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3º Año Cs Nat.
Hum. Y Cs Soc.
a. You mustn’t stop.
a. You mustn’t enter.
b. You must stop.
b. You must park.
c. You must slow down.
c. You mustn’t drop litter.

a. You mustn’t enter.

b. You must enter.
a. You mustn’t park here.
c. You must slow down.
b. You must stop.
c. You mustn’t slow down.
a. You must stop and wait.
b. You must go
a. You mustn’t go.
c. You must slow down
b. Cyclists mustn’t ride here.
c. Pedestrians mustn’t enter.
a. You mustn’t walk.
b. You mustn’t turn right. a. You mustn’t stop.
c. You mustn’t turn left. b. You must go.
c. You must stop and wait.

a. You mustn’t smoke. a. Cyclists mustn’t go.

b. You mustn’t drop litter. b. Motorists mustn’t go.
c. You must cross the street. c. Pedestrians must go.

a. You must stop

a. It’s a zebra-crossing.
b. You mustn’t eat or drink.
b. It isn’t a crosswalk.
c. You mustn’t park here.
c. Petestrians mustn’t walk.

a. You mustn’t wait.

b. You mustn’t make a U-turn. a. You mustn’t drop litter.
c. You must slow down. b. You mustn’t fight.
c. You mustn’t run.

a. You must stop. a. You must park.

b. You mustn’t turn left. b. You must walk.
c. You mustn’t take photos. c. Pedestrians must wait.

a. You mustn’t left. a. You must swim.

b. You must walk.
b. You mustn’t turn right.
c. You mustn’t swim here..
c. You must slow down.

a. You must stop. a. You mustn’t catch fish.

b. You must slow down b. You must fasten your seatbelt.
c. You must go. c.You must slow down.
Reading Comprehension: School rules
Read the texts about the school rules and fill in the table.

Hi! My Name is Michael, I’m sixteen years old and

I live in London. There are many rules in my school!
We mustn’t listen to music, we mustn’t run in the
corridors, we mustn’t eat chewing-gum in the
school,... But we must wear a uniform. I hate the
school uniform! Another rule that I don’t like: we
must do our homework! If we break the schoolrules,
we have detention!

Hello! My Name is Annie, I’m sixteen years old and

I live in Houston, Texas. We must follow a lot of
rules in our school. We mustn’t smoke in the school
and we mustn’t take our smartphones to school, but
nobody follows that rule! We must arrive on time at
school. If we are late, the headmaster calls our
parents and we have detention! We must read a lot
of books and do our homework.

Hi! My Name is Alex, I’m seventeen years old and

I live in Paris. We must listen to our teachers in our
school and we must be polite. We mustn’t fight in
the school and we mustn’t swear! We mustn’t be late
in school and we mustn’t sleep in class! We mustn’t
listen to music in the classroom or in the corridors,
but we can listen to music in the playground.

Pupils We must… We mustn’t…



Writing skills practice: At school – exercises
Read the timetable and do the exercises to practise and improve your writing skills.

Write the school subject below the picture.

science English PE maths geography art history ICT

Writing skills practice: At school – exercises
1. Check your understanding: true or false
Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. Paula studies music on Monday morning. True False

2. Paula has lunch at 1.30 p.m. True False
3. Paula studies science on Tuesday. True False
4. Paula doesn't study languages on Wednesday. True False
5. Paula plays the guitar on Monday and Wednesday. True False
6. Paula studies history three times a week. True False

2. Check your writing: error correction

Rewrite the sentences using capital letters.

1. i study maths on monday morning.

2. we study music on wednesday.

3. we study english, italian and chinese in my school.

4. we have exams in june.

5. david loves history and english but he doesn't like science.

6. in england, most schools close for six weeks in july and august.



Which school subjects do you like and which do you dislike?

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