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Circuit Breakers 1

Edition II

Copyright MMVII

T&D PowerSkills, LLC

5501A John Eskew Blvd.
Alexandria, LA 71303

All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof

must not be reproduced in any form without the
written permission of T&D PowerSkills, LLC.

Printed in the United States of America

on June 4, 2010
General Guidelines

The Circuit Breakers 1 training unit is composed of a video and associated Student Manual. The DVD
contains one Course. The course is divided into Lessons, where each Lesson consists of a number of
Topics. The number of Lessons and Topics will vary with each course.

Recommended Sequence of Instruction

1. After the instructor’s introductory remarks, read the segment objectives found in the block at
the beginning of the first segment.
2. Briefly discuss the segment objectives with the instructor and other class members.
3. View the first segment of the video.
4. Read the text segment that corresponds to the first segment of the video.
5. Answer the questions at the end of the text segment. Check your answers with the correct
answers provided by the instructor.
6. Participate in a class discussion of the material just covered. Ask any questions you might have
concerning the material in the video and the text, and note any additional information given by
the instructor.
7. Before proceeding, be sure you understand the concepts presented in this segment.
8. Work through all segments in this manner.
9. A Course Test covering all the material will be administered by the instructor upon completion
of the unit.
10. Additional instruction and testing may be provided, at the instructor’s discretion.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

OSHA Regulations, primarily in 1926.955, 1910.269 and 1910.268 will be used in conjunction with this
training unit. Where applicable, regulations will be highlighted and placed in a box like this.

Regulations are used that are in force at the time of the workbook printing. Instructors and students are
expected to review the current OSHA Regulations to familiarize the student with the safety requirements
expected by USDOL OSHA, specifically as they relate to the topic being discussed. This information is
an important part of this training unit.

This T&D PowerSkills Training workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the
associated training DVD/video.
Field Performance Requirements (FPR)

NAME: ______________________________ #___________ Complete q

Incomplete q
VG = Very Good
ACC = Acceptable
UNIT(S): Circuit Breakers 1 NI = Needs Improvement
NA = Not Able to Complete
on this Crew


1.1 Can describe the main functions of a circuit breaker, why arcs must be
extinguished quickly.............................................................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
1.2 Can identify four mediums that are commonly used in circuit breakers to help
extinguish arcs.......................................................................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
2.1 Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical air-magnetic circuit
breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs.......................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
2.2 Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical air-blast circuit
breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs.......................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
3.1 Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical oil circuit breaker
and how they work to extinguish arcs...................................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
3.2 Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of atypical vacuum circuit
breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs.......................................................
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

__________________________ __________________________ ____________________

Apprentice’s Signature Supervisor's Signature Date

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot


The employer shall certify that each employee has received the training required by paragraph (a)(2) of
this section. This certification shall be made when the employee demonstrates proficiency in the work
practices involved and shall be maintained for the duration of the employee’s employment.

Note: Employment records that indicate that an employee has received the required training are an
acceptable means of meeting this requirement.
Table of Contents
Segment 1: Introduction to Circuit Breakers............................................................................................. 7
1.1 Main Functions of Circuit Breakers................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Factors Involved in Extinguishing Arcs.......................................................................................... 9
1.3 Classification of Circuit Breakers................................................................................................. 12
Section Quiz..........................................................................................................................17
Segment 2: Air-Magnetic and Air-Blast Circuit Breakers....................................................................... 18
2.1 Air-Magnetic Circuit Breakers...................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Air-Blast Circuit Breakers............................................................................................................. 21
Section Quiz..........................................................................................................................23
Segment 3: Oil and Vacuum Circuit Breakers......................................................................................... 27
3.1 Oil Circuit Breakers...................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Vacuum Circuit Breaker................................................................................................................ 31
Section Quiz..........................................................................................................................33
Appendix A: Glossary..............................................................................................................................34
Appendix B: Breakers..............................................................................................................................36

