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Z Lebensm Unters Forsch (1995) 201:402 410 zeitschriftfur

9 Springer-Verlag 1995
Original paper
Utilization of electron acceptors by lactobacilli isolated from sourdough
II. Lactobacillus pontis, L. reuteri, g amylovorus, and L. fermentum

Peter Stolz 1, Rudi F. Vogel 2, Walter P. Hammes 1

1 Institut ffir Lebensmitteltechnologie,Garbenstrasse 25, D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany
2 Lehrstuhl fiir Technische Mikrobiologie, Technische, Universit/it Mi.inchen,D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan,Germany
Received: 13 September 1994/Revised version: 24 November 1994

Abstract. The metabolism of maltose and the use of elec- fermentation process, however, this knowledge is of para-
tron acceptors has been investigated in strains of lac- mount importance as fermentation proceeds under non-
tobacilli which are known to be stable elements in sour- aseptic conditions and over long periods of time, as is the
doughs, which, traditionally, have been used for a long case with sourdough, an intermediate product obtained in
time. The metabolic features of LactobacilIus sanfrancisco breadmaking, which is maintained by reiterative inocula-
have been described by us in a previous communication. tion with part of the previous batch [-1]. It has been
Similar principles have been detected for the compet- demonstrated that the microbial flora consists mainly of
itiveness of L. pontis, L. reuteri, L. fermentum and characteristic and highly competitive lactobacilli which
L. amylovorus, as well as species-sPecific characteristics. are present at concentrations ranging between 108 and 109
Based on these findings the metabolic key reactions have colony forming units (cfu) per gram [,1-4]. These include
been identified and the use of electron acceptors present in strains of Lactobacillus sanfrancisco and strains formerly
sourdough are presented in a schematic overview. In con- allotted to L. brevis. Some of the strains initially classified
trast to L. sanfrancisco, these species can not use oxygen as as L. brevis belong to a new species designated as L. pontis
an electron acceptor, and the length of their lag phase was [-5]. These strains can constitute up to 80 % of the micro-
not affected by agitation. Malate and fumarate were re- bial flora of rye or wheat sourdough. Similarly, strains of
duced to succinate, and fructose was used, depending on L. reuteri, L. fermentum and L. amylovorus can be found at
the species, as an electron acceptor, carbon source or both. high cell counts in sorghum sourdough, a batter which is
All heterofermentative sourdough lactobacilli efficiently propagated at tropical temperatures of 30-40~ over
split maltose using maltose phosphorylase. Glucose was long periods and used for Kisra production [6].
excreted, which induced glucose repression in competing In doughs prepared without an inoculum, a vast spec-
indigenous micro-organisms, without affecting the mal- trum of additional bacteria, especially lactic acid bacteria
tose metabolism of sourdough lactobacilli. Lactobacilli may occur [7-9]. These organisms are usually also present
generate additional adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) from in traditionally treated sourdoughs, however at concen-
acetyl phosphate in the presence of electron acceptors. trations three orders of magnitude below those deter-
These special features are suggested to represent a general mined for the competitive strains El, 2, 4, 10].
principle which accounts for the prevalence of specific In sourdoughs prepared from wheat or rye, as well as
heterofermentative lactobacilli which are propagated over in fermented batters from sorghum, yeasts were found to
long periods present in sourdough fermentations. be a second group of micro-organisms present at cell
counts of up to 10 6 cfu/g. Although the composition of the
substrates and the fermentation parameters are different
in sourdoughs prepared in traditional ways, from wheat,
rye or sorghum, a characteristic combination is built up
Introduction consisting of maltose-fermenting lactobacilli and maltose-
negative yeasts; these include strains of Candida milleri
Lactobacilli are predominant specialists in fermenting or C. krusei [-3, 4, 6, 11]. The yeasts utilize glucose and
food substrates, although they are known to be micro- fructose present or generated in the flour [,,12, 13].
organisms which have a reduced metabolic capacity. The Remarkably, the presence of maltose-fermenting yeasts
factors decisive for the competitiveness of the dominant in sourdough has also been reported [8, 10, 14, 15].
strains are still poorly understood. For control of the Sourdough is rich in starch and polyfructosanes,
which are enzymatically degraded to the fermentable
carbohydrates maltose, fructose and some glucose [,16].
Correspondence to: R.F. Vogel The sourdough lactobacilli effectively metabolize maltose,

