstly, the actual
data are available for all the floods in Table 4. This data length of the return curve depends on the chosen inhibitor
confirms that the adsorption mechanisms described above also threshold concentration, Ct (the concentration at which the
apply in the core system (i.e. hydrogen bonding at low pH, inhibitor will prevent the scale problem - at a specified level of
calcium involvement etc.) 10~25*27~34~35 A large number of performance). Indeed, for many formation waters, since the
resuks of this type are presented in other papers. 10~25*27~M*35 hexa-phosphonatc is up to three time as efficient as the penta-
The detailed bulk adsorption and core flood comparisons are phosphonate at preventing barium sulphate scale per ppm of
presented belwo. active chemical, the concentration level can be slightly
misleading. Thus, in Figure 10, the 2ppm level of the hexa-
~—. ----- ,.,. of the .him
-J ----
..- r---— 11. nmi ..w Ilh phosphonate at 1400 pv is equivalent to -6 ppm of penta-
r----r. ---. —--” ..- ___
in Tarbert Formation core. The bulk adsorption levels for phosphonate which dropped below 5 ppm at 1100 pv of
these two phosphonates were similar on crushed Tarbert core postflush. Secondly, the static maximum adsorption level,
as shown in Figure 3. The inhibhor effluent concentrations in rmax, at a given inhibitor solution concentration (2500 ppm
the corresponding reservoir condition core floods F3 (Ila) and active, in this case) takes no account of the shape of the
F4 (Ilb) at 1100C in the Tarbert core are shown in Figure 8. dynamic adsorption isotherm, r(C), which actually governs
The corresponding bulk adsorption levels onto the Tarbert the full shape of the return curve as explained
core in Figure 1 (and in Table 4) are seen to be quite similar. previously. 13*14*15*35This is considered further below in the
Therefore, the expectation is confirmed that the similar bulk discussion of Static and Dynamic Adsorption Isotherms.
adsorption levels in the same disaggregated rock system lead
to quite similar lifetimes to inhibitor threshold (in pv) in the Comparison (iv): of adsorption andprecipitatian of the same
consolidated core flood. polymer. Bulk adsorption results in Figure 1 indicated that
the polymer adsorption level was relatively low. For this
In these floods, it was found that the calcium concentration in reason, two inhibitor floods were conducted using the same
the effluent from both floods was significantly reduced in the polymeric inhibitor as an adsorption treatment in one flood
mart mf
~.u. “.
sch -.;,+
”.., p,,”u. IL-W.,..,..
,.””- .-,,
i. kth
,,, w.,,
‘, —.,
and as a precipitation treatment in the other. Fi-wre 11 shows
the calcium concentration returned to input level within 3 pore the effluent profiles of these two floods where, for Flood El,
volume of postflush. This early reduction in calcium the return profiles is for the adsorbed polymer and Flood E5 is
concentration was due to adsorption onto the rock as an the corresponding return profile of the same polymer
inhibitor/calcium complex; note that it is not a precipitation. formulated with calcium to precipitate at reservoir
temperature. The difference in the return profiles is clear and