Figure Index
Figure 1-1: Circuit Breaker........................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 1-2: Arc Between Two Contacts..................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1-3: Cooling an Arc...................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1-4: Current Zero.......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 1-5: Air-Magnetic Breaker............................................................................................................13
Figure 1-6: Air-Blast Breaker.................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 1-7: Oil Breaker............................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 1-8: Vacuum Breaker.................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 1-9: Gas-Blast Breaker................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 1-10: Gas-Puffer Breaker..............................................................................................................16
Figure 2-1: Air-Magnetic Breaker - Puff of Air at Arc............................................................................ 19
Figure 2-2: Air-Magnetic Breaker - Arc Forced Against Arc Fins..........................................................20
Figure 2-3: Air-Blast Breaker – Opening.................................................................................................21
Figure 3-1: Oil Circuit Breaker................................................................................................................28
Figure 3-2: OCB Interruptor – Closed..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-3: OCB Interruptor – Opening.................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-4: Vacuum Breaker Interruptor – Closed...................................................................................31
Figure 3-5: Vacuum Breaker Interruptor – Opening................................................................................ 32
OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot
1910.269 (c) Job Briefing

The employer shall ensure that the employee in charge conducts a job briefing with employees involved
before they start each job. The briefing shall cover at least the following subjects: hazards associated
with the job, work procedures involved, special precautions, energy source controls, and personal
protective equipment requirements.
1. Number of briefings. If the work or operations to be performed during the work day or shift are
repetitive and similar, at least one job briefing shall be conducted before the start of the first job
of each day or shift. Additional job briefings shall be held if significant changes, which might
affect the safety of the employees, occur during the course of the work.
2. Extent of briefing. A brief discussion is satisfactory if the work involved is routine and if the
employee, by virtue of training and experience, can reasonably be expected to recognize and
avoid the hazards involved in the job. A more extensive discussion shall be conducted:
(i) if the work is complicated or particularly hazardous, or
(ii) if the employee cannot be expected to recognize and avoid the hazards involved in the job.
Segment 1: Introduction to Circuit Breakers

Segment 1: Introduction to Circuit Breakers

Transmission and distribution (T&D) systems are systems designed to deliver power from the plants
where it is produced to the customers who use it. In the simplest sense, a T&D system can be described
as a number of circuits that connect the producers of electricity with the users of electricity. For a T&D
system to operate properly, it must be capable of switching circuits in and out as needed. The devices
most commonly used to perform the switching function are circuit breakers. This training program
focuses on circuit breakers commonly found in substations and switchyards and generally rated at 4KV
and above.

• Describe the main functions of a circuit breaker.
• Describe why arcs must be extinguished quickly.
• Describe the role of each of the following factors in
extinguishing an arc in a circuit breaker:
◦ Speed
◦ Distance
◦ Cooling
◦ Dielectric strength
◦ Current zero
• Identify four mediums that are commonly used in circuit
breakers to help extinguish arcs.

Figure 1-1: Circuit Breaker

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Circuit Breakers 1

1.1 Main Functions of Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers have two main functions: (1) to interrupt circuits under normal load conditions and (2)
to interrupt circuits under fault conditions.

In the simplest sense, a circuit breaker interrupts a circuit by moving electrical contacts apart. In
actuality, the operation of circuit breakers is more complicated, because they must also be able to
control the arcing that occurs as the contacts separate. As the contacts are moved apart, the current tries
to maintain the circuit by bridging the gap that forms between the contacts. As this happens, the air
between the contacts heats up and becomes a conductor, resulting in the formation of an arc (Figure 1-

Figure 1-2: Arc Between Two Contacts

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269 (u)

(6) Substation entry.

(i) Upon entering an attended substation, each employee other than those regularly working in
the station shall report his or her presence to the employee in charge in order to receive
information on special system conditions affecting employee safety.

