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Title: Investigating Solar and Lunar Eclipses with Research and Technology


This project aims to explore the causes, types, and significance of solar and lunar eclipses through a
combination of research and the utilization of technology.


Internet access for research

Digital presentation software

Planetarium software or apps

Models or diagrams of the Earth, Moon, and Sun (optional)

Research Phase:

What are solar and lunar eclipses, and how do they occur?

Explore the scientific principles behind solar and lunar eclipses.

Research historical accounts of eclipses and their significance in different cultures and civilizations.
Types of Eclipses:

Create visual representations or diagrams illustrating each type of eclipse.

Causes and Mechanics:

Investigate the significance of the umbra and penumbra during eclipses and how they affect the
appearance of each type.

Observation and Prediction:

Explore how astronomers predict the occurrences and visibility of eclipses.

Analyze past data on eclipses and compare them with predictions made by modern technology.

Significance and Cultural Impact:

Explore the cultural significance of eclipses in different societies throughout history.

Investigate how modern technology has advanced our ability to study and understand eclipses
compared to ancient methods.


Compile research findings, visuals, and simulations into a digital presentation.

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