the precipitation mechanism would appear to have extend the (Figure 6; (UCO)C, > 1) from the crushed core material itself.
~etl~- PrQfi!~ by rno~ than 5 times to the same 1 ppm (active) Since the hexa-phosphonate has a stronger affinity for
. . . ._ :..... I..n,-l”’”ll
threshold level. The use of the bulk static adsorption tests in calcium, then enhanceo absorption tiy Ca!clulll W,,US1..SXnay
this context is to show that the adsorption level of polymer 14a be occurring.
W* y~~ ]Ow - much below the level of the phosphonate for
example. Thus, its performance as a pure adsorption A second point, concerning ihe Obser?d !Wg !W-
treatment would probably be unsatisfactory - and this is concenrration inhibitor return profile for the hexa-phosphonate
confumted in Figure 11. However, the lifetime can be greatly (Figure 10) can only be understood by considering the shape
extended by inducing precipitation. The question of whether of the dynamic adsorption isotherms in the low-concentration
this precipitation treatment using a polymeric inhibitor would steeply-rising region as shown in Figure 15. In the threshold
exceed the adsorption treatment using a phosphonate cannot concentration region, where Cl= 5-10 ppm, the slope of the
be answered using bulk static adsorption tests. For such a adsorption isotherm for the hexa-phosphonate is steeper than
comparison, dynamic core flooding would have to be carried that of the penta-phosphonate; i.e. (i31WC~, > (ar/i3C&.
out. The return velocity of the inhibitor in the threshold region,
V*, depends directly on the inverse of thk slope as follows:
Summary of Results: The results in Table 4 can be used to
~Qns~~t scatter Plots of Static Adsorption Level (mg/g) VS.
I +(p/$) (arl~)a]
Core Return “Lifetime” (in pv) in an instructive way only
when the data is grouped appropriately. The data grouping
This has been explained in several previous
must refer to the specific core conditioned system within
publications6~9 .10*13*14)15*25and all terms are given in the
which the comparison of bulk adsorption and core flood return
Nomenclature. It is precisely because of these two central
results can “mmeaningfully made. This is shown inF@we !2
properties of tine dynamic isotherm (i.e. ~wnu > ~h~~ and
(cf. El, E2, E3, E4) and Figure 13 (cf. F3, F4, F5, F7, F8, F18)
where the correct groupings have been selected. It is clear (aI%C)~n > (aHaC)w.J that the relative behaviour of the
from these results that the higher levels of bulk adsorption on two different types of phosphonate is as observed in Figure 10.
~h~di~~g=~gat~ reselvoir rack - within a comparable group - Indeed, the consequences of such “cross-over” of the
..,., ha,..n= in
~aU,,,=,,,,= , :he ,=..
lnw c~n~~n~rati~n region were previously
lead to longer return times in the reservoir condition core
floods. However, we cannot compare results from very predicted25 before the actual occurrence in Figure 15 was
different systems. For example, the bulk adsorption associated found.
with floods El and E3 for the polymer adsorption in the
Forties member show similar bulk inhibitor adsorption levels Thus, the direct correlation of return lifetime with the static
as bulk measurements corresponding to floods F3, F4 and F5. adsorption level must be interpreted carefully in the light of
However, the return lifetimes in floods F3, F4 and F5 are the shape of the dynamic isotherm (which is not evident in
much longer than those for floods E 1 and E2. Because of the such static tests).
very different nature of these different cores (in mineralogy
and nettability, for example), this type of ungrouped FIELD SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESULTS
comparison is not valid. As noted above, such static
adsorption tests can also be used to indicate when chemicals The use of crushed core adsorption resuhs to screen inhibitors
should be formulated as precipitation treatment based on static is clearly a rapid and useful technique in the scale inhibitor
adsorption pro~rties. selection process although it does not give the complete
information required to design a field squeeze treatment. The
STATIC AND DYNAMIC ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS use of the reservoir condition core flood results to design an
improved “Field Squeeze Strategy” has been described in
As noted above, there are some subtleties which cannot be several previous paPers.6. The core flo~
resolved solely by static adsorption tests and, therefore, care effiueni is atiaiysed 1~
--* 14:35 ;G fi~~ the atjsmphn k?!krm:
must be used in interpreting such tests. This is clear from the I’(C), which is then used in the ,field modelling. The
comparison between the bulk adsorption levels of the penta- derivation of the adsorption isotherm, its significance and its
and hexa-phosphonates and their corresponding return curves. use in modelling field squeeze treatments has also been
-. .-
ltus can only oe understood ...I. . .+&
Wllell ,- ~AuI...J.-
~. .min- the
...w Anmqic
-,.. . .. . . di~~u~~ in de~il in other publications.lO~ 13-15~17*26~27*34~35
adsorption isotherms from the reservoir condition core floods
using these two products. The dynamic adsorption isotherms An example of a field a plication of this procedure is
(derived as explained elsewhere 3*14*35) for these two described in a recent paper !6 and more details can be found
phosphonate inhibitors are presented for Tarbert formation there. Only a brief description of results is presented here for
cores in Figure 14 (penta-phosphonate Fk@s F3 and F4; illustrative purposes. Using derived adsorption isotherm data
hexa-phosphonate Flood FltJ Table 1). from Flood F3, sensitivities indicated that the overflush size
was the most significant practical sensitivity for affecting the
The first point to note from Figure 14 is that the maximum squeeze lifetime, as illustrated in the modelled field returns in
dynamic adsorption level at high inhibitor concentration is Figure 16 (some practical details given inset). The ovefflush
higher for the penta-phosphonate than for the hexa- was therefore successively increased in the field in subsequent
phosphonate; i.e. dynamic rp.m > rhc.a. In pafiicular, the scale inhibitor squeezes in the same well where the treatments
dynamic hexa-phosphonate adsorption level is well below its were into the Brent Tarbert Formation. The field returns for
corresponding bulk adsorption levels onto the Tarbert crushed these successive treatments are presented in Figure 17 and
core (Figure 4). However, in this case, it is evident that there these results show that significant improvements in squeeze
is a considerable amount of additional calcium available