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1.1 Main Functions of Circuit Breakers

Uncontrolled arcs in T&D systems can produce heat in the general range of 5,000 - 25,000C. In a
circuit breaker, the heat from an uncontrolled arc can cause a rapid and violent expansion of the gases
generated by the arc and of the air in the immediate area. The result could be severe damage to the
circuit breaker and to nearby structures and equipment, and serious injuries to personnel. To prevent
uncontrolled arcing, circuit breakers must be able to extinguish arcs quickly.

1.2 Factors Involved in Extinguishing Arcs

In a circuit breaker, a number of factors work together to extinguish an arc and interrupt a circuit. These
factors include speed, distance, cooling, dielectric strength, and current zero.

The speed at which a circuit breaker's contacts separate is important because the faster the contacts
open, the less time there is for the space between the contacts to heat up and become a conductor.
Slower separation allows more time for an arc to form and maintain itself.

When the distance between the contacts increases, the arc must stretch in order to maintain current
flow. Also, as the distance increases, more voltage is required to sustain current flow.

Generally, when air and gases are heated, they become electrical conductors: the hotter they get, the
better they conduct. Consequently, cooling plays an important role in helping to extinguish arcs. The
term "cooling" refers to any physical effects that take heat away from an arc.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269p (a) (2)

(i) Employees shall be trained in and familiar with the safety-related work practices, safety
procedures, and other safety requirements in this section that pertain to their respective job
assignments. Employees shall also be trained in and familiar with any other safety practices,
including applicable emergency procedures (such as pole top and manhole rescue), that are not
specifically addressed by this section but that are related to their work and are necessary for
their safety.
(ii) Qualified employees shall also be trained and competent in:
(A) The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed live parts from other parts of
electric equipment,
(B) The skills and techniques necessary to determine the nominal voltage of exposed live parts,
(C) The minimum approach distances specified in this section corresponding to the voltages to
which the qualified employee will be exposed, and
(D) The proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment,
insulating and shielding materials, and insulated tools for working on or near exposed
energized parts of electric equipment. Note: For the purposes of this section, a person must
have this training in order to be considered a qualified person.

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Circuit Breakers 1

Some common cooling methods include directing a blast of air or gas at an arc (Figure 1-3A); forcing
the arc against cold metal or insulating materials (Figure 1-3B); and submerging the breaker contacts
and the arc in insulating oil (Figure 1-3C).

Figure 1-3: Cooling an Arc

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1.2 Factors Involved in Extinguishing Arcs

Circuit breakers also use mediums of different dielectric strengths to help extinguish arcs. A medium's
dielectric strength is a measure of how well the medium, or material, can withstand voltage without
conducting electricity. Because of differences in dielectric strength, some materials conduct electricity
less readily than others. For example, insulating oil has a higher dielectric strength than air, so oil can
withstand more voltage than air without conducting electricity. In addition, a medium is sometimes
pressurized. In general, pressurizing a medium increases its dielectric strength.

Arc-Flash Hazard
OSHA evaluates compliance with its electrical safety regulations, OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA
1926 Subpart K, using the comprehensive information in NFPA 70E . While OSHA tells you what to do
to avoid electrical dangers, this vital Standard tells you how. Please refer to the National Fire Protection
Standard: NFPA 70E for Arc Flash protection compliance.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269(L)(2) Minimum approach distances:

The employer shall ensure that no employee approaches or take any conductive object closer to exposed
energized parts than set forth in Table R-6 through Table R-10, unless:
(i) The employee is insulated from the energized part (insulating gloves or insulating gloves and
sleeves worn in accordance with paragraph (l)(3) of this section are considered insulation of the
employee only with regard to the energized part upon which work is being performed), or
(ii) The energized part is insulated from the employee and from any other conductive object at a
different potential.