which is a key feature of their competitiveness in this The effects of aeration and strictly anaerobic conditions
environment ([17] P. Stolz, R.F. Vogel, W.P. Hammes, on growth
unpublished data). Upon maltose fermentation, glucose is
released by the lactobacilli into the medium in amounts L. pontis L T H 2587, L T H 1731 and L T H 1735, L.
the maximum of which are equimolar with the fermented amylovorus L T H 3122, L. fermentum L T H 3125 and L.
maltose and glucose-l-phosphate formed by maltose reuteri L T H 3120 were grown on mMRS plus fructose
phosphorylase without expenditure of adenosine 5'- (5 g/l) under strictly anaerobic conditions as well as in
triphosphate (P. Stolz, R.F. Vogel, W.P. Hammes, unpub- aerated cultures. The kinetics of growth and the metab-
lished data (ATP) [-19]). As suggested by Stolz et al. ([18], olites formed were determined. The effects of agitation on
unpublished data) this glucose affects the growth of the anaerobic growth are included in Fig. la-f. All strains
competing lactobacilli and yeasts by feeding and can fur- grew well under strictly anaerobic conditions, reaching
ther prevent their consumption of maltose via a glucose a final optical density at 578 nm (0D578) of approxim-
repression. Thus, the ability to ferment maltose does not ately 3, with the exception of L. amylovorus L T H 3122, the
appear to be of relevance for the indigenous yeasts in culture of which grew to an ODsv8 of only 2. Aerated
sourdough. cultures ofL. reuteri L T H 3120 did not grow at all and the
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that strains of other strains exhibited only poor growth.
L. sanfrancisco readily consume fructose by its preferential
use as an electron acceptor when maltose is available in
excess [20]. Under the latter conditions the cells The effect of electron acceptors on L. pontis
do not form ethanol, instead they gain an additional
ATP by formation of acetate from acetyl phosphate. This Cells of L. pontis L T H 2587, L T H 1731 and L T H 1735
reaction becomes possible as nicotinamide adenine dinuc- were grown under anaerobic conditions without agitation
leotide (NAD) is regenerated by reducing fructose to in the presence of various substrate combinations. The
mannitol. metabolic products formed during the fermentation were
In the preceding communication [20] the unique determined. The results obtained with samples drawn
metabolic adaptation of L. sanfrancisco to sourdough after 50 h of fermentation serve as a representative
fermentation was described. It was the purpose of this example and are listed in Table 1.
study to investigate if, or to what extent the findings with Remarkably, the amounts of mannitol formed were
L. sanfrancisco represent a common principle in the not equimolar with the amount of fructose consumed:
microbiology of traditionally treated sourdoughs. For this 25retool fructose were reduced to approximately
purpose strains of species were investigated that are of 20 mmol mannitol and concomitantly formed 10 mmol
similar technological importance in sourdoughs as L. san- acetate. A fraction of 5 mmol fructose was metabolized to
francisco. lactate and ethanol.
The growth characteristics in media containing mal-
tose or maltose plus fructose are depicted in Fig. 2a-c. In
Materials and methods the presence of fructose, all strains of L. pontis exhibited
a significantly reduced lag phase. In addition, L. pontis
Bacterial strains and media. The strains used were L. pontis LTH L T H 1731 and L T H 1735 exhibited strongly increased
2587, LTH 1731 and LTH 1735, L. amylovorus LTH 3122, L. growth rates and final cell yields in the presence of maltose
fermentum LTH 3125 and L. reuteri LTH 3120. The cultures were plus fructose. With maltose alone L. pontis L T H 1735
grown in a modified MRS medium (mMRS) as described by Stolz reached a final ODsv8 of 1.5 after 70 h, whereas L. pontis
et al. [20].
L T H 1731 reached an OD578 of only 1.1 after 115 h. At
Culture conditions and determination of metabolites. Cultures this stage all maltose had been consumed by L. pontis
were grown and metabolites determined according to Stolz et al. L T H 1735, whereas strain L T H 1731 had consumed only
E203. 7.5 mmol of the maltose present in the medium. This
indicates that the latter strains ofL. pontis require fructose
for effective formation of ATP.
Results Citrate was not used as an electron acceptor by any
strain of L. pontis, whereas malate and fumarate served
The effect of agitation on growth and metabolite as electron acceptors for L. pontis L T H 1731 exclusively.
formation of anaerobic cultures Succinate was formed in amounts which were equimolar
with the amounts of malate or fumarate consumed.
L. pontis L T H 2587, L T H 1731 and L T H 1735, L. reuteri
L T H 3120, L. amylovorus L T H 3122 and L. fermentum
L T H 3125 were grown as agitated cultures anaerobically Effect of electron acceptors on L. reuteri L T H 3120,
on mMRS plus 5 g/1 fructose. The addition of fructose L. amylovorus L T H 3122 and L. fermentum L T H 3125
was necessary because L. pontis strains L T H 1731
and L T H 1735 exhibited only poor growth on mMRS, as Cells ofL. reuteri L T H 3120, L. amylovorus L T H 3122 and
is shown in Fig. la-f. The lag phases of the strains L. fermentum L T H 3125 were grown under anaerobic
were not affected by agitation, however, the cells gener- conditions, without agitation, in the presence of various
ally grew better. The ratio of acetate to ethanol was substrate combinations. The metabolic products formed
unchanged. during the anaerobic fermentation were determined and