lifetime can be made by optimizing the field application adsorption tests are not intended to replace dynamic
strategy. core flooding.

In order to carry out this type of field assessment, it was (iii) in interpreting bulk adsorption measurements, some
essential to have the dynamic isotherm, r(C), from the cognizance must be taken of other more subtle factors which
appropriate reservoir condition core flood. As noted above, it do not appear in such tests. The two main ones noted in this
is not possible to obtain this from bulk , adsorption work are illustrated in the comparison between the bulk
measurements since the bulk or “static” isotherms do not give adsorption and core flood return behaviour of the penta- and
a correct estimate of the shape of the isotherm in the threshold hexa-phosphonates (inhibitors 11a and 11b; Table 4). For these
region (i.e. the important quantity @r/~C) is incorrectly products, the threshold inhibition efficiencies (i.e. Ct values)
.----------- 13-15* 17~25~27*34~35 ~erefore$ it is stiil necessary
messurexi). are different and this affects the meaning of return lifetime.
to carry out the core flooding measurements if we wish to Also, the shape of the isotherm of the hexa-phosphonate
make an engineered design of the scale inhibitor squeeze results in a radically different form of the inhibitor return
treatments in the field for a given product. In addition, it is profile in the core floods. This latter issue can only be studied
necessary to carry out core flooding to assess whether any in dynamic core floods as explained in the text (see below).
formation damage will occur due to the application of a
p~Iic&w ......- ... . .
inhihitor/spearhead system and this issue has been (iv) with the above provisos, the bulk adsorption data in this
discussed in a previous paper. 27 The bulk adsorption tests on study suggests that such tests are a valuable method of
crushed core cannot be used to assess formation damage. screening scale inhibitor chemicals (which have been pre-
screened for good inhibition efficiency) to suggest a final one
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS or two products and method of application strategy for the
chemical (adsorption or precipitation) for reservoir
In this paper, we have considered how it is possible to use conditioned coreflooding and subsequent field application.
static tests to establish scale inhibitor adsorption mechanisms
and levels in consolidated reservoir cores and to rank (v) to obtain the dynamic isotherm, r(C), for squeeze
inhibitors for their adsorption behaviour and (possibly) treatment design, it is still necessary to carry out reservoir
squeeze return lifetimes. This relatively rapid and condition core flooding which is then applied in the
straightforward type of bulk adsorption measurement can development of the “Field Squeeze Strategy”. A field example
------ .in.. the
---- selection
-------- .. of inhibitors -- for fu~thH
-- ---------- coreflooding
----- . . . . . is presented which shows that the predicted sensitivity to
which should be carried out on a minimum number of factors such as overflush volume are found in the field, and
inhibitors. For example, a full bulk adsorption sensitivity cart that using this approach has allowed the adsorption squeeze
be carried out on several products on two or three crushed lifetime to be extended.
reservoir samples in less than one week. However, the way in
..-. .*., *. . -.,--
which we pefi”orm a very detailed and cioseiy monitored NUMJLNCLA 1UIUL
reservoir condition core flood takes between 4 and 5 weeks for c, inhibitor threshold concentration;
one core. The value of such rapid screening tests is very DETPMP inhibitor - diethylene triamine penta (methylene
evident although it is still essential to carry out a much smaller phosphoric acid);
nurn.~r of reservoir condition
--. .—. .. . .. CQre floods for a few (usuallv
\—— ——.., PAA inhibitor - .m!y ac~lic acid;
between 1 and 3) selected inhibitor products. This is PPCA inhibitor - poly phosphino carboxylic acid;
necessary if the dynamic adsorption isotherm (llC)) is to be Pvs inhibitor - poly vinyl sulphonate;
derived in order to develop the “Field Squeeze Strategy” or for pv pore volumes;
the assessment of formation damage which might occur in the v~, velocity of the threshold inhibitor concentration
squeeze treatment. An example of this is presented briefly in value through the porous medium;
this paper although details can be found elsewhere.26 The Vfluid velocity of the fluid through the porous medium;
main conclusions arising from this study are as follows: rock bulk density;
: rock porosity;
(i) bulk adsorption tests on the disaggregated core material r(c) inhibitor dynamic isotherm which depends on
broadly give the same sensitivities of inhibitor adsorption (to concentration (also Temperature, pH, Ca 2+ etc..);
pH, [Caz+], and temperature) as those subsequently found in rmax maximum static inhibitor adsorption level in a
*h.. c*.-
●.” ““l”
. ,,”. “.”, -,
i c rwmhnhlv A,,.= tn the
.- ~. ““U”. J ..”- .“ . ..” ..-.UMIGU
Cl ”L..A---- .-”. /—-/-\.
LAM C lGSL (Ul~~),
same mechanisms in both the mineral separates (reported in r W.,, & rhexa maximum dynamic inhibitor adsorption level
previous paps 1Q 12>25,28) and in the core material. These from core floods for the penta- and hexa-
results suggest that there is a correlation between observed phosphonates (mg/g);
adsorption level in the disaggregate core and the return @rnc)Ct slope of the dynamic adsorption isotherm at the
lifetime to threshold levels (in pv) in the corresponding threshold inhibitor concentration level;
consolidated reservoir core. @r/W2~, slope of the (hexa- and penta-phosphonate)
& dynamic adsorption isotherms near the theshold
(ii) the bulk adsorption tests on disaggregate core form the (~r/@wnm inhibitor concentration level;
basis of a faster (than core flooding) screening method which
is able to rank various inhibitors for their adsorption behaviour
in a systematic manner. However, the data must be grouped The authors would like to thank the following companies for
appropriately according to the rocldreservoir system before
funding the work of the Heriot-Watt University OWield Scale
comparisons between products can be made. Static inhibitor Research Group (OSRG): Agip, Baker Performance