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Circuit Breakers 1

Another factor that helps to extinguish arcs is current zero. Alternating current constantly changes
polarity from positive to negative or negative to positive in recurring cycles, as indicated in Figure 1-4.
Current zero occurs at the exact time that the polarity changes. At that time, there is no current flow.
Circuit breakers are designed to take advantage of these momentary absences of current flow to help
extinguish arcs.

Figure 1-4: Current Zero

1.3 Classification of Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are generally classified according to the dielectric mediums they use to help extinguish
arcs. Four mediums that are commonly used for this purpose are air, oil, vacuum, and gas.

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1.3 Classification of Circuit Breakers

Figures 1-5 and 1-6 show two types of breakers that use air as a dielectric medium. The air-magnetic
breaker (Figure 1-5) uses air and a magnetic field to help extinguish arcs.

Figure 1-5: Air-Magnetic Breaker

The air-blast breaker (Figure 1-6) uses a high-pressure blast of air.

Figure 1-6: Air-Blast Breaker

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Circuit Breakers 1

Figure 1-7 shows an oil breaker. In an oil breaker, the contacts are submerged in an insulating oil,
which helps extinguish the arc.

Figure 1-7: Oil Breaker

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269 (v) (7) (iv)
Employees in restricted areas…

Shall wear protective equipment meeting the requirements of Subpart I of this Part and including, but not
limited to, protective clothing, boots, goggles, and gloves.

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1.3 Classification of Circuit Breakers

Figure 1-8 shows a vacuum breaker. A vacuum breaker encloses its contacts in a vacuum, which can be
described as the absence of a medium. Without a medium to conduct electricity, it is difficult to sustain
an arc.

Figure 1-8: Vacuum Breaker

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Circuit Breakers 1

Two types of gas breakers are a gas-blast breaker (Figure 1-9) and a gas-puffer breaker (Figure 1-10).
Both of these breakers use bursts of insulating gas to extinguish arcs, but their operations are slightly
different. (Note: The operation of each of the breakers identified in the preceding pages is covered in
detail later in this program.)

Figure 1-9: Gas-Blast Breaker

Figure 1-10: Gas-Puffer Breaker

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Section Quiz

Section Quiz
1-1. True or False.
Circuit breakers are designed to interrupt circuits under both normal load conditions and fault

1-2. Arcing occurs when ______________________ tries to maintain a circuit by bridging the gap
between two separated contacts.

1-3. True or False.

Arcs must be controlled because the heat from an uncontrolled arc in a circuit breaker can cause
a violent expansion of air and gases generated by the arc, resulting in severe equipment damage.

1-4. Match each factor in Column A with the appropriate arc-extinguishing function in Column B.
Write the correct number in each blank.

Column A Column B
_____ a. Speed A) Causes an arc to stretch in order to maintain
current flow and sustain itself
_____ b. Distance B) Takes heat away from an arc
_____ c. Cooling C) Minimizes the time available for an arc to form
_____ d. Dielectric strength D) Enables a circuit breaker to take advantage of
momentary absences of current flow
_____ e. Current zero E) Determines how well a medium can withstand
voltage without conducting electricity

1-5. Circle the correct answer.

Circuit breakers are generally classified according to their:

a) Arc size
b) Weight
c) Dielectric medium
d) None of the above

1-6. List four dielectric mediums commonly used in circuit breakers.

a) _______________________ b) __________________________

c) _______________________ d) __________________________

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Circuit Breakers 1

Segment 2: Air-Magnetic and Air-Blast Circuit Breakers

Even though the dielectric strength of air is relatively low in comparison to the dielectric strength of
other mediums, air is successfully used to extinguish arcs in circuit breakers. Two types of circuit
breakers that use air to extinguish arcs are air-magnetic circuit breakers and air-blast circuit breakers.

• Identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical air-
magnetic circuit breaker.
• Describe how the arc extinguishing features in an air-magnetic
circuit breaker work to extinguish arcs.
• Identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical air-blast
circuit breaker.
• Describe how the arc extinguishing features in an air-blast circuit
breaker work to extinguish arcs.