3,0 a 3,0
2,5 2,5

2,0 2,0
e- E

~ 1,5 ~ 1,5
o 0 1,0

0,5 0,5

0,0 I I I I I I 0,0 I I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (h) time (h)
3,0 b 3,0 e

2,5 2,5

2,0 2,0
~ 1,5
O r
O 1,0 0 1,0

0,5 0,5

0,0 , , , , , , 0,0 ' , , , ,

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (h) time (h)
3,0 C 3,0 f
2,5 2,5

E 2,0 9 E 2,0

~1,5 j,
O 1,0 81,o

0,5 ~.~...,, 0,5

0,0 I 0,0 " - - " C F : ~ Q 'm
"/ ml" I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (h) time (h)
Fig. la-f. The effect of agitation on the growth of sourdough lactobacilli. The time course is depicted of the increase in the optical density at
578 nm (ODs78) of cultures of: a L. pontis LTH 2587, b L. pontis LTH 1731, e L. pontis LTH 1735, d L. reuteri LTH 3120, e L. amylovorus LTH
3122, f L. fermentum LTH 3125. The cells were grown on mMRS maltose (27.75 mmol/1) plus fructose (27.75 retool/i). The cultures were
incubated in anaerobic conditions with agitation ([~) at 150 rpm, and without agitation (ll)

their concentrations present in samples taken after 50 h (Fig. 2e). This homofermentative organism produced
are listed in Table 2. L. reuteri L T H 3120 exhibited equal mainly lactate from fructose. In fermentation media con-
growth rates when grown on maltose or maltose plus taining fructose, L.fermentum L T H 3125 exhibited a fruc-
fructose (Fig. 2d). After 31 h, this strain started to metab- tose-stimulated growth pattern and used fructose as an
olize fructose when maltose was depleted, and mannitol electron acceptor, forming stoichiometric amounts of
was not produced from fructose. In addition, increased mannitol. The increase in the formation of acetate corre-
amounts of acetate were detected under these conditions. sponded to half the amount of mannitol formed.
Similarly, L. amylovorus L T H 3122 exhibited biphasic The effect of fructose on the lag phase ofL. amyIovorus
growth characteristics, but used fructose preferentially as L T H 3122, L. fermentum L T H 3125 and L. reuteri L T H
a carbon source in media containing maltose plus fructose 3120 is depicted in Fig. 2d-f. With the exception of
T a b l e 1. M a j o r m e t a b o l i t e s f o r m e d b y g r o w i n g cells o f Lactobacillus pontis ( f r o m r y e s o u r d o u g h ) . T h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s listed a r e p r e s e n t in c u l t u r e s u p e r n a t a n t s a f t e r 5 0 h o f f e r m e n t a t i o n o f
m a l t o s e p l u s a p o t e n t i a l e l e c t r o n a c c e p t o r u n d e r a n a e r o b i c c o n d i t i o n s . T h e v a l u e s a r e g i v e n in m m o l / 1 . T h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f m a l t o s e a n d f r u c t o s e w e r e 2 7 . 7 5 m m o l / 1 e a c h , t h e
c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f c i t r a t e , m a l a t e a n d f u m a r a t e w e r e 1 g / t e a c h , i.e. 4.4, 7.5 a n d 6.3 m m o l / 1 , r e s p e c t i v e l y , a t t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e f e r m e n t a t i o n . N e g a t i v e v a l u e s i n d i c a t e c o n s u m p t i o n o f
substrates. Positive values indicate products formed. Ac/EtOH, Ratio of acetate to ethanol; -, not detected