Chemicals, BP Exploration, Chevron, Elf, Exxon Chemicals, onto Consolidated and Crushed Sandstone”, SPE26605,
Kerr-McGee, Marathon, Shell, Statoii, Texaco and Total. Presented at the SPE Annual Fall Conference, Houston,
Particular thanks are extended to Shell UK, Norsk Hydro, TX, 3-6 October 1993.
Enterprise 011 and Total Oil Marine for their permission to use
-–-J—--*-l UaW
fleid andlor exprmmcuku ~-.-= ,,1
:- *~~cfimwr
.lll. ~e~-.. The ~~nnort
~r .- of
-. 11. Breen, P.J. and Downs, H. H.: “The Use of Adsorption
colleagues in the OSRG is also gratefully acknowledged. Thermodynamics in the Development of Scale Inhibitors
for High Barium Content Oilfield Brines”, Royal Society
REFERENCES of Chemistry Publication - Chemicals in the Oil
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1. Vetter, O.J.: “The Chemical Squeeze Process - Some P.H Ogden, 1991.
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Temperature on the Adsorption of Phosphonate Inhibitor

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22. Wat, R.M.S., Montgomery H.T.R., Maclean, A. F and Polysulphonic Acid Scale Inhibitors in Oilfield Brines”,
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Scale Inhibitor - A Case History”, Presented at the 4th Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, New Orleans, LA, 2-
1-.-.- ..:--.1 n:lc-1~ Pt. —-:--l c.. —--.:..- fl-..:l - C 1X.-L s (IO9
lllLC1lliiLIU1lill U1lllCIU &IICI1llVill =yllltJUSIU1ll, WG1lU, J lVIUU1l 177.7.

