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(it) MANIPAL Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology 5. PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs): After successful completion of Bachelor / BSc Medical Laboratory Technology program, students will be able to: PO No. | Attribute Competency PO1 Professional Possess and acquire scientific knowledge to work as knowledge a health care professional Po2 Clinical’ Technical | Demonstrate and possess clinical skills to provide skills quality health care services PO3 Team work Demonstrate team work skills to support shared goals with the interdisciplinary health care team to improve societal health PO4 Ethical value & Possess and demonstrate ethical values and professionalism _| professionalism within the legal framework of the society POS Communication —_| Communicate effectively and appropriately with the interdisciplinary health care team and the society POG Evidence based —_| Demonstrate high quality evidence based practice practice that leads to excellence in professional practice PO7 Life-long learning | Enhance knowledge and skills with the use of advancing technology for the continual improvement of professional practice Pos Entrepreneurship, | Display entrepreneurship, leadership and leadership and mentorship mentorship skills to practice independently as well as in collaboration with the interdisciplinary health care team ‘Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE V7 MANIPAL Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology 6. COURSE STRUCTURE, COURSE WISE LEARNING OBJECTIVE, COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) SEMESTER -| Credit distribution ei ee Course title Sr senwsak) Marks dlsgieuton LT] 1 | P[ct]¢ | ic | Ese [TOTAL ANA1103_|Anatomy eae aa [sO [TO] 1007 PHY 1101 _ [Physiology - | oo] eae eee oe | Bo a7 | 100 eaxcioo 1 comnmilintcation Skies [oa |rmsia [easel jae | <2] £10088 9] 100 resscr Sf eotoniiental Setenioe” [zs [el eee | 2 | DOE | Peers | 400 nd indian constitution IMLT1101 [Biomedical Balers ae [se [eos ee instrumentation IMLT1161 [Basic Laboratory Sal eeelaale| a6 [onl ses =<). 100 [Techniques IMLT1102 Laboratory Safety Dealers aelese lesen [eas | 100 Management Toratl 731 2 | 4 | 9 | 20 | sto | 190 | 700 Note: ESE for ANA1103, PHY1104 will be conducted for 50 marks and normalized to 70 marks ESE for MLT1101 will be conducted for 100 marks and normalized to 50 marks SEMESTER - II Credit distribution : - Course Sa tHoursfwesk) Marks distribution LTT [p|cr c | tac | Ese |TOTAL PHY1201 _ [Physiology - I! De |e | Nesta |e | 70.3] 100. IBIC1201 _ [Biochemistry a ee ee Ee ee IMLT1261 [Basics of Clinical Sells eal oes ae 1007 ae |. 100 .__ [Biochemistry IMLT1201 [Clinical Laboratory ey tal 1 - | 3 | 50 | 50 | 100 Management and Automation IMLT1262 _|Clinical Pathology = Nfs ee | 8 |e | 100. | == | 100 IMLT1202 [Ethics in Medical 7 es ee a es ee Laboratory Science IMLT1203 _|Pharmacology 2 oe eee eo 100 Torat| 9 | 5 | 6| 9 | 20| sto | 190 | 700 Note: ESE for PHY1201 & BIC1201 will be conducted for 50 marks and normalized to 70 marks ESE for MLT1201 will be conducted for 100. ‘marks and normalized to 50 marks Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE 8 Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology SEMESTER - Il Course iia crenearaineeky ta Marks distribution tpt [P| cry ¢ | ac | ese [roral| IMLT2101 |Basic Hematology 41 1 : - 2 50 50 100 IMLT2161 |Hematology - | = - 4 3 3 50 50 100 IMLT2102 |Applied Biochemistry -1 | 2 1 : : 3 50 50 100 IMLT2162 {Clinical Biochemistry-1 | - - 4 3 3 50 | 50 100 IMLT2103 {Immunology and 2 1 - - 3 50 50 100 limmunchematology IMLT2163 [Transfusion Medicine | - | - |4| 3 | 3 | 50 | 50 | 100 macaad |Open Elective - | - = + - 3 S/NS jorat| 5 | 3 | 12] 9 | 20 | 300 | 300 | 600 er