2.1 Air-Magnetic Circuit Breakers

Air-magnetic circuit breakers are generally used in substations and switchyards at distribution voltage
levels. They are often located inside station control houses and enclosed in protective metal cabinets.
Although the physical designs of air-magnetic breakers and their arc interrupting features vary from
one manufacturer to another, their basic operation is generally similar.

Reference B-1 at the back of this text is a simplified illustration of a typical air-magnetic circuit
breaker. The breaker has two sets of contacts: a set of main contacts and a set of arcing contacts. Other
parts represented in the illustration are a puffer, arc runners, blowout coils, pole pieces, and arc fins.

When the air-magnetic breaker is closed, the main current path is through the main contacts. When the
breaker begins to trip, or open, the main contacts separate, but arcing does not occur, because the
circuit is still complete through the arcing contacts. After the main contacts separate, the arcing
contacts separate, and an arc forms between them.

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2.1 Air-Magnetic Circuit Breakers

The arcing contacts in an air-magnetic circuit breaker are designed to withstand the intense heat of an
arc for a very short time. During this time, the other breaker components work together to extinguish
the arc.

The puffer assembly consists of a cylinder, a piston, and a hollow tube and nozzle (Figure 2-1). As the
arcing contacts separate, the puffer piston is moved through the cylinder. As the piston moves, air in the
cylinder is compressed and forced through the hollow tube and nozzle. The nozzle directs the
compressed air toward the arc. The compressed air helps to cool the arc and it also forces the arc away
from the arcing contacts and toward the arc runners. The arc runners are conductors that help carry the
arc current away from the arcing contacts.

Figure 2-1: Air-Magnetic Breaker - Puff of Air at Arc

As the arcing contacts continue to open, the distance between them becomes greater than the distance
between the arc runners. The compressed air from the puffer then forces the arc off of the arcing
contacts and onto the arc runners. The arc current then flows through the arc runners and through the
blowout coils that are connected to the arc runners.

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Circuit Breakers 1

Blowout coils are conductors that are wound around iron cores. The iron cores are connected to metal
plates called pole pieces. The flow of arc current through the blowout coils creates a magnetic field.
The pole pieces concentrate the magnetic field between the arc runners; they also help dissipate the
heat of the arc.

The force of the concentrated magnetic field then forces the arc into the arc fins (Figure 2-2). The arc
fins are insulated plates made of a material that has a higher dielectric strength than air. The arc fins do
not readily conduct electricity, so they tend to obstruct the path of the arc. As a result, the distance the
arc has to travel and the voltage required to sustain the arc both increase. The fins help to cool the arc
by absorbing and dissipating some of its heat. Eventually, the arc is stretched and cooled until, at some
current zero, it is completely extinguished and the circuit is opened.

Figure 2-2: Air-Magnetic Breaker - Arc Forced Against Arc Fins

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2.2 Air-Blast Circuit Breakers

2.2 Air-Blast Circuit Breakers

Air-blast circuit breakers use a blast of pressurized air to extinguish arcs. This type of breaker is
generally used in circuits operating at voltages of 138 KV or above.

The arc interrupting mechanisms used in air-blast circuit breakers are typically enclosed inside the
breaker head. Reference B-2 at the back of this text is a simplified illustration of an air-blast breaker
head. Its main features include conductors, main contacts, arcing contacts, a blast valve, arc chutes,
arcing electrodes, arcing rings, and arcing probes. The air inside the breaker head is pressurized, or
compressed, air. Compressed air has a higher dielectric strength than air at atmospheric pressure.

When the air-blast breaker trips (Figure 2-3), the main contacts open first. Then the arcing contacts
separate, and arcs form. The blast valve, which is normally closed, opens to uncover the arc chutes.
This action opens a path between the pressurized air inside of the breaker head and the air at
atmospheric pressure outside of the head. The result is a blast of air from inside of the breaker head that
travels through the arc paths and the arc chutes to atmosphere. The blast of air helps to cool the arcs,
and forces them away from the arcing contacts and toward the arcing probes and arcing rings.