Norway, 18-21 April 1993

33. Graham, G. M., Sorlie,K. S., Beak, L. S., Taylor, K. and
&J, n.. L-:-1: n.D allu
-.. A Lu&KIlal
1 -- I. L”+ T
1, A ..
. $t@-l.. k.:l:...
. . ...4 ml.’....
allu r Ila>c
. ,,ma., a,-.._
A/c vG1uplllG1l
a.. ● .-.-,4
L allu
A --1:,...
+:-- -C
A . . . . . . ..-

Behaviour of Polyacrylate Scale Inhibitors and their Detection and Assay Techniques for Oilfield Scale
Implications for Precipitation Squeeze Treatments”, Inhibitors in Produced Water Samples”, SPE 28997,
SPE28998, Presented at the SPE International Presented at the SPE International Symposium on
Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, San Antonio, TX, Oilfield Chemistry, San Antonio, TX, 14-17 February
14-17 February 1995. 1995.

24. Malandrino, A., Yuan, M. D., Sorbie,K.S. and Jordan, 34. Jordan, M.M., Sorbic, K.S., Jiang, P., Yuan, M.D., Todd,
M. M.: “Mechanistic Study and Modelling of A. C., Taylor, K., Hourston, K.E. and Ramstad, K.
n-.. -:-:.-.:--
rlG&lpl LCIL1ull
T- L.:&:.-.
c . . . -------
oyucGLG Ilvuc>scs ,
T_l.:l.: .. .
A ,4...

SPE29001, Presented at the SPE International Desorption in Brent Group Sandstone and Their
Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, San Antonio, TX, Importance in Predicting and Extending Field Squeeze
1A 17 E.-._.-...._.10CIA
1--1 I l-Guluiily 177-?.
T :ca*:-.M**
or~z Juu J,
D.-. --,...4

Production and Operation Conference, Aberdeen, UK,

25< Jordan, M.M., Sorbie,K.S. Jiang,P., Yuan,M.D., Todd 15-17 March 1994.
A.C. and Thiery, L.: “The Effect of Clay Minerals, pH,
Calcium and Temperature on the Adsorption of 35. Yuan, M. D., Sorbic. K. S.. Jiarm, P., Chen, P., Jordan,
Phosphonate Scale Inhibitor onto Reservoir Core and M. M~,Todd, A. C., Hourston, K.E. and Ramstad, K.:
Mineral Separates”, Presented at NACE Annual “Phosphonate Inhibitor Adsorption on Outcrop and
Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 28 February - 4 Reservoir Rock Substrates: The Static and Dynamic
March 1994. Adsorption Isotherms”, Presented at the Fifth
International Symposium on Chemistry in the Oil
26. Sorbic, K. S., Yuan, M. D, Jordan, M. M. and Hourston, Industry, Royal Society of Chemistry, Lancaster
K. E.: “Application of a Scale Inhibitor Squeeze Model University, Ambleside, England, 12-15 April 1994.
to Improve Field Squeeze Treatment Design”,
SPE28885, Presented at SPE EUROPEC94, London, Appendix A: Mineralogy of the Sandstones Used
UK, 25-27 October 1994. A brief summary of the sandstones used in this study is
presented below. A fuller account has been published
27. Jordan, M. M., Sorbie,K.S. Jiang,P., Yuan,M.D., Todd elsewhere. 10)25,27
A.C. and HourstonK.E. : “Phosphonate Scale Inhibitor ● Brent Group Sandstone, Tarbert Formation (North Sea):
Adsorption/Desorption and the Potential for Formation From examination of the cored samples, this sub-arkosic
Damage in Reconditioned Field Core”, SPE27389, arenite is subrounded to subangular, well sorted and
Presented at the SPE International Symposium on comprises: 8290 quartz, 7- 9% feldspar, 8-10% kaolinite, 1%
.~nr-.~i-. name-a f=fim~pfil
“. ,,,-., ”,, “6Un&u~-Wu,,., v’,
T af..,afta
Mm-, w..-,
~~, a-in
7 -,”
- —:--
*m. .--I ----- Ulu
1 -m Uli WIUILG
.-a U.
n cm. 1:.k:-
J-m llUIIG
r-- —.-..
11 ilglllcllm.
1 llC

