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Gallbladder Carcinoma and Its

­Differential Diagnosis at MRI:
What Radiologists Should Know
Camila Lopes Vendrami, MD
Michael J. Magnetta, MD Gallbladder carcinoma is the most common cancer of the biliary
Pardeep K. Mittal, MD system. It is challenging to diagnose because patients are often
Courtney C. Moreno, MD ­asymptomatic or present with nonspecific symptoms that mimic
Frank H. Miller, MD common benign diseases. Surgical excision is the only curative ther-
apy and is best accomplished at early non–locally advanced stages.
RadioGraphics 2021; 41:78–95 Unfortunately, gallbladder cancer often manifests at late locally ad-
vanced stages, precluding cure. Early tumors are often incidentally
detected at imaging or at cholecystectomy performed for another
Content Codes:
indication. Typical imaging features of localized disease include
From the Department of Radiology, North- asymmetric gallbladder wall thickening, polyps larger than 1.0 cm,
western Memorial Hospital, Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine, 676 and a solid mass replacing the gallbladder lumen. Advanced tumors
N St Clair St, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60611 are often infiltrative and can be confusing at CT and MRI owing
(C.L.V., M.J.M., F.H.M.); Department of Radi-
ology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Ga to their large size. Determination of the origin of the lesion is para-
(P.K.M.); and Department of Radiology and Im- mount to narrow the differential diagnosis but is often challenging.
aging Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga
(C.C.M.). Presented as an education exhibit at
It is important to identify gallbladder cancer and distinguish it from
the 2019 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received April other benign and malignant hepatobiliary processes. Since surgical
22, 2020; revision requested June 4 and received resection is the only curative treatment option, radiologist under-
July 13; accepted July 16. For this journal-based
SA-CME activity, the authors, editor, and re- standing and interpretation of pathways of nodal and infiltrative
viewers have disclosed no relevant relationships. tumor spread can direct surgery or preclude patients who may not
Address correspondence to F.H.M. (e-mail:
benefit from surgery. While both CT and MRI are effective, MRI
provides superior soft-tissue characterization of the gallbladder and
RSNA, 2020
biliary tree and is a useful imaging tool for diagnosis, staging, and
evaluation of treatment response.
RSNA, 2020 •
After completing this journal-based SA-CME
activity, participants will be able to:
„ Discuss the epidemiologic and histo-
logic features of gallbladder carcinoma.
„ Understand the spectrum of MRI find- Introduction
ings of gallbladder carcinoma. Gallbladder carcinoma is a relatively uncommon malignancy (1,2)
„ Describe the spectrum of MRI findings with poor prognosis when diagnosed at an advanced stage. The
of mimics of gallbladder carcinoma. 5-year survival rate is estimated to be less than 5% for infiltrative
See stage III or IV tumors (3). The prevalence varies worldwide from
1.5 per 10 000 in North America to 27 per 10 000 in South America
(1,2). The most common gallbladder tumors are epithelial in origin,
with 90% classified as adenocarcinomas (4). Rare tumors involv-
ing the gallbladder include carcinoid, sarcoma, lymphoma, and
Patients are often asymptomatic or present with nonspecific
symptoms ranging from abdominal pain, anorexia, and weight loss to
jaundice, pruritus, and scleral icterus (5). Because symptoms, labora-
tory test results, and imaging findings are generally nonspecific, and
the only curative treatment option (surgical resection) is typically
offered in non–locally advanced cases, a high index of clinical and
radiologic suspicion is essential to reduce morbidity and mortality. In
this article, we review the epidemiologic, clinical, and pathologic fea-
tures of gallbladder carcinoma; present relevant imaging features and
staging at MRI; discuss pitfalls in image interpretation; and highlight
potentially distinguishing imaging features.
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 79

have the greatest risk of developing cancer (12).