Strain Substrate Maltose Glucose a Fructose Mannitol Citrate Malate Fumarate Succinate Lactate Ethanol Acetate Ac/EtOH

Maltose - 22.36 2.51 - 42.04 46.28 1.59 0.034

L. pontis Maltose + fructose - 22.75 - 0.48 - 24.96 20.36 - 49.54 44.69 10.20 0.228
LTH 2587 Maltose + citrate - 24.55 0.49 - 0.00 51.05 48.59 3.44 0.071
Maltose + malate - 9.07 0.76 - 0.00 - 0.00 18.98 18.13 1.27 0.070
Maltose + fumarate - 11.97 0.68 - 0.00 0.00 22.08 23.73 3.18 0.134
Maltose - 7.44 8.14 - - 6.12 6.76 1.93 0.286
L. pontis Maltose + fructose -- 21.42 2.34 - 25.36 21.87 - - 44.58 38.21 10.48 0.274
LTH 1731 Maltose + citrate - 22.91 - 0.80 -- 0.00 - - 45.15 49.85 0.37 0.007
Maltose + malate - 22.92 0.79 - - 5.01 - 5.51 44.69 47.05 3.83 0.081
Maltose + fumarate - 22.87 0.37 - 3.46 4.75 45.50 47.84 2.55 0.053

L. pontis Maltose 23.34 0.49 - - 45.73 48.37 1.61 0.033

LTH 1735 Maltose + fructose - 21.53 0.35 25.11 20.20 - 47.41 35.76 11.10 0.310

a Glucose was present as a component in t h e m e d i u m in concentrations u p t o 0.7 m m o l / 1

T a b l e 2. M a j o r m e t a b o l i t e s f o r m e d b y g r o w i n g cells o f l a c t o b a c i l l i ( f r o m s o r g h u m s o u r d o u g h ) . T h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s listed a r e p r e s e n t i n c u l t u r e s u p e r n a t a n t s a f t e r 50 h o f f e r m e n t a t i o n o f
m a l t o s e p l u s a p o t e n t i a l e l e c t r o n a c c e p t o r u n d e r a n a e r o b i c c o n d i t i o n s . T h e v a l u e s a r e g i v e n in retool/1. T h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f m a l t o s e a n d f r u c t o s e w e r e 2 7 . 7 5 m m o l / 1 e a c h , t h e
c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f c i t r a t e , m a l a t e a n d f u m a r a t e w e r e 1 g/1 e a c h , i.e. 4.4, 7.5 a n d 6.3 m m o l / 1 , r e s p e c t i v e l y , a t t h e b e g i n o f t h e f e r m e n t a t i o n . N e g a t i v e v a l u e s i n d i c a t e c o n s u m p t i o n o f s u b s t r a t e s .
P o s i t i v e v a l u e s i n d i c a t e p r o d u c t s f o r m e d , n.d., N o t d e t e r m i n e d ( h o m o f e r m e n t a t i v e Lactobacillus)


Strain Substrate Maltose Glucose Fructose Mannitol Citrate Malate Fumarate Succinate Lactate Ethanol Acetate Ac/EtOH

Maltose 25.20 - 0.74 - - 51.67 55.90 3.60 0.065

L.fermentum Maltose + fructose - 21.41 0.96 - 27.04 25.78 - - 42.23 40.73 12.76 0.313
LTH 3125 Maltose + citrate - 24.96 - 0.95 - - 1.02 - - 50.05 54.71 0.08 0.000
Maltose + malate - 25.63 - 0.73 - - - 4.24 5.34 49.10 51.88 3.63 0.070
Maltose + fumarate -- 24.96 -- 0.69 - - -- 4.82 5.55 48.89 52.72 3.82 0.072

Maltose -- 24.13 1.44 . . . . . . 47.54 50.83 1.08 0.027

L. reyteri Maltose + fructose -- 23.14 0.10 - - 12.13 0.00 - - 57.27 59.08 7.74 0.131
LTH 3120 Maltose + citrate - 26.03 0.91 0.00 - 47.24 51.79 8.87 0.171
Maltose + malate - 25.17 1.23 - 7.32 6.09 45.29 52.40 3.57 0.068
Meltose + fumarate - 24.77 1.32 - 4.63 4.36 44.07 50.26 5.93 0.118

Maltose - 15.80 1.26 - - 57.92 1.64 - n.d.