February 1994. main pore filling materials are quartz overgrowths, kaolinite,
chlorite and illite.
28. Jordan, M.M, Sorbic, K.S, Yuan, M.D , Taylor, K, K. Etive Formation, moderate to well sorted sub arkosic arenite
Hourston, K. E. and Ramstad, K. and Griffin, P. “The sub angular and comprises: 78% Qtz, 11% feldspar, 5%
Adsorption of Phosphonate and Polymeric Scale kaolinite + illite, 290 muscovite, I% carbonate, 290 pyrite.
Inhibitors onto Reservoir Mineral Separates”. Presented Oseberg Formation poorly to moderately sorted, sub arkosic
at the 5th International Oilfield Chemicals Symposium, arenite, angular to sub angular and comprises: Qtz 76&, 8%
Geilo, Norway, 21-23 March 1994. feldspar, 6% muscovite, 2% carbonate and 8% kaolinite +
29. Walters , G.L (Chief Editor) : Hach Water Analysis ● Hopeman Sana%tone(Permo-Triassic): This is also known
Handbook, Hach Company, Colorado, p.5 16, 1989. as Clashach sandstone. The rock is an arenite and the
Hopeman sandstone can be classified as a quartz arenite, with
30. Murphy, J and Riley,J.P.: “A Modified Single Solution about 5% feldspar and > 94% quartz.
Method for the Determination of Phosphate in Natural ●Forties Member Sele Formation (North Sea): From
Water”, Anal Chim. Acts, 27, pp.31-36, 1962. examination of the cored samples, the sub-arkose is
subrounded to subangular, moderately to poorly sorted and
31. Pennington, J. “An Overview of Alternative Approaches comprises: 67% quartz, 11% feldspar, 8% lithic fragments,
to the Development of Monitoring Methods for Scale 5% clay matrix, 2-5% authigenic clay (kaolinite, chlorite and
Inhibitors in Oil-Field Produced Waters”, Proceedings of illite), 1% muscovite mica and 2-5% carbonate (calcite,
the 3rd International Symposium Chemicals in the Oil siderite). Quartz overgrowths, kaolinite, chlorite and illite are
Industry, University of Manchester, 19-20 April 1988. the main pore-filling minerals.

Table 1: Summary of Reservoir (Condition Inhibitor Corefkmds.

1 —~ I 1
Description of the rock
w Rock
NO. type huwclogy
*.82 , Fdd.lols,
& Tcrbat MOCc.1-3,m 0.%2!
FOnOcuaPyr.o.la3,3h0L S-13
F4 all. 1-3,InL u.
Fs Ck3mch QQ..>94034J65,
Pyr. &clcytmce \ ‘\ 20.8 1252 171 195 110 31.4 42.6 P33428 \\ 118 SS8S0 7.4 2.m m 19 110 Sw 850 73(3
F7 Ocd!ag QIZ76.3W. 8,==.~ 3990m 106
FOrmuimc9b. zKcoL&lui.8 — ... 29.7 MS KM 152 106 47.8 33.5 N \\ [lb 40s18 6.8 2.3s m 21 1(K Fw 350 892
Ifa EliW Qla7s, FckLll, Mo9c2 3953m 106
FOtmcliollcib.1,Fyn2?--.5 -. —--- 27.9 7s3 317 341 106 52.5 23.8 \ \ Ilb 42A92 6.3 2.3s m m 106 m 160 Iloa
no ‘hbe$t COmpdkmnfocmcodiu >7STm 1112 23.7 36 16 19 1lC) 4s.9 29.(JI 0.1%22 \\ Ilc 57951 6.1 S.48 m 17 110 Sw 1350 1273
—— . @l 4.2s
1127 18.4 2.42 0.33 1.55 lu~ 41.8 34.5 0.06%S3 N Ilb 40643 8.6 2.m m la 127 Fw 1064 55
@l 5.3s
12190ft ‘1O7 26.7 439 265 268 1~1 3s.7 24.11 pHS.PO \\ 14b 451527 9.62 6.45 m 18 107 Fw 43 40
12222n la) 25.2 136 31.5 58 KY7 42.5 39.”1 @i 3.68 N Ilc 51456.9 9.09 6.00 m 20 107 Fw 618 320(
12190t? 107 26.6 356 154 164 107 37.8 21.4 p313.78 N MC 30s27 9.63 4.50 m 17 107 m 44 620
S616ft 107 23.8 213 4s.s \ 10V 36.2 19.8 pH3.6S N llC 5202s 10.03 6.00 m 19 m7 m 960 424s
— —— —