TEACHING POINTS The type of gallstone may also be important, with
„ Gallbladder carcinoma is a relatively uncommon malignancy
cholesterol stones showing the greatest risk (13).
with poor prognosis when diagnosed at an advanced stage.
The 5-year survival rate is estimated to be less than 5% for
Gallbladder polyps can be true polyps or
infiltrative stage III or IV tumors. The prevalence varies world- pseudopolyps. Pseudopolyps typically represent
wide from 1.5 per 10 000 in North America to 27 per 10 000 accumulation of cholesterol (focal adenomyoma-
in South America. The most common gallbladder tumors are tosis or cholesterolosis) or adherent immobile gall-
epithelial in origin, with 90% classified as adenocarcinomas. stones. True polyps may be nonneoplastic, benign
„ There are three patterns of tumor spread: (a) directly into neoplastic, or malignant neoplastic. Nonneoplastic
the liver or adjacent organs, (b) within the subperitoneal
polyps may be hyperplastic or inflammatory. Be-
space, and (c) intraperitoneal. Direct infiltration of the liver is
the most common pattern of spread, estimated to occur in nign neoplastic polyps may represent adenomas,
42.9%–71.4% of cases. adenomyomas, leiomyomas, fibromas, or lipomas.
„ At MRI, gallbladder carcinoma may manifest as an enhancing Malignant or benign neoplastic polyps with
solid or necrotic mass within or replacing the gallbladder lu- malignant potential include adenocarcinoma,
men, focal or diffuse asymmetric gallbladder wall thickening, squamous cell carcinoma, and mucinous cyst-
or an intraluminal polypoid lesion. Irrespective of location, the adenoma. While benign, adenomas are thought
tumor is typically T1 hypo- to isointense to the surrounding
liver and heterogeneously T2 iso- to hyperintense to the liver,
to be premalignant, with progression to adeno-
with heterogeneous enhancement. carcinoma in an adenoma-carcinoma sequence
„ At MRI, careful assessment of the entire wall of the gallblad- (14). Symptomatic gallbladder polyps of any size,
der is important to ensure that it remains smooth throughout polyps with a fibrovascular stalk, or asymptomatic
its entire internal and external course. Focal heterogeneous polyps larger than 10 mm are typically referred to
intermediate to mildly high T2 signal intensity relative to liver a surgeon for consideration of cholecystectomy.
parenchyma and focal thickening with asymmetric enhance-
The risk of malignancy increases with the size of
ment are important imaging features of gallbladder cancer.
Loss of tissue planes with adjacent structures can be an early the polyp, with moderate risk at 10 mm (15,16).
sign of direct invasive disease. Systematic assessment of the Polyps 6 mm and smaller are unlikely to har-
gastroduodenal ligament (including the portal triad) and bor malignancy and may require no additional
gastrohepatic ligament for lymphadenopathy is paramount. follow-up (17). Although there is a lack of quality
Lymph nodes are considered suspicious when pathologically
evidence, one guideline suggests that polyps that
enlarged according to size criteria (>10 mm in the short axis)
or showing abnormal intrinsic signal intensity or morphology are 6–9 mm be followed at 6 and 12 months and
at MRI. Assessment of the peritoneum is important to evalu- then yearly for 5 years to assess for growth (16).
ate for tumor implants. Typical locations for tumor deposits The likelihood of malignancy increases in solitary
include the subdiaphragmatic regions, gastrosplenic and sessile polyps, polyps with growth at follow-up,
gastroduodenal ligaments, transverse mesocolon, Morison
old age, polyps with associated gallstones, and
pouch, and paracolic gutters, along the undersurface of the
anterior abdominal wall, along the pelvic sidewalls, and within patients with polyps and concurrent primary
the dependent pelvis. sclerosing cholangitis (18). Porcelain gallbladder,
„ MRI is a helpful modality for differentiating benign from ma- defined as calcification of the gallbladder wall,
lignant gallbladder diseases. Mimics include a heterogeneous has been reported as a risk factor for gallbladder
group of diseases, such as the various forms of acute and cancer, but the incidence is thought to not be as
chronic cholecystitis, adenomyomatosis, lymphoma, pericho- high as previously reported (19).
lecystic abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, intrahepatic chol-
angiocarcinoma, metastases, tumefactive biliary sludge, and
Additional risk factors include smoking (7),
carcinoid tumor. high parity (20), elevated body mass index (21),
and chronic bacterial infection with Helicobacter
pylori or Salmonella (8). Ulcerative colitis is a
well-described risk factor for primary sclerosing
Epidemiology and Risk Factors cholangitis and all biliary malignancies. Patients
Gallbladder carcinoma has a higher prevalence with ulcerative colitis have a 10-fold risk of de-
in South America and Southeast Asia than in veloping gallbladder carcinoma (4). Anomalous
Western populations (6). In the United States, pancreaticobiliary duct junction—a congenital
the prevalence is 1.3 per 100 000 person-years anomaly—occurs when the biliary and pancreatic
and higher among Hispanics, Native Americans, ducts join more proximally than normal and is
and Alaskan Natives (7). The average age at diag- associated with an increase in all biliary tract can-
nosis is 71 years (8,9), with women affected three cers, including gallbladder carcinoma (8,22).
times more frequently than men (5,7).
The most common risk factors for develop- Gallbladder Anatomy
ment of gallbladder carcinoma are gallstones and The gallbladder lies in a mid anteroinferior posi-
chronic cholecystitis (10). Up to 95% of gallblad- tion relative to the liver. It is intimately associated
der carcinomas are associated with gallstones with hepatic segments IVb and V at the lower
(11). Patients with gallstones larger than 2–3 cm limit of the Cantlie line. The gallbladder is in
80 January-February 2021

close proximity to the duodenum, pancreas, and cosa or muscularis propria. The connective tissue
transverse colon. Anatomically, it is divided into a along the hepatic surface is continuous with the
fundus, body, infundibulum, and neck. interlobular connective tissue of the liver (1).
The typical arterial blood supply is from a Gallbladder carcinoma accounts for 98% of all
single cystic artery arising from the right hepatic malignancies of the gallbladder and is epithelial
artery, within the Calot triangle, and venous in origin (1). Approximately 90% are classified as
drainage occurs via the liver bed or cystic vein adenocarcinomas (4). Rare gallbladder malignan-
into the right portal system. The Calot triangle is cies include carcinoid, sarcoma, lymphoma, and
composed of the cystic artery, right hepatic duct, metastases (1). Adenocarcinoma is characterized
and liver edge (23). The cystic duct connects the microscopically by glands lined by columnar or
gallbladder to the extrahepatic bile duct. The cuboidal cells that may contain mucin. On the
point of insertion marks the division between the basis of the degree of gland formation, these
common hepatic duct and common bile duct. tumors are divided into well differentiated (>95%
The cystic duct typically joins the extrahepatic gland formation; grade 1), moderately differ-
bile duct halfway between the porta hepatis and entiated (50%–95% gland formation; grade 2),
ampulla of Vater (24). poorly differentiated (5%–49% gland formation;
Lymphatic drainage occurs to the cystic node grade 3), and undifferentiated (no gland forma-
at the hilum, proceeding via the pericholedochal tion; grade 4) (4).
lymphatics and nodes within the hepatoduode- Histologic variants of gallbladder cancer
nal ligament. The anterior drainage and nodes include biliary-type adenocarcinoma (which
accompany the hepatic artery to the celiac artery. includes adenocarcinoma not otherwise speci-
The posterior drainage and nodes progress to the fied, papillary, and micropapillary—approximately
retroduodenal and retropancreatic regions, then to 75%), intestinal-type adenocarcinoma, clear cell
the para-aortic nodes, interaortocaval nodes, and adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, mucinous
superior mesenteric nodes. Both the anterior and carcinoma, signet-ring carcinoma, adenosquamous
posterior systems drain to the cisterna chyli and carcinoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma (4).
ultimately to the left supraclavicular nodes (25).
There is considerable anatomic variability of Pathogenesis and Patterns of Spread
biliary and gallbladder parenchymal and vascu- Gallbladder adenocarcinoma is a malignancy of
lar anatomy, ranging from interesting imaging the biliary epithelial lining that spreads through
features to those that have important surgical im- the layers of the gallbladder wall and into ad-
plications. Anatomic variations of the cystic duct jacent structures. Gallstones result in chronic
are described in the literature according to their irritation and inflammation of the gallbladder
course, length, and site of insertion into the com- epithelium, development of cellular dysplasia,
mon hepatic duct. Proper knowledge of cystic and then carcinoma in a dysplasia-carcinoma
duct anatomy and its variants is helpful in inter- sequence (13) over the course of 5–15 years
pretation of disease processes as well as to avoid (15,27). Once carcinoma has developed, the tu-
iatrogenic injuries during surgical procedures. mor is often locally aggressive with early invasion
It has been reported that preoperative MR of adjacent structures. This behavior has been
cholangiopancreatography provides useful infor- attributed to intrinsic tumor biology and lack of
mation regarding cystic duct anatomy and has a a submucosal layer surrounding the gallbladder
preventive effect on iatrogenic injury during lapa- wall (28). Lymph node and distant metastases
roscopic cholecystectomy. Clinically important are often present at presentation. Sixty percent
variations include (a) low insertion of the cystic of tumors arise in the fundus, followed by 30%
duct, (b) parallel course of the cystic duct with the in the body and infundibulum and 10% in the
common hepatic duct, (c) anterior or posterior cystic duct (2).
spiral course with medial insertion, (d) absent or There are three patterns of tumor spread:
short cystic duct (length <5 mm), (e) aberrant (a) directly into the liver or adjacent organs,
or accessory intrahepatic ducts draining into the (b) within the subperitoneal space, and (c) in­
cystic duct, (f) aberrant drainage of the cystic duct traperitoneal. Direct infiltration of the liver is
into the left or right hepatic duct, and (g) double the most common pattern of spread, estimated
cystic duct (26). to occur in 42.9%–71.4% of cases (29,30).
Subperitoneal spread occurs via mesenteric
Histologic Features planes and lymphatics. In this pattern, invasion
The wall of the gallbladder consists of the mu- of the hepatoduodenal ligament and gastrohe-
cosa, lamina propria, an irregular muscular layer patic ligament is common.
(1), perimuscular connective tissue, and serosa The hepatoduodenal ligament contains the
(or visceral peritoneum) (2). There is no submu- portal triad (proper hepatic artery, common bile
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 81