Figure 2-3: Air-Blast Breaker – Opening

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Circuit Breakers 1

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

1910.269 (d) (2)
Hazardous energy control (lockout/tagout) procedures.

(i) The employer shall establish a program consisting of energy control procedures, employee
training, and periodic inspections to ensure that, before any employee performs any servicing or
maintenance on a machine or equipment where the unexpected energizing, start up, or release of
stored energy could occur and cause injury, the machine or equipment is isolated from the
energy source and rendered inoperative.

The arcing probes and arcing rings are conductors. Their purpose is to carry the arc current away from
the arcing contacts. As the arcing contacts continue to separate, the distance between them becomes
greater than the distance between the arcing probes and the arcing rings. The air blast then forces the
arcs off of the arcing contacts and across the probes and the rings. As the air blast continues to elongate
the arcs, the arcs are forced off of the arcing rings, into the arc chutes, and to the arcing electrodes. By
this time, the air blast has stretched and cooled the arcs so much that they extinguish at a current zero,
and the circuit is opened.

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Section Quiz

Section Quiz

2-1. True or False.

Both air-magnetic circuit breakers and air-blast circuit breakers have two kinds of contacts:
main contacts and arcing contacts.

2-2. In both air-magnetic circuit breakers and air-blast circuit breakers, arcing does not occur until
the ___________ contacts separate.

Refer to the following illustration of an air-magnetic breaker to answer Questions 2-3 and 2-4.

2-3. Match each identification number in the illustration with the appropriate feature in the list
below. Write the correct number in each blank.
_____ a. Arc fin
_____ b. Arcing contacts
_____ c. Arc runner
_____ d. Blowout coil
_____ e. Main contact
_____ f. Pole piece
_____ g. Puffer

Continued on next page

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Circuit Breakers 1

2-4. Match each air-magnetic breaker feature in Column A with the appropriate function in Column
B. Write the correct number in each blank.

Column A Column B
______ a. Main contacts A) Create a magnetic field when arc
current flows through them
______ b. Arcing contacts B) Obstruct the path of the arc; also
help dissipate the heat of the arc
______ c. Puffer C) Designed to withstand the intense
heat of an arc for a very short time
______ d. Arc runners D) Concentrate the magnetic field
between the arc runners so that the
magnetic field can force the arc into the
arc fins; also help dissipate the heat of
the arc
______ e. Blowout coils E) Provide the main current path when
______ f. Pole pieces F) Help carry the arc current away
from the arcing contacts
______ g. Arc fins G) Compresses air and directs it
toward the arc to cool the arc and force
it away from the arcing contacts

Continued on next page

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Section Quiz

Refer to the following illustration of an air-blast breaker to answer Questions 2-5 and 2-6.

2-5 Match each identification number in the illustration with the appropriate feature in the list
below. Write the correct number in each blank:

_____ a. Arc chute

_____ b. Arcing contacts
_____ c. Arcing electrode
_____ d. Arcing probe
_____ e. Arcing ring
_____ f. Blast valve
_____ f. Main contacts


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Circuit Breakers 1

2-6. Match each air-blast breaker feature in Column A with the appropriate function in Column B.
Write the correct number in each blank.

Column A Column B
______ a. Main contacts A) Provide a path between the
pressurized air in the breaker head
and the air at atmospheric pressure
outside of the head
______ b. Arcing contacts B) Help carry the arc away from the
arcing contacts
______ c. Blast valve C) Moves to uncover the arc chutes
so that pressurized air can blast
through the arcs to atmosphere,
cooling the arcs and forcing them
away from the arcing contacts

______ d. Arc chutes D) Separate so that arcs form

______ e. Arcing probes, arcing rings, E) Provide the main current path
and arcing electrodes when closed

2-7. Circle the correct answer.

