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GRAMMAR present simple or present continuous?

Complete the conversations with the present simple or

present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

A Why you taking (take) a photo of

your guitar?
B 12 want (want)to sell it on eBay.
A Why? |3 don't (not understand).
You 4 play (play) your guitar every day!
You love (love) it!
B 16 am selling (sell) my old one because
7 want (want)to buy a new one.
A Oh, OK

Do you need (need)

any help?
am just looking
B No, thanks. 19 (just look).
10 are you looking (look) for
anything in particular?
B Yes, I 11am thinking (think)of getting a
A This is one of our best-sellers. It's real C)
leather. | 12 have (have) it, and
13wearing (wear) it all the time.
B Yes, it's lovely. Where can I try it on?

A You 14 read (read) a book about

modern art! I 15 don't (not believe) it!
You 16 hate (hate) modern art!
17 need (need) to
B I know. But now I
learn about it.
A Why?
B Because my girlfriend 18 (study)
it at college this year, and she loves it.
A What's that picture on the left? Can I see it?
B It's a woman, and I think she 19
(walk) in a garden...l don't really know.
A Let me see...No, she 20 (not walk).
21 (fly).
Oh, yes!

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