Figure 1. N staging is determined by the num-

ber of metastatic lymph nodes. 1 = cholecysto-
retropancreatic pathway (main pathway) (or-
ange), 2 = cholecystoceliac pathway (blue), 3 =
cholecystomesenteric pathway (pink), A = cystic
duct node, B = porta hepatis node, C = node of
foramen of Winslow, D = superior retropancre-
aticoduodenal node, E = posterior pancreatico-
duodenal node (principal retroportal node), F =
paraaortic lymph node, G = superior mesenteric
lymph node, H = suprapyloric node, I = retroliga-
mentous node, J = paraceliac node. (Courtesy of
D. C. Botos.)

duct, and portal vein). The gastrohepatic liga- US is often the first imaging modality for
ment connects the liver to the lesser curvature evaluating gallbladder disease. US has sensitivity
of the stomach. Subperitoneal tumor spreads via of 85% and overall accuracy of 80% in diagnos-
the hepatoduodenal ligament to the pancreas, ing gallbladder cancer in locally advanced disease
duodenum, and mesentery, while gastrohepatic (33). In cases where the tumor is flat or a malig-
ligament tumor spreads to the stomach and nant polyp is sessile in the setting of cholelithi­asis,
omentum (31). US may miss the lesion (33). In addition, US
Lymph node metastases occur in 25.7%– does not accurately demonstrate the full extent of
64.4% of cases (29,30). Lymph node disease the disease and is notably limited in assessment
advances to the celiac station from the anterior of metastases to both locoregional and distant
drainage pathway and to the pancreaticoduo- lymph nodes, abdominal viscera, and peritoneum
denal and para-aortic nodes from the poste- (34). Color Doppler US may help in diagnosis, as
rior drainage pathway (Fig 1). Intraperitoneal malignancies are associated with higher blood flow
spread is found in approximately 20% of cases within the lesion.
at surgery and occurs early in the disease. In CT and MRI are generally needed to evaluate
this type of spread, the tumor infiltrates through local extent, nodal disease, and metastatic dis-
the serosa of the gallbladder into the peritoneal ease (11). Multidetector CT is currently widely
cavity (32). available and has reported accuracy of up to
84% in determining the T stage (local extent) of
Role of MRI and Protocol gallbladder carcinoma (35). CT is 85% accurate
The possible clinical scenarios associated with in predicting resectability, with accurate depiction
manifestation of gallbladder carcinoma in- of direct hepatic or vascular invasion, lymphade-
clude (a) preoperative suspicion of malignancy, nopathy, and distant metastasis (36). PET/CT can
(b) malignancy found during cholecystectomy be useful to evaluate equivocal primary lesions,
performed for a presumed benign cause, (c) inci- detect occult metastases, and identify residual
dental malignancy found at pathologic examina- tumor in the gallbladder bed after incidental
tion after cholecystectomy (11), (d) malignancy diagnosis of carcinoma after cholecystectomy (2).
found at evaluation of right upper quadrant pain, MRI has higher sensitivity than CT for detecting
and (e) malignancy as an incidental finding at direct hepatic invasion with reported sensitivity
imaging. Early-stage disease is generally seen of 87.5%–100% (37,38), 92% for detection of
only when discovered incidentally at the time of nodal metastasis, and 69% for detection of biliary
cholecystectomy or at pathologic evaluation of obstruction. In 11% of patients, it may underesti-
the gallbladder specimen. Incidentally identified mate the depth of invasion (37).
carcinoma accounts for less than 1% of chole- The optimal MRI protocol for gallbladder
cystectomy specimens (10). Unfortunately, the evaluation includes T1-weighted MRI of the
majority of cases of gallbladder carcinoma (75%) gallbladder with breath-hold spoiled gradient-echo
are diagnosed when the disease is no longer techniques to reduce respiratory motion artifact.
resectable (11). T2-weighted sequences, typically single-shot turbo
82 January-February 2021

Figure 2. Gallbladder adenocarcinoma in a 54-year-

old woman with weight loss and abdominal pain.
(a) Axial T2-weighted MR image shows a hetero-
geneous gallbladder mass (arrow) with gallstones.
(b) Axial T1-weighted image shows that the mass (ar-
row) is isointense to the liver parenchyma. (c) Axial
contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows hetero-
geneous enhancement of the mass (arrow). The mass
arising from the gallbladder and invading surrounding
fat was pathologically confirmed to be gallbladder ad-
enocarcinoma. The tumor was stage IV (T4) and unre-
sectable, with peritoneal and colonic involvement.