10s42R .107 23.4 34.7 16.1 21.1 law 46.2 2s.,3 -gal \\ NC 34472 10.9 4.50 20.00 1s 107 Fw 445 149

8516fi 107 22.5 209 36 50.5 m7 36.1 m.7 Um \\ Ilc 54164 11. 3 6.00 m.00 18 10’7 Fw 1094 39s
S464ft 107 22.9 S6 27.4 107 47.s 23.1 pll4.01 N 11c. 54640 10.1 6.00 20.00 1s 107 Fw 9s0 400
l) MhldOgycbbddaW . Qzqz ~.*@NL MIIX*+IC mka IJ131.*Mc fmsmcmLCar.=Ccrbmut%Pyr.=pyrite,CICy SCCOI.=KCOliritq
C16.dkrI@ IIKd13itc.
3) Ila [lb ad IIccm threetypa ofpk#onctc Mdk4torsmpp3kdby scrvicccomcoics.
4) w cd 14bsmw of p- bud 00POUCC@C~d
$A31dulioossmdtwccd beforeinjection.M him dutimn od for mtumdoo and plWfMl ccc adjwttd to pH of 5.5.
“TABLE3. OSRG scale inhibitor code%generic chemkal types
I 1
and the codes of the floods where these chemicalswere teated

TABLE 2 Composition of synthetic North Sea brine I OSRG Code I Chemical Type I Used in OSRG C(~[
and Formation water used in this study

Synthetic seawater Formation water for Floods El to E7

orryposition ( mg/t) _l@tion ~mti)
Na+ 10,890. 31,275 I I
ca2+ 428 5,038 13 Phosphinopoly +
1,368. 739 I carboxylicacid I
460 654
so42- 2,960. mm 14 Poty acrytic acid
cl- 19,766 60,848 14a CsrboxyticCopolylncr El, E5
sr2+ Zero 771 14b POIYacrvlicacid E3 +
Ba2+ Zero 269

pH of synthetic seawater brine and formatiomwater after degassing were adjusted to pH 5.5 15a Poly vinylsulphonate
15a Subhonate acrylicacid

TAIBLE 4. Static adsorption onto crushed reservdir core (mg/g) measured over the pH range of
the reservoir examined. The pore volume values reflect the volume of posfflushfluid required
to reduce the inhibitor concentration to the threshold values. For flaws F3, F4, F5, W, ~ and
F25 the threshold value is 5ppm active and for ft&ds El to E4 the threshold value is 1 ppm
active inhibitor.

code adsorptiontests Coretloodpostflush pore volume I Core Type

mg (inhibitory@(Crushedcore) to inhibitor threshold concentration

1= F3
I 1
<. -—-—

F7 1.7 995 ~
Pa 1.78 975 ~.s_- ~
Xlve Frn.
F25 1.82 1055 m
El 1.2 m-t =

1 -.”-
1 -.

1= ii 3.8 275


3 E~=Esi3im 1.2

\/” 0.9


11 adsorption at 25°C
11 adsorption at 95*C
13 adsorption at 25°C
13 adsorption at 95-C

0.7 1 Seawater 25°C

2 3 pH[--> 4 5 6
0.6 i =
Seawater 95*C
, ,
, I
2 3 pH --> 4 5 6
F@re 1: Penta phosphonate and PPCALitilbitor adsorption onto crushed Figure 2: Calcium release data from penta phosphonate and PPCA
Tarbcrt Formation core as a fimction of pH at 25*C and 95*C. inhibitor adsorption onto crushed Tarbert Formation Core
as a function of pH at 25°C and 95-C.
4.0 —