Which of the following factors are used by air-magnetic circuit breakers and air-blast circuit
breakers to extinguish arcs?

a) Distance
b) Cooling
c) Dielectric strength
d) Current zero
e) All of the above
f) Only a and c

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Segment 3: Oil and Vacuum Circuit Breakers

Segment 3: Oil and Vacuum Circuit Breakers

Because oil has a higher dielectric strength than air, it is often used as an insulating medium in circuit
breakers. Vacuum can be described as the absence of a medium. In a vacuum circuit breaker, there is no
medium to conduct electricity, so an arc can be quickly extinguished.

• Identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical oil
circuit breaker.
• Describe how the arc extinguishing features in an oil circuit
breaker work to extinguish arcs.
• Identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical vacuum
circuit breaker.
• Describe how the arc extinguishing features in a vacuum circuit
breaker work to extinguish arcs.

3.1 Oil Circuit Breakers

Oil circuit breakers (OCB's) are used for a broad range of voltage levels. In most applications, OCB's
are located outside of station control houses. Although the size and appearance of OCB's vary from one
manufacturer to another, their arc extinguishing features are generally similar.

OSHA Regulations Snap-Shot

Hand protection

(a) General requirements. Employers shall select and require employees to use appropriate hand
protection when employees' hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of
harmful substances; severe cuts or lacerations; severe abrasions; punctures; chemical burns;
thermal burns; and harmful temperature extremes.
(b) Selection. Employers shall base the selection of the appropriate hand protection on an
evaluation of the performance characteristics of the hand protection relative to the task(s) to be
performed, conditions present, duration of use, and the hazards and potential hazards identified.

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Circuit Breakers 1

As illustrated in Figure 3-1, the interrupting mechanisms in OCB's are typically enclosed in tanks and
submerged in insulating oil. Most OCB's have more than one interruptor. Each interruptor typically has
more than one set of contacts.

Figure 3-1: Oil Circuit Breaker

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3.1 Oil Circuit Breakers

Figure 3-2 is a simplified illustration of an OCB interruptor. Its main parts are main contacts, arcing
contacts, a grid with arc splitters, a piston, and a spring.

Figure 3-2: OCB Interruptor – Closed

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Circuit Breakers 1

When the breaker trips (Figure 3-3), the main contacts separate first. Then the arcing contacts separate,
and an arc forms. The oil in the breaker helps to cool the arc, and the dielectric strength of the oil helps
to resist the flow of arc current, but the oil alone cannot extinguish the arc. As the arc contacts continue
to separate, the arc is drawn into the interruptor grid, which is an insulated chamber. The arc heats the
oil inside the grid, producing gases that form high-pressure bubbles. The formation of the gases takes
heat away from the arc, and the high pressure increases the dielectric strength of the gases.

Figure 3-3: OCB Interruptor –


At the same time that the arc is drawn into the grid, the spring pushes down on the piston, forcing oil
into the grid. The oil forces the arc and the gases that have been produced into the grids arc splitters.
The arc splitters, like the arc fins in air-magnetic breakers, obstruct the path of the arc, forcing it to
travel a longer distance to sustain current flow. Eventually, the arc is stretched and cooled until it is
completely extinguished at a current zero.

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3.2 Vacuum Circuit Breaker

3.2 Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Vacuum circuit breakers are generally used in distribution voltage applications. The arc interrupting
mechanisms are sealed in a vacuum inside a vacuum bottle. As illustrated in Figure 3-4, these features
include contacts and a condensing shield. One of the contacts is a stationary contact, and the other is a
movable contact. The contacts touch when the breaker is closed.