spin-echo sequences, are ideal for assessing soft- T2-weighted fat-saturated or T2-weighted images
tissue abnormalities in the wall of the gallbladder. being especially helpful in detecting invasion of
MR cholangiopancreatography with acquisition adjacent liver parenchyma.
methods such as half-Fourier rapid acquisition
with relaxation enhancement (RARE) and single- MRI Findings
shot fast turbo spin-echo and navigator-triggered At MRI, gallbladder carcinoma may manifest as
MR cholangiopancreatography are useful in an enhancing solid or necrotic mass within or
detection of bile duct invasion and evaluation of replacing the gallbladder lumen, focal or diffuse
biliary obstruction and allow avoidance of invasive asymmetric gallbladder wall thickening, or an
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogra- intraluminal polypoid lesion. Irrespective of loca-
phy (ERCP) unless intervention is planned (39). tion, the tumor is typically T1 hypo- to isointense
Dynamic contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1- to the surrounding liver and heterogeneously T2
weighted gradient-echo MRI improves character- iso- to hyperintense to the liver, with heteroge-
ization of the gallbladder wall and bile ducts, as neous enhancement (Fig 2) (1,41). Functional
well as enables evaluation of the liver parenchyma sequences such as DWI can be helpful in detec-
for tumor infiltration and metastatic disease. tion and staging of cancer, but the findings are
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) using fat- often nonspecific.
suppressed single-shot echo-planar imaging in The most common manifestation of gallblad-
the axial plane should be performed to improve der cancer is a mass that arises from the gallblad-
the sensitivity of tumor detection. B values of 50, der wall or replaces the gallbladder lumen or
500, and 800 sec/mm2 are used at our institu- fossa. This appearance is estimated to occur in
tion. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps 40%–70% of cases (Fig 3) (1,41). These tumors
are routinely generated to decrease false positives commonly show early invasion of adjacent struc-
related to T2 shine through (37). Hwang et al (40) tures. This appearance may demonstrate hetero-
reported use of gadoxetic acid–enhanced MRI for geneous enhancement, with delayed retention of
staging of gallbladder carcinoma, with reported contrast material in areas of fibrosis. In patients
improved assessment of focal liver invasion. In with weight loss or jaundice and replacement
our experience, conventional gadolinium-based of the gallbladder by a mass, gallbladder cancer
contrast agents are typically used for staging, with should be suspected.
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 83

Figure 3. Biopsy-proved papillary adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder in a 64-year-old woman. (a) Axial T2-weighted
image shows a lesion (arrow) that is mildly hyperintense relative to the liver parenchyma. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-
weighted image shows heterogeneous enhancement of the lesion (arrow). The large tumor nearly filling the entire gall-
bladder was found to involve only the muscular layer (T1b). Radical cholecystectomy was performed with curative intent.

In 20%–30% of cases, gallbladder carcinoma recently revised by the American Joint Committee
manifests as focal or diffuse asymmetric wall on Cancer (AJCC) Hepatobiliary Task Force (2).
thickening (1). When symmetric wall thicken- The T category is based on the depth of tumor
ing is observed, findings may favor a benign penetration within or through the gallbladder wall.
cause such as acute or chronic cholecystitis or T1 and T2 tumors are confined to the gallblad-
adenomyomatosis. In some cases, when the wall der. T2 is divided into T2a when on the peritoneal
thickening is asymmetric, it can be challenging side and T2b when on the hepatic side; it can be
to distinguish focal or diffuse gallbladder wall difficult or impossible to differentiate these sub-
thickening of gallbladder carcinoma from acute types at MRI. T3 tumors perforate the gallblad-
or chronic cholecystitis (Fig 4). der serosa or penetrate into the liver or one other
Gallbladder carcinoma manifests as a polypoid adjacent organ. T4 tumors invade the hepatic
lesion in 15%–25% of cases (Fig 5) (1). It is im- artery, main portal vein, or two or more extrahe-
portant to identify these lesions, as they are typi- patic organs. The N category is determined by the
cally well differentiated and more likely to be con- number of metastatic lymph nodes (N1 = one to
fined to the gallbladder muscular layer or mucosa three lymph node metastases, N2 = four or more
when identified early and potentially cured with lymph node metastases) (Table) (2,42).
cholecystectomy. Patients are often asymptomatic, Radiologists play an important role in staging
and these lesions may be incidentally detected at gallbladder cancer, as they can guide or exclude
imaging studies such as US. MRI can be espe- surgical management. Key decision points for ra-
cially helpful when US does not allow distinction diologists include differentiating organ-confined
of a larger gallstone from a polyp or cancer. disease from invasion of adjacent viscera; evalu-
At MRI, stones typically have low signal inten- ation for involvement of the infundibulum, neck,
sity on T2-weighted images and do not enhance or cystic duct; determination of nodal involve-
after administration of contrast material. Epithe- ment; and evaluation of peritoneal or subperito-
lial lesions such as polyps or gallbladder cancer neal disease spread. At MRI, careful assessment
do enhance after contrast material administra- of the entire wall of the gallbladder is important
tion. In cases where the lesion is intrinsically T1 to ensure that it remains smooth throughout its
hyperintense, subtraction images may be helpful entire internal and external course.
for perceiving enhancement. Focal heterogeneous intermediate to mildly
In the setting of porcelain gallbladder or high T2 signal intensity relative to liver paren-
significant calcifications seen at US or CT, MRI chyma and focal thickening with asymmetric
can be helpful by showing the presence of a mass enhancement are important imaging features
obscured by the calcifications. Suspicious associ- of gallbladder cancer. Loss of tissue planes with
ated MRI features in these settings include focal adjacent structures can be an early sign of direct
gallbladder wall thickening, asymmetric wall invasive disease. Systematic assessment of the
enhancement, and focal diffusion restriction. gastroduodenal ligament (including the portal
triad) and gastrohepatic ligament for lymphade-
Staging with MRI nopathy is paramount. Lymph nodes are con-
Gallbladder carcinoma is staged according to sidered suspicious when pathologically enlarged
the TNM staging system (10). This system was according to size criteria (>10 mm in the short
84 January-February 2021

Figure 4. Gallbladder cancer with liver invasion in a 60-year-old woman evaluated for liver lesions incidentally found
at US. (a) Axial T2-weighted image shows asymmetric wall thickening involving the gallbladder body (arrow). (b) Axial
contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows heterogeneous enhancement of the wall thickening (arrow). (c) Diffu-
sion-weighted image (b value = 500 sec/mm2) shows high signal intensity of the wall thickening (arrow) from restricted
diffusion. (d) On an apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map, the wall thickening is dark (arrow). The wall thickening
was surgically proved to be gallbladder cancer with liver invasion (T2NXM1).

