Lecture Note 6 - Waveguides

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Waveguides and Resonators


Waveguides and resonators are two important devices used in the transmission
and storage of electromagnetic waves. Waveguides are used to guide
electromagnetic waves from one point to another with minimal loss, while
resonators are used to store electromagnetic waves for a period of time.

Principles of Waveguides and Resonators

Waveguides and resonators work by confining electromagnetic waves within a

certain region of space. This confinement is achieved by using metallic or
dielectric boundaries. The boundaries reflect the electromagnetic waves back
and forth, preventing them from escaping.

The most common type of waveguide is the rectangular waveguide. A

rectangular waveguide consists of a hollow metal box with four rectangular sides.
The electromagnetic wave is guided through the waveguide by reflecting off of
the four sides of the box.

Another common type of waveguide is the circular waveguide. A circular

waveguide consists of a hollow metal cylinder. The electromagnetic wave is
guided through the waveguide by reflecting off of the inner and outer surfaces of
the cylinder.

Resonators are typically made by connecting two waveguides together. The

waveguides are connected in such a way that the electromagnetic wave is
trapped between the two waveguides. The electromagnetic wave can then be
stored in the resonator for a period of time.

Applications in Electromagnetic Wave Transmission

Waveguides and resonators are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

● Microwave communication systems

● Radar systems
● Satellite communication systems
● Optical communication systems
● Medical imaging systems
● Material processing systems


Example 1:

A rectangular waveguide is used to guide a microwave signal from one point to

another. The waveguide has a width of 10 cm and a height of 5 cm. The
microwave signal has a frequency of 10 GHz. What is the wavelength of the
microwave signal in the waveguide?

The wavelength of the microwave signal in the waveguide is given by the

following equation:

λ = 2a / √(μ_r ε_r)


● λ is the wavelength
● a is the width of the waveguide
● μ_r is the relative permeability of the material in the waveguide
● ε_r is the relative permittivity of the material in the waveguide

For air, μ_r = 1 and ε_r = 1. Therefore, the wavelength of the microwave signal in
the waveguide is:

λ = 2 * 10 cm / √(1 * 1)

λ = 20 cm

Example 2:

A circular waveguide is used to guide an optical signal from one point to another.
The waveguide has a radius of 5 cm. The optical signal has a wavelength of 1
μm. What is the mode of the optical signal in the waveguide?
The mode of the optical signal in the waveguide is determined by the following

m = √(ω^2 ε_0 μ_0 μ_r ε_r a^2 - k_c^2)


● m is the mode number

● ω is the angular frequency of the optical signal
● ε_0 is the permittivity of free space
● μ_0 is the permeability of free space
● μ_r is the relative permeability of the material in the waveguide
● ε_r is the relative permittivity of the material in the waveguide
● a is the radius of the waveguide
● k_c is the cutoff wavenumber of the waveguide

For a circular waveguide, the cutoff wavenumber is given by the following


k_c = 2.405 / a

k_c = 2.405 / 5 cm

k_c = 0.481 cm^-1

ω = 2π * ν

ω = 2π * 300 THz

ω = 1884 × 10^12 rad/s

m = √(1884 × 10^12 rad/s)^2 * 8.85 × 10^-12 F/m * 4π × 10^-7 H/m * 1 * 1 * (5 cm)^2 -

(0.481 cm^-1)^2)

m = 7.9

Therefore, the mode of the optical signal in the waveguide is 7.9.

Waveguides and resonators are essential components of many electromagnetic systems. By
understanding the principles of waveguides and resonators, engineers can design systems that
can efficiently transmit and store electromagnetic waves.

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