~ Ila penta phosphonate adsorption at 95°C
~ Ilb penta phosphonate adsorption at 95*C 3.5

3 3.0
Tarbert Fm. T=95°C
‘~ Hexa-phosphonate Hc
2.0 ‘~ Sulphonated acrylic acid 15b
‘~ PVS 15a
\ 1.5

\ 1.0

01 2 3 pH --> 4 5
2 3 pH --> 4 5 6
Figure 4: Inhibitor adsorption data from Tarbert Formation core at 95°C as
Figure 3: Two penta-phosphonate inhibitors (Ha and Ilb) adsorption a function of pH for hexa-phosphonate and sulphonated co-polymers
onto crushed Tarbert Formation core as a function of pH at 95”C.

I ‘hrbt Fo!7iMItioIIcOIt?]hds, ~r= 110C

l— FId F1O (hexa-plhosphonate,Ilc, IpH=:5.41) I
_ ~ood F3: (penta-phosphonate,lla, IpH==2.00) I

0 200 400

Postflush pore volume -->

1 pprn active inhibitor

-- L,
=-- -~---= --a-


.... ..... ..
., .
0 150 300 450 600 750
Postflush pore:vobtle




1:200 1350 1500

Figure 9: Comparisonof polymer and hexa-phosphonate!etums in the Figure 10: Comparison of penta- and hexa-plhosphmmtereturns in the
during formation water postflush in floods E3 and E4.
effluent effluent during seawater postflush in floods F3 and F1O.

All penta-phosphonates /

> “’‘ >’

,, / .
● //
o F3
● F4
// /“ ■

.- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- . .+./ ■ F5

\---- ----- ------ --- ------ ----- -.

~ 1.00
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Postflush pore volume --> Pore volumes of posttlush to threshold concentration

Figure 11. Comparison of inhibitoreffluent profiies for pol:ymeradsorption Figure 12: InhMor (Penta-phosphonate) static adsorption tests onto Brent
coreflood E3 and polymer precipitation coreflood E5. Group (F3, F4, F25) and Clashach (F5)Isandstones vs pore volumes
of postflush required to reach threshold concentration,
.......... ................ ................ ....... ........ .... .... .....●...... .,
Ld 2.0-

4 1.0


t).t)~ ~-l
0 510 100 150 200 250 300 350 o 50 250 300
Pom volumes of postfhwh to threshold concemtmtion lnhib& Concen&5$n (ppm~~>
Flglllre13.’ Inhibitor adsorption in static tests on Forties Manbers sandatone Figure 14 Adsorption isotherms for both penta- and hexa-phosphonatcs
vs pore volumes of postflush required to reach threshold concentration km Floods F3, F4 and FIQ Tadxxt ForrnutionCore at 110I”C.

,s — Ovedlush volume doubled 3200 bbls
.......... Base csse overflush volume 1600 bbls I
..&” Squeeze operation:
Inhibitor - phosphonate
Preflush - 100bbls aeavvater
Main treatment - 1215blbls20% inhibkor
(- 5.8% active contemt)
Treatment interval -13 lft
I Porositv -0.22 1
........... ............... ................................... . . .. . . .. . . .,---
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- . --,...-.- .

20 25 o 200000 6000110 800000

o 5 10 15
InhibitorConcentration @pm) --> Cumulative Water Production (lMs) -->
Figure 16: Sensitivity of predicted squeeze inhibitor returns to seawater owerflush
Figure 15: Low concentration region of the adsorption isotherms for the penta- volumq Modelled using the Flood F3 isotherm data.
and hexa-phosphonatea in F@ure 14 Tarkt Formation core at 11(YC.
Four Successive Scale Inhibitor Squeezes in
Alwyn Producer

r Increasing Gvertlush Squeeze 1-->4

[(Squeeze 2 problems - see Ref. 26)

60 ppm
(ss supplied)

o 5txKM0 1ooOOOo 1500000 2ooOOOo
tcwnulative Produced Water (bbl) -->
-1 F@re 17: Field inhibitor returns from repeated penta-phosphonate
treatments to the same Brent Group well, TarbextFormation.

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