Figure 5. Gallbladder carcinoma in a 63-year-old woman with an incidentally found polypoid gallbladder lesion.
(a) Axial T2-weighted image shows a 2.3-cm hypointense polypoid gallbladder lesion (arrow). (b) Axial contrast-
enhanced T1-weighted image shows enhancement of the polypoid mass (arrow). The mass was surgically proved to
be gallbladder carcinoma (T2NXM0).

axis) or showing abnormal intrinsic signal inten- ments, transverse mesocolon, Morison pouch,
sity or morphology at MRI (Fig 6). and paracolic gutters, along the undersurface
Assessment of the peritoneum is important of the anterior abdominal wall, along the pel-
to evaluate for tumor implants. Typical locations vic sidewalls, and within the dependent pelvis.
for tumor deposits include the subdiaphragmatic Reported predictors of poor outcome in gallblad-
regions, gastrosplenic and gastroduodenal liga- der cancer include advanced T stage, advanced
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 85

TNM Staging according to the Eighth Edition of the AJCC* Manual

Estimated 5-year
Stage T Category N Category M Category Survival (%)
0 Tis N0 M0 80–100
I T1a (lamina propria) N0 M0 80–100
T1b (muscularis) N0 M0 80–100
II T2a (peritoneal side) N0 M0 40–75
T2b (hepatic side) N0 M0 28–50
IIIa T3 N0 M0 8–28
IIIb T1, T2, T3 N1 M0 8
IVa T4 N0, N1 M0 7
IVb Any T N2 M0 4
Any T Any N M1 0–2
Source.—References 2 and 42.
*AJCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer.

Figure 6. Suspicious lymph nodes in a 65-year-old

man with right upper quadrant pain and weight loss.
(a, b) Axial T2-weighted image (a) and early contrast-
enhanced T1-weighted image (b) show a gallbladder
mass (arrow) invading the liver with extensive lymph-
adenopathy, including paraceliac nodes (arrowheads).
(c) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows
a ring-enhancing liver lesion (arrow) from metastasis.

cholecystitis, adenomyomatosis, lymphoma,

pericholecystic abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma,
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, metastases,
tumefactive biliary sludge, and carcinoid tumor.
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) can be
helpful in detection of cancer, but the findings
lack specificity. Evaluation of diffusion-weighted
N stage, advanced overall stage, and histologic images should include assessment for focal or
differentiation. When considering the extent of circumferential gallbladder and pericholecystic
tumor resection, common bile duct involvement signal intensity abnormalities as well as assess-
is associated with worse long-term survival (43). ment for intra-abdominal metastases. Intra-
luminal or asymmetric mural-based diffusion
Mimics restriction may be suggestive of malignancy
MRI is a helpful modality for differentiating be- but can be seen in nonmalignant polyps (44).
nign from malignant gallbladder diseases. Mim- Circumferential diffusion restriction can be seen
ics include a heterogeneous group of diseases, in acute or xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis.
such as the various forms of acute and chronic Patients who develop perforated cholecystitis
86 January-February 2021

Figure 7. Metastatic gallbladder cancer in a 60-year-old

woman. (a) Axial T2-weighted image shows a heteroge-
neous mass in the liver extending from the gallbladder
(arrow). (b, c) Axial early (b) and delayed (c) contrast-
enhanced T1-weighted images show the gallbladder le-
sion with heterogeneous progressive enhancement of the
area of tumor infiltration into the adjacent liver (arrows)
as well as in a metastatic hepatic lesion (arrowhead).

can develop pericholecystic abscesses, which can the associated fibrous stroma. In contrast, favor-
restrict diffusion. ing an exophytic hepatocellular carcinoma is rea-
Imaging studies that show liver invasion, he- sonable in a cirrhotic patient with typical imaging
patic metastases, or enlarged regional lymph nodes features of hypervascular early enhancement and
are more suspicious for malignancy (44). Stud- washout. Biopsy is often necessary to histologi-
ies have indicated that malignant processes show cally confirm the diagnosis of large tumors.
lower signal intensity on apparent diffusion coef- Pericholecystic abscesses are often distin-
ficient (ADC) images than do benign processes guished from gallbladder cancer on the basis of
(0.97–1.83 3 10−3 mm2/sec vs 1.72–2.6 3 10−3 an often fulminant acute clinical manifestation
mm2/sec) (3,45–47), but the presence of overlap similar to that of acute cholecystitis. Symptoms
limits definitive distinction on the basis of DWI. include subacute to acute right upper quadrant
pain, sepsis, fever, and chills, as opposed to the
Gallbladder Mass Filling or Replacing chronic to subacute pain and weight loss seen in
Gallbladder Fossa gallbladder cancer. The clinical distinction may
The differential diagnosis for this pattern of gall- be helpful in radiologically challenging cases.
bladder cancer includes benign processes such as Abscesses typically develop in the setting of per-
pericholecystic abscess related to perforated acute forated cholecystitis. These cases show focal wall
cholecystitis or primary and secondary hepatic discontinuity, particularly on contrast-enhanced
malignancies such as hepatocellular carcinoma, T1-weighted images (Fig 8) (49).
cholangiocarcinoma, and metastatic disease aris- The “cluster” sign of multiple small adjacent
ing from or invading into the gallbladder (48). abscesses has been described at CT to suggest
When a large lesion involving the gallbladder abscesses over other hepatic masses (50) and can
fossa is detected, evaluation of the tumor origin is also be seen at MRI. Abscesses may contain gas,
often helpful (Fig 7). In cases where the origin is restrict diffusion, and lack central enhancement
not apparent, intrinsic tumor signal intensity and after contrast material administration. While
enhancement characteristics as well as secondary shown to better advantage at CT, gas-containing
patient characteristics are often helpful to narrow abscesses at MRI may be seen as small foci of
the differential diagnosis. Gallbladder cancer may nondependent blooming hypointense signal on
show progressive retained contrast material from in-phase T1-weighted images. The presence of
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 87