MLT2161, MLT2102, MLT2162, MLT2103, MLT2163, will be conducted for 100 marks andj Inormalized to 50 marks SEMESTER - IV Course Gauec tiie See Marks distribution T[P| ci] c jac] Ese | TOTAL IBST3201 Biostatistics and Research | 3 |-|-| - | 3|30| 70 | 100 Methodology GPY2203_|General Psychology [2 1-[-[- [2 [s0[ 50 [7 100 IMLT2201__ [Hematological Disorder 2 [1{-| - [3 [50] 50 | 100 IMLT2261 [Hematology - I - |-[4[-3 [3 [roof - 700 IMLT2202 _ [Applied Biochemistry - Il 2 /1/-| - [3 [so] 50 | 100 IMLT2262 [Clinical Biochemistry - I! - [-[4[3 [3 [tool - 100 IMLT=**__ [Program Elective -| 2 |[1{-[ - [sso] 50 | 100 Totat| 11 [3/8] 6 |20|430] 270 | 700 Note: ESE for BST3201 will be conducted for 100 marks and normalized to 70 marks ESE for MLT2201, MLT2202, will be conducted for 100 marks and normalized to 50 marks ‘Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE . 9 i MANIPAL Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology SEMESTER -V Course a ounce Marks distribution u [t[P[ ou] ¢ |1ac | ese [TOTAL MLT3101 _ [Histopathology 2 [1[-[- [3 [ 0 | 50 | 100 IMLT3161_ |Histopathological - [-f4te | 4 | 50 | 50 | 100 HTechniques IMLT3102_ |General Microbiology 1[+[-[- [2 | 80 | 50 | 100 MLT3103_|Systematic Bacteriology | 3 |1|-| - | 4 | 50 | 50 | 100 IMLT3162 [Microbiology - | -[4|_6 [4 | 60 | 50 | 100 f= [Open Elective - Il =o) 2 |= lose [ss SINS TOTAL 6 [3[s8| 12 | 20 | 250 | 250 | 500 Note: IESE for MLT3101, MLT3161, MLT3103, MLT3162 will be conducted for 100 marks and normalized to 50 marks SEMESTER - VI Course cates tite OneNote Marks distribution c ¢ [IAC] ESE] TOTAL IMLT3201 [Medical Parasitology and Entomology | 2 3_[s0| 50 | 100 MLT3202 [Medical Mycology & Virology 2 3_| 50] 50 | 100 MLT3261 [Microbiology - I - |-[2[3 [2 [roo] - | 100 MLT3203 |Cytology and Developmental 2|i]-T- [3 [50] 50 | 100 Biology MLT3262 |Cytological Techniques -[2[3 | 2 [roo] - | 100 IMLT3204 [Public Health Laboratory Science | 1|1[-| - | 2 [100] - | 100 IMLT3205 |Molecular Biology 1[a[-[- [2 [rool - | 100 IMLT***_ [Program Elective - I 2[1]-[- [3 [60] 50 | 100 Torat|10[6[4| 6 | 20 [600| 200] 800 marks Note: ESE for MLT3201, MLT3202, MLT3203 will be conducted for 100 marks and normalized to 50 Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE 110 (it) MANIPAL Open Electives Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology Open elective is credited, choice-based and is graded as satisfactory / not satisfactory (SINS). Students make a choice from pool of electives offered by MAHE institution / Online courses as approved by the department Program Electives Program elective is credited and choice-based. The students make a choice from pool of electives offered by the department. The ESE is conducted for 50 marks. Credit (s) Distribution Course . (LT,P.CL are hours/ Semester ‘Code Course Title week) LT T| P| cll oR IV MLT2241 | Metabolic Disorder 2 1 - : 3 Semester | MLT2242 | Nutrition and Health 2 1 : 3 yy LMET3241 | Food Microbiology Pe Se semaster | MLT3242 | Advanced Diagnostic tests in 2;a]-|-}3 Pathology SEMESTER - Vil and VIII Internship (1 year, 48 hourshweek) ‘Semester VII Internship -! Duration 6 months 48 hours in a week / 7 hours in a day 6days a week ‘Semester Vill internship =I Duration 6 months 48 hours ina week / 7 hours in a day Bdays a week OVERALL CREDIT DISTRIBUTION Hours per week Total Marks Semeste = T | P [cL | Credits iac | ESE | Total Semester -I 13, 2 4 9 20 510 | 190 700 Semester - Il 5 |.6 |.9 | 2 | 510| 190| 700 Semester - Ill 5 3 12 9 20 300 | 300 600 Semester -IV a [3 1.8 | 6 | 20 | 430 | 270 | 700 Semester - V 3 8 12 20 250 | 250 500 Semester - VI 10 6 4 6 20 600 | 200 800 Semester - Vil else rn re Semester -Vill - - - . - - . - Total 54 22 120 2800 | 1400 | 4200 Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE i

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