L. amylovorus Maltose + fructose 1.50 0.67 - 27.23 0.00 - - 61.70 4.93 0.21 n.d.
LTH 3122 Maltose + citrate - 21.05 0.73 - - - 1.79 - 88.67 0.51 3.41 n.d.
Maltose + malate - 21.73 0.88 - - 2.62 - 2.89 86.96 0.90 1.63 n.d.
Maltose + fumarate - 21.13 0.85 5.08 3.92 85.51 0.61 2.22 n.d.

a Glucose was present as a component in the medium


3,5 d
3,0 3,0

2,5 2,5

~ 2,0 E
= 2,0
r 1,5 r 1,5 fructose
O o m fermentation starts
1,0 1,o

0,S 0,5
0,0 i
o,o I I I 4
0 10 20 30 40 5O 0 10 20 30 40 50
time (h) time (h)
3,5 b 3,5 e

3,0 3,0
/ fructose utilized,
/ maltose
2,5 2,5 tarmentation starts

~ 2,0


t'~ 1,5
9 1,0

0,5 9 0,5
r.l-~ '~ll ,
0,0 m l 0,0 : ! I
10 20 30 40 50 115 10 20 30 40 50
time (h) time (h)
3,5 C 3,5 f

2,5 2,5
E 2,0 _E 2,0

1,5 m~,,, ~'~ 1,5

o o
1,0 9 1,0


0,0 I ' I I I ~ / : 0,0 I I I I I

10 20 30 40 50 70 0 10 20 30 40 50
time (h) time (h)
Fig. 2a-f. Effect of fructose on the growth of sourdough lactobacilli. The time course is depicted of the increase in ODsv8 of cultures of: a L.
pontis LTH 2587, b L. pontis LTH 1731, e L. pontis LTH 1735, d L. reuteri LTH 3120, e L. amylovorus LTH 3122, f L.fermentum LTH 3125.
The cells were grown in mMRS maltose (27.75 retool/l) and mMRS maltose (27.75 mmol/l) plus fructose (27.75 retool/l). The cultures were
incubated without agitation in: maltose without fructose (11), or maltose plus fructose ([]). The concentrations of the metabolic products
formed after 50 h of fermentation are listed in Table 2

L. reuteri, the presence of fructose resulted in a reduced lag It is remarkable that in the course of the fermentation
phase when compared to the growth of cultures on of maltose without an added electron acceptor, L. pontis
maltose alone. L T H 1731, L T H 1735, L. reuteri L T H 3120 and L.fermen-
Citrate was not, or only poorly, used by L. reuteri turn L T H 3125 released glucose as an intermediate prod-
L T H 3120, L. fermentum L T H 3125 and L. amyIovorus uct, into the medium at concentrations of 8, 3.5, 3.5 and
L T H 3122. All strains used malate and fumarate as elec- 5.5 mmol/1, respectively. This glucose was metabolized in
tron acceptors, as indicated by the formation of succinate the successive fermentation phases.
(Table 2). The fermentation balance exhibited minor
deviations in some of these experiments, indicating the
utilization of other (unknown) compounds present in the
complex medium.

(a) glucose maltose H+

maltose H+ cytoplasm

glucose glucose-1P

/J 2

4~ -NAD+
"-~NADH+H +
CO2@ 5

A'm acetate
xylulose-5P ADP P~

glycerinaldehyde-3p acetylphosphate
I fructose __malate,fumarate 02
Pi ~ NAD+
15~'~lNADH+H+~'~18 NADH+
H 19, NADH+H+~ 26
~ADP acetaldehyde~.. mannitol lactate H202
16 ~ _ NADH+H+
t0 ~'-~A~ see Fig. 3b
t ~.,~NAD+

13 ~f-_ ADP
t ~-~ATP

14~ NAD+

fructose fumarate malate
21 22"~c~ acetate
NAD+ -'f~[ NAD+ co,J
@ pyruvate
mannitol succinate lactate

02 glucose-l-P NADH+H+NAD+
26 2 erythrose-4-P 29 " ~ erythritol
NAD+ .
H202 glucose-6-P 2-~ fructose-6-P- ~
27 ~ NADH+H+ 3
acetyI-P ~-----P-acetate
--._ NAD+ ATP 17
2 H20 2NADH+H+'~ 15,16
(b) ethanol