Figure 8. Acute and chronic cholecystitis with suspected perforation in a 67-year-old man with abdominal pain and
malaise. Cholecystitis is difficult to distinguish from gallbladder cancer at imaging. (a) Coronal T2-weighted image
shows an abnormal gallbladder with an intermediate-signal-intensity lesion (arrow) arising from the gallbladder fundus.
(b) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows heterogeneous soft tissue (arrow) arising from the gallbladder
fundus, from cholecystitis mimicking gallbladder cancer. Acute and chronic cholecystititis were confirmed at surgery.

restricted diffusion and fluid collections associ- Chronic cholecystitis is a subacute condition
ated with abscesses and perihepatic inflammatory caused by functional or mechanical dysfunction of
changes can be helpful in the diagnosis. the gallbladder. Calculous chronic cholecystitis re-
sults from chronic intermittent obstruction of the
Focal or Diffuse Wall Thickening cystic duct, resulting in low-grade inflammation of
Acute uncomplicated cholecystitis is an inflam- the gallbladder. Acalculous chronic cholecystitis
matory condition of the gallbladder in which is a functional abnormality where the gallbladder
the cystic duct or gallbladder neck is obstructed, inadequately empties in response to eating. Clini-
resulting in infection and inflammation of the cally, patients with chronic cholecystitis present
gallbladder. This is generally associated with cho- with a history of biliary colic and a subacute his-
lelithiasis (51) but can be the result of any intrin- tory of dull right upper quadrant pain. Functional
sic or extrinsic compression of these structures or assessment of the gallbladder is best performed
functional obstruction. When untreated or in cer- with cholecystokinin (CCK)–enhanced hepatobili-
tain populations with underlying comorbidities, ary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scintigraphy.
the inflammation of the gallbladder progresses Imaging findings of chronic cholecystitis are
with increased intraluminal pressures and results often nonspecific and generally comprise diffuse
in tissue hypoperfusion (52). In these cases, the wall thickening, mild restricted diffusion, and
organ can become gangrenous and perforate. smooth delayed wall enhancement. In contrast,
MRI features of uncomplicated cholecysti- acute cholecystitis often shows increased gallblad-
tis include smooth symmetric gallbladder wall der wall enhancement and associated hyperemia
thickening, adjacent reactive hepatic parenchymal and transient pericholecystic hepatic enhance-
enhancement, distended or hydropic gallblad- ment (53). Distinguishing acute chole­cystitis,
der, gallstones, and pericholecystic edema (51). chronic cholecystitis, and gallbladder carcinoma
In emphysematous or gangrenous cholecystitis, can be challenging, as they may all be associated
gas can be present in the wall of the gallbladder. with edema, wall thickening, and diffusion restric-
While best seen at CT, gas at MRI manifests tion of the gallbladder wall. The clinical history is
as focal or diffuse mural signal intensity loss important in distinguishing these conditions, as
on in-phase T1-weighted images relative to the acute cholecystitis generally manifests with acute
opposed-phase images. In cases where there is symptoms, but there may be overlap.
no wall gas, features of gangrenous cholecystitis Findings on dynamic contrast-enhanced im-
include transmural inflammation, perforation, ages have been reported to favor one diagnosis
intraluminal membranes, and mucosal or wall over another, with smooth circumferential early
irregularity, which can mimic gallbladder cancer. enhancement favoring acute cholecystitis and
While the MRI appearance can simulate gallblad- smooth circumferential delayed enhancement
der carcinoma, clinically these patients are often favoring chronic cholecystitis. In contrast, ir-
acutely ill and have underlying medical comor- regular or focal early enhancement may suggest
bidities such as diabetes mellitus, which may gallbladder carcinoma (28). A greater solid mass
favor gangrenous cholecystitis over gallbladder component may be seen in gallbladder cancer. In
carcinoma. these cases, evaluating the external margin of the
88 January-February 2021

Figure 9. Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis in a 68-year-old woman. (a) Axial T2-weighted image shows a het­
ero­geneously thickened gallbladder wall with multiple intramural lesions (arrows), which are iso- or hyperintense.
(b) Axial T1-weighted image shows hypointense cystic foci (arrow). (c, d) Axial early (c) and delayed (d) contrast-
enhanced T1-weighted images show mild arterial and marked delayed enhancement surrounding the cystic foci
(long arrow). There is mild surrounding hepatic parenchymal enhancement (short arrow), which is likely reactive.

arterial enhancement is important to determine nodules at chemical shift MRI, the diagnosis of
the local extent of the suspected tumor. Gangre- xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis should be
nous acute cholecystitis could result in irregular suggested. Necrosis or abscesses may appear as
arterial enhancement of the gallbladder wall due areas of very high signal intensity on T2-weighted
to focal regions of tissue necrosis. As such, these images without enhancement (28). Xanthogranu-
imaging findings should always be interpreted in lomatous cholecystitis and gallbladder carcinoma
the clinical context and potentially discussed with generally cannot be distinguished at MRI, and
the referring service in challenging cases (28). patients are referred for surgical assessment.
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis is a rare Hyalinizing cholecystitis is a rare recently
form of chronic cholecystitis characterized by described variant of chronic cholecystitis (57),
intramural nodules (51). It is an important mimic characterized by replacement of the normal
of gallbladder carcinoma, both clinically and configuration of the gallbladder wall by dense
radiologically. At imaging, it usually manifests as and diffuse hyaline sclerosis replacing the normal
focal or diffuse wall thickening with preservation histologic structures, such that virtually no mu-
of inner mucosal enhancement (54). Xanthogran- cosa or muscularis is discernible (58). Currently,
ulomatous cholecystitis has intermediate to mild there is a paucity of literature describing specific
high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, with imaging findings for hyalinizing cholecystitis. The
areas of slight enhancement on early-phase images imaging findings described are nonspecific and
and persistent enhancement on late-phase images, mimic other findings of cholecystitis (57–59). The
corresponding to areas with fibrosis related to the diagnosis is generally made at surgical resection
xanthogranulomas (Fig 9) (28). and pathologic evaluation.
It has been reported that the intramural nod- In our case, the MRI findings were interest-
ules show signal intensity loss on opposed-phase ing and correlated with the pathologic findings.
images relative to in-phase images (55,56). Hence, There was marked wall thickening with low
when fatty content is observed in intramural signal intensity on T2-weighted images and lack
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 89