Figure 3-4: Vacuum Breaker Interruptor – Closed

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Circuit Breakers 1

When the breaker trips (Figure 3-5), the movable contact separates from the stationary contact. As the
separation occurs, the current flowing through the contacts vaporizes a small portion of their metal. The
metal vapor acts as a conducting medium. It allows an arc to form briefly, but then the metal vapor
quickly condenses on the condensing shield. Once the vapor has condensed, the dielectric strength of
the vacuum is able to resist the flow of arc current, and the arc is extinguished at a current zero.

Figure 3-5: Vacuum Breaker Interruptor –


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Section Quiz

Section Quiz

3-1. ______________ circuit breakers are used for a broad range of voltage levels.
(Oil, Vacuum)

3-2. Circle the answer that is wrong.

The arc extinguishing features in OCB's generally include:

a) Oil
b) Arcing fins
c) Interruptor grids
d) Arc splitters

3-3. True or False.

In an OCB, an arc heats the oil inside an insulated chamber, producing gases that form high-
pressure bubbles, which help to dissipate the arc’s heat.

3-4. The _________________________ in an OCB stretch and elongate the arc by forcing it to
travel farther to sustain current flow.

3-5. True or False.

In vacuum circuit breakers, portions of the contacts are vaporized each time the breaker trips.

3-6. Circle the answer that is wrong.

The arc extinguishing features in a vacuum breaker generally include:

a) A condensing shield
b) A movable contact
c) Arcing electrodes
d) A stationary contact
e) A vacuum

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Circuit Breakers 1

Appendix A: Glossary

This glossary contains terms pertinent to the study of circuit breakers. The meanings of the terms are
given in that context.

Air-blast breaker - A circuit breaker that uses a high-pressure blast of air to

extinguish an arc.

Air-magnetic breaker - A circuit breaker that uses a puff of air and a magnetic
field to help extinguish an arc.

Circuit breaker - A device used to interrupt circuits under normal-load

conditions and under fault conditions.

Current zero - A point in an alternating current cycle when there is no

current flow.

Dielectric strength - A measure of how well a material can with stand voltage
without conducting electricity.

Gas-blast circuit breaker - A circuit breaker that uses a blast of high-pressure

insulating gas o help extinguish an arc.

Gas-puffer circuit breaker - A circuit breaker that directs a flow of insulating gas from
a compression chamber through an arc to lengthen and
cool the arc until the arc extinguishes at a current zero.

Hydraulic operating mechanism - A circuit breaker operating mechanism that uses

pressurized fluid to provide the force used to close a
breaker; an opening spring provides the force necessary to
reopen the breaker.

Motor/spring operating mechanism - A circuit breaker operating mechanism that relies on a

motor, opening springs and closing springs to provide the
forces necessary to open and close circuit breaker contacts.

Oil circuit breaker (OCB) - A type of circuit breaker that uses oil and an interruptor
grid with arc splitters to cool and lengthen arcs until the
arcs extinguish at a current zero.

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Appendix A: Glossary

Pneumatic operating mechanism - A circuit breaker operating mechanism in which

compressed air provides the force necessary to close
breaker contacts; an opening spring provides the force
necessary to reopen the contacts.

Solenoid operating mechanism - A circuit breaker operating mechanism that relies on a

solenoid and an opening spring to provide the forces
necessary to open and close circuit breaker contacts.

Vacuum circuit breaker - A type of circuit breaker in which a vacuum, which is

essentially the absence of a medium, is used to resist the
flow of arc current so that the arc extinguishes at a current

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Circuit Breakers 1

Appendix B: Breakers

Reference B-1: Air-Magnetic Breaker - Closed

Reference B-2: Air-Blast Breaker – Closed

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Appendix B: Breakers

Reference B-3: Motor/Spring Operating Mechanism - Breaker


Reference B-4: Portion of Pneumatic Operating Mechanism -

Breaker Open

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Circuit Breakers 1

Reference B-5: Control Valve and Piston Assembly - Breaker Open

Reference B-6: Link and Lever Assembly - Breaker Open

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