Fig. 3a, b. Metabolic key reactions of sourdough lactobacilli, a Metabolism of maltose, b fate of potential electron acceptors upon maltose
fermentation. The enzymes and organisms involved are given in the following list:

Maltosephosphorylase: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, LTH 2581, L. pontis LTH 2587, LTH 1731, LTH 1735, L.
reuteri LTH 3120, L. fermentum LTH 3125:
Phosphoglucomutase: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, LTH 2581, L. pontis LTH 2587, LTH 1731, LTH 1735, L. reuteri
LTH 3120, L.fermentum LTH 3125:
3 Hexokinase: all lactic acid bacteria:
4-8 Enzymes of the phosphogluconate pathway: all heterofermeutative lactic acid bacteria:
8 Phosphoketolase: all heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria:
9-14 Enzymes of the Emden-Meyerhof glycolytic pathway: all lactic acid bacteria:
15 Phosphotransacetylase: all heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria:
16 Alcohol dehydrogenase: all heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria:
17 Acetate kinase: all heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria:
18 Mannitol dehydrogenase: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, LTH 2581, L. pontis LTH 2587, LTH 1731, LTH 1735, L.
fermentum LTH 3125:
19 Fumarase: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, L. pontis LTH 1731, L. reuteri LTH 3120, L. amylovorus LTH 3122, L.
fermenturn LTH 3125:
20 Succinate dehydrogenase: L. pontis LTH 1731, L. reuteri LTH 3120, L. amylovorus LTH 3122, L. fermentum LTH 3125:
21 Malolactic enzyme: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, LTH 2581:
22 Malate enzyme: not found:
23 Citrate lyase: L. salfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, L. amylovorus LTH 3122, L. fermenturn LTH 3125:
24 Oxaloacetate decarboxylase: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, L. amylovorus LTH 3122, L. fermentum LTH 3125:
25 Lactate dehydrogenase: all lactic acid bacteria:
26 NADH-H202-oxidase: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, LTH 2581:
27 NADH peroxidase: L. sanfrancisco ATCC 27651, LTH 1729, LTH 2581:
28 Glucosephosphate isomerase: all lactic acid bacteria:
29 Erythritol dehydrogenase and erythrose-4-P-phospnotransferase: L. sanfrancisco LTH 1729, LTH 2581.

The erythritol formation (reactions 3, 8, 15-17, 28, 29) is analogous to that decribed by Veiga-Da-Cunha et al. [32] for Leuconostoc oenos.
Possibly reaction 29 is catalysed by a glycerol dehydrogenase. L. sanfrancisco LTH 1729 and LTH 2581 (resting cells only). Facilitated
diffusion (fac. dif.) and symport according to Neubauer et al. [33]

Discussion acceptor, L. reuteri and L. amylovorus used fructose as

a carbon source. This indicates a different role of fructose
The aptitude of sourdough for the production of baked for these two sets of organisms isolated from different
goods exhibiting the desired sensorial properties depends environments. Furthermore, the homofermentative L.
on its fermentative florae and their metabolic products. amyIovorus does not increase ATP production. A growth-
The fermentation of sourdough is based on the function of promoting effect of fructose suggested by Stamer and
a variety of homo- and heterofermentative lactobacilli and Stoyla [28] for L. brevis was observed with L. sanfran-
yeasts. A number of investigations into the sourdough cisco, L. pontis and L.fermentum, which use fructose as an
microflora have dealt with its potential and the effect of electron acceptor. This resulted in a reduced lag phase, as
technology on sourdough fermentation. However, there is observed in anaerobic cultures ([20] this study). Addition-
still a lack of knowledge concerning the metabolic features ally, L. pontis LTH 1735 needed fructose for a more
which cause a predominance of specific micro-organisms effective maltose metabolism. L. arnylovorus also exhibited
in this habitat. In our investigations we used strains of a reduced lag phase in the presence of fructose; this was
lactobacilli which are known to be stable elements in due to preferential fermentation of fructose over maltose.
sourdoughs which have a long tradition of use [-4, 6]. Citrate was used as an electron acceptor in minor
These lactobacilli are heterofermentative and are charac- amounts by two maltose-fermenting strains of L. sanfran-
terized by a high competitive potential and by their cisco [20], L. amylovorus and L. fermentum. However,
known reputation for producing an attractive product L. sanfrancisco did not produce succinate from malate or
with the desired organoleptic properties. In addition to fumarate as observed with L. pontis LTH 1731, L.fermen-
lactate they form ethanol and acetate. Reactions leading turn, L. reuteri and L. amylovorus and, thus, could not use
to acetate formation, or those which prevent its formation these compounds as electron acceptors. Nevertheless,
deserve special attention, as the ratio of lactate to acetate malate and fumarate were metabolized by L. sanfrancisco
in sourdough is considered by bakers to be a major to lactate [20].
quality trait and should range from 2.0 to 2.7 [21]. This The competitiveness of heterofermentative sourdough
ratio can be affected by influencing the production of lactobacilli is improved not only by an increased yield of
acetic acid, as has been described for wheat sourdoughs ATP in the presence of electron acceptors, but also by the
[22, 23]. Furthermore, acetate formation generates addi- seemingly wasteful production of glucose in the presence
tional ATP from acetyl phosphate by acetate kinase [24]. of excess maltose. Glucose is accumulated in the medium
In the study presented by Stolz et al. [20] and in this upon maltose fermentation by resting ceils of L. sanfran-
paper, mechanisms have been elucidated which affect cisco, L. pontis, L. reuteri and L. fermentum [18] and is
acetate formation and the competitiveness of sourdough produced as an intermediary product by growing cells of
lactobacilli. These are consistent with an overview on the these organisms ([20] this study). These limited amounts
metabolic reactions presented in Fig. 3. of glucose may be used by competing micro-organisms,
In contrast to homofermentative lactobacilli, hetero- but they also prevent the competing micro-organisms
fermentative species produce only 1 mol ATP from from utilizing the abundant maltose via a mechanism of
glucose under anaerobic conditions via the phospho- glucose repression. In sourdough lactobacilli the utiliza-
gluconate pathway. This apparent disadvantage can be tion of maltose is not repressed by glucose, as observed
compensated for by the use of electron acceptors and the with homofermentative and facultatively heterofermen-
maltose phosphorylase reaction ([18, 20], P. Stolz, R.F. tative lactobacilli, e.g.L, plantarum LTH 2605 isolated
Vogel, W.P. Hammes, unpublished observations). from sourdough and L. sake LTH 677 isolated from meat
Metabolic energy can be saved by cleavage of maltose (data not shown), or yeasts [29].
by maltose phosphorylase which produces glucose and We suggest that the effectiveness of the sum of these
glucose-1-phosphate without the expenditure of ATP. Ad- special features is generally responsible for the prevalence
ditional ATP is formed by heterofermentative lactobacilli of specific heterofermentative lactobacilli in sourdough
in the presence of oxygen or biochemical electron accep- fermentations which are propagated over long periods
tors such as fructose, citrate, fumarate and malate, which [-2, 4]. From spontaneous wheat and rye sourdough fer-
are present in the flour [13, 17, 20, 25] and allow the mentations a variety of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts
regeneration of NAD. However, the concentrations of were isolated [-7, 15]. Many of these organisms may be
these compounds vary with respect to the kind and origin mere contaminants from the environment and can not be
of the cereal as well as with the milling process. Therefore, considered as sourdough specific as they disappear upon
the ratio of acetate/ethanol depends on the oxidation- prolonged propagation of these preparations [3]. A sim-
reduction potential of the system [26]. L. sanfrancisco ilar finding was reported for sorghum fermentations,
gained additional ATP, supposedly by an oxygen-insensi- where a different set of organisms was found in
tive mechanism of acetate synthesis (reaction 17 in spontaneous fermentations [30] as compared to the
Table. 3) which was described for Leuconostoc species by micro-organisms isolated-from sourdoughs propagated
Condon [27], and grew better in aerated cultures than for long periods [6].
under anaerobic conditions [20]. This additional capacity The sensorial properties of traditionally prepared
to regenerate NADH was not observed in strains investi- sourdough bread are highly appreciated [31]. However
gated in this study. These strains did not grow, or only modern concepts of sourdough production involve chem-
poorly so, in the presence of oxygen. ical acidification or application of starters containing
In further contrast to L. sanfrancisco, L. pontis and organisms which do not belong to the competitive flora in
L.fermentum which preferably used fructose as an electron traditionally treated doughs. Their application is tempting

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