Figure 10. Pathology-proved hyalinizing cholecystitis

in a 63-year-old woman. (a) Axial T2-weighted image
shows circumferential thickening of the gallbladder
wall (arrow), which is hypointense relative to liver pa-
renchyma. (b) Axial T1-weighted image shows that the
gallbladder wall thickening is iso- or mildly hypointense
(arrow). (c) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted im-
age shows no significant enhancement of the wall thick-
ening (arrow).

of enhancement, likely from hyaline fibrosis (Fig wall) is accurate in distinguishing adenomyoma-
10). Focal to extensive calcifications may also be tosis from cancer and is better seen at MRI than
present in cases of hyalinizing cholecystitis, and it at CT (Fig 12) (28,37). This distinction can be
is thought to be in the same disease spectrum as difficult at CT. In addition, the lesions do not
porcelain gallbladder. Thus, hyalinizing chole- show any evidence of pericholecystic infiltration or
cystitis is sometimes referred to as “incomplete invasion of adjacent structures (60).
porcelain gallbladder” (58). Hyalinizing chole- Primary lymphoma of the gallbladder is exceed-
cystitis is more often associated with carcinoma ingly rare, accounting for 0.1%–0.2% of cases
with aggressive behavior; however, an underlying (54,61). Imaging characteristics depend on the
cancer can be radiologically occult (58). pathologic classification but can be difficult to
Gallbladder adenomyomatosis is a common distinguish from those of gallbladder adenocar-
acquired benign disease, found in up to 5%–8% of cinoma. The presence of secondary lymphoma
cholecystectomy specimens (41,54). It is charac- of the gallbladder can be suspected when there is
terized by hyperplastic changes of the gallbladder involvement of other organs and lymph nodes.
wall with mucosal overgrowth, thickening of the High-grade lymphoma manifests as a solid
muscular wall, and presence of intramural diver- lesion within the gallbladder or irregular wall
ticula or sinus tracts (Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses) thickening, while low-grade lymphoma manifests
(60). Gallbladder adenomyomatosis may be focal, as mild thickening of the gallbladder wall. In con-
segmental, or generalized. The focal subtype is trast to gallbladder adenocarcinoma (a disease of
the most common variant and appears as a mass the epithelium), lymphoma typically involves the
or nodule, usually in the fundus (Fig 11). The submucosa, potentially sparing the adjacent intact
segmental or annular subtype appears as circum- mucosa (62). At MRI, lymphoma has low signal
ferential annular narrowing of the gallbladder, intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal
typically in the body. The diffuse subtype appears intensity on T2-weighted images (61).
as irregular thickening of the mucosa and muscu- Other causes of diffuse gallbladder wall thick-
lar layer with Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses (41). ening include hepatic or systemic diseases such
On T2-weighted images, the “pearl necklace” as portal hypertension, acute hepatitis, conges-
or “string of beads” sign (presence of Rokitansky- tive heart failure, hypoalbuminemia, and renal
Aschoff sinuses within the thickened gallbladder failure (63).
90 January-February 2021

Figure 11. Gallbladder adenomyoma mimicking gallbladder cancer in a 53-year-old woman. (a) Axial T2-weighted
image shows a focal mass (arrow) in the fundus that is hypointense with areas of high signal intensity from dilated
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses. (b) Axial fat-suppressed T1-weighted image shows that the mass (arrow) has a focus of
higher signal intensity. (c) Axial contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted image shows that the mass (arrow) has
fairly homogeneous enhancement, from hypervascular focal fundal adenomyomatosis mimicking gallbladder cancer.
(d) Image from MR cholangiopancreatography shows the characteristic outpouchings from dilated Rokitansky-Aschoff
sinuses (arrow), which distinguish the lesion from cancer.

Figure 12. Adenomyomatosis in a 71-year-old woman. (a) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows appar-
ent gallbladder wall thickening (arrow). (b) Image from MR cholangiopancreatography shows the “pearl necklace” sign
(arrows), which refers to the characteristically curvilinear arrangement of multiple round hyperintense outpouchings.

Polypoid Gallbladder Carcinoma cancer (48). MRI may be helpful to show en-
The differential diagnosis of a polypoid gallbladder hancement, which favors a benign or malignant
lesion includes both benign and malignant lesions, polyp over a large gallstone or sludge. In addition,
including adenomatous polyp, hyperplastic choles- the presence of hemorrhage can be difficult to di-
terol polyp, tumefactive sludge (64,65), carcinoid agnose at US, while at MRI it may be seen as high
tumor, and metastasis in addition to gallbladder signal intensity without enhancement.
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 91

Figure 13. Gallbladder metastasis in a 57-year-old man with a history of renal cell carcinoma. He had undergone left
nephrectomy. (a) Axial T1-weighted image shows an isointense small intraluminal gallbladder mass (arrow). (b) Axial
contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows marked enhancement of the mass (arrow). The mass showed growth
compared with its size on images 8 months earlier (not shown).

Tumefactive biliary sludge is composed of cal- signal intensity on T1-weighted images, and avid
cium bilirubinate granules or cholesterol monohy- early enhancement. As the tumor advances, it ap-
drate crystal and/or calcium salts immersed in mu- pears as a large mass in the gallbladder fossa and
cus, a mixture of proteins and mucin (64). MRI infiltrates the liver. This tumor is associated with
features include a well-defined masslike lesion, necrotic, enlarged, enhancing metastatic lymph
high signal intensity on T1-weighted images, lack nodes (69). Final diagnosis typically occurs
of enhancement on postcontrast images (64,65), postoperatively with histologic and immunohisto-
variable signal intensity on T2-weighted images, chemical examination.
and lack of diffusion restriction (64). In difficult
cases, performing a short follow-up examination Management and Follow-up
(1 day to 2 weeks) can prove helpful, as the lesion According to the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
may disappear (64) or decrease in size (65). End Results (SEER) database, favorable survival
Metastases to the gallbladder typically grow of gallbladder cancer is associated with female
as serosal implants with progression to polypoid sex, Asian/Pacific Islander race, and treatment
lesions. Patients with gallbladder metastases are with surgery or radiation therapy (70).
mostly asymptomatic; as a result, gallbladder me- Surgical management of gallbladder cancer
tastases are usually discovered only at autopsy or is dependent on the stage of the disease. T1a
incidentally at imaging (66). In Western popula- tumors or in situ disease and those where the
tions, the most common tumor to metastasize to cystic duct margin is negative, diagnosed inciden-
the gallbladder is melanoma (50%–67% of cases) tally after cholecystectomy, do not require further
(67). In Asian populations, the most common surgical intervention. Stage I and II tumors are
source of metastasis to the gallbladder is gastric potentially resectable with the intent to cure (Fig
cancer. 14). After assessment for regional and peritoneal
Metastases from melanoma, renal cell carci- nodal disease, tumors limited to the wall of the
noma (Fig 13), or hepatocellular carcinoma may gallbladder (T1b or T2) are recommended to
manifest as polypoid lesions with enhancement undergo radical cholecystectomy with en bloc
early after contrast material administration and resection of adjacent liver parenchyma (71).
early washout (61). Imaging features depend on Stage III disease is usually considered locally
the primary tumor and may appear similar to unresectable because of involvement of adjacent
those of the primary mass at imaging. Melanoma organs or vascular invasion. Because of the dis-
may have high signal intensity on T1-weighted tant metastases, stage IV tumors are also deemed
images from melanin. Thus, comparison with re- unresectable (11). These include T4 locally
sults of remote prior examinations is often helpful advanced disease invading the hepatic artery,
if the primary tumor was imaged with the same portal vein, or two or more extrahepatic organs;
modality before treatment or resection. M1 disease positive for metastasis; peritoneal
Carcinoid tumor of the gallbladder is ex- metastasis or malignant ascites; N2 disease with
tremely rare and difficult to diagnose before more than four nodal metastases; and extensive
surgery (68). In early stages, it appear as a hepatoduodenal ligament involvement. Surgical,
well-defined mass in the gallbladder fossa with interventional, and medical treatment in these
high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, low cases is often palliative (10).
92 January-February 2021

Figure 14. Gallbladder cancer in a 74-year-old man. (a) Axial nonenhanced CT image does not show a gall-
bladder mass. (b) Axial portal venous phase contrast-enhanced CT image shows an enhancing gallbladder mass
(arrow). (c) Axial nonenhanced T1-weighted image does not show the gallbladder mass. (d) Axial portal venous
phase contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows the enhancing gallbladder mass (arrow) without liver inva-
sion. (e) Axial fat-saturated T2-weighted image shows a low-signal-intensity mass (arrow) in the gallbladder
without liver invasion. At pathologic analysis, no tumor extension into the liver was found.

For T3 or T4 tumors, the extent of the primary Gallbladder surgery may lead to complications
resection is debatable. Direct invasion of organs including abscess (0.14%–0.3%), hemorrhage
adjacent to the gallbladder, duodenum, or colon (0.11%–1.97%), bile leak (0.3%–0.9%), bile duct
(Fig 15) is considered T3 disease; in these cases, injury (0.26%–0.6%), and bowel injury (0.26%–
en bloc resection of adjacent organs is acceptable 0.6%) (72). Bile leakage can lead to formation
but has not been associated with improved long- of a biloma, which is a collection of bile located
term survival. Radical resection—which includes outside the biliary tree (73). Bilomas from bile
major hepatectomy or common hepatic duct, leaks can be confirmed with contrast-enhanced
common bile duct, or vascular resection or recon- MRI after administration of a hepatocyte-specific
struction—has not been associated with longer agent such as gadoxetic acid. Port-site metastasis
disease-free or overall survival. is a major concern and the most common mode
In cases that would not benefit from radical of peritoneal dissemination after laparoscopic
resection, addition of laparoscopic​US and inter- cholecystectomy. The prevalence of tumor seed-
aortocaval lymph node frozen-section assessment ing in port sites varies between 0% and 40% of
could potentially increase the detection rate of tu- cases, with higher incidences related to gallblad-
mors (71). Systemic chemotherapy and external- der perforation at the time of surgery (74).
beam radiation therapy have improved survival in After complete excision, close follow-up with
patients with negative resection margins, while no contrast-enhanced MRI at 3- to 6-month inter-
added benefit of such therapy has been observed vals for at least 5 years with subsequent yearly
in patients with positive resection margins. The MRI follow-up should be considered (10). Up
majority of patients present with unresectable to 50% of tumors recur within 2 years of surgery
locally advanced stage IV disease. Patients with (Fig 16) (75). In addition to imaging surveil-
metastatic or locally unresectable tumors have a lance, clinical examination and laboratory studies
median survival rate of less than 6 months (10). that include liver function tests and measurement
RG • Volume 41 Number 1 Lopes Vendrami et al 93

Figure 15. Gallbladder cancer in an 80-year-old woman with jaundice. (a, b) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted (a)
and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted (b) images show a mass (arrows) invading the duodenal bulb with dilatation
of the stomach. (c) Axial diffusion-weighted image (b = 500 sec/mm2) shows high signal intensity of the mass
(arrow) from restricted diffusion. (d) Axial apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map shows that the mass is dark
(arrows). The diagnosis was unresectable gallbladder tumor.

Figure 16. Tumor recurrence in a 61-year-old man with a history of gallbladder cancer who had undergone cho-
lecystectomy. (a) Axial T2-weighted image shows a hyperintense lesion in the gallbladder fossa (arrow). (b) Axial
contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows heterogeneous enhancement of the lesion (arrow), compatible with
local tumor recurrence.

of tumor markers (carcinoembryonic antigen, may overlap with those of common benign gall-
cancer antigen 19-9, and cancer antigen 242) bladder diseases. It is often diagnosed at locally
may be pertinent for follow-up (10). advanced stages, and a high index of suspicion is
required for accurate early diagnosis.
Conclusion MRI features of early disease include a focal
Gallbladder carcinoma is a highly aggressive ma- enhancing polypoid mass larger than 1.0 cm and
lignancy with a poor prognosis. Imaging features focal mural thickening in the absence of clinical
94 